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Understanding the coevolution of hosts and parasites is a long‐standing goal of evolutionary biology. There is a well‐developed theoretical framework to describe the evolution of host–parasite interactions under the assumption of direct, two‐species interactions, which can result in arms race dynamics or sustained genotype fluctuations driven by negative frequency dependence (Red Queen dynamics). However, many hosts rely on symbionts for defence against parasites. Whilst the ubiquity of defensive symbionts and their potential importance for disease control are increasingly recognized, there is still a gap in our understanding of how symbionts mediate or possibly take part in host–parasite coevolution. Herein we address this question by synthesizing information already available from theoretical and empirical studies. First, we briefly introduce current hypotheses on how defensive mutualisms evolved from more parasitic relationships and highlight exciting new experimental evidence showing that this can occur very rapidly. We go on to show that defensive symbionts influence virtually all important determinants of coevolutionary dynamics, namely the variation in host resistance available to selection by parasites, the specificity of host resistance, and the trade‐off structure between host resistance and other components of fitness. In light of these findings, we turn to the limited theory and experiments available for such three‐species interactions to assess the role of defensive symbionts in host–parasite coevolution. Specifically, we discuss under which conditions the defensive symbiont may take over from the host the reciprocal adaptation with parasites and undergo its own selection dynamics, thereby altering or relaxing selection on the hosts' own immune defences. Finally, we address potential effects of defensive symbionts on the evolution of parasite virulence. This is an important problem for which there is no single, clear‐cut prediction. The selection on parasite virulence resulting from the presence of defensive symbionts in their hosts will depend on the underlying mechanism of defence. We identify the evolutionary predictions for different functional categories of symbiont‐conferred resistance and we evaluate the empirical literature for supporting evidence. We end this review with outstanding questions and promising avenues for future research to improve our understanding of symbiont‐mediated coevolution between hosts and parasites.  相似文献   

Ever since existence of sexuality in plants was accepted in around 1700, questions centred about the role and maintenance of sexual reproduction in general, leading to a number of hypotheses like the Vicar of Bray, the Ratchet or the Hitch-hiker theory. Bell (The masterpiece of nature. The evolution and genetics of sexuality. University of California Press, Berkeley, LA, 1982) formulated the Red Queen Hypothesis (RQH) which explains the persistence of sexual reproduction as an outcome of a coevolutionary arms race between hosts and parasites. By sexual recombination and genetic diversification hosts minimize the risk of pathogen infection. Since virulence of pathogens is genetically determined and often species specific, parasites are mostly adapted to common host genotypes, whereas rare and divergent genotypes are less infected and therefore have a selective advantage. Employing Dawkins (The extended phenotype. The long reach of the gene, 1999) central theorem of the extended phenotype to the RQH, mating systems in hosts might be a result of the long reach of the parasites genes. Here now the hypothesis is proposed, that evolution by hybridisation and polyploidy in host plants is an extended phenotype of parasites, a response of hosts triggered by the parasites genes to slow down the effects of the Red Queen strategy of plants. Thus, hybridisation and polyploidy might have evolved by parasite pressure and not by host strategy. This hypothesis is called the “hybridisation-of-the-host-hypothesis”.  相似文献   

One version of the Red Queen hypothesis suggests that sexual reproduction may be an advantage in a coevolutionary arms race. Antagonistic biotic interactions, especially those between parasite and host, are thought to represent a sufficient evolutionary force to counterbalance the supposed inefficiency of sexual reproduction. Recent experimental studies demonstrate negative frequency-dependent selection, increased parasite load in parthenogenetic races relative to sympatric sexual conspecifics and correlations between recombination rate and frequency of parasitic chromosomes. These studies provide strong empirical evidence that there is an important role for parasites in maintaining sex.  相似文献   

The Red Queen hypothesis posits a promising way to explain the widespread existence of sexual reproduction despite the cost of producing males. The essence of the hypothesis is that coevolutionary interactions between hosts and parasites select for the genetic diversification of offspring via cross‐fertilization. Here, I relax a common assumption of many Red Queen models that each host is exposed to one parasite. Instead, I assume that the number of propagules encountered by each host depends on the number of infected hosts in the previous generation, which leads to additional complexities. The results suggest that epidemiological feedbacks, combined with frequency‐dependent selection, could lead to the long‐term persistence of sex under biologically reasonable conditions.  相似文献   



