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Using the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (COI) gene, we assessed the phylogeographic structure of Prosimulium neomacropyga, a black fly (Simuliidae) whose distribution in the US Southern Rockies ecoregion is limited to alpine tundra streams. Given high habitat specificity, lack of hydrological connection between streams, and a terrestrial environment restrictive to insect flight, we hypothesized limited gene flow. A spatially nested sampling design showed that grouping populations according to high-elevation 'islands' of alpine tundra (which typically include headwater streams of > 1 watershed) explained a significant proportion of genetic variation while grouping streams according to major watershed (across islands) did not. Nested clade analysis and isolation-by-distance (IBD) relationships further implicated limited ongoing gene flow within but not among the isolated alpine islands. IBD was strong among five streams within an individual island using each of four alternative models of pairwise landscape connectivity for flying insects. Results of all landscape models were positively correlated, suggesting that straight-line distance is an acceptable surrogate for presumably more biologically meaningful connectivity measures in this system. IBD was significantly weaker across the entire study area, comprised of three separate islands. Overall, population structure was significant with F(ST) = 0.38, suggesting limited dispersal across a small spatial extent.  相似文献   

The Crassulacean genus Aeonium is a well‐known example for plant species radiation on oceanic archipelagos. However, while allopatric speciation among islands is documented for this genus, the role of intra‐island speciation due to population divergence by topographical isolation or ecological heterogeneity has not yet been addressed. The aim of this study was to investigate intraspecific genetic structures and to identify spatial and ecological drivers of genetic population differentiation on the island scale. We analyzed inter simple sequence repeat variation within two island‐endemic Aeonium species of La Palma: one widespread generalist that covers a large variety of different habitat types (Ae. davidbramwellii) and one narrow ecological specialist (Ae. nobile), in order to assess evolutionary potentials on this island. Gene pool differentiation and genetic diversity patterns were associated with major landscape structures in both species, with phylogeographic implications. However, overall levels of genetic differentiation were low. For the generalist species, outlier loci detection and loci–environment correlation approaches indicated moderate signatures of divergent selection pressures linked to temperature and precipitation variables, while the specialist species missed such patterns. Our data point to incipient differentiation among populations, emphasizing that ecological heterogeneity and topographical structuring within the small scales of an island can foster evolutionary processes. Very likely, such processes have contributed to the radiation of Aeonium on the Canary Islands. There is also support for different evolutionary mechanisms between generalist and specialist species.  相似文献   

Divergent host use has long been suspected to drive population differentiation and speciation in plant‐feeding insects. Evaluating the contribution of divergent host use to genetic differentiation can be difficult, however, as dispersal limitation and population structure may also influence patterns of genetic variation. In this study, we use double‐digest restriction‐associated DNA (ddRAD) sequencing to test the hypothesis that divergent host use contributes to genetic differentiation among populations of the redheaded pine sawfly (Neodiprion lecontei), a widespread pest that uses multiple Pinus hosts throughout its range in eastern North America. Because this species has a broad range and specializes on host plants known to have migrated extensively during the Pleistocene, we first assess overall genetic structure using model‐based and model‐free clustering methods and identify three geographically distinct genetic clusters. Next, using a composite‐likelihood approach based on the site frequency spectrum and a novel strategy for maximizing the utility of linked RAD markers, we infer the population topology and date divergence to the Pleistocene. Based on existing knowledge of Pinus refugia, estimated demographic parameters and patterns of diversity among sawfly populations, we propose a Pleistocene divergence scenario for N. lecontei. Finally, using Mantel and partial Mantel tests, we identify a significant relationship between genetic distance and geography in all clusters, and between genetic distance and host use in two of three clusters. Overall, our results indicate that Pleistocene isolation, dispersal limitation and ecological divergence all contribute to genomewide differentiation in this species and support the hypothesis that host use is a common driver of population divergence in host‐specialized insects.  相似文献   

The limited dispersal ability of earthworms is expected to result in marked genetic isolation by distance and remarkable spatial patterns of genetic variation. To test this hypothesis, we investigated, using microsatellite loci, the spatial genetic structure of two earthworm species, Allolobophora chlorotica and Aporrectodea icterica, in two plots of less than 1 ha where a total of 282 individuals were collected. We used spatial autocorrelation statistics, partial Mantel tests of isolation‐by‐distance (IBD) and isolation‐by‐resistance (IBR), and Bayesian test of clustering to explore recent patterns involved in the observed genetic structure. For A. icterica, a low signal of genetic structure was detected, which may be explained by an important dispersal capacity and/or by the low polymorphism of the microsatellite loci. For A. chlorotica, a weak, but significant, pattern of IBD associated with positive autocorrelation was observed in one of the plots. In the other plot, which had been recently ploughed, two genetically differentiated clusters were identified. These results suggest a spatial neighbourhood structure in A. chlorotica, with neighbour individuals that tend to be more genetically similar to one another, and also highlight that habitat perturbation as a result of human activities may deeply alter the genetic structure of earthworm species, even at a very small scale. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 114 , 335–347.  相似文献   

