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Nonpeptide antagonists for kinin receptors   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Kinins are a family of small peptides acting as mediators of inflammation and pain in the peripheral and central nervous system. The two main 'kinins' in mammals are the nonapeptide bradykinin (BK, Arg1-Pro2-Pro3-Gly4-Phe5-Ser6-Pro7-Phe8-Arg9) and the decapeptide kallidin (KD, [Lys0]-BK, Lys1-Arg2-Pro3-Pro4-Gly5-Phe6-Ser7-Pro8-Phe9- Arg10). Their biological actions are mediated by two distinct receptors, termed B1 and B2. Kinin B and B2 receptor antagonists may be useful drugs endowed with analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, with potential use in asthma, allergic rhinitis and other diseases. The first nonpeptide kinin B2 receptor antagonist, WIN 64338, was reported in 1993. Despite its low selectivity, the compound provided a reference for pharmacological and modeling studies. Several quinoline and imidazo[1,2-a]pyridine derivatives have been shown by Fujisawa to possess high affinity and selectivity for kinin B2 receptors. Among them, FR 173657 displayed excellent in vitro and in vivo antagonistic activity, while FR 190997 emerged as the first nonpeptide agonist for B2 receptor. Two structurally related Fournier compounds were recently published. Other kinin B2 receptor ligands were obtained by rational design, through library screening or from natural sources. The only example of a nonpeptide kinin B1 receptor ligand has been reported in a patent by Sanofi.  相似文献   

Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors are widely used for treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Studies of interaction of ACE inhibitors with bradykinin receptors have shown that ACE inhibitors potentiate bradykinin effects not only by blocking its inactivation but also by activation of its receptors. The mechanism of activation and also structural features of the kinin B2R and B1R receptors by ACE inhibitors have been characterized and amino acid residues involved into kinin receptor coupling to G proteins have been identified. Kinins and their receptors are involved into positive therapeutic effect of ACE inhibitors.  相似文献   

Kinins are autacoid peptides and central neuromediators involved in cardiovascular regulation, inflammation and pain. Their effects are mediated by two transmembrane G-protein-coupled receptors denoted as B1 and B2. While the B2 receptor is constitutive, the B1 receptor is inducible and up-regulated in the presence of cytokines, endotoxins or during tissue injury. The B2 receptor is believed to play an important role in the beneficial effects of angiotensin-1 converting enzyme inhibitors used in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, yet it is involved in the acute phase of inflammation and of somatic and visceral pain. Conversely, the B1 receptor participates in the chronic phase of these responses and is likely to play a strategic role in diseases with a strong immune component such as rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, septic shock and diabetes. A dual function for the B1 receptor is also reported in some pathologies in which it can exert either a protective (multiple sclerosis and septic shock) or harmful (pain and inflammation) effect. Therefore, the use of antagonists for these receptors as clinical therapeutic agents requires a rigorous evaluation of the potential side effects.  相似文献   

Although the primary roles of the kallikreinkinin system and the renin-angiotensin system are quite divergent, they are often intertwined under pathophysiological conditions. We examined the effect of ANG II on regulation of B(2) kinin receptors (B2KR) in vascular cells. Vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) were treated with ANG II in a concentration (10(-9)-10(-6) M)- and time (0-24 h)-dependent manner, and B2KR protein and mRNA levels were measured by Western blots and PCR, respectively. A threefold increase in B2KR protein levels was observed as early as 6 h, with a peak response at 10(-7) M. ANG II (10(-7) M) also increased B2KR mRNA levels twofold 4 h after stimulation. Actinomycin D suppressed the increase in B2KR mRNA and protein levels induced by ANG II. To elucidate the receptor subtype involved in mediating this regulation, VSMC were pretreated with losartan (AT(1) receptor antagonist) and/or PD-123319 (AT(2) receptor antagonist) at 10 microM for 30 min, followed by ANG II (10(-7) M) stimulation. Losartan completely blocked the ANG II-induced B2KR increase, whereas PD-123319 had no effect. In addition, expression of B2KR mRNA levels was decreased in AT(1A) receptor knockout mice. Finally, to determine whether ANG II stimulates B2KR expression via activation of the MAPK pathway, VSMC were pretreated with an inhibitor of p42/p44(mapk) (PD-98059) and/or an inhibitor of p38(mapk) (SB-202190), followed by ANG II (10(-7) M) for 24 h. Selective inhibition of the p42/p44(mapk) pathway significantly blocked the ANG II-induced increase in B2KR expression. These findings demonstrate that ANG II regulates expression of B2KR in VSMC and provide a rationale for studying the interaction between ANG II and bradykinin in the pathogenesis of vascular dysfunction.  相似文献   

