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Novel immune-type receptor ( NITR) genes that encode two extracellular immunoglobulin domains and cytoplasmic immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibition motifs (ITIMs) have been described previously in three lineages of bony fish. In the current study, four ITIM-containing NITR cDNAs are identified in the rainbow trout ( Oncorhynchus mykiss), and their expression patterns and genomic complexity are characterized. The ITIM-containing NITR2 gene maps 1.3 cM from an ITIM-containing C-type lectin receptor ( TCL-2) on linkage group XXI. A comprehensive, phylogenetic analysis of NITRs from rainbow trout and three other major lineages of bony fish defines conserved families of NITRs and suggests an ancient lineage of distinct groups of genes. Several probable scenarios that explain the origins of variant forms of NITRs are described.  相似文献   

The effect of methyltestosterone given with feed during one and two months on the state of gonads, the level of thyroid, and sex steroid hormones in blood and on rheoreaction is studied in juvenile rainbow trout Parasalmo mykiss (=Oncorhynchus mykiss) raised under unfavorable conditions (tropics, Vietnam). In comparison with the control, in the experimental group, the part of sterile specimens was higher (83 vs. 35%), the part of males was lower (17 vs. 40%), while females and hermaphrodites were absent. At prolonged starvation (12 days), the experimental specimens demonstrated lower increase of the level of thyroid and sex steroid hormones in blood than that in the control specimens. Methyltestosterone modified the behavior of rainbow trout in water flow: delivery of the hormone in food during 1 month increased the part of fish moving against the flow and suppressed movement both upstream and downstream during 2 months. Thus, methyltestosterone negatively influences the physiological condition and adaptation capacity of rainbow trout.  相似文献   

For the efficient treatment of sludge accumulated on a rainbow trout farm, two novel strains were isolated that possessed the ability for acidogenic digestion. The strains were identified as Alcaligenes faecalis HCB2-A1 and Alcaligenes faecalis A2, respectively, and there was synergism between the two strains. Acidogenic digestions using the mixed culture of the two isolates were performed on various sludge mixtures under examinations of changes in major reaction parameters. Among the sludge mixtures, the most stable acidogenic digestion was observed on 1:1 mixture of primary and secondary sludge. During this acidogenesis, pH and ORP dropped to 6.5 and -274 mV within 1 day and then increased steadily. At the same time total solids, COD, and total nitrogen were reduced 58, 79.3 and 42.7%, respectively, with the COD removal rate of 13,017 mg/L/day. The C: N ratio changed from 27:1 to 10:1 as the sludge was digested, and total volatile fatty acids of 6065.3 mg/L was produced for 7 days. The results demonstrated an efficient means to treat aquaculture sludge, which is the alternative to the discharge of the sludge into the river.  相似文献   

Genetic variation of Kamchatka rainbow trout Parasalmo (O.) mykiss was examined using 10 microsatellite DNA loci, and phylogeographic comparison with other representatives of the species across the distribution range was performed. It was demonstrated that Kamchatka populations differed from other geographic groups of rainbow trout in a number of microsatellite loci. These populations also displayed distinct clustering and were characterized by lower genetic diversity. Analysis of a set of 26 different microsatellite loci (personal and literature data) demonstrated that most of the populations within the Kamchatka region were separated from one another, characterized by marked geographic differentiation, and affiliation to certain river basins. In Kamchatka rainbow trout, with high degree of probability, three geographic clusters (northwestern, southwestern, and eastern) were identified. In general, analysis of microsatellite DNA supported the data on low genetic diversity of the Kamchatka group Parasalmo (O.) mykiss, based on the variation estimates for a number of genes of nuclear and mitochondrial DNA, and allozyme loci.  相似文献   

