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Multiple sequence alignment plays an important role in molecular sequence analysis. An alignment is the arrangement of two (pairwise alignment) or more (multiple alignment) sequences of 'residues' (nucleotides or amino acids) that maximizes the similarities between them. Algorithmically, the problem consists of opening and extending gaps in the sequences to maximize an objective function (measurement of similarity). A simple genetic algorithm was developed and implemented in the software MSA-GA. Genetic algorithms, a class of evolutionary algorithms, are well suited for problems of this nature since residues and gaps are discrete units. An evolutionary algorithm cannot compete in terms of speed with progressive alignment methods but it has the advantage of being able to correct for initially misaligned sequences; which is not possible with the progressive method. This was shown using the BaliBase benchmark, where Clustal-W alignments were used to seed the initial population in MSA-GA, improving outcome. Alignment scoring functions still constitute an open field of research, and it is important to develop methods that simplify the testing of new functions. A general evolutionary framework for testing and implementing different scoring functions was developed. The results show that a simple genetic algorithm is capable of optimizing an alignment without the need of the excessively complex operators used in prior study. The clear distinction between objective function and genetic algorithms used in MSA-GA makes extending and/or replacing objective functions a trivial task.  相似文献   

Multiple alignment is a core problem in computational biology that has received much attention over the years, both in the line of heuristics and hardness results. In most expositions of the problem it is referred to as NP-hard and references are given to one of the available hardness results. However, previous to this paper not even the most elementary variation of the problem, multiple alignment under the unit metric, had been proved hard. The aim of this paper is to settle the NP-hardness of the most common variations of multiple alignment. The following variations are shown NP-hard for all metrics over binary or larger alphabets: MULTIPLE ALIGNMENT WITH SP-SCORE, STAR ALIGNMENT, and TREE ALIGNMENT (for a given phylogeny). In addition, NP-hardness results are provided for CONSENSUS PATTERNS and SUBSTRING PARSIMONY.  相似文献   

Sequence alignment profiles have been shown to be very powerful in creating accurate sequence alignments. Profiles are often used to search a sequence database with a local alignment algorithm. More accurate and longer alignments have been obtained with profile-to-profile comparison. There are several steps that must be performed in creating profile-profile alignments, and each involves choices in parameters and algorithms. These steps include (1) what sequences to include in a multiple alignment used to build each profile, (2) how to weight similar sequences in the multiple alignment and how to determine amino acid frequencies from the weighted alignment, (3) how to score a column from one profile aligned to a column of the other profile, (4) how to score gaps in the profile-profile alignment, and (5) how to include structural information. Large-scale benchmarks consisting of pairs of homologous proteins with structurally determined sequence alignments are necessary for evaluating the efficacy of each scoring scheme. With such a benchmark, we have investigated the properties of profile-profile alignments and found that (1) with optimized gap penalties, most column-column scoring functions behave similarly to one another in alignment accuracy; (2) some functions, however, have much higher search sensitivity and specificity; (3) position-specific weighting schemes in determining amino acid counts in columns of multiple sequence alignments are better than sequence-specific schemes; (4) removing positions in the profile with gaps in the query sequence results in better alignments; and (5) adding predicted and known secondary structure information improves alignments.  相似文献   

A new algorithm for aligning several sequences based on thecalculation of a consensus matrix and the comparison of allthe sequences using this consensus matrix is described. Thisconsensus matrix contains the preference scores of each nucleotideøaminoacid and gaps in every position of the alignment. Two modificationsof the algorithm corresponding to the evolutionary and functionalmeanings of the alignment were developed. The first one solvesthe best-fitting problem without any penalty for end gaps andwith an internal gap penalty function independent on the gaplength. This algorithm should be used when comparing evolutionary-relatedproteins for identifying the most conservative residues. Theother modification of the algorithm finds the most similar segmentsin the given sequences. It can be used for finding those partsof the sequences that are responsible for the same biologicalJunction. In this case the gap penalty function was chosen tobe proportional to the gap length. The result of aligning aminoacid sequences of neutral proteases and a compilation of 65allosteric effectors and substrates of PEP carboxylase are presented.  相似文献   