Kinins are vasoactive and pro-inflammatory peptides generated by the cleavage of the kininogen by kallikreins. Two kinin receptors have been described and denominated B1 and B2. Obesity frequently accompanies other pathologies, such as diabetes and hypertention. The clustering of these pathologies is usually known as "metabolic syndrome". Mice lacking leptin gene (ob/ob) are severely obese and hyperphagic. Using quantitative RT-PCR analysis of B1 and B2 mRNAs expression, we described for the first time a correlation between the kallikrein-kinin system (KKS) and severe obesity in mice. The ob/ob mice presented lower expression of B2 mRNA in the white adipose tissue (WAT) and hypothalamus, both primary sites for neuroendocrine regulation of the energetic metabolism. B1 mRNA, however, is overexpressed in these tissues of ob/ob mice. An upregulation of the B1 mRNA has also been seen in liver, abdominal aorta and stomach fundus. However, different from the lean mice, the expression of the B1 mRNA in brown adipose tissue (BAT) and heart is completely abolished. Our data show that kinin receptors are differently modulated in distinct tissues in obesity. These findings suggest a connection between the KKS and obesity, and suggest that kinin receptors could be involved in the ethiopathogenesis of the metabolic syndrome.  相似文献   

It has been recently proposed that the second extracellular loop of the human bradykinin (BK) B1 receptor (B1R) contains a conserved HExxH motif also present in peptidases possessing a Zn2+ prosthetic group, such as angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE), and that ACE inhibitors directly activate B1R signaling in endothelial cells. However, the binding of ACE inhibitors to the B1Rs has never been directly evaluated. Information about binding of a radiolabeled inhibitor to natural or recombinant ACE in intact cells (physiologic ionic composition) was also collected. We used the tritiated form of an ACE inhibitor previously proposed to activate the B1R, enalaprilat, to address these questions using recombinant human B1Rs and naturally expressed or recombinant ACE. [3H]Lys-des-Arg9-BK bound to the human recombinant B1Rs with high affinity (KD 0.35 nM) in HEK 293a cells. [3H]Enalaprilat (0.25-10 nM) did not bind to cells expressing recombinant human B1R, but bound with a subnanomolar affinity to recombinant ACE or to naturally expressed ACE in human umbilical vein endothelial cells. The radioligand was further validated using a binding competition assay that involved unlabeled ACE inhibitors or their prodrug forms in endothelial cells. Membranes of HEK 293a cells that expressed B1Rs did not hydrolyze hippuryl-glycylglycine (an ACE substrate). Enalaprilat did not stimulate calcium signaling in HEK 293a cells that expressed B1Rs. A typical ACE inhibitor did not bind to nor stimulate the human B1Rs; nevertheless, several other indirect mechanisms could connect ACE inhibition to B1R stimulation in vivo.  相似文献   

