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A large-scale purification procedure was developed for the isolation of myeloperoxidase from HL60 promyelocytic cells in culture. Initial studies showed the bulk of peroxidase-positive myeloperoxidase activity to be located in the cetyltrimethylammonium bromide solubilized particulate fraction of cell homogenates. The myeloperoxidase was then chromatographically purified using concanavalin A followed by gel filtration. SDS-PAGE analysis of the final preparation showed the presence of only two proteins with molecular masses of approximately 55 and 15 kDa, corresponding to the large and small subunits of myeloperoxidase. These data, along with Reinheit Zahl (RZ) values (A(430)/A(280)) of greater than or equal to 0.72, indicate that the myeloperoxidase prepared by this method is apparently homogeneous. Preparations routinely yielded 12-20 mg of pure myeloperoxidase per 10 ml of cell pellet. The HL60 myeloperoxidase was shown to be indistinguishable from purified human neutrophil myeloperoxidase by size exclusion chromatography, analytical ultracentrifugation, SDS-PAGE, Western blot, and NH(2)-terminal sequence analysis. The activities of the two myeloperoxidase samples, as measured using either the tetramethylbenzidine or the taurine chloramine assay, were indistinguishable. Finally, both enzymes responded identically to dapsone and aminobenzoic acid hydrazide, known inhibitors of myeloperoxidase. A protocol is presented here for the rapid, large-scale purification of myeloperoxidase from cultured HL60 cells, as well as evidence for the interchangeability of this myeloperoxidase and that purified from human neutrophils.  相似文献   

pH homeostasis in promyelocytic leukemic HL60 cells   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
By measuring the membrane potential using the influx of the lipophilic cation tetraphenylphosphonium and intracellular pH using 2,7-biscarboxy-ethyl-5(6)-carboxyfluorescein and the distribution of the weak acid 5,5-dimethyl-2,4-oxazolidinedione, we have determined that intracellular pH is 0.9-1.1 pH units above electrochemical equilibrium in undifferentiated HL60 cells, indicating that these cells actively extrude proton equivalents. The Na/H exchanger is not the system responsible for keeping the pH above the electrochemical equilibrium, since adding inhibitors of this transport system (dimethylamiloride and ethylisopropylamiloride) or removing the extracellular sodium has no effect on intracellular pH. In contrast, the addition of the Cl/HCO3 exchange inhibitors H2 4,4'-diisothiocyanostilbene-2,2'-disulfonate (DIDS) or pentachlorophenol (PCP) causes a drop in intracellular pH, and the removal of extracellular chloride in the presence of bicarbonate leads to a large intracellular alkalinization, which indicates a role for the anion exchanger in pH homeostasis in these cells. In addition, we find that the intracellular chloride concentration is about one order of magnitude above electrochemical equilibrium. We conclude that an H2DIDS and PCP inhibitable system, probably the Cl/HCO3 exchanger, is at least partially responsible for keeping intracellular pH above electrochemical equilibrium in HL60 cells under resting conditions. We also find no change in intracellular pH when cells differentiate along the granulocytic pathway (having been induced by the addition of dimethylsulfoxide or of retinoic acid), which indicates that changes in intracellular pH are not causally related to cell differentiation.  相似文献   

The metabolism of inositol 1- and 4-monophosphates in HL60 promyelocytic leukaemia cells was studied. LiCl, BeCl2 and NaF inhibited the hydrolysis of both monophosphates with half maximal inhibition occurring at 1.2 mM, 0.3 microM, 0.25 mM (Ins 1P) and 0.14 mM, 0.56 microM, 0.28 mM (Ins 4P) respectively. Lithium was an uncompetitive inhibitor with respect to both substrates. Ins 4P inhibited the hydrolysis of Ins 1P in a concentration dependent manner, suggesting that it acts as a competing substrate for the same enzyme. Half maximal inhibition occurred at 120 microM Ins 4P. The lithium sensitive activity responsible for the metabolism of both monophosphates was present in a soluble fraction made from the cells. Taken together these data suggest that Ins 1P and Ins 4P are hydrolysed by a single soluble enzyme activity which is sensitive to inhibition by lithium, beryllium and fluoride.  相似文献   

Phosphoinositide turnover is known to play an important role in intracellular free calcium homeostasis through the inositol trisphophate-mediated release of calcium from intracellular stores. We find that the other product of phosphoinositide turnover, 1,2-diacylglycerol, elicits an increase in intracellular free calcium in HL60 cells which is due, at least in part, to release of calcium from intracellular stores. This effect is specific for calcium, since intracellular sodium and potassium levels and cellular volume were unaffected. Concomitant with the intracellular calcium increase, we find an increase in cellular inositol trisphosphate levels, suggesting that the effect of diacylglycerol on calcium may be mediated by inositol trisphosphate. Diacylglycerols also stimulate calcium efflux. This stimulation is not simply due to the increase in intracellular calcium. These effects appear not to be mediated through stimulation of a phorbol ester-activatable protein kinase C (Ca2+/phospholipid-dependent enzyme) since phorbol esters do not elicit an increase in cytoplasmic free calcium or an increase in calcium efflux.  相似文献   

