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Thymic nurse cells in culture: morphological and antigenic characterization   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Epithelial monolayers were derived from thymic nurse cells (TNC), and were seeded onto collagen-coated dishes immediately after their isolation from young adult C3H-murine thymuses. Different media and supplements were tested in order to obtain cultures that were as pure as possible. Primary cultures were enriched in epithelial cells but always contained non-epithelial components among which fibroblasts predominated. Immunodetection of keratins, and repeated light- and electron-microscopic observations established the epithelial nature of the elongated cells derived from TNC; these elongated cells were cortical reticular cells, and were different from medullary globular cells that immediately adopted a mosaic pattern in vitro. At the beginning of the culture, the necrosis of cortical lymphocytes appeared to be toxic for epithelial cells; when epithelial cells survived, they showed a temporary lipid accumulation. After a 5-day culture, they still synthesized DNA but lost this capacity thereafter and dedifferentiated. The lympho-epithelial symbiosis appeared to be necessary to maintain some epithelial characteristics of the cultured cells, such as the clear vesicles and the expression of la antigens. In sub-cultures, the monolayers were almost purely epithelial in nature but growth was no longer observed. The cells remained reticular in shape, as they were in vivo, but their cytoplasm and their nucleus became larger and numerous cells were multinucleated. Confluence was not obtained with classical media even after mitogenic stimulation. The frequent observation of strongly keratinized areas suggested a process of terminal differentiation; this could not be avoided by using low serum concentration.  相似文献   

Summary Murine thymic macrophages and interdigitating cells, also called thymic accessory cells, were characterized by means of light- and electron microscopy. The cells were studied in suspension, during isolation by enzymatic digestion and in vivo. They were observed as isolated cells or as components of multicellular complexes, some of which were rosettes and were composed of lymphoid cells centered on each type of accessory cell. We also noted other cell complexes including macrophages that resembled classical epithelial nurse cells. We consider that multicellular complexes represent lymphostromal associations already existing in vivo, because we observed them at the periphery of thymic pieces undergoing enzymatic treatment. The heterogeneity of macrophages that we observed in vitro was also noted in vivo. In vivo macrophages were of three types: classical phagocytic cells distributed throughout the gland, cortical elongated cells in close contact with lymphoid blast cells, and atypical nurse cells containing mitotic cells and located in the inner cortex. The morphological aspects of the latter two cell types suggest that cortical macrophages in vivo have other roles: they can be interpreted as images of positive or negative cell selection. We also believe that rosettes are formed by elongated cortical macrophages when they are enzymatically isolated from the thymus.Part of this work was presented at the Second Thymus Workshop, Rolduc, The Netherlands, April 1989  相似文献   

Summary In situ pre-existing complexes of epithelial cells and thymocytes having thymic nurse cell characteristics were visualized in the murine thymus cortex using dexamethasone as a potent killer of cortisone-sensitive thymocytes. The degradation and subsequent depletion of cortisone-sensitive thymocytes enclosed within cortical epithelial cells appeared to be paralleled by thymocyte degradation and depletion in thymic nurse cells isolated from thymic tissue fragments from dexamethasone-treated animals. This suggests that thymic nurse cells are derived from pre-existing sealed complexes of cortical epithelial cells and thymocytes. Not all thymocytes situated within in situ epithelial or thymic nurse cells complexes appear to be cortisone-sensitive: a minority of 1–2 thymocytes per complex survives the dexamethasone-treatment, thus constituting a minor subset of cortical cortisone-resistant thymocytes predominantly localized within cortical epithelial cells in situ and within thymic nurse cells derived from such structures. Cortisone resistance in thymocytes thus seems to be acquired within the cortical epithelial cell microenvironment. Cortisone-resistant thymocytes in thymic nurse cells express the phenotype of mature precursors of the T helper lineage, indicating that the in situ correlates of thymic nurse cells may play an important role in T cell maturation and selection.  相似文献   

