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Anti-VEGF antibody therapy with bevacizumab provides significant clinical benefit in patients with recurrent glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). Unfortunately, progression on bevacizumab therapy is often associated with a diffuse disease recurrence pattern, which limits subsequent therapeutic options. Therefore, there is an urgent need to understand bevacizumab''s influence on glioma biology and block it''s actions towards cell invasion.To explore the mechanism(s) of GBM cell invasion we have examined a panel of serially transplanted human GBM lines grown either in short-term culture, as xenografts in mouse flank, or injected orthotopically in mouse brain. Using an orthotopic xenograft model that exhibits increased invasiveness upon bevacizumab treatment, we also tested the effect of dasatinib, a broad spectrum SFK inhibitor, on bevacizumab-induced invasion.We show that 1) activation of Src family kinases (SFKs) is common in GBM, 2) the relative invasiveness of 17 serially transplanted GBM xenografts correlates strongly with p120 catenin phosphorylation at Y228, a Src kinase site, and 3) SFK activation assessed immunohistochemically in orthotopic xenografts, as well as the phosphorylation of downstream substrates occurs specifically at the invasive tumor edge. Further, we show that SFK signaling is markedly elevated at the invasive tumor front upon bevacizumab administration, and that dasatinib treatment effectively blocked the increased invasion induced by bevacizumab.Our data are consistent with the hypothesis that the increased invasiveness associated with anti-VEGF therapy is due to increased SFK signaling, and support testing the combination of dasatinib with bevacizumab in the clinic.  相似文献   

Breast cancer metastasis suppressor 1 (BRMS1) is a metastasis suppressor gene in several solid tumors. However, the expression and function of BRMS1 in glioma have not been reported. In this study, we investigated whether BRMS1 play a role in glioma pathogenesis. Using the tissue microarray technology, we found that BRMS1 expression is significantly decreased in glioma compared with tumor adjacent normal brain tissue (P<0.01, χ2 test) and reduced BRMS1 staining is associated with WHO stages (P<0.05, χ2 test). We also found that BRMS1 was significantly downregulated in glioma cell lines compared to normal human astrocytes (P<0.01, χ2 test). Furthermore, we demonstrated that BRMS1 overexpression inhibited glioma cell invasion by suppressing uPA, NF-κB, MMP-2 expression and MMP-2 enzyme activity. Moreover, our data showed that overexpression of BRMS1 inhibited glioma cell migration and adhesion capacity compared with the control group through the Src-FAK pathway. Taken together, this study suggested that BRMS1 has a role in glioma development and progression by regulating invasion, migration and adhesion activities of cancer cells.  相似文献   

The turnover of extracellular matrix liberates various cryptic molecules with novel biological activity. Among these are the collagen-derived anti-angiogenic fragments, some of which are suggested to affect carcinoma cells also directly. Arresten is an endogenous angiogenesis inhibitor that is derived from the non-collagenous domain of the basement membrane collagen IV α1 chain. As the mere prevention of tumor angiogenesis leads to hypoxia that can result in selection of more aggressive cell types and reduces the efficacy of chemotherapy, we aimed here to elucidate how arresten influences the aggressive human carcinoma cells. Arresten efficiently inhibited migration and invasion of HSC-3 tongue carcinoma cells in culture and in an organotypic model. Subcutaneous Arr-HSC xenografts grew markedly more slowly in nude mice and showed reduced tumor cell proliferation, vessel density and local invasiveness. In the organotypic assay, HSC-3 cells overproducing arresten (Arr-HSC) showed induction of cell death. In monolayer culture the Arr-HSC cells grew in aggregated cobblestone-like clusters and, relative to the control cells, showed increased expression and localization of epithelial marker E-cadherin in cell-cell contacts. Application of electric cell-substrate impedance sensing (ECIS) further supported our observations on altered morphology and motility of the Arr-HSC cells. Administration of a function-blocking α1 integrin antibody abolished the impedance difference between the Arr-HSC and control cells suggesting that the effect of arresten on promotion of HSC-3 cell-cell contacts and cell spreading is at least partly mediated by α1β1 integrin. Collectively, our data suggest novel roles for arresten in the regulation of oral squamous carcinoma cell proliferation, survival, motility and invasion through the modulation of cell differentiation state and integrin signaling.  相似文献   

