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EcoRI DNA fragments from a Moloney murine leukemia virus (M-MuLV)-infected mouse fibroblast line (M-MuLV clone A9) were cloned in lambda phage Charon 4A cloning vector to derive clones containing integrated M-MuLV proviral DNA. A 10- to 16-megadalton class of EcoRI fragments was chosen for cloning, based on (i) its ability to induce XC-positive virus upon transfection of NIH/3T3 cells, and (ii) its content of a 0.8-megadalton viral KpnI fragment diagnostic for M-MuLV. Six recombinant DNA clones were isolated which contain a complete M-MuLV provirus, as judged by (i) restriction endonuclease mapping and (ii) the fact that all of the clones gave rise to XC-positive, NB-tropic virus upon DNA infection in NIH/3T3 cells. The sizes of the inserts were 12.0 (for three clones) or 12.5 megadaltons (for three clones). Restriction mapping indicated that these six clones represent five different M-MuLV proviral integrations into different cellular DNA sites.  相似文献   

Intramolecular integration within Moloney murine leukemia virus DNA   总被引:17,自引:19,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
By screening a library of unintegrated, circular Moloney murine leukemia virus (M-MuLV) DNA cloned in lambda phage, we found that approximately 20% of the M-MuLV DNA inserts contained internal sequence deletions or inversions. Restriction enzyme mapping demonstrated tht the deleted segments frequently abutted a long terminal repeat (LTR) sequence, whereas the inverted segments were usually flanked by LTR sequences, suggesting that many of the variants arose as a consequence of M-MuLV DNA molecules integrating within their own DNA. Nucleotide sequencing also suggested that most of the variant inserts were generated by autointegration. One of the recombinant M-MuLV DNA inserts contained a large inverted repeat of a unique M-MuLV sequence abutting an LTR. This molecule was shown by nucleotide sequencing to have arisen by an M-MuLV DNA Molecule integrating within a second M-MuLV DNA molecule before cloning. The autointegrated M-MuLV DNA had generally lost two base pairs from the LTR sequence at each junction with target site DNA, whereas a four-base-pair direct repeat of target site DNA flanked the integrated viral DNA. Nucleotide sequencing of preintegration target site DNA showed that this four-base-pair direct repeat was present only once before integration and was thus reiterated by the integration event. The results obtained from the autointegrated clones were supported by nucleotide sequencing of the host-virus junction of two cloned M-MuLV integrated proviruses obtained from infected rat cells. Detailed analysis of the different unique target site sequences revealed no obvious common features.  相似文献   

Specific cDNA probes of Moloney and AKR murine leukemia viruses have been prepared to characterize the proviral integration sites of these viruses in the genomes of Balb/Mo and Balb/c mice. The genetically transmitted Moloney provirus of Balb/Mo mice was detected in a characteristic Eco RI DNA fragment of 16 x 10(6) daltons. No fragment of this size was detected in tissue DNAs from Balb/c mice infected as newborns with Moloney virus. We conclude that a viral integration site, occupied in preimplantation mouse embryos, is not necessarily occupied when virus infects cells in post-natal animals. Balb/Mo and Balb/c mice do carry the AkR structural gene in an Eco RI DNA fragment of 12 x 10(6) daltons. Further restriction analysis of this fragment indicated that both mouse lines carry one AKR-type provirus. Leukemogenesis in Balb/Mo and newborn infected Balb/c mice is accompanied by reintegration of Moloney viral sequences in new chromosomal sites of tumor tissues. Part of the reintegrated Moloney viral sequences are of subgenomic size. The AKR viral sequences, however, are not found in new sites. Further restriction analysis revealed that the development of Moloney virus-induced leukemia in Balb/Mo mice does not lead to detectable structural alteration of the genetically transmitted Moloney and AKR structural genes. Possible mechanisms of the reintegration process are also discussed.  相似文献   

S1-sensitive sites in DNA after gamma-irradiation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
DNA from gamma-irradiated T1 bacteriophages was analyzed for "single-stranded" sites by cleavage with S1 nuclease from Aspergillus oryzae as lesion probe. The ratio of "S1-sensitive sites" to the amount of radiation-induced single-strand breaks was about one. Presumably these "denatured" sites were associated with single-strand breaks. The subsequent check for the persistence of "single-stranded" sites within the DNA molecule by thermokinetics demonstrated a strong affinity of the nuclease to its substrate, the single-stranded lesion, and a perfect excision. It is assumed that the direct absorption of radiation energy in the DNA gives rise to the formation of such bulky lesions.  相似文献   