In skinned rat cardiac fibres, mitochondrial affinity for endogenous ADP generated by creatine kinase and Ca2+-activated ATPases is higher than for exogenous ADP added to the surrounding medium, suggesting that mitochondria are functionally coupled to creatine kinase and ATPases. Such a coupling may be weaker or absent in ectothermic vertebrate cardiac cells, because they typically have less elaborate intracellular membrane structures, higher glycolytic capacity and lower working temperature. Therefore, we examined skinned cardiac fibres from rainbow trout at 10 °C. The apparent mitochondrial affinity for endogenous ADP was obtained by stimulation with ATP and recording of the release of ADP into the surrounding medium. The apparent affinity for endogenous ADP was much higher than for exogenous ADP suggesting a functional coupling between mitochondria and ATPases. The apparent affinity for exogenous ADP and ATP was increased by creatine or an increase in Ca2+-activity, which should increase intrafibrillar turnover of ATP to ADP. In conclusion, ADP seems to be channelled from creatine kinase and ATPases to mitochondria without being released to the surrounding medium. Thus, despite difference in structure, temperature and metabolic capacity, trout myocardium resembles that of rat with regard to the regulation of mitochondrial respiration.Abbreviations ACR acceptor control ratio - ANT adenine nucleotide translocase - KM ADP apparent mitochondrial affinity for ADP - KM ATP apparent mitochondrial affinity for ATP - LDH lactate dehydrogenase - VADP ADP-stimulated respiration rate - VADP max maximal ADP-stimulated respiration rate - VATP ATP-stimulated respiration rate - VATP max maximal ATP-stimulated respiration rate - V0 basal respiration rate in the absence of ADPCommunicated by G. Heldmaier  相似文献   

Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum) and sea trout (Salmo trutta Linnaeus, 1758) show large karyotypic differences and their hybrid offspring is not viable due to unstable karyotype and chromosome fragmentation. However, gametes from these two species were used to induce gynogenetic development. Rainbow trout eggs activated by UV-irradiated sea trout sperm were subjected to high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) shock to prevent release of the 2nd polar body (early shock) or to inhibit the first cleavage (late shock) in order to produce diploid meiotic gynogenotes and gynogenetic doubled haploids (DHs), respectively. Cytogenetic analysis proved fish that development was induced by the sea trout spermatozoa were rainbow trout. In turn, molecular examination confirmed homozygosity of the gynogenetic DHs. Presumed appearance of the recessive alleles resulted in lower survival of the gynogenetic DH larvae (~25%) when compared to survival of the heterozygous (meiotic) gynogenotes (c. 50%). Our results proved that genomic incompatibilities between studied trout species result in the hybrid unviability. However, artificial gynogenesis including activation of rainbow trout eggs with UV-irradiated sea trout spermatozoa was successfully induced. As both species are unable to cross, application of the UV-irradiated sea trout spermatozoa to activate rainbow trout development assures only maternal inheritance with no contamination by the residues of the paternal chromosomes.  相似文献   

Sexually matured rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, were experimentally infected with the pathogenic Cryptobia salmositica. Spawning female trout were more susceptible to cryptobiosis than sexually mature males. Most infected females (seven of nine) with eggs died before or shortly after spawning while all (nine) infected males survived the disease. Also, none of the uninfected females died. Males initially increased milt production and sperm concentration; however semen production declined as the disease progressed. Sperm from infected males fertilized more eggs than those from non-infected males. No differences in weight and survival were observed between progeny of infected and uninfected males.  相似文献   

Conservation and management of endemic species may increasingly involve efforts to prevent hybridization with other species. Native westslope cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii lewisi) management in western North America is based largely on admixture estimates with introduced rainbow trout (O. mykiss), with the highest conservation priority given to cutthroat populations that do not exhibit admixture. This study examined the hypothesis that such ancestry quotients are dependent upon the genetic background of reference rainbow trout populations. We used 10 microsatellite loci to estimate admixture within westslope cutthroat trout collected from 39 sites from Alberta, Canada, using three genetically distinct (pairwise FST = 0.100–0.281) rainbow trout genetic backgrounds: a wild (introduced) population from Alberta, two wild (native) populations from British Columbia, and a present-day hatchery broodstock line. Ancestry quotients were significantly impacted by genetic background, whereby the extent of admixture was highest with locally introduced (wild, naturalized) rainbow trout lines and lowest with the hatchery lines. Our results suggest that future studies ought to explore the possibility that local adaptation or drift in introduced rainbow trout populations may contribute to decreased reproductive isolation with geographically proximal cutthroat trout populations.  相似文献   