Investigating the properties of ecological landscapes that influence gene flow among populations can provide key insights into the earliest stages of biological divergence. Both ecological and geographical factors can reduce gene flow, which can lead to population divergence, but we know little of the relative strengths of these phenomena in nature. Here, we use a novel application of structural equation modelling to quantify the contributions of ecological and geographical isolation to spatial genetic divergence in 17 species of Anolis lizards. Our comparative analysis shows that although both processes contributed significantly, geographical isolation explained substantially more genetic divergence than ecological isolation (36.3 vs. 17.9% of variance respectively), suggesting that despite the proposed ubiquity of ecological divergence, non‐ecological factors play the dominant role in the evolution of spatial genetic divergence.  相似文献   

利用两个核基因座位C3HGI, 对重叠分布于中国东南部的两个松属(Pinus)物种马尾松(P. massoniana)和黄山松(P. hwangshanensis)的22个群体88个个体进行了遗传多样性和种间分化模式研究。在这两个核基因座位上, 两种植物都表现出较低的核苷酸多样性水平(马尾松πsil = 0.001 71; 黄山松πsil = 0.003 40), 但是马尾松要显著低于黄山松; 在种内分化水平上, 马尾松的种内遗传分化也明显低于黄山松(马尾松FST = 0.059; 黄山松FST = 0.339)。这可能是由于黄山松的海拔分布高于马尾松, 而高海拔分布使黄山松的分布区域更加片段化, 促使其形成较高的种内遗传多样性和遗传分化。分子变异分析(AMOVA)发现, 两物种基于两个核基因座位的种间差异为48.86%, 而GI基因座位上的种间差异明显高于C3H座位(GI: 77.24%, C3H: 20.48%), 同时, 基因谱系显示两物种的共享单倍型仅在C3H座位上存在。结合这两个基因的功能, 推测GI基因可能在物种形成过程中受到了一定的选择压力, 因为GI基因参与调控植物的开花时间, 而C3H与木质素表达水平的调控有关。不同的选择压力使得GI的进化速度相对较快, 从而加速了黄山松和马尾松的物种分化。  相似文献   

The past processes that have shaped geographic patterns of genetic diversity may be difficult to infer from current patterns. However, in species with sex differences in dispersal, differing phylogeographic patterns between mitochondrial (mt) and nuclear (nu) DNA may provide contrasting insights into past events. Forest elephants (Loxodonta cyclotis) were impacted by climate and habitat change during the Pleistocene, which likely shaped phylogeographic patterns in mitochondrial (mt) DNA that have persisted due to limited female dispersal. By contrast, the nuclear (nu) DNA phylogeography of forest elephants in Central Africa has not been determined. We therefore examined the population structure of Central African forest elephants by genotyping 94 individuals from six localities at 21 microsatellite loci. Between forest elephants in western and eastern Congolian forests, there was only modest genetic differentiation, a pattern highly discordant with that of mtDNA. Nuclear genetic patterns are consistent with isolation by distance. Alternatively, male‐mediated gene flow may have reduced the previous regional differentiation in Central Africa suggested by mtDNA patterns, which likely reflect forest fragmentation during the Pleistocene. In species like elephants, male‐mediated gene flow erases the nuclear genetic signatures of past climate and habitat changes, but these continue to persist as patterns in mtDNA because females do not disperse. Conservation implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

Gene flow has the potential to both constrain and facilitate adaptation to local environmental conditions. The early stages of population divergence can be unstable because of fluctuating levels of gene flow. Investigating temporal variation in gene flow during the initial stages of population divergence can therefore provide insights to the role of gene flow in adaptive evolution. Since the recent colonization of Lake Lesjaskogsvatnet in Norway by European grayling (Thymallus thymallus), local populations have been established in over 20 tributaries. Multiple founder events appear to have resulted in reduced neutral variation. Nevertheless, there is evidence for local adaptation in early life-history traits to different temperature regimes. In this study, microsatellite data from almost a decade of sampling were assessed to infer population structuring and its temporal stability. Several alternative analyses indicated that spatial variation explained 2-3 times more of the divergence in the system than temporal variation. Over all samples and years, there was a significant correlation between genetic and geographic distance. However, decomposed pairwise regression analysis revealed differing patterns of genetic structure among local populations and indicated that migration outweighs genetic drift in the majority of populations. In addition, isolation by distance was observable in only three of the six years, and signals of population bottlenecks were observed in the majority of samples. Combined, the results suggest that habitat-specific adaptation in this system has preceded the development of consistent population substructuring in the face of high levels of gene flow from divergent environments.  相似文献   