Mitogen-activated protein kinases/Extracellular signal-regulated kinase (MAPK/ERK) pathway is essential for migration and invasion of malignant glioma. It is efficient to inhibit migration and invasion of glioma cells by targeting this pathway. Oleanolic acid (OA) has been well demonstrated to suppress survival, growth and angiogenesis of glioma cells. However, it is still unknown if OA affects the migration and invasion of glioma cells. We utilized U-87 MG glioma cell lines and primary glioma cells from patients to study the effect of OA on migration and invasion of glioma cells with multidisciplinary approaches. In this study, we found that OA significantly decreased the ability of glioma cells to migrate and invade. Epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) of glioma cells was also suppressed by OA treatment. Furthermore, MAPK/ERK pathway was greatly inhibited in glioma cells under OA treatment. MAPK/ERK reactivation induced by a recombinant lentiviral vector, Lv-MEK, was able to rescue the inhibitory effect of OA on migration and invasion of glioma cells. Taken together, we provided evidences that OA was a MAPK/ERK pathway-targeting anti-tumor agent. Although the concentrations we used exceeded its physiological level, OA may be used to prevent migration and invasion of glioma cells by developing its derivatives with enhanced bioactivity.  相似文献   

整合蛋白是一类重要的细胞表面黏附分子,由α和β亚基以非共价键结合而形成的异二聚体糖蛋白,对免疫反应、免疫细胞的组织定位、凝血、组织愈伤、癌细胞转移和新血管生成以及骨重塑等都至关重要。整合蛋白的功能依赖于对其配体结合的亲和性,以及所介导的下游信号通路。目前,对整合蛋白构象调节及亲和力调控机制已有深入了解。人类24种整合蛋白中,已有3种整合蛋白作为临床治疗靶点。这些药物以单克隆抗体、多肽和小分子化合物为主,均针对配体识别序列而设计。该类抑制剂往往具有部分激活的作用,直接导致药物的副反应和毒性。为了改善第一代整合蛋白药物的不足,目前基于晶体结构研究、虚拟筛选、高通量筛选以及基于结构设计的新型整合蛋白抑制剂,已经有许多进入临床试验。本文综述了一系列晶体结构中蛋白质与抑制剂的相互作用,以及借助晶体结构获得纯抑制剂为目的的实例,这些策略将会对开发新型有效的整合蛋白抑制剂提供很好的参考。  相似文献   

Cancer cells invade by secreting enzymes that degrade the extracellular matrix and these are sequestered in lysosomal vesicles. In this study, the effects of the selective lysosome lysing drug GPN and the lysosome exocytosis inhibitor vacuolin-1 on lysosome exocytosis were studied to determine their effect on glioma cell migration and invasion. Both GPN and vacuolin-1 evidently inhibited migration and invasion in transwell experiments and scratch experiments. There are more lysosomes located on the cell membrane of glioma cells than of astrocytes. GPN decreased the lysosome number on the cell membrane. We found that rab27A was expressed in glioma cells, and colocalized with cathepsin D in lysosome. RNAi-Rab27A inhibited lysosome cathepsin D exocytosis and glioma cell invasion in an in vitro assay. Inhibition of cathepsin D inhibited glioma cell migration. The data suggest that the inhibition of lysosome exocytosis from glioma cells plays an important modulatory role in their migration and invasion.  相似文献   

恶性肿瘤的侵袭转移机制是当今肿瘤学研究的热点之一,多形性胶质母细胞瘤(glioblastoma multiforme,GBM)死亡率居高不下的主要原因在于其在脑内发生广泛的浸润,GBM的侵袭是一个受多因素调控、多种基因参与的多步骤、多阶段、连续复杂的主动过程,很多机制还不十分清楚.但是,近年来许多学者通过C6胶质瘤模型对GBM的研究表明.一些黏附分子、蛋白酶及细胞因子等参与C6胶质瘤的侵袭.本文就目前C6胶质瘤侵袭机制的研究进展进行综述.  相似文献   