One of the big remaining challenges in evolutionary biology is to understand the evolution and maintenance of meiotic recombination. As recombination breaks down successful genotypes, it should be selected for only under very limited conditions. Yet, recombination is very common and phylogenetically widespread. The Red Queen Hypothesis is one of the most prominent hypotheses for the adaptive value of recombination and sexual reproduction. The Red Queen Hypothesis predicts an advantage of recombination for hosts that are coevolving with their parasites. We tested predictions of the hypothesis with experimental coevolution using the red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum, and its microsporidian parasite, Nosema whitei.  相似文献   

The parasite (Red Queen) hypothesis for the maintenance of sexual reproduction and genetic diversity assumes that host-parasite interactions result from tight genetic specificity. Hence, hybridization between divergent parasite populations would be expected to disrupt adaptive gene combinations, leading to reduced infectivity on exposure to parental sympatric hosts, as long as gene effects are nonadditive. In contrast, hybridization would not cause reduced infectivity on allopatric hosts unless the divergent parasite populations possess alleles that are intrinsically incompatible when they are combined. In three different experiments, we compared the infectivity of locally adapted parasite (trematode) populations with that of F(1) hybrid parasites when exposed to host (snail) populations that were sympatric to one of the two parasite populations. We tested for intrinsic genetic incompatibilities in two experiments by including one host population that was allopatric to both parasite populations. As predicted, when the target host populations were sympatric to the parasite populations, the hybrids were significantly less infective than the parental average, while hybrid parasites on allopatric hosts were not, thereby ruling out intrinsic genetic incompatibilities. The results are consistent with nonadditive gene effects and tightly specific host-driven selection underlying parasite divergence, as envisioned by coevolutionary theory and the Red Queen hypothesis.  相似文献   

Host recombination is dependent on the degree of parasitism   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Parasites and hosts are involved in a continuous coevolutionary process leading to genetic changes in both counterparts. To understand this process, it is necessary to track host responses, one of which could be an increase in sex and recombination, such as is proposed by the Red Queen hypothesis. In this theoretical framework, the inducible recombination hypothesis states that B-chromosomes (genome parasites that prosper in natural populations of many living beings) elicit an increase in host chiasma frequency that is favoured by natural selection because it increases the proportion of recombinant progeny, some of which could be resistant to both B-chromosome effects and B-accumulation in the germline. We have found a clear parallelism between host recombination and the evolutionary status of the B-chromosome polymorphism, which provides explicit evidence for inducible recombination and strong support for the Red Queen hypothesis.  相似文献   

Antagonistic coevolution between hosts and parasites is known to affect selection on recombination in hosts. The Red Queen Hypothesis (RQH) posits that genetic shuffling is beneficial for hosts because it quickly creates resistant genotypes. Indeed, a large body of theoretical studies have shown that for many models of the genetic interaction between host and parasite, the coevolutionary dynamics of hosts and parasites generate selection for recombination or sexual reproduction. Here we investigate models in which the effect of the host on the parasite (and vice versa) depend approximately multiplicatively on the number of matched alleles. Contrary to expectation, these models generate a dynamical behavior that strongly selects against recombination/sex. We investigate this atypical behavior analytically and numerically. Specifically we show that two complementary equilibria are responsible for generating strong linkage disequilibria of opposite sign, which in turn causes strong selection against sex. The biological relevance of this finding stems from the fact that these phenomena can also be observed if hosts are attacked by two parasites that affect host fitness independently. Hence the role of the Red Queen Hypothesis in natural host parasite systems where infection by multiple parasites is the rule rather than the exception needs to be reevaluated.  相似文献   

Antagonistic coevolution between hosts and parasites can involve rapid fluctuations of genotype frequencies that are known as Red Queen dynamics. Under such dynamics, recombination in the hosts may be advantageous because genetic shuffling can quickly produce disproportionately fit offspring (the Red Queen hypothesis). Previous models investigating these dynamics have assumed rather simple models of genetic interactions between hosts and parasites. Here, we assess the robustness of earlier theoretical predictions about the Red Queen with respect to the underlying host-parasite interactions. To this end, we created large numbers of random interaction matrices, analysed the resulting dynamics through simulation, and ascertained whether recombination was favoured or disfavoured. We observed Red Queen dynamics in many of our simulations provided the interaction matrices exhibited sufficient ‘antagonicity’. In agreement with previous studies, strong selection on either hosts or parasites favours selection for increased recombination. However, fast changes in the sign of linkage disequilibrium or epistasis were only infrequently observed and do not appear to be a necessary condition for the Red Queen hypothesis to work. Indeed, recombination was often favoured even though the linkage disequilibrium remained of constant sign throughout the simulations. We conclude that Red Queen-type dynamics involving persistent fluctuations in host and parasite genotype frequencies appear to not be an artefact of specific assumptions about host-parasite fitness interactions, but emerge readily with the general interactions studied here. Our results also indicate that although recombination is often favoured, some of the factors previously thought to be important in this process such as linkage disequilibrium fluctuations need to be reassessed when fitness interactions between hosts and parasites are complex.  相似文献   

