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Eukaryotes have evolved programmed cell death (PCD) mechanisms that play important roles in both, development and immunity.13 We demonstrated a requirement for the Arabidopsis thaliana leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinase (LRR-RLK), BAK1/SERK3 (BRI1-Associated receptor Kinase 1/Somatic Embryogenesis Receptor Kinase 3) in regulating the containment of microbial infection-induced necrosis. BAK1-deficient plants showed constitutive expression of defense-related genes and developed spreading cell death upon infection by necrotizing pathogens that result in enhanced susceptibility to necrotrophic pathogens. This reaction was not inducible by exposition of bak1 mutants to general stresses but appeared to be solely inducible by necrotizing pathogen infection. BAK1 is known to interact with the brassinosteroid receptor, BRI1, and thereby facilitates plant growth and development in a brassinolide (BL)-dependent manner.4,5 Surprisingly, the cell death-related phenotype in bak1 mutants is brassinolide-independent. In this addendum we want to present recent new data on BAK1 and discuss its role as a general regulator in plant processes being as diverse as brassinosteroid signaling in development, perception of pathogen associated molecular patterns (PAMPs), and cell-death control in innate immunity.Key words: LRR-RLK, cell-death control, immunity, brassinosteroids, BAK1, SERK3, BRI1, FLS2  相似文献   

The receptors for the fungal elicitor EIX (LeEix1 and LeEix2) belong to a class of leucine-rich repeat cell-surface glycoproteins with a signal for receptor-mediated endocytosis. Both receptors are able to bind the EIX elicitor while only the LeEix2 receptor mediates defense responses. We show that LeEix1 acts as a decoy receptor and attenuates EIX induced internalization and signaling of the LeEix2 receptor. We demonstrate that BAK1 binds LeEix1 but not LeEix2. In plants where BAK1 was silenced, LeEix1 was no longer able to attenuate plant responses to EIX, indicating that BAK1 is required for this attenuation. We suggest that LeEix1 functions as a decoy receptor for LeEix2, a function which requires the kinase activity of BAK1.Key words: LRR-RLP, LeEix, Bak1, decoy receptor, endocytosisLeucine-rich-repeat receptor proteins (LRR-RLPs) have been linked with defense response signaling in plants.15 The tomato Cf genes which mediate resistance to Cladosporium fulvum encode LRR-RLPs. Additional LRR-RLPs include the tomato Verticillium (Ve) resistant proteins6,7 and the LeEix proteins.8 The Eix receptors (LeEix1 and LeEix2) contain a signal for receptor-mediated endocytosis, which we have previously shown to be essential for proper induction of defense responses.9,10 Both receptors are able to bind Eix, but only LeEix2 mediates EIX-induced defense.8 In a recent work we demonstrate that LeEix1 attenuates Eix-induced internalization and signaling, and heterodimerizes with LeEix2 upon application of Eix.11 Our work further shows that the brassinosteroid co-receptor Bri-Associated Kinase 1 (BAK1) binds LeEix1 but not LeEix2. In BAK1-silenced plants, LeEix1 was no longer able to attenuate plant responses to Eix, indicating that BAK1 is required for this attenuation and leading to the hypothesis that LeEix1 functions as a decoy receptor for LeEix2.11  相似文献   

Receptor-like kinases (RLKs) are a family of transmembrane proteins with a variable ligand-binding extracellular domain and a cytoplasmic kinase domain. In Arabidopsis, there are ∼600 RLKs believed to have diverse functions during plant growth, development and interactions with the environment. Based on the variable extracellular domain, RLKs can be classified into different subfamilies. The CrRLK subfamily contains 17 members in Arabidopsis and characterization of some of its members suggests a role for these proteins in the regulation of growth and reproduction. This review focuses on the roles of CrRLKs in the regulation of polarized growth with emphasis on the newly identified signal transduction pathways activated downstream of CrRLKs. A picture is emerging where CrRLKs are part of a conserved signal transduction cascade important for growth maintenance in different cell types.Key words: CrRLKs, FERONIA, RAC/ROP, ROS, polar growthThe ability of plants to perceive and process environmental and internal information into coordinated responses is crucial to their adaptability and survival in constantly changing environments. Most of signal perception occurs at the