Evolutionary divergence in behavioural traits related to mating may represent the initial stage of speciation. Direct selective forces are usually invoked to explain divergence in mate‐recognition traits, often neglecting a role for neutral processes or concomitant differentiation in ecological traits. We adopted a multi‐trait approach to obtain a deeper understanding of the mechanisms behind allopatric divergence in the Amazonian frog, Allobates femoralis. We tested the null hypothesis that geographic distance between populations correlates with genetic and phenotypic divergence, and compared divergence between mate‐recognition (acoustic) and ecological (coloration, body‐shape) traits. We quantified geographic variation in 39 phenotypic traits and a mitochondrial DNA marker among 125 individuals representing eight populations. Geographic variation in acoustic traits was pronounced and tracked the spatial genetic variation, which appeared to be neutral. Thus, the evolution of acoustic traits tracked the shared history of the populations, which is unexpected for pan‐Amazonian taxa or for mate‐recognition traits. Divergence in coloration appeared uncorrelated with genetic distance, and might be partly attributed to local selective pressures, and perhaps to Batesian mimicry. Divergence in body‐shape traits was low. The results obtained depict a complex evolutionary scenario and emphasize the importance of considering multiple traits when disentangling the forces behind allopatric divergence. ©2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 98 , 826–838.  相似文献   

Previous studies have indicated that the common European pipistrelle bat ( Pipistrellus pipistrellus ) comprises two cryptic species, P. pipistrellus and Pipistrellus pygmaeus , which differ in echolocation call frequency and mitochondrial DNA sequence. However, levels of divergence based on nuclear markers have not been examined, and hence the potential for male-mediated gene flow between the species cannot be discounted. Moreover, little is known about population structure and migration patterns in either species. Here, we describe the use of microsatellites to investigate nuclear DNA differentiation between, and the pattern of population genetic structure within, the two cryptic pipistrelle species. In total, 1300 individuals from 82 maternity colonies were sampled across the British Isles and Continental Europe. We show, using multivariate analyses, that colonies of the same species are generally genetically more similar to each other than to those from the other species regardless of geographical location. Our findings support the hypothesis that the species are reproductively isolated. Significant patterns of genetic isolation by distance were identified in both species, indicating that mating may occur before any long-distance autumnal migration. The presence of a sea channel does not confer higher levels of genetic differentiation among colonies over and above distance alone in either species. Differences in genetic population structure were identified between the species, with P. pipistrellus showing a wider range of levels of genetic differentiation among colonies and a stronger relationship between genetic and geographical distance than P. pygmaeus . Differences in dispersal, mating behaviour, colony size and/or postglacial colonization patterns could contribute to the differences observed.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 90 , 539–550.  相似文献   

For range‐restricted species with disjunct populations, it is critical to characterize population genetic structure, gene flow, and factors that influence functional connectivity among populations in order to design effective conservation programs. In this study, we genotyped 314 individuals from 16 extant populations of Ivesia webberi, a United States federally threatened Great Basin Desert using six microsatellite loci. We assessed the effects of Euclidean distance, landscape features, and ecological dissimilarity on the pairwise genetic distance of the sampled populations, while also testing for a potential relationship between Iwebberi genetic diversity and diversity in the vegetative communities. The results show low levels of genetic diversity overall (H e = 0.200–0.441; H o = 0.192–0.605) and high genetic differentiation among populations. Genetic diversity was structured along a geographic gradient, congruent with patterns of isolation by distance. Populations near the species’ range core have relatively high genetic diversity, supporting in part a central‐marginal pattern, while also showing some evidence for a metapopulation dynamic. Peripheral populations have lower genetic diversity, significantly higher genetic distances, and higher relatedness. Genotype cluster admixture results suggest a complex dispersal pattern among populations with dispersal direction and distance varying on the landscape. Pairwise genetic distance strongly correlates with elevation, actual evapotranspiration, and summer seasonal precipitation, indicating a role for isolation by environment, which the observed phenological mismatches among the populations also support. The significant correlation between pairwise genetic distance and floristic dissimilarity in the germinated soil seed bank suggests that annual regeneration in the plant communities contribute to the maintenance of genetic diversity in Iwebberi.  相似文献   

