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Hydroxylated benzene derivatives inhibited transport of d-glucose into calf-thymocyte plasma-membrane vesicles. The relative effectiveness of these was pyrogallol >hydroquinone catechol phloroglucinol. The most thoroughly studied of these agents, hydroquinone, produced weak, immediate inhibition when first added to membranes (Ki > 10 mM). This was followed by a gradual, time-dependent inhibition of the residual transport activity. The instantaneous inhibition could not be prevented by any agent tested, whereas the time-dependent phase was affected by reducing agents and superoxide dismutase. Several reducing agents (dithiothreitol, glutathione, NADH, ascorbate, bisulfite but not cysteine) prevented, while superoxide dismutase and cysteine potentiated time-dependent inhibition when added to the membrane suspension simultaneously with hydroquinone. NADH and ascorbate also prevented, whereas dithiothreitol potentiated, further time-dependent inhibition when added to membranes 2 h after hydroquinone. In contrast, all three reducing agents arrested time-dependent inhibition when added 2 h after pyrogallol. Numerous agents had no effect on time-dependent hydroquinone inhibition: oxidants (H2O2), metal chelators (EDTA, bathophenanthroline disulfonate, Desferral), radical scavengers (benzoate, ethanol), anti-oxidants (butylated hydroxytoluene) and catalase. Benzoquinone, an oxidation product of hydroquinone, was a much more potent inhibitor (Ki 1 mM) than hydroquinone. Several reducing agents (ascorbate, NADH, bisulfite) prevented this effect, while cysteine and dithiothreitol potentiated it. Below 300 μM, benzoquinone had little or no effect on sugar transport with or without glutathione or cysteine. Addition of dithiothreitol to benzoquinone (10–300 μM) resulted in potent inhibition of sugar transport (Ki 50 μM). Maximal inhibition occurred with a 1 : 1 mol ratio of these agents or with excess dithiothreitol. The inhibitory agent from benzoquinone and dithiothreitol lost potency in the presence of air and membranes, but was stable for hours in the presence of either of these alone. dl-threo-1,4-bis(2,5-dihydroxyphenylthio)-2,3-butanediol was obtained from the reaction of equimolar quantities of dithiothreitol and benzoquinone in ethanol. The structure of this adduct was established by spectroscopic and chemical methods. This compound exhibited all of the properties of the inhibitor which had been formed from benzoquinone and dithiothreitol in aqueous solution.  相似文献   

The transfer of phospholipid molecules between biological and synthetic membranes is facilitated by the presence of soluble catalytic proteins, such as those isolated from bovine brain which interacts with phosphatidylinositol and phosphatidylcholine and from bovine liver which is specific for phosphatidylcholine. A series of tertiary amine local anesthetics decreases the rates of protein-catalyzed phospholipid transfer. The potency of inhibition is dibucaine>tetracaine>lidocaine>procaine, an order which is compared with and identical to those for a wide variety of anesthetic-dependent membrane phenomena. Half-maximal inhibition of phosphatidylinositol transfer by dibucaine occurs at a concentration of 0.18 mM, significantly lower than the concentration of 1.9 mM required for half-maximal inhibition of phosphatidylcholine transfer activity of the brain protein. Comparable inhibition of liver protein phosphatidylcholine transfer activity is observed at 1.6 mM dibucaine. For activity measurements performed at different pH, dibucaine is more potent at the lower pH values which favor the equilibrium toward the charged molecular species. With membranes containing increasing molar proportions of phosphatidate, dibucaine is increasingly more potent. No effect of Ca2+ on the control transfer activity or the inhibitory action of dibucaine is noted. These results are discussed in terms of the formation of specific phosphatidylinositol or phosphatidylcholine complexes with the amphiphilic anesthetics in the membrane bilayer.  相似文献   

