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本文深入剖析了具备法律意识对当前大学生的重要意义,并且提出阻碍大学生法律意识提高的因素,对此,也针对性的提出了培养大学生法律意识的方法和途径。  相似文献   

本文通过诠释了什么是生命教育的内涵,体现生命教育的重要性。然后,提出了在生物教学中渗透生命教育的几种方法,以此共鉴。  相似文献   

本文以大学生情商教育为视角,通过揭示新形势下大学生情商教育的重要性,找到培养大学生情商的有效途径。  相似文献   

本文重点介绍了国内外生物质能源发展趋势,概括和分析了当前我国林业生物质能源发展的潜力及存在的问题,提出了中国林业生物质能源发展的思路及推进其产业化发展的相关政策需求和建议。  相似文献   

传统美德作为中华民族思想文化的重要组成部分之一,在中国的发展过程中发挥着重要作用。当代大学生作为中国特色社会主义事业的接班人,理应传承中华民族的传统美德并将其发扬光大。在构建和谐社会、和谐校园的过程中,高校应该积极探索适合大学生的传统美德教育方法,引导他们树立正确的世界观、人生观、价值观,成为高素质的人才。  相似文献   

医学研究生教育作为我国高等教育的重要组成部分,为国家培养了大批高素质医学人才。本文就我们医学研究生教育的实践,探讨医学研究生教育存在的问题。医学研究生教育应首先应加强医学专业知识的全面学习,做到博学而精深。同时,应注重科研素质和人文素质的培养。最后,医学研究生的教育国际化也是非常重要的一个问题。总之,医学院校研究生教育应更加注重创新性、科研素质、人文素质和国际视野的培养,培养具有国际竞争力的高素质专业医学人才。  相似文献   

鼓励社会办医发展是当前深化医药卫生体制改革的重要内容和方向。本研究通过对社会办医政策的系统收集和分类,运用内容分析的方法,从社会办医政策分类、关键词共词分析以及政策文本内容的具体比较等方面,对当前我国不同层级社会办医政策进行深入研究并发现问题,并提出相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

时下,网络已经成为大学生学习和生活的重要组成部分,影响着大学生在价值观、人生观、世界观等多方面的形成过程。网络化背景下的道德教育,更加具有一定的特殊性和专业性,在全面掌握大学生的心理特点以及性格特征的基础上,结合当前的就业导向以及各方面的社会环境,从多角度思考有助于网络道德教育的发展模式,探讨网络道德教育的系统化方式,对于提升高校教育以及大学生的综合素质都将有很大的作用。本文将从大学生网络道德教育的基本含义出发,进而从多角度思考并探索高校网络道德教育的特征,为提升大学生的道德素养提供良好的平台。  相似文献   

目的:研究高校大学生营养标签教育的效果,为更好地开展大学生营养与健康教育提供科学依据。方法:采用整群抽样方法,选取广东某2所高校自愿参加大学生营养与健康公选课的学生,在开展营养标签教育前后,进行营养标签KAP问卷调查。结果:营养标签教育后,大学生对14项营养标签知识认知有了明显提高;对6项营养标签态度有了明显改善;对9项营养标签行为有了明显的规范;与教育前相比,差异达到极显著水平(P<0.01)。结论:高校采取营养标签教育与大学生营养与健康公选课相结合的方法,对高校大学生营养标签教育效果明显,建议有条件的高校进行推广。  相似文献   

科学不仅具有技术价值和经济价值,而且还具有文化价值和精神价值。我们在提高高中生物学课程的科学教育价值的同时,还应提升其人文教育价值。生物学课程中人文教育的重点是人文关切和科学理性,具体落实为可持续发展意识教育和科学精神、科学态度的教育,加强人文教育的关键是增强时代性。  相似文献   

针对民办高校贫困学生的特殊性及责助方面存在的种种困难,提出只有创新资助方式,加大对贫困学生的资助力度,建立资助工作的长效机制,才能促进民办高等教育事业积极、健康、可持续发展。  相似文献   

Sounds of Learning: The Impact of Music Education is a research program designed to allow researchers to examine the roles of music education in the lives of school-aged children to expand the understanding of music's role in a quality education. The NAMM Foundation, the sponsoring organization, has provided more than $1,000,000 to fund research on the impact of music education on student achievement and success in school; all aspects of a child's growth and development; the uses and functions of music in daily life; and home, school, and community environments. Quality research about the role and impact of music education conducted by experienced researchers who publish in rigorous, peer-reviewed, scientific research journals plays a vital role in moving a public policy agenda forward to achieve expanded access to music education for all children. The goal is that this research will inform policy debates and development to achieve policies that support opportunities for every child to experience the power and benefits of learning music.  相似文献   


