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An objective comparison of Eastern and Western approaches to medicine is necessary to further evaluate the validity of Oriental medical techniques such as acupuncture. The development of medicine in Western nations follows the way of hypothetical deduction and the Eastern approach uses the inductive method. The Western approach clearly divides the health from the disease, yet the Eastern approach considers health as a balanced state versus disease as an unbalanced state. The Western approach tends to change the environment and the Eastern way is to prefer to adapt to the environment. There are numerous difficulties in comparing these two approaches. The same terminology may apply to entirely different facts, the teaching and learning methods are quite different, and the evaluation of the treatment is almost not comparable.In order to help understand the Eastern approach better, an understanding is needed of the basic Chinese concepts: the concept of a small universe living in a large universe; the duality concept of yin and yang; the concept of anatomy; the concept of physiology in Chinese medicine—the state of equilibrium expressed by the five elements; the concept of pathophysiology expressed by the external and internal insults; the concept of maintaining and promoting health expressed by the circulation of chi and hsieh; the therapeutic concept in Chinese medicine—the normalization or reestablishment of balance of the body function; the concept of preventive medicine.  相似文献   

精准医疗概念的提出开启了一个医学新时代,且在世界范围内引起了一场科技竞争。精准医疗的实质包括精准诊断和精准治疗,其具体内容,结合各国实际情况各不相同。对中国而言,慢性传染病特别是结核病造成了严重疾病负担,应作为重点研究对象,实际上该领域中各种形式的精准医疗已然展开。精准医疗作为一种新的理念,贯穿于结核病的研究和治疗中,势必对人类结束结核病的肆虐和消除结核病作出重大贡献。  相似文献   

Although advances have been made, chemotherapy for chronic, multifactorial diseases such as cancers, Alzheimer's disease, cardiovascular diseases and diabetes is far from satisfactory. Agents with different mechanisms of action are required. The botanic compound berberine(BBR) has been used as an over-the-counter antibacterial for diarrhea in China for many decades. Recent clinical studies have shown that BBR may be therapeutic in various types of chronic diseases. This review addresses BBR's molecular mechanisms of action and clinical efficacy and safety in patients with type 2 diabetes, hyperlipidemia, heart diseases, cancers and inflammation. One of the advantages of BBR is its multiple-target effects in each of these diseases. The therapeutic efficacy of BBR may reflect a synergistic regulation of these targets, resulting in a comprehensive effect against these various chronic disorders. The safety of BBR may be due to its harmonious distribution into those targets. Although the single-target concept is still the principle for drug discovery and research, this review emphasizes the concept of a multiple target strategy, which may be an important approach toward the successful treatment of multifactorial chronic diseases.  相似文献   

Studies of prolactin secretion in humans have confirmed the concept, derived originally from animal investigations, that prolactin is predominantly controlled by tonic inhibition from the hypothalamus. The locus of action of dopamine and dopaminergic agents such as the ergot alkaloids inhibiting prolactin secretion appears to be primarily at the pituitary level, though a hypothalamic action to increase secretion of prolactin inhibitory factor may also contribute. Prolactin hypersecretion, through any of several possible mechanisms, is frequently but not always found in patients with galactorrhea. Recent studies have shown that hyperprolactinemia is considerably more common than was previously appreciated among patients without galactorrhea. It is present in at least two-thirds of all patients with pituitary tumors and in a significant minority of patients with secondary amenorrhea. Its clinical measurement in these conditions is therefore of considerable diagnostic importance. Whatever the pathophysiology of its production, hyperprolactinemia of all forms is responsive to treatment with the newer ergot alkaloids. The potential use of these agents for therapeutic purposes, particularly in the treatment of infertility, appears to be wider than was originally anticipated.  相似文献   

精神疾病危害严重,其发病机制复杂难解,临床治疗效果不一,且存在明显的个体差异.近期精准医学研究发现精神药物作用于脑神经的生化过程受到遗传多态性的影响.本文从五羟色胺能、去甲肾上腺素能和多巴胺能三大系统入手,系统综述精神药理影像遗传学的相关研究进展,深入探讨精神药理的神经作用机制以及药物-基因-脑之间的交互作用.我们发现:SLC6A4、BDNF、FKBP5、COMT和多巴胺相关受体等基因多态性与多种精神疾病的发生发展及其治疗效果具有一定的相关性,可能成为相关精神疾病诊断的候选基因.杏仁核、海马、眶额叶、扣带回和前额叶等皮层与皮层下脑结构可能是不同神经递质相关的基因多态性影响精神药物生化作用过程的关键靶点脑区.在建立精神药物-基因-脑影像-行为的因果链中,仍然存在很多相互矛盾的结果和一定的局限性.因此,开展同质性强的临床试验、研究表观遗传作用等可以作为未来的研究发展趋势.  相似文献   