plasma membrane of cells where membrane-associated receptors receive signals to activate downstream signaling cascades that regulate growth and development. In plants and animals alike, receptor-like kinases (RLKs) mediate many of the signaling events at the cell surface and in the model plant Arabidopsis they comprise a monophyletic family with more than 600 members.1 RLKs are transmembrane proteins with a variable N-terminal extracellular domain and a Ser/Thr intracellular kinase domain. The diversity of their extracellular domains suggests involvement in the transduction of a wide range of signals and allows them to be classified into different sub-families.2 The CrRLK1L subfamily (from here on referred to as CrRLK) is named after the first member characterized in Catharanthus roseus cell cultures3 and contains 17 members in Arabidopsis.4 Several members of this family have now been implicated in growth regulatory processes.THESEUS1 (THE1) was identified through a suppressor screen of a cellulose-deficient mutant (prc1-1) which has a short hypocotyl phenotype.5 Loss of THE1 function resulted in reduced growth inhibition in the prc1-1 the1 double mutant. Interestingly, the the1 mutation itself has no effect in wild type background, thus leading to the suggestion that THE1 functions as a sensor of cell wall integrity in situations where the cell wall is weakened and organ elongation would be detrimental for the plant.4,5A second CrRLK, FERONIA (FER), was first implicated in the regulation of female control of fertility. In the female gametophyte FER is involved in sensing pollen tube arrival and promoting its rupture which is necessary for double fertilization to occur.6,7 FER is in fact involved in several processes depending on the tissue where it is expressed. In hypocotyls, FER is involved in the integration of ethylene and brassinosteroid (BR) signals to regulate hypocotyl elongation in the dark.8 Moreover, FER, THE1 and the closely related HERCULES1 (HERK1), were found to regulate cell elongation by interacting with BR signaling.9 More recently, roles for FER in the regulation of root hair development and fungal invasion have been established.10,11 The pollen-specific ANXUR1 (ANX1) and ANXUR2 (ANX2) are closely related to FER and act redundantly to maintain pollen tube growth integrity during its journey through the style and ensure against precocious pollen tube rupture before reaching the ovule.12,13Apparently with different biological roles, all the CrRLK members analyzed thus far have an effect on the growth of plant cells. The present review focuses on their role during cell growth with emphasis on polar cell growth and the downstream pathways activated by CrRLKs.  相似文献   

In young Arabidopsis seedlings, retrograde signaling from plastids regulates the expression of photosynthesis-associated nuclear genes in response to the developmental and functional state of the chloroplasts. The chloroplast-located PPR protein GUN1 is required for signalling following disruption of plastid protein synthesis early in seedling development before full photosynthetic competence has been achieved. Recently we showed that sucrose repression and the correct temporal expression of LHCB1, encoding a light-harvesting chlorophyll protein associated with photosystem II, are perturbed in gun1 mutant seedlings.1 Additionally, we demonstrated that in gun1 seedlings anthocyanin accumulation and the expression of the “early” anthocyanin-biosynthesis genes is perturbed. Early seedling development, predominantly at the stage of hypocotyl elongation and cotyledon expansion, is also affected in gun1 seedlings in response to sucrose, ABA and disruption of plastid protein synthesis by lincomycin. These findings indicate a central role for GUN1 in plastid, sucrose and ABA signalling in early seedling development.Key words: ABA, ABI4, anthocyanin, chloroplast, GUN1, retrograde signalling, sucroseArabidopsis seedlings develop in response to light and other environmental cues. In young seedlings, development is fuelled by mobilization of lipid reserves until chloroplast biogenesis is complete and the seedlings can make the transition to phototrophic growth. The majority of proteins with functions related to photosynthesis are encoded by the nuclear genome, and their expression is coordinated with the expression of genes in the chloroplast genome. In developing seedlings, retrograde signaling from chloroplasts to the nucleus regulates the expression of these nuclear genes and is dependent on the