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郭新军  孟长军  封婧 《生态学报》2023,43(23):9721-9732
中华蜜蜂为多种植物传粉,具有重要的生态服务价值。为进一步了解中华蜜蜂选择蜜粉源植物的多样性与特征,采用聚合酶链式反应(PCR)、DNA条形码、高通量测序等技术,研究了源自陕西宝鸡、贵州望谟和广西凤山蜂巢蜜中的花粉来源。通过对样品花粉rbcL基因片段扩增及测序、分析,发现各样本间可操作分类单元(OTU)水平上蜜粉源植物Alpha多样性指数无显著差异,同一地点样品不同重复间存在较高的相关性,而不同地区样本相关性较低。三地共鉴定出27目46科71属82种蜜粉源植物,其中宝鸡市、望谟县、凤山县样本中分别鉴定出57种、30种和40种,各地蜜粉源植物的物种组成存在较大差异。这些蜜粉源植物中,菊目植物种类最多,其次为毛茛目,分别有12种和7种。其中草本植物和木本植物(含乔木、灌木和木质藤本等)分别有44种和38种。研究对蜜粉源植物花序特点进行了分析,但并未发现相关性状对中华蜜蜂选择具有的影响。从属的区系成分分析,总体上温带分布区类型的植物属多于热带分布区类型的属,所占比例分别为46.5%和36.6%,但在凤山县样本中出现热带分布区类型多于温带分布区类型的情况。在不同样品中,红足蒿(Artemisia rubripes)、向日葵(Helianthus annuus)、芜青(Brassica rapa)、粗糠柴(Mallotus philippensis)、枇杷(Eriobotrya japonica)等分别占有一定优势,其与中华蜜蜂的关系值得进一步研究。根据蜜粉源植物的系统进化关系,中华蜜蜂访问的蜜粉源植物处于不同进化地位的分支,其中在菊类分支和蔷薇类分支比较集中。研究揭示了中华蜜蜂传粉植物组成特点,为进一步认知中华蜜蜂传粉服务功能的重要性提供依据。  相似文献   

为了解澜沧江流域北部中华蜜蜂(Apis cerana cerana)的分布,探究中华蜜蜂的食源和营养生态位沿海拔梯度的变化特征,调查了澜沧江流域北部各海拔区域中华蜜蜂的种群分布,运用蜂蜜孢粉学(melissopalynology)分析了各海拔区域中华蜜蜂蜂蜜中花粉的组成特征和变化规律,并综合分析了海拔、中华蜜蜂营养生态位和蜂蜜中花粉的相关性,探讨了自然环境与中华蜜蜂的分布,海拔梯度与蜜粉源植物、中华蜜蜂的食源和营养生态位的关系。结果表明:澜沧江流域北部中华蜜蜂的食源种类丰富,中华蜜蜂种群主要分布于2200—2800 m海拔区域。不同海拔区域中华蜜蜂采食花粉的种类和数量不同,中华蜜蜂种群分布多的海拔区域,蜂蜜中花粉的种类较多,但花粉数量相对少。随着海拔梯度升高,中华蜜蜂蜂蜜中花粉的数量表现为先降后增,而花粉的种类则表现为先增后降。不同海拔区域的中华蜜蜂营养生态位存在差异,推测各海拔区域蜜粉源植物分布、中华蜜蜂种内和种间授粉昆虫及食草动物等竞争因素不同,但各海拔梯度间的变化差异不显著。海拔与中华蜜蜂营养生态位呈正相关(r=0.051),相关性不显著;海拔与蜂蜜中花粉数量呈正相关(r=0.047),与蜂蜜中花粉种类呈正相关(r=0.144),相关性都不显著;中华蜜蜂营养生态位与蜂蜜中花粉的种类呈负相关(r=-0.305),相关性显著(P!0.05);与花粉的数量呈负相关(r=-0.064),相关性不显著。蜂蜜中花粉的数量与种类呈正相关(r=-0.303),且相关性显著(P!0.05)。  相似文献   