A combination of molecular and in silico approaches was employed to assemble a survey of Na, K-ATPase genes contained in the ancestrally tetraploid genome of the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Molecular characterization of genomic clones coding for the subunit revealed two single genes (1a and 2) and two pairs of presumably homeologous genes (1b/i-ii and 1c/i-ii). Each of the six genes showed high sequence similarity to isoforms previously isolated from rainbow trout and extensive structural differences relative to putative orthologs in the human genome. In silico analysis of expressed sequence tag (EST) collections indicated that at least five (1a, 1b, 1c, 2, and 3) and four (1a, 1b, 2, and 3b) subunit isoforms are expressed in Atlantic salmon. Meiotic linkage analysis further showed that Na, K-ATPase genes are dispersed throughout the salmon genome, with the exception of two multigene clusters on linkage groups AS-22 and AS-28. Duplicate gene copies for the isoform 1b were assigned to linkage groups with multiple homeologous anchors (AS-22 and AS-23), while 2 duplicates suggested a new homeologous affinity between AS-05 and AS-28. In addition, the comparison of linkage arrangements with rainbow trout also showed that the genomic organization of Na, K-ATPase genes is consistent with the evolutionary conservation of syntenic chromosome regions between these species.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at .  相似文献   

Effect of three- and fivefold intramuscular injections of antibiotics oxytetracyclin hydrochloride and benzylpenicillin sodium (20 mg/kg) on immunophysiological status of juveniles of rainbow trout Parasalmo (=Oncorhynchus) mykiss (pathomorphological evaluation of internal organs, determination of the number of different types of leucocytes in the blood, and electrophoretic investigation of protein profile of the blood serum) was investigated. It was determined that both antibiotics cause neutropenia, removal of albumin fraction in the blood serum, and appearance of lipoid assemblages and different pathologies of internal organs. Taste attractiveness of oxytetracyclin hydrochloride, benzylpenicillin sodium, cefazolin-akos, and neomycin sulfate at the concentration in artificial food pellets of 1, 10, and 100 mg/ml was evaluated. It was determined that neomycin sulfate has more preferable taste for fishes, cefazolin-akos is less attractive, and reaction of fishes to oxytetracyclin hydrochloride and benzylpenicillin sodium depends on their concentration. The presence of two strongly different behavioral stereotypes of testing of food taste was confirmed.  相似文献   

Study of the structural organization of gustatory apparatus in rainbow trout Parasalmo mykiss performed using electron scanning microscopy demonstrated that external taste buds are absent in this species in skin covers of the head and in the circumoral region. In the oropharyngeal cavity (oral and gill cavities and pharynx) of the rainbow trout, a well-developed gustatory receptor apparatus was found. In correspondence with specific features of morphology and anatomy of the skull, taste buds form seven gustatory zones. Morphometric analysis demonstrated differences between gustatory zones in the pattern and density of distribution of taste buds, as well as in average sizes of their sensory field. Zones of similar innervation have many common features in morphology. Morphologically similar zones form three regions in the oropharyngeal cavity: rostral, central, and caudal. A tendency for a decrease in the concentration of taste buds in the rostrocaudal direction common for all sensory zones was revealed. The highest concentration of taste buds was recorded at papillae of rostral regions near big teeth. A typical feature of taste buds in rainbow trout is irregular shape of the taste pore. Analysis of ultrastructural specific features of apical processes of taste cells allows us to distinguish five cell shapes in the composition of taste buds. The numeric ratio of cell shapes varies in buds of different localization. The quantitative distribution of taste buds over sensory zones, specific features of morphology and sizes of their sensory field are discussed in relation to the feeding pattern of the species.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the possible involvement of cortisol in controlling urea metabolism and excretion in the ammoniotelic rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Trout fitted with dorsal aortic and internal urinary catheters received either no implant (control), or were implanted with coconut oil (sham), cortisol in coconut oil, RU486, a glucocorticoid receptor blocker, in coconut oil, or cortisol+RU486 in coconut oil, and monitored over 72 h. Rainbow trout treated with cortisol (±RU486) had similarly elevated plasma cortisol concentrations that were six fold greater than in control and sham fish. Elevated circulating cortisol concentrations caused a three-fold rise in plasma and urine urea concentrations, which was blocked by RU486. Similarly, a positive correlation between plasma cortisol and plasma urea concentrations was observed in fish treated with cortisol alone but not in fish treated with cortisol+RU486. Cortisol treatment caused an elevation in branchial (two fold higher) and urinary (three fold higher) excretion rates of urea compared to sham-implanted fish, which was prevented by treatment with RU486. However, as branchial and renal clearance were unaffected, there appears to be no stimulation or inhibition of urea excretion mechanisms in the gill or kidney separate from effects due to changes in plasma urea concentrations. Thus, cortisol and glucocorticoid receptors appear to be involved in the regulation of endogenous urea production but not in the control of urea excretory mechanisms in the ammoniotelic trout.Abbreviations GFR glomerular filtration rate - GS glutamine synthetase - O-UC ornithine urea cycle - PEG polyethylene glycol - UFR urine flow rate Communicated by: G. Heldmaier  相似文献   

