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Character displacement can reduce costly interspecific interactions between young species. We investigated the mechanisms behind divergence in three key traits-breeding habitat choice, timing of breeding, and plumage coloration-in Ficedula flycatchers. We found that male pied flycatchers became expelled from the preferred deciduous habitat into mixed forest as the superior competitor, collared flycatchers, increased in numbers. The peak in food abundance differs between habitats, and the spatial segregation was paralleled by an increased divergence in timing of breeding between the two species. Male pied flycatchers vary from brown to black with brown coloration being more frequent in sympatry with collared flycatchers, a pattern often proposed to result from selection against hybridization, that is, reinforcement. In contrast to this view, we show that brown male pied flycatchers more often hybridize than black males. Male pied flycatcher plumage coloration influenced the territory obtained in areas of co-occurrence with collared flycatchers, and brown male pied flycatchers experienced higher relative fitness than black males when faced with heterospecific competition. We suggest that allopatric divergence in resource defense ability causes a feedback loop at secondary contact where male pied flycatchers with the most divergent strategy compared to collared flycatchers are favored by selection.  相似文献   

Secondary contact between closely related species can lead tohybridization. The fitness of hybrid individuals within andoutside the hybrid zone determines whether the hybrid zone expandsinto the ranges of the 2 parental species or remains a stable,geographically narrow area in between the allopatric rangesof the parental species. In birds, vocalizations play an importantrole in male–male competition and female mate choice andare often affected by hybridization. One of the factors thatwill influence male hybrid fitness is the ability to defenda territory against competitors by vocalizing. We tested theefficacy of territorial signals of hybrids of 2 dove species,Streptopelia vinacea and Streptopelia capicola, compared withthe vocalizations of the parental species. With playback experiments,we assessed the response to hybrid and the 2 parental speciesvocalizations in the hybrid zone and adjacent allopatric populationsof each species. In the hybrid zone, males did not respond differentlyto the 3 vocalization types. In both allopatric populations,however, males responded more to conspecific than to heterospecificsignals and the response strength to hybrid signals was intermediate.Therefore, in the allopatric populations, hybrid males may havea reduced success in defending territories. In male–maleinteractions in the hybrid zone, hybrids may not have a disadvantagecompared with males of the parental species. The ability todefend a territory against competitors may thus help maintaina stable hybrid zone in the area of overlap.  相似文献   

The theory of reinforcement predicts that natural selection against the production of unfit hybrids favours traits that increase assortative mating. Whether culturally inherited traits, such as bird song, can increase assortative mating by reinforcement is largely unknown. We compared songs of pied (Ficedula hypoleuca) and collared flycatchers (F. albicollis) from two hybrid zones of different ages with songs from allopatric populations. Previously, a character divergence in male plumage traits has been shown to reinforce premating isolation in sympatric flycatchers. In contrast, we find that the song of the pied flycatcher has converged towards that of the collared flycatcher (mixed singing). However, a corresponding divergence in the collared flycatcher shows that the species differences in song characters are maintained in sympatry. Genetic analyses suggest that mixed song is not caused by introgression from the collared flycatcher, but rather due to heterospecific copying. Circumstantial evidence suggests that mixed song may increase the rate of maladaptive hybridization. In the oldest hybrid zone where reinforcement on plumage traits is most pronounced, the frequency of mixed singing and hybridization is also lowest. Thus, we suggest that reinforcement has reduced the frequency of mixed singing in the pied flycatcher and caused a divergence in the song of the collared flycatcher. Whether a culturally inherited trait promotes or opposes speciation in sympatry may depend on its plasticity. The degree of plasticity may be genetically determined and accordingly under selection by reinforcement.  相似文献   

Traits that mediate intraspecific social interactions may overlap in closely related sympatric species, resulting in costly between-species interactions. Such interactions have principally interested investigators studying the evolution of reproductive isolation via reproductive character displacement (RCD) or reinforcement, yet in addition to reproductive interference, interspecific trait overlap can lead to costly between-species aggression. Previous research on rubyspot damselflies (Hetaerina spp.) demonstrated that sympatric shifts in male wing colour patterns and competitor recognition reduce interspecific aggression, supporting the hypothesis that agonistic character displacement (ACD) drove trait shifts. However, a recent theoretical model shows that RCD overshadows ACD if the same male trait is used for both female mate recognition and male competitor recognition. To determine whether female mate recognition is based on male wing coloration in Hetaerina, we conducted a phenotype manipulation experiment. Compared to control males, male H. americana with wings manipulated to resemble a sympatric congener (H. titia) suffered no reduction in mating success. Thus, female mate recognition is not based on species differences in male wing coloration. Experimental males did, however, experience higher interspecific fighting rates and reduced survival compared to controls. These results greatly strengthen the case for ACD and highlight the mechanistic distinction between ACD and RCD.  相似文献   