A basic assumption underlying models of host-parasite coevolution is the existence of additive genetic variation among hosts for resistance to parasites. However, estimates of additive genetic variation are lacking for natural populations of invertebrates. Testing this assumption is especially important in view of current models that suggest parasites may be responsible for the evolution of sex, such as the Red Queen hypothesis. This hypothesis suggests that the twofold reproductive disadvantage of sex relative to parthenogenesis can be overcome by the more rapid production of rare genotypes resistant to parasites. Here I present evidence of significant levels of additive genetic variance in parasite resistance for an invertebrate host-parasite system in nature. Using families of the bivalve mollusc, Transennella tantilla, cultured in the laboratory, then exposed to parasites in the field, I quantified heritable variation in parasite resistance under natural conditions. The spatial distribution of outplanted hosts was also varied to determine environmental contributions to levels of parasite infection and to estimate potential interactions of host genotype with environment. The results show moderate but significant levels of heritability for resistance to parasites (h2 = 0.36). The spatial distribution of hosts also significantly influenced parasite prevalence such that increased host aggregation resulted in decreased levels of parasite infection. Family mean correlations across environments were positive, indicating no genotype-environment interaction. Therefore, these results provide support for important assumptions underlying coevolutionary models of host-parasite systems.  相似文献   

In theory, parasites can create time-lagged, frequency-dependent selection in their hosts, resulting in oscillatory gene-frequency dynamics in both the host and the parasite (the Red Queen hypothesis). However, oscillatory dynamics have not been observed in natural populations. In the present study, we evaluated the dynamics of asexual clones of a New Zealand snail, Potamopyrgus antipodarum, and its trematode parasites over a five-year period. During the summer of each year, we determined host-clone frequencies in random samples of the snail to track genetic changes in the snail population. Similarly, we monitored changes in the parasite population, focusing on the dominant parasite, Microphallus sp., by calculating the frequency of clones in samples of infected individuals from the same collections. We then compared these results to the results of a computer model that was designed to examine clone frequency dynamics for various levels of parasite virulence. Consistent with these simulations and with ideas regarding dynamic coevolution, parasites responded to common clones in a time-lagged fashion. Finally, in a laboratory experiment, we found that clones that had been rare during the previous five years were significantly less infectible by Microphallus when compared to the common clones. Taken together, these results confirm that rare host genotypes are more likely to escape infection by parasites; they also show that host-parasite interactions produce, in a natural population, some of the dynamics anticipated by the Red Queen hypothesis.  相似文献   

In this synthesis we apply coevolutionary models to the interactions between socially parasitic ants and their hosts. Obligate social parasite systems are ideal models for coevolution, because the close phylogenetic relationship between these parasites and their hosts results in similar evolutionary potentials, thus making mutual adaptations in a stepwise fashion especially likely to occur. The evolutionary dynamics of host-parasite interactions are influenced by a number of parameters, for example the parasite's transmission mode and rate, the genetic structure of host and parasite populations, the antagonists' migration rates, and the degree of mutual specialisation. For the three types of obligate ant social parasites, queen-tolerant and queen-intolerant inquilines and slavemakers, several of these parameters, and thus the evolutionary trajectory, are likely to differ. Because of the fundamental differences in lifestyle between these social parasite systems, coevolution should further select for different traits in the parasites and their hosts. Queen-tolerant inquilines are true parasites that exert a low selection pressure on their host, because of their rarity and the fact that they do not conduct slave raids to replenish their labour force. Due to their high degree of specialisation and the potential for vertical transmission, coevolutionary theory would predict interactions between these workerless parasites and their hosts to become even more benign over time. Queen-intolerant inquilines that kill the host queen during colony take-over are best described as parasitoids, and their reproductive success is limited by the existing worker force of the invaded host nest. These parasites should therefore evolve strategies to best exploit this fixed resource. Slavemaking ants, by contrast, act as parasites only during colony foundation, while their frequent slave raids follow a predator prey dynamic. They often exploit a number of host species at a given site, and theory predicts that their associations are best described in terms of a highly antagonistic coevolutionary arms race.  相似文献   

