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Naringenin is a flavanone compound that alters critical cellular processes such as cell multiplication, glucose uptake, and mitochondrial activity. In this study, we used the social amoeba, Dictyostelium discoideum, as a model system for examining the cellular processes and signaling pathways affected by naringenin. We found that naringenin inhibited Dictyostelium cell division in a dose-dependent manner (IC(50) approximately 20 microM). Assays of Dictyostelium chemotaxis and multicellular development revealed that naringenin possesses a previously unrecognized ability to suppress amoeboid cell motility. We also found that naringenin, which is known to inhibit phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase activity, had no apparent effect on phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate synthesis in live Dictyostelium cells; suggesting that this compound suppresses cell growth and migration via alternative signaling pathways. In another context, the discoveries described here highlight the value of using the Dictyostelium model system for identifying and characterizing the mechanisms by which naringenin, and related compounds, exert their effects on eukaryotic cells.  相似文献   

The HIV viral entry co‐receptors CCR5 and CXCR4 function physiologically as typical chemokine receptors. Activation leads to cytosolic signal transduction that results in a variety of cellular responses such as cytoskeletal rearrangement and chemotaxis (CTX). Our aim was to investigate the signalling pathways involved in CC and CXC receptor‐mediated cell migration. Inhibition of dynamin I and II GTPase with dynasore completely inhibited CCL3‐stimulated CTX in THP‐1 cells, whereas the dynasore analogue Dyngo‐4a, which is a more potent inhibitor, showed reduced ability to inhibit CC chemokine‐induced CTX. In contrast, dynasore was not able to block cell migration via CXCR4. The same activation/inhibition pattern was verified in activated T lymphocytes for different CC and CXC chemokines. Cell migration induced by CC and CXC receptors does not rely on active internalization processes driven by dynamin because the blockade of internalization does not affect migration, but it might rely on dynamin interaction with the cytoskeleton. We identify here a functional difference in how CC and CXC receptor migration is controlled, suggesting that specific signalling networks are being employed for different receptor classes and potentially specific therapeutic targets to prevent receptor migration can be identified. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Wheat gluten causes dendritic cell maturation and chemokine secretion   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Wheat gluten causes gut inflammation in genetically predisposed individuals. We tested the hypothesis that wheat gluten is not only a target of adaptive immunity, but also modulates the function of APC. Dendritic cells (DC) derived from the bone marrow of BALB/c mice were exposed to chymotrypsin-treated wheat gluten. This induced DC maturation as estimated by all surface markers tested (MHC class II, CD40, CD54, and CD86). The effect was dose dependent, and, at 100 microg/ml gluten matched that caused by 10 ng/ml LPS. A role of endotoxin contamination was ruled out by demonstrating the resistance of wheat gluten effects to LPS antagonist polymyxin B. DC from LPS nonresponder strain C3H/HeJ were affected by wheat gluten, but not by LPS. Proteinase K-digested wheat gluten was unable to stimulate DC maturation. Wheat gluten induced a unique secretion pattern of selected cytokines and chemokines in DC. Classic pro- or anti-inflammatory mediators were not produced, in contrast to LPS. Rather, chemokines MIP-2 and keratinocyte-derived cytokine were secreted in large amounts. We conclude that wheat gluten lowers the threshold for immune responses by causing maturation of APC, by attracting leukocytes and increasing their reactivity state. In the presence of an appropriate genetic predisposition, this is expected to increase the risk of adverse immune reactions to wheat gluten or to other Ags presented.  相似文献   