We hypothesized that the inducible kinin B(1) receptor (B(1)R) is rapidly cleared from cells when its synthesis subsides. The agonist-independent degradation of the rabbit B(1)Rs and related B(2) receptors (B(2)Rs) was investigated. Endocytosis of the B(1)R-yellow fluorescent protein (YFP) conjugate was more intense than that of B(2)R-green fluorescent protein (GFP) based on fluorescence accumulation in HEK 293 cells treated with a lysosomal inhibitor. The cells expressing B(1)R-YFP contained more GFP/YFP-sized degradation product(s) than those expressing B(2)R-GFP (immunoblot, antibodies equally reacting with both fluorescent proteins). The binding site density of B(1)R-YFP decreased in the presence of protein synthesis or maturation inhibitors (anisomycin, brefeldin A), whereas that of B(2)R-GFP remained constant. Wild-type B(1)Rs were also cleared faster than B(2)Rs in rabbit smooth muscle cells treated with metabolic inhibitors. Contractility experiments based on brefeldin A-treated isolated rabbit blood vessels also functionally support that B(1)Rs are more rapidly eliminated than B(2)Rs (decreased maximal effect of agonist over 2 h). The highly regulated B(1)R is rapidly degraded, relative to the constitutive B(2)R.  相似文献   

Angiogenesis is the sprouting of new capillary blood vessels from pre-existing ones. The kinin family of vasoactive peptides, formed by the serine protease tissue kallikrein from its endogenous multifunctional protein substrate kininogen, is believed to regulate the angiogenic process. The aim of this study was to determine the expression of tissue kallikrein and kinin receptors in an in vitro model of angiogenesis. Microvascular endothelial cells from the bovine mature and regressing corpus luteum were used only if they reacted with known endothelial cell markers. At first the cultured endothelial cells began sprouting, and within four weeks formed three-dimensional, capillary-like structures. Immunolabelling for tissue prokallikrein and the mature enzyme was intense in the angiogenic endothelial cells derived from mature corpora lutea. Immunoreactivity was lower in non-angiogenic endothelial cells and least in angiogenic endothelial cultures of the regressing corpus luteum. Additionally, using specific antisense DIG-labelled probes, tissue kallikrein mRNA was demonstrated in cells of the angiogenic phenotype. Immunolabelled kinin B2 receptors, but not kinin B1 receptors, were visualised on angiogenic endothelial cells. Our results suggest an important regulatory role for kinins in the multiple steps of the angiogenic cascade that may occur in wound healing and cancer cell growth.  相似文献   

Malignant mesothelioma is an aggressive cancer of the pleura that is causally related to exposure to asbestos fibres. The kallikrein serine proteases [tissue (hK1) and plasma (hKB1) kallikreins, and kallikrein-related peptidases (KRP/hK2-15)] and the mitogenic kinin peptides may have a role in tumourigenesis. However, it is not known whether hK1, hKB1, KRP/hK proteins or kinin receptors are expressed in pleural mesotheliomas. The expression of hK1, hKB1, KRP/hK2, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, and kinin B(1) and B(2) receptors was assessed in archived selected normal tissue and mesothelioma tumour sections by immunoperoxidase and immunofluorescence labelling. hK1, hKB1 and kinin B(1) and B(2) receptors were expressed in malignant cells of the epithelioid and sarcomatoid components of biphasic mesothelioma tumour cells. The percentage of cells with cytoplasmic and nuclear labelling and the intensity of labelling were similar for hK1, hKB1 and the kinin receptors. KRP/hK2, 6, 8 and 9 were also expressed in the cytoplasm and nuclei of mesothelioma cells, whereas KRP/hK5 and hK7 showed predominantly cytoplasmic localisation. This is a first report, but further studies are required to determine whether these proteins have a functional role in the pathogenesis of mesothelioma and/or may be potential biomarkers for pleural mesothelioma.  相似文献   

