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Section Choretropsis genus Phyllanthus (Euphorbiaceae) is formed by plants whose branches are modified into phylloclades. Despite the suitable characteristics of phylloclades within the Phyllanthus genus, the systematics of these species are poorly understood. Morphological data are presented here to allow future revision of this taxonomic group. The section is represented by nine species distributed in South America, eight of them endemic to Brazil. Our taxonomic studies distinguish the species and propose the synonymization of nine varieties of P. klotzschianus and two varieties of P. flagelliformis based on vegetative and reproductive characters. The diversity of branching and the morphology of phylloclades are discussed.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 150 , 131–164.  相似文献   

Phyllanthus retroflexus Brade is reinstated. It and the very similar P. subemarginatus Müll. Arg. are described, illustrated, and their relationships are discussed, based on a morphological analysis of herbarium specimens. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 158 , 78–81.  相似文献   

The pollen morphology of Phyllanthus (Euphorbiaceae) section Choretropsis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The pollen grain morphology of the eight South American species of the genus Phyllanthus , subgenus Phyllanthus , section Choretropsis , endemic to Brazil, was investigated using light and scanning electron microscopy. The high homogeneity in pollen shape, as well as aperture number and configuration, allowed the definition of a basic pollen type for this section, viz. prolate spheroidal or subprolate, zonocolporate with 4–5 invaginated colpi, sexine reticulate. Two subtypes have been observed, based on pollen grain apertures and exine sculpture. The first subtype is characterized by straight and narrow colpi provided with costae, lalongate endoapertures and a reticulum of rectilineous muri as in P. choretroides and P. spartioides . The second subtype has wider colpi without costae, circular endoapertures and a reticulum with curvilineous muri as in P. flagelliformis , P. goianensis and P. scoparius , or curvilineous-rectilineous muri as in P. angustissimus , P. gladiatus and P. klotzschianus . It was demonstrated that the pollen shape and the number of colpi varied within and between some of the species. The results suggest that pollen grain morphology, in association with plant architecture and the presence of phylloclades, constitute additional evidence to delimit the species of the section Choretropsis and to further understand their evolutionary origin within the genus Phyllanthus.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 144 , 243–250.  相似文献   

The present paper is the outcome of a taxonomic study of Chinese Phyllanthus plants in our flora. Phyllanthus is one of the largest genera in Euphorbiaceae, and is distributed in whole China except for the northwest, extending from 92° to 124° E and 18° to 41°N. It includes 6 subgenera, 7 sections, 33 species and 4 varieties, of which 1 subgenus and 5 species are described as new, and 1 new name and 9 synonyms are proposed.  相似文献   

对叶下珠属Phyllanthus Linn.13种植物花粉进行了光学显微镜和扫描电镜的观察。研究表明,本属花粉虽然在大小、形状和外壁纹饰等方面有不同程度的差异,但差异最大的还是在于萌发孔类型上。可以把本属花粉分为3孔沟,4-5孔沟,多孔沟,散沟(沟短而纺锤形或近圆形)和散孔等类型。这些萌发孔类型虽然与李秉滔在中国植物志第44卷中所划分的组不很吻合,但或多或少有一定的相关性,并且对于属下的分类具有一定的意义。在外壁纹饰方面,均为网状纹饰,可分为具粗网眼,细网眼和中等网眼等几种类型。但纹饰类型在组间或种间的差异不大明显。  相似文献   