The indigenization of neurasthenia in Hong Kong   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Despite its origin in Western psychiatry, neurasthenia has become a popular concept in Chinese folk medicine, referring to a variety of somatic and psychological symptoms. Review of Chinese medicinal materials and patent medicines shows that neurasthenia is associated more often with somatic symptoms in tonic type medicine and with psychological and psychosomatic symptoms in sedative and tranquilizer type medicine. Popular Chinese books on neurasthenia suggest that causes might be attributed to lifestyle, psychological factors, and health problems. Recommendations on treatment emphasize self-help approaches through changing lifestyle, examining attitudes, tonic care, and relaxation. As a broad term used loosely by professionals and the lay public in Hong Kong, neurasthenia serves the important function of destigmatizing psychiatric disorders. Psychosexual problems may also be conveyed discreetly through somatic presentation. The indigenization of neurasthenia exemplifies how an originally Western concept acquires cultural meaning. Implications of illness conceptualization and the medical paradigm are discussed.  相似文献   

Crystalline botulinum toxin type A was licensed in December 1989 by the Food and Drug Administration for treatment of certain spasmodic muscle disorders following 10 or more years of experimental treatment on human volunteers. Botulinum toxin exerts its action on a muscle indirectly by blocking the release of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine at the nerve ending, resulting in reduced muscle activity or paralysis. The injection of only nanogram quantities (1 ng = 30 mouse 50% lethal doses [U]) of the toxin into a spastic muscle is required to bring about the desired muscle control. The type A toxin produced in anaerobic culture and purified in crystalline form has a specific toxicity in mice of 3 x 10(7) U/mg. The crystalline toxin is a high-molecular-weight protein of 900,000 Mr and is composed of two molecules of neurotoxin (ca. 150,000 Mr) noncovalently bound to nontoxic proteins that play an important role in the stability of the toxic unit and its effective toxicity. Because the toxin is administered by injection directly into neuromuscular tissue, the methods of culturing and purification are vital. Its chemical, physical, and biological properties as applied to its use in medicine are described. Dilution and drying of the toxin for dispensing causes some detoxification, and the mouse assay is the only means of evaluation for human treatment. Other microbial neurotoxins may have uses in medicine; these include serotypes of botulinum toxins and tetanus toxin. Certain neurotoxins produced by dinoflagellates, including saxitoxin and tetrodotoxin, cause muscle paralysis through their effect on the action potential at the voltage-gated sodium channel. Saxitoxin used with anaesthetics lengthens the effect of the anaesthetic and may enhance the effectiveness of other medical drugs. Combining toxins with drugs could increase their effectiveness in treatment of human disease.  相似文献   

Gemcitabine is an established chemotherapy agent in several solid tumors. Its mechanism of action has been theoretically established and this is supported with strong experimental evidence. However, certain aspects of the resistance mechanism for this agent remain elusive. We present a method of analysis using tandem liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry that provides a broader, yet more focused view of the action of gemcitabine and its primary metabolite, difluorodeoxyuridine in relation to the (deoxy) nucleoside and (deoxy) nucleotide pools in tumor cell lines.

Alcoholic cytosole extracts were incubated with alkaline phosphatase reducing the nucleotide pools to their respective nucleosides. Determination of the nucleoside content by a sensitive LCMSMS method before and after incubation enables the calculation of the total amount of phosphorylation of each (deoxy) nucleoside in the cell. Incubation with clinically relevant levels of gemcitabine (dFdC) or difluorodeoxyuridine (dFdU) for 24 hours enabled the determination of the changes in the (deoxy) nucleotide pools in relation to chemotherapeutic and toxicological effects. Confirmation of the presence of dFdC phosphorylation is presented as well as direct evidence of dFdU phosphorylation after both dFdC and dFdU treatment. Differences in the nucleotide pools are presented after dFdC and dFdU incubation, indicating that dFdU might have more chemotherapeutic properties than previously believed.  相似文献   

