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Six genetic polymorphisms for the Iberian hare (Lepus granatensis) and four for the brown hare (L. europaeus) are newly described. The genetic variation of peptidases B (PEPB) and C (PEPC), hemoglobin CHKCHK chain (HBA), hemopexin (HPX), vitamin D binding protein (GC), and properdin factor B (BF) was assessed by conventional electrophoresis and isoelectric focusing in carrier ampholytes and hybrid pH gradients. Six alleles were detected in PEPB, three in PEPC, four in HBA, six in GC, five in HPX, and six in BF. At least one allele was shared between species at all loci except HBA. The allelic overlap between the two species was medium to high in PEPB, GC, and HPX and small in PEPC and BF.  相似文献   

Hybridization occurs among many species, and may have implications for conservation as well as for evolution. Interspecific gene flow between brown hares Lepus europaeus and mountain hares L. timidus has been documented in Sweden and in continental Europe, and has probably to some extent occurred throughout history in sympatric areas. What local factors or ecological relationships that correlate with or trigger hybridization between these species has however been unclear. We studied spatial distribution of hybrids between brown hares and mountain hares in Sweden in relation to characteristics of the sampled localities (hunting grounds). In a sample of 70 brown hares collected from 39 populations in south‐central Sweden during 2003–2005, 11 (16%) showed introgressed mtDNA from mountain hares. Among the brown hares from their northern range, i.e. in general the most recent establishments, the corresponding figure was 75% (9/12). The frequency of samples with hybrid ancestry increased significantly with latitude, altitude and hilliness, and were higher (p<0.1) in recently established populations and/or where the proportion of arable land was low. Several site‐specific parameters were correlated, e.g. latitude as expected to hilliness, and no parameter explained the occurrence of hybrids exclusively. Instead, the appearance of mountain hare mtDNA among brown hares was associated with a conglomerate of parameters reflecting landscapes atypical for the brown hare, e.g. forest dominated and steep areas where the species quite recently was established. We suggest that these abiotic factors mirror the main aspect influencing hybridization frequency, namely the density or relative frequency of the two species. In atypical brown hare landscapes with recent establishment, mountain hares are probably relatively more common. When one species dominate in numbers, or when both species display low densities, increased frequency of hybridization is expected due to low availability of conspecific partners, a phenomenon referred to as Hubbs’ principle.  相似文献   

Thulin CG  Fang M  Averianov AO 《Hereditas》2006,143(2006):68-76
Hybridisation among wild mammal populations may lead to introgression of genes and genomes over the species barrier. In Sweden, in northern Europe, and on the Iberian Peninsula in southern Europe, mitochondrial DNA from L. timidus occurs among L. europaeus specimens, presumably as a result of interspecific hybridisation. In Russia, the species are believed to hybridise as well, but no investigations have confirmed introgression. Here we develop species diagnostic single nucleotide polymorphisms in the mitochondrial genomes and combine them with analysis of nuclear microsatellite markers to investigate hybridisation and introgression in 71 Lepus specimens from Russia. A total of 58 specimens are typical representatives of either species. An additional nine specimens have slightly intermediate genotypes, potentially as a result of introgression of nuclear genes. Finally, we find three specimens with L. europaeus mitochondrial genome and apparent L. timidus nuclear genome. This indicates that the reciprocal transfer of mtDNA occur among Russian populations of these species. Our observation differs from previous observations of mtDNA introgression in Sweden and Iberia, and provides further support for a reticulated mode of introgression within the genus Lepus.  相似文献   

The diet of the Iberian hare (Lepus granatensis) was studied through microhistological pellet analysis in two areas from a mountain ecosystem in Central Portugal. Fecal pellets were collected monthly in 24 plots spatially distributed throughout the two study areas. For each period, a sample of 15 to 20 pellets was milled and 400 epidermal fragments were identified, by comparison with a reference collection. A wide range of plant species was observed in hare’s diet. Grasses represent the basis of the Iberian hare diet, with frequencies always higher than 50% in both study areas (annual average = 69.98%). Most of the 35 species of grasses assembled for the reference collection (91.43%) were identified in the pellets. Nevertheless, only six of these were consumed in proportions greater than 5%, being Anthoxanthum odoratum, Secale cereale and Agrostis spp. the species ingested in higher frequencies. The rate of grasses consumption reached 80.69% in winter but decreased in summer to around 55%. In this season, a concurrent rise in the ingestion of other plant groups, like herbs and shrubs, and of plant inflorescences was observed. This work provides the first results on the Iberian hare’s diet on mountain ecosystems, and suggests that the Iberian hare diet in a mountain ecosystem is similar to the observed in L. europaeus and L. timidus.  相似文献   

