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At the intersection of geological activity, climatic fluctuations, and human pressure, the Mediterranean Basin – a hotspot of biodiversity – provides an ideal setting for studying endemism, evolution, and biogeography. Here, we focus on the Roucela complex (Campanula subgenus Roucela), a group of 13 bellflower species found primarily in the eastern Mediterranean Basin. Plastid and low‐copy nuclear markers were employed to reconstruct evolutionary relationships and estimate divergence times within the Roucela complex using both concatenation and species tree analyses. Niche modeling, ancestral range estimation, and diversification analyses were conducted to provide further insights into patterns of endemism and diversification through time. Diversification of the Roucela clade appears to have been primarily the result of vicariance driven by the breakup of an ancient landmass. We found geologic events such as the formation of the mid‐Aegean trench and the Messinian Salinity Crisis to be historically important in the evolutionary history of this group. Contrary to numerous past studies, the onset of the Mediterranean climate has not promoted diversification in the Roucela complex and, in fact, may be negatively affecting these species. This study highlights the diversity and complexity of historical processes driving plant evolution in the Mediterranean Basin.  相似文献   

In recent times, evolution has become a central tenet of taxonomy, but nomenclature has consistently been decoupled from the tree‐thinking process, often leading to significant issues in reconciling traditional (Linnaean) names with clades in the Tree of Life. Recent evolutionary studies on the Roucela clade, a group of endemic plants found in the Mediterranean Basin, motivated the establishment of phylogenetic concepts to formally anchor clade names on the Campanuloideae (Campanulaceae) tree. These concepts facilitate communication of clades that approximate traditionally defined groups, in addition to naming newly discovered cryptic diversity in a phylogenetic framework.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic and phylogeographic patterns of amphisbaenians are poorly known. Molecular data from mitochondrial and nuclear loci are particularly needed for amphisbaenian phylogeny and taxonomy because their specializations to subterranean habits make morphology poorly informative and the occurrence of cryptic species probable. The Mediterranean genus Blanus includes five species – three of them have been recently studied mainly at the mitochondrial level. In this study, we collected mitochondrial (16S and nd4) and nuclear (mc1r and pomc) sequences from 49 specimens, including multiple individuals for each of the five species. We used multilocus coalescent‐based species‐tree inference and single‐gene analyses to estimate phylogenetic relationships among Blanus and to assess patterns of intraspecific differentiation within all the five species. Species‐tree and single‐gene phylogenies provided strong support for the Anatolian worm lizard B. strauchi lying outside a clade comprising all other congeners, with a sister relationship between the Iberian clade (B. cinereus and B. mariae) and the North African clade (B. tingitanus and B. mettetali). Mitochondrial and nuclear data supported the genetic distinctiveness of the recently described B. mariae and also indicated that the distribution of this species is wider than previously known and overlaps with B. cinereus in central Portugal. Blanus tingitanus showed two phylogeographic groups, from the northern and the southern portion of the range, respectively, having high mitochondrial and nuclear divergence and a possible contact zone in northwestern Morrocco. Finally, high genetic variation was found within B. mettetali and B. strauchi, suggesting in the latter case, the occurrence of cryptic taxa to be tested by further research.  相似文献   

Previous phylogenetic analyses found that the largest genus in the tribe Campanuleae, Campanula L. is polyphyletic. The genus is extremely intermingled, involving more than 50 genera, but no generic reappraisal has been attempted. For undertaking further phylogenetic analyses and subsequent generic reappraisal of the tribe, we sampled 333 samples, representing 27 of 28 genera currently recognized. Among them, 146 samples and two genera, Cylindrocarpa Regel and Sergia Fed., were newly sequenced. Six chloroplast DNA loci (atpB-rbcL, matK, petD-intron, rbcL, rpl16, and trnL-F) and internal transcribed spacer were used to undertake phylogenetic analyses. Our chloroplast DNA phylogeny comprises 24 clades, that is, 18 Cam clades and six genera, Feeria Buser, Homocodon D. Y. Hong, Jasione L., Peracarpa Hook. f. & Thomson, Trachelium L., and Favratia Feer. Campanula species are scattered among the 18 Cam clades and the six genera, and some of them join with well-established genera like Phyteuma L. and Adenophora Fisch. In the phylogeny Musschia Dumort. is at the basal position, but Jasione's position is unclear, whether in the tribe Campanuleae or in Wahlenbergieae; the other 22 lineages are grouped into two major clades: clade A comprising Cam 13–17 plus Feeria and Trachelium, and clade B comprising Cam 02, 03, 04-1, 04-2, and 06-12 plus Homocodon and Peracarpa. We found that the molecular phylogeny is closely correlated with morphology, particularly pollen morphology: clade A with pollen 3-porate and capsule dehiscent mostly by basal pores; and clade B with pollen mostly 4 (5–15)-porate and capsule dehiscent mostly by apical-middle pores. A generic reappraisal of the tribe is suggested based on the integrated phylogenetic analyses.  相似文献   