Several lines of evidence implicate sexual isolation in both initiating and completing the speciation process. Although its existence is straightforward to demonstrate, understanding the evolution of sexual isolation requires identifying the underlying phenotypes responsible so that we can determine how these have diverged. Here, we study geographic variation in female mate preferences for male sexual displays in the fly Drosophila subquinaria. Female D. subquinaria that are sympatric with its sister species D. recens discriminate strongly against both D. recens and allopatric conspecific males, whereas females from allopatric populations do not. Furthermore, female mate preferences target at least in part a suite of cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs) in males and geographic variation in CHCs mirrors the pattern of mate discrimination. In this study, we quantify female mate preferences for male CHCs from populations that span the geographic range of D. subquinaria. We find that the direction of linear sexual selection varies significantly between populations that are sympatric versus allopatric with D. recens in a pattern of reproductive character displacement. Differences in preference partially align with existing differences in CHCs and patterns of sexual isolation, although discrepancies remain that suggest the involvement of additional traits and/or more complex, nonlinear preference functions.  相似文献   

Reproductive character displacement occurs when sympatric and allopatric populations of a species differ in traits crucial to reproduction, and it is commonly thought of as a signal of selection acting to limit hybridization. Most documented cases of reproductive character displacement involve characters that are poorly understood at the genetic level, and rejecting alternative hypotheses for biogeographic shifts in reproductive traits is often very difficult. In sea urchins, the gamete recognition protein bindin evolves under positive selection when species are broadly sympatric, suggesting character displacement may be operating in this system. We sampled sympatric and allopatric populations of two species in the sea urchin genus Echinometra for variation in bindin and for the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I to examine patterns of population differentiation and molecular evolution at a reproductive gene. We found a major shift in bindin alleles between central Pacific (allopatric) and western Pacific (sympatric) populations of E. oblonga. Allopatric populations of E. oblonga are polyphyletic with E. sp. C at bindin, whereas sympatric populations of the two species are reciprocally monophyletic. There is a strong signal of positive selection (P(N)/P(S) = 4.5) in the variable region of the first exon of bindin, which is associated with alleles found in sympatric populations of E. oblonga. These results indicate that there is a strong pattern of reproductive character displacement between E. oblonga and E. sp. C and that the divergence is driven by selection. There is much higher population structure in sympatric populations at the bindin locus than at the neutral mitochondrial locus, but this difference is not seen in allopatric populations. These data suggest a pattern of speciation driven by selection for local gamete coevolution as a result of interactions between sympatric species. Although this pattern is highly suggestive of speciation by reinforcement, further research into hybrid fitness and egg-sperm interactions is required to address this potential mechanism for character displacement.  相似文献   

Abstract. Acoustic mate-attracting signals of related sympatric, synchronic species are always distinguishable, but those of related allopatric species sometimes are not, thus suggesting that such signals may evolve to "reinforce" premating species isolation when similar species become sympatric. This hypothesis predicts divergences restricted to regions of sympatry in partially overlapping species, but such "reproductive character displacement" has rarely been confirmed. We report such a case in the acoustic signals of a previously unrecognized 13-year periodical cicada species, Magicicada neotredecim , described here as a new species (see Appendix). Where M. neotredecim overlaps M. tredecim in the central United States, the dominant male call pitch (frequency) of M. neotredecim increases from approximately 1.4 kHz to 1.7 kHz, whereas that of M. tredecim remains comparatively stable. The average preferences of female M. neotredecim for call pitch show a similar geographic pattern, changing with the call pitch of conspecific males. Magicicada neotredecim differs from 13-year M. tredecim in abdomen coloration, mitochondrial DNA, and call pitch, but is not consistently distinguishable from 17-year M. septendecim ; thus, like other Magicicada species, M. neotredecim appears most closely related to a geographically adjacent counterpart with the alternative life cycle. Speciation in Magicicada may be facilitated by life-cycle changes that create temporal isolation, and reinforcement could play a role by fostering divergence in premating signals prior to speciation. We present two theories of Magicicada speciation by life-cycle evolution: "nurse-brood facilitation" and "life-cycle canalization."  相似文献   