The landmark discovery of obligate pollination mutualism between Glochidion plants and Epicephala moths has sparked increased interest in the pollination systems of Phyllantheae plants. In this paper I review current information on the natural history and evolutionary history of obligate pollination mutualism in Phyllantheae. Currently, an estimated >500 species are mutualistic with Epicephala moths that actively pollinate flowers and whose progeny feed on the resulting seeds. The Phyllantheae also includes species that are not mutualistic with Epicephala moths and are instead pollinated by bees and/or flies or ants. Phylogenetic analyses indicate that the mutualism evolved independently five times within Phyllantheae, whereas active pollination behavior, a key innovation in this mutualism, evolved once in Epicephala . Reversal of mutualism has occurred at least once in both partner lineages, involving a Breynia species that evolved an alternative pollination system and a derived clade of Epicephala that colonized ant-pollinated Phyllantheae hosts and thereby lost the pollinating habit. The plant–moth association is highly species specific, although a strict one-to-one assumption is not perfectly met. A comparison of plant and moth phylogenies suggests signs of parallel speciation, but partner switches have occurred repeatedly at a range of taxonomic levels. Overall, the remarkable species diversity and multiple originations of the mutualism provide excellent opportunities to address many important questions on mutualism and the coevolutionary process. Although research on the biology of the mutualism is still in its infancy, the Phyllantheae– Epicephala association holds promise as a new model system in ecology and evolutionary biology.  相似文献   

In order to provide new insights into phylogenetic relationships among the neotropical taxa of Phyllanthus , 28 illustrations are provided of the pollen grains of 22 selected species studied from 11 sections of the subgenera represented in the neotropics. Special attention has been given to subgenus Conami because of its variability in pollen morphology: of eight species illustrated, the apertures are diploporate colpi in three species and pores in five species; exine ornamentation is vermiculate in two species and pilate in the other six species. The six species in the neotropical sections Pityrocladus and Microglochidion (subgenus Emblica ) are characterized by prolate grains with an increased number of colpi (4–8). Of particular interest are species in which the pollen exine is clypeate (with exine shields); clypeate pollen grains are illustrated in two species of subgenus Xylophylla and in one species of section Cyclanthera that has unique exine shields with single central pila. The pollen of the one Brazilian phylloclade-bearing species illustrated (in section Choretropsis ) has 3-colporate grains with reticulate exine, typical for subgenus Phyllanthus , and very different from the clypeate grains of the West Indian phylloclade-bearing species in section Xylophylla . This pollen evidence clearly demonstrates homoplasy in the origin of phylloclades in Phyllanthus . Pollen morphological data suggest that the neotropical taxa of Phyllanthus have arisen following colonization from Africa (subgenus Kirganelia ) and Asia (subgenus Emblica ). © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 138 , 325–338.  相似文献   

Leaf morphology and anatomy of Camellia section Camellia (Theaceae)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The delimitations of species in Camellia section Camellia have been disputed for many years, resulting from uncertain relationships among species. Leaf morphological and anatomical characters for 54 species and three varieties in this section were investigated to reveal the relationships. Principal component analysis and cluster analysis were conducted using the transformed data for quantitative and qualitative characters from leaf morphology and anatomy. Combining the results of statistical analysis with comparative leaf characters of morphology and anatomy, we discussed the taxonomic treatment of section Camellia by Chang compared with that of Ming and we conclude that section Camellia consists of c. 50 species. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 159 , 456–476.  相似文献   

During a study of the genus Phyllanthus (Phyllanthaceae) in Chapada Diamantina, Bahia, a new species Phyllanthus gongyloides Cordeiro & Carneiro-Torres sp. nov. was found and is described and illustrated here. It is probably endemic to the area and is placed in subgen. Phyllanthus , sect. Phyllanthus , subsect. Clausseniani G. L. Webster. A new couplet to Webster's available key to the subsection is provided . © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 146 , 247–250.  相似文献   

Premise of the study: Microsatellite markers were isolated and characterized in a medicinal plant, Phyllanthus emblica, to study population genetics for designing an effective in situ and ex situ conservation of genetic resources of the species. • Methods and Results: Six microsatellite markers were developed using an enrichment and magnetic separation protocol. They were characterized in two natural populations of P. emblica. Out of the six microsatellites, five showed polymorphism, with the number of alleles ranging from four to seven. Observed and expected heterozygosities ranged from 0.360 to 0.760 and 0.499 to 0.806, respectively. • Conclusions: The five polymorphic microsatellite markers will be useful for studying the genetic structure, reproductive biology, and for identification of clones and provenances of this important medicinal plant.  相似文献   