One of the leading hypotheses for the maintenance of sexual reproduction is the Red Queen hypothesis. The underlying premise of the Red Queen hypothesis is that parasites rapidly evolve to infect common host genotypes. This response by parasites could result in the long-term maintenance of genetic variation and may favor sexual reproduction over asexual reproduction. The underlying ideas present a wonderful microcosm for teaching evolution. Here I present the reasons for why sex is anomalous for evolutionary theory, the rationale underlying the Red Queen hypothesis, and some empirical studies of the Red Queen hypothesis using a freshwater snail. The empirical results are consistent with the Red Queen hypothesis. In addition, the distribution of sexual and asexual reproduction in the snail leads naturally to thinking about coevolution in a geographic mosaic of parasite-mediated natural selection.  相似文献   

The widespread occurrence of sexual reproduction despite the two-fold disadvantage of producing males, is still an unsolved mystery in evolutionary biology. One explanatory theory, called the "Red Queen" hypothesis, states that sex is an adaptation to escape from parasites. A more recent hypothesis, the mate selection hypothesis, assumes that non-random mating, possible only with sex, accelerates the evolution of beneficial traits. This paper tests these two hypotheses, using an agent-based or "micro-analytic" evolutionary algorithm where host-parasite interaction is simulated adhering to biological reality. While previous simpler models testing the "Red Queen" hypothesis considered mainly haploid hosts, stable population density, random mating and simplified expression of fitness, our more realistic model allows diploidy, mate selection, live history constraints and variable population densities. Results suggest that the Red Queen hypothesis is not valid for more realistic evolutionary scenarios and that each of the two hypotheses tested seem to explain partially but not exhaustively the adaptive value of sex. Based on the results we suggest that sexual populations in nature should avoid both, maximizing outbreeding or maximizing inbreeding and should acquire mate selection strategies which favour optimal ranges of genetic mixing in accordance with environmental challenges.  相似文献   

Sexual outcrossing is costly relative to selfing and asexuality, yet it is ubiquitous in nature, a paradox that has long puzzled evolutionary biologists. The Red Queen Hypothesis argues that outcrossing is maintained by antagonistic interactions between host and parasites. Most tests of this hypothesis focus on the maintenance of outcrossing in hosts. The Red Queen makes an additional prediction that parasitic taxa are more likely to be outcrossing than their free‐living relatives. We test this prediction in the diverse Nematode phylum using phylogenetic comparative methods to evaluate trait correlations. In support of the Red Queen, we demonstrate a significant correlation between parasitism and outcrossing in this clade. We find that this correlation is driven by animal parasites, for which outcrossing is significantly enriched relative to both free‐living and plant parasitic taxa. Finally, we test hypotheses for the evolutionary history underlying the correlation of outcrossing and animal parasitism. Our results demonstrate that selfing and asexuality are significantly less likely to arise on parasitic lineages than on free‐living ones. The findings of this study are consistent with the Red Queen Hypothesis. Moreover, they suggest that the maintenance of genetic variation is an important factor in the persistence of parasitic lineages.  相似文献   

Migrations, i.e. the recurring, roundtrip movement of animals between distant and distinct habitats, occur among diverse metazoan taxa. Although traditionally linked to avoidance of food shortages, predators or harsh abiotic conditions, there is increasing evidence that parasites may have played a role in the evolution of migration. On the one hand, selective pressures from parasites can favour migratory strategies that allow either avoidance of infections or recovery from them. On the other hand, infected animals incur physiological costs that may limit their migratory abilities, affecting their speed, the timing of their departure or arrival, and/or their condition upon reaching their destination. During migration, reduced immunocompetence as well as exposure to different external conditions and parasite infective stages can influence infection dynamics. Here, we first explore whether parasites represent extra costs for their hosts during migration. We then review how infection dynamics and infection risk are affected by host migration, thereby considering parasites as both causes and consequences of migration. We also evaluate the comparative evidence testing the hypothesis that migratory species harbour a richer parasite fauna than their closest free-living relatives, finding general support for the hypothesis. Then we consider the implications of host migratory behaviour for parasite ecology and evolution, which have received much less attention. Parasites of migratory hosts may achieve much greater spatial dispersal than those of non-migratory hosts, expanding their geographical range, and providing more opportunities for host-switching. Exploiting migratory hosts also exerts pressures on the parasite to adapt its phenology and life-cycle duration, including the timing of major developmental, reproduction and transmission events. Natural selection may even favour parasites that manipulate their host's migratory strategy in ways that can enhance parasite transmission. Finally, we propose a simple integrated framework based on eco-evolutionary feedbacks to consider the reciprocal selection pressures acting on migratory hosts and their parasites. Host migratory strategies and parasite traits evolve in tandem, each acting on the other along two-way causal paths and feedback loops. Their likely adjustments to predicted climate change will be understood best from this coevolutionary perspective.  相似文献   

