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The patch-clamp technique was used to obtain information on the existence and properties of ion channels in giant protoplasts obtained from the Gram-positive bacterium Streptococcus faecalis. The membrane proved to contain a pore with numerous conductance states, ranging from 10 pS to several nanosiemens. Application of a slight pressure differential across the membrane resulted in the activation of the channel. The pressure sensitivity points to a relationship between this channel and one recently discovered in E.coli spheroplasts [(1987) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 84, 2297–2301] suggesting that pores of this type might be widespread among prokaryotes.  相似文献   

A Gram-positive polyphosphate-accumulating bacterium was isolated from phosphate-removal activated sludge using pyruvate-supplemented agar plates. The isolate was oval or coccobacilli (0.4-0.7 x 0.5-1.0 mm) that occurred singly, in pairs or irregular clumps. Polyphosphate granules in the cells were observed by toluidine blue staining. The pure culture of the isolate rapidly took up phosphate (9.2 mg-P/g-dry weight) in the 3-h aerobic incubation without organic substrates, after anaerobic incubation with organic substrates containing casamino acids. When acetate was the sole carbon source in the anaerobic incubation, the isolate did not remove phosphate. These physiological features of the isolate were similar to those of Microlunatus phosphovorus. However, unlike M. phosphovorus the P-removal ability of the isolate was relatively low and was not accelerated by repeating the anaerobic/aerobic incubation cycles. Phylogenetic analysis and comparison of several characteristics showed that the isolate was identified as Tetrasphaera elongata which was recently proposed as a new polyphosphate-accumulating species isolated from activated sludge. As the isolate contained menaquinone (MK)-8(H(4)) as the predominant isoprenoid ubiquinone, it may be significantly responsible for phosphate removal, because MK-8(H(4)) has reportedly been found in fairly high proportions in many phosphate-removing activated sludges.  相似文献   

Conjugation is an efficient way for transfer of genetic information between bacteria, even between highly diverged species, and a major cause for the spreading of resistance genes. We have investigated the subcellular localization of several conserved conjugation proteins carried on plasmid pLS20 found in Bacillus subtilis. We show that VirB1, VirB4, VirB11, VirD2, and VirD4 homologs assemble at a single cell pole, but also at other sites along the cell membrane, in cells during the lag phase of growth. Bimolecular fluorescence complementation analyses showed that VirB4 and VirD4 interact at the cell pole and, less frequently, at other sites along the membrane. VirB1 and VirB11 also colocalized at the cell pole. Total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy showed that pLS20 is largely membrane associated and is frequently found at the cell pole, indicating that transfer takes place at the pole, which is a preferred site for the assembly of the active conjugation apparatus, but not the sole site. VirD2, VirB4, and VirD4 started to localize to the pole or the membrane in stationary-phase cells, and VirB1 and VirB11 were observed as foci in cells resuspended in fresh medium but no longer in cells that had entered exponential growth, although at least VirB4 was still expressed. These data reveal an unusual assembly/disassembly timing for the pLS20 conjugation machinery and suggest that specific localization of conjugation proteins in lag-phase cells and delocalization during growth are the reasons why pLS20 conjugation occurs only during early exponential phase.  相似文献   

The element iron is essential for bacteria and plays a key role in the virulence and pathology of bacterial diseases. The largest reservoir of iron within the human body is in protoporphyrin IX, the compound commonly referred to as heme and bound by hemoglobin. For many years, the study of heme uptake in bacteria was restricted to Gram-negative organisms. However, recent studies have shed light on how bacteria containing a thick peptidoglycan, such as Gram-positive bacteria, acquire and transport heme. This review summarizes old and new research covering the acquisition, transport, and utilization of heme in Gram-positive bacterial pathogens.  相似文献   

Microbes spontaneously release membrane vesicles (MVs), which play roles in nutrient acquisition and microbial interactions. Iron is indispensable for microbes, but is a difficult nutrient to acquire. However, whether MVs are also responsible for efficient iron uptake and therefore involved in microbial interaction remains to be elucidated. Here, we used a Gram-positive strain, Dietzia sp. DQ12-45-1b, to analyze the function of its MVs in heme-iron recycling and sharing between species. We determined the structure and constituent of MVs and showed that DQ12-45-1b releases MVs originating from the mycomembrane. When comparing proteomes of MVs between iron-limiting and iron-rich conditions, we found that under iron-limiting conditions, heme-binding proteins are enriched. Next, we proved that MVs participate in extracellular heme capture and transport, especially in heme recycling from environmental hemoproteins. Finally, we found that the heme carried in MVs is utilized by multiple species, and we further verified that membrane fusion efficiency and species evolutionary distance determine heme delivery. Together, our findings strongly suggest that MVs act as a newly identified pathway for heme recycling, and represent a public good shared between phylogenetically closely related species.Subject terms: Bacteria, Microbial ecology  相似文献   



