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该研究以神农香菊为材料,用强度为400μw·cm~(-2)的紫外光UV-B对其进行辐射处理,辐射时间分别为0、0.5、1、2、4 h,探讨了UV-B辐射对神农香菊萜类物质合成及其相关基因表达的影响。结果表明:(1)较短时间的UV-B辐射对神农香菊萜类物质合成相关基因表达量有明显的促进作用。与对照相比,0.5、1、2、4 h处理对相关基因表达量均有不同程度的提高;在2 h处理下HMGR、DXR、TPS、GPS基因的相对表达量达到最大值,在4 h处理下FPS和DXS的相对表达量达到最大值,其中FPS基因表达量变化最显著,为对照的69倍。(2) MVA途径中,去氢白菖烯、杜松萜烯的含量与FPS基因表达量4 h内持续上升的变化趋势保持一致,1-石竹烯与HMGR的变化趋势保持一致,表现为先升高后降低。(3) MEP合成途径中,α-侧柏酮、崖柏酮、β-侧柏酮的含量呈现与DXR、GPS、TPS基因表达量相同的变化趋势,桉树脑在UV-B辐射4 h内持续上升,与DXS基因的变化一致。由此可以推断,UV-B辐射通过影响各自途径中一些关键基因的表达量,进而影响了神农香菊萜类物质的合成量。  相似文献   

Field cultivation experiments on white sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) seeds implanted with low-energy C ion showed that different dosages of C ion implantation produce different biological effects. Sesame plants in 6 different dosage groups with C ion density respectively at 1 × 1011, 1 × 1012, 1 × 1015, 5 × 1015, 1 × 1016, 5 × 1016 ion/cm2 were superior to the control group in plant height, leaf number, stalk diameter and leaf size. Further, sesame plants in these groups flower and seed earlier than those in the control group, and single plant yield also increased. Of all the groups, the 5 × 1015 ion/cm2 dosage group yielded the best effect, whereas the 1 × 1017/cm2 dosage group showed an evident inhibitory effect of ion implantation on the germination and growth of the sesame seeds. __________ Translated from Journal of Beijing Normal University (Natural Science), 2006, 42 (1): 95–97 [译自: 北京师范大学学报 (自然科学版)]  相似文献   

中国黄檀属植物(豆科)二新记录种   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
报道了2种黄檀属植物,即绒叶黄檀(Dalbergia velutina Benth.)和卵叶黄檀(D.ovata Graham ex Benth.)在中国云南的分布新记录。  相似文献   

前期转录分析发现TCP7-like基因在菊花舌状花中较特异地高表达,为了明确菊花头状花序形态建成中舌状花的有无及其分子调控机制,该研究以菊花‘粉地毯’(Chrysanthemum morifolium ‘Fen Ditan’)为材料,用RT-PCR和RACE的方法克隆了TCP7-like基因,命名为CmTCP7(登录号:MK140598)。CmTCP7开放阅读框全长为786 bp,编码261个氨基酸。CmTCP7蛋白具有典型的螺旋-环-螺旋的TCP结构域,属植物特有的TCP转录因子家族Ⅰ类成员,为亲水性不稳定蛋白,主要定位于细胞核中。实时荧光定量PCR结果显示,CmTCP7在菊花小花花芽分化时期表达量较高,可能参与小花花芽的形成;而在头状花序开放时期,CmTCP7在舌状花尤其是舌状花花瓣中高表达,推测其能够促进舌状花花瓣的生长,参与形成两侧对称的舌状花。  相似文献   

报道了湖南重楼属(Paris L.)一新变种:大萼球药隔重楼(Paris fargesii Franch.var.macrosepala H.X.Yin&W.X.Rao&L.Zhao),其与原变种球药隔重楼(P.fargesii Franch.var.fargesii)区别在于外轮花被片极为宽大,长6.5~11.0 cm,宽2.5~4.0 cm,叶-萼长度比常小于2.0(平均1.91),叶-萼宽度比普遍小于3.0(平均2.86),内轮花被片较短,2.0~5.3 cm,常平展于外轮花被片之上,药隔凸出部分呈扁平状,具明显裂痕,顶面观呈蝶形或双肾形。  相似文献   

