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Glycosylation is one of the most abundant posttranslational modification reactions, and nearly half of all known proteins in eukaryotes are glycosylated. In fact, changes in oligosaccharide structure (glycan) are associated with many physiological and pathological events, including cell adhesion, migration, cell growth, cell differentiation and tumor invasion. Glycosylation reactions are catalyzed by the action of glycosyltransferases, which add sugar chains to various complex carbohydrates such as glycoproteins, glycolipids and proteoglycans. Functional glycomics, which uses sugar remodeling by glycosyltransferases, is a promising tool for the characterization of glycan functions. Here, we will focus on the positive and negative regulation of biological functions of integrins by the remodeling of N-glycans with N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase III (GnT-III) and N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase V (GnT-V), which catalyze branched N-glycan formations, bisecting GlcNAc and β1,6 GlcNAc, respectively. Typically, integrins are modified by GnT-III, which inhibits cell migration and cancer metastasis. In contrast, integrins modified by GnT-V promote cell migration and cancer invasion.  相似文献   

Cell migration plays an important role in embryonic development, wound healing, immune responses, and in pathological phenomena such as tissue invasion and metastasis formation. In this review, we summarize recent reports that connect the focal adhesion kinase (FAK) to cell migration and invasion. FAK is a nonreceptor protein tyrosine kinase involved in signal transduction from integrin-enriched focal adhesion sites that mediate cell contact with the extracellular matrix. Multiple protein-protein interaction sites allow FAK to associate with adapter and structural proteins allowing for the modulation of mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinases, stress-activated protein (SAP) kinases, and small GTPase activity. FAK-enhanced signals have been shown to mediate the survival of anchorage-dependent cells and are critical for efficient cell migration in response to growth factor receptor and integrin stimulation. Elevated expression of FAK in human tumors has been correlated with increased malignancy and invasiveness. Because recent findings show that FAK contributes to the secretion of matrix-metalloproteinases, FAK may represent an important checkpoint in coordinating the dynamic processes of cell motility and extracellular matrix remodeling during tumor cell invasion.  相似文献   