developmental and functional status of the chloroplast. Two classes of gun (genomes uncoupled) mutants defective in retrograde signalling have been identified in Arabidopsis: the first, which comprises gun2–gun5, involves mutations in genes encoding components of tetrapyrrole biosynthesis.2,3 The other comprises gun1, which has mutations in a nuclear gene encoding a plastid-located pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) protein with an SMR (small MutS-related) domain near the C-terminus.4,5 PPR proteins are known to have roles in RNA processing6 and the SMR domain of GUN1 has been shown to bind DNA,4 but the specific functions of these domains in GUN1 are not yet established. However, GUN1 has been shown to be involved in plastid gene expression-dependent,7 redox,4 ABA1,4 and sucrose signaling,1,4,8 as well as light quality and intensity sensing pathways.911 In addition, GUN1 has been shown to influence anthocyanin biosynthesis, hypocotyl extension and cotyledon expansion.1,11  相似文献   

The membrane-bound BRASSINOSTEROID INSENSITIVE1-ASSOCIATED RECEPTOR KINASE1 (BAK1) is a common coreceptor in plants and regulates distinct cellular programs ranging from growth and development to defense against pathogens. BAK1 functions through binding to ligand-stimulated transmembrane receptors and activating their kinase domains via transphosphorylation. In the absence of microbes, BAK1 activity may be suppressed by different mechanisms, like interaction with the regulatory BIR (for BAK1-INTERACTING RECEPTOR-LIKE KINASE) proteins. Here, we demonstrated that BAK1 overexpression in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) could cause detrimental effects on plant development, including growth arrest, leaf necrosis, and reduced seed production. Further analysis using an inducible expression system showed that BAK1 accumulation quickly stimulated immune responses, even under axenic conditions, and led to increased resistance to pathogenic Pseudomonas syringae pv tomato DC3000. Intriguingly, our study also revealed that the plasma membrane-associated BAK1 ectodomain was sufficient to induce autoimmunity, indicating a novel mode of action for BAK1 in immunity control. We postulate that an excess of BAK1 or its ectodomain could trigger immune receptor activation in the absence of microbes through unbalancing regulatory interactions, including those with BIRs. Consistently, mutation of SUPPRESSOR OF BIR1-1, which encodes an emerging positive regulator of transmembrane receptors in plants, suppressed the effects of BAK1 overexpression. In conclusion, our findings unravel a new role for the BAK1 ectodomain in the tight regulation of Arabidopsis immune receptors necessary to avoid inappropriate activation of immunity.Plants rely on their innate immune system to detect microbes and mount an active defense against pathogens. The plant immune system is traditionally considered to be composed of two layers (Jones and Dangl, 2006). The first one is based on the activity of pattern-recognition receptors (PRRs) that can detect microbe-associated molecular patterns (MAMPs) and trigger what is termed pattern-triggered immunity (PTI; Boller and Felix, 2009). Many plant pathogens can suppress this basal defense response using virulence factors termed effectors. In a second layer of defense, plants can make use of resistance (R) proteins to recognize the presence of pathogen effectors resulting in effector-triggered immunity (ETI), which resembles an accelerated and amplified PTI response (Jones and Dangl, 2006).Plants utilize plasma membrane-associated receptor-like proteins (RLPs) or receptor-like kinases (RLKs) as PRRs to sense specific signals through their ectodomains (Böhm et al., 2014). RLPs and RLKs require the function of additional RLKs to form active receptor complexes and transfer the external signal to the inside of the cells (Zhang and Thomma, 2013; Cao et al., 2014; Liebrand et al., 2014). The best-known coreceptor is the leucine-rich repeat (LRR)-RLK BRASSINOSTEROID INSENSITIVE1-ASSOCIATED RECEPTOR KINASE1 (BAK1), which was originally identified as a positive regulator and partner for the brassinosteroid (BR) receptor BRASSINOSTEROID INSENSITIVE1 (BRI1; Li et al., 2002; Nam and Li, 2002). BRs refer to phytohormones that promote plant growth and development (Fujioka and Yokota, 2003). Thus, loss-of-function mutations in BAK1 negatively impact Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) growth due to improper cell elongation. In short, bak1 mutants