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The auditory P50 in humans may consist of overlapping potentials. To test this hypothesis, we manipulated the conditions of stimulus discrimination and motor response difficulty and evaluated the data by factor analysis. Twenty right-handed males (mean age 27 years) performed the following 4 tasks: (1) a counting task, (2) an easy Go, No-Go task, (3) a difficult Go, No-Go task, and (4) a choice reaction task. Middle latency auditory evoked potentials were obtained with 100 times summation triggered by the onset of the auditory stimulus. Four factors were extracted by factor analysis for a 0–100 ms time period. Factor 1, the maximum factor loading at 91 ms, corresponded to N1, and factor 4, the maximum factor loading at 23 ms, appeared to correspond to P30. The latency of the maximum factor loading in factor 2 was adjacent to that in factor 3, the latency of factor 2 being 12 ms earlier than that of factor 3. Factor 2 and factor 3 latencies were approximately 55 ms which corresponded to the P50. Factor 3 started rising at the point that factor 2 reached the maximum factor loading, and the factor score demonstrated a significant group difference only when analyzed by motor response criteria. These results suggest that the P50 in humans consists of overlapping potentials and that a part of the potential might relate to a motor response process.  相似文献   

The brain mechanisms of the selective verbal attention were studied using evoked potential (EP) technique. It was shown that the late "cognitive" EP components (400-800 ms) related to memory function were more positive to the words presented via a relevant sensory channel and more negative to irrelevant words. The hypothesis is advanced that words delivered via two competing sensory channels, such as visual and auditory, are perceived, i.e., the subject sees and hears them. However, irrelevant signals are not stored in episodic memory due to the active inhibition of the information transmission to the hippocampal structures.  相似文献   

Slow cortical auditory potentials have been studied in man during dichotic click train stimulation perceived as a moving sonic image. Higher values of the amplitude of N1 and P2 components were observed as compared to the response to unmoving image. The amplitude of these components gradually increases with changes in the click frequency within a train (from 15 to 60 Hz), the lower border of this band approximately corresponding to the time interval which is necessary for formation of the sonic image.  相似文献   

In a complex choice reaction time experiment, patterned stimuli without luminance change were presented, and pattern-specific visual evoked potentials to lower half-field stimulation were recorded. Two experimental conditions were used. The first was the between-field selection, where square patterns were presented in either the lower or the upper half of the visual field. In a given stimulus run one of the half-fields was task-relevant, and the subjects' task was to press a microswitch to stimuli of higher duration value (GO stimuli), while they had to ignore shorter ones, i. e. stimuli of lower apparent spatial contrast (NOGO stimuli). They had to ignore the stimuli appearing in the irrelevant half-field (IRR stimuli). In order to ensure proper fixation, the subjects had to press another microswitch at the onset of a dim light at the fixation point (CRT stimuli). Our second experimental condition was the within-field selection, where the GO, NOGO, and IRR stimuli appeared in the lower half of the visual field. GO and NOGO were square patterns while IRR stimuli were constructed of circles, or vice versa. (The CRT stimuli were the same as in the previous condition.) Three pattern-specific visual evoked potential components were identified, i. e. CI (70 ms latency), CII (100 ms latency), and CIII (170 ms latency). There were marked selective attention effects on both the CI-CII and CII-CIII peak-to-peak amplitudes. In both experimental conditions, responses with the highest amplitude were evoked by the GO type of stimuli, while the IRR stimuli evoked the smallest responses. According to these results, attention effects on the pattern-specific visual evoked potentials in the first 200 ms cannot be attributed to a simple stimulus set kind of selection.  相似文献   

The effect of selective attention on various waves of the somatosensory evoked potentials was studied in healthy people in the area of specific projection (sensorimotor) and the area of non-specific projection (occipital). Significant changes of the amplitude of waves with latency exceeding 55 msec were observed when attention was concentrated on the received stimulus (I and II group of subjects). In group I the process of attention concentration was associated with a phenomenon connected with the new yet unknown experimental situation (prevalence of amplitude increase), while in group II habituation was observed (prevailing amplitude fall). Waves M125 and N200 in the sensorimotor area and N200 and N235-255 in the occipital area seemed to be associated in a peculiar way with the process of attention concentration.  相似文献   

Middle Latency Auditory Evoked Potentials (MLAEPs) were recorded from 15 healthy subjects in order to evaluate the influence of different repetition rates on the latency and the amplitude of their main components Na, Pa and Nb. MLAEPs were obtained from Cz-ipsilateral ear lobe by averaging responses to 2000 monaural clicks delivered to both ears, at 65 dB SL of intensity, for each of 3 different repetition rates (1.1, 4.1, 8.1 Hz). Time base was 100 ms, analogical band-pass filter 5-1000 Hz (off-line digital bandpass: 20-100 Hz). The statistical analysis (repeated measures analysis of variance), demonstrated that, the latency and the amplitude of the Nb component were slightly influenced by repetition rate while Pa and Na were not. Moreover Nb showed the greatest interindividual variability (as already pointed out by other authors too); thus, we suggest that a stimulus rate of 8.1 Hz and the analysis of Na and Pa component only, can be regarded as the best assessment for MLAEPs evaluation when they are used for clinical purposes.  相似文献   