Modulation of integrin activation is important in many cellular functions including adhesion, migration, and assembly of the extracellular matrix. RSK2 functions downstream of Ras/Raf and promotes tumor cell motility and metastasis. We therefore investigated whether RSK2 affects integrin function. We report that RSK2 mediates Ras/Raf inactivation of integrins. As a result, we find that RSK2 impairs cell adhesion and integrin-mediated matrix assembly and promotes cell motility. Active RSK2 appears to affect integrins by reducing actin stress fibers and disrupting focal adhesions. Moreover, RSK2 co-localizes with the integrin activator talin and is present at integrin cytoplasmic tails. It is thereby in a position to modulate integrin activation and integrin-mediated migration. Activation of RSK2 promotes filamin phosphorylation and binding to integrins. We also find that RSK2 is activated in response to integrin ligation to fibronectin. Thus, RSK2 could participate in a feedback loop controlling integrin function. These results reveal RSK2 as a key regulator of integrin activity and provide a novel mechanism by which it may promote cell migration and cancer metastasis.  相似文献   

Glioma stem cells (GSCs) are thought to be critical for resistance to radiotherapy and chemotherapy and for tumor recurrence after surgery in glioma patients. Identification of new therapeutic strategies that can target GSCs may thus be critical for improving patient survival. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small non-coding RNAs that function as tumor suppressors or oncogenes. In this study, we confirmed that miR-107 was down-regulated in GSCs. To investigate the role of miR-107 in tumorigenesis of GSCs, a lentiviral vector over-expressing miR-107 in U87GSCs was constructed. We found that over-expression of miR-107 suppressed proliferation and down-regulated Notch2 protein and stem cell marker (CD133 and Nestin) expression in U87GSCs. Furthermore, enhanced miR-107 expression significantly inhibited U87GSC invasion and reduced matrix metalloproteinase-12 expression. miR-107 also suppressed U87GSCs xenograft growth in vivo. These findings suggest that miR-107 is involved in U87GSCs growth and invasion and may provide a potential therapeutic target for glioma treatment.  相似文献   

Autophagy plays an important role in tumorigenesis. Mitochondrion-associated protein LRPPRC interacts with MAP1S that interacts with LC3 and bridges autophagy components with microtubules and mitochondria to affect autophagy flux. Dysfunction of LRPPRC and MAP1S is associated with poor survival of ovarian cancer patients. Furthermore, elevated levels of LRPPRC predict shorter overall survival in patients with prostate adenocarcinomas or gastric cancer. To understand the role of LRPPRC in tumor development, previously we reported that LRPPRC forms a ternary complex with Beclin 1 and Bcl-2 to inhibit autophagy. Here we further show that LRPPRC maintains the stability of Parkin that mono-ubiquitinates Bcl-2 to increase Bcl-2 stability to inhibit autophagy. Under mitophagy stress, Parkin translocates to mitochondria to cause rupture of outer mitochondrial membrane and bind with exposed LRPPRC. Consequently, LRPPRC and Parkin help mitochondria being engulfed in autophagosomes to be degraded. In cells under long-term mitophagy stress, both LRPPRC and Parkin become depleted coincident with disappearance of mitochondria and final autophagy inactivation due to depletion of ATG5-ATG12 conjugates. LRPPRC functions as a checkpoint protein that prevents mitochondria from autophagy degradation and impact tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

Whether epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) is always linked to increased tumorigenicity is controversial. Through microRNA (miRNA) expression profiling of mammary epithelial cells overexpressing Twist, Snail or ZEB1, we identified miR-100 as a novel EMT inducer. Surprisingly, miR-100 inhibits the tumorigenicity, motility and invasiveness of mammary tumor cells, and is commonly downregulated in human breast cancer due to hypermethylation of its host gene MIR100HG. The EMT-inducing and tumor-suppressing effects of miR-100 are mediated by distinct targets. While miR-100 downregulates E-cadherin by targeting SMARCA5, a regulator of CDH1 promoter methylation, this miRNA suppresses tumorigenesis, cell movement and invasion in vitro and in vivo through direct targeting of HOXA1, a gene that is both oncogenic and pro-invasive, leading to repression of multiple HOXA1 downstream targets involved in oncogenesis and invasiveness. These findings provide a proof-of-principle that EMT and tumorigenicity are not always associated and that certain EMT inducers can inhibit tumorigenesis, migration and invasion.  相似文献   