Problems in species recognition are thought to affect the evolution of secondary sexual characters mainly through avoidance of maladaptive hybridization. Another, but much less studied avenue for the evolution of sexual characters due to species recognition problems is through interspecific aggression. In the damselfly, Calopteryx splendens, males have pigmented wing spots as a sexual character. Large-spotted males resemble males of another species, Calopteryx virgo, causing potential problems in species recognition. In this study, we investigate whether there is character displacement in wing spot size and whether interspecific aggression could cause this pattern. We found first that wing spot size of C. splendens in populations decreased with increasing relative abundance of C. virgo. Secondly, C. virgo males were more aggressive towards large- than small-spotted C. splendens males. Thirdly, in interspecific contests C. virgo males had better territory holding ability than C. splendens males. These results suggest that interspecific aggression may have caused character displacement in wing spot size of C. splendens, because the intensity of aggression towards large-spotted males is likely to increase with relative abundance of C. virgo males. Thus, interspecific aggression may be an evolutionarily significant force that is able to cause divergence in secondary sexual characters.  相似文献   

Acoustic signals sometimes act as premating isolating barriers between animal species, but we know little about the circumstances that dictate the presence and strength of these barriers. Among insects, barriers to backcrossing are strengthened by acoustic signals that are under genetic control. Hybrid signals tend to be intermediate to parental signals, and signals are recognized only by like‐types, which results in reinforced species boundaries. This is not typically the case in avian taxa. Instead, acoustic signal transmission is controlled by some combination of genes and learning, and perhaps as a consequence of this variation, vocalizations play a diversity of roles in avian hybrid zones. I used California and Gambel's quail (Callipepla californica and C. gambelii), hybridizing birds that do not learn to vocalize, to explore whether genetically determined vocalizations function as a species barrier. Using spectral analysis, I measured temporal features of calls of uniquely colour‐banded quail that were recorded across one area of the California and Gambel's quail hybrid zone. Species discrimination is known to occur under captive conditions, though its basis is unexplored. Here I show that differences in the calls of parental species are likely great enough to permit species discrimination. Hybrid call components were intermediate to those of the parental species and covaried with genetic traits, as assessed with seven highly polymorphic microsatellite loci. Contrary to expectation, males as frequently called in response to unlike‐ as like‐type females who had initiated antiphonal calling, which is a courtship call between a female and a male. Furthermore, paired males and females did not share like‐type assembly calls, nor was there a correlation between the female's genetic or plumage traits and her mate's advertisement call. Based on these results, I conclude that California and Gambel's quail recognize each other and hybrids as potential mates and backcrossing occurs frequently. Thus, compatible mating signals could contribute to increased mixing of gene pools and slow the rate of speciation. I suggest that selection to respond to wide signal variation within species and imprinting on calls of mixed‐species coveys may cause mating signal compatibility between classes within the area of hybridization. © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2005, 86 , 253–264.  相似文献   

Interactions with heterospecifics can promote the evolution of divergent mating behaviours between populations that do and do not occur with heterospecifics. This process--reproductive character displacement--potentially results from selection to minimize the risk of mating with heterospecifics. We sought to determine whether heterospecific interactions lead to divergence of female preferences for aspects of conspecific male signals. We used artificial neural network models to simulate a mate recognition system in which females co-occur with different heterospecifics in different populations. Populations that evolved conspecific recognition in the presence of different heterospecifics varied in their preferences for aspects of conspecific male signals. When we tested networks for their preferences of conspecific versus heterospecific signals, however, we found that networks from allopatric populations were usually able to select against heterospecifics. We suggest that female preferences for aspects of conspecific male signals can result in a concomitant reduction in the likelihood that females will mate with heterospecifics. Consequently, even females in allopatry may discriminate against heterospecific mates depending on the nature of their preferences for conspecifics. Such a pattern could potentially explain cases where reproductive character displacement is expected, but not observed.  相似文献   