Cell adhesion is a fundamental property of epithelial cells required for anchoring, migration and survival. During cell migration, the formation and disruption of adhesion sites is stringently regulated by integration of multiple, sequential signals acting in distinct regions of the cell. Recent findings implicate cyclin dependent kinase 5 (Cdk5) in the signaling pathways that regulate cell adhesion and migration of a variety of cell types. Experiments with epithelial cell lines indicate that Cdk5 activity exerts its effects by limiting Src activity in regions where Rho activity is required for stress fiber contraction and by phosphorylating the talin head to stabilize nascent focal adhesions. Both pathways regulate cell migration by increasing adhesive strength.Key words: Cdk5, Src, Rho, stress fibers, epithelial cells, cell adhesion, cell migrationAnchoring of epithelial cells to their basement membrane is essential to maintain their morphology, normal physiological function and survival. Cells attach to extracellular matrix components by means of membrane-spanning integrins, which cluster and link to the actin cytoskeleton via components of focal adhesions. At focal adhesions, actin is bundled into stress fibers, multi-protein cellular contractile machines that strengthen attachment and provide traction during migration.1 Stress fiber contraction is generated by myosin II, a hexamer containing one pair of each non-muscle heavy chains (NMHCs), essential light chains, and myosin regulatory light chains (MRLC). Myosin motor activity is regulated by phosphorylation of MRLC at Thr18/Ser19 and is required to generate tension on actin filaments and to maintain stress fibers.1 Although a number of kinases have been identified which phosphorylate MRLC at Thr18/Ser19, the principal kinases in most cells are myosin light chain kinase (MLCK)2 and Rho-kinase (ROCK),3 a downstream effector of the small GTPas, RhoA.Rho family small GTPases play a central role in regulating many aspects of cytoskeletal organization and contraction.4 These GTPases are subject to both positive regulation by guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs), such as GEF-H1,5,6 and negative regulation by GTPase-activating proteins (GAPs), such as p190RhoGAP.7 As cells spread, the Rho-family GTPase, Cdc42, is activated at the cell periphery, leading to the formation of numerous filapodia. Focal adhesion formation is first seen at the tips of these filapodia as focal adhesion proteins such as talin and focal adhesion kinase (FAK) bind to the intracellular domains of localized integrins.8 Src is recruited to activated FAK at the nascent focal adhesion and generates binding sites for additional focal adhesion proteins by phosphorylating FAK and paxillin.9 Src activity is essential for the further maturation of the focal adhesion and for activating the Rho-family GTPase, Rac, leading to Arp2/3-dependent actin polymerization, formation of a lamellipodium and extension of the cell boundary. Simultaneously, Src inhibits RhoA by phosphorylating and activating its upstream inhibitor, p190RhoGAP. As the focal adhesion matures, Src is deactivated, allowing the Rho activation necessary for mDia-dependent actin polymerization,10 myosin-dependent cytoskeletal contraction5 and tight adhesion to the extracellular matrix. Since new focal adhesions continually form at the distal boundary of the spreading cell, the most mature and highly contracted stress fibers are localized at the center of the cell.Cell adhesion is an essential component of cell migration: if adhesion is too weak, cells can not generate the traction necessary for migration; if it is too strong, they are unable to overcome the forces that anchor them in place. Thus, the relationship between adhesion force and migration rate is a bell-shaped curve.11 Migration rate increases as adhesive strength increases until an optimum value is reached. Thereafter, increases in adhesive strength decrease migration rate. Since the strength of adhesion depends on extracellular matrix composition as well as the types of integrin expressed in the cell, a decrease in adhesive strength may result in either faster or slower cell migration.Several lines of evidence indicate that the proline-directed serine/threonine kinase cyclin dependent kinase 5 (Cdk5) plays an integral role in regulating cell adhesion and/or migration in epithelial cells.1217 Cdk5 is an atypical member of cyclin dependent kinase family, which is activated by the non-cyclin proteins, p35 or p39.18 Cdk5 is most abundant in neuronal cells where it also regulates migration and cytoskeletal dynamics.19 In neurons, Cdk5 exerts its effects on migration at least in part by phosphorylating FAK,19 and the LIS1 associated protein, NDEL1.20 In contrast, recent findings have revealed two novel pathways involved in Cdk5-dependent regulation of migration in epithelial cells.16,17One of these newly discovered mechanisms links Cdk5 activation to control of stress fiber contraction.16 We have found that Cdk5 and its activator, p35, co-localize with phosphorylated myosin regulatory light chain (MRLC) on centrally located stress fibers in spreading cells.16 Moreover, Cdk5 is strongly activated in spreading cells as central stress fiber contraction becomes pronounced.21 Since contraction of these central stress fibers is primarily responsible for tight attachment between the cell and the extracellular matrix,5 the above findings suggested that Cdk5 might regulate cell adhesion by regulating MRLC phosphorylation. To test this possibility we inhibited Cdk5 activity by several independent means and found that MRLC phosphorylation was likewise inhibited. In addition, we found that inhibiting Cdk5 either prevented the formation of central stress fibers or led to their dissolution. The concave cell boundaries characteristic of contracting cells were also lost.16 Since MRLC lacks a favorable site for phosphorylation by Cdk5, we asked whether Cdk5 might affect the upstream signaling pathways that regulate MRLC phosphorylation. Experiments with specific pathway inhibitors indicated that the MRLC phosphorylation involved in stress fiber contraction in lens epithelial cells was regulated largely by Rho-kinase (ROCK). Inhibiting Cdk5 activity not only significantly reduced ROCK activity, but also blocked activation of its upstream regulator, Rho. To explore the mechanism behind the Cdk5-dependent regulation of Rho, we turned our attention to p190RhoGAP, which appears to play a major role in regulating Rho-dependent stress fiber contraction.7 This RhoGAP must be phosphorylated by Src to be active; as a result, Rho activity is low in the early stages of cell spreading, when Src activity is high. At later times, Src activity falls, p190RhoGAP activity is lost, and Rho-GTP is formed, enabling Rho-dependent myosin phosphorylation and stress fiber contraction.9,10 We have found that inhibiting Cdk5 activity during this later stage of cell spreading increases Src activity and Src-dependent phosphorylation of its substrate, p190RhoGAP. This in turn leads to decreased Rho activity accompanied by loss of Rho-dependent myosin phosphorylation, dissolution of central stress fibers, and loss of cell contraction (Fig. 1). Moreover, inhibiting Src protects cells from the loss of Rho activation and dissolution of central stress fibers produced by inhibiting Cdk5.16 