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The volumes of tetrathyridial populations in the peritoneal cavities of mice of both sexes kept at 5 ± 1dgC for 20 days were significantly larger than those in control mice kept at 21 ± 1dgC; the volumes of these populations in mice kept at 35 ± 1dgC were significantly lower in males but not in females. The liver weights in different groups were proportional to the intensity of liver infection: for both sexes livers were heaviest at 5 ± 1dgC and lightest at 35 ± 1dgC.  相似文献   

A mode of action of the inducible treatment with trypsin for the development of Mesocestoides lineatus tetrathyridium to adult was analyzed by administering various agents effective on Ca2+-dependent metabolic pathways in the cells: protein kinase C activators such as a synthetic diacylglycerol, 1-oleoyl-2-acetylglycerol, and a tumor promoting phorbol, 12-O-tetra-decanoyl-phorbol-13-acetate, enhanced the trypsin induced developmental processes. On the contrary, a calmodulin inhibitor, N-(6-aminohexyl)-5-chloro-1-naphthalene sulfonamide, cyclic adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate, and adenylate cyclase activators such as forskolin and cholera toxin, inhibited the triggering action of trypsin. Furthermore, a combined administration of Ca2+ ionophore (A23187) and the phorbol showed a similar effect with trypsin treatment, and sodium taurocholate acted as a potent enhancer like the activators of protein kinase C. These results strongly suggest that the initiation of development to adult in this cestode may be regulated synergistically by Ca2+ and protein kinase C, and that a bile acid may be involved in an activation mechanism of protein kinase C.  相似文献   

The number of tetrathyridia in the peritoneal cavities of mice increases exponentially with time. Thirty days post infection more larvae are in the cavities than in the livers. After that the increase of intraperitoneal populations continues, whereas the number of tetrathyridia in the livers remains more or less constant.Exogenous testosterone propionate, 10 μgg, twice a week, for 5 weeks, increases significantly the total volumes of tetrathyridial populations in the peritoneal cavities, whereas oestradiol benzoate, 5 μgg or 10 μgg, also for 5 weeks, accelerates the rate of growth and multiplication of coelomic tetrathyridia to a much lesser extent, but increases significantly the infection of the livers.  相似文献   

It has long been known that the growth rate of cells in vitro can be retarded by providing substrates of restricted area. Such experiments were performed with adhesive islets, made by depositing metals onto agarose layers through templates of various sizes. Since normal cells are unable to adhere to agarose, they become confined to the metallic surface. Using such haptotactic islets, we have studied the role of membrane ruffling and cell locomotion in the resistance of AG1523 human fibroblasts to growth factor-induced mitogenesis. Cells plated on small substrates, i.e., 2,150 μm2 in area, initially showed vigorous ruffling, which was suppressed by 8 h after plating but had resumed again by 12 h. In contrast, cells on larger-size islets showed a rapid decline and stabilization of ruffling activity. When the growth rate was measured for single cells cultured on haptotactic islets, it was found to increase linearly from areas of 4,280 μm2 up to 425,000 μm2. Since the area needed to saturate the growth response was ~50-fold larger than the area occupied by a single cell, the growth inhibition was attributed in part to an interference with locomotion. The implication that locomotion provided positive input into growth control mechanisms was subjected to a direct test by evaluating the effect of nine polypeptide growth factors on the motility of serum-starved cells. All except TGF-β1 stimulated movement. Finally, the mitogenic effect of growth factors was measured by [3H]thymidine incorporation and found to be proportional to motile activities, as quantitatively assayed. We conclude that locomotion suppression is a factor in AG1523 cell resistance to growth factor-induced mitogenesis. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Phosphatase of regenerating liver 3 (PRL3) is overexpressed in a variety of tumors, and high levels of PRL3 expression are associated with tumorigenesis and metastasis. Consistent with an oncogenic role for PRL3, we show that ectopic PRL3 expression promotes cell proliferation and invasion. However, little is known about the molecular basis for PRL3 function. Obtaining this knowledge is vital for understanding PRL3-mediated disease processes and for the development of novel anticancer therapies targeted to PRL3. Here we report that up-regulation of PRL3 activates the Src kinase, which initiates a number of signal pathways culminating in the phosphorylation of ERK1/2, STAT3, and p130(Cas). The activation of these pathways likely contributes to the increased cell growth and motility of PRL3 cells. We provide evidence that PRL3 induces Src activation through down-regulation of Csk, a negative regulator of Src. Importantly, Src activation and Csk down-regulation are also observed in colon cancer cells expressing a higher level of PRL3. Thus, we have revealed a biochemical mechanism for the PRL3-mediated cell invasion and proliferation in which elevated PRL3 expression causes a reduction in Csk level, leading to Src activation.  相似文献   