Gemcitabine is an established chemotherapy agent in several solid tumors. Its mechanism of action has been theoretically established and this is supported with strong experimental evidence. However, certain aspects of the resistance mechanism for this agent remain elusive. We present a method of analysis using tandem liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry that provides a broader, yet more focused view of the action of gemcitabine and its primary metabolite, difluorodeoxyuridine in relation to the (deoxy) nucleoside and (deoxy) nucleotide pools in tumor cell lines. Alcoholic cytosole extracts were incubated with alkaline phosphatase reducing the nucleotide pools to their respective nucleosides. Determination of the nucleoside content by a sensitive LCMSMS method before and after incubation enables the calculation of the total amount of phosphorylation of each (deoxy) nucleoside in the cell. Incubation with clinically relevant levels of gemcitabine (dFdC) or difluorodeoxyuridine (dFdU) for 24 hours enabled the determination of the changes in the (deoxy) nucleotide pools in relation to chemotherapeutic and toxicological effects. Confirmation of the presence of dFdC phosphorylation is presented as well as direct evidence of dFdU phosphorylation after both dFdC and dFdU treatment. Differences in the nucleotide pools are presented after dFdC and dFdU incubation, indicating that dFdU might have more chemotherapeutic properties than previously believed.  相似文献   

This study evaluated whether electrodermal resistance at acupuncture points (AP) systematically varies as a function of pain. The study was conceived as a proof-of-principle study in support of research on acupuncture and other complementary medicine approaches. Specifically, this study investigates whether or not electrodermal activity systematically differentiates arthritis patients with current pain from pain-free controls. Participants with rheumatoid arthritis (n = 32) and a typical pain level of at least 3 (on a 0–10 scale) were compared with case controls (n = 28) who had no medical diagnosis and were pain free. Electrodermal resistance at AP was measured with a commercial ohmmeter and compared to heart rate, blood pressure, and ratings on the Pain Catastrophization Scale and the McGill Melzack Pain Questionnaire. There were consistent differences between the experimental group and the control group on all markers of pain. Similarly, there were significant group differences and some trends for electrodermal activity at the AP labeled ‘bladder,’ ‘gall bladder,’ and ‘small intestine.’ It is concluded that the concept of electrodermal resistance at AP possesses criterion validity for distinguishing pain from a no pain state. This research provides support for the usefulness of measuring electrodermal activity when testing energy-based models of disease, and can be seen as a bridge between Western and Chinese medicine.  相似文献   

The American Psychiatric Association's recent inclusion of a Glossary of Culture-Bound Syndromes within DSM-IV draws upon decades of medical anthropological and cultural psychiatric research to afford culture-bound syndromes (CBSs) a newfound legitimacy within professional Western psychiatric nosology. While DSM-IV's recognition of the CBS concept as a category of psychosocial distress has important clinical implications for mental health care practitioners throughout the world, it also has significant legal implications. Given that several CBSs involve a degree of psychological impairment that may satisfy the standard for legal insanity under certain circumstances, this essay focuses on the potential emergence of an insanity defense based on the claim that an immigrant or minority defendant was suffering from a CBS at the time of his or her criminal act. Aimed at initiating interdisciplinary debate over the reification of the CBS concept, the essay discusses the theoretical ambiguity and status of CBSs within professional Western psychiatry, describes what a CBS-based insanity defense might look like, and considers the relevant challenges facing medical anthropologists and cultural psychiatrists, on the one hand, and legal practitioners, on the other. The essay identifies a pressing need for interdisciplinary debate concerning the validity, scope, and viability of CBS-based insanity defenses.  相似文献   

The function of neuromelanin is not known, but some properties of the pigment suggest a protective action. Its unique ability to accumulate and retain several compounds, such as various amines and a number of metals, may protect the pigment-containing neurons from high exposure to harmful substances. This possible mechanism of protection may however in certain instances be of a double-edged nature, as accumulation of neurotoxic agents with a high melanin affinity may cause toxic concentrations in the neuro-melanin-containing cells. MPTP (l-methyl-4-phenyl-l,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine) seems to be such a compound, as it has been found to preferentially destroy neuromelanin-containing cells. The degree of MPTP neurotoxicity seems to be related to the amount of neuromelanin present in the particular species. It is possible that also manganese, which is known to cause an extrapyramidal disorder resembling Parkinson's disease, causes injury to neuromelanin-bearing neurons due to its melanin affinity. This mechanism may be involved in other forms of chemically induced Parkin-sonism and possibly also in idiopathic Parkinson's disease, although the offending agent remains to be discovered.  相似文献   