display compact rosettes with round-shaped leaves and shorter petioles and phenocopy weak bri1 mutations (Li et al., 2002; Nam and Li, 2002). Conversely, certain mutants affected in the BAK1 ectodomain show increased activity in the BR signaling pathway and share phenotypic similarities with BRI1-overexpressing lines (Wang et al., 2001), including elongated hypocotyls, petioles, and leaf blades and an overall increase in height (Jaillais et al., 2011; Chung et al., 2012).Furthermore, BAK1 is involved in the containment of cell death, independently of its function in BR signaling. Arabidopsis bak1 knockout mutants exhibit extensive cell death spreading after microbial infection (Kemmerling et al., 2007). In addition, spontaneous cell death develops in Arabidopsis double mutant plants lacking both BAK1 (also named SOMATIC EMBRYOGENESIS RECEPTOR KINASE3 [SERK3]) and its closest homolog BAK1-LIKE1 (BKK1)/SERK4, causing seedling lethality even in the absence of microbes (He et al., 2007). Similar phenotypes are observed in Arabidopsis, rice (Oryza sativa), and Nicotiana benthamiana by lowering the expression of BAK1 and its homologs (Heese et al., 2007; Jeong et al., 2010; Park et al., 2011). Interestingly, typical defense responses, like the production of reactive oxygen species and constitutive callose deposition, are also detected in those plants, although the basis for this phenomenon remains poorly understood (He et al., 2007; Kemmerling et al., 2007; Park et al., 2011; Gao et al., 2013).On the other hand, BAK1 is widely studied as a key component of immune signaling pathways due to its known association with different PRRs, including RLKs and RLPs (Kim et al., 2013; Böhm et al., 2014). Upon MAMP perception, PRRs induce signaling and physiological defense responses like mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) activation, reactive oxygen species and ethylene production, and modifications in gene expression, all of which contribute to PTI. Among the best-studied examples of BAK1-regulated PRRs are two LRR-receptor kinases, ELONGATION FACTOR Tu RECEPTOR (EFR), which senses the active epitope elf18 of the bacterial elongation factor Tu, and the flagellin receptor FLAGELLIN SENSING2 (FLS2), which senses the active epitope flg22 of bacterial flagellin (Gómez-Gómez and Boller, 2000; Chinchilla et al., 2006; Zipfel et al., 2006). Immediately after flg22 binding to its LRR ectodomain, FLS2 forms a tight complex with BAK1 (Chinchilla et al., 2007; Sun et al., 2013). This heteromerization step may bring the two kinase domains closer and thereby induce, within seconds, the phosphorylation of BAK1 and FLS2 (Schulze et al., 2010; Schwessinger et al., 2011). These steps are sufficient to initiate the immune signaling pathway, even if the ectodomains and kinase domains are switched between FLS2 and BAK1 (Albert et al., 2013).While PRRs, such as FLS2 and EFR, are extremely sensitive to even subnanomolar concentrations of their ligands, a tight control of these receptors is expected, since constitutive activation of defense responses in plants dramatically impairs fitness and growth (Tian et al., 2003; Korves and Bergelson, 2004). However, the mechanisms that underlie the attenuation of PRR activation or prevent these receptors from signaling constitutively remain largely unknown (Macho and Zipfel, 2014). Several independent observations indicate that BAK1 and FLS2 are present in close spatial proximity in preformed complexes at the plasma membrane (Chinchilla et al., 2007; Schulze et al., 2010; Roux et al., 2011). Negative regulation of immune signaling prior to ligand perception could happen within the PRR complex and depend on conformational changes following the association of FLS2 with flg22 (Meindl et al., 2000; Schulze et al., 2010; Mueller et al., 2012). Additionally, other partners might prevent the constitutive interaction of BAK1 with FLS2. Such could be the case for the LRR-RLK BAK1-INTERACTING RECEPTOR-LIKE KINASEs (BIRs): BIR2 was recently discovered as a substrate and negative regulator for BAK1, while the absence of BIR1 leads to the activation of defense induction and strong dwarfism (Gao et al., 2009; Halter et al., 2014b). Furthermore, MAMP signaling may be constrained by phosphatases, as suggested in earlier studies (Felix et al., 1994; Gómez-Gómez et al., 2001) and recently shown for the protein phosphatase 2A, which controls PRR activation likely by modulating the BAK1 phosphostatus (Segonzac et al., 2014). These examples illustrate the variety of