The syngnathiform genus Corythoichthys comprises a group of taxonomically complex, tail-brooding (Syngnathinae) pipefishes widely distributed in the Indo-Pacific region. Due to the presence of overlapping interspecific morphological characters, reliable taxonomic information on Corythoichthys is still lacking. Using 52 CO1 sequences, including seven newly generated, a phylogenetic analysis was carried out to understand the genetic diversity, distribution and ‘species groups’ within the genus Corythoichthys. Species delimitation using Automatic Barcode Gap Discovery (ABGD) analysis confirmed the presence of 13 species which include ‘species-complexes’ previously considered as a single taxon. Our results revealed the presence of three species groups, ‘C. amplexus’, ‘C. conspicillatus’ and ‘C. haematopterus’ and four unidentified/undescribed species in the wider Indo-Pacific realm. Interestingly, 60 sequences and a mitogenome identified as Corythoichthys in GenBank are misidentified at the genus level. Based on our findings, we suggest that the taxonomy and systematics of Corythoichthys need to be re-examined and validated using integrative methods, and care should be taken while selecting specimens for genetic studies.  相似文献   

  1. Recent advances in molecular methods foster the documentation of small spatial scale biological diversity over large geographical areas. These advances allow to correctly record α-diversity, but also enable biomonitoring that describes intraspecific molecular diversity, providing valuable insights into the contemporary history of species. Such information is essential for the accurate monitoring of freshwater communities and provides a promising tool to identify conservation priorities at various spatial scales.
  2. Here, we combined morphological species determinations with genetic characterisation via DNA barcoding and species distribution modelling. We aimed to investigate whether closely related amphipod species occupying overlapping ecological niches and occurring in partial sympatry, demonstrate similar spatial patterns of intraspecific genetic diversity and share comparable population histories. Therefore, we characterised the amphipod fauna within the Kinzig catchment (1,058 km2, Hesse, Central Germany) that is a tributary of the Main River and part of the long-term ecological research network using genetics.
  3. Our genetic analysis revealed two more taxonomic entities than previously known. The most common species was Gammarus fossarum clade 11 (or type B), followed by Gammarus roeselii clade C, Gammarus pulex clade D, G. pulex clade B and a very rare previously unknown lineage within the G. fossarum-species complex, which we refer to as G. fossarum clade RMO. These five taxa differed in their intraspecific genetic diversity, with G. fossarum clade 11 demonstrating the highest diversity and having a prominent small-scale pattern with endemic haplotypes in headwater regions. Distributions were predicted for the three most abundant molecularly identified species.
  4. The upstream reaches maintained high intraspecific α- and β-diversity, pointing towards a more complex population structure of G. fossarum clade 11. This highlights the importance of considering intraspecific diversity for the conservation of individual species. DNA-based species distribution models shed light on species-specific habitat preferences, and showed spatial distribution patterns that supported ecological inference and conservation management. Barcoding specimens prior to modelling can increase robustness and performance of distribution models as juveniles can be incorporated, and cryptic species complexes disentangled.
  5. Our integrative study contributes to the further development of science-informed and holistically considered effective conservation measures. Some poorly dispersing hololimnic species may serve as representatives for our understanding of the natural history of the local communities in headwater regions—and their protection. Intraspecific genetic diversity should be considered in conservation management decisions as it can provide valuable information on past and present population demography, connectivity, and recovery processes of species—information that rarely can be achieved by traditional monitoring approaches.