Sliding DNA clamps are processivity factors that are required for efficient DNA replication. DNA polymerases maintain proximity to nucleic acid templates by interacting with sliding clamps that encircle DNA and thereby link the polymerase enzyme to the DNA substrate. Although the structures of sliding clamps from Gram-negative bacteria (E. coli), eukaryotes, archaea, and T4-like bacteriophages are well-known, the structure of a sliding clamp from Gram-positive bacteria has not been reported previously.  相似文献   

Bacillus sp. A-001, which produced large amounts of amylase, was isolated from fermenting tef ( Eragrostis tef ) on tryptone soya agar supplemented with 1% starch. The organism grew between pH 4.5 and 10.5 with an optimum at 7–7.5. Growth occurred between 20 and 55°C but the optimum was about 35–40°C. At optimum medium pH (7.5) and a temperature of 35°C the organism entered the stationary phase after about 72 h and amylase production was at its highest (9.6 units ml-1) at this time. Enzyme activity was optimal at pH 5.5 and 40°C and showed good thermal stability; it required 110 min to lose 50% of its activity at 70°C. The enzyme hydrolysed native starch (flour from tef, corn and kocho) to various oligosaccharides, including maltotriose, maltose and glucose.  相似文献   

Tuberculosis (TB) caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis remains a global threat to human health. Development of drug resistance and co‐infection with HIV has increased the morbidity and mortality caused by TB. Macrophages serve as primary defense against microbial infections, including TB. Upon recognition and uptake of mycobacteria, macrophages initiate a series of events designed to lead to generation of effective immune responses and clearance of infection. However, pathogenic mycobacteria utilize multiple mechanisms for manipulating macrophage responses to protect itself from being killed and to survive within these cells that are designed to kill them. The outcomes of mycobacterial infection are determined by several host‐ and pathogen‐related factors. Significant advancements in understanding mycobacterial pathogenesis have been made in recent years. In this review, some of the important factors/mechanisms regulating mycobacterial survival inside macrophages are discussed.

Many parasites are known to manipulate the behaviour of intermediate hosts in order to increase their probability of transmission to definitive hosts. This manipulation must have costs. Here we explore the combined effects of three such costs on the amount of effort a parasite should expend on host manipulation. Manipulation can have direct costs to future reproductive success due to energy expended to manipulate the host. There may also be indirect costs if other parasites infect the host and profit from the manipulation without paying the cost of manipulation. These “free riders” may impose a third cost by competing with manipulators for resources within the host. Using game theory analysis and several different competition models we show that intrahost competition will decrease the investment that a parasite should make in manipulation but that manipulation can, under some circumstances, be a profitable strategy even in the presence of non-manipulating competitors. The key determinants of the manipulator’s success and its investment in manipulation are the relatedness among parasites within the host, the ratio of the passive transmission rate to the efficiency of increasing transmission rate and the strength of competitive effects. Manipulation, when exploited by others, becomes an altruistic behaviour. Thus we suggest that our model may be generally applicable to cases where organisms can exploit the investment of others (possibly kin) while also competing with the organism whose investment they exploit.  相似文献   

Manipulative parasites often alter the phenotype of their hosts along multiple dimensions. ‘Multidimensionality’ in host manipulation could consist in the simultaneous alteration of several physiological pathways independently of one another, or proceed from the disruption of some key physiological parameter, followed by a cascade of effects. We compared multidimensionality in ‘host manipulation’ between two closely related amphipods, Gammarus fossarum and Gammarus pulex, naturally and experimentally infected with Pomphorhynchus laevis (Acanthocephala), respectively. To that end, we calculated in each host–parasite association the effect size of the difference between infected and uninfected individuals for six different traits (activity, phototaxis, geotaxis, attraction to conspecifics, refuge use and metabolic rate). The effects sizes were highly correlated between host–parasite associations, providing evidence for a relatively constant ‘infection syndrome’. Using the same methodology, we compared the extent of phenotypic alterations induced by an experimental injection of serotonin (5-HT) in uninfected G. pulex to that induced by experimental or natural infection with P. laevis. We observed a significant correlation between effect sizes across the six traits, indicating that injection with 5-HT can faithfully mimic the ‘infection syndrome’. This is, to our knowledge, the first experimental evidence that multidimensionality in host manipulation can proceed, at least partly, from the disruption of some major physiological mechanism.  相似文献   