Quan GB  Han Y  Liu MX  Fang L  Du W  Ren SP  Wang JX  Wang Y 《Cryobiology》2011,(2):135-144
Although incubation with glucose before freezing can increase the recovery of human red blood cells frozen with polymer, this method can also result in membrane lesions. This study will evaluate whether addition of oligosaccharide (trehalose, sucrose, maltose, or raffinose) can improve the quality of red blood cell membrane after freezing in the presence of glucose and dextran. Following incubation with glucose or the combinations of glucose and oligosaccharides for 3 h in a 37 °C water bath, red blood cells were frozen in liquid nitrogen for 24 h using 40% dextran (W/V) as the extracellular protective solution. The postthaw quality was assessed by percent hemolysis, osmotic fragility, mean corpuscle volume (MCV), distribution of phosphatidylserine, the postthaw 4 °C stability, and the integrity of membrane. The results indicated the loading efficiency of glucose or oligosaccharide was dependent on their concentrations. Moreover, addition of trehalose or sucrose could efficiently decrease osmotic fragility of red blood cells caused by incubation with glucose before freezing. The percentage of damaged cell following incubation with glucose was 38.04 ± 21.68% and significantly more than that of the unfrozen cells (0.95 ± 0.28%, P < 0.01). However, with the increase of the concentrations of trehalose, the percentages of damaged cells were decreased steadily. When the concentration of trehalose was 400 mM, the percentage of damaged cells was 1.97 ± 0.73% and similar to that of the unfrozen cells (P > 0.05). Moreover, similar to trehalose, raffinose can also efficiently prevent the osmotic injury caused by incubation with glucose. The microscopy results also indicated addition of trehalose could efficiently decrease the formation of ghosts caused by incubation with glucose. In addition, the gradient hemolysis study showed addition of oligosaccharide could significantly decrease the osmotic fragility of red blood cells caused by incubation with glucose. After freezing and thawing, when both glucose and trehalose, sucrose, or maltose were on the both sides of membrane, with increase of the concentrations of sugar, the percent hemolysis of frozen red blood cells was firstly decreased and then increased. When the total concentration of sugars was 400 mM, the percent hemolysis was significantly less than that of cells frozen in the presence of dextran and in the absence of glucose and various oligosaccharides (P < 0.01). However, when both glucose and trehalose were only on the outer side of membrane, with increase of the concentrations of sugars, the percent hemolysis was increased steadily. Furthermore, addition of oligosaccharides can efficiently decrease the osmotic fragility and exposure of phosphatidylserine of red blood cells frozen with glucose and dextran. In addition, trehalose or raffinose can also efficiently mitigate the malignant effect of glucose on the postthaw 4 °C stability of red blood cells frozen in the presence of dextran. Finally, addition of trehalose can efficiently protect the integrity of red blood cell membrane following freezing with dextran and glucose. In conclusion, addition of oligosaccharide can efficiently reduce lesions of freezing on red blood cell membrane in the presence of glucose and dextran.  相似文献   

The interfacial electron transfer of glucose oxidase (GOx) on a poly(glutamic acid)-modified glassy carbon electrode (PGA/GCE) was investigated. The redox peaks measured for GOx and flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) are similar, and the anodic peak of GOx does not increase in the presence of glucose in a mediator-free solution. These indicate that the electroactivity of GOx is not the direct electron transfer (DET) between GOx and PGA/GCE and that the observed electroactivity of GOx is ascribed to free FAD that is released from GOx. However, efficient electron transfer occurred if an appropriate mediator was placed in solution, suggesting that GOx is active. The PGA/GCE-based biosensor showed wide linear response in the range of 0.5–5.5 mM with a low detection limit of 0.12 mM and high sensitivity and selectivity for measuring glucose.  相似文献   

A cultured cell line of the mosquito, Aedes aegypti, is sensitive to tunicamycin as expected from the ability of crude membrane preparations to catalyse the formation of N-acetylglucosamine-linked dolichyl pyrophosphate. Formation of dolichylphosphomannose was also detected and this reaction was totally insensitive to tunicamycin. Incorporation of radioactive mannose into total acid-precipitable glycoproteins was inhibited greater than 90% in whole cells by tunicamycin, while the incorporation of leucine and glucosamine was less affected. Separation of the radioactive hexosamines from acid hydrolysates of cells incubated with [14C]glucosamine and tunicamycin showed predominant labelling of galactosamine, whereas in control cells not treated with the drug both glucosamine and galactosamine were labelled equally. Evidently, mosquito cells synthesise N-glycosidically linked carbohydrate chains assembled through tunicamycin-sensitive steps involving dolichyl pyrophospho-oligosaccharides, and O-glycosidically linked chains rich in N-acetylgalactosamine, the assembly of which is unaffected by tunicamycin. These results support structural evidence (Butters, T.D. and Hughes, R.C. (1981) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 640, 655–671) for the presence of high mannose N-glycans and N-acetylgalactosamine-richO-glycans in mosquito cell glycoproteins. The absence of complex N-glycans was confirmed by the demonstration of negligible activities of N-acetylglucosaminyl-, galactosyl- and sialyltransferases responsible for assembly of the terminal sequences of N-glycans of mature mammalian glycoproteins.  相似文献   