Cyclin B1, a mitotic cyclin, has been implicated in malignances. However, its contribution to colorectal cancer invasion and metastasis are still not well understood. Here, we demonstrated that the invasion and metastasis of colorectal cancer is regulated by Cyclin B1. Overexpression of Cyclin B1 was observed in colorectal cancer tissues, but this elevated expression was negatively associated with lymph node metastasis, distant metastasis stage, and TNM stage. The Kaplan-Meier survival analysis proved that low Cyclin B1 expression was associated with poor overall survival of patients with colorectal cancer. Inhibition of Cyclin B1 in colorectal cancer cells enhanced the cell migration and invasion of three different colorectal cancer cell lines. In studying the possible mechanism by which Cyclin B1 suppresses colorectal cancer invasion and metastasis, we observed that suppression of Cyclin B1 decreased the expression of E-cadherin protein level. Our findings suggest that Cyclin B1 could suppress the invasion and metastasis of colorectal cancer cells through regulating E-cadherin expression, which enables the development of potential intervention strategies for colorectal cancer.  相似文献   

The Slit protein acts through the Roundabout receptor as a paracrine chemorepellent in axon guidance and as an inhibitor in leukocyte chemotaxis, but its role in epithelial cell motility and morphogenesis remains largely unexplored. We report that nontransformed epithelial cells and cancerous cells empower the Slit-2/Robo1 signaling system to limit outward migration in response to motogenic attractants and to remain positionally confined within their primitive location. Short hairpin RNA-mediated depletion of SLIT-2 or ectopic expression of a soluble decoy Robo enhance hepatocyte growth factor (HGF)-induced migration, matrix invasion, and tubulogenesis, concomitantly with the up-regulation of Cdc-42 and the down-modulation of Rac-1 activities. Accordingly, autocrine overexpression or exogenous administration of Slit-2 prevent HGF-triggered motile responses, reduce Cdc-42 activation, and stimulate Rac-1. This antimigratory activity of Slit-2 derives from the inhibition of actin-based protrusive forces and from an increased adhesive strength of cadherin-mediated intercellular contacts. These results disclose a novel function for Slit and Robo in the inhibition of growth factor-mediated epithelial cell motility and morphogenesis, invoking a critical role for both molecules as natural antagonists of neoplastic invasive growth.  相似文献   

Gliomas are the most common of all primary brain tumors. They are characterized by their diffuse infiltration of the brain tissue and are uniformly fatal, with glioblastoma being the most aggressive form of the disease. In recent years, the over-expression of platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) has been shown to produce tumors in experimental rodent models that closely resemble this human disease, specifically the proneural subtype of glioblastoma. We have previously modeled this system, focusing on the key attribute of these experimental tumors—the “recruitment” of oligodendroglial progenitor cells (OPCs) to participate in tumor formation by PDGF-expressing retrovirally transduced cells—in one dimension, with spherical symmetry. However, it has been observed that these recruitable progenitor cells are not uniformly distributed throughout the brain and that tumor cells migrate at different rates depending on the material properties in different regions of the brain. Here we model the differential diffusion of PDGF-expressing and recruited cell populations via a system of partial differential equations with spatially variable diffusion coefficients and solve the equations in two spatial dimensions on a mouse brain atlas using a flux-differencing numerical approach. Simulations of our in silico model demonstrate qualitative agreement with the observed tumor distribution in the experimental animal system. Additionally, we show that while there are higher concentrations of OPCs in white matter, the level of recruitment of these plays little role in the appearance of “white matter disease,” where the tumor shows a preponderance for white matter. Instead, simulations show that this is largely driven by the ratio of the diffusion rate in white matter as compared to gray. However, this ratio has less effect on the speed of tumor growth than does the degree of OPC recruitment in the tumor. It was observed that tumor simulations with greater degrees of recruitment grow faster and develop more nodular tumors than if there is no recruitment at all, similar to our prior results from implementing our model in one dimension. Combined, these results show that recruitment remains an important consideration in understanding and slowing glioma growth.  相似文献   