1. Throughout the most recent glacial period (Weichsel), the mountain hare Lepus timidus had a continuous distribution in the tundra habitat south of the ice‐rim. When the ice retreated, mountain hares colonized deglaciated land, and spread over northern Europe. 2. Since the Weichsel, the mountain hare's distribution in Europe has been gradually reduced and at present comprises Ireland and the Scottish Highlands, high altitudes in the Alps, isolated forests in eastern Poland, most of Fennoscandia and from the Baltic countries eastwards through Russia. Declines during the last century have been observed in Sweden and Russia. 3. This review defines and evaluates causes for this gradual reduction and fragmentation of the mountain hare's distribution, with special focus on interactions with brown hares Lepus europaeus. The relative importance of diseases, predation, cultivation and interactions with other herbivores than brown hares are discussed. 4. A plausible cause of the possible permanent disappearance of mountain hares in Europe appears to be exclusion by interspecific competition and hybridization with, and/or epidemic diseases mediated by, the congeneric brown hare.  相似文献   

The occurrence of tularemia was studied in 1,500 hares submitted to the National Veterinary Institute, Uppsala, Sweden for postmortem examination during 1973 through 1985. A total of 109 tularemia cases was recorded based on the fluorescent antibody (FA) test for Francisella tularensis and on the gross and microscopic pathology. Tularemia was diagnosed only in the varying hare (Lepus timidus) and not in the European brown hare (Lepus europaeus). The geographical distribution of the 109 cases indicates that tularemia has not spread in Sweden during the last 45 yr, with the exception of an endemic occurrence of the disease on the island of Stora Karls? in the Baltic sea. The disease was most frequent in the autumn and only a few cases were recorded during winter. Cases were not seen in the spring. The annual prevalence varied, with several cases in 1974 and 1981, but there were no cases in 1976 and 1980. The postmortem findings in hares dying of tularemia in the autumn were characterized by focal coagulative necrosis in liver, spleen and bone marrow, with high numbers of bacteria FA-positive for F. tularensis. In hares dying during winter months, the most characteristic findings were hemorrhagic enteritis and typhlitis, although necrotic lesions could occur in liver, spleen and bone marrow. Diseased hares on the island of Stora Karls? were demonstrated to be infected with ticks, while hares on the mainland of Sweden generally were fed upon by mosquitoes. Twenty-six of the 109 hares with tularemia were examined bacteriologically and F. tularensis biovar palaearctica was isolated from eight. The lung extract antibody test for F. tularensis was performed in 18 of the 109 hares. All were negative. In addition to the field study, an experimental study with F. tularensis biovar palaearctica was performed. Four varying hares and three European brown hares were inoculated. None of the hares died from tularemia, and generalized infection was not demonstrated.  相似文献   