Host tolerance to infectious disease, whereby hosts do not directly “fight” parasites but instead ameliorate the damage caused, is an important defense mechanism in both plants and animals. Because tolerance to parasite virulence may lead to higher prevalence of disease in a population, evolutionary theory tells us that while the spread of resistance genes will result in negative frequency dependence and the potential for diversification, the evolution of tolerance is instead likely to result in fixation. However, our understanding of the broader implications of tolerance is limited by a lack of fully coevolutionary theory. Here we examine the coevolution of tolerance across a comprehensive range of classic coevolutionary host–parasite frameworks, including equivalents of gene‐for‐gene and matching allele and evolutionary invasion models. Our models show that the coevolution of host tolerance and parasite virulence does not lead to the generation and maintenance of diversity through either static polymorphisms or through “Red‐queen” cycles. Coevolution of tolerance may however lead to multiple stable states leading to sudden shifts in parasite impacts on host health. More broadly, we emphasize that tolerance may change host–parasite interactions from antagonistic to a form of “apparent commensalism,” but may also lead to the evolution of parasites that are highly virulent in nontolerant hosts.  相似文献   

Sex and recombination remain one of the biggest riddles of evolutionary biology. One of the most prominent hypotheses, the Red Queen Hypothesis, claims that sex has evolved as a means to efficiently create genotypes that are resistant against coevolving parasites. However, previous models of the Red Queen have assumed that all individuals are equally likely to engage in sexual reproduction, regardless of their infection status, an assumption that may not be true in reality. Here, we consider a population genetic model of a host population coevolving with a parasite population, where the parasites are haploid and the hosts either haploid or diploid. We assume that the probability to engage in sex may be different in infected and uninfected hosts and ascertain the success of different reproductive strategies with a modifier-gene approach. Our model shows that in the large majority of the parameter space, infection-dependent sex is more successful than infection-independent sex. We identify at least two reasons for this: (i) an immediate short-term advantage of breaking-down gene combinations of unfit individuals and (ii) a selfish spread of the condition-dependent modifiers, in analogy to the 'abandon-ship' effect in single species. In diploids, these effects are often powerful enough to overcome the detrimental effects of segregation. These results raise the intriguing question of why infection-induced sex is not more commonly observed in nature.  相似文献   

The Red Queen coevolutionary hypothesis predicts that parasites drive oscillations in host genotype frequencies due to frequency-dependent selection where common hosts are at disadvantage. However, examples of this phenomenon in natural populations are scarce. To examine if the Red Queen theory operates in the wild, we studied the genetic structure of populations of the crustacean waterflea ( Daphnia ), in relation to their infection levels, for which we collected multiple samples from a variety of lakes. The most common clone in a given population was often underinfected. This advantage, however, did not remain stable over time. Instead, the most common clone decreased in frequency over subsequent generations, indicating that parasites can track common clones. Such decreases were not observed in uninfected populations. Moreover, host clonal evenness was higher across the set of infected lakes compared to uninfected lakes; suggesting that any common clone is selected against when parasites are present. These results strongly suggest that Red Queen dynamics do operate in the wild.  相似文献   

Natural populations of hosts and parasites are often subdivided and patchily distributed such that some regions of a host species' range will be free from a given parasite. Host migration from parasite-free to parasite-containing patches is expected to alter coevolutionary dynamics by changing the evolutionary potential of antagonists. Specifically, host immigration can favor parasites by increasing transmission opportunities, or hosts by introducing genetic variation. We tested these predictions in coevolving populations of Pseudomonas fluorescens and phage Phi2 that received immigrants from phage-free populations. We observed a negative quadratic relationship between sympatric resistance to phage and host immigration rate (highest at intermediate immigration) but a positive quadratic relationship between coevolution rate and host immigration rate (lowest at intermediate immigration). These results indicate that for a wide range of rates, host immigration from parasite-free patches can increase the evolutionary potential of parasites, and increase the coevolutionary rate if parasite adaptation is limiting in the absence of immigration.  相似文献   

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