Summary Multinucleate epithelial cells occur in the thymus of C3H mice. They are poorly differentiated and scarce, but are more numerous in the medulla than in the cortex. Their increase in number with age is particularly significant between the first and the third months especially for cells with a large number of nuclei, and may be related to thymic involution.Viral particles of type C, similar to those described in murine leukemias, are found in mono- and multinucleate medullary epithelial cells.Research supported by grant 10.013 of the Fonds de la Recherche Fondamentale Collective (Brussels)  相似文献   

Summary Thymic nurse cell complexes (TNC-c), isolated from mouse thymuses at 1 and 2 h after i.v. injection of 6-(3H)thymidine, were analyzed in autoradiographs of semithin serial sections with regard to their size and the distribution of labeled thymocytes in individual types of complexes. The total number of thymocytes per complex reflects the type of complex. In a parallel study, localization of labeled thymocytes within individual zones of thymic cortex was examined. Thymocyte division within complexes may yield sequential complex generations differing in number per complex. However, thymocytes within complexes differ from each other in division kinetics. Half of the thymocytes that had been labeled 1 h after injection divided within 2 h. The rapidly dividing fraction of thymocytes were distributed within small complexes containing 2–8 cells and corresponded to the distribution of labeled cells in the outer thymic cortex. The proportion of labeled cells within large complexes resembled the distribution of labeled cells in the deep cortex. The data support the view that microenvironmental factors within TNC-c are responsible for both inducing thymocytes to enter the cell cycle and the negative selection (cell death) of some thymocytes.  相似文献   

Summary The foetal and post-natal development of the mouse thymus was studied with the electron microscope paying particular attention to the differentiation of the epithelial cells. At about 13 days' gestation, the thymus was composed principally of undifferentiated epithelial cells and some lymphoblasts. The latter accumulated rapidly but did not show much evidence of mitotic activity until after the development of differentiated cortical epithelial cells which appeared during the 15th day of gestation. Further differentiation of epithelial cells did not occur until near term when medullary cystic epithelial cells appeared, and post-natally when small Hassall's corpuscles were developed. Undifferentiated and dividing epithelial cells were seen in the medulla and were present in all postnatal animals examined.This is publication number 1400 from the Walter & Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research.The author is grateful to Prof. G. J. V. Nossal, Dr. J. F. A. P. Miller and Dr. P. J. Russell for their interest and assistance with various aspects of this study. Special thanks are due to Miss Mary Bravington for her skilled technical assistance. This investigation was supported by grants from the Jane Coffin Childs Memorial Fund for Medical Research and the National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia. The Electron Microscope Laboratory was equipped and supported by grants from the Australian Research Grants Committee, J. B. Were and Sons and the Potter Foundation.  相似文献   

Thymic nurse cells: differentiation of thymocytes within complexes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Thymic nurse cell complexes (TNC-c) were isolated from thymuses of BDF1 mice at pre-determined intervals during the 12-week latency period that precedes the development of leukemias. T-cell leukemias were induced by a single i.v. injection of 50 mg/kg of methylnitrosourea (MNU). In order to clarify processes taking place in TNC-c, the complexes of mice after MNU injection were compared with TNC-c of age-matched control mice, with respect to their number per thymus, the distribution of TNC-c according to their size (the number of intra-TNC thymocytes reflects the type of TNC-c), the number of intra-TNC thymocytes that undergo DNA synthesis, and the phenotype of thymocytes inside TNC-c. During the latency period of leukemogenesis, the effects of MNU were shown to involve, in addition to changes in number of TNC-c, a decrease in the number of thymocytes incorporating labeled thymidine, viz., the number of dividing cells, thus affecting the size distribution of TNC-c types. Intra-TNC thymocytes of control mice were heterogeneous in their phenotype and represented cells at varying stages of their maturation cycle. MNU administration was followed by selective differentiation of thymocytes within TNC-c to Lyt 1-thymocytes in some and to Lyt 2-thymocytes in others, Lyt 1 and Lyt 2 being specific antigens expressed by thymocytes.  相似文献   