Understanding the joint evolutionary and ecological underpinnings of sympatry among close relatives remains a key challenge in biology. This problem can be addressed through joint phylogenomic and phenotypic analysis of complexes of closely related lineages within, and across, species and hence representing the speciation continuum. For a complex of tropical geckos from northern Australia—Gehyra nana and close relatives—we combine mtDNA phylogeography, exon‐capture sequencing, and morphological data to resolve independently evolving lineages and infer their divergence history and patterns of morphological evolution. Gehyra nana is found to include nine divergent lineages and is paraphyletic with four other species from the Kimberley region of north‐west Australia. Across these 13 taxa, 12 of which are restricted to rocky habitats, several lineages overlap geographically, including on the diverse Kimberley islands. Morphological evolution is dominated by body size shifts, and both body size and shape have evolved gradually across the group. However, larger body size shifts are observed among overlapping taxa than among closely related parapatric lineages of G. nana, and sympatric lineages are more divergent than expected at random. Whether elevated body size differences among sympatric lineages are due to ecological sorting or character displacement remains to be determined.  相似文献   

The marine cave‐dwelling mysid Hemimysis margalefi is distributed over the whole Mediterranean Sea, which contrasts with the poor dispersal capabilities of this brooding species. In addition, underwater marine caves are a highly fragmented habitat which further promotes strong genetic structuring, therefore providing highly informative data on the levels of marine population connectivity across biogeographical regions. This study investigates how habitat and geography have shaped the connectivity network of this poor disperser over the entire Mediterranean Sea through the use of several mitochondrial and nuclear markers. Five deeply divergent lineages were observed among H. margalefi populations resulting from deep phylogeographical breaks, some dating back to the Oligo‐Miocene. Whether looking at the intralineage or interlineage levels, H. margalefi populations present a high genetic diversity and population structuring. This study suggests that the five distinct lineages observed in H. margalefi actually correspond to as many separate cryptic taxa. The nominal species, H. margalefi sensu stricto, corresponds to the westernmost lineage here surveyed from the Alboran Sea to southeastern Italy. Typical genetic breaks such as the Almeria‐Oran Front or the Siculo‐Tunisian Strait do not appear to be influential on the studied loci in H. margalefi sensu stricto. Instead, population structuring appears more complex and subtle than usually found for model species with a pelagic dispersal phase. The remaining four cryptic taxa are all found in the eastern basin, but incomplete lineage sorting is suspected and speciation might still be in process. Present‐day population structure of the different H. margalefi cryptic species appears to result from past vicariance events started in the Oligo‐Miocene and maintained by present‐day coastal topography, water circulation and habitat fragmentation.  相似文献   

Recent studies have revealed high local diversity and endemism in groundwaters, and showed that species with large ranges are extremely rare. One of such species is the cave shrimp Troglocaris anophthalmus from the Dinaric Karst on the western Balkan Peninsula, apparently uniform across a range of more than 500 kilometres. As such it contradicts the paradigm that subterranean organisms form localized, long-term stable populations that cannot disperse over long distances. We tested it for possible cryptic diversity and/or unexpected evolutionary processes, analysing mitochondrial (COI, 16S rRNA) and nuclear (ITS2) genes of 232 specimens from the entire range. The results of an array of phylogeographical procedures congruently suggested that the picture of a widespread, continuously distributed and homogenous T. anophthalmus was wrong. The taxon is composed of four or possibly five monophyletic, geographically defined phylogroups that meet several species delimitation criteria, two of them showing evidence of biological reproductive isolation in sympatry. COI genetic distances between phylogroups turned out to be a poor predictor, as they were much lower than the sometimes suggested crustacean threshold value of 0.16 substitutions per site. Most results confirmed the nondispersal hypothesis of subterranean fauna, but the southern Adriatic phylogroup displayed a paradoxical pattern of recent dispersal across 300 kilometres of hydrographically fragmented karst terrain. We suggest a model of migration under extreme water-level conditions, when flooded poljes could act as stepping-stones. In the north of the range (Slovenia), the results confirmed the existence of a zone of unique biogeographical conflict, where surface fauna is concordant with the current watershed, and subterranean fauna is not.  相似文献   