L Iu Prokhorov 《Ontogenez》1999,30(3):176-187
The maximum life span of mammals is known to be proportional to the pregnancy duration and to the age at puberty. We found that the maximum life span of mammals was also proportional to the number of cell doublings, and inversely proportional to the rate of duplication of these cells, during embryogenesis or for the time from zygote formation to growth termination. We found also that the life span of "stationary phase aging" transformed Chinese hamster cells (time from subcultivation until culture "death", i.e., until the moment when the number of live cells is less than 10% of their number at saturation density) was proportional to the duration of their growth and number of cell doublings during the period from subcultivation to saturation density, and inversely proportional to the rate of cell culture duplication during the same period. The dependencies for cell cultures and mammals proved to be analogous to each other. An approximately twofold decrease in the cell duplication rate, as a result of a decrease of the growth medium temperature from 37 to 27 degrees C or the introduction of ethanol to a final concentration 2%, increased the life span of "stationary phase aging" cultures more than twofold. The data obtained suggest that influences resulting in optimized delay of the rate of cell duplication, and correspondingly the mean rate of proliferation during the period of growth in mammals, may increase their maximum life span.  相似文献   

Transforming growth factors and the regulation of cell proliferation   总被引:40,自引:0,他引:40  
The number of different growth regulatory molecules which have been isolated and characterized is continuing to increase. As more information is obtained, it has become apparent that the cooperative actions of many factors with distinct activities is necessary for appropriate proliferative responses. An interplay of both growth stimulatory and growth inhibitory factors is essential for normal growth. Of crucial importance, therefore, is the appropriate regulation of growth factors. Unregulated expression, synthesis, posttranslational processing or activation of either positive or negative growth signals may contribute to neoplastic transformation (Fig. 3). Altered responses to normally positive or negative signals by transformed cells have been demonstrated by several investigators [64, 79, 84]. While altered growth factor responses in transformed cells are well documented, the mechanisms responsible for the loss of growth control are poorly understood and are likely to be both complex and numerous. Continued efforts to dissect and comprehend fully growth factor action on normal cells will be necessary before an understanding of neoplastic transformation can be achieved.  相似文献   

Isotretinoin is a potent retinoic acid used in the treatment of skin disorders. Though very effective, it is teratogenic if administered during pregnancy, and its teratogenic effect may be related to the normal activity of retinoids as signalling molecules in the embryo. Although its exact mechanism of action is unknown, it has been suggested that it causes its characteristic pattern of defects that includes heart defects, by inhibiting the migration of neural crest cells. However, other effects on cells are known. We studied early cardiac cell proliferation using incorporation of bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) and detection with a monoclonal anti-BrdU. Proliferation in heart tissue of whole embryo cultures was inhibited in medium with 10(-6) M isotretinoin to 62% of the control level in myocardium. We studied its effects in culture on precardiac explant development in the absence of the neural crests. Culture of precardiac mesodermal-endodermal explants revealed that development of heart vesicles from the mesoderm was little affected, but the development of heartbeat was inhibited depending on dose in the 10(-5) to 10(-7) M range. The effect on development of contractions was augmented in the presence of serum; it could be duplicated by all-trans-retinoic acid, and it was reversible. Synthesis of the alpha-actin isotype, analyzed by isoelectric focusing, was found to be inhibited or delayed. The results suggest multiple effects of retinoids on growth, morphogenesis, and differentiation of early cardiac tissue, and are discussed in relation to the potential role of retinoids in early embryogenesis.  相似文献   

B lymphocyte precursor cells are ultrasensitive to DNA damage induced by irradiation and drugs and die by apoptosis at very low levels of exposure. Previous studies have shown that this high level sensitivity is p53-dependent, associated with very low level expression of Bcl-2 protein and can be reversed by expression of a bcl-2 transgene. We show here that transition from the pro-B to pre-B and then mature B cell stages of murine lymphopoiesis is accompanied by changes in proliferating cells in sensitivity to X-irradiation induced apoptosis and that this is paralleled by variation in the ratio of anti-(Bcl-2/Bcl-chiL) to pro-(Bax) apoptotic proteins. These are however not fixed or invariant features of developmental stage as they can be modulated by interactions via adhesive interactions with stromal cells, stromal proteins and growth factors. We interpret these data in the context of the stringent developmental regulation of clonal lymphopoiesis and the contingency programming of cells that have extensive proliferative potential with a very low threshold for apoptosis following DNA damage.  相似文献   