Highly specific insulin receptors have been identified on human promyelocytic leukemia cells HL60. Insulin binding increased progressively with time to reach a maximum at 2 h at 22° and was proportional to the number of cells in the incubation mixture. Insulin degradation as assessed by TCA precipitation and reincubation studies was negligible. Scatchard analysis of the binding data was curvilinear and the total number of insulin receptor sites per cell was around 45,000. The average affinity profile gave an “unoccupied site” affinity constant of 3.5 × 108 M?1. The promyelocytic cells HL60, thus, have specific binding sites and binding characteristics similar to more mature human myeloid cells.  相似文献   

M Yamada  M Mori  T Sugimura 《Biochemistry》1981,20(4):766-771
Human myeloperoxidase was purified to homogeneity from human promyelocytic leukemia HL-60 cells. A small molecular weight myeloperoxidase was found in these cells and was separated from three other forms of myeloperoxidase of large molecular weight by carboxymethyl-Sepharose CL-6B column chromatography and Sephacryl S-200 gel filtration. The S20,w values of the molecular weights of the small and large myeloperoxidases were found to be 5.2 and 8.07 S, respectively, by sucrose density gradient centrifugation. From these S20,w values, the molecular weights of the small and large myeloperoxidases were estimated to be 79 000 and 153 000, respectively. On electrophoresis in sodium dodecyl sulfate--polyacrylamide gel, the small and large myeloperoxidases each gave two bands of protein corresponding to molecular weights of 59 300 and 10 150. The small myeloperoxidase could not be distinguished from the large enzymes by the Ouchterlony double immunodiffusion test, but it could be distinguished from them by the microcomplement fixation text. One of the three large molecular weight myeloperoxidases was eluted at a lower concentration of methyl alpha-D-mannoside than the other two on concanavalin A--Sepharose chromatography. This suggested that the heterogeneity of the myeloperoxidases with large molecular weight may be partly due to differences in their sugar moieties.  相似文献   

Cells of the human promyelocytic HL60 line were induced to differentiate into granulocyte-like cells with dimethylsulphoxide (DMSO) or macrophage-like cells with 12-0-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA). The synthesis of Cathepsin B by these cells was studied by immunoperoxidase staining and assay of cell lysates using the fluorimetric substrate benzoyloxycarbonyl-phenylanalyl-arginine-4-methyl-7-coumarylamide. Only 2–5% of the uninduced HL60 cells and DMSO-induced cells were immunohistochemically positive for Cathepsin B, compared with over 80% of the TPA-induced cells. Cathepsin B activity was lowest in the lysates of uninduced HL60s. DMSO-induced cells contained 1.5–2-fold the enzyme activity of HL60s and TPA-induced cell lysates demonstrated 5–14-fold the activity of uninduced HL60s. Induction of Cathepsin B synthesis was therefore associated with differentiation of the promyelocytes into cells of the monocyte/macrophage type, but not granulocyte-like cells. Cathepsin B was located immunohistochemically in human palatine tonsils. The enzyme was only demonstrated within macrophages in these tissues. Cathepsin B may therefore be a useful immunohistochemical marker for malignant and nonmalignant cells of the monocyte/macrophage lineage.  相似文献   

Shear stress-induced cleavage of cell surface CD18 integrins is reported to be part of an anti-inflammatory control mechanism that minimizes neutrophil activity in the blood under physiologic conditions. The cysteine protease, cathepsin B (catB), has been implicated in this mechanoregulatory mechanism, but its molecular dynamics remain to be elucidated. Moreover, attempts to do so using molecular approaches are hindered by the limited ex vivo life span of primary neutrophils. As an alternative, we explored the potential use of HL60-derived neutrophilic cells as a transfectable culture model that exhibits a shear-induced CD18 cleavage response comparable to primary neutrophils. HL60 cells were differentiated into neutrophil-like cells (dHL60-NCs) and exposed to laminar shear stress ( \(5\, \hbox {dynes}/\hbox {cm}^{2}\) for 10 min). Based on cytometric analyses, sheared cells cleaved CD18 and CD11a, but not CD11b, integrins. Treatment of cells with E64 or doxycycline prior to and during shear exposure inhibited CD18, but only attenuated CD11a, cleavage. Neither aprotinin nor pepstatin affected shear-induced CD18 or CD11a cleavage. Notably, dHL60-NCs expressed minimal catB. Thus, multiple cysteine proteases in addition to catB may cleave CD18 on sheared leukocytes. In fact, our findings indicate that multiple non-cysteine proteases also participate in the shear-related cleavage of CD11/CD18 heterodimers. Finally, shear-induced cleavage of CD18 and CD11a by dHL60-NCs was inhibited by fMLP concentrations of at least \(1\,\upmu \hbox {M}\) . Collectively, our findings indicate that shear-induced CD11/CD18 cleavage is phenotypic of neutrophilic cells, including those derived from HL60 cells. Moreover, our results verify shear stress as a key anti-inflammatory stimulus for neutrophils under physiologic conditions.  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(11):1328-1337