Sanglifehrin A (SFA) is a recently developed immunosuppressant that belongs to the family of immunophilin-binding ligands. SFA is a cyclophilin A-binding immunosuppressive drug with a novel, but unidentified, mechanism of action. Several reports exist about the effect of SFA on T cells, but its effect on the initiators of the immune response, i.e., dendritic cells (DCs), is relatively unknown. Therefore, we examined the effect of SFA on the differentiation and function of human monocyte-derived DCs. Unlike the well-known cyclophilin A-binding immunosuppressant cyclosporin A, which did not affect DC phenotype, differentiation of DCs in the presence of SFA resulted in CD14-CD1a DCs with normal DC morphology, viability, and a proper capacity to activate allogeneic T cells. However, DCs generated in the presence of SFA demonstrated reduced macropinocytosis and lectin-mediated endocytosis, which was in line with a decreased expression of C-type lectins, including mannose receptor, C1qRP, DC-ASGPR, and especially, DC-SIGN. In contrast, FcalphaRI (CD89) and FcgammaRII (CD32) were increased by SFA. The explicit effect of SFA on the expression of Ag uptake receptors and Ag capture by DCs makes SFA unique among immunophilin-binding immunosuppressive drugs.  相似文献   

Studies have suggested that tumors are capable of modulating dendritic cell (DC) phenotype. A soluble protein produced by certain tumors, endothelial monocyte-activating polypeptide II (EMAP II) has been suggested as an anti-tumor agent based on its anti-angiogenic activity. However, this factor has not been evaluated for effects on DC. In this study, we analyzed the effect of Meth A fibrosarcoma supernatant and recombinant human EMAP II on DC migration. This included the migration of Langerhans cells from mouse ear skin sections and the migration of cells of a dendritic cell line (JAWS II) in a transwell culture system. The results of these studies indicated that EMAP II stimulates the migration of DC. Additional studies showed that the presence of the ascites form of the Meth A tumor led to a decrease in Langerhans cell (LC) numbers in the skin, and this decrease could be partially blocked by neutralizing antibody specific for EMAP II. Subcutaneous injection at the base of the ear of recombinant human EMAP II also led to a decrease in epidermal LC similar to that observed in tumor bearing mice. Together, these results suggest novel roles for EMAP II in modulating the migration of DC and suggest that these effects may modify Meth A tumor/host interactions.  相似文献   

Neural crest cells (NCCs) are a unique population of multipotent cells that migrate along defined pathways throughout the embryo and give rise to many diverse cell types including pigment cells, craniofacial cartilage and the peripheral nervous system (PNS). Aberrant migration of NCCs results in a wide variety of congenital birth defects including craniofacial abnormalities. The chemokine Sdf1 and its receptors, Cxcr4 and Cxcr7, have been identified as key components in the regulation of cell migration in a variety of tissues. Here we describe a novel role for the zebrafish chemokine receptor Cxcr4a in the development and migration of cranial NCCs (CNCCs). We find that loss of Cxcr4a, but not Cxcr7b, results in aberrant CNCC migration defects in the neurocranium, as well as cranial ganglia dysmorphogenesis. Moreover, overexpression of either Sdf1b or Cxcr4a causes aberrant CNCC migration and results in ectopic craniofacial cartilages. We propose a model in which Sdf1b signaling from the pharyngeal arch endoderm and optic stalk to Cxcr4a expressing CNCCs is important for both the proper condensation of the CNCCs into pharyngeal arches and the subsequent patterning and morphogenesis of the neural crest derived tissues.  相似文献   

Tick saliva is thought to contain a number of molecules that prevent host immune and inflammatory responses. In this study, the effects of Ixodes scapularis saliva on cytokine production by bone marrow-derived dendritic cells (DCs) from C57BL/6 mice stimulated by TLR-2, TLR-4, and TLR-9 ligands were studied. Saliva at remarkably diluted concentrations (<1/2000) promotes a dose-dependent inhibition of IL-12 and TNF-alpha production induced by all TLR ligands used. Using a combination of fractionation techniques (microcon filtration, molecular sieving, and reversed-phase chromatography), we unambiguously identified PGE(2) as the salivary inhibitor of IL-12 and TNF-alpha production by DCs. Moreover, we have found that I. scapularis saliva (dilution 1/200; approximately 10 nM PGE(2)) marginally inhibited LPS-induced CD40, but not CD80, CD86, or MHC class II expression. In addition, saliva significantly suppressed the ability of DCs to stimulate Ag-specific CD4(+) T cell proliferation and IL-2 production. Notably, the effect of saliva on DC maturation and function was reproduced by comparable concentrations of standard PGE(2). These findings indicate that PGE(2) accounts for most inhibition of DC function observed with saliva in vitro. The role of salivary PGE(2) in vector-host interaction and host immune modulation and inflammation in vivo is also discussed. This study is the first to identify molecularly a DC inhibitor from blood-sucking arthropods.  相似文献   