Although attenuated strains of microbial pathogens have triggered vaccine development from its origin, the role of virulence factors in determining host immunity has remained largely unexplored. Using the murine listeriosis model, we investigated whether the induction and expansion of protective and inflammatory T cell responses may be modified by selective manipulation of virulence genes. We intentionally deleted specific genes of Listeria monocytogenes, including those encoding the positive regulatory factor (prfA), hemolysin (hly), the actin nucleator (actA), and phospholipase B (plcB). The resulting strains showed decisive differences in their immunogenic properties. In particular, we identified a double-deletion mutant that retained Listeria's profound ability to induce protective CD8(+) T cells, but that is strongly attenuated and exhibits a significantly reduced ability to induce CD4(+) T cell-mediated inflammation. We conclude that this mutant, L. monocytogenes DeltaactADeltaplcB, is at present the most promising mutant for a bacterial vaccine vector and is able to safely induce potent CD8(+) T cell-mediated immunity.  相似文献   

Desulfotomaculum gibsoniae is a mesophilic member of the polyphyletic spore-forming genus Desulfotomaculum within the family Peptococcaceae. This bacterium was isolated from a freshwater ditch and is of interest because it can grow with a large variety of organic substrates, in particular several aromatic compounds, short-chain and medium-chain fatty acids, which are degraded completely to carbon dioxide coupled to the reduction of sulfate. It can grow autotrophically with H2 + CO2 and sulfate and slowly acetogenically with H2 + CO2, formate or methoxylated aromatic compounds in the absence of sulfate. It does not require any vitamins for growth. Here, we describe the features of D. gibsoniae strain GrollT together with the genome sequence and annotation. The chromosome has 4,855,529 bp organized in one circular contig and is the largest genome of all sequenced Desulfotomaculum spp. to date. A total of 4,666 candidate protein-encoding genes and 96 RNA genes were identified. Genes of the acetyl-CoA pathway, possibly involved in heterotrophic growth and in CO2 fixation during autotrophic growth, are present. The genome contains a large set of genes for the anaerobic transformation and degradation of aromatic compounds, which are lacking in the other sequenced Desulfotomaculum genomes.  相似文献   

Trophically-transmitted parasites frequently alter multiple aspects of their host's phenotype. Correlations between modified characteristics may suggest how different traits are mechanistically related, but these potential relationships remain unexplored. We recorded 5 traits from individual isopods infected with an acanthocephalan (Acanthocephalus lucii): hiding, activity, substrate colour preference, body (pereon) coloration, and abdominal (pleon) coloration. Infected isopods hid less and had darker abdominal coloration than uninfected isopods. However, in 3 different experiments measuring hiding behaviour (time-scales of observation: 1 h, 8 h, 8 weeks), these two modified traits were not correlated, suggesting they may arise via independent mechanisms. For the shorter experiments (1 h and 8 h), confidence in this null correlation was undermined by low experimental repeatability, i.e. individuals did not behave similarly in repeated trials of the experiment. However, in the 8-week experiment, hiding behaviour was relatively consistent within individuals, so the null correlation at this scale indicates, less equivocally, that hiding and coloration are unrelated. Furthermore, the difference between the hiding behaviour of infected and uninfected isopods varied over 8 weeks, suggesting that the effect of A. lucii infection on host behaviour changes over time. We emphasize the importance of carefully designed protocols for investigating multidimensionality in host manipulation.  相似文献   

Isolation of a suppressor host bacterium in Staphylococcus aureus   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
A bacterial mutant of Staphylococcus aureus NCTC 8325 has been isolated which has the properties of a suppressor host mutant. The mutant was isolated as a one-step phenotypic revertant to wild type of a strain containing mutations in two unlinked markers concerned with metabolism of lactose via the phosphoenol pyruvate-dependent phosphotransferase system. The revertant (called sup1(+)) has been used to isolate seventy conditional lethal mutants of the phage O11. The phage mutants, which plate on sup1(+) but not on the original 8325 strain, have been assigned by complementation studies into 10 groups. It is probable that this technique for the isolation of suppressor hosts would be applicable to other Staphylococcus strains.  相似文献   

Phagosome biogenesis, the process by which macrophages neutralize ingested pathogens and initiate antigen presentation, has entered the field of cellular mycobacteriology research largely owing to the discovery 30 years ago that phagosomes harboring mycobacteria are refractory to fusion with lysosomes. In the past decade, the use of molecular genetics and biology in different model systems to study phagosome biogenesis have made significant advances in understanding subtle mechanisms by which mycobacteria inhibit the maturation of its phagosome. Thus, we are beginning to appreciate the extent to which these pathogens are able to interfere with innate immune responses and manipulate defense mechanisms to enhance their survival within the human host cell. Here, we summarize current knowledge about phagosome maturation arrest in infected macrophages and the subsequent attenuation of the macrophage-initiated adaptive anti-mycobacterial immune defenses.  相似文献   

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