We investigated the parasite communities of introduced Iberian hares (Lepus granatensis) and native European hares (Lepus europaeus) in southern France, where Iberian hares were introduced locally 20 yr ago as a game animal. Parasite communities of sympatric populations of the two hare species and of allopatric populations of European hares were compared. Iberian hares in France harbored a depauperate community of parasites relative to the population in its native habitat in Spain. European hares in areas of sympatry also were infected by Nematodiroides zembrae, which normally infects Iberian hares on their native range.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variation among specimens of the northwestern African hare (Lepus capensis schlumbergeri) and three European hares sampled in Spain (L. castroviejoi andL. granatensis, which are endemic to the Iberian Peninsula, andL. europaeus) was analyzed using seven restriction endonucleases. Fourteen haplotypes were found among the 34 animals examined. Restriction site maps were constructed and the phylogeny of the haplotypes was inferred. mtDNA ofL. capensis was the most divergent, which is consistent with its allopatric African distribution and with an African origin of European hares. We estimated that mtDNA in hares diverges at a rate of 1.5–1.8% per MY assuming that the European and African populations separated 5–6 MYBP. Maximum intraspecies nucleotide divergences were 1.3% inL. capensis, 2.7% inL. castroviejoi, and 2.3% inL. granatensis but 13.0% inL. europaeus. The latter species contained two main mtDNA lineages, one on the branch leading toL. castroviejoi and the other on that leading toL. granatensis. The separation of these two lineages from theL. castroviejoi orL. granatensis lineages appears to be much older than the first paleontological record ofL. europaeus in the Iberian peninsula. This suggests that the apparent polyphyly ofL. europaeus is due not to secondary introgression, but to the retention of ancestral polymorphism inL. europaeus. The results suggest thatL. europaeus either has evolved as a very large population for a long time or has been fractionated. Such a pattern of persistence of very divergent lineages has also been reported in other species of highly mobile terrestrial mammals. As far as mtDNA is concerned,L. europaeus appears to be the common phylogenetic trunk which has diversified during dispersion over the European continent and from whichL. castroviejoi andL. granatensis speciated separately in southwest Europe.  相似文献   

The climatic fluctuations during glaciations have affected differently arctic and temperate species. In the northern hemisphere, cooling periods induced the expansion of many arctic species to the south, while temperate species were forced to retract in southern refugia. Consequently, in some areas the alternation of these species set the conditions for competition and eventually hybridization. Hares in the Iberian Peninsula appear to illustrate this phenomenon. Populations of Iberian hare (Lepus granatensis), brown hare (Lepus europaeus) and broom hare (Lepus castroviejoi) in Northern Iberia harbour mitochondrial haplotypes from the mountain hare (Lepus timidus), a mainly boreal and arctic species presently absent from the peninsula. To understand the history of this past introgression we analysed sequence variation and geographical distribution of mitochondrial control region and cytochrome b haplotypes of L. timidus origin found in 378 specimens of these four species. Among 124 L. timidus from the Northern Palaearctic and the Alps we found substantial nucleotide diversity (2.3%) but little differentiation between populations. Based on the mismatch distribution of the L. timidus sequences, this could result from an expansion at a time of temperature decrease favourable to this arctic species. The nucleotide diversity of L. timidus mtDNA found in Iberian L. granatensis, L. europaeus and L. castroviejoi (183, 70 and 1 specimens, respectively) was of the same order as that in L. timidus over its range (1.9%), suggesting repeated introgression of multiple lineages. The structure of the coalescent of L. granatensis sequences indicates that hybridization with L. timidus was followed by expansion of the introgressed haplotypes, as expected during a replacement with competition, and occurred when temperatures started to rise, favouring the temperate species. Whether a similar scenario explains the introgression into Iberian L. europaeus remains unclear but it is possible that it hybridized with already introgressed L. granatensis.  相似文献   

European hare Lepus europaeus populations have undergone recent declines but the species has successfully naturalised in many countries outside its native range. It was introduced to Ireland during the mid-late nineteenth century for field sport and is now well established in Northern Ireland. The native Irish hare Lepus timidus hibernicus is an endemic subspecies of mountain hare L. timidus and has attracted major conservation concern following a long-term population decline during the twentieth century and is one of the highest priority species for conservation action in Ireland. Little is known about the European hare in Ireland or whether it poses a significant threat to the native mountain hare subspecies by compromising its ecological security or genetic integrity. We review the invasion ecology of the European hare and examine evidence for interspecific competition with the mountain hare for habitat space and food resources, interspecific hybridisation, disease and parasite transmission and possible impacts of climate change. We also examine the impact that introduced hares can have on native non-lagomorph species. We conclude that the European hare is an emerging and significant threat to the conservation status of the native Irish hare. Invasive mammal species have been successfully eradicated from Ireland before and immediate action is often the only opportunity for cost-effective eradication. An urgent call is issued for further research whilst the need for a European hare invasive Species Action Plan (iSAP) and Eradication strategy are discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper, the genusPinguicula is revised in the Iberian Peninsula. The taxa studied areP. vulgaris, P. nevadensis, P. grandiflora subsp.grandiflora, P. dertosensis, P. vallisneriifolia, P. longifolia subsp.longifolia, P. mundi, P. alpina andP. lusitanica. Five taxa are endemic to the area studied (P. nevadensis, P. dertosensis, P. vallisneriifolia, P. longifolia subsp.longifolia andP. mundi). Two of them are confined to restricted areas:P. nevadensis is endemic to the Sierra Nevada (S Spain) andP. longifolia subsp.longifolia is endemic to the central Pyrenees (N Spain). Taxonomical, nomenclatural, morphological, chromosomal, biogeographical and ecological data are reported for each taxon. A new combination is proposed:Pinguicula Sect.Longifolia (Casper) G. Blanca, M. Ruíz-Rejón etR. Zamora.  相似文献   

