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SUMMARY The molecular mechanisms underlying the formation and patterning of the nervous system are relatively poorly understood for lophotrochozoans (like annelids) as compared with ecdysozoans (especially Drosophila ) and deuterostomes (especially vertebrates). Therefore, we have undertaken a candidate gene approach to study aspects of neurogenesis in a polychaete annelid Platynereis dumerilii . We determined the spatiotemporal expression for Platynereis orthologs of four genes ( SoxB, Churchill, prospero / Prox , and SoxC) known to play key roles in vertebrate neurogenesis. During Platynereis development, SoxB is expressed in the neuroectoderm and its expression switches off when committed neural precursors are formed. Subsequently, Prox is expressed in all differentiating neural precursors in the central and peripheral nervous systems. Finally, SoxC and Churchill are transcribed in patterns consistent with their involvement in neural differentiation. The expression patterns of Platynereis SoxB and Prox closely resemble those in Drosophila and vertebrates—this suggests that orthologs of these genes play similar neurogenic roles in all bilaterians. Whereas Platynereis SoxC , like its vertebrate orthologs, plays a role in neural cell differentiation, related genes in Drosophila do not appear to be involved in neurogenesis. Finally, conversely to Churchill in Platynereis , vertebrate orthologs of this gene are expressed during neuroectoderm formation, but not later during nerve cell differentiation; in the insect lineage, homologs of these genes have been secondarily lost. In spite of such instances of functional divergence or loss, the present study shows conspicuous similarities in the genetic control of neurogenesis among bilaterians. These commonalities suggest that key features of the genetic program for neurogenesis are ancestral to bilaterians.  相似文献   

Regeneration, the ability to restore body parts after an injury or an amputation, is a widespread but highly variable and complex phenomenon in animals. While having fascinated scientists for centuries, fundamental questions about the cellular basis of animal regeneration as well as its evolutionary history remain largely unanswered. Here, we present a study of regeneration of the marine annelid Platynereis dumerilii, an emerging comparative developmental biology model, which, like many other annelids, displays important regenerative abilities. When P. dumerilii worms are amputated, they are able to regenerate the posteriormost differentiated part of their body and a stem cell-rich growth zone that allows the production of new segments replacing the amputated ones. We show that posterior regeneration is a rapid process that follows a well reproducible path and timeline, going through specific stages that we thoroughly defined. Wound healing is achieved one day after amputation and a regeneration blastema forms one day later. At this time point, some tissue specification already occurs, and a functional posterior growth zone is re-established as early as three days after amputation. Regeneration timing is only influenced, in a minor manner, by worm size. Comparable regenerative abilities are found for amputations performed at different positions along the antero-posterior axis of the worm, except when amputation planes are very close to the pharynx. Regenerative abilities persist upon repeated amputations without important alterations of the process. We also show that intense cell proliferation occurs during regeneration and that cell divisions are required for regeneration to proceed normally. Finally, 5-ethynyl-2’-deoxyuridine (EdU) pulse and chase experiments suggest that blastemal cells mostly derive from the segment immediately abutting the amputation plane. The detailed characterization of P. dumerilii posterior body regeneration presented in this article provides the foundation for future mechanistic and comparative studies of regeneration in this species.  相似文献   

In order to address the question of the conservation of posterior growth mechanisms in bilaterians, we have studied the expression patterns of the orthologues of the genes caudal, even-skipped, and brachyury in the annelid Platynereis dumerilii. Annelids belong to the still poorly studied third large branch of the bilaterians, the lophotrochozoans, and have anatomic and developmental characteristics, such as a segmented body plan, indirect development through a microscopic ciliated larva, and building of the trunk through posterior addition, which are all hypothesized by some authors (including us) to be present already in Urbilateria, the last common ancestor of bilaterians. All three genes are shown to be likely involved in the building of the anteroposterior axis around the slit-like amphistomous blastopore as well as in the patterning of the terminal anus-bearing piece of the body (the pygidium). In addition, caudal and even-skipped are likely involved in the posterior addition of segments. Together with the emerging results on the conservation of segmentation genes, these results reinforce the hypothesis that Urbilateria had a segmented trunk developing through posterior addition.  相似文献   