Newborn rats were injected immediately after delivery with glucose or glucose plus mannoheptulose, and the time-courses of liver glycogen, plasma glucose, insulin and glucagon concentration were studied. The administration of glucose prevented both liver glycogenolysis and the increase in plasma glucagon concentration which normally occurs immediately after delivery. In addition, the administration of glucose prevented the decrease of plasma glucose and insulin concentration which normally occurs during the first hour of extrauterine life. Supplementation of glucose with mannoheptulose prevented the increase of plasma insulin concentrations caused by the administration of glucose; liver glycogenolysis, however, was not stimulated in these circumstances. The increase in the rate of glycogenolysis caused by the administration of glucagon was prevented in newborn rats previously treated with glucose. These results suggest that glucose exerts an inhibitory effect on the stimulation of neonatal liver glycogenolysis by glucagon.  相似文献   

Photoassimilation of 13CO2 and acetate by the photosynthetic bacterium Chlorobium thiosulfatophilum was investigated using 13C-NMR as the method for determination of the labelling pattern of the glucose synthesized by the bacterium. Metabolic pathways functioning in the bacterium were identified by analysis of the multiplet structure of the spectra of tightly coupled systems. The labelling pattern showed that glucose was synthesized in C. thiosulfatophilum mainly by the gluconeogenesis pathway. In agreement with previous investigations, the reserve polysaccharide of C. thiosulfatophilum was shown to be polyglucose, with the glucose units linked predominantly by (1→4)α-glucosidic linkages.  相似文献   

Human dermal fibroblasts were obtained by harvesting outgrowing cells from the dermal tissue explants and cultured in Dulbecco's modified Eagle medium containing 10% fetal calf serum. After the cells reached confluency, culture was continued in the medium containing calf serum which was deprived of thyroid hormone by the treatment with activated charcoal. These fibroblasts were responsive to exogeneously added thyroid hormone (triiodothyronine) at physiological concentrations, resulting in enhanced utilization of glucose and production of lactate. This stimulation by thyroid hormone was dependent upon the length of exposure to the hormone and its concentration.The hormone did not show any effects on cellular DNA and protein content. The experimental system described above seems to be easy to reconstitute and should be useful for the elucidation of the mechanism of thyroid hormone action.  相似文献   

In anaerobically glucose-grown yeast isocitrate lyase (EC, malate synthase (EC and malate dehydrogenase (EC are repressed by glucose. 24 h cultures still contain 0.3–0.4% glucose in the medium, which is enough to completely repress these activities. Aeration of these cells, in buffer containing acetate, initiates the formation of the three enzymes. Within 16 h, the specific activities of these enzymes increase about 140, 120 and 70-fold, respectively. Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity was not altered. When the yeast was grown anaerobically, but with a supplement of an unsaturated fatty acid in the medium, synthesis of the three enzymes was much faster and the specific activities after 16 h of derepression were considerably higher. A relationship exists between the number of double bonds in the unsaturated fatty acid molecule and its capability to stimulate enzyme synthesis: linolenic acid is more effective than linoleic acid, which, in turn, is much more effective than oleic acid. Increasing periods of aeration with glucose of anaerobically grown cells prior to derepression results in an increasing stimulation of enzyme synthesis on subsequent derepression. Anaerobic incubation of yeast in the presence of an unsaturated fatty acid in advance to derepression also increased the velocity of enzyme formation. It is suggested that during the aeration period with glucose and during anaerobic incubation with an unsaturated fatty acid a more active protein synthesizing apparatus was formed.  相似文献   

Steroids inhibit glucose transport in erythrocytes by binding to sites in the carrier which are exposed on both the outer and inner surfaces of the cell membrane. Some steroids are bound almost exclusively at inner sites (androstendione and androstandione), while others are bound about as firmly on one side as the other (corticosterone). Still others exhibit a moderate preference for the internal site (deoxycorticosterone). The inhibition is in all cases competitive with respect to a substrate which is bound at the same surface of the membrane as the inhibitor. However, in experiments on substrate entry, internally bound inhibitors act in an apparently non-competitive fashion, as expected if the carrier model is valid. This behaviour explains the appearance of competitive, non-competitive and mixed inhibitions with different steroids (Lacko, L., Wittke, B. and Geck, P. (1975) J. Cell Physiol. 86, 673–680).  相似文献   