mechanisms that may tightly control BAK1 activity.In this work, we show that regulation of BAK1 accumulation is crucial for Arabidopsis fitness, as its overexpression leads to dwarfism and premature death. The phenotype differs from BR mutants and is very reminiscent of or even identical to the autoimmune phenotype of plants showing constitutive activation of R proteins (Oldroyd and Staskawicz, 1998; Bendahmane et al., 2002; Zhang et al., 2003). BAK1 overexpression is associated with constitutive activation of defense pathway(s) involving the general coregulator of RLPs, SUPPRESSOR OF BIR1-1 (SOBIR1; Liebrand et al., 2013, 2014). To our knowledge, this is the first report and comprehensive characterization of such an autoimmunity phenotype for Arabidopsis plants overexpressing BAK1, and it highlights the importance of the regulation of PTI overactivation.  相似文献   

Plant defensins are small, highly stable, cysteine-rich peptides that constitute a part of the innate immune system primarily directed against fungal pathogens. Biological activities reported for plant defensins include antifungal activity, antibacterial activity, proteinase inhibitory activity and insect amylase inhibitory activity. Plant defensins have been shown to inhibit infectious diseases of humans and to induce apoptosis in a human pathogen. Transgenic plants overexpressing defensins are strongly resistant to fungal pathogens. Based on recent studies, some plant defensins are not merely toxic to microbes but also have roles in regulating plant growth and development.Key words: defensin, antifungal, antimicrobial peptide, development, innate immunityDefensins are diverse members of a large family of cationic host defence peptides (HDP), widely distributed throughout the plant and animal kingdoms.13 Defensins and defensin-like peptides are functionally diverse, disrupting microbial membranes and acting as ligands for cellular recognition and signaling.4 In the early 1990s, the first members of the family of plant defensins were isolated from wheat and barley grains.5,6 Those proteins were originally called γ-thionins because their size (∼5 kDa, 45 to 54 amino acids) and cysteine content (typically 4, 6 or 8 cysteine residues) were found to be similar to the thionins.7 Subsequent “γ-thionins” homologous proteins were indentified and cDNAs were cloned from various monocot or dicot seeds.8 Terras and his colleagues9 isolated two antifungal peptides, Rs-AFP1 and Rs-AFP2, noticed that the plant peptides'' structural and functional properties resemble those of insect and mammalian defensins, and therefore termed the family of peptides “plant defensins” in 1995. Sequences of more than 80 different plant defensin genes from different plant species were analyzed.10 A query of the UniProt database (www.uniprot.org/) currently reveals publications of 371 plant defensins available for review. The Arabidopsis genome alone contains more than 300 defensin-like (DEFL) peptides, 78% of which have a cysteine-stabilized α-helix β-sheet (CSαβ) motif common to plant and invertebrate defensins.11 In addition, over 1,000 DEFL genes have been identified from plant EST projects.12Unlike the insect and mammalian defensins, which are mainly active against bacteria,2,3,10,13 plant defensins, with a few exceptions, do not have antibacterial activity.14 Most plant defensins are involved in defense against a broad range of fungi.2,3,10,15 They are not only active against phytopathogenic fungi (such as Fusarium culmorum and Botrytis cinerea), but also against baker''s yeast and human pathogenic fungi (such as Candida albicans).2 Plant defensins have also been shown to inhibit the growth of roots and root hairs in Arabidopsis thaliana16 and alter growth of various tomato organs which can assume multiple functions related to defense and development.4  相似文献   

VERNALIZATION INSENSITIVE 3 (VIN3) encodes a PHD domain chromatin remodelling protein that is induced in response to cold and is required for the establishment of the vernalization response in Arabidopsis thaliana.1 Vernalization is the acquisition of the competence to flower after exposure to prolonged low temperatures, which in Arabidopsis is associated with the epigenetic repression of the floral repressor FLOWERING LOCUS C (FLC).2,3 During vernalization VIN3 binds to the chromatin of the FLC locus,1 and interacts with conserved components of Polycomb-group Repressive Complex 2 (PRC2).4,5 This complex catalyses the tri-methylation of histone H3 lysine 27 (H3K27me3),4,6,7 a