Since the effects of Cdk5 on Rho-dependent cytoskeletal contraction appear to be mediated almost entirely through Cdk5-dependent regulation of Src, it will be particularly important to determine how Cdk5 limits Src activity.Open in a separate windowFigure 1Cdk5 inhibition reduces contraction of preformed stress fibers. (A) Cells were spread on fibronectin for 60 min to adhere, allowing them to form focal adhesion and stress fibers (pre-incubation) and then further incubated for 2 h in absence (control) or presence of Cdk5 inhibitor (olomoucine) and stained with phalloidin. The cells without olomoucine (control) had concave boundaries and well-formed stress fibers. Olomoucine treated cells showed loss of central stress fibers and failure to contract. Scale bar = 20 µ. (B) experimental conditions were same as shown in (A). Cdk5 inhibitor, olomoucine, was added after 1 h of spreading (indicated as t = 0) and cells were incubated for an additional 2h in absence or presence of olomoucine. Cell lysates were immunoblotted with antibodies for pMRLC (upper) and MRLC (middle). Tubulin was used as a loading control (lower). Lane 1: untreated (at 0 h); Lane 2: untreated (at 2 h); Lane 3: Cdk5 inhibitor (olomoucine) treated. (C) results of three independent experiments of the type shown in (B) were quantified by densitometry and normalized to determine the relative levels of pMRLC at each time. Statistical analysis demonstrated a significant (p < 0.05) decrease in pMRLC level in olomoucine treated cells compared to untreated cells.The central stress fibers regulated by Cdk5 play a central role in anchoring cells to the substratum, and their loss when Cdk5 is inhibited will reduce adhesion. As discussed above, reduction in cell adhesion may either increase or decrease the rate of cell migration, depending on the cell type and extracellular matrix composition. In lens and corneal epithelial cells, the reduction in adhesion produced by Cdk5 inhibition promotes cell migration.13,15,16,22 Moreover, regulation of Rho/Rho-kinase signaling by Cdk5 seems to be a major factor in determining the migration rate, since inhibitors of Cdk5 and Rho-kinase increased lens epithelial cell migration rate equivalently and inhibiting both produced no additional effect.16Interestingly, an independent line of investigation has shown that this is not the only mechanism underlying Cdk5-dependent regulation of cell adhesion and migration. Cdk5 also localizes at focal contacts at the cell periphery and phosphorylates the focal adhesion protein talin.17 The talin phosphorylation site has been identified as S425, near the FERM domain in the talin head region. Upon focal adhesion disassembly, this region is separated from the talin rod domain by calpain-dependent cleavage.23 Phosphorylation at S425 by Cdk5 blocks ubiquitylation and degradation of the talin head by inhibiting interaction with the E3 ligase, Smurf1. This leads, ultimately, to greater stability of lamellipodia and newly formed focal adhesions, thus strengthening adhesion to the substrate.17 Although the exact molecular events involved in this stabilization are not yet clear, it has been suggested that the talin head may “prime” integrins to bind full length talin.24 One possible scenario describing how this might occur is shown in Figure 2. By permitting the isolated head region to escape degradation following calpain cleavage, Cdk5-dependent phosphorylation may stablize a pool of talin head domains to bind focal contacts within the lamellipodium. It is known that the isolated talin head region can bind and activate integrins during cell protrusion.25 The resulting integrin activation would be expected to stabilize the lamellipodium by strengthening integrin-dependent adhesion. Since the head domain lacks sites for actin binding, which are located in the talin rod domain,26 the bound head domain would have to be replaced by full length talin to enable focal adhesion attachment to the cytoskeleton.25 The head domain might promote this replacement by recruiting the PIP-kinase needed to generate PI(4,5) P2,23 which facilitates binding of full length talin to integrin by exposing the auto-inhibited integrin binding sites.27 The binding of full length talin and the resulting link between the integrins and the actin cytoskeleton would then further strengthen adhesion.25 This model predicts that full length talin would bind poorly in the absence of Cdk5 activity, due to degradation of the talin head and the resulting limited availability of PI(4,5)P2, and thus provides a possible explanation for the observed rapid turnover of peripheral focal adhesions.17 Clearly, other models may be proposed to explain the increase in adhesion produced by talin head phosphorylation, and deciding among them will be an active area for future investigation. Nonetheless, it is now certain that talin is a key substrate for Cdk5 at focal adhesions.Open in a separate windowFigure 2Mechanism of Cdk5-dependent regulation of cell adhesion and migration. Binding of p35 to Cdk5 forms the active Cdk5/p35 kinase, which regulates cell adhesion and migration in two distinct ways. Cdk5-dependent phosphorylation of the talin head domain at Ser425 prevents its ubiquitylation and degradation, allowing it to persist following calpain cleavage. The phosphorylated talin head may then bind to integrin at peripheral sites and recruit PIP-K, which converts PI(4)P to PI(4,5)P2. PI(4,5)P2 may promote replacement of the talin head by full length talin. Full length talin recruits other focal adhesion proteins to form the mature focal adhesion. The talin tail provides the site for the actin binding and polymerization. Polymerized actin is subsequently bundled into stress fibers. Cdk5/p35 also regulates the Rho-dependent myosin phosphorylation necessary for stress fiber stability and cytoskeletal contraction by limiting Src activity. This in turn decreases Src-dependent phosphorylation of p190RhoGAP, favoring Rho-GTP formation, Rho-dependent stress fiber polymerization, stabilization and contraction. Both pathways modulate cell migration by increasing adhesive strength.In summary, the presently available data indicate that Cdk5 has at least two distinct functions in cell adhesion (Fig. 2). On the one hand, it stabilizes peripheral focal adhesions and promotes their attachment to the cytoskeleton by phosphorylating the talin head. On the other hand, once the actin cytoskeleton has been organized into stress fibers, Cdk5 enhances the Rho activation essential for stability and contraction of central stress fibers by limiting Src activity. The discovery that Cdk5 is involved in two separate events required for efficient migration, suggests that it may coordinate multiple signaling pathways. The known involvement of Cdk5 and its activator, p35, in regulating microtubule stability suggests yet another mechanism by which Cdk5 activity may regulate cytoskeletal function. Microtubules are closely associated with stress fibers28 and their depolymerization has been shown to release the Rho activating protein, GEF-H1, leading to Rho activation and Rho-dependent myosin contraction.6 Since cell adhesion and migration play an important role in the progression of many pathological conditions, Cdk5, its substrates and its downstream effectors involved in cell adhesion may provide novel targets for therapeutic intervention.15,29  相似文献   