The population development of five human tumor cell lines is examined under the influence of elutriator-prepared human monocytes in a serum-free hormone- and growth factor-supplemented medium. Analysis was performed by electronic counting and sizing of tumor cell nuclei and flow cytometric detection of cell cycle phases. Tumor cell death is triggered at rather low monocyte:tumor cell ratios (1:2 to 1:4) whereas it is strongly reduced at high monocyte densities. Furthermore, it is shown that confluence of the target cell population is a necessary prerequisite for lysis. The data suggest that in monocyte/tumor cell cocultures the decision on target cell lysis is not made by the effector cell, but rather by the target cell and that the criterion for this decision is the target cell's ability or inability to respond to a monocyte challenge by arresting the cell cycle in G1. Interactions between target cells play an important role in determining the result of this decision process. A common basis is suggested for this kind of density-dependent monocyte-triggered lysis and density-dependent cell death in 3T3 cell cultures as described previously.  相似文献   

Mouse development and cell proliferation in the absence of D-cyclins   总被引:41,自引:0,他引:41  
D-type cyclins (cyclins D1, D2, and D3) are regarded as essential links between cell environment and the core cell cycle machinery. We tested the requirement for D-cyclins in mouse development and in proliferation by generating mice lacking all D-cyclins. We found that these cyclin D1(-/-)D2(-/-)D3(-/-) mice develop until mid/late gestation and die due to heart abnormalities combined with a severe anemia. Our analyses revealed that the D-cyclins are critically required for the expansion of hematopoietic stem cells. In contrast, cyclin D-deficient fibroblasts proliferate nearly normally but show increased requirement for mitogenic stimulation in cell cycle re-entry. We found that the proliferation of cyclin D1(-/-)D2(-/-)D3(-/-) cells is resistant to the inhibition by p16(INK4a), but it critically depends on CDK2. Lastly, we found that cells lacking D-cyclins display reduced susceptibility to the oncogenic transformation. Our results reveal the presence of alternative mechanisms that allow cell cycle progression in a cyclin D-independent fashion.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Cassava (Manihot esculenta) is an important food crop in the tropics that has a high growth rate in optimal conditions, but also performs well in drought-prone climates. The objectives of this work were to determine the effects of water deficit and rewatering on the rate of expansion of leaves at different developmental stages and to evaluate the extent to which decreases in cell proliferation, expansion, and delay in development are responsible for reduced growth. METHODS: Glasshouse-grown cassava plants were subjected to 8 d of water deficit followed by rewatering. Leaves at 15 developmental stages from nearly full size to meristematic were sampled, and epidermal cell size and number were measured on leaves at four developmental stages. KEY RESULTS: Leaf expansion and development were nearly halted during stress but resumed vigorously after rewatering. In advanced-stage leaves (Group 1) in which development was solely by cell expansion, expansion resumed after rewatering, but not sufficiently for cell size to equal that of controls at maturity. In Group 2 (cell proliferation), relative expansion rate and cell proliferation were delayed until rewatering, but then recovered partially, so that loss of leaf area was due to decreased cell numbers per leaf. In Group 3 (early meristematic development) final leaf area was not affected by stress, but development was delayed by 4-6 d. On a plant basis, the proportion of loss of leaf area over 26 d attributed to leaves at each developmental stage was 29, 50 and 21 % in Group 1, 2 and 3, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Although cell growth processes were sensitive to mild water deficit, they recovered to a large extent, and much of the reduction in leaf area was caused by developmental delay and a reduction in cell division in the youngest, meristematic leaves.  相似文献   

Resting metabolic rate (RMR) is responsible for up to 50% of total energy expenditure, and so should be under strong selection pressure, yet it shows extensive intraspecific variation and a low heritability. Environmental conditions during growth are thought to have long-term effects through 'metabolic programming'. Here we investigate whether nutritional conditions early in life can alter RMR in adulthood, and whether this is due to growth acceleration or the change in diet quality that prompts it. We manipulated dietary protein levels during the main growth period of zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) such that an episode of poor nutrition occurred with and without growth acceleration. This produced different growth trajectories but a similar adult body mass. Only the diet that induced growth acceleration resulted in a significant (19%) elevation of RMR at adulthood, despite all the birds having been on the same diet after the first month. This is the first study to show that dietary-induced differences in growth trajectories can have a long-term effect on adult metabolic rate. It suggests that modification of metabolic efficiency may be one of the mechanisms mediating the observed long-term costs of accelerated growth, and indicates links between early nutrition and the metabolic syndrome.  相似文献   

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