Detergent-disrupted virions of Moloney murine leukemia virus synthesize a 9 kbp double-stranded infectious DNA. It contains mainly full-length, single-stranded DNA, and its infectivity and size are insensitive to digestion by the single-strand-specific S1 nuclease. Analysis of fragmentation of the DNA using restriction endonucleases has shown that it is indistinguishable from the linear double-stranded DNA synthesized in infected cells. On the basis of the positions of the cleavage sites for a number of enzymes, the 9 kbp DNA has a 575 base direct terminal repetition. It is longer than the viral RNA at both ends, evidently due to repetitive copying of segments of the RNA. Virions also synthesize an 8.4 kbp double-stranded circular DNA that lacks one copy of the terminal repetition, as well as viral DNA longer than 9 kbp. The enzymatic machinery in the virions of retroviruses therefore appears to be responsible for all the steps involved in making fully double-stranded linear and one form of circular DNA.  相似文献   

Genetic studies have indicated that integration of retroviral DNA into the host genome depends on the presence of the inverted repeats at the free termini of the long terminal repeats on the unintegrated DNA and on the product of the 3' end of the pol gene (the integrase [IN] protein). While the precise function of the Moloney murine leukemia virus IN protein is uncertain, others have shown that it is a DNA-binding protein and functions in the processing of the inverted repeats prior to integration. By using site-directed mutagenesis, we cloned and expressed the IN protein in Escherichia coli. Crude extracts of total cellular protein were fractionated by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, transferred to nitrocellulose filters, denatured in guanidine, renatured, and incubated with oligonucleotide probes. Single- and double-stranded oligonucleotides corresponding to the termini of unintegrated linear viral DNA were specifically bound by the IN protein in this assay. These data suggest that the role of the Moloney IN protein in the early steps of integration involves sequence-specific recognition of the DNA sequences found at the ends of the long terminal repeats.  相似文献   

A closed circular, double-stranded infectious DNA of Moloney leukemia virus has been described previously. The present report characterizes a second type of infectious, unintegrated viral DNA which is linear, largely double stranded, and of mass comparable to that of the closed circular viral DNA. The linear form is of nonpermuted sequence, and SalI endonuclease cleaves at one site 45% from one end.  相似文献   

Retrovirus plus-strand synthesis is primed by a cleavage remnant of the polypurine tract (PPT) region of viral RNA. In this study, we tested replication properties for Moloney murine leukemia viruses with targeted mutations in the PPT and in conserved sequences upstream, as well as for pools of mutants with randomized sequences in these regions. The importance of maintaining some purine residues within the PPT was indicated both by examining the evolution of random PPT pools and from the replication properties of targeted mutants. Although many different PPT sequences could support efficient replication and one mutant that contained two differences in the core PPT was found to replicate as well as the wild type, some sequences in the core PPT clearly conferred advantages over others. Contributions of sequences upstream of the core PPT were examined with deletion mutants. A conserved T-stretch within the upstream sequence was examined in detail and found to be unimportant to helper functions. Evolution of virus pools containing randomized T-stretch sequences demonstrated marked preference for the wild-type sequence in six of its eight positions. These findings demonstrate that maintenance of the T-rich element is more important to viral replication than is maintenance of the core PPT.  相似文献   

We have investigated the process by which the single-stranded RNA genome of Moloney murine leukemia virus is copied into DNA in vitro. DNA synthesis if initiated near the 5' end of the genome, and the elongation of the growing chain occurs by a jumping mechanism whereby the DNA synthesized at the 5' end of the genome is elongated along the 3' end. Unique DNA fragments synthesized beyond the 5' end of the genome in vitro have, at their 5' and 3' ends, copies of unique sequences from the 5' and 3' ends of the genome. These flank a copy of the 49- to 60-nucleotide terminally redundant sequence. These results indicate that the terminal redundancy serves as a "bridge" to allow a DNA molecule synthesized at the 5' end of the genome to serve as a primer for synthesis from the 3' end.  相似文献   

Normal replication of Moloney murine leukemia virus (MoMLV) requires the integration of a DNA copy of the viral RNA genome into a chromosome of the host. In this work, we characterize the DNA sequences at the ends of the linear proviral precursor that are required for integration in the presence of MoMLV integration protein in vitro. We found that nine bases of MoMLV DNA at each end of a linear model substrate were sufficient for near-maximal levels of integration and that four bases of MoMLV DNA at each end were sufficient for low levels of correct integration. We also found that a 3'-terminal A residue was preferred for integration. We infer from the limited DNA sequence requirements for integration that factors in addition to DNA sequence direct integration protein to act at the ends of the viral DNA.  相似文献   