In this introduction to Early Childhood Arts Education in the United States, a special issue of Arts Education Policy Review, the editors provide a platform for stakeholders' increased awareness and understandings of the need to ensure children's rights to arts education. They summarize the five articles comprising this issue, and invite stakeholders to consider example action steps to apply content from this Issue to arts interactions with young children.  相似文献   


Despite the rise of STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics) as an educational framework, there is a notable gap in the documentation of STEAM teaching practice and research. This article provides an overview of STEAM education connected to the topics in the invited articles authored by STEAM pioneers. It gives an operational definition of STEAM education, traces its development, and questions whether teaching and research in this area have coalesced sufficiently in order to establish STEAM as a “field.”  相似文献   

对医学生开展艾滋病教育课程的实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
艾滋病教育课程在大学的开设面临重要性和紧迫性,由于专业的特殊性,在医学院校开展艾滋病教育课程更显意义重大。该文论述了对医学生开展艾滋病教育课程的几点实践体会。  相似文献   

This article provides an overview of dance education in schools in Singapore with regard to physical education, co-curricular activity, initiatives by the National Arts Council's Arts Education unit, and pre-tertiary and tertiary dance programs. In an effort to gain a better understanding of how well the official discourse and the reality of schooling in dance interconnect, a meta-analysis of published articles, conference papers, committee reports, and curricula was conducted. Situated within the larger sociocultural, political, and historical contexts, Singapore presents a curious case for probing the merits and limitations of research, policy initiatives, and policy implementation. In the conclusion, the author argues that the development of a coherent dance education in Singapore requires “fixing” three dilemmas—meritocratic schooling in dance, the ill-defined and exhaustive use of the term “talent,” and the uneven research that has not kept pace with the policy initiatives.  相似文献   

The United States and much of the world is struggling with what “education” and being “educated” mean. Daily media are replete with debates on issues ranging from gender and class rights to the ideological and practical purpose of education. Prominent among these debates are discussions about whether education should be geared toward vocational purposes and employability or toward the creation of engaged, informed, and intellectually aware citizens. In this article we problematize the role and limitations of current research on drama and theater in and as education. To do this, we first share a sampling of the current state of research in this arts area. We then articulate the role this diverse range of research methodologies and foci play in shaping national and global educational policy.  相似文献   

Resolution of urban and suburban deer problems often depends on learning and co-management. Local newspapers may reflect the learning occurring in a community. Past authors have identified 4 primary types of learning (technical, conceptual, social, and political). We studied newspaper content related to deer management for insights about the types of learning occurring in selected regions in New York State. We analyzed 263 newspaper articles published between 2000 and 2006. We found that the majority of content related to learning focused on conceptual and technical learning, but relatively little, particularly early in the evolution of deer management issues, focused on social or political learning. Our results suggest that additional attention to social learning focusing on collaborative relationships and constructive dialogue among stakeholders by both communities and newspapers could be beneficial in the resolution of deer problems. © 2012 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Significant evidence has accumulated demonstrating that soil biochar amendment has many environmental benefits; however, adoption has been slow. This raises the question of how to align the environmental benefits with commercial motivations to drive more widespread implementation. Here, we examine the role that government policy can play in accelerating production and use at commercial scale. We identify three types of programs that can support biochar production: commercial financial incentives, nonfinancial policy support, and research and development funding. We also describe how these programs are currently used to support biochar production. For example, financial incentives can motivate immediate changes in business practices while nonfinancial policies can be important mechanisms to educate consumers and expand market demand. Research and development support can provide the necessary funding for early‐stage innovations that may one day become commercially viable options, even without other types of policy support. There are different risk–reward profiles for each policy mechanism, and these must be considered when evaluating a policy direction. Finally, we offer broad recommendations to the development of policy that maximizes the net benefits of biochar adoption. Key recommendations include improving policies that allow for the monetization of environmental benefits and avoided costs, recognizing soil as a resource through national preservation policy, and developing a broadly accepted set of product standards for biochar.  相似文献   

This article applies the Toulmin argument model of rhetorical analysis—which features identification and dissection of the components of prominent enthymemes—to scrutinize concepts within both educational policy documents and relevant music education literature from Norway and Finland across the past decade. Our analysis examines how understandings of “music education” are formulated through the cosmopolitan rhetoric of public policy, enabling rigorous assessment of relationships between the prospective limitations of these formulations and the actual concerns of music teachers evident in professional periodicals since the start of the twenty-first century.  相似文献   

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