Free‐living nematodes are ubiquitous and highly abundant in terrestrial and aquatic environments, where they sustain ecosystem functioning by mineralization processes and nutrient cycling. Nevertheless, very little is known about their true diversity and intraspecific population structure. Recent molecular studies on marine nematodes indicated cryptic diversity and strong genetic differentiation of distinct populations, but for freshwater nematode species, analogous studies are lacking. Here, we present the first extensive molecular study exploring cryptic species diversity and genetic population structure of a widespread freshwater nematode morphospecies, Tobrilus gracilis, from nine postglacially formed European lakes. Taxonomic species status of individuals, analysed for fragments of the mitochondrial COI gene and for the large (LSU) and small (SSU) ribosomal subunits, were determined by morphological characteristics. Mitochondrial and nuclear markers strongly supported the existence of three distinct genetic lineages (Tg I–III) within Tobrilus gracilis, suggesting that this morphospecies indeed represents a complex of highly differentiated biological species. High genetic diversity was also observed at the population level. Across the nine lakes, 19 mitochondrial, and seven (LSU) and four (SSU) nuclear haplotypes were determined. A phylogeographical analysis revealed remarkable genetic differentiation even among neighbouring lake populations for one cryptic lineage. Priority and persistent founder effects are possible explanations for the observed population structure in the postglacially colonized lakes, but ask for future studies providing direct estimates of freshwater nematode dispersal rates. Our study suggests therefore that overall diversity of limnetic nematodes has been so far drastically underestimated and challenges the assumed ubiquitous distribution of other, single freshwater nematode morphospecies.  相似文献   

Polyphyletic arrangements in DNA phylogenies are often indicators of cryptic species diversity masked by erroneous taxonomic treatments that are frequently based on morphological data. Although mitochondrial (mt)DNA polyphyly is detected relatively rarely in phylogenetic studies, it has recently been found in a variety of tyrant‐flycatcher (Tyrannidae) groups. In the present study, we provide a DNA phylogeny for a mitochondrial and a nuclear locus with a complete species sampling in Zimmerius flycatchers, showing that the genus is characterized by multiple mtDNA polyphyly. Based on phylogenetic and life‐history information, we suggest the elevation of a number of taxa to species status, leading to a doubling of Zimmerius species‐level diversity compared to taxonomic treatments conducted before 2001. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, ●●, ●●–●●.  相似文献   

Diplostomoid metacercariae parasitize freshwater fishes worldwide and cannot be identified to species based on morphology. In this study, sequences of the barcode region of cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (CO1) were used to discriminate species in 1088 diplostomoids, most of which were metacercariae from fish collected in the St. Lawrence River, Canada. Forty‐seven diplostomoid species were detected, representing a large increase in known diversity. Most species suggested by CO1 sequences were supported by sequences of internal transcribed spacer (ITS) of rDNA and host and tissue specificity. Three lines of evidence indicate that physiological incompatibility between host and parasite is a more important determinant of host specificity than ecological separation of hosts and parasites in this important group of freshwater fish pathogens. First, nearly all diplostomoid species residing outside the lens of the eyes of fish are highly host specific, while all species that occur inside the lens are generalists. This can be plausibly explained by a physiological mechanism, namely the lack of an effective immune response in the lens. Second, the distribution of diplostomoid species among fish taxa reflected the phylogenetic relationships of host species rather than their ecological similarities. Third, the same patterns of host specificity were observed in separate, ecologically distinctive fish communities.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships between taxa are not necessarily reflected by morphological data due to widespread homoplasy and convergence. However, combining morphological and molecular data provides insights into the evolution of biological forms and into the potential factors involved. Here we focus on a complex of three taxa of bats with unclear taxonomic affinities: Myotis myotis, Myotis blythii and Myotis punicus. Traditional morphometric methods failed to separate them, whereas recent molecular‐based studies suggested that they constitute separate biological species. In the present study, landmark‐based geometric morphometrics methods have been used to analyse the skull variability of 218 specimens belonging to this species complex. Patterns of size and shape delimitate three morphological groups that are congruent with the proposed taxonomic assignments, and therefore support species rank for all three major groups. These morphometrics results, however, suggest that M. myotis and M. punicus share shape characteristics in the rostrum and in the posterior part of the skull that differ from M. blythii. Because previous molecular phylogenetic analyses suggested that M. myotis and M. blythii are sister species, we interpret the similitude in skull morphology between M. myotis and M. punicus as a convergence probably related to their similar feeding habits. Within the taxon M. punicus, the skull of Corsican and Sardinian populations significantly differs from that of Maghrebian ones, suggesting the existence of further cryptic taxonomic diversity. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 95 , 529–538.  相似文献   