Dendritic cells (DCs) within the skin are a heterogeneous population of cells, including Langerhans cells of the epidermis and at least three subsets of dermal DCs. Collectively, these DCs play important roles in the initiation of adaptive immune responses following antigen challenge of the skin as well as being mediators of tolerance to self-antigen. A key functional aspect of cutaneous DCs is their migration both within the skin and into lymphatic vessels, resulting in their emigration to draining lymph nodes. Here, we discuss our current understanding of the requirements for successful DC migration in and from the skin, and introduce some of the microscopic techniques developed in our laboratory to facilitate a better understanding of this process. In particular, we detail our current use of multi-photon excitation (MPE) microscopy of murine skin to dissect the migratory behavior of DCs in vivo. B. Roediger and L. G. Ng contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Mast cell-associated TNF promotes dendritic cell migration   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Mast cells represent a potential source of TNF, a mediator which can enhance dendritic cell (DC) migration. Although the importance of mast cell-associated TNF in regulating DC migration in vivo is not clear, mast cells and mast cell-derived TNF can contribute to the expression of certain models of contact hypersensitivity (CHS). We found that CHS to FITC was significantly impaired in mast cell-deficient Kit(W-sh/W-sh) or TNF(-/)(-) mice. The reduced expression of CHS in Kit(W-sh/W-sh) mice was fully repaired by local transfer of wild-type bone marrow-derived cultured mast cells (BMCMCs), but was only partially repaired by transfer of TNF(-/)(-) BMCMCs. Thus, mast cells, and mast cell-derived TNF, were required for optimal expression of CHS to FITC. We found that the migration of FITC-bearing skin DCs into draining lymph nodes (LNs) 24 h after epicutaneous administration of FITC in naive mice was significantly reduced in mast cell-deficient or TNF(-/)(-) mice, but levels of DC migration in these mutant mice increased to greater than wild-type levels by 48 h after FITC sensitization. Mast cell-deficient or TNF(-/)(-) mice also exhibited significantly reduced migration of airway DCs to local LNs at 24 h after intranasal challenge with FITC-OVA. Migration of FITC-bearing DCs to LNs draining the skin or airways 24 h after sensitization was repaired in Kit(W-sh/W-sh) mice which had been engrafted with wild-type but not TNF(-/)(-) BMCMCs. Our findings indicate that mast cell-associated TNF can contribute significantly to the initial stages of FITC-induced migration of cutaneous or airway DCs.  相似文献   

Certain classes of dendritic cells (DCs) meet rare cognate Ag-specific T and B cells inside primary B cell follicles for the development of germinal centers. However, the mechanisms underlying this coordination are still undefined. Cysteine-rich (CR) domain of the mannose receptor (CR-Fc)(+) DCs are a newly discovered subset of DCs that migrate rapidly into the primary lymphoid follicles from marginal zone after immunization. In this work, we uncover the key role of B cells in the establishment of a microenvironment that allows these DCs to be in the B cell area in a lymphotoxin (LT)-dependent fashion. CR-Fc(+) DCs are absent from the spleens of both LTbetaR- and LTalpha-deficient mice, suggesting that signaling by membrane LT is required for the presence of CR-Fc(+) DCs in the spleen. Interestingly, analysis of mutant mice that lack T, B, or NK cells demonstrates that B cell-derived membrane LT is essential for the unique localization of CR-Fc(+) DCs in the spleen. Using bone marrow transfer and ligand-blocking approaches, we provide evidence that B cell-derived LT acts indirectly on CR-Fc(+) DCs through LTbetaR(+) stromal cells. In analogous fashion to certain Ag-activated T and B cells, CR-Fc(+) DCs, expressing CXCR5, localize to primary lymphoid follicles in response to CXC ligand 13 (B lymphocyte chemoattractant). Together, we propose that B cells play a central role in establishing the chemotactic gradient that attracts not only Ag-activated T and B cells but also Ag-carrying CR-Fc(+) DCs. In turn, CR-Fc(+) DCs and T cells home to B cell follicles to interact with B cells in the developing germinal center.  相似文献   