【目的】在云南省腾冲市界头镇油菜花期,比较西方蜜蜂Apis mellifera L.不同放蜂密度下东方蜜蜂Apis cerana F.采集行为和对食物资源利用的变化,以期从食物资源竞争的角度为合理保护我国本土蜂种和维持植物群落结构及其稳定性提供科学依据。【方法】以界头镇为研究区域,在油菜花期根据西方蜜蜂的蜂场分布、蜂群数量及放蜂密度,确定了三个样点两种生境,观察西方蜜蜂不同放蜂密度下对东方蜜蜂的采集行为、访花频率、单花采集停留时间及粉源植物利用的影响。【结果】在农田生境中,西方蜜蜂放蜂密度最大的沙坝地试验点东方蜜蜂的访花频率最高(14.93朵/min),单花采集停留时间最短(1.96 s/朵),采集油菜花粉的数量比例最低(37%),采集花粉的种类最多(11种植物),与放蜂密度最小的新庄试验点相比,上述指标差异均显著。在山林生境中,西方蜜蜂放蜂密度最小的新庄试验点,东方蜜蜂的访花频率最低(8.48朵/min),单花采集停留时间最长(4.55 s/朵),采集油菜花粉的数量比例最高(33%),采集花粉的种类最少(8种植物),与放蜂密度最大的沙坝地试验点相比,上述指标差异均显著。【结论】在两种生境下,西方蜜蜂放蜂密度对东方蜜蜂采集行为和粉源植物利用均有显著影响,西方蜜蜂放蜂密度越大,东方蜜蜂对大宗蜜源植物(油菜)花粉的采集量越少,其采集区域由农田向山林转移的趋势越明显。  相似文献   

为分析澜沧江流域北部人食用蜂蜜中毒的原因,于2013年6—9月份,对该区域蜜蜂和蜜源植物的分布情况进行了调查,观察蜜蜂采集有毒蜜源植物的行为,并进一步调查了蜜蜂巢内蜂蜜、蜂花粉的储存情况,采集了中华蜜蜂蜂蜜样品,进行蜂蜜孢粉学与营养生态位分析。该区域有大量采用传统方式进行人工饲养的中华蜜蜂(Apis cerana cerana),及少量野生中华蜜蜂、黑色小蜜蜂(Apis audreniformis)、黑色大蜜蜂(Apis laboriosa smith)群体分布;人工饲养的中华蜜蜂蜂巢内部结构与野生中华蜜蜂蜂巢相似,为自然蜂巢,内有充足的蜜粉储存,部分蜂群蜂巢内虫害严重。该区域内主要蜜源植物为荞麦(Fagopyrum esculentum Moench),其他零星辅助蜜源较多,部分地点南烛(Vaccinium bracteatum Thunb)、昆明山海棠(Tripterygium hypoglaucum(Levl.)Hutch)连片集中分布。对中华蜜蜂蜂蜜进行孢粉学和营养生态位分析,结果表明:中华蜜蜂蜂蜜标本中含有有毒蜜源植物南烛、昆明山海棠花粉,部分样品中南烛、昆明山海棠的花粉含所占比例较高;中华蜜蜂的营养生态位宽度为0.22,比其他地区中华蜜蜂生态位指数小,推测澜沧江水电枢纽的修建等人为原因已对蜜蜂种类、蜜源植物的物种组成、群落结构造成了较大影响。  相似文献   

花粉是有花植物的雄性器官——雄蕊中的生殖细胞,是一些很细小的粉末,蜜蜂花粉由蜜蜂采集各种植物的花蜜,通过对花粉加入一种特殊的腺液,使之能粘合在一起,形成花粉球。蜜蜂采集的花粉是喂养幼虫、加工蜂乳必要的原料。我国养蜂人只要在蜂箱上装个“脱粉器”截取蜜蜂采回来的花粉,每年全国可生产成千上万吨花粉。根据目前已掌握的资料表明,花粉中含有多种维生素、矿物质、优质蛋白、氨基酸和酶。花粉含有有机体生存所需要的各种营养物质。  相似文献   