摘要 目的:探讨"调神畅志"针刺法对帕金森伴便秘(Parkinson''s disease with constipation)模型大鼠结肠组织中5-羟色胺4受体(5-HT4R)及钙调蛋白(CaM)-肌球蛋白轻链激酶(MLCK)信号通路影响的研究,并探讨其可能作用机制。方法:采用随机数字表将60只大鼠分为空白组、假手术组、模型组、西药组、常规针刺组、调神畅志针刺组,每组10只。模型组、常规针刺组、调神畅志针刺组颈背部皮下注射鱼藤酮的方法制造PDD大鼠模型,并用阿扑吗啡(APO)诱导检测。常规针刺组选取天枢、足三里、上巨虚及舞蹈震颤控制区,接电针,连续波频率15Hz,刺激强度2 mA,留针30分钟,1日1次,连续4周;调神畅志针刺组:选取王顺教授 " 调神畅志 " 三六九针法,百会透太阳、中脘、气海、足三里、太冲,采用连续波,头针频率45Hz,腹针频率30Hz,肢体针频率15Hz(体现调神畅志三六九针法的头针重、腹针中、四肢针轻的量化刺激),刺激强度约2 mA,留针30 min,1日1次,连续4周;西药组采用美多芭、莫沙必利每日灌胃,连续治疗4周;模型组、假手术组:每日2 mL生理盐水灌胃,连续4周;空白组不予处理。采用Western blot法检测各组近端结肠组织中5-HT4R、CaM及MLCK蛋白表达以及含量水平。结果:与空白组相比,模型组大鼠近端结肠组织中5-HT4R、CaM及MLCK蛋白表达水平显著降低(P<0.01),与模型组比较,三个治疗组(西药组、常规针刺组、调神畅志针刺组)近端结肠组织5-HT4R、CaM及MLCK蛋白表达水平显著升高(P<0.01)。与常规针刺组相比,调神畅志组5-HT4R、CaM及MLCK蛋白表达水平明显升高(P<0.05)。结论:针刺可改善PD伴便秘大鼠模型便秘症状,且调神畅志针刺组优于常规针刺组,其作用机理可能通过调节大鼠结肠组织中5-HT4R蛋白表达以及激活CaM-MLCK信号通路来实现的。  相似文献   

The controversy about acupuncture is familiar to us since its recent reintroduction into this country. Much of its philosophical concepts were taken at their face values as the bases for condemnation. Since I last reviewed these antiquated concepts in the light of modern medicine, much has developed. It seems that if the effects of acupuncture were transmitted along the peripheral nerves to the central nervous system, it would be more effective if applied segmentally to the site of noxious stimulation. Disruption of extralamniscal pathways would abolish its analgesic effect. The distant and nonsegmentally located acupuncture points exert their influences through the integrative efforts of the reticular formation and the thalamus. The demonstration of transmissibility of acupuncture analgesia through blood and cerebrospinal fluid in animals implicates the involvement of humoral factors. Since such an effect can be suppressed by naloxone or by hypophysectomy, endorphins are thought to be involved. Such laboratory evidences indeed begin to shed some light on a possible neurohumoral mechanism of acupuncture. The differences between acupuncture and hypnosis are discussed. Acupuncture points were compared with referred pain, trigger points and motor points of the skeletal muscles. Its possible uses for other than pain, such as drug addiction, alcoholism, etc. are also reviewed.  相似文献   



Chronic back pain is a major public health problem and the primary reason patients seek acupuncture treatment. Therefore, an objective assessment of acupuncture efficacy is critical for making informed decisions about its appropriate role for patients with this common condition. This study addresses methodological shortcomings that have plagued previous studies evaluating acupuncture for chronic low back pain.

Methods and Design

A total of 640 participants (160 in each of four arms) between the ages of 18 and 70 years of age who have low back pain lasting at least 3 months will be recruited from integrated health care delivery systems in Seattle and Oakland. They will be randomized to one of two forms of Traditional Chinese Medical (TCM) acupuncture needling (individualized or standardized), a "control" group (simulated acupuncture), or to continued usual medical care. Ten treatments will be provided over 7 weeks. Study participants and the "Diagnostician" acupuncturists who evaluate participants and propose individualized treatments will be masked to the acupuncture treatment actually assigned each participant. The "Therapist" acupuncturists providing the treatments will not be masked but will have limited verbal interaction with participants. The primary outcomes, standard measures of dysfunction and bothersomeness of low back pain, will be assessed at baseline, and after 8, 26, and 52 weeks by telephone interviewers masked to treatment assignment. General health status, satisfaction with back care, days of back-related disability, and use and costs of healthcare services for back pain will also be measured. The primary analysis comparing outcomes by randomized treatment assignment will be analysis of covariance adjusted for baseline value. For both primary outcome measures, this trial will have 99% power to detect the presence of a minimal clinically significant difference among all four treatment groups and over 80% power for most pairwise comparisons. Secondary analyses will compare the proportions of participants in each group that improve by a clinically meaningful amount.


