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Age‐adjusted spouse correlations for performance on tests of specific cognitive abilities were substantially higher for couples tested in Korea than for Americans of European or Japanese ancestry tested in Hawaii. It was hypothesized that this greater spouse resemblance in Korea may be due to cultural factors such as the Korean practice of arranged marriages.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to estimate the degree of spouse resemblance in the first 6 months of marriage and to compare these estimates with those of previous studies on long-standing marriages. The participants, 215 couples, were selected from the marriage licenses issued in two counties within the San Francisco Bay Area. They attended one of several group sessions in which questionnaires were filled out and forearm length measurements were taken. Only the results for the couples of European ancestry (N = 164) are presented here since the other subsamples were too small to analyze separately. The husband-wife correlations for body size were found to be essentially equal to those in long-standing marriages. Thus, it appears that physical resemblance in couples is the result of initial assortment rather than convergence arising from long cohabitation. A significant residual husband-wife correlation for weight was found after statistically partialing out height. It may be that assortative marriage for food habits and attractiveness produces spouse resemblance in weight, independently of height. Alternatively, convergence in eating habits may occur during courtship and the early months of marriage which may increase the resemblance in weight. There was very little homogamy for eye color independently of race, and no evidence of assortative marriage for handedness.  相似文献   

Four polymorphic sites of the short arm of the X chromosome were studied in two racial groups from India, the Assamese and the Malayalee. Since the allelic frequencies of the two groups did not differ markedly from each other, the data from the two populations were pooled. The frequency of the A2 allele was 0.57 for the L1.28 probe, 0.20 for the RC8 probe, 0.28 for the pD2 probe and 0.11 for the L754 probe. The A3 allelic fragment of the RC8 probe was not found among 67 Indians, and in one Assamese woman an additional 7.0-kilobase fragment was found. The differences between the Indian population and other ethnic groups were analyzed.  相似文献   

The synthesis of an oligonucleotide functionalized to attach two different reporter groups at specific internucleotide linkages is described. To incorporate the amine specific reporter group the internucleotide linkage is modified to phosphoramidate (N-1-aminoalkyl) and for a thiol specific reporter group the internucleotide linkage is modified to a phosphorothioate diester. The synthetic cycle for introducing the modified internucleotide linkages at specific sites can be carried out using an automated DNA synthesizer. Combination of reporter groups have been attached successfully.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to analyze the relations of cognitive processors and conative regulators with specific motor abilities of elite boxers. Three sets of variables including 3 cognitive and 6 conative variables as predictors, and 6 specific motor (boxing) variables as criteria were used in a sample of 92 boxers. A series of regression analyses between the set of cognitive variables and particular criterion variables revealed a predominant impact of serial processor on specific motor abilities based primarily on specific speed (frequency of boxing technique performance). The series of regression analyses also showed a predominant negative impact of dysregulation of the organ function regulators from the set of conative variables on the manifestation of specific motor abilities in boxers. The data obtained in the study were used to develop an alternative model of the motor - cognitive - conative processes in boxing.  相似文献   

The population of immigrant communities is often composed of various ethnic groups who may differ in their dentofacial pattern. The objective of this study was to define the dentofacial pattern of Jewish adolescents of Kurdish origin, and to compare it with another ethnic group and with accepted cephalometric norms. Lateral cephalograms of 20 individuals of both sexes, aged 11–13 years, with normal occlusion in the early permanent dentition, were chosen from the Jerusalem Growth Study material. The cephalograms were traced twice and were processed by means of a computer aided cephalometric program. Downs' as well as some other common cephalometric measurements were used for the analyses. Several comparisons were made: a) with an Ashkenazi (East-European Jewish) group; b) with the findings on non-Jewish Iranian youths of similar geographic background as our Kurdish group; c) with classical cephalometric standards. Close similarity was found with the Ashkenazi group and almost identical pattern of the non-Jewish Iranian youths of similar geographic background. The comparison with the classical cephalometric standards indicated a higher FMA, a more convex profile, accompanied by a mild skeletal Class II tendency and mandibular incisor proclination in our sample. Therefore it stands to reason that the classical North American cephalometric standards for its white population are not applicable in their totality for the clinical evaluation of the two Jewish ethnic groups examined. Thus establishment of specific norms for specific groups within a heterogeneous community is indicated. In addition, a tendency to accept a more convex profile as normal, as apparent from the review of the contemporary orthodontic literature, may suggest the desirability for a revision of the accepted strict norms for a harmonious dentofacial pattern. Based on a thesis submitted to the graduate faculty, Hebrew University, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the DMD degree.  相似文献   

The educational attainment of over 2000 children aged 7-15 years from six different ethnic groups was assessed. Children of Pakistani and of Bangladeshi origin tended to obtain the lowest mean scores on all tests, often well below those of West Indian children, who tended to perform as well as Indian children and often no worse than the indigenous majority. There were few signs of any reliable trends over age. Differences were more pronounced on tests of reading and vocabulary than on tests of mathematics but, on tests of non-verbal reasoning, most ethnic minorities also obtained low scores. Many of these differences were associated with differences in social and family circumstances.  相似文献   

