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Microarrays, or gene chips, are transforming the way that gene expression is measured by allowing us to determine the expression of thousands of genes from a sample. This gives immense power to examine gene expression on a global scale within individual animals and between animals. The scope for analysing complex animal functions at the molecular level is within our grasp. Relatively few studies have examined complex behaviours and correlated them with gene expression in the central nervous system. Here, we review the use of microarray technology in the dissection of behaviour and focus specifically on dominance status. A cDNA library using suppression subtraction hybridisation on rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss of differing status has been produced to enrich the cDNA library for genes that are differentially expressed between individuals of different dominance status. A preliminary analysis demonstrated that there were 1,165 genes that differed between fish of different dominance status. Therefore, there is the potential of correlating gene expression profile with rank position within dominance hierarchies, thus identifying targets for candidate gene approaches.  相似文献   

Many of the factors that contribute to CD8+ T cell immunodominance hierarchies during viral infection are known. However, the functional differences that exist between dominant and subdominant epitope-specific CD8+ T cells remain poorly understood. In this study, we characterized the phenotypic and functional differences between dominant and subdominant simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) epitope-specific CD8+ T cells restricted by the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I allele Mamu-A*01 during acute and chronic SIV infection. Whole genome expression analyses during acute infection revealed that dominant SIV epitope-specific CD8+ T cells had a gene expression profile consistent with greater maturity and higher cytotoxic potential than subdominant epitope-specific CD8+ T cells. Flow-cytometric measurements of protein expression and anti-viral functionality during chronic infection confirmed these phenotypic and functional differences. Expression analyses of exhaustion-associated genes indicated that LAG-3 and CTLA-4 were more highly expressed in the dominant epitope-specific cells during acute SIV infection. Interestingly, only LAG-3 expression remained high during chronic infection in dominant epitope-specific cells. We also explored the binding interaction between peptide:MHC (pMHC) complexes and their cognate TCRs to determine their role in the establishment of immunodominance hierarchies. We found that epitope dominance was associated with higher TCR:pMHC affinity. These studies demonstrate that significant functional differences exist between dominant and subdominant epitope-specific CD8+ T cells within MHC-restricted immunodominance hierarchies and suggest that TCR:pMHC affinity may play an important role in determining the frequency and functionality of these cell populations. These findings advance our understanding of the regulation of T cell immunodominance and will aid HIV vaccine design.  相似文献   

Individuals within a species often compete for resources inboth space and time. In dominance hierarchies individuals withthe greatest competitive ability will occupy prime locationsduring optimal periods. We compared spatial and temporal useof habitat, aggression, and feeding success among giant kokopu(Galaxias argenteus) in dominance hierarchies under normal andreduced food supply. Under normal food supply conditions dominantfish were predominantly nocturnal and maintained large homeranges at night. Conversely, subdominant fish were diurnal andoccupied large home ranges by day but were generally not observedat night. When the food supply was limited, the utilizationof pools was determined by social rank. Dominant fish from eachpool increased diurnal activity, home range size, aggressiveness,and the capture of food items offered by day while simultaneouslyreducing the spatial and temporal activity and habitat use ofsubdominant fish. These results indicate that behavioral changesin large dominant fish influence and reduce the amount of resourcesavailable to subdominant fish.  相似文献   

Three hypotheses have been proposed to explain the development and maintenance of dominance hierarchies. According to the first hypothesis the dominance hierarchy is a result of the animals fighting once at their first encounter and then using the outcome of that fight to determine the rank order. The second hypothesis proposes that a dominance hierarchy reflects the fighting ability of the individuals in the group at each moment and is therefore relatively fluid with individuals continuously fighting for position. A third hypothesis, the suppression hypothesis, states that the dominance hierarchy is based to a large extent on the outcome of the first fight between the individuals but the dominant animal in each pair continuously attacks the subdominant individuals to condition them to lose in future encounters. We studied six well‐established flocks containing six adult hens each (Gallus gallus domesticus). Five of the flocks had linear hierarchies. The aggression was significantly more often directed towards the next low‐ranking individual. There was a good correlation between rank and comb size (height × width), but no significant correlation between rank and weight, or rank and level of fluctuating asymmetry. There was no significant correlation between levels of aggression and similarity of comb size for individuals of neighboring ranks. Our results tentatively support the suppression hypothesis for the maintenance of dominance hierarchies in the domestic hen.  相似文献   