The present study was performed to: (a) evaluate the effects of kinin B1 (Sar[D-Phe8]-des-Arg9-BK; 10 nmol/kg) and B2 (bradykinin (BK); 10 nmol/kg) receptor agonists on plasma extravasation in selected rat tissues; (b) determine the contribution of a lipopolysaccharide (LPS) (100 microg/kg) to the effects triggered by B1 and B2 agonists; and (c) characterize the selectivity of B1 ([Leu8]desArg9-BK; 10 nmol/kg) and B2 (HOE 140; 10 nmol/kg) antagonists as inhibitors of this kinin-induced phenomenon. B1 and B2 agonists were shown to increase plasma extravasation in the duodenum, ileum and also in the urinary bladder of the rat. LPS pretreatment enhanced the plasma extravasation mediated only by the B1 agonist in the duodenum, ileum, trachea, main and segmentar bronchi. These effects were prevented by the B1. but not the B2 antagonist. In normal rats, the B2 antagonist inhibited the effect of B2 agonist in all the tissues analyzed. However, in LPS-treated rats, the B2 antagonist was ineffective in the urinary bladder. These results indicate that kinins induce plasma extravasation in selected rat tissues through activation of B1 and B2 receptors, and that LPS selectively enhances the kinin effect on the B1 receptor in the duodenum, ileum, trachea and main and segmentar bronchi, and may increase B1 receptor expression in these tissues.  相似文献   

Bradykinin is a potent mediator of inflammation that has been shown to participate in allergic airway inflammation. The biologic effects of bradykinin are mediated by binding and activation of its cognate receptor, the B(2) receptor (B(2)R). In the lung fibroblast cell line IMR-90, binding of bradykinin to B(2)R triggers down-regulation of receptor surface expression, suggesting that bradykinin-induced inflammation is transient and self-limited. Notably, subjects with chronic airway inflammation continue to respond to BK following a first challenge. B(2)Rs are expressed on many different lung cell types, including airway epithelial cells. We therefore compared IMR-90 cells with the human lung epithelial cell line BEAS2B and found that B(2)R expression in the two cell types is differently regulated by BK. Whereas BK induces down-regulation of B(2)R in IMR-90 cells, the same treatment leads to up-regulation of the receptor in BEAS2B cells. These results provide a possible explanation for the potency of bradykinin in inducing ongoing airway inflammation.  相似文献   

Kinin B1 and B2 receptors (kB1R and kB2R) play important roles in many physiological and pathological processes. In some cases, kB1R or kB2R activation can have overlapping or complementary beneficial effects, thus an activator of both receptors might be advantageous. We found that replacement of the C-terminal Arg in the natural kB2R activators bradykinin (BK) or kallidin (KD) with Lys (K(9)-BK or K(10)-KD) resulted in agonists that effectively stimulate the downstream signaling of both the kB1R and kB2R as measured by increased inositol turnover, intracellular calcium, ERK1/2 phosphorylation, arachidonic acid release and NO production. However, K(9)-BK and K(10)-KD displayed some characteristics of biased agonism for kB2Rs as indicated by the rapid kinetics of ERK1/2 phosphorylation induced by K(9)-BK or K(10)-KD compared with the prolonged response mediated by BK or KD. In contrast, kinetics of ERK phosphorylation stimulated by K(10)-KD activation of the kB1R was the same as that induced by known kB1R agonist des-Arg(10)-KD. Furthermore, the endocytosis of kB2Rs mediated by K(9)-BK and K(10)-KD was remarkably less than that induced by BK and KD respectively. K(10)-KD stimulated kB1R and kB2R-dependent calcium responses and ERK1/2 phosphorylation in bovine endothelial cells. In cytokine-treated human endothelial cells, K(10)-KD stimulated ERK1/2 phosphorylation and a transient peak of NO production that was primarily kB2R-dependent. K(10)-KD also stimulated prolonged NO production that was both kB1R and kB2R-dependent. These data provide the first examples of dual agonists of kB1R and kB2R, and a biased agonist of kB2R and may provide useful clues for developing dual modulators of kB1Rs and kB2Rs for potential therapeutic use.  相似文献   