[目的] 探讨不同生育期和不同种植方式的茼蒿对蚕豆蚜虫的诱集作用,为利用茼蒿控制蚕豆蚜虫提供理论依据。[方法] 在蚕豆田四周种植不同生育期(幼苗期、现蕾期、开花期)和不同行数(1行、2行)的茼蒿,观察不同处理的蚕豆田有蚜株率和蚜害等级,各处理设在互不干扰的小区内进行。[结果] 蚕豆四周种植不同生育期茼蒿后,蚕豆上有蚜株率和蚜害等级比例存在显著差异,且与茼蒿的生育期有明显的相关性,各处理有蚜株率从低到高分别为茼蒿开花期(28.33%) < 现蕾期(41.67%) < 幼苗期(55.00%),并均显著低于对照(63.33%);种植不同生育期茼蒿后,各处理蚕豆蚜害等级也不同,5级蚜害在种植开花期茼蒿处理后仅为5.00%,现蕾期为23.33%,幼苗期为33.33%,对照蚕豆上蚜害最高,达40.00%。分别种植1行(33.33%)和2行(23.33%)茼蒿后,最高有蚜株率均显著低于对照(66.67%),低蚜害等级比例明显增高,高蚜害比例明显下降,且种植2行的效果更佳。[结论] 开花期的茼蒿对蚕豆蚜虫诱集作用最强,种植2行开花期茼蒿可以有效降低蚕豆蚜虫为害。在蚕豆生产上,种植茼蒿可以作为蚕豆蚜虫生态防控的重要手段之一。  相似文献   

四川重楼属植物地理分布新记录   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道了四川重楼属植物1新分布种和1新分布变种,分别是平伐重楼(Paris vaniotii H.Léveillé)和白花重楼(P.polyphyllavar.alba H.Li&R.J.Mitchell)。二者均为狭域分布和间断分布类群,平伐重楼在模式标本产地濒于灭绝,四川新分布的发现具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Polystichum, one of the largest genera of ferns, occurs worldwide with the greatest diversity in southwest China and adjacent regions. Although there have been studies of Chinese Polystichum on its traditional classification, geographic distributions, and even a few on its molecular systematics, its relationships to other species outside China remain little known. Here, we investigated the phylogeny and biogeography of the Polystichum species from China and Australasia. The evolutionary relationships among 42 Polystichum species found in China (29 taxa) and Australasia (13 taxa) were inferred from phylogenetic analyses of two chloroplast DNA sequence data sets: rps4-trnS and trnL-F intergenic spacers. The divergence time between Chinese and Australasian Polystichum was estimated. The results indicated that the Australasian species comprise a monophyletic group that is nested within the Chinese diversity, and that the New Zealand species are likewise a monophyletic group nested within the Australasian species. The divergence time estimates suggested that Chinese Polystichum migrated into Australasia from around 40 Ma ago, and from there to New Zealand from about 14 Ma. The diversification of the New Zealand Polystichum species began about 10 Ma. These results indicated that Polystichum probably originated in eastern Asia and migrated into Australasia: first into Australia and then into New Zealand.  相似文献   

We investigated the phylogenetic relationships within the genus Cardiandra based on plastid DNA sequences. The phylogenetic tree showed that Cardiandra populations from the Ryukyu Islands (Japan) and Taiwan were monophyletic (Ryukyu–Taiwan clade), whereas taxa from China and mainland Japan were sisters to this clade. The divergence time between the Ryukyu–Taiwan clade and the other species was estimated to be 0.082 MYA, i.e., the late Pleistocene. The infrageneric and/or infraspecific differentiation of Cardiandra is estimated to have depended largely on allopatric differentiation caused by the presence or division of the past landbridge of the Ryukyu Islands, which connected mainland Japan to the Asian Continent during the Quaternary.  相似文献   

报道了中国一新外来植物--蒜味草(Petiveria alliacea L.)。蒜味草为商陆科(Phytolaccaceae)蒜味草属植物,既是一种有毒植物,也是一种药用植物。  相似文献   