Brush cells of the mouse gallbladder   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary The brush cells (BC) of the mouse gallbladder were studied using light and electron microscopy (transmission and scanning) to determine their shape and distribution. Specimens were fixed in glutaraldehyde and postfixed in ferrocyanide-reduced osmium tetroxide. BC selectively stained with toluidine blue could be identified by means of light microscopy and subsequently studied in serial semithin and ultrathin sections. The results revealed that the shape of the BC is flask-like. A slender, occasionally branched cytoplasmic process emerges from the bulk cell body and extends through the basal region of neighboring epithelial elements to the basement membrane. Examination of the entire gallbladder epithelial surface by scanning electron microscopy revealed that the BC are numerous in the neck region of the organ but only scanty or even absent in wide areas of the corpus region. Their number increases again in the fundic region. These results demonstrate a preferential regional distribution of BC in the gallbladder, which is discussed in relation to a possible functional significance of the BC.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Feinstruktur des Ductus hepaticus communis, des Ductus cysticus und des Ductus choledochus der Maus sowie der Ductus hepatici und des Ductus choledochus der Ratte werden untersucht.Im Ductus hepaticus communis und im Ductus cysticus der Maus kommen Zellen vor, die den Hauptzellen der Gallenblase vergleichbar sind. Außerdem sind in beiden Ductus und vorwiegend im Ductus choledochus neutrale Mukosubstanzen sezernierende Zellen sowie Wanderzellen, Bürstenzellen, Becherzellen und basalgekörnte Zellen vorhanden. Die letztgenannten drei Zelltypen befinden sich nur in einigen Abschnitten der untersuchten Gänge.Die Feinstrukturen des Epithels der Ductus hepatici der Ratte ähneln jenen des Epithels des Ductus hepaticus der Maus. Der Ductus choledochus enthält dagegen vorwiegend Zellen, die reich an Filamenten und Desmosomen sind. Auch bei der Ratte sind Wanderzellen, Bürstenzellen, Becherzellen und basalgekörnte Zellen festzustellen.Die unterschiedliche Struktur des Ductus choledochus von Maus und Ratte wird diskutiert.
On the fine structure of gall bladder and biliary ducts
Summary Fine structures of the ductus hepaticus communis, ductus cysticus and ductus choledochus of mice as well as of the ductus hepatici and ductus choledochus of rats have been investigated.In the ductus hepaticus communis and ductus cysticus of the mouse there are cells that are similar to the principal cells of the gall bladder epithelium. In addition both these ducts and especially the ductus choledochus contain cells with mucigen granules. There are three further cell types, irregularly distributed in the epithelium of the three ducts: brush cells, goblet cells and basal granulated cells. Macrophages (wandering cells) are present in epithelia.In the ductus hepatici of the rat the epithelial cells are displaying fine structures similar to those of the ductus hepaticus of the mouse. The ductus choledochus however presents cells with many filaments and desmosomes. Again between these cells there are macrophages, brush cells, goblet cells and basal granulated cells.The differences in the fine structure of the epithelium of the ductus choledochus of mouse and rat are discussed.
Herrn Prof. Dr. H. Ruska danke ich für die wertvolle Diskussion des Manuskriptes.  相似文献   