Polyploidy has been important in the evolution of angiosperms and may significantly affect population genetic diversity and structure. Nineteen isoenzyme loci were studied in diploid and tetraploid populations of Vaccinium oxycoccos (Ericaceae), and the results are compared with data previously reported for the related V. macrocarpon. Diploid V. oxycoccos and V. macrocarpon were readily discriminated based on their allozymic variation. No evidence for fixed heterozygosity was found in tetraploid V. oxycoccos. In contrast, all polymorphic loci exhibited both balanced and unbalanced heterozygotes, with some individuals exhibiting a pattern consistent with the presence of three alleles. These results support an autopolyploid origin for tetraploid V. oxycoccos. However, tetraploid V. oxycoccos possessed a suite of alleles not found in diploid V. oxycoccos; half of these alleles were shared with V. macrocarpon. This suggests that autotetraploid V. oxycoccos may have undergone hybridization with V. macrocarpon or that the autotetraploid retained the genetic variation present in an ancestral diploid species. Following theoretical expectations, proportion of polymorphic loci, mean number of alleles, and observed heterozygosity were significantly higher for the autotetraploid than for the diploid. Mean inbreeding (F(IS)) was similar for diploid and tetraploid V. oxycoccos. The latter exhibited population differentiation (F(ST)) exceeding both diploid species.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial genetic diversity, distribution and invasive potential of multiple cryptic operational taxonomic units (OTUs) of the red invasive seaweed Asparagopsis were assessed by studying introduced Mediterranean and Hawaiian populations. Invasive behavior of each Asparagopsis OTU was inferred from phylogeographic reconstructions, past historical demographic dynamics, recent range expansion assessments and future distributional predictions obtained from demographic models. Genealogical networks resolved Asparagopsis gametophytes and tetrasporophytes into four A. taxiformis and one A. armata cryptic OTUs. Falkenbergia isolates of A. taxiformis L3 were recovered for the first time in the western Mediterranean Sea and represent a new introduction for this area. Neutrality statistics supported past range expansion for A. taxiformis L1 and L2 in Hawaii. On the other hand, extreme geographic expansion and an increase in effective population size were found only for A. taxiformis L2 in the western Mediterranean Sea. Distribution models predicted shifts of the climatically suitable areas and population expansion for A. armata L1 and A. taxiformis L1 and L2. Our integrated study confirms a high invasive risk for A. taxiformis L1 and L2 in temperate and tropical areas. Despite the differences in predictions among modelling approaches, a number of regions were identified as zones with high invasion risk for A. taxiformis L2. Since range shifts are likely climate‐driven phenomena, future invasive behavior cannot be excluded for the rest of the lineages.  相似文献   