In species living in social groups, aggression among individuals to gain access to limiting resources can lead to the formation of stable social hierarchies. We tested whether dominance rank in social groups of sponge-dwelling cleaning gobies Elacatinus prochilos in Barbados was determined by physical attributes of individuals or by prior experience of dominance, and examined the foraging consequences of dominance rank. Intraspecific aggression within groups resulted in stable dominance hierarchies that were strongly correlated with fish length. Dominant individuals maintained exclusive territories while subordinate fish occupied broader home ranges. Larger, competitively dominant fish were able to monopolize areas inside the sponge lumen with the highest abundance of the polychaete Haplosyllis spp., a favoured prey item, and achieved the highest foraging rates. The removal of a territorial individual from large groups resulted in a domino-like effect in territory relocation of the remaining fish as individuals moved to the territory previously occupied by the individual just above them in the group hierarchy. Individuals added to existing groups generally failed to gain access to territories, despite being formerly dominant in their original groups. When given the opportunity to choose a location in the absence of larger competitors, gobies frequently preferred positions that were previously defended and that had abundant food. These results suggest that intraspecific competition for resources creates the observed dominance structures and provides support for the role of individual physical attributes in the formation and maintenance of dominance hierarchies.  相似文献   

Juveniles of many birds establish dominance hierarchies within family social units, only to leave and compete to acquire dominance status in new social groups. Little is known about the role of sex, body mass, size or experience during the duckling period on subsequent dominance rank and adult social relationships. We used captive Mallard Anas platyrhynchos ducklings to test for the role of individual characteristics and growth parameters in establishing within-brood hierarchies, the maintenance of within-brood hierarchies in the subsequent wintering group and differences in social ranks between broods. Strong stable linear hierarchies were present within each brood and, later, within each phase of the winter. There was a reorganisation of the hierarchical order between the duckling period and early winter, but only few modifications afterwards during the winter. None of the tested “hatching”, “duckling” and “adult” traits explained either the within-brood or the winter hierarchies, but winter rank was related to brood of origin with ducklings from the same brood having similar social ranks. These differences between broods were maintained through the whole winter in most cases, though one brood drastically progressed in the hierarchy during late-winter. These results suggest that the factors affecting the establishment of social relationships within broods differ from those in winter groups, and that brood-related mechanisms influence social relationships during winter. We discuss our results in the light of direct and indirect maternal influence.  相似文献   

Salmonids form dominance hierarchies in environments, where space or food are limiting. Our first objective was to investigate the physiology of individual rainbow trout in 4-fish hierarchies. Our second was to compare conclusions drawn from grouping physiological data on the basis of social rank with those based on relating individual physiology to individual aggressive behavior. To create a social hierarchy, groups of 4 juvenile trout were fed (1 % ration) using a darkened feeding container, twice daily (morning and evening). Each morning feeding was videotaped to record aggressive behavior, thereby facilitating the assignment of a social status rank to each fish. On days 5 and 10–11, physiological parameters were measured in fish fasted for 24 h. Social hierarchies formed in all tested groups. One fish would become dominant, whereas the three subordinate individuals would each assume a stable social rank. When classified according to this social rank, the three subordinate individuals all displayed similar physiology, different from the physiology of the dominant fish. The latter included higher ammonia excretion rate, greater protein utilization in aerobic metabolism, greater feeding, higher specific growth rate, greater increase in condition factor, and lower routine oxygen consumption rate. However, when individual aggression was taken into account, a continuous gradient was observed between aggression and physiology for most parameters, regardless of social status. These relationships could be improved by normalizing the aggression score to the overall level of aggression in each hierarchy. We argue that individual behavior should be considered instead of just social rank when studying the physiology of trout in social hierarchies.  相似文献   

Dominance hierarchies usually form quickly among avian foraging groups because they are beneficial to most individuals by reducing conflict. Several characteristics that correlate with dominance rank have been identified in birds, but most of these conclusions rely on studies of temperate species. Hence, we studied whether captive group members of a subtropical species, grey‐cheeked fulvetta Alcippe morrisonia, form social dominance hierarchies when competing for food during the non‐breeding season. We also investigated whether sex, age, body condition and fat score were related to an individual's dominance rank which was established by counting aggressive interactions in six captive groups of nine individuals each. In all groups, linear dominance hierarchies were formed whereby yearlings dominated over adult birds, and individuals with a better body condition were also more dominant, while sex and fat score had no discernable effect. Male yearlings had significantly higher body masses and body condition indices than male adults, while female yearlings had significantly higher body masses, body condition indices and fat scores than female adults. However, there were no significant differences between male and female yearlings or adults for any of these variables. We suggest possible reasons for the dominance of yearlings, such as captive conditions or the higher body weight of yearlings.  相似文献   