Eighteen isolates of the red algae Chondrus crispus were collected from Northern Atlantic sites, together with C. ocellatus, C. yendoi and C. pinnulatus from the North Pacific. The nuclear rDNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) was sequenced and compared, spanning both the ITS regions and the 5.8S rRNA gene. Percentage of nucleotide variation for C. crispus ranged from 0.3% to 4.0%. Phylogenetic analyses were performed using maximum parsimony (MP), neighbor-joining (NJ) and minimum evolution methods. They showed that two main clades existed within the C. crispus samples examined and that suggested C. crispus had a single Atlantic origin. The clustering however did not follow the geographic origin. We hypothesized that the current distribution of C. crispus populations might be a result of three main factors: temperature boundaries, paleoclimate and paleoceanography. ITS data exhibited abundant molecular information not only for phylogeographical investigation but also for systematics studies. Handling editor: C. Sturmbauer  相似文献   

中国老鹳草属(牻牛儿苗科)归化植物新记录   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
报道在江苏省发现的中国归化植物新记录刻叶老鹳草(Geranium dissectumL.),对其形态特征进行了描述,并提供了形态照片。  相似文献   

利用叶绿体基因(trnL-trnF和rpl16)对青藏高原地区的18个唐古特虎耳草(Saxifraga tangutica Engl.)居群(209个个体)进行谱系地理学研究,以揭示唐古特虎耳草的现有遗传结构及其历史演化过程。结果表明:(1)从209个个体中共检测到74个单倍型,且只有单倍型H5在居群中广泛分布,71.62%的单倍型为居群特有单倍型。(2)分子变异分析(AMOVA)显示,91.85%的遗传变异来源于居群内,居群间遗传分化不明显(F_(ST)=0.081);遗传分化系数N_(ST)(0.109)大于G_(ST)(0.097,P0.05)但不显著,表明唐古特虎耳草在其整个分布范围内没有明显的谱系地理结构。(3)中性检验表明,Tajima’s D(-2.045 07,P0.05)和FuLi’D*值(-3.629 27,P0.05)均为显著的负值,结合单峰的错配分布曲线,表明该物种经历过近期扩张。研究推测,唐古特虎耳草在第四纪冰期时可能存在多个微型避难所,由于第四纪冰期气候的反复波动,使得原来连续的居群片段化,避难所内的居群单独进化,从而形成了大量特有单倍型;唐古特虎耳草居群对第四纪冰期气候波动的反应可能更多的表现为垂直海拔高度的迁移,而非大规模的水平迁移。  相似文献   

Quercus acutissima is one of the most widespread temperate deciduous tree species in China. To study its phylogeographical pattern and demographic history, three chloroplast DNA fragments (atpB-rbcL, psbA-trnH and trnS-trnG) from 401 individuals representing 30 populations were sequenced. A total of 19 haplotypes were identified, and these showed a weak phylogeographical structure (NST = 0.689 > GST = 0.630, P > 0.05) at the species level. The Q. acutissima population harboured a high level of genetic diversity (HT = 0.791), and the genetic variation mainly resided among populations (59.54%). The unimodal mismatch distribution and significantly negative Fu's FS value indicate that the Q. acutissima population experienced rapid range expansion, which probably occurred between 0.37 and 0.12 Ma. Molecular phylogeography and ecological niche modelling (ENM) data suggest the existence of multiple localized glacial refugia in central China (e.g., the Qinling, Dabashan and Dabieshan mountain ranges) and southwestern China (Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau and its adjacent regions) during the Quaternary glaciations. Our study showed that geographical heterogeneity and climate changes may have shaped the genetic structure and phylogeographical pattern of this tree species in China.  相似文献   

王涛  王龙  徐峰  刘世勇  张利 《西北植物学报》2014,34(10):2125-2126
报道了产于四川省鼠尾草属植物1新分布种和1新分布变种,分别为毛地黄鼠尾草(Salvia digitaloides Diels)和黄花鼠尾草大花变种(Salvia flava var.megalantha Diles)。  相似文献   