The lymphatic system is not only essential for maintenance of normal fluid balance, but also for proper immunologic function by providing an extensive network of vessels, important for cell trafficking and antigen delivery, as well as an exclusive environment, the lymph node (LN), where antigen-presenting cells (APCs) and lymphocytes can encounter and interact. Among APCs, dendritic cells (DCs) have a remarkable capacity to traffic from peripheral tissues to the draining LN, which is critical for execution of their functions. To reach the LN, DCs must migrate towards and enter lymphatic vessels. Here, the authors review what is known about the factors that drive this process. They touch particularly on the topic of how DC migration is affected by inflammation and discuss this in the context of lymphatic function. Traditionally, inflammatory mediators are regarded to support DC migration to LNs because they induce molecules on DCs known to guide them to lymphatics. The authors recently showed that inflammatory signals present in a strong vaccine adjuvant induce swelling in LNs accompanied by lymphangiogenesis in the draining LN and radius of peripheral tissue. These increased lymphatics, at least for several days, lead to a more robust migration of DCs. However, the density of lymphatic vessels can become overly extended and/or their function impaired as observed during lymphedema and various chronic inflammatory reactions. Diseases characterized by chronic inflammation often present with impaired DC migration and adaptive immunity. Gaining a better understanding of how lymphatic vessel function may impact adaptive immunity by, for example, altering DC migration will benefit clinical research aiming to manipulate immune responses and manage chronic inflammatory diseases.  相似文献   

A small molecule inhibitor of alpha4 integrin-dependent cell migration was identified through a cell-based screen of small molecule libraries. Biochemical and cellular experiments suggest that this molecule functions by interacting with gamma-parvin. This molecule should serve as a useful tool to study alpha4 integrin signaling and may lead to new therapeutics for the treatment of autoimmune diseases.  相似文献   

Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) infection of smooth muscle cells (SMCs) in vivo has been linked to a viral etiology of vascular disease. In this report, we demonstrate that HCMV infection of primary arterial SMCs results in significant cellular migration. Ablation of the chemokine receptor, US28, abrogates SMC migration, which is rescued only by expression of the viral homolog and not a cellular G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR). Expression of US28 in the presence of CC chemokines including RANTES or MCP-1 was sufficient to promote SMC migration by both chemokinesis and chemotaxis, which was inhibited by protein tyrosine kinase inhibitors. US28-mediated SMC migration provides a molecular basis for the correlative evidence that links HCMV to the acceleration of vascular disease.  相似文献   

Cell-mediated immunity plays a crucial role in the control of many infectious diseases, necessitating the need for adjuvants that can augment cellular immune responses elicited by vaccines. It is well established that protection against one such disease, malaria, requires strong CD8(+) T cell responses targeted against the liver stages of the causative agent, Plasmodium spp. In this report we show that the dendritic cell-specific chemokine, dendritic cell-derived CC chemokine 1 (DC-CK1), which is produced in humans and acts on naive lymphocytes, can enhance Ag-specific CD8(+) T cell responses when coadministered with either irradiated Plasmodium yoelii sporozoites or a recombinant adenovirus expressing the P. yoelii circumsporozoite protein in mice. We further show that these enhanced T cell responses result in increased protection to malaria in immunized mice challenged with live P. yoelii sporozoites, revealing an adjuvant activity for DC-CK1. DC-CK1 appears to act preferentially on naive mouse lymphocytes, and its adjuvant effect requires IL-12, but not IFN-gamma or CD40. Overall, our results show for the first time an in vivo role for DC-CK1 in the establishment of primary T cell responses and indicate the potential of this chemokine as an adjuvant for vaccines against malaria as well as other diseases in which cellular immune responses are important.  相似文献   