2010-2011年分别在云南昆明和蒙自地区采集中华蜜蜂与意大利蜜蜂的蜂蜜样品,进行蜂蜜孢粉学与营养生态位分析.结果表明:中华蜜蜂蜂蜜绝对花粉浓度为1.55万个·g-1,显著高于意大利蜜蜂(1.01万个·g-1).中华蜜蜂采集的蜜源植物种类为12.9个,显著多于意大利蜜蜂(7.7个).说明意大利蜜蜂对蜜源植物的选择性更强,中华蜜蜂则能利用更多的蜜源植物资源.中华蜜蜂的营养生态位宽度为0.35,显著大于意大利蜜蜂(0.23).中华蜜蜂和意大利蜜蜂之间的营养生态位重叠度为0.71,种间竞争系数为0.93,表明2种蜜蜂对食物资源的竞争激烈.  相似文献   

本文对云南省香格里拉地区(海拔3 400~4 700 m)7个植物群系下采集的21个现代苔藓样品进行了孢粉研究,探讨了现代孢粉组合与样点周围植被之间的关系,以及主要孢粉类型的代表性与传播能力。结果表明,香格里拉地区不同植物群系的孢粉组合具有不同的代表性成分与变化特征,能较好地反映当地植被状况。桦木林和黄背栎林的孢粉组合中指示性成分分别是高含量的桦木属和常绿栎类花粉;冷杉林下的样品,除采自仅有稀疏冷杉的冷杉林下的样品外,其他样品的孢粉组合都较好地反映了高含量的冷杉属花粉;杜鹃灌丛和蔷薇灌丛的孢粉组合分别以高含量的杜鹃花科和蔷薇科花粉为特征;在花粉产量低且植被较开阔的流石滩疏生草甸中,孢粉组合以高含量的草本花粉和外来乔木花粉(如松、冷杉等)为主。松属花粉在本研究区各植物群系下所有样品的孢粉组合中均有较高含量,说明松属花粉产量高、传播能力最强,具有超代表性;铁杉属和桤木属花粉也具有较强的传播能力,它们是外来花粉的主要成分,在不同植物群系下其花粉含量的高低与当地植被的郁闭度及当地植被花粉产量有关;桦木属和常绿栎类花粉代表性强,花粉产量高,也具有较强的传播能力;冷杉属花粉具有明显的低代表性,但其传播能力较强;杜鹃花科花粉的代表性较好,但传播能力差,其花粉散布范围基本在有母体植物生长的地方;柳属花粉代表性低,其花粉含量高于1.0%可能指示柳树的存在;单裂缝孢子的蕨类植物在本研究区部分样品中有较高含量,说明单裂缝孢子的蕨类植物比三裂缝孢子的蕨类植物可能更能适应海拔3 400 m以上的高海拔环境。  相似文献   

蜜源木本植物的鉴定能为中华蜜蜂Apis cerana cerana保护和利用提供依据.本研究从在秦岭地区收集的4份中华蜜蜂蜂蜜中分离出植物花粉,然后在扫描电镜下观察花粉形态,根据花粉大小、赤道面观、极面观、表面纹饰对花粉所属植物的种类进行鉴定.共鉴定出中华蜜蜂利用的蜜源木本植物13科,19属,20种.其中以壳斗科Fagaceae、忍冬科Caprifoliaceae最多,卫矛科Celastraceae、桦木科Betulaceae、蔷薇科Rosaceae次之.这些蜜源木本植物中有13种是药用植物.秦岭地区丰富的蜜源木本植物为中华蜜蜂的生存提供了食物资源;同时中华蜜蜂作为传粉昆虫,对维持秦岭地区蜜源植物的生存和生态系统稳定起着重要的作用.  相似文献   

每当美丽的春天悄悄来临,当你到田野、森林劳动或游玩的时候,轻轻摇动一棵扬花的花草,或一株开花的小树,这时就有无数金黄色的粉末,如烟云,飘飘扬扬,散发出来,象下黄雨一样,值物学者把这种壮丽的景象称作“花粉雨”。这种从空中飘落的大量金黄色粉末,正是植物的花粉。一般认为,花粉乃是有花植物的雄性生殖细胞。而孢子则是菌藻、苔藓和蕨类值物生殖器官的一部分。孢粉学家们把孢子和花粉统称为孢粉。  相似文献   