Ribonucleic Acid (RNA) structures can be viewed as a special kind of strings where characters in a string can bond with each other. The question of aligning two RNA structures has been studied for a while, and there are several successful algorithms that are based upon different models. In this paper, by adopting the model introduced in Wang and Zhang,(19) we propose two algorithms to attack the question of aligning multiple RNA structures. Our methods are to reduce the multiple RNA structure alignment problem to the problem of aligning two RNA structure alignments. Meanwhile, we will show that the framework of sequence center star alignment algorithm can be applied to the problem of multiple RNA structure alignment, and if the triangle inequality is met in the scoring matrix, the approximation ratio of the algorithm remains to be 2-2(over)n, where n is the total number of structures.  相似文献   

Bayesian adaptive sequence alignment algorithms   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
The selection of a scoring matrix and gap penalty parameters continues to be an important problem in sequence alignment. We describe here an algorithm, the 'Bayes block aligner, which bypasses this requirement. Instead of requiring a fixed set of parameter settings, this algorithm returns the Bayesian posterior probability for the number of gaps and for the scoring matrices in any series of interest. Furthermore, instead of returning the single best alignment for the chosen parameter settings, this algorithm returns the posterior distribution of all alignments considering the full range of gapping and scoring matrices selected, weighing each in proportion to its probability based on the data. We compared the Bayes aligner with the popular Smith-Waterman algorithm with parameter settings from the literature which had been optimized for the identification of structural neighbors, and found that the Bayes aligner correctly identified more structural neighbors. In a detailed examination of the alignment of a pair of kinase and a pair of GTPase sequences, we illustrate the algorithm's potential to identify subsequences that are conserved to different degrees. In addition, this example shows that the Bayes aligner returns an alignment-free assessment of the distance between a pair of sequences.   相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Pairwise local sequence alignment is commonly used to search data bases for sequences related to some query sequence. Alignments are obtained using a scoring matrix that takes into account the different frequencies of occurrence of the various types of amino acid substitutions. Software like BLAST provides the user with a set of scoring matrices available to choose from, and in the literature it is sometimes recommended to try several scoring matrices on the sequences of interest. The significance of an alignment is usually assessed by looking at E-values and p-values. While sequence lengths and data base sizes enter the standard calculations of significance, it is much less common to take the use of several scoring matrices on the same sequences into account. Altschul proposed corrections of the p-value that account for the simultaneous use of an infinite number of PAM matrices. Here we consider the more realistic situation where the user may choose from a finite set of popular PAM and BLOSUM matrices, in particular the ones available in BLAST. It turns out that the significance of a result can be considerably overestimated, if a set of substitution matrices is used in an alignment problem and the most significant alignment is then quoted. RESULTS: Based on extensive simulations, we study the multiple testing problem that occurs when several scoring matrices for local sequence alignment are used. We consider a simple Bonferroni correction of the p-values and investigate its accuracy. Finally, we propose a more accurate correction based on extreme value distributions fitted to the maximum of the normalized scores obtained from different scoring matrices. For various sets of matrices we provide correction factors which can be easily applied to adjust p- and E-values reported by software packages.  相似文献   

Recognition of binding patterns common to a set of protein structures is important for recognition of function, prediction of binding, and drug design. We consider protein binding sites represented by a set of 3D points with assigned physico-chemical and geometrical properties important for protein-ligand interactions. We formulate the multiple binding site alignment problem as detection of the largest common set of such 3D points. We discuss the computational problem of multiple common point set detection and, particularly, the matching problem in K-partite-epsilon graphs, where K partitions are associated with K structures and edges are defined between epsilon-close points. We show that the K-partite-epsilon matching problem is NP-hard in the Euclidean space with dimension larger than one. Consequently, we show that the largest common point set problem between three point sets is NP-hard. On the practical side, we present a novel computational method, MultiBind, for recognition of binding patterns common to a set of protein structures. It performs a multiple alignment between protein binding sites in the absence of overall sequence, fold, or binding partner similarity. Despite the NP-hardness results, in our applications, we practically overcome the exponential number of multiple alignment combinations by applying an efficient branchand- bound filtering procedure. We show applications of MultiBind to several biological targets. The method recognizes patterns which are responsible for binding small molecules, such as estradiol, ATP/ANP, and transition state analogues.  相似文献   