Selection against costly reproductive interactions can lead to reproductive character displacement (RCD). We use information from patterns of displacement and inferences about predisplacement character states to investigate causes of RCD in periodical cicadas. The 13-year periodical cicada Magicicada neotredecim exhibits RCD and strong reproductive isolation in sympatry with a closely related 13-year species, Magicicada tredecim. Displacement is asymmetrical, because no corresponding pattern of character displacement exists within M. tredecim. Results from playback and hybridization experiments strongly suggest that sexual interactions between members of these species were possible at initial contact. Given these patterns, we evaluate potential sources of selection for displacement. One possible source is 'acoustical interference', or mate-location inefficiencies caused by the presence of heterospecifics. Acoustical interference combined with the species-specificity of song pitch and preference appears to predict the observed asymmetrical pattern of RCD in Magicicada. However, acoustical interference does not appear to be a complete explanation for displacement in Magicicada, because our experiments suggest a significant potential for direct sexual interactions between these species before displacement. Another possible source of selection for displacement is hybrid failure. We evaluate the attractiveness of inferred hybrid mating signals, and we examine the viability of hybrid eggs. Neither of these shows strong evidence of hybrid inferiority. We conclude by presenting a model of hybrid failure related to life cycle differences in Magicicada.  相似文献   

The relative importance of male and female mating preferences in causing sexual isolation between species remains a major unresolved question in speciation. Despite previous work showing that male courtship bias and/or female copulation bias for conspecifics occur in many taxa, the present study is one of the first large‐scale works to study their relative divergence. To achieve this, we used data from the literature and present experiments across 66 Drosophila species pairs. Our results revealed that male and female mate preferences are both ubiquitous in Drosophila but evolved largely independently, suggesting different underlying evolutionary and genetic mechanisms. Moreover, their relative divergence strongly depends on the geographical relationship of species. Between allopatric species, male courtship and female copulation preferences diverged at very similar rates, evolving approximately linearly with time of divergence. In sharp contrast, between sympatric species pairs, female preferences diverged much more rapidly than male preferences and were the only drivers of enhanced sexual isolation in sympatry and Reproductive Character Displacement (RCD). Not only does this result suggest that females are primarily responsible for such processes as reinforcement, but it also implies that evolved female preferences may reduce selection for further divergence of male courtship preferences in sympatry.  相似文献   

Courtship song is known to vary among several groups of closely related species ofDrosophila. The present study investigates differences in song among four members of thequinaria group of fungal-breedingDrosophila which are known to coexist in Britain and the near-continent. Results show that the species can be distinguished by several song parameters including interpulse interval.D. phalerata is very different from the other three species, while there is considerable overlap betweenD. kuntzei andD. limbata in several characters.D. transversa appears to be more similar to the latter species than it is toD. phalerata. The question of mate choice and the potential for reproductive character displacement are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract Interactions between species can affect the evolution of their sexual signals, receiver selectivity, or both. One commonly expected outcome is reproductive character displacement, whereby adverse consequences of mismating select for greater differentiation of communication systems in areas of sympatry than in areas of allopatry. We found evidence of reproductive character displacement in the acoustic communication system of green tree frogs ( Hyla cinerea ). The strength of female preferences for the spectral properties of calls that distinguish conspecific calls from those of a closely related congener, H. gratiosa , was greater in areas of sympatry with H. gratiosa than in areas of allopatry. We also found subtle differences in advertisement calls and in the heights of male calling perches when we restricted our comparisons to localities in which H. gratiosa was also breeding (syntopy) with localities where this species was absent. Hyla cinerea and H. gratiosa show only weak genetic incompatibility, but the calls representative of interspecific hybrids were unattractive to females of both parental species. Hybrids might also be at an ecological disadvantage because of different habitat preferences of the two taxa. Thus, selection against production of less fit or less attractive hybrid or backcross offspring are probably the main causes responsible for the differences documented in this paper.  相似文献   