Gliomas are mostly incurable secondary to their diffuse infiltrative nature. Thus, specific therapeutic targeting of invasive glioma cells is an attractive concept. As cells exit the tumor mass and infiltrate brain parenchyma, they closely interact with a changing micro-environmental landscape that sustains tumor cell invasion.In this study, we used a unique microarray profiling approach on a human glioma stem cell (GSC) xenograft model to explore gene expression changes in situ in Invading Glioma Cells (IGCs) compared to tumor core, as well as changes in host cells residing within the infiltrated microenvironment relative to the unaffected cortex. IGCs were found to have reduced expression of genes within the extracellular matrix compartment, and genes involved in cell adhesion, cell polarity and epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) processes. The infiltrated microenvironment showed activation of wound repair and tissue remodeling networks. We confirmed by protein analysis the downregulation of EMT and polarity related genes such as CD44 and PARD3 in IGCs, and EFNB3, a tissue-remodeling agent enriched at the infiltrated microenvironment. OLIG2, a proliferation regulator and glioma progenitor cell marker upregulated in IGCs was found to function in enhancing migration and stemness of GSCs. Overall, our results unveiled a more comprehensive picture of the complex and dynamic cell autonomous and tumor-host interactive pathways of glioma invasion than has been previously demonstrated. This suggests targeting of multiple pathways at the junction of invading tumor and microenvironment as a viable option for glioma therapy.  相似文献   

Proteasome inhibitors are emerging as a new class of cancer therapeutics, and bortezomib has shown promise in the treatment of multiple myeloma and mantle cell lymphoma. However, bortezomib has failed to have an effect in preclinical models of glioma. NPI-0052 is a new generation of proteasome inhibitors with increased potency and strong inhibition of all three catalytic activities of the 26S proteasome. In this article, we test the antitumor efficacy of NPI-0052 against glioma, as a single agent and in combination with temozolomide and radiation using five different glioma lines. The intrinsic radiation sensitivities differed for all the lines and correlated with their PTEN expression status. In vitro, NPI-0052 showed a dose-dependent toxicity, and its combination with temozolomide resulted in radiosensitization of only the cell lines with a mutated p53. The effect of NPI-0052 as a single agent on glioma xenografts in vivo was only modest in controlling tumor growth, and it failed to radiosensitize the glioma xenografts to fractionated radiation. We conclude that NPI-0052 is not a suitable drug for the treatment of malignant gliomas despite its efficacy in other cancer types.  相似文献   



The extraordinary invasive capability is a major cause of treatment failure and tumor recurrence in glioma, however, the molecular and cellular mechanisms governing glioma invasion remain poorly understood. Evidence in other cell systems has implicated the regulatory role of microRNA in cell motility and invasion, which promotes us to investigate the biological functions of miR-124 in glioma in this regard.


We have found that miR-124 is dramatically downregulated in clinical specimen of glioma and is negatively correlated with the tumor pathological grading in the current study. The cells transfected by miR-124 expression vector have demonstrated retarded cell mobility. Using a bioinformatics analysis approach, rho-associated coiled-coil containing protein kinase 1 (ROCK1), a well-known cell mobility-related gene, has been identified as the target of miR-124. A dual-luciferase reporter assay was used to confirm that miR-124 targeted directly the 3′UTR of ROCK1 gene and repressed the ROCK1 expression in U87MG human glioma cell line. Furthermore, experiments have shown that the decreased cell mobility was due to the actin cytoskeleton rearrangements and the reduced cell surface ruffle in U87MG glioma cells. These results are similar to the cellular responses of U87MG glioma cells to the treatment of Y-27632, an inhibitor of ROCK protein. Moreover, a constitutively active ROCK1 in miR-124 over-expressed glioma cells reversed the effects of miR-124. Our results revealed a novel mechanism that miR-124 inhibits glioma cells migration and invasion via ROCK1 downregulation.


These results suggest that miR-124 may function as anti-migration and anti-invasion influence in glioma and provides a potential approach for developing miR-124-based therapeutic strategies for malignant glioma therapy.  相似文献   

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