Dendritic cell (DC) migration from the site of infection to the site of T-cell priming is a crucial event in the generation of antiviral T-cell responses. Here we present to our knowledge the first functional evidence that human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) blocks the migration of infected monocyte-derived DCs toward lymphoid chemokines CCL19 and CCL21. DC migration is blocked by viral impairment of the chemokine receptor switch at the level of the expression of CCR7 molecules. The inhibition occurs with immediate-early-early kinetics, and viral interference with NF-kappaB signaling is likely to be at least partially responsible for the lack of CCR7 expression. DCs which migrate from the infected cultures are HCMV antigen negative, and consequently they do not stimulate HCMV-specific CD8(+) T cells, while CD4(+)-T-cell activation is not impaired. Although CD8(+) T cells can also be activated by alternative antigen presentation mechanisms, the spatial segregation of naive T cells and infected DCs seems a potent mechanism of delaying the generation of primary CD8(+)-T-cell responses and aiding early viral spread.  相似文献   

Migration of dendritic cells (DCs) plays an important role in T‐cell‐mediated adaptive immune responses. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) sensed by Toll‐like receptor 4 (TLR4) serves as a signal for DC migration. We analyzed LPS‐induced DC volume changes preceding the directed movement towards chemoattractants. Treatment with LPS resulted in rapid, prolonged cell swelling in wild‐type (WT), but not in TLR4?/? bone marrow‐derived (BM) DCs indicating that TLR4 signaling is essential for LPS‐induced swelling. As a consequence, LPS‐treatment enhanced the migratory activity along a chemokine (CCL21)‐gradient in WT, but not in TLR4‐deficient BMDCs suggesting that the LPS/TLR4‐induced swelling response facilitates DC migration. Moreover, the role of calcium‐activated potassium channels (KCa3.1) as putative regulators of immune cell volume regulation and migration was analyzed in LPS‐challenged BMDCs. We found that the LPS‐induced swelling of KCa3.1‐deficient DCs was impaired when compared to WT DCs. Accordingly, the LPS‐induced increase in [Ca2+]i detected in WT DCs was reduced in KCa3.1‐deficient DCs. Finally, directed migration of LPS‐challenged KCa3.1‐deficient DCs was low compared to WT DCs indicating that activation of KCa3.1 is involved in LPS‐induced DC migration. These findings suggest that both TLR4 and KCa3.1 contribute to the migration of LPS‐activated DCs as an important feature of the adaptive immune response.

The human cytomegalovirus-encoded chemokine receptor US28 induces arterial smooth muscle cell (SMC) migration; however, the underlying mechanisms involved in this process are unclear. We have previously shown that US28-mediated SMC migration occurs by a ligand-dependent process that is sensitive to protein-tyrosine kinase inhibitors. We demonstrate here that US28 signals through the non-receptor protein-tyrosine kinases Src and focal adhesion kinase (FAK) and that this activity is necessary for US28-mediated SMC migration. In the presence of RANTES (regulated on activation normal T cell expressed and secreted), US28 stimulates the production of a FAK.Src kinase complex. Interestingly, Src co-immunoprecipitates with US28 in a ligand-dependent manner. This association occurs earlier than the formation of the FAK.Src kinase complex, suggesting that US28 activates Src before FAK. US28 binding to RANTES also promotes the formation of a Grb2.FAK complex, which is sensitive to treatment with the Src inhibitor PP2, further highlighting the critical role of Src in US28 activation of FAK. Human cytomegalovirus US28-mediated SMC migration is inhibited by treatment with PP2 and through the expression of either of two dominant negative inhibitors of FAK (F397Y and NH2-terminal amino acids 1-401). These findings demonstrate that activation of FAK and Src plays a critical role in US28-mediated signaling and SMC migration.  相似文献   

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