We demonstrate that neural crest cell-cell adhesion, cell-substrate adhesion, and ultimately cell motility, are highly dependent on the balanced action of tyrosine kinases and tyrosine phosphatases. Neural crest cell migration on fibronectin is diminished in the presence of the tyrosine phosphatase inhibitor vanadate or tyrosine kinase inhibitor herbimycin A, while cadherin-rich cell-cell adhesions are significantly increased. In contrast, cells treated with the kinase inhibitor genistein have decreased motility, rearrange rapidly and reversibly into a pavement-like monolayer, but have no increase in cadherin interactions. Genistein-sensitive tyrosine kinases may therefore abrogate a latent sensitivity of neural crest cells to contact-mediated inhibition of movement. Furthermore, we show that the activity of herbimycin A-sensitive kinases is necessary for focal adhesion formation in these cells. Moreover, the size and distribution of these adhesions are acutely sensitive to the actions of tyrosine phosphatases and genistein-sensitive kinases. We propose that in migrating neural crest cells there is a balance in phosphotyrosine signalling which minimises both cell-cell adhesion and contact inhibition of movement, while enhancing dynamic cell-substrate interactions and thus the conditions for motility.  相似文献   

alpha v beta 1 and alpha v beta 3 are two related members of the integrin family of cell surface receptors both of which interact with their ligands through the Arg-Gly-Asp recognition sequence, alpha v beta 1 and alpha v beta 3 share the same cation-binding subunit, alpha v, suggesting a similar cation requirement for both integrins. Instead, we observed that Ca2+ exerts different effects on their binding function. The attachment of alpha v beta 3-loaded liposomes to vitronectin and the alpha v beta 3-mediated adhesion of U 251 cells to an Arg-Gly-Asp-containing peptide was supported equally well by Ca2+ and Mg2+. However, IMR 32 cells which bind to Arg-Gly-Asp-containing peptides through alpha v beta 1 adhered in Mg2+ but not in Ca2+. In agreement, Ca2+ did not support the attachment of alpha v beta 1-loaded liposomes to the macromolecular ligand fibronectin or the binding of alpha v beta 1 to Gly-Arg-Gly-Asp-Ser-Pro-Lys-Sepharose in affinity chromatography experiments. Furthermore, in the presence of a constant Mg2+ concentration, Ca2+ had opposite effects on the two receptors in that it inhibited the alpha v beta 1-mediated adhesion of IMR 32 cells to the peptide substrate while enhancing alpha v beta 3-mediated adhesion of U251 cells. The Ca2+ effects occurred at physiological cation concentrations and therefore, our data suggest a physiological role for Ca2+ as a regulator of integrin function and indicate a possible involvement of the beta subunits in cation binding.  相似文献   