The formation of the skeleton through endochondral ossification is one of the most complex processes in development. One approach to resolving this complexity is to examine simplified systems. In vitro cartilage formation by mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) is observed when the cells are cultured as a micromass. Several studies have confirmed the molecular events, showing the usefulness of these cells as a differentiation model. We have elucidated the process of cartilage formation in MSCs from the morphological point of view by light and transmission electron microscopy and immunohistochemical examination. The morphology of the MSCs changed from spherical to spindle-shaped, and the cells aggregated and formed junctional complexes during Day 1. At Day 7, three layers were observed. The superficial zone consisted of several layers of elongated cells with junctional complexes. The middle zone was composed of apoptotic bodies, and the deep zone was occupied by chondrocyte-like cells excreting extracellular matrices. At Day 14, the middle zone had disappeared, and the chondrocyte-like cells in the deep zone were detected within cartilage lacuna. They were covered by cartilage matrices containing collagen types I, II, and X and chondroitin sulfate. By Day 21, the outer layer consisting of spindle-shaped cells had disappeared in places. As the pellet grew, the outer layer seemed to be unable to stretch to maintain a constant covering around the pellet. Our findings have thus revealed that MSCs change their morphology depending upon their microenvironment during differentiation. In vitro cartilage formation by MSCs makes it possible to clarify the detailed morphological events that occur during chondrogenesis. S. Ichinose and I. Sekiya contributed equally to this study  相似文献   

Summary The three-dimensional structure of the rat thymus was studied by combined scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The thymus consists mainly of four types of cells: epithelial cells, lymphocytes, macrophages, and interdigitating cells (IDCs).The epithelial cells form a meshwork in the thymus parenchyma. Cortical epithelial cells are stellate in shape, while the medullary cells comprise two types: stellate and large vacuolated elements. A continuous single layer of epithelial cells separates the parenchyma from connective tissue formations of the capsule, septa and vessels. Surrounding the blood vessels, this epithelial sheath is continuous in the cortex, while it is partly interrupted in the medulla, suggesting that the blood-thymus barrier might function more completely in the cortex.Cortical lymphocytes are round and vary in size, whereas medullary lymphocytes are mainly small, although they vary considerably in surface morphology.Two types of large wandering cells, macrophages and IDCs, could be distinguished, as well as intermediate forms. IDCs sometimes embraced or contacted lymphocytes, suggesting their role in the differentiation of the latter cells.Perivascular channels were present around venules and some arterioles in the cortico-medullary region and in the medulla. A few lymphatic vessels were present in extended perivascular spaces.The present study suggests the possible existence of two routes of passage of lymphocytes into the general circulation. One is via the lymphatics, while the other is through the postcapillary venules into the blood circulation. Our SEM images give evidence that lymphocytes use an intracellular route, i.e., the endothelium of venules.  相似文献   

Summary Ontogenetic differentiation of the human thymus was investigated in 50 embryos by means of light and electron microscopic methods in an attempt to clarify the morphogenesis of the complicated microecology of thymic tissue. At the 8th gestational week (g.w.), the primordium of the thymus contains almost exclusively undifferentiated epithelial cells. At the 10th g.w., the epithelial cells in the central part are spindle-shaped. During the subsequent weeks the cortical region of the thymus becomes separated into lobes by mesenchymal septa containing hemopoietic precursor cells and large electronlucent cells with irregularly shaped nuclei. The latter cells are also found in the deeper presumptive medullary regions of the thymus; they differentiate into interdigitating reticulum cells (IDC). The permeation of the medulla of the thymus by non-epithelial IDC occurs concurrently with the formation of cortical and medullary epithelial cells. Between the 12th and 14th g.w. the cortical and medullary differentiation is completed. At this time-stage cortical small lymphocytes differ in morphological shape from medullary lymphocytes, the latter acquiring the appearance of immunocompetent T cells and establishing intimate contact with the IDC.These findings indicate that the thymic cortex and medulla contain different epithelial cells. In addition, the thymic medulla displays cells characterized by the morphology of typical interdigitating reticulum cells of peripheral lymphoid tissue. The structural pattern of the thymus is correlated to morphologically differing lymphoid cell populations in the cortical and medullary regions.This investigation was supported by grants from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and by the Sonderforschungsbereich 111The authors dedicate this paper to Professor Helmut Leonhardt on the occasion of his 60th birthday. The authors also appreciate the excellent technical assistance of Mrs. I. Knauer, Mrs. H. Waluk and Mrs. H. Siebke  相似文献   