The algorithm of Smith & Waterman for identification of maximally similar subsequences is extended to allow identification of all non-intersecting similar subsequences with similarity score at or above some preset level. The resulting alignments are found in order of score, with the highest scoring alignment first. In the case of single gaps or multiple gaps weighted linear with gap length, the algorithm is extremely efficient, taking very little time beyond that of the initial calculation of the matrix. The algorithm is applied to comparisons of tRNA-rRNA sequences from Escherichia coli. A statistical analysis is important for proper evaluation of the results, which differ substantially from the results of an earlier analysis of the same sequences by Bloch and colleagues.  相似文献   

Given a distance matrix M that specifies the pairwise evolutionary distances between n species, the phylogenetic tree reconstruction problem asks for an edge-weighted phylogenetic tree that satisfies M, if one exists. We study some extensions of this problem to rooted phylogenetic networks. Our main result is an O(n(2) log n)-time algorithm for determining whether there is an ultrametric galled network that satisfies M, and if so, constructing one. In fact, if such an ultrametric galled network exists, our algorithm is guaranteed to construct one containing the minimum possible number of nodes with more than one parent (hybrid nodes). We also prove that finding a largest possible submatrix M' of M such that there exists an ultrametric galled network that satisfies M' is NP-hard. Furthermore, we show that given an incomplete distance matrix (i.e. where some matrix entries are missing), it is also NP-hard to determine whether there exists an ultrametric galled network which satisfies it.  相似文献   

Multiple sequence alignment is one of the dominant problems in computational molecular biology. Numerous scoring functions and methods have been proposed, most of which result in NP-hard problems. In this paper we propose for the first time a general formulation for multiple alignment with arbitrary gap-costs based on an integer linear program (ILP). In addition we describe a branch-and-cut algorithm to effectively solve the ILP to optimality. We evaluate the performances of our approach in terms of running time and quality of the alignments using the BAliBase database of reference alignments. The results show that our implementation ranks amongst the best programs developed so far.  相似文献   

Protein threading using PROSPECT: design and evaluation   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Xu Y  Xu D 《Proteins》2000,40(3):343-354
The computer system PROSPECT for the protein fold recognition using the threading method is described and evaluated in this article. For a given target protein sequence and a template structure, PROSPECT guarantees to find a globally optimal threading alignment between the two. The scoring function for a threading alignment employed in PROSPECT consists of four additive terms: i) a mutation term, ii) a singleton fitness term, iii) a pairwise-contact potential term, and iv) alignment gap penalties. The current version of PROSPECT considers pair contacts only between core (alpha-helix or beta-strand) residues and alignment gaps only in loop regions. PROSPECT finds a globally optimal threading efficiently when pairwise contacts are considered only between residues that are spatially close (7 A or less between the C(beta) atoms in the current implementation). On a test set consisting of 137 pairs of target-template proteins, each pair being from the same superfamily and having sequence identity 相似文献   

Phylogenetic analyses of non-protein-coding nucleotide sequences such as ribosomal RNA genes, internal transcribed spacers, and introns are often impeded by regions of the alignments that are ambiguously aligned. These regions are characterized by the presence of gaps and their uncertain positions, no matter which optimization criteria are used. This problem is particularly acute in large-scale phylogenetic studies and when aligning highly diverged sequences. Accommodating these regions, where positional homology is likely to be violated, in phylogenetic analyses has been dealt with very differently by molecular systematists and evolutionists, ranging from the total exclusion of these regions to the inclusion of every position regardless of ambiguity in the alignment. We present a new method that allows the inclusion of ambiguously aligned regions without violating homology. In this three-step procedure, first homologous regions of the alignment containing ambiguously aligned sequences are delimited. Second, each ambiguously aligned region is unequivocally coded as a new character, replacing its respective ambiguous region. Third, each of the coded characters is subjected to a specific step matrix to account for the differential number of changes (summing substitutions and indels) needed to transform one sequence to another. The optimal number of steps included in the step matrix is the one derived from the pairwise alignment with the greatest similarity and the least number of steps. In addition to potentially enhancing phylogenetic resolution and support, by integrating previously nonaccessible characters without violating positional homology, this new approach can improve branch length estimations when using parsimony.  相似文献   