This paper examines molecular and phenotypic variability in the widely spread European hoverfly species complex Merodon avidus. Herein, based on the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) and morphometric wing parameters, M. avidus is shown to comprise a complex of cryptic species, and one variety is redefined as a valid species: M. bicolor Gil Collado, 1930 (as var. of spinipes). The species M. bicolor, M. avidus A, and M. avidus B were clearly delimited based on their wing size. A total of 29 M. avidus and M. bicolor individuals presented 20 mtDNA haplotypes, four of which were shared by M. avidus A and M. avidus B, three were confined to M. bicolor, seven to M. avidus A, and six to M. avidus B. Sequence divergences between lineages occurring in the Balkan and in Spain ranged from 4.93 to 6.0 (uncorrected p in %) whereas divergences between M. avidus A and M. avidus B were 0.26 to 1.56. Divergence among morphologically identified individuals of M. avidus A and M. avidus B species ranged from 0.13 to 1.58, and from 0.13 to 0.52, respectively. The phenotypic substructuring and observed genetic uniqueness of populations in spatially and temporally fragmented M. avidus taxa were used to identify genetic units. The early split of two allopatric lineages, Spanish M. bicolor and Balkan M. avidus, was followed by diversification in each lineage. Present‐day morphological uniformity masks much of the genetic complexity of lineages within the M. avidus complex. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 155 , 819–833.  相似文献   

Aim The intricate puzzle-like geography of the western Mediterranean is a product of long-term tectonic and orogenic events, supplemented by repeated climatic oscillations since the Pliocene. It offers numerous vicariance events that may be invoked to explain speciation in amphibians. We test for plausibility of two mutually exclusive Iberian–African vicariance hypotheses to explain the basal split within newts of the genus Pleurodeles: (1) the disconnection of the Betic arch c. 14 Ma and (2) the end of the Messinian salinity crisis 5.33 Ma. Location Specimens of P. waltl and P. poireti were sampled from 32 populations in Portugal, Spain, Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia. Methods Parts of three mitochondrial genes were sequenced (16S rRNA, cytochrome b, ATPase). Based on substitution rate constancy among lineages three different molecular clocks were calibrated to derive competing evolutionary scenarios for lineage evolution within Pleurodeles. Results One scenario was aligned with the dated fossil record and with historical events that are known to have enabled terrestrial faunal exchange between Europe and Africa. In Pleurodeles, such faunal exchange is more likely to have happened three times, resulting in the current pattern of species diversity and haplotype distribution: (1) following the disconnection of the Betic region from Iberia and connection of its southernmost part (present-day Rif Mountains) to Africa, c. 14 Ma; (2) closing of the Strait of Gibraltar prior to the Messinian salinity crisis, 5.59–5.33 Ma; (3) passive dispersal in recent times, caused by rafting on vegetation or inadvertent displacement by man. The results show that North African P. poireti populations comprise two distinct lineages; despite their geographical proximity, haplotype distribution within both lineages indicates totally different histories (range fragmentation vs. dispersal). Main conclusions Ribbed salamanders mainly evolved through allopatric speciation, driven by vicariance events. However, faunal exchange between Europe and Africa at the western end of the Mediterranean basin was linked to well-known events of physical contact between both continents. This sheds new light on the potential role of dispersal across marine barriers via rafting or even, presumably inadvertent, anthropogenic displacement for the initiation of speciation in amphibians.  相似文献   

Ulva Linnaeus (Ulvophyceae, Ulvales) is a genus of green algae widespread in different aquatic environments. Members of this genus show a very simple morphology and a certain degree of phenotypic plasticity, heavily influenced by environmental conditions, making difficult the delineation of species by morphological features alone. Most studies dealing with Ulva biodiversity in Mediterranean waters have been based only on morphological characters and a modern taxonomic revision of this genus in the Mediterranean is not available. We report here the results of an investigation on the diversity of Ulva in the North Adriatic Sea based on molecular analyses. Collections from three areas, two of which subject to intense shipping traffic, were examined, as well as historical collections of Ulva stored in the Herbarium Patavinum of the University of Padova, Italy. Molecular analyses based on partial sequences of the rbcL and tufA genes revealed the presence of six different species, often with overlapping morphologies: U. californica Wille, U. flexuosa Wulfen, U. rigida C. Agardh, U. compressa Linnaeus, U. pertusa Kjellman, and one probable new taxon. U. californica is a new record for the Mediterranean and U. pertusa is a new record for the Adriatic. Partial sequences obtained from historical collections show that most of the old specimens are referable to U. rigida. No specimens referable to the two alien species were found among the old herbarium specimens. The results indicate that the number of introduced seaweed species and their impact on Mediterranean communities have been underestimated, due to the difficulties in species identification of morphologically simple taxa as Ulva.  相似文献   

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