Middle Latency Auditory Evoked Potentials (MLAEPs) were recorded in 35 healthy subjects; all underwent monaural stimulation and 18 of them additionally underwent binaural stimulation. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of stimulus mode on MLAEP Na, Pa and Nb components and to assess normative data for clinical purposes. MLAEPs were respectively obtained from Cz-ipsilateral ear lobe (monaural mode) and from Cz-A1 and Cz-A2 (binaural mode) by twice averaging 1000 responses to 65 dBHL alternating clicks delivered at a repetition rate of 8.1 Hz. Time base was 100 msec; analogical band-pass filter setting was 5-1000 Hz (off-line digital badpass: 20-100 Hz). The statistical analyses (paired t-test, repeated measures analysis of variance) were not able to demonstrate any differences that derived from differing sides of stimulation (monaural mode) or from differing recording derivations (binaural mode); on the contrary, we demonstrated a slight increase in waveform amplitudes when the binaural mode was employed. In particular, we observed an increase in Na-Pa peak-to-peak amplitude, whereas Pa-Nb amplitude was unmodified. This finding is explicable in terms of a binaural interaction effect. Finally, we propose some guidelines for the correct performance and evaluation of MLAEPs in clinical practice.  相似文献   

Auditory evoked potentials (AEP) can be simultaneously recorded on-line as a succession of 11 waves, through a single input channel of a mini-computer. Since the response waves differ widely in frequency, a computing routine has been developed to display the whole response pattern in a single picture. Based upon a non-linear samples reduction of the digitized response, this routine allows a logarithmic transformation of the time axis. The method improves the identification of the AEP components and provides an objective estimate of the central auditory pathway for both neurophysiological and neuroclinical studies.  相似文献   

Objectives and mehtods: Four sets of measurements were obtained from 11 patients (44–80 years old) with small, localized pontine lesions due to vascular disease: (1) Monaural auditory brain-stem evoked potentials (ABEPs; peaks I to VI); (2) Binaural ABEPs processed for their binaural interaction components (BICs) in the latency range of peaks IV to VI; (3) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain-stem; and (4) psychoacoustics of interaural time disparity measures of binaural localization. ABEPs and BICs were analyzed for peak latencies and interpeak latency differences. Three-channel Lissajous' trajectories (3-CLTs) were derived for ABEPs and BICs and the latencies and orientations of the equivalent dipoles of ABEP and BICs were inferred from them.Results: Intercomponent latency measures of monaurally evoked ABEPs were abnormal in only 3 of the 11 patients. Consistent correlations between sites of lesion and neurophysiological abnormality were obtained in 9 of the 11 patients using 3-CLT measures of BICs. Six of the 11 patients had absence of one or more BIC components. Seven of the 11 had BICs orientation abnormality and 3 had latency abnormalities. Trapezoid body (TB) lesions (6 patients) were associated with an absent (two patients with ventral-caudal lesions) or abnormal (one patient with ventral-rostral lesions) dipole orientation of the first component (at the time of ABEPs IV), and sparing of this component with midline ventral TB lesions (two patients). A deviant orientation of the second BICs component (at the time of ABEPs V) was observed with ventral TB lesions. Psychoacoustic lateralization in these patients was biased toward the center. Rostral lateral lemniscus (LL) lesions (3 patients) were associated with absent (one patient) or abnormal (two patients) orientation of the third BICs component (at the time of ABEPs VI); and a side-biased lateralization with behavioral testing.Conclusions: These results indicate that: (1) the BICs component occurring at the time of ABEPs peak IV is dependent on ventral-caudal TB integrity; (2) the ventral TB contributes to the BICs component at the time of ABEPs peak V; and (3) the rostral LL is a contributing generator of the BICs component occurring at the time of ABEP peak VI.  相似文献   

The event-related potentials (ERPs) in visual discrimination task in parietal and temporal cortical areas were recorded in 11 young adults during passive observation (involuntary attention) and target selection (voluntary attention). The voluntary selective attention resulted in: 1) increased ERP correlation between the parietal; and temporal cortical areas; 2) increased correlation of sequential ERPs in monopolar leads (P3, P4, T3, T4, T5, T6); and 3) increased correlation of sequential ERPs in bipolar leads (P3-T3, P3-T5, P4-T4, P4-T6). The findings suggest that voluntary attention maintains a concordant activity of the parietal and temporal cortical areas in execution of visual selection tasks.  相似文献   