Replication-competent retroviruses can be modified to carry nonviral genes. Such gene transfer vectors help define regions of the retroviral genome that are required in cis for retroviral replication. Moloney murine leukemia virus has been used extensively in vector construction, and all of the internal protein-encoding regions can be removed and replaced with other genes while still allowing production of virions containing and transmitting the altered retroviral genome. However, inclusion of a portion of the gag region from Moloney murine leukemia virus markedly increases the titer of virus derived from these vectors. We determined that this effect was due to more efficient packaging of the vector RNA into particles and did not depend on protein synthesis from the gag region. We conclude that the retrovirus packaging signal extends into the gag region. We have found that retroviral vectors containing the complete packaging signal allow more efficient gene transfer into a variety of cell types. In addition, these results may help explain why many oncogenic retroviruses have retained gag sequences and often express transforming proteins that are gag-onc hybrids.  相似文献   

We show here that human U2 small nuclear RNA genes contain a 'strong nuclease S1 cleavage site' (SNS1 site), a sequence that is very sensitive to digestion by nuclease S1. This site is located 0.50-0.65 kb downstream of the U2 RNA coding region. It comprises a 0.15-kb region in which (dC-dT)n:(dA-dG)n co-polymeric stretches represent greater than 90% of the sequence. Nuclease S1 is able to excise unit length repeats of the human U2 RNA genes both from cloned fragments and total human genomic DNA. The precise locations of the cleavage sites are dependent on the superhelicity of the substrate DNA. In negatively supercoiled substrates, cleavages are distributed over the entire 0.15-kb region, but in linearized substrates, they occur within a more limited region, mainly at the boundary of the SNS1 site closest to the human U2 RNA coding region. Nuclease S1 cleavage of negatively supercoiled substrates occurs at pHs as high as 7.0; in contrast, cleavage of linearized substrates requires a pH less than 5.0, indicating that supercoiling contributes to the sensitivity of this site. Mung bean nuclease gives results similar to that observed with nuclease S1.  相似文献   

Genetic studies of the ploidy of Moloney murine leukemia virus.   总被引:1,自引:6,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
An assay for Moloney murine leukemia virus was developed that made use of the production of morphologically altered foci in nonproducer mouse cells (15F) carrying murine sarcoma virus. Wild-type (wt) virus gave a ratio of titers at 39 degrees C/34degrees C = 1.05 +/- 0.45 (standard deviation;n = 20). A spontaneous, thermosensitive (ts) mutant of Moloney murine leukemia virus, ts3, defective in a late viral function, gave 39 degrees C/34degrees C = 0. A murine cell line (TB) was mixedly infected with ts3 and wt (multiplicities of infection, 7.8:4.3), cloned after infection, and shown to be infected by both viruses. At 34 degrees C it produced wt, ts, and particles of mixed parentage. The heterozygotes (hz) had ratios of assays 39 degrees C/34 degrees C = 0.06 to 0.84 (mean, 0.36). To eliminate possible interference by multiploid particles with determination of the proportions of the three types of particles, the virus produced by the mixedly infected, cloned cell line at 34 degrees C was distributed by velocity sedimentation in a sucrose gradient, and virus was picked from the lightest part of the gradient. The proportions of ts, wt, and hz were 0.27, 0.26, and 0.47. Those particles identified as hz segreated ts, wt, and hz in the proportions 0.24, 0.27, and 0.49, respectively. These values were not significantly different from those predicted from a diploid model of the genome.  相似文献   

X-ray diffraction data on a few retroviral integrases show a flexible loop near the active site. By sequence alignment, the peptide region 207-218 of Mo-MLV IN appears to correspond to this flexible loop. In this study, residues H208, Y211, R212, Q214, S215 and S216 of Mo-MLV IN were mutated to determine their role on enzyme activity. We found that Y211A, R212A, R212K and Q214A decreased integration activity, while disintegration and 3′-processing were not significantly affected. By contrast H208A was completely inactive in all the assays. The core domain of Mo-MLV integrase was modeled and the flexibility of the region 207-216 was analyzed. Substitutions with low integration activity showed a lower flexibility than wild type integrase. We propose that the peptide region 207-216 is a flexible loop and that H208, Y211, R212 and Q214 of this loop are involved in the correct assembly of the DNA-integrase complex during integration.  相似文献   

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