对嵩草属27种(亚种)植物秆的解剖学研究证明,嵩草属植物秆的解剖学性状具有系统学意义.在该属中,秆的横切面外形为三角形、圆三角形、圆形或扁圆形.在横切面上分为2个区域;外部区域包括绿色组织、外韧维管束和气腔,内部区域为薄壁组织或其碎裂形成空腔.秆表皮的横切面观和表面观均与叶的下表皮相似.以上特征与莎草科其它类群植物秆的解剖特征一致,不支持将嵩草属和其近缘属另立为嵩草科.同时,秆的解剖学特征可以做为某些在外部形态上难于区分的种之间的分类依据.  相似文献   

Phyllanthus amarus Schum. & Thonn. has been widely used in traditional medicine in Thailand as an antipyretic, a diuretic, to treat liver diseases and viral infections. Two closely related species, P. debilis L. and P. urinaria Klein ex Willd., with different and less effective medicinal properties, are less commonly used. These three species are similar in morphology and often occur in overlapping populations in nature. The latter two species can easily be mistaken for P. amarus and collected for medicinal uses, which can lead to undesirable results. DNA fingerprints of these species were obtained using RAPD-PCR techniques. RAPD markers specific for each species were identified. Primers for highly specific sequence-characterized-amplified-regions (SCAR) were then designed from nucleotide sequences of specific RAPD markers. These primers efficiently amplified SCAR markers of 408, 501 and 319 bp unique to P. amarus, P. debilis and P. urinaria respectively. This method of plant identification was rapid and highly specific when tested against DNA of several closely related species and was able to amplify specific markers from mixed DNA samples.  相似文献   

Introduction – Phyllanthus amarus Schum. & Thonn. (Euphorbiaceae), already well known for its antiviral, antihyperglycaemic and antihepatotoxic effects, is also investigated for its antimalarial activity. The major constituent of the crude extract of the whole plant was isolated and identified in this research to be ellagic acid, for which antiplasmodial activity already has been reported. Objective – Because of the potential of the plant and the interesting properties of ellagic acid, an analytical method can be useful for the standardisation of the extracts to allow further biological and pharmacological investigations. In order to obtain an easily performable and inexpensive method, an HPLC analysis was developed and validated. Methodology – The samples were dissolved in DMSO, ultrasonicated for 15 min, and diluted with 50% methanol. Analysis was performed using water and methanol containing 0.06% TFA and the peaks were detected at 254 nm. Results – Ellagic acid showed a linear relationship in the range of 1.74–20.91 µg/mL and a single‐point calibration was allowed. The method was shown to be precise with respect to time (RSD of 1.84%, 3 days, n = 6) and concentration (RSD of 2.54%, 3 levels, n = 6). The overall mean content of ellagic acid was 2.06%. A recovery experiment was performed and it showed an accuracy of 100.4%. Conclusion – Based on the obtained results, it can be concluded that the newly developed method is suitable for its purpose, namely the determination of ellagic acid in the crude extract of P. amarus. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Pachycormus discolor , an arborescent desert perennial endemic to Baja California, has small, pinnately compound, hypostomatic, bifacial leaves produced on short shoots and photosynthetic stem phelloderm covered by exfoliating translucent phellem. Tightly packed laminal palisade cells are filled with tannins and lack chloroplasts. Spongy mesophyll is the major photosynthetic tissue. Leaves possess unicellular trichomes with secondary walls and uniseriate trichomes with glandular heads. Schizogenous resin ducts occur in primary phloem of stems, leaves and roots as well as all living tissues of the bark. Developmental studies reveal that initiation and differentiation of foliar primordia resembles that of other dicotyledons except that tannin cells and secretory ducts arise precociously. Primary vasculature is an open sympodial system with three principal traces diverging toward each foliar primordium. The wood is highly specialized and comprises mostly unlignified cells packed with starch grains. Thick bark is mainly produced as annual layers of secondary phloem marked by a ring of secretory ducts each surrounded by tannin cells. The possible adaptive significance of these unusual anatomical features is discussed.  相似文献   