This paper studied the effects of physiologically available oxidants on HL 60 differentiation induced by all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA) or dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO). Hydrogen peroxide (15 μM) and taurine chloramine (200 μM) induced HL 60 differentiation, which was detected by CD11b expression and superoxide production. Cd11b and p67phox mRNA expression was also augmented by these oxidants. In contrast, reducing chemicals, such as dithiothreitol, 2,3-dimercapto-1-propanol and N-acetylcysteine inhibited CD11b expression. Notably, DMSO inhibited methionine sulfoxide reductase activity, induced heme oxygenase-1 (ho-1) mRNA and enhanced oxidant-induced cell death, which indicated that DMSO intensified oxidative stress. After the addition of oxidants, ho-1 expression preceded the cd11b expression. Vicinal dithiol-reactive phenylarsine oxide (50 nM) also increased CD11b expression induced by DMSO or ATRA. These observations suggested that oxidative stress enhanced granulocytic differentiation of HL 60 cells and that leukaemic cell differentiation was affected by cellular redox status.  相似文献   

Synchronization of the human promyelocytic cell line HL 60 by thymidine   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cultures of the promyelocytic cell line HL 60 were synchronized with thymidine. A concentration of 0.05 mM thymidine and an exposure time of 24 hr was found optimal for blocking about 90% of the cells in S phase. Following release from the thymidine block the cell cultures were followed intermittently over 40 hr for fluctuation in cell numbers, labelling with radioactive thymidine and nuclear DNA distributions. Mathematical evaluation of the results revealed a cycling time of 18.6 hr and a duration of specific cell phases of 8.6 hr, 7.1 hr and 2.9 hr for G1, S and G2 + M, respectively. The doubling time was 26 hr and the growth fraction was estimated as 1.  相似文献   

Abstract. In order to characterize the growth pattern of the human promyelocytic leukaemia cell line HL60, its kinetic parameters were studied. The doubling time was calculated from serial cell counts, the duration of the various cell cycle phases from the analysis of the labelled mitoses curve, and quiescent population from continuous labelling experiments. Proliferation in culture was exponential up to a saturation density of about 3.0 × 106 cells/ml, with a doubling time of 34.0 hr. The cell cycle duration was 24.3 ± 4.1 hr (SD), and that of the cell cycle phases was: G1, 3.8 ± 2.2 hr; S, 15.1 ± 3 hr; and G2, 5.4 ± 1.2 hr. The growth fraction was 0.85, and cell loss was restricted to the quiescent cells. The HL60 cell line, with fully characterized kinetics, provides a useful tool for the in vitro study of substances which may affect human leukaemic myelopoietic proliferation.  相似文献   

Human promyelocytic leukemia HL-60 cells have been used as a model to study both the expression of matrix-metalloproteinases and the mechanisms of programmed cell death. In the present study we examined the expression of these proteases in HL-60 cells stimulated by different apoptotic triggers. As shown by zymography, HL-60 cells released three major isofroms of the matrix-degrading proteases; when the leukemic cells were grown in serum-free conditions, as well as after hyperthermia and methotrexate treatment, we found a significant loss of the constitutive production of the 92 kDa matrix-metalloprotease, with an unequivocable molecular and ultrastructural evidence of programmed cell death. These results suggest that in HL-60 cells the expression/release of matrix metalloproteases can be down-regulated in the presence of the apoptotic-induced alterations, and that the decreased matrix-degrading capacity of this leukemic cell line during apoptosis may reduce its invasive potential.  相似文献   

Iron regulation of hepatic macrophage TNFalpha expression   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

The glyoxalase system of human promyelocytic leukaemia HL60 cells was substantially modified during differentiation to neutrophils. The activity of glyoxalase I was decreased and the activity of glyoxalase II was markedly increased relative to the level in control HL60 promyelocytes. There was a decrease in the apparent maximum velocity, Vmax, of glyoxalase I, and an increase in the Vmax of glyoxalase II. The apparent Michaelis constants for both enzymes remained unchanged. The flux of intermediates metabolised via the glyoxalase system increased during differentiation, as judged by the formation of D-lactic acid, whereas the percentage of glucotriose metabolised via the glyoxalase system remained unchanged. The cellular concentrations of the glyoxalase substrates, methylglyoxal and S-D-lactoylglutathione, were markedly decreased during differentiation. The maturation of HL60 promyelocytes is associated with an increased ability to metabolise S-D-lactoylglutathione by glyoxalase II and a concomitant decrease in the mean intracellular concentrations of S-D-lactoylglutathione and methylglyoxal. The maintenance of a high concentration of S-D-lactoylglutathione in HL60 promyelocytes may be related to the status of the microtubular cytoskeleton, since S-D-lactoylglutathione potentiates the GTP-promoted assembly of microtubules.  相似文献   

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