repressive chromatin mark that increases at the FLC locus as a result of vernalization.4,710 In our recent paper11 we found that VIN3 is also induced by hypoxic conditions, and as is the case with low temperatures, induction occurs in a quantitative manner. Our experiments indicated that VIN3 is required for the survival of Arabidopsis seedlings exposed to low oxygen conditions. We suggested that the function of VIN3 during low oxygen conditions is likely to involve the mediation of chromatin modifications at certain loci that help the survival of Arabidopsis in response to prolonged hypoxia. Here we discuss the implications of our observations and hypotheses in terms of epigenetic mechanisms controlling gene regulation in response to hypoxia.Key words: arabidopsis, VIN3, FLC, hypoxia, vernalization, chromatin remodelling, survival  相似文献   

Here we announce the complete genome sequence of Croceibacter atlanticus HTCC2559T, which was isolated by high-throughput dilution-to-extinction culturing from the Bermuda Atlantic Time Series station in the Western Sargasso Sea. Strain HTCC2559T contained genes for carotenoid biosynthesis, flavonoid biosynthesis, and several macromolecule-degrading enzymes. The genome confirmed physiological observations of cultivated Croceibacter atlanticus strain HTCC2559T, which identified it as an obligate chemoheterotroph.The phylum Bacteroidetes comprises 6 to ∼30% of total bacterial communities in the ocean by fluorescence in situ hybridization (8-10). Most marine Bacteroidetes are in the family Flavobacteriaceae, most of which are aerobic respiratory heterotrophs that form a well-defined clade by 16S rRNA phylogenetic analyses (4). The members of this family are well known for degrading macromolecules, including chitin, DNA, cellulose, starch, and pectin (17), suggesting their environmental roles as detritus decomposers in the ocean (6). Marine Polaribacter and Dokdonia species in the Flavobacteriaceae have also shown to have photoheterotrophic metabolism mediated by proteorhodopsins (11, 12).Several strains of the family Flavobacteriaceae were isolated from the Sargasso Sea and Oregon coast, using high-throughput culturing approaches (7). Croceibacter atlanticus HTCC2559T was cultivated from seawater collected at a depth of 250 m from the Sargasso Sea and was identified as a new genus in the family Flavobacteriaceae based on its 16S rRNA gene sequence similarities (6). Strain HTCC2559T met the minimal standards for genera of the family Flavobacteriaceae (3) on the basis of phenotypic characteristics (6).Here we report the complete genome sequence of Croceibacter atlanticus HTCC2559T. The genome sequencing was initiated by the J. Craig Venter Institute as a part of the Moore Foundation Microbial Genome Sequencing Project and completed in the current announcement. Gaps among contigs were closed by Genotech Co., Ltd. (Daejeon, Korea), using direct sequencing of combinatorial PCR products (16). The HTCC2559T genome was analyzed with a genome annotation system based on GenDB (14) at Oregon State University and with the NCBI Prokaryotic Genomes Automatic Annotation Pipeline (15, 16).The HTCC2559T genome is 2,952,962 bp long, with 33.9 mol% G+C content, and there was no evidence of plasmids. The number of protein-coding genes was 2,715; there were two copies of the 16S-23S-5S rRNA operon and 36 tRNA genes. The HTCC2559T genome contained genes for a complete tricarboxylic acid cycle, glycolysis, and a pentose phosphate pathway. The genome also contained sets of genes for metabolic enzymes involved in carotenoid biosynthesis and also a serine/glycine hydroxymethyltransferase, which is often associated with the assimilatory serine cycle (13). The potential for HTCC2559T to use bacterial type III polyketide synthase (PKS) needs to be confirmed because this organism had a naringenin-chalcone synthase (CHS) or chalcone synthase (EC, a key enzyme in flavonoid biosynthesis. CHS initiates the addition of three molecules of malonyl coenzyme A (malonyl-CoA) to a starter CoA ester (e.g., 4-coumaroyl-CoA) (1) and takes part in a few bacterial type III polyketide synthase systems (1, 2, 5, 18).The complete genome sequence confirmed that strain HTCC2559T is an obligate chemoheterotroph because no genes for phototrophy were found. As expected from physiological characteristics (6), the HTCC2559T genome contained a set of genes coding for enzymes required to degrade high-molecular-weight compounds, including peptidases, metallo-/serine proteases, pectinase, alginate lyases, and α-amylase.  相似文献   