Post-processing long pairwise alignments   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
MOTIVATION: The local alignment problem for two sequences requires determining similar regions, one from each sequence, and aligning those regions. For alignments computed by dynamic programming, current approaches for selecting similar regions may have potential flaws. For instance, the criterion of Smith and Waterman can lead to inclusion of an arbitrarily poor internal segment. Other approaches can generate an alignment scoring less than some of its internal segments. RESULTS: We develop an algorithm that decomposes a long alignment into sub-alignments that avoid these potential imperfections. Our algorithm runs in time proportional to the original alignment's length. Practical applications to alignments of genomic DNA sequences are described.  相似文献   

R Lück  S Grf    G Steger 《Nucleic acids research》1999,27(21):4208-4217
A tool for prediction of conserved secondary structure of a set of homologous single-stranded RNAs is presented. For each RNA of the set the structure distribution is calculated and stored in a base pair probability matrix. Gaps, resulting from a multiple sequence alignment of the RNA set, are introduced into the individual probability matrices. These 'aligned' probability matrices are summed up to give a consensus probability matrix emphasizing the conserved structural elements of the RNA set. Because the multiple sequence alignment is independent of any structural constraints, such an alignment may result in introduction of gaps into the homologous probability matrices that disrupt a common consensus structure. By use of its graphical user interface the presented tool allows the removal of such misalignments, which are easily recognized, from the individual probability matrices by optimizing the sequence alignment with respect to a structural alignment. From the consensus probability matrix a consensus structure is extracted, which is viewable in three different graphical representations. The functionality of the tool is demonstrated using a small set of U7 RNAs, which are involved in 3'-end processing of histone mRNA precursors. Supplementary Material lists further results obtained. Advantages and drawbacks of the tool are discussed in comparison to several other algorithms.  相似文献   

Protein structure alignment is a fundamental problem in computational and structural biology. While there has been lots of experimental/heuristic methods and empirical results, very few results are known regarding the algorithmic/complexity aspects of the problem, especially on protein local structure alignment. A well-known measure to characterize the similarity of two polygonal chains is the famous Fréchet distance, and with the application of protein-related research, a related discrete Fréchet distance has been used recently. In this paper, following the recent work of Jiang et al. we investigate the protein local structural alignment problem using bounded discrete Fréchet distance. Given m proteins (or protein backbones, which are 3D polygonal chains), each of length O(n), our main results are summarized as follows: * If the number of proteins, m, is not part of the input, then the problem is NP-complete; moreover, under bounded discrete Fréchet distance it is NP-hard to approximate the maximum size common local structure within a factor of n(1-epsilon). These results hold both when all the proteins are static and when translation/rotation are allowed. * If the number of proteins, m, is a constant, then there is a polynomial time solution for the problem.  相似文献   

We present a new algorithm, based on the multidimensional QR factorization, to remove redundancy from a multiple structural alignment by choosing representative protein structures that best preserve the phylogenetic tree topology of the homologous group. The classical QR factorization with pivoting, developed as a fast numerical solution to eigenvalue and linear least-squares problems of the form Ax=b, was designed to re-order the columns of A by increasing linear dependence. Removing the most linear dependent columns from A leads to the formation of a minimal basis set which well spans the phase space of the problem at hand. By recasting the problem of redundancy in multiple structural alignments into this framework, in which the matrix A now describes the multiple alignment, we adapted the QR factorization to produce a minimal basis set of protein structures which best spans the evolutionary (phase) space. The non-redundant and representative profiles obtained from this procedure, termed evolutionary profiles, are shown in initial results to outperform well-tested profiles in homology detection searches over a large sequence database. A measure of structural similarity between homologous proteins, Q(H), is presented. By properly accounting for the effect and presence of gaps, a phylogenetic tree computed using this metric is shown to be congruent with the maximum-likelihood sequence-based phylogeny. The results indicate that evolutionary information is indeed recoverable from the comparative analysis of protein structure alone. Applications of the QR ordering and this structural similarity metric to analyze the evolution of structure among key, universally distributed proteins involved in translation, and to the selection of representatives from an ensemble of NMR structures are also discussed.  相似文献   