Amniotic epithelial cells are a promising source for stem cell-based therapy through their potential capacity to differentiate into the cell lineages of all three germ layers. Long-term preservation is necessary to have a ready-to-use source of stem cells, when required. Reduced differentiation capability, decrease of viability and use of fetal bovine serum (FBS) are three drawbacks of clinical application of cryopreserved stem cells. In this study, we used human amniotic fluid instead of animal serum, and evaluated viability and multipotency of amniotic epithelial cells after cryopreservation in suspension and compared with those cryopreserved on their natural scaffold (in situ cryopreservation). There was no significant difference in viability of the cells cryopreserved in amniotic fluid and FBS. Also, the same results were achieved for expression of pluripotency marker OCT-4 when FBS was replaced by amniotic fluid in the samples with the same cryoprotectant. The cells cryopreserved in presence of scaffold had a higher level of viability compared to the cells cryopreserved in suspension. Although, the number of the cells expressed OCT-4 significantly decreased within cryopreservation in suspension, no decrease in expression of OCT-4 was observed when the cells cryopreserved with their natural scaffold. Upon culturing of post-thawed cells in specific lineage differentiating mediums, the markers of neuronal, hepatic, cardiomyocytic and pancreatic were found in differentiated cells. These results show that replacement of FBS by amniotic fluid and in situ cryopreservation of amniotic epithelial cells is an effective approach to overcome limitations related to long-term preservation including differentiation during cryopreservation and decrease of viability.  相似文献   

Programmed cell death constitutes a common fundamental incident occurring during oogenesis in a variety of different organisms. In Drosophila melanogaster, it plays a significant role in the maturation process of the egg chamber. In the present study, we have used an in vitro development system for studying the effects of inducers and inhibitors of programmed cell death during the late stages of oogenesis. Treatment of the developing egg chambers with two widely used inducers of cell death, etoposide and staurosporine, blocks further development and induces chromatin condensation but not DNA fragmentation in nurse and follicle cells, as revealed by propidium iodide staining and terminal transferase-mediated dUTP nick-end labeling assay. Moreover, incubation of the developing egg chambers with the caspase-3 inhibitor Z-DEVD-FMK significantly delays development, prevents DNA fragmentation, but does not affect chromatin condensation. The above results demonstrate, for the first time, that chromatin condensation in Drosophila ovarian nurse and follicle cells is a caspase-3-like independent process and is regulated independently from DNA fragmentation.  相似文献   

Vascular corrosion casts of the thymus of adult individuals of the European common frog, Rana temporaria, were analysed by scanning electron microscopy. The main arterial vessel, which is derived either from the temporal artery or from the auricular ramus, approaches the central territory of the gland and branches into twigs that, on penetrating the parenchyma, give rise to capillaries. Most of these capillaries run vertically towards the surface of the gland; they either join the superficial capillary plexus or follow this plexus for a variable distance and then run back towards the medulla, forming capillary loops. The former capillaries link with the extensive venous plexus composed of irregular meshes, whereas the latter capillaries join the venules at the cortico-medullary boundary and finally escape into collecting veins on the gland surface. The venous twigs, which join together near the gland, form the main thymic vein, which empties into the external jugular vein. The details of the thymic vasculature of the anuran amphibian, R. temporaria, are compared with those described in mammalian species, viz. the mouse, rat and guinea pig.  相似文献   

We present a method for labeling bone marrow haematopoietic progenitor cells with iron particles. Labeling was assessed by magnetic resonance imaging and electron microscopy. Labeling with iron particles could allow the following by imaging techniques of haematopoietic cells in physiologic and pathologic conditions such as the engraftment of haematopoietic progenitor cells or the migration of myelomonocytic cells in inflammatory diseases.  相似文献   