Evoked potentials are the transient electrical responses caused by changes in the brain following stimuli. This work uses a physiology-based continuum model of neuronal activity in the human brain to calculate theoretical cortical auditory evoked potentials (CAEPs) from the model’s linearized response. These are fitted to experimental data, allowing the fitted parameters to be related to brain physiology. This approach yields excellent fits to CAEP data, which can then be compared to fits of EEG spectra. It is shown that the differences between resting eyes-open EEG and standard CAEPs can be explained by changes in the physiology of populations of neurons in corticothalamic pathways, with notable similarities to certain aspects of slow-wave sleep. This pilot study demonstrates the ability of our model-based fitting method to provide information on the underlying physiology of the brain that is not available using standard methods.  相似文献   

Fourteen adult patients undergoing open heart surgery under induced hypothermia had median nerve, short-latency somatosensory evoked potentials (SSEPs) recorded during cooling (from 36°C to 19°C) and subsequent rewarming. Similar data on another group of patients who had brain-stem auditory evoked potentials (BAEPs) were also analyzed. Hypothermia produced increased latencies of the major SSEP and BAEP components and the latencies returned to normal with subsequent warming. The temperature-latency relationship during the cooling phase was significantly different from that during the warming phase. For SSEP components the temperature-latency relationship was linear during cooling and curvilinear during warming, whereas for BAEP it was curvilinear both during cooling and warming. Furthermore, the regression curves were different during the two phases of temperature manipulation, particularly for temperatures below 30°C both for SSEP and BAEP components. At the onset of warming there was an initial exaggerated warming response on the evoked potential (EP) latencies and amplitude of the EP components. The temperature-latency regression curves were uniformly less steep during the warming phase compared to those during cooling. These findings suggest the existence of hysteresis in the relationship between temperature and EP latencies. The latencies at a given temperature below 30°C depend on whether that temperature is reached during cooling or during warming.  相似文献   

Eight white New Zealand rabbits were submitted to auditory stimulation in order to obtain normative BAEP parameters. A monaural alternating 0.1 ms click stimulation at 20 Hz, 90 dB was used. Two series of 1000 responses were averaged (10 ms time-base, 160-3000 Hz band-pass) and highly reproducible peaks were obtained. Peaks P1, P2, P3, P4 were obtained in all ipsilateral recordings, whereas peak P5 was detectable in only 6 animals. In contralateral recordings P1 was absent and the following peaks were similar to those of ipsilateral recordings. Normative values of absolute and interpeak latencies, peak amplitudes and amplitude ratios were obtained. The procedure was repeated 24 hours after basal recordings and measures of test-retest variability were obtained.  相似文献   

Components of evoked potentials to stimuli differing in size and warning about the necessity of subsequent recognition of an image at the global or local level were analyzed to identify the specific features of selective attention in adults and seven-year-old children. In both age groups, components were found that were related to selective attention aimed at processing a warning stimulus (the P1, N1, and P2 components) and producing a response to the subsequent test stimulus. Both age groups exhibited similar dependences of changes in the P1 component (40–110 and 110–220 ms in the adults and children, respectively) on the type of the warning stimulus. The children displayed a greater increase in the amplitude of the P1 component of the response to the global versus the local key than the adults did. The P1 component is suggested to reflect not only the sensory features of the stimulus but also the selective attention associated with its sensory processing. The amplitude of the P2 component of the response to the global key (190–240 and 330–410 ms in the adults and children, respectively) was higher in both age groups. This component is believed to indicate evaluation of the signal importance of the warning stimulus. In the adults, late components of event-related potentials (ERPs), i.e., P3-N3 (300–450 ms), were associated with the global or local level of recognition of a test hierarchical stimulus that was presented after the key, with the greatest differences in the central and posterior associative areas of the right hemisphere and in the frontocentral areas of the left hemisphere. In the children, the N3 component (530–600 ms) in the left parietal area, as well as the late ERP phases, i.e., Ps (680–950 ms) and Ns (1030–1130 ms), during which the frontal cortical areas are involved in preparing the subsequent response, was shown to depend on the type of the warning stimulus.  相似文献   

Evoked potential audiometry and brain-stem auditory evoked potentials were evaluated in 15 patients with systemic brucellosis in whom brucella meningitis was suspected clinically. In 8 patients cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) was abnormal with high brucella titre, and evoked potentials were abnormal in all of them. In 7 patients the CSF was normal and evoked potentials were also normal. Brain-stem auditory evoked potential abnormalities were categorised into 4 types: (1) abnormal wave I, (2) abnormal wave V, both irreversible, (3) prolonged I–III interpeak latencies, and (4) prolonged I–V interpeak latencies, both reversible. These findings are of important diagnostic value and correlate well with the clinical features, aetiopathogenesis and final outcome.  相似文献   

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