This article presents an immune inspired algorithm to tackle the Multiple Sequence Alignment (MSA) problem. MSA is one of the most important tasks in biological sequence analysis. Although this paper focuses on protein alignments, most of the discussion and methodology may also be applied to DNA alignments. The problem of finding the multiple alignment was investigated in the study by Bonizzoni and Vedova and Wang and Jiang, and proved to be a NP-hard (non-deterministic polynomial-time hard) problem. The presented algorithm, called Immunological Multiple Sequence Alignment Algorithm (IMSA), incorporates two new strategies to create the initial population and specific ad hoc mutation operators. It is based on the 'weighted sum of pairs' as objective function, to evaluate a given candidate alignment. IMSA was tested using both classical benchmarks of BAliBASE (versions 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0), and experimental results indicate that it is comparable with state-of-the-art multiple alignment algorithms, in terms of quality of alignments, weighted Sums-of-Pairs (SP) and Column Score (CS) values. The main novelty of IMSA is its ability to generate more than a single suboptimal alignment, for every MSA instance; this behaviour is due to the stochastic nature of the algorithm and of the populations evolved during the convergence process. This feature will help the decision maker to assess and select a biologically relevant multiple sequence alignment. Finally, the designed algorithm can be used as a local search procedure to properly explore promising alignments of the search space.  相似文献   

Fast, optimal alignment of three sequences using linear gap costs   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Alignment algorithms can be used to infer a relationship between sequences when the true relationship is unknown. Simple alignment algorithms use a cost function that gives a fixed cost to each possible point mutation-mismatch, deletion, insertion. These algorithms tend to find optimal alignments that have many small gaps. It is more biologically plausible to have fewer longer gaps rather than many small gaps in an alignment. To address this issue, linear gap cost algorithms are in common use for aligning biological sequence data. More reliable inferences are obtained by aligning more than two sequences at a time. The obvious dynamic programming algorithm for optimally aligning k sequences of length n runs in O(n(k)) time. This is impractical if k>/=3 and n is of any reasonable length. Thus, for this problem there are many heuristics for aligning k sequences, however, they are not guaranteed to find an optimal alignment. In this paper, we present a new algorithm guaranteed to find the optimal alignment for three sequences using linear gap costs. This gives the same results as the dynamic programming algorithm for three sequences, but typically does so much more quickly. It is particularly fast when the (three-way) edit distance is small. Our algorithm uses a speed-up technique based on Ukkonen's greedy algorithm (Ukkonen, 1983) which he presented for two sequences and simple costs.  相似文献   

The problem of discovering novel motifs of binding sites is important to the understanding of gene regulatory networks. Motifs are generally represented by matrices (position weight matrix (PWM) or position specific scoring matrix (PSSM) or strings. However, these representations cannot model biological binding sites well because they fail to capture nucleotide interdependence. It has been pointed out by many researchers that the nucleotides of the DNA binding site cannot be treated independently, e.g. the binding sites of zinc finger in proteins. In this paper, a new representation called Scored Position Specific Pattern (SPSP), which is a generalization of the matrix and string representations, is introduced which takes into consideration the dependent occurrences of neighboring nucleotides. Even though the problem of discovering the optimal motif in SPSP representation is proved to be NP-hard, we introduce a heuristic algorithm called SPSP-Finder, which can effectively find optimal motifs in most simulated cases and some real cases for which existing popular motif finding software, such as Weeder, MEME and AlignACE, fail.  相似文献   

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