Oocytes of Platynereis dumerilii in early vitellogenesis were injected into female worms with oocytes of similar diameter. The donor oocytes were labeled by the or gene controlling eye pigmentation and, after some weeks of growth, were spawned together with the host oocytes. In most cases, a few donor progeny could be found among the offspring produced by the hosts. Donor progeny were examined with respect to an or gene-dependent maternal effect which normally causes wild-type eye color in homozygous (oror) larvae originating from the crossings of heterozygous (or+or) females and homozygous (oror) males. This maternal effect was absent from homozygous (oror) larvae derived from homozygous (oror) donor oocytes which had developed in heterozygous females. Conversely, this maternal effect was observed in homozygous (oror) larvae derived from heterozygous (or+or) donor oocytes which had developed in homozygous (oror) host females. It is concluded that the oocyte genome is active at the or+ locus during oogenesis and that the oocyte is autonomous with respect to the product of synthesis of the or+ locus. In the present case, the “maternal effect” is therefore caused by synthetic activity in the growing oocyte. The results are discussed with respect to current information on gene products from animal genomes.  相似文献   

The bilaterian animals are divided into three great branches: the Deuterostomia, Ecdysozoa, and Lophotrochozoa. The evolution of developmental mechanisms is less studied in the Lophotrochozoa than in the other two clades. We have studied the expression of Hox genes during larval development of two lophotrochozoans, the polychaete annelids Nereis virens and Platynereis dumerilii. As reported previously, the Hox cluster of N. virens consists of at least 11 genes (de Rosa R, Grenier JK, Andreeva T, Cook CE, Adoutte A, Akam M, Carroll SB, Balavoine G, Nature, 399:772–776, 1999; Andreeva TF, Cook C, Korchagina NM, Akam M, Dondua AK, Ontogenez 32:225–233, 2001); we have also cloned nine Hox genes of P. dumerilii. Hox genes are mainly expressed in the descendants of the 2d blastomere, which form the integument of segments, ventral neural ganglia, pre-pygidial growth zone, and the pygidial lobe. Patterns of expression are similar for orthologous genes of both nereids. In Nereis, Hox2, and Hox3 are activated before the blastopore closure, while Hox1 and Hox4 are activated just after this. Hox5 and Post2 are first active during the metatrochophore stage, and Hox7, Lox4, and Lox2 at the late nectochaete stage only. During larval stages, Hox genes are expressed in staggered domains in the developing segments and pygidial lobe. The pattern of expression of Hox cluster genes suggests their involvement in the vectorial regionalization of the larval body along the antero-posterior axis. Hox gene expression in nereids conforms to the canonical patterns postulated for the two other evolutionary branches of the Bilateria, the Ecdysozoa and the Deuterostomia, thus supporting the evolutionary conservatism of the function of Hox genes in development. Milana Kulakova, Nadezhda Bakalenko and Elena Novikova contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

The origin of animal segmentation, the periodic repetition of anatomical structures along the anteroposterior axis, is a long-standing issue that has been recently revived by comparative developmental genetics. In particular, a similar extensive morphological segmentation (or metamerism) is commonly recognized in annelids and arthropods. Mostly based on this supposedly homologous segmentation, these phyla have been united for a long time into the clade Articulata. However, recent phylogenetic analysis dismissed the Articulata and thus challenged the segmentation homology hypothesis. Here, we report the expression patterns of genes orthologous to the arthropod segmentation genes engrailed and wingless in the annelid Platynereis dumerilii. In Platynereis, engrailed and wingless are expressed in continuous ectodermal stripes on either side of the segmental boundary before, during, and after its formation; this expression pattern suggests that these genes are involved in segment formation. The striking similarities of engrailed and wingless expressions in Platynereis and arthropods may be due to evolutionary convergence or common heritage. In agreement with similarities in segment ontogeny and morphological organization in arthropods and annelids, we interpret our results as molecular evidence of a segmented ancestor of protostomes.  相似文献   