In four scatter-fed groups of Tilapia rendalli , the distribution of food between individuals was not significantly different from that expected if the food was shared uniformly between all the fish in the group for nine of the 12 radiographic assessments of feeding behaviour. Individual fish maintained the same feeding rank over time, indicating a stable feeding hierarchy, in only one of the four scatter feeding groups. In contrast, in four point source feeding groups, the distribution of food between individuals differed significantly from uniformity in 10 of the 12 radiographic assessments of feeding behaviour and stable feeding hierarchies were maintained over time in three of the four groups. Thus, scatter feeding promoted a more uniform distribution of food between individuals within the group and prevented the formation of feeding hierarchies. There was no significant correlation between individual feeding rank and dominance index in all four scatter feeding groups. In contrast, significant positive correlations were found between individual feeding rank and dominance index in all four point source feeding groups. The results of this study confirm that feeding rank can be used as a correlate of relative social status under defensible feeding conditions.  相似文献   

The African wild dog (Lycaon pictus) is an endangered exotic canid with less than 5500 animals remaining in the wild. Despite numerous strategies to conserve this species, numbers of free-living animals are in decline. It is a highly social species with a complex pack structure: separate male and female dominant hierarchies with, typically, participation of subdominant adults in the rearing of the dominant breeding pairs' pups. Basic reproductive knowledge is largely missing in this species, with only limited information available on the profile of reproductive hormones, based on non-invasive endocrine monitoring. The dominant or alpha male and female are reproductively active and the subdominants are generally reproductively suppressed. However, the occasional production of litters by subdominant females and evidence of multiple paternity within litters suggests that fertility of subordinates is not completely inhibited. In this respect, there are still considerable gaps in our knowledge about the mechanisms governing reproduction and reproductive suppression in African wild dogs, particularly the influence of dominance and pack structure on both male and female fertility. Given concerns over the long-term survival of this species, further research in this area is essential to provide valuable information for their captive breeding and conservation. Reproductive information can also be applied to the development of Assisted Reproductive Techniques for this species; the utility of which in African wild dog conservation is also discussed.  相似文献   

OLAV HOGSTAD 《Ibis》1987,129(1):1-9
The social hierarchies in winter of ten flocks of Willow Tits Parus montanus were studied when the birds were foraging naturally and when visiting feeders. All the flocks consisted of one adult mated pair together with two juvenile males and two juvenile females (probably pairs). All flocks studied had a stable composition and the hierarchies remained constant throughout the study period. The hierarchies were linear and unilateral. The adults of each sex dominated the respective juveniles and within each age group the male dominated the female. The dominance relationships between the age and sex groups were not consistent. Although the males dominated all the females in six flocks, in one flock the adult female dominated both the juvenile males, but only one of them in three other flocks. The degree of aggression between flock-members was 0.8 encounters per hour, and males initiated 94% of all attacks. Body-weight explained 77% of the variation in dominance rank. It is suggested that the dominance rank of a male is also a function of his seniority, while the rank of a juvenile female is correlated with the rank of her mate.  相似文献   

Dominance behaviour and factors influencing dominance were investigated in small heterosexual and homosexual groups of guppies (Poecilia reticulata) in the laboratory. Straight line nip-right hierarchies were the most frequent type of dominance relationship. In heterosexual groups separate homosexual hierarchies were formed, and females were the more dominant sex. Dominant males performed significantly more reproductive behaviour than lower rank individuals. Agonistic behaviour appears early in young P. reticulata. Factors involved in determining dominance were size, sex and aggressiveness. Individual or role recognition or both may occur in this species. Advantages of dominance are discussed.  相似文献   

Crayfish are known for their innate aggressiveness and willingness to quickly establish dominance relationships among group members. Consequently, the formation of dominance hierarchies and the analysis of behavioral patterns displayed during agonistic encounters have mostly been tested in environments that provide no immediate resources besides space. We tested the hypothesis that social hierarchy formation in crayfish serves to determine access to future resources. Individuals within groups of three juvenile crayfish were allowed to form a social hierarchy in a featureless environment before a single food resource was presented. Higher dominance indices were significantly correlated with increased access to the food. The highest ranked crayfish spent more time in contact with the food than did medium-ranked and lowest ranked crayfish, and crayfish of medium rank spent more time in contact with the resource than did lowest ranked animals. The highest ranked crayfish consolidated their dominant status in the presence of food, indicated by a complete absence of any submissive behaviors during that period. The results of these experiments show that the disposition of crayfish to engage in fighting and formation of a dominance hierarchy in a featureless environment serves to determine future access to an emerging resource, thereby entailing greater benefits for animals of higher social rank.  相似文献   