Organelle movement in plants is dependent on actin filaments with most of the organelles being transported along the actin cables by class XI myosins. Although chloroplast movement is also actin filament-dependent, a potential role of myosin motors in this process is poorly understood. Interestingly, chloroplasts can move in any direction and change the direction within short time periods, suggesting that chloroplasts use the newly formed actin filaments rather than preexisting actin cables. Furthermore, the data on myosin gene knockouts and knockdowns in Arabidopsis and tobacco do not support myosins'' XI role in chloroplast movement. Our recent studies revealed that chloroplast movement and positioning are mediated by the short actin filaments localized at chloroplast periphery (cp-actin filaments) rather than cytoplasmic actin cables. The accumulation of cp-actin filaments depends on kinesin-like proteins, KAC1 and KAC2, as well as on a chloroplast outer membrane protein CHUP1. We propose that plants evolved a myosin XI-independent mechanism of the actin-based chloroplast movement that is distinct from the mechanism used by other organelles.Key words: actin, Arabidopsis, blue light, kinesin, myosin, organelle movement, phototropinOrganelle movement and positioning are pivotal aspects of the intracellular dynamics in most eukaryotes. Although plants are sessile organisms, their organelles are quickly repositioned in response to fluctuating environmental conditions and certain endogenous signals. By and large, plant organelle movements and positioning are dependent on actin filaments, although microtubules play certain accessory roles in organelle dynamics.1,2 Actin inhibitors effectively retard the movements of mitochondria,36 peroxisomes,5,711 Golgi stacks,12,13 endoplasmic reticulum (ER),14,15 and nuclei.1618 These organelles are co-aligned and associated with actin filaments.5,7,8,1012,15,18 Recent progress in this field started to reveal the molecular motility system responsible for the organelle transport in plants.19Chloroplast movement is among the most fascinating models of organelle movement in plants because it is precisely controlled by ambient light conditions.20,21 Weak light induces chloroplast accumulation response so that chloroplasts can capture photosynthetic light efficiently (Fig. 1A). Strong light induces chloroplast avoidance response to escape from photodamage (Fig. 1B).22 The blue light-induced chloroplast movement is mediated by the blue light receptor phototropin (phot). In some cryptogam plants, the red light-induced chloroplast movement is regulated by a chimeric phytochrome/phototropin photoreceptor neochrome.2325 In a model plant Arabidopsis, phot1 and phot2 function redundantly to regulate the accumulation response,26 whereas phot2 alone is essential for the avoidance response.27,28 Several additional factors regulating chloroplast movement were identified by analyses of Arabidopsis mutants deficient in chloroplast photorelocation.2932 In particular, identification of CHUP1 (chloroplast unusual positioning 1) revealed the connection between chloroplasts and actin filaments at the molecular level.29 CHUP1 is a chloroplast outer membrane protein capable of interacting with F-actin, G-actin and profilin in vitro.29,33,34 The chup1 mutant plants are defective in both the chloroplast movement and chloroplast anchorage to the plasma membrane,22,29,33 suggesting that CHUP1 plays an important role in linking chloroplasts to the plasma membrane through the actin filaments. However, how chloroplasts move using the actin filaments and whether chloroplast movement utilizes the actin-based motility system similar to other organelle movements remained to be determined.Open in a separate windowFigure 1Schematic distribution patterns of chloroplasts in a palisade cell under different light conditions, weak (A) and strong (B) lights. Shown as a side view of mid-part of the cell and a top view with three different levels (i.e., top, middle and bottom of the cell). The cell was irradiated from the leaf surface shown as arrows. Weak light induces chloroplast accumulation response (A) and strong light induces the avoidance response (B).Here, we review the recent findings pointing to existence of a novel actin-based mechanisms for chloroplast movement and discuss the differences between the mechanism responsible for movement of chloroplasts and other organelles.  相似文献   

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