The glucose transport system, isolated from rat adipocyte membrane fractions, was reconstituted into phospholipid vesicles. Vesicles composed of crude egg yolk phospholipids, containing primarily phosphatidylcholine (PC) and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), demonstrated specific d-glucose uptake. Purified vesicles made of PC and PE also supported such activity but PC or PE by themselves did not. The modulation of this uptake activity has been studied by systematically altering the lipid composition of the reconstituted system with respect to: (1) polar headgroups; (2) acyl chains, and (3) charge. Addition of small amounts (20 mol%) of PS, phosphatidylinositol (PI), cholesterol, or sphingomyelin significantly reduced glucose transport activity. A similar effect was seen with the charged lipid, phosphatidic acid. In the case of PS, this effect was independent of the acyl chain composition. Polar headgroup modification of PE, however, did not appreciably affect transport activity. Free fatty acids, on the other hand, increased or decreased activity based on the degree of saturation and charge. These results indicate that glucose transport activity is sensitive to specific alterations in both the polar headgroup and acyl chain composition of the surrounding membrane lipids.  相似文献   

Gangliosides inhibit basal, thyrotropin-induced and fluoride-induced adenylate cyclase activity of human thyroid membranes in physiological conditions. In contrast neutral glycolipids, phospholipids and neuraminic acid containing oligosaccharides show no effect. The efficacy of inhibition is more dependent upon the position of the sialic acid residues than upon their absolute number. In general gangliosides with disialyl groups are more inhibitory than those with single sialyl moieties. The inhibitory effects of the individual gangliosides on the two modes of stimulation are parallel. This parallelism suggests that the inhibitory effect is located at the postreceptor level and that the gangliosides interact directly with the adenylate cyclase system. A possible role of thyroid membrane gangliosides as suppressive cofactors of adenylate cyclase is discussed in relation to recent findings of stimulating anti-ganglioside antibodies in Graves' disease.  相似文献   

Glucose can block the utilization of N-acetylglucosamine in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, a facultative aerobe, but not in Candida albicans, an obligatory aerobe. Furthermore, glucose represses the synthesis of the enzymes of the N-acetylglucosamine catabolic pathway in S. cerevisiae, but not in C. albicans. The results suggest that catabolite repression is present in S. cerevisiae, but not in C. albicans. Cyclic AMP added to S. cerevisiae cells maintained in a glucose medium cannot bring about their release from catabolite repression. On the contrary, the synthesis of inducible enzymes of N-acetylglucosamine pathway was inhibited by cyclic AMP in both the yeasts. This seems to indicate that cyclic AMP can penetrate into the yeast cells. Furthermore, cyclic AMP inhibits protein synthesis, suggesting that protein synthesis in yeast is under cyclic AMP control.  相似文献   

Selenomonas ruminantium HD4 produced significant quantities of d- and l-lactate from glucose in batch culture. Both isomers also supported growth if fumarate was present. In glucose-limited continuous culture, d-lactate was detected in the medium only at fast dilution rates. In continuous-culture-grown cells, only a cytoplasmic NAD-dependent l-lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and a membrane-associated NAD-independent l-LDH were detected; activity of the soluble enzyme was twice as high at the fast dilution rate as at the slow dilution rate. Lactate racemase was also detected; its activity was 4-fold higher at the fast dilution rate. The presence of racemase explains why d-lactate was made and used by this organism.  相似文献   