Two frequently used restriction-enzyme polymorphisms (RFLPs) of coagulant F.IX, TaqI and XmnI, have been examined in five ethnic groups: white Americans, black Americans, East Indians, Chinese, and Malays. There is a distinct "cline" in the frequencies of both polymorphisms, from white Americans to Malays. The rarer type 2 alleles of both polymorphisms, in which middle recognition sites are present--and which in our sample reach their highest frequencies in white Americans--are marginally higher in four groups of Europeans previously reported by others. The frequencies of the rarer alleles are significantly higher in Europeans than in black Americans and East Indians, and these alleles are essentially absent in Chinese and Malays. The frequency of heterozygosity diminishes in the same order, being zero in Malays for both polymorphisms. The polymorphisms are in strong linkage disequilibrium, and in all groups the type 1 allele for TaqI is disproportionately accompanied by the type 1 allele for XmnI. The paucity of type 2 alleles and the low rate of heterozygosity in four non-European groups suggest that the polymorphisms will be of little diagnostic value south of Gibraltar and east of Suez. This prediction is confirmed by the observed haplotype frequencies in the black American and the Oriental groups.  相似文献   

The quantitative expression of complement receptor type 1 (CR1) on erythrocytes is regulated by two CR1 alleles that differ in having genomic HindIII fragments of either 7.4 or 6.9 kb and that determine high (H allele) or low (L allele) CR1 expression, respectively, across a 10-fold range. To investigate whether the product of the L allele may contain amino acid substitutions that make it more susceptible to proteolysis, cDNA sequence spanning the CR1 coding region was analyzed in two donors who were homozygous for the H and L alleles and differed by 7-fold in their mean numbers of CR1 per erythrocyte. Sequence differences were detected at 10 nucleotide positions, including 6 that would cause amino acid substitutions. The HindIII RFLP and 3 of the latter 6 sites were analyzed in genomic DNA of 85 Caucasians and 75 African Americans; sites encoding the other amino acid substitutions were analyzed less extensively. Two major haplotypes defined prototypic H and L alleles in both ethnic groups, suggesting that these alleles existed before the African and European populations diverged. Decreased erythrocyte CR1 expression is associated with impaired clearance of immune complexes from blood. Persistence of the L allele in all populations that have been analyzed may suggest a compensatory survival advantage, perhaps related to malaria or another infectious disease.  相似文献   

Positive assortative mating for age at marriage, birthplace and nationality has been revealed by means of sample analysis of couples married in Moscow in 1955 and 1980. The correlation coefficient between mates for age at marriage was r = 0.81 in 1955 and r = 0.88 in 1980; the age difference between spouses had a mean of 1.55 and 2.21 years, respectively. The determinative role of migration in forming Moscow population marriage structure accounts for the fact that the greater part of marriages registered in the capital are between migrants from various regions of the USSR or between the Moscow-born and the migrants. The proportion of marriages between individuals born in Moscow has increased over 25 years from 10 to 38%, these values being significantly higher than those expected under random mating between the migrants and the Moscow-born. The contingency coefficient measuring the association between the birthplaces of husband and wife was K = 0.16 in 1955 and K = 0.11 in 1980, the preferential marriage between mates born in the same region being still significant even when marriages are registered in Moscow. The highest degrees of assortative mating were observed for nationality character: K = 0.37 in 1955 and K = 0.28 in 1980. The decrease in these values over the past 25 years has resulted in a slight growth of the proportion of international marriages (from 14.75 to 16.53%) which has not yet reached the level expected under panmixia (about 21%).  相似文献   

Sequence data from the first hypervariable segment of the mitochondrial DNA control region of 124 subjects belonging to three African-Brazilian and three Brazilian Indian populations were compared with information related to 12 protein genetic loci from 601 persons living in the same localities. There is high diversity among the mtDNA sites, and the most variable in one ethnic group are not the most variable in the other. No differences in gene diversity between populations within ethnic groups were observed, but the Indians showed a reduced variability. Much more interpopulation variation was observed in the mtDNA data than in the protein set. The relationships obtained for the six populations, however, are the same regardless whether mtDNA or protein loci are considered. African-Brazilians from Porto Alegre and Salvador, situated 3,000 km apart, are more similar to each other than both are to Paredão, despite the geographical proximity between Porto Alegre and Paredão, which are just 50 km apart. The tree topology in relation to the three Indians groups, on the other hand, is that expected when languages, culture, and geography are considered. Am J Phys Anthropol 103:147–156, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In the Bradford health district ethnic origin is associated with appreciable differences in morbidity and mortality. In view of these differences a study was undertaken to determine whether there were differences among the ethnic groups in utilisation of the National Health Service, as reflected in the rate of uptake of immunisation, which is offered to all children. Significant differences were found between the British group and some other ethnic groups--notably Pakistani, Indian, and half Negro groups. The rate of uptake of immunisation was nearer the optimum in the Indian group than in the British group. The most unsatisfactory rate of uptake of immunisation overall was found in the half Negro group. No clear explanation of the differences has been shown, they are likely to be due to various factors in the National Health Service and in the community.  相似文献   

Autopsy liver samples from 244 Chinese, 119 Malays and 136 Indians were screened for glutamate-pyruvate transaminase (GPT) subtypes by starch-gel electrophoresis and isoelectric focusing at pH 5-7. Altogether, ten phenotypes controlled by four alleles (GPT1, GPT2A, GPT2B and GPT3) were identified. There was no significant difference in the frequency of GPT alleles between the ethnic groups. The distribution of GPT types was in agreement with the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium in all the ethnic groups.  相似文献   

N Saha 《Human heredity》1991,41(1):47-52
A total of 627 subjects comprising 455 Chinese, 127 Dravidian Indians and 45 Malays were investigated for serum Apo A-IV polymorphism. The frequency of Apo A-IV*2 was found to be significantly higher (p less than 0.001) in Indians (0.043) compared to that in the Chinese (0.010) and Malays (0.011). The frequency of A-IV*3 was found to be around 0.02 in all the ethnic groups. A low frequency of A-IV*4 (less than 0.01) was observed in the Chinese and Indians. The phenotypic distribution of Apo A-IV was at Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium in the three ethnic groups.  相似文献   

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