Although hybrid proline-rich proteins (HyPRPs) are ubiquitous in plants, little is known about their roles other than as cell-wall structural proteins. We identified the gene HyPRP1 in Capsicum annuum and Nicotiana benthamiana, which encodes a protein containing proline-rich domain and eight-cysteine motif (8CM) that is constitutively expressed in various organs, mostly in the root, but is down-regulated upon inoculation with either incompatible or compatible pathogens. Ectopic expression of HyPRP1 in plants accelerated cell death, showing developmental abnormality with down-regulation of ROS-scavenging genes, and enhanced pathogen susceptibility suppressing expression of defense-related genes. Conversely, silencing of HyPRP1 suppressed pathogen-induced cell death, but enhanced disease resistance, with up-regulation of defense-related genes and inhibition of in planta growth of bacterial pathogens independently of signal molecule-mediated pathways. Furthermore, the secreted 8CM was sufficient for these HyPRP1 functions. Together, our results suggest that a common plant cell-wall structural protein, HyPRP1, performs distinct dual roles in positive regulation of cell death and negative regulation of basal defense against pathogen.  相似文献   

γ-amino butyric acid (GABA) is the main inhibitory neurotransmitter in the mammalian central nervous system. GABA is also found in many peripheral tissues, where it has important functions during development. Here, we identified the existence of the GABA system in spermatogonial stem cells (SSCs) and found that GABA negatively regulates SSC proliferation. First, we demonstrated that GABA and its synthesizing enzymes were abundant in the testes 6 days postpartum (dpp), suggesting that GABA signaling regulates SSCs function in vivo. In order to directly examine the effect of GABA on SSC proliferation, we then established an in vitro culture system for long-term expansion of SSCs. We showed that GABAA receptor subunits, including α1, α5, β1, β2, β3 and γ3, the synthesizing enzyme GAD67, and the transporter GAT-1, are expressed in SSCs. Using phosphorylated histone H3 (pH3) staining, we demonstrated that GABA or the GABAAR-specific agonist muscimol reduced the proliferation of SSCs. This GABA regulation of SSC proliferation was shown to be independent of apoptosis using the TUNEL assay. These results suggest that GABA acts as a negative regulator of SSC proliferation to maintain the homeostasis of spermatogenesis in the testes.  相似文献   

Cell migration is a critical step of normal developmental processes and disease progression. Often, migrating cells interact and maintain contact with neighboring cells. However, the precise roles of cell-cell adhesion in cell migration have thus far been poorly defined. Often in aggressive cancers, N-cadherin is prominently upregulated, yet, these highly motile cells have limited cell-cell adhesion when plated on a stiff 2D substrate. But, the same cells in a 3D matrix migrate as a multicellular cluster. This new observation suggests that N-cadherin-mediated cell-cell adhesion supports cell interactions between migrating cells in a more physiologically relevant 3D matrix, but not on a 2D substrate. While N-cadherin is an integral part of neural synapses, the ectopic expression of N-cadherin in transformed epithelial cells plays an equally important part in initiating pro-migratory signaling, and providing strong yet flexible cell cohesion essential for persistent cell migration in a 3D matrix. The 3D cell migration analysis for studying cell-to-cell interactions exposes the roles of N-cadherin in multicellular migration, and reveals novel insights into cell migration-dependent normal and pathological processes.  相似文献   