The amino acid sequences of the two variants (H1a 121 residues and H1b 119 residues) of the sperm-specific histone H1 from the polychaete annelid Platynereis dumerilii have been completely established. Comparison of the sequences of these two variants shows one deletion of two residues in histone H1b and 22 substitents, of which most occur in the globular domain. The two variants differ highly in a sequence of nine residues adjacent to the conservative phenylalanine residue of histone H1 (64-72 in H1a, 62-70 in H1b) which makes H1a less hydrophobic than H1b. The small molecular size of Platynereis H1a and H1b is a unique feature among the histones H1 of which the size ranges between 189 residues (chicken erythrocyte H5) and 248 residues (sea urchin sperm H1). H1a and H1b have short N- and C-terminal basic domains but the size of the globular domain (approximately equal to 80 residues) is similar to that of other H1s. In the globular region the variant H1a exhibits a close relationship with somatic or sperm H1s whereas the variant H1b is more related to H5 histones.  相似文献   

Orthologs of the Drosophila gap gene hunchback have been isolated so far only in protostomes. Phylogenetic analysis of recently available genomic data allowed us to confirm that hunchback genes are widely found in protostomes (both lophotrochozoans and ecdysozoans). In contrast, no unequivocal hunchback gene can be found in the genomes of deuterostomes and non-bilaterians. We cloned hunchback in the marine polychaete annelid Platynereis dumerilii and analysed its expression during development. In this species, hunchback displays an expression pattern indicative of a role in mesoderm formation and neurogenesis, and similar to the expression found for hunchback genes in arthropods. These data suggest altogether that these functions are ancestral to protostomes.Pierre Kerner and Fabiola Zelada González contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1986,34(2):472-479
Ragworms Platynereis dumerilii are periodically active even when they are kept under constant conditions in the laboratory but patterns of activity are modified by changes in prevailing conditions and by sudden stimulation. Acts, or the motivational systems to which they belong, apparently vie with one another for ongoing priority during bouts of activity. There is evidence that they are organized in a dominance hierarchy which ensures that those acts that demand urgent action, such as predator escape, have priority over less urgent ones. A dominant act can, as a result of a change in its associated level of causal factors, interrupt and replace a subdominant rival as the ongoing behaviour.  相似文献   

NK genes are related pan-metazoan homeobox genes. In the fruitfly, NK genes are clustered and involved in patterning various mesodermal derivatives during embryogenesis. It was therefore suggested that the NK cluster emerged in evolution as an ancestral mesodermal patterning cluster. To test this hypothesis, we cloned and analysed the expression patterns of the homologues of NK cluster genes Msx, NK4, NK3, Lbx, Tlx, NK1 and NK5 in the marine annelid Platynereis dumerilii, a representative of trochozoans, the third great branch of bilaterian animals alongside deuterostomes and ecdysozoans. We found that most of these genes are involved, as they are in the fly, in the specification of distinct mesodermal derivatives, notably subsets of muscle precursors. The expression of the homologue of NK4/tinman in the pulsatile dorsal vessel of Platynereis strongly supports the hypothesis that the vertebrate heart derived from a dorsal vessel relocated to a ventral position by D/V axis inversion in a chordate ancestor. Additionally and more surprisingly, NK4, Lbx, Msx, Tlx and NK1 orthologues are expressed in complementary sets of stripes in the ectoderm and/or mesoderm of forming segments, suggesting an involvement in the segment formation process. A potentially ancient role of the NK cluster genes in segment formation, unsuspected from vertebrate and fruitfly studies so far, now deserves to be investigated in other bilaterian species, especially non-insect arthropods and onychophorans.  相似文献   

Summary Pteridine eye pigment, indicative of the activity of theor +-allele, was observed inor/or larvae ofPlatynereis, derived from transplantedor +/or oocytes. These heterozygous oocytes had grown up inor/or hosts, themselves deficient in pteridine pigment synthesis. It is therefore concluded that theor + gene product, responsible for pteridine pigment synthesis in theor/or larvae, had been synthesized by the oocyte genomes.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

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