徐晗  李振宇  李俊生 《广西植物》2017,37(2):139-144
通过ITS序列对21种中国外来苋属植物进行系统进化关系研究。通过ITS序列种间、种内遗传距离分析,发现苋属种间变异为0~0.055 1,种内变异为0~0.009 2。使用TAXON DNA软件分析ITS序列种间、种内变异的分布图看出规律,结果表明苋属ITS序列的种间变异适中,种间变异明显大于种内变异。采用最大似然法(ML)构建的系统树将中国苋属分为5或6个进化支(根据自展支持率取值不同)。异株苋亚属长芒苋和苋亚属刺苋聚类在一起,西部苋和糙果苋单独成为一个进化支。苋亚属中苋组苋亚组反枝苋和绿穗苋亚组鲍氏苋有着更近的亲缘关系,苋组苋亚组尾穗苋和绿穗苋亚组绿穗苋、繁穗苋等亲缘关系更近。白苋亚属分为2或3个类群,根据自展支持率取值不同,合被苋可以和白苋、北美苋并为一支,也可以单独成为一支。综上所述,该文认为苋属经典分类体系中3亚属或2~3组的分类地位不成立,建议中国苋属采取5组2亚组或6组2亚组的分类体系。5组2亚组分别由长芒苋组、糙果苋组、苋组(苋亚组和绿穗苋亚组)、白苋组和凹头苋组组成。其中,合被苋也可从白苋组分出,单独构成1组,形成6组2亚组的分类体系。表明该序列对苋属大部分种类分类效果较好,对西部苋和糙果苋复合群,绿穗苋复合群以及白苋亚属的分类价值不高。  相似文献   

Data from eight microsatellite loci were used to infer the evolutionary and past demographic processes in 97 Tibetan snowcocks sampled from eight different geographical locations on the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau. Analysis of the microsatellite DNA markers indicated that Tibetan snowcock on the plateau were geographically structured, and that phylogenetic analyses identified three phylogroups, namely those from Xunhua, the Qilian Mountains and all others. The use of Bayesian Clustering and Population Assignment analyses of the microsatellite genotypes revealed clear differentiation among the eight sampled groups of Tibetan snowcock, indicating strong isolation of these sub-populations. Therefore, we suggested that the distribution pattern of Tibetan snowcock observed today resulted from adaptation to the climatic conditions and glacial cycles on the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau. In addition, BOTTLENECK analysis indicated that Tibetan snowcock had recently passed through evolutionary bottlenecks. These results suggested that effective conservation measures should be undertaken to protect Tibetan snowcock from an increased probability of extinction.  相似文献   

该研究以甘菊(Chrysanthemum lavandulifolium)为实验材料,通过RT-PCR方法从甘菊转录组数据中分离出热激蛋白合成相关基因,命名为ClHSP70和ClHSP90。序列分析表明,ClHSP70基因ORF全长为2 559bp,编码852个氨基酸,蛋白功能区预测表明含有典型的HSP70蛋白NBD和SBD保守结构域;ClHSP90基因ORF全长为2 094bp,编码697个氨基酸,含有HATPase结构域和HSP90保守结构域。生物信息学分析表明,甘菊ClHSP70与大豆(Glycine max)和烟草(Nicotiana tomentosiformis)HSP70蛋白有较高的一致性,ClHSP90基因编码的氨基酸序列与紫茎泽兰(Ageratina adenophora)HSP90高度相似;实时荧光定量表达分析表明,在42℃处理不同时间,甘菊叶片中ClHSP70和ClHSP90基因表达均在0.5h时显著增加,1h达到最大值,2h后缓慢下降;不同组织表达分析表明,甘菊在42℃处理1h后,ClHSP70在成熟叶中的表达量显著高于嫩叶和根等其他组织;ClHSP90在成熟茎中的表达量最高。研究说明,ClHSP70和ClHSP90基因具有热激蛋白特征,参与了甘菊热胁迫应答过程,该研究结果为以后深入研究其基因功能奠定了基础。  相似文献   

The musk shrew (Suncus murinus) is an insectivore species that inhabits tropical and subtropical Asia widely. To clarify the genetic relationship among wild musk shrew populations, we examined the electrophoretic variants of biparentally inherited genetic markers at 10 loci coding for eight blood proteins/enzymes in a total of 639 animals and compared the results obtained from the mitochondrial DNA data. The principal-component analysis performed using the allele frequency data revealed that the 17 populations could be divided into two major groups, a South Asian group and a Southeast Asian group that includes several island populations bound by Myanmar. The degrees of genetic divergence among populations were higher within the Southeast Asian group than within the South Asian group. This finding was incongruent with the mtDNA diversity. Analysis conducted at the individual level showed that a shrew from the central region in Myanmar that carries a South Asian type of mtDNA showed the electrophoretic variants specific to the Southeast Asian group, suggesting that this region is a contact zone between the two major groups.  相似文献   

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