The present paper provides a comprehensive wood anatomical survey of sixteen Indian species belonging to six genera, viz. Breynia, Flueggea, Glochidion, Leptopus, Margaritaria and Phyllanthus, of Phyllantheae (Phyllanthaceae). Systematic relationships were evaluated within the Phyllantheae with special emphasis on wood anatomical distinctiveness and recognition of genera within the super‐genus Phyllanthus s.l. Except for Leptopus, the wood microstructure of all genera was found to be largely homogeneous. The results confirm the generic identity of Glochidion, Phyllanthus and Breynia s.l. (including Sauropus) within Phyllanthus s.l. and supports the segregation of Leptopus from Phyllantheae. Further, the results did not favour the placement of P. columnaris and P. polyphyllus in same subsection ‘Polyphylli’ of Emblica sect. Emblica. Ecological and evolutionary aspects of the wood anatomy within the tribe are also discussed.  相似文献   

Phyllanthus niruri is a medicinal plant (commonly known as stone breaker) found in the tropics and other parts of the world. It is known for its capacity to block the formation of calcium oxalate crystals and kidney stone formation in urolithiasis. This plant has been used to treat hyperglycemia, hypertension, pain, and mild cases of malaria. We examined the geno-, cyto- and overall toxicity of P. niruri whole plant ethanolic extract. The extract was administered as a single dose of 30 or 300 mg/kg to laboratory rats by gavage, accompanied by negative (0.9% saline) and positive (10 mg/mL N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea) controls that were injected intramuscularly 48 h after extract administration. The ratio of polychromatic (PCE)/normochromatic erythrocytes (NCE) from femur bone marrow was scored for genotoxicity. Cytotoxicity was determined using descending concentrations (0.2-0.0125 g/mL) of the extract incubated with peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Lactate dehydrogenase release from damaged cells was determined and the CC(50) calculated. Subchronic administration of the extract at 30 or 300 mg/kg was done for 90 days to determine general toxicity. PCE:NCE (%) for the extract and negative control was 63, compared to 168 (positive control). The CC(50) was 26.3 mg/mL and hepato-renal toxicity after subchronic extract administration was nil. We conclude that ethanol extract of P. niruri is not cytotoxic or genotoxic, and is generally non-toxic on subchronic administration.  相似文献   

Basing on the pollen morphology of 22 Asian species, 17 from China, of PhylIanthus, 10 pollen types are recognized and described. Transformations of pollen type in this genus from a tricolporate one to a peripor(or) ste one are in succession and through 3 different pathways. It is interesting enough that the “successiformy” and “spiralizaton” pattern are all occurred.  相似文献   

Vasculature in the bicarpellate, pseudomonomerous gynoecium with two distinct styles is examined and compared in all of 15 genera of Celtidaceae and Ulmaceae (Urticales). Gynoecial vasculature is diversified in the families but consistet in a genus or a group of genera. Our observations corroborate the earlier suggestion that Ulmaceae (six genera) basically have three-bundled styles, while Celtidaceae (nine genera) always have one-bundled styles. Comparisons with other Urticales and with Eucommiaceae as an outgroup of Urticales indicate that Celtidaceae are more closely related to Moraceae in sharing one-bundled style (a synapomorphy), rather than to Ulmaceae. This supports a separation of Celtidaceae as a distinct family from Ulmaceaesensu lato. Based on the degree of fusion of major vascular bundles running in the gynoecium, we further distinguish three types of gynoecial vasculature in Ulmaceae and, likewise, three types in Celtidaceae, and discuss evolutionary trends of gynoecial vasculature as well as some generic relationships within the families.  相似文献   

The anatomy and micromorphology of eleven species of Eugenia found in the 'restinga' of Marica, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, were studied and compared. The characteristics found to be of most use in distinguishing the species are: presence and types of trichomes persistent in the adult material, form and arrangement of overlying cells (epidermal cells over secretory cavities), pattern of anticlinal walls of epidermal cells (primary sculpturing), occurrence of epicuticular striae and folds (secondary sculpturing) and presence of peristomatal folds. An analytical key based on these characteristics is presented for the Eugenia species studied.  相似文献   

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