Cell migration is a critical step of normal developmental processes and disease progression. Often, migrating cells interact and maintain contact with neighboring cells. However, the precise roles of cell-cell adhesion in cell migration have thus far been poorly defined. Often in aggressive cancers, N-cadherin is prominently upregulated, yet, these highly motile cells have limited cell-cell adhesion when plated on a stiff 2D substrate. But, the same cells in a 3D matrix migrate as a multicellular cluster. This new observation suggests that N-cadherin-mediated cell-cell adhesion supports cell interactions between migrating cells in a more physiologically relevant 3D matrix, but not on a 2D substrate. While N-cadherin is an integral part of neural synapses, the ectopic expression of N-cadherin in transformed epithelial cells plays an equally important part in initiating pro-migratory signaling, and providing strong yet flexible cell cohesion essential for persistent cell migration in a 3D matrix. The 3D cell migration analysis for studying cell-to-cell interactions exposes the roles of N-cadherin in multicellular migration, and reveals novel insights into cell migration-dependent normal and pathological processes.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: LGR5 (Leucine-rich repeat-containing G-protein coupled receptor 5) is the most established marker for intestinal stem cells. Mouse models show that LGR5+ cells are the cells of origin of intestinal cancer, and LGR5 expression is elevated in human colorectal cancers, however very little is known about LGR5 function or its contribution to the stem cell phenotype and to colorectal cancer. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We have modulated the expression of LGR5 by RNAi (inhibitory RNAs) or overexpression in colorectal cancer cell lines. Paradoxically, ablation of LGR5 induces increased invasion and anchorage-independent growth, and enhances tumourigenicity in xenografts experiments. Conversely, overexpression of LGR5 augments cell adhesion, reduces clonogenicity and attenuates tumourigenicity. Expression profiling revealed enhanced wnt signalling and upregulation of EMT genes upon knockdown of LGR5, with opposite changes in LGR5 overexpressing cells. These findings suggest that LGR5 is important in restricting stem cells to their niche, and that loss of LGR5 concomitant with activated wnt signalling may contribute to the invasive phenotype of colorectal carcinomas.  相似文献   

Mast cells are known to play a pivotal role in allergic diseases such as allergic rhinitis, asthma, and atopic dermatitis by releasing granules containing histamine, LTC4, and other preformed chemical mediators. Previous reports have demonstrated that IKK2 (also called IKKβ), a central intracellular component of NF-κB activation pathways, plays a critical role in IgE-mediated degranulation of mast cells and anaphylaxis in mice. In this study, we show that protein levels of tumor suppressor p53 are up-regulated upon IgE-mediated activation in mast cells and lack of p53 results in enhanced responses in both early and late phase anaphylaxis. p53 inhibits not only the catalytic activity of IKK2 presumably through the modulation of glycosylation but also p65 (RelA)-mediated transactivation. Our findings are the first to demonstrate that p53 functions as a negative regulator in mast cells.  相似文献   

Wang Y  Lam KS  Xu A 《Cell research》2007,17(4):280-282
The prevalence of obesity and its associated diseases hasposed a huge healthcare impact on our society.Obesity is amajor risk factor for many serious medical conditions,suchas metabolic syndrome,Type 2 Diabetes and cardiovasculardisorders etc.In addition,the close association of obesitywith cancers has attracted significant attentions[1].Severalobesity-related cancers,including breast,prostate,endo-metrium,colon and gallbladder cancer,have a hormonalbasis and are life style-related.Breast cancer is the mostfrequent cancer and the second leading cause of cancerdeath among women.Excess adiposity over the pre-andpost-menopausal years is an independent risk factor for thedevelopment of breast cancer,and is also associated withlate-stage disease and poor prognosis[2].Adipose tissue has been shown to be an important playerin obesity-related mammary carcinogenesis[2].Adipocyteis one of the predominant stromal cell types in the microen-vironment of mammary tissue.It is also the major site forlocal estrogen production from androgens by aromatase,  相似文献   

The PINOID (PID) family, which belongs to AGCVIII kinases, is known to be involved in the regulation of auxin efflux transporter PIN-FORMED (PIN) proteins through changes in the phosphorylation status. Recently, we demonstrated that the PID family is necessary for phytochrome-mediated phototropic enhancement in Arabidopsis hypocotyls and that the downregulation of PID expression by red-light pretreatment results in the promotion of the PIN-mediated auxin gradient during phototropic responses. However, whether PID participates in root phototropism in Arabidopsis seedlings has not been well studied. Here, we demonstrated that negative root phototropic responses are enhanced in the pid quadruple mutant and are severely impaired in transgenic plants expressing PID constitutively. The results indicate that the PID family functions in a negative root phototropism as a negative regulator. On the other hand, analysis with PID fused to a yellow fluorescent protein, VENUS, showed that unilateral blue-light irradiation causes a lower accumulation of PID proteins on the shaded side than on the irradiated side. This result suggests that the blue-light-mediated asymmetrical distribution of PID proteins may be one of the critical responses in phototropin-mediated signals during a negative root phototropism. Alternatively, such a transverse gradient of PID proteins may result from gravitropic stimulation produced by phototropic bending.  相似文献   

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