Social aggression is one of the most conspicuous features of animal societies, yet little is known about the causes of individual variation in aggression within social hierarchies. Recent theory suggests that when individuals form queues for breeding, variation in social aggression by non-breeding group members is related to their probability of inheriting breeding status. However, levels of aggression could also vary as a temporary response to changes in the hierarchy, with individuals becoming more aggressive as they ascend in rank, in order to re-establish dominance relationships. Using the group-living fish, Neolamprologus pulcher, we show that subordinates became more aggressive after they ascended in rank. Female ascenders exhibited more rapid increases in aggression than males, and the increased aggression was primarily directed towards group members of adjacent rather than non-adjacent rank, suggesting that social aggression was related to conflict over rank. Elevated aggression by ascenders was not sustained over time, there was no relationship between rank and aggression in stable groups, and aggression given by ascenders was not sex-biased. Together, these results suggest that the need to re-establish dominance relationships following rank ascension is an important determinant of variation in aggression in animal societies.  相似文献   

Dominance hierarchies pervade animal societies. Within a static social environment, in which group size and composition are unchanged, an individual's hierarchy rank results from intrinsic (e.g. body size) and extrinsic (e.g. previous experiences) factors. Little is known, however, about how dominance relationships are formed and maintained when group size and composition are dynamic. Using a fusion-fission protocol, we fused groups of previously isolated shore crabs (Carcinus maenas) into larger groups, and then restored groups to their original size and composition. Pre-fusion hierarchies formed independently of individuals' sizes, and were maintained within a static group via winner/loser effects. Post-fusion hierarchies differed from pre-fusion ones; losing fights during fusion led to a decline in an individual's rank between pre- and post-fusion conditions, while spending time being aggressive during fusion led to an improvement in rank. In post-fusion tanks, larger individuals achieved better ranks than smaller individuals. In conclusion, dominance hierarchies in crabs represent a complex combination of intrinsic and extrinsic factors, in which experiences from previous groups can carry over to affect current competitive interactions.  相似文献   

HIV epitope-specific T cell responses are often comprised of clonotypic expansions with distinct functional properties. In HIV(+) individuals, we measured programmed death-1 (PD-1) and IL-7Rα expression, MHC class I tetramer binding, cytokine production, and proliferation profiles of dominant and subdominant TCR clonotypes to evaluate the relationship between the composition of the HIV-specific T cell repertoire and clonotypic phenotype and function. Dominant clonotypes are characterized by higher PD-1 expression and lower C127 expression compared with subdominant clonotypes, and TCR avidity positively correlates with PD-1 expression. At low peptide concentrations, dominant clonotypes fail to survive in culture. In response to stimulation with peptides representing variant epitopes, subdominant clonotypes produce higher relative levels of cytokines and display greater capacity for cross-recognition compared with dominant clonotypes. These data indicate that dominant clonotypes within HIV-specific T cell responses display a phenotype consistent with ongoing exposure to cognate viral epitopes and suggest that cross-reactive, subdominant clonotypes may retain greater capacity to suppress replication of viral variants as well as to survive in the absence of strong antigenic signaling.  相似文献   

The molecular mechanisms underlying complex social behaviours such as dominance are largely unknown. Studying the cooperatively breeding African cichlid Neolamprologus pulcher, we show that dominant females were similar to dominant males in dominance behaviour, high testosterone levels and brain arginine vasotocin expression (a neuropeptide involved in vertebrate territorial, reproductive and social behaviours) compared to subordinate helpers, but had lower levels of 11-ketotestosterone than males. Furthermore, brain gene expression profiles of dominant females were most similar to those of the males (independent of social rank). Dominant breeder females are masculinized at the molecular and hormonal level while being at the same time reproductively competent, suggesting a modular organization of molecular and endocrine functions, allowing for sex-specific regulation.  相似文献   

This study was designed to test the hypothesis that among unrelated male baboons (Papio cynocephalus anubis) in single-gender social groups there is no significant association between dominance status and allogrooming performance. The hypothesis was tested using behavioral measures obtained by focal animal sampling techniques. The results indicate that unrelated male baboons established well-defined linear dominance hierarchies, formed allogrooming relationships with one another, and exhibited a nonrandom distribution of allogrooming; however, there were no significant relationships between dominance rank and the frequency of allogrooming. We further tested our results by grouping individuals into three dominance status classes (high, middle, and low) and comparing the classes. Analysis of variance demonstrated no significant differences in rates of allogrooming by dominance class. These results suggest that dominance did not account for the variation in observed allogrooming behavior: Dominance status did not appear to determine the frequency with which animals groomed others, the number of grooming partners, or frequency of grooming that any individual received in comparison to that performed. High-ranking animals did not have significantly more grooming partners than low-ranking animals, and there appeared to be little competition within the groups for subordinates to groom high-ranking animals. When age, kinship, and group tenure are controlled, performance and reception of allogrooming are not strongly associated with dominance in single-gender social groups of male anubis baboons.  相似文献   

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