Results of this trial will help clarify the value of acupuncture needling as a treatment for chronic low back pain.

Trial registration

Clinical Trials.gov NCT00065585.  相似文献   

Glycyrrhizic acid (GA), a triterpenoid saponin glycoside from the roots and rhizomes of licorice is used in traditional and modern medicine for the treatment of numerous medical conditions including skin diseases and beauty care product. In the present study, we investigated the effect of GA against ultraviolet B (UVB) irradiation-induced photoaging in human dermal fibroblasts (HDFs) and its possible mechanism of action. HDFs were subjected to photoaging by sub-toxic dose of UVB (10 mj/cm(2)) irradiation. Cell viability, matrix metalloproteinase 1 (MMP1), pro-collagen 1, cellular and nuclear morphology, cell cycle, intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS), caspase 3 and hyaluronidase inhibition assays were performed. Western blotting was used to evaluate the expression of NF-kappa B (NF-κB) and cytochrome-C proteins. GA treatment significantly inhibited photoaging. It achieved this by reducing ROS, NF-κB, cytochrome c, caspase 3 levels and inhibiting hyaluronidase enzyme. The main mechanism seems to be, most likely by blocking MMP1 activation by modulating NF-κB signaling. These findings may be useful for development of natural and safe photoprotective agents against UVB irradiation.  相似文献   

survivin对维持肿瘤细胞恶性增殖具有重要功能,是目前发现IAP家族中唯一与细胞凋亡和周期调控都相关的成员,其机理是与caspase-3、caspase-7结合而阻止细胞凋亡的发生。反义寡核苷酸具有高特异性、靶向性、无毒性等特点。以互补的形式与DNA或RNA的特异靶序列结合,抑制其转录和翻译上特定基因的表达,干扰致病蛋白质的产生,从而使肿瘤基因无法表达。存活素在胰腺癌中的表达具有一定的肿瘤特异性,可能是胰腺癌治疗的一个理想靶目标。下面就着重以survivin作为治疗靶点在肿瘤发生中的作用机制、表达和Survivin ASODN在临床应用中的应用前景作一简要综述。  相似文献   

目的:探讨Vitalstim治疗仪联合针灸治疗脑卒中后吞咽障碍的疗效及并发症发生率。方法:纳入我科住院的卒中后吞咽障碍患者60例,采用随机表法分为Vitalstim治疗仪组,针灸治疗组,Vitalstim治疗仪联合针灸治疗组,完成4个疗程。评价治疗前后各组间洼田饮水实验、SSA评分,及疗效及并发症发生率。结果:三组治疗前后洼田饮水实验评分、SSA评分差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。治疗后,联合治疗组洼田饮水实验评分明显高于Vitalstim治疗组和针灸治疗组,差异有统计学意义(P0.05);联合治疗组SSA评分明显低于Vitalstim治疗组和针灸治疗组,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。Vitalstim组治疗组、针灸治疗组有效率分别为70.00%、75%,明显低于联合治疗组90%,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。Vitalstim组治疗组、针灸治疗组并发症发生率分别为40%、35%,明显高于于联合治疗组15%,三组间差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论:Vitalstim治疗仪联合针治疗脑卒中后吞咽障碍,明显提高治疗效果,降低并发症的发生率,临床应用值得推广。  相似文献   

A dimethoxy derivative of leucocyandin 3-O-beta-D-galactosyl cellobioside isolated from the bark of F. bengalensis Linn demonstrated antidiabetic action. On oral administration, it decreased blood sugar very significantly both in normal and moderately diabetic rats and increased serum insulin significantly in the latter at a dosage of 250 mg/kg for a 2 hr period. During one month treatment of the diabetic rats orally with the active principle, at a dosage of 100 mg/kg, there was a significant decrease in blood and urine sugar, certain lipid components in serum and tissues and glucose-6-phosphatase activity in liver, but significant increase in body weight and the activities of hexokinase and HMGCOA reductase in tissues as compared to diabetic control. The mechanism of action of the principle may be related to its protective/inhibitory action against the insulin degradative processes.  相似文献   

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