A murine embryonic mesenchymal cell line C3H/10T1/2 possesses the potential to differentiate into multiple cell phenotypes and has been recognized as multipotent mesenchymal stem cells, but no in vitro model of its endothelial differentiation has been established and the effect of angiogenic factors on the differentiation is unknown. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the role of angiogenic factors in inducing endothelial differentiation of C3H/10T1/2 cells in vitro. C3H/10T1/2 cells were treated with angiogenic factors, VEGF (10 ng/mL) and bFGF (5 ng/mL). At specified time points, cells were subjected to morphological study, immunofluorescence staining, RT-PCR, LDL-uptake tests and 3-D culture for the examination of the structural and functional characteristics of endothelial cells. Classic cobblestone-like growth pattern appeared at 6 day of the induced differentiation. Immunofluorescence staining and RT-PCR analyses revealed that the induced cells exhibited endothelial cell-specific markers such as CD31, von Willebrand factor, Flk1, Flt1, VE-cadherin, Tie2, EphrinB2 and Vezf1 at 9 day. The induced C3H/10T1/2 cells exhibited functional characteristics of the mature endothelial phenotype, such as uptake of acetylated low-density lipoproteins (Ac-LDL) and formation of capillary-like structures in three-dimensional culture. At 9 day, Weibel–Palade bodies were observed under a transmission electron microscope. This study demonstrates, for the first time, endothelial differentiation of C3H/10T1/2 cells induced by angiogenic factors, VEGF and bFGF, and confirms the multipotential differentiation ability. This in vitro model is useful for investigating the molecular events in endothelial differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells.  相似文献   

Glial cells in higher invertebrate groups are usually recognized on the basis of their location and general morphological or functional criteria. In this study of the crustacean visual system, we have approached the analysis of the relations between glial cells and the extracellular matrix by classical histochemical methods for carbohydrates at the light and electron microscopic levels, carbonic anhydrase histochemistry and by the biochemical characterization of sulphated polysaccharides. Periodic acid-Schiff-positive glial cells and processes were observed in the retina, basement membrane below the retina and in the optic ganglia. Carbonic anhydrase was not detected in the retina but it was demonstrated in all optic ganglia. The biochemical analysis of the extracellular matrix confirmed the alcian blue reaction and showed that sulphated polysaccharides are not abundant in the optic neuropils. This article describes into more details the crustacean visual system glial cells classification, and the relation between them and the extracellular matrix. In addition, they show that glial cells are the main components of the retinal basement membrane.  相似文献   

Summary Immunohistochemistry with a minoxidil antibody suggested that minoxidil-immunoreactivity is associated with the root sheaths, laterally orientated differentiating matrix cells, and dividing epithelial cells of cultured vibrissa follicles of pigmented and albino neonatal mice. The dermal papilla and connective tissue sheath were devoid of minoxidil-immunoreactivity. To verify that minoxodil-immunoreactivity in the follicles was specific, immunostaining was conducted with dissected whisker pads, formalin-fixed dead follicles, and sections of spleen, liver and kidney (non-haired organs) cultured with minoxidil. Microscopic examination revealed minoxidil-immunoreactivity in all of these tissues. Follicles and whisker pads cultured with minoxidil, then washed for one h in media were devoid of minoxidil-immunoreactivity. These data suggest that minoxidil-immunoreactivity in cultured vibrissa follicles is probably non-specific. Sections of skin from C3H and CF1 mice which were topically dosed with minoxidil (in vivo) phy demonstrated that tritiated minoxidil was bound in vivo and in vitro only to melanin granules in pigmented follicles of rodent and human tissue. This is probably non-specific binding since melanin is known to accumulate several chemically and pharmacologically unrelated drugs. It is reasonable to conclude that, under the conditions of these experiments, minoxidil is not specifically localized in any cells of whisker, pelage or, scalp follicles.  相似文献   

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