1. We performed spatial genetic analyses, incorporating landscape genetic methods using microsatellite data and phylogeographic analyses using mtDNA data, to identify the principal factors that determine population heterogeneity of the tropical freshwater fish, Mogurnda mogurnda, in the Daly River, northern Australia. We tested the individual and interactive effects of several environmental variables on spatial genetic patterns, including metrics relating to connectivity (i.e. stream distance, maximum stream gradient and elevation), habitat size (i.e. mean annual discharge) and a categorical variable relating to population history, as determined by mtDNA phylogeographic analyses. The Daly River is geomorphologically and hydrologically complex, and M. mogurnda has life history traits that limit its dispersal potential at river basin scales. Thus, we predicted that variables relating to connectivity would be the most important landscape factors driving population structure of the species. 2. Tree‐based phylogeographic analyses indicated four divergent mtDNA lineages within M. mogurnda in the Daly River, although three of the lineages were sympatric in various combinations and did not correspond with microsatellite groups identified by assignment tests. The allopatric mtDNA lineage detected in the uppermost part of the catchment was also identified as being highly differentiated by the microsatellite data, strongly suggesting that it may be a cryptic species. This site was therefore excluded from subsequent landscape genetic analyses. 3. Analyses of Molecular Variance indicated that M. mogurnda has a hierarchical population structure in the Daly River, thus supporting theoretical expectations that hierarchically arranged river habitats in dendritic systems impose hierarchal population structures on lotic species. 4. All landscape genetic analyses rejected stream distance, and supported stream gradient, as the major determinant of spatial genetic variation in M. mogurnda in the Daly River. Support for elevation as a determinant of spatial genetic patterns differed among the landscape genetic methods. Several of the landscape genetic methods also indicate that population history, including secondary contact between divergent and formerly allopatric genetic lineages, has a strong influence on spatial genetic patterns within M. mogurnda in the Daly River. 5. This study demonstrates the need to consider multiple environmental factors, especially factors relating to connectivity, and their interactions in spatial genetic analysis, rather than just geographic distance. Importantly, it demonstrates the need to account for population history and evolutionary divergences in landscape genetic analyses.  相似文献   

Empirical population genetic studies have been dominated by a neutralist view, according to which gene flow and drift are the main forces driving population genetic structure in nature. The neutralist view in essence describes a process of isolation by dispersal limitation (IBDL) that generally leads to a pattern of isolation by distance (IBD). Recently, however, conceptual frameworks have been put forward that view local genetic adaptation as an important driver of population genetic structure. Isolation by adaptation (IBA) and monopolization (M) posit that gene flow among natural populations is reduced as a consequence of local genetic adaptation. IBA stresses that effective gene flow is reduced among habitats that show dissimilar ecological characteristics, leading to a pattern of isolation by environment. In monopolization, local genetic adaptation of initial colonizing genotypes results in a reduction in gene flow that fosters the persistence of founder effects. Here, we relate these different processes driving landscape genetic structure to patterns of IBD and isolation by environment (IBE). We propose a method to detect whether IBDL, IBA and M shape genetic differentiation in natural landscapes by studying patterns of variation at neutral and non‐neutral markers as well as at ecologically relevant traits. Finally, we reinterpret a representative number of studies from the recent literature by associating patterns to processes and identify patterns associated with local genetic adaptation to be as common as IBDL in structuring regional genetic variation of populations in the wild. Our results point to the importance of quantifying environmental gradients and incorporating ecology in the analysis of population genetics.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity provides populations with the possibility to persist in ever-changing environments, where selective regimes change over time. Therefore, the long-term survival of a population may be affected by its level of genetic diversity. The Mexican howler monkey (Alouatta palliata mexicana) is a critically endangered primate restricted to southeast Mexico. Here, we evaluate the genetic diversity and population structure of this subspecies based on 83 individuals from 31 groups sampled across the distribution range of the subspecies, using 29 microsatellite loci. Our results revealed extremely low genetic diversity (HO = 0.21, HE = 0.29) compared to studies of other A. palliata populations and to other Alouatta species. Principal component analysis, a Bayesian clustering method, and analyses of molecular variance did not detect strong signatures of genetic differentiation among geographic populations of this subspecies. Although we detect small but significant FST values between populations, they can be explained by a pattern of isolation by distance. These results and the presence of unique alleles in different populations highlight the importance of implementing conservation efforts in multiple populations across the distribution range of A. p. mexicana to preserve its already low genetic diversity. This is especially important given current levels of population isolation due to the extreme habitat fragmentation across the distribution range of this primate.  相似文献   

The population genetic study of divergence is often carried out using a Bayesian genealogy sampler, like those implemented in ima2 and related programs, and these analyses frequently include a likelihood ratio test of the null hypothesis of no migration between populations. Cruickshank and Hahn (2014, Molecular Ecology, 23, 3133–3157) recently reported a high rate of false‐positive test results with ima2 for data simulated with small numbers of loci under models with no migration and recent splitting times. We confirm these findings and discover that they are caused by a failure of the assumptions underlying likelihood ratio tests that arises when using marginal likelihoods for a subset of model parameters. We also show that for small data sets, with little divergence between samples from two populations, an excellent fit can often be found by a model with a low migration rate and recent splitting time and a model with a high migration rate and a deep splitting time.  相似文献   

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