Several plant lipid transfer proteins (LTPs) act positively in plant disease resistance. Here, we show that LTP3 (At5g59320), a pathogen and abscisic acid (ABA)‐induced gene, negatively regulates plant immunity in Arabidopsis. The overexpression of LTP3 (LTP3‐OX) led to an enhanced susceptibility to virulent bacteria and compromised resistance to avirulent bacteria. On infection of LTP3‐OX plants with Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato, genes involved in ABA biosynthesis, NCED3 and AAO3, were highly induced, whereas salicylic acid (SA)‐related genes, ICS1 and PR1, were down‐regulated. Accordingly, in LTP3‐OX plants, we observed increased ABA levels and decreased SA levels relative to the wild‐type. We also showed that the LTP3 overexpression‐mediated enhanced susceptibility was partially dependent on AAO3. Interestingly, loss of function of LTP3 (ltp3‐1) did not affect ABA pathways, but resulted in PR1 gene induction and elevated SA levels, suggesting that LTP3 can negatively regulate SA in an ABA‐independent manner. However, a double mutant consisting of ltp3‐1 and silent LTP4 (ltp3/ltp4) showed reduced susceptibility to Pseudomonas and down‐regulation of ABA biosynthesis genes, suggesting that LTP3 acts in a redundant manner with its closest homologue LTP4 by modulating the ABA pathway. Taken together, our data show that LTP3 is a novel negative regulator of plant immunity which acts through the manipulation of the ABA–SA balance.  相似文献   

Depletion of energy stores of human red cells decreases the maximum transport capacity, Jm, for glucose transport to a value one-third or less of that found in red cells from freshly drawn blood. There is no change in Km. Hemolysis and resealing of red cells with ATP or ADP reverses the decrease in Jm. The maximum effect occurs at concentrations of ATP in the normal range for red cells, however, there is little effect from ADP concentrations in its normal range in freshly drawn red cells. Hemolysis and resealing with ATP gives an increase in Jm and an increase in differential labeling by photolytic labeling with tritiated cytochalasin B. Most of the activation is lost after a second hemolysis-reseal without ATP but about 25% of the activation remains.  相似文献   

The effect of Ba2+ (0.5 mM, corial side) upon the transport characteristics of the frog skin epithelium was investigated. It was observed that Ba2+ decreased the conductance of the preferably K+-permeable basolateral border to less than 30% of its control value. Furthermore, Ba2+ abolished the K+ electrode-like behaviour, existing at the basolateral membrane under conditions of zero transcellular current flow, for [K+] below 10–15 mM. Effects upon other parameters of transepithelial transport (electromotive forces and resistance of outer or basolateral border and shunt pathway, respectively) were small and might represent secondary events. It is concluded that Ba2+ inhibits passive fluxes of K+ across basolateral membranes of tight, Na+ transporting epithelia, similar to its influence upon membranes of nonpolar cells.  相似文献   

Isolated rat adipocytes were incubated with 15 nM [3-3H]glucose or 100 nM [U-14C]glucose with or without insulin and in the absence or presence of unlabelled glucose. Following a 2 h incubation with 15 nM [3-3H]glucose, about two thirds of the cell-associated 3H-labelled metabolic products were hydrophilic largely anionic intermediates and about one third was lipids. The equivalent values were 40 and 60%, respectively, when using 100 nM [U-14C]glucose. The only 14C-labelled metabolite escaping to the incubation medium was 14CO2, which accounted for about 15% of the rate of metabolism. Therefore, the rate of incorporation of 100 nM [U-14C]glucose into the cell-associated metabolites was quite a good measure of its net influx rate. The conversion of the two tracers to the sum of the metabolic products in cells treated with a maximally stimulating insulin concentration remained constant with glucose concentrations up to about 100 μM and then decreased progressively. The incorporation of radioactivity into the different metabolites varied markedly over the glucose concentration range 0–100 μM, presumably due to the saturation of different metabolic pools at different glucose concentrations. This variation was much less in cells not stimulated with insulin. Consequently, the maximal effect of insulin on the incorporation of the tracers into a given metabolite (e.g., labelled lipids) varied over the entire glucose concentration range. In addition, the apparent sensitivity (ED50) with respect to the incorporation into a given metabolite was also dependent on the glucose concentration.  相似文献   

Embryonic chick heart cells in culture transport 2-deoxy-D-glucose and 3-O-methyl-D-glucose very rapidly. By direct measurements of uptake, it was not possible to estimate accurately transport rates, nor, with 2-deoxyglucose, to discriminate clearly between its transport and phosphorylation. In contrast, the technique of countertransport made it possible to determine precisely initial transport velocity and to make the following observations: (1) phosphorylation, and not transport, is rate-limiting in 2-deoxyglucose uptake; (2) hexose transport is stimulated 5-fold by removal of glucose from culture medium; and (3) this stimulation is followed by an increase in phosphorylation, but the effect is much less pronounced (2-fold stimulation only). In conclusion, the adaptative regulation of glucose transport described in many fibroblast cell lines exists also in cardiac cells.  相似文献   

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