Plasticity is often thought to accelerate trait evolution and speciation. For example, plasticity in birdsong may partially explain why clades of song learners are more diverse than related clades with innate song. This “song learning” hypothesis predicts that (1) differences in song traits evolve faster in song learners, and (2) behavioral discrimination against allopatric song (a proxy for premating reproductive isolation) evolves faster in song learners. We tested these predictions by analyzing acoustic traits and conducting playback experiments in allopatric Central American sister pairs of song learning oscines (N = 42) and nonlearning suboscines (N = 27). We found that nonlearners evolved mean acoustic differences slightly faster than did leaners, and that the mean evolutionary rate of song discrimination was 4.3 times faster in nonlearners than in learners. These unexpected results may be a consequence of significantly greater variability in song traits in song learners (by 54–79%) that requires song‐learning oscines to evolve greater absolute differences in song before achieving the same level of behavioral song discrimination as nonlearning suboscines. This points to “a downside of learning” for the evolution of species discrimination, and represents an important example of plasticity reducing the rate of evolution and diversification by increasing variability.  相似文献   

Most studies of reinforcement have focused on the evolution of either female choice or male mating cues, following the long-held view in sexual selection theory that mating mistakes are typically more costly for females than for males. However, factors such as conspecific sperm precedence can buffer females against the cost of mating mistakes, suggesting that in some hybrid zones mating mistakes may be more costly for males than for females. Thus, the historical bias in reinforcement research may underestimate its frequency. In this study, we present evidence that reinforcement has driven the evolution of male choice in a hybrid zone between the highly promiscuous leaf beetles Chrysochus cobaltinus and C. auratus, the hybrids of which have extremely low fitness. In addition, there is evidence for male choice in these beetles and that male mating mistakes may be costly, due to reduced opportunities to mate with conspecific females. The present study combines laboratory and field methods to quantify the strength of sexual isolation, test the hypothesis of reproductive character displacement, and assess the link between relative abundance and the strength of selection against hybridization. We document that, while sexual isolation is weak, it is sufficient to produce positive assortative mating. In addition, reproductive character displacement was only detected in the relatively rare species. The strong postzygotic barriers in this system are sufficient to generate the bimodality that characterizes this hybrid zone, but the weak sexual isolation is not, calling into question whether strong prezygotic isolation is necessary for the maintenance of bimodality. Growing evidence that the cost of mating mistakes is sufficient to shape the evolution of male mate choice suggests that the reinforcement of male mate choice may prove to be a widespread occurrence.  相似文献   

Sympatric divergence in traits affecting species recognition can result from selection against cross‐species mating (reproductive character displacement, RCD) or interspecific aggression (agonistic character displacement, ACD). When the same traits are used for species recognition in both contexts, empirically disentangling the relative contributions of RCD and ACD to observed character shifts may be impossible. Here, we develop a theoretical framework for partitioning the effects of these processes. We show that when both mate and competitor recognition depend on the same trait, RCD sets the pace of character shifts. Moreover, RCD can cause divergence in competitor recognition, but ACD cannot cause divergence in mate recognition. This asymmetry arises because males with divergent recognition traits may avoid needless interspecific conflicts, but suffer reduced attractiveness to conspecific females. Therefore, the key empirical issue is whether the same or different traits are used for mate recognition and competitor recognition.  相似文献   

Our study addressed reproductive character displacement between two subspecies of the house mouse, Mus musculus musculus and Mus musculus domesticus that hybridize in Europe along a zone where selection against hybridization is known to occur. Based on a multi-population approach, we investigated spatial patterns of divergence of mate preference in the two taxa. Mate preference was significantly higher in the contact zone than in allopatry in both subspecies, suggesting that reproductive character displacement occurs. Moreover, patterns of preference were stronger in M. m. musculus than in M. m. domesticus, indicating an asymmetrical divergence between the two. In the context of selection against hybridization, our results may provide empirical support for the hypothesis of reinforcement in a parapatric hybrid zone. We discuss factors that could explain the asymmetrical pattern of divergence and the possible impact of a unimodal structure on the maintenance of premating divergence between the two subspecies.  相似文献   

The study compared the responsiveness of a captive male Mueller's gibbon to audio recordings of dawn songs of wild-living male Mueller's gibbons and lar gibbons, and to a synthetic song constructed from screech owl vocalizations. Though wild-caught, the subject had not been exposed to songs of his own species for at least 10 years, and in fact, only rarely performed the dawn song himself. Initially, the subject responded vigorously to all three recordings, with no preference being shown for the recording of his own species. However, a very strong preference for Mueller's vocalizations did develop following a period of concentrated and exclusive exposure to Mueller's songs.  相似文献   

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