Bradykinin (BK) and des-Arg9-bradykinin (DBK) of kallikrein-kinin system exert its effects mediated by the B2 (B2R) and B1 (B1R) receptors, respectively. It was already shown that the deletion of kinin B1R or of B2R induces upregulation of the remaining receptor subtype [10], [12], [16], [28], [36]. However studies on overexpression of B1R or B2R in transgenic animals have supported the importance of the overexpressed receptor but the expression of another receptor subtype has not been determined [17], [19], [33]. Previous study described a marked vasodilatation and increased susceptibility to endotoxic shock which was associated with increased mortality in response to DBK in thoracic aorta from transgenic rat overexpressing the kinin B1R (TGR(Tie2B1)) exclusively in the endothelium. In another study, mice overexpressing B1R in multiple tissues were shown to present high susceptibility to inflammation and to lipopolysaccharide-induced endotoxic shock. Therefore the role of B2R was investigated in the thoracic aorta isolated from TGR(Tie2B1) rats overexpressing the B1R exclusively in the vascular endothelium. Our findings provided evidence for highly increased expression level of the B2R in the transgenic rats. It was reported that under endotoxic shock, these rats exhibited exaggerated hypotension, bradycardia and mortality. It can be suggested that the high mortality during the pathogenesis of endotoxic shock provoked in the transgenic TGR(Tie2B1) rats could be due to the enhanced expression of B2R associated with the overexpression of the B1R.  相似文献   

Yin H  Chao J  Bader M  Chao L 《Peptides》2007,28(7):1383-1389
We investigated the role of kinin receptors in cardiac remodeling after ischemia/reperfusion (I/R). Bradykinin injection improved cardiac contractility, diastolic function, reduced infarct size and prevented left ventricular thinning after I/R, whereas des-Arg(9)-BK injection had no protective effects. Bradykinin, but not des-Arg(9)-BK, reduced cardiomyocyte apoptosis and increased Akt and GSK-3beta phosphorylation. Furthermore, myocardial infarct size was similar between wild type and B2 knockout mice after I/R, but significantly reduced in kinin B1 receptor knockout mice. These results indicate that the kinin B2 receptor, but not the B1 receptor, protects against I/R-induced cardiac dysfunction by inhibiting apoptosis and limiting ventricular remodeling.  相似文献   

Kinins have been elected to the status of central neuromediators. Their effects are mediated through the activation of two G-protein-coupled receptors, denoted B, and B2. Functional and binding studies suggested that B1 and B2 receptors are upregulated in the medulla and spinal cord of hypertensive and diabetic rats. The aim of this study was to localize and quantify kinin receptors in post-mortem human medulla obtained from normotensive, hypertensive, and diabetic subjects, using in vitro receptor autoradiography with the radioligands [125I]HPP-HOE140 (B2 receptor) and [125I]HPP[des-Arg10]-HOE140 (B1 receptor). Data showed specific binding sites for B2 receptor (0.4-1.5 fmol/mg tissue) in 11 medullary nuclei from 4 control specimens (paratrigeminal > ambiguus > cuneate, gelatinous layer of the caudal spinal trigeminal nucleus > caudal and interpolar spinal trigeminal, external cuneate, solitary tract > hypoglossal > gracile > inferior olivary nuclei). Increased density of B2 receptor binding sites was observed in seven medullary nuclei of four hypertensive specimens (paratrigeminal > external cuneate > interpolar and caudal spinal trigeminal, gracile, inferior olivary > hypoglossal nuclei). B2 receptor binding sites were seemingly increased in the same medullary nuclei of two diabetic specimens. Specific binding sites for B1 receptor (1.05 and 1.36 fmol/mg tissue) were seen only in the inferior olivary nucleus in two out of the ten studied specimens. The present results support a putative role for kinins in the regulation of autonomic, nociceptive, and motor functions at the level of the human medulla. Evidence is also provided that B2 receptors are upregulated in medullary cardiovascular centers of subjects afflicted of cardiovascular diseases.  相似文献   

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