The variation of a sample of rainbow trout (Parasalmo (Oncorhynchus) mykiss) from natural populations of several rivers of the Kamchatka Peninsula with respect to 43 microsatellite DNA loci has been studied. These loci were earlier used for analysis of Asian populations of closely related salmonids. Ten of them may be regarded as markers and seen promising for further studies on intraspecific relationships of rainbow trout of Kamchatka. Their use in studies on more numerous samples from different localities and populations of Parasalmo (O.) mykiss in the Asian part of the species range will ensure efficient population genetic analysis of the Kamchatka population group of this species.  相似文献   



Vibrio anguillarum is an extracellular bacterial pathogen that is a causative agent of vibriosis in finfish and crustaceans with mortality rates ranging from 30% to 100%. Mutations in central metabolism (glycolysis and the TCA cycle) of intracellular pathogens often result in attenuated virulence due to depletion of required metabolic intermediates; however, it was not known whether mutations in central metabolism would affect virulence in an extracellular pathogen such as V. anguillarum.


Seven central metabolism mutants were created and characterized with regard to growth in minimal and complex media, expression of virulence genes, and virulence in juvenile rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Only the isocitrate dehydrogenase (icd) mutant was attenuated in virulence against rainbow trout challenged by either intraperitoneal injection or immersion. Further, the icd mutant was shown to be immunoprotective against wild type V. anguillarum infection. There was no significant decrease in the expression of the three hemolysin genes detected by qRT-PCR. Additionally, only the icd mutant exhibited a significantly decreased growth yield in complex media. Growth yield was directly related to the abundance of glutamate. A strain with a restored wild type icd gene was created and shown to restore growth to a wild type cell density in complex media and pathogenicity in rainbow trout.


The data strongly suggest that a decreased growth yield, resulting from the inability to synthesize α-ketoglutarate, caused the attenuation despite normal levels of expression of virulence genes. Therefore, the ability of an extracellular pathogen to cause disease is dependent upon the availability of host-supplied nutrients for growth. Additionally, a live vaccine strain could be created from an icd deletion strain.

Using AP-PCR, the genome of Kamchatka mykiss (Parasalmo (O.) mykiss) was examined. Polymorphic fragments, implying geographic differences among the samples, were selected, cloned, and sequenced. Based on these sequences, longer, specific SCAR primers were selected and constructed. Using the BLAST software program, the sequences were analyzed for analogy to those from the GenBank database. It seemed likely that all sequences obtained belonged to earlier unexamined repeated sequences, variable in the populations of the species of interest. A total of seven SCAR markers, characterized by population-significant variability of the DNA products in Kamchatka geographic group of rainbow trout were constructed. These markers can be used for further investigation of the species Parasalmo (O.) mykiss. The SCAR marker sequences were deposited in GenBank under the accession numbers EU805500 to EU805506.  相似文献   

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