The management of hunted species is challenging, as it must conciliate the conservation of species and their sustainable exploitation. Nongenetic tools are widely used in this context but they may present limitations notably when species can hybridize or when large‐scale spatial monitoring is required to establish optimal management actions. This is why genetic tools have been more and more integrated in wildlife management practices. However, the markers proposed are often amplified in small multiplexes when larger ones could allow to better cope with the small quantities of DNA obtained with noninvasive sampling methods. Here, we propose a unique multiplex of 12 autosomal microsatellite markers for the study of two hare species that exist in sympatry in some areas in Europe and are hunted notably in France: the brown hare Lepus europaeus and the mountain hare L. timidus. We tested 17 markers previously used in these two species or other lagomorph species, from which 12 were included in this single multiplex. Diversity was between 4 and 30 alleles per locus totaling 126 alleles, and we showed that these markers possess appropriate genetic resolution for individual and species identification for the populations under study. This multiplex panel represents the largest number of microsatellites amplified in one reaction proposed for these two hare species and provides a cost‐effective and valuable tool for further hybridization studies and the management of hares.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA introgression from Lepus timidus into Lepus granatensis and Lepus europaeus was recently reported in Iberia, although L. timidus presumably retreated from this region at the end of the last ice age. Here we assess the extent of this ancient mtDNA introgression by RFLP analysis of 695 specimens representing the three hare species present in Iberia. The introgressed L. timidus lineage was found in 23 of the 37 populations sampled. It is almost fixed in L. europaeus across its Iberian range in the Pyrenean foothills, and in L. granatensis, which occupies the rest of the peninsula, it is predominant in the north and gradually disappears further south. We also found it in Lepus castroviejoi, a species endemic to Cantabria. Multiple hybridizations and, potentially, a selective advantage for the L. timidus lineage can explain the remarkable taxonomic and geographical range of this mitochondrial introgression.  相似文献   

Torres  J.A.  Valle  F.  Pinto  C.  García-Fuentes  A.  Salazar  C.  Cano  E. 《Plant Ecology》2002,160(2):207-223
Arbutus unedo L. communities in the southern part of the Iberian Peninsula (Spain and Portugal) were studied, highlighting the differences regarding their floristic composition, biological diversity and plant dynamics according to the dominant geological substratum. Firstly, this type of formation on the little-known decarbonated calcareous substrata was analysed using classification techniques. Later, they were compared to the remaining phytocoenoses in the southern part of the Iberian Peninsula using an ordination analysis. As a result, a new suballiance is proposed together with two plant associations, which will enable us to characterize the strawberry tree groves growing on carbonated substrata and those already proposed for siliceous substrata are confirmed.  相似文献   

We describe a new method for the sex determination of tissue originating from Oryctolagus cuniculus (European rabbit), Lepus europaeus (European brown hare) and Lepus timidus (mountain hare) based on PCR-RFLP analysis of point mutations that differentiate the ZFX and ZFY gene sequences. Among several applications, this PCR-RFLP method could be used to investigate gender ratio and evaluate the population dynamics of these species using samples collected when sex cannot be identified.  相似文献   

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