转抗虫基因植物对蜜蜂的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘艳荷  陈盛禄 《昆虫知识》2001,38(4):258-262
苏云金杆菌 (Bacillusthuringiensis,Bt)毒蛋白基因、蛋白酶抑制剂基因是广泛用于植物抗虫基因工程的两大类基因。Bt毒蛋白对蜜蜂没有明显毒害作用 ,但对草蛉、瓢虫等有益昆虫的繁殖、发育具有不良影响 ,而且在花粉中表达 ,因此转Bt基因植物对蜜蜂的影响有待于进一步研究。蛋白酶抑制剂浓度高时 ,对蜜蜂具有明显的毒害作用。随着基因工程技术的发展 ,蛋白酶抑制剂基因表达水平的提高 ,转基因植物必将对蜜蜂产生一些不良影响。蜜蜂仅取食植物的花蜜和花粉 ,可以采用不同的启动子 ,使抗虫基因只在害虫取食部位表达 ,而在花蜜和花粉中不表达 ,以确保既能抗虫 ,又对蜜蜂安全  相似文献   

High Pinaceae pollen concentrations in the air and on the surface of puddles before the main pollen season started were observed in Kraków (southern Poland) in May 2013. The paper presents the results of detailed studies of the composition and source of the “yellow rain” in 2013, and as a comparison, the Pinaceae pollen concentrations and samples collected from the ground surface in 2014 were considered. The air samples were collected using the volumetric method (Hirst-type device), while pollen grains sampled from the ground surface were processed using a modified Erdtman acetolysis method. Finally, all samples were studied using a light microscope. In 2013, the period of higher Abies, Picea and Pinus pollen concentrations was observed from the 5 to 12 of May, earlier than the main pollen season occurred. The presence of rainfall on the 12 and 13 of May 2013 caused the pollen deposition on the ground surface, where the prevalence of Pinaceae pollen was found. The synoptic situation and the analysis of the back-trajectories and air mass advection at the beginning of May 2013 indicated that Pinaceae pollen grains could have been transported from Ukraine, Romania, Hungary and Slovakia. In contrast, Pinaceae pollen grains deposited on the ground surface as a “yellow” film in May 2014, originated from local sources.  相似文献   

In the last decade, an increase in honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) colony losses has been reported in several countries. The causes of this decline are still not clear. This study was set out to evaluate the pesticide residues in stored pollen from honey bee colonies and their possible impact on honey bee losses in Spain. In total, 1,021 professional apiaries were randomly selected. All pollen samples were subjected to multiresidue analysis by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (MS) and liquid chromatography-MS; moreover, specific methods were applied for neonicotinoids and fipronil. A palynological analysis also was carried out to confirm the type of foraging crop. Pesticide residues were detected in 42% of samples collected in spring, and only in 31% of samples collected in autumn. Fluvalinate and chlorfenvinphos were the most frequently detected pesticides in the analyzed samples. Fipronil was detected in 3.7% of all the spring samples but never in autumn samples, and neonicotinoid residues were not detected. More than 47.8% of stored pollen samples belonged to wild vegetation, and sunflower (Heliantus spp.) pollen was only detected in 10.4% of the samples. A direct relation between pesticide residues found in stored pollen samples and colony losses was not evident accordingly to the obtained results. Further studies are necessary to determine the possible role of the most frequent and abundant pesticides (such as acaricides) and the synergism among them and with other pathogens more prevalent in Spain.  相似文献   

Bees often collect pollen from plants that are near their colonies or apiaries. Arecaceae are characterised by having species that flower throughout the year and produce large quantities of pollen. Pollen grains of Arecaceae have two main forms, namely monosulcate and trichotomosulcate. The study area is located in the coastal region of the state of Sergipe, Brazil, where large amounts of bee pollen are produced by Apis mellifera. This study aims to evaluate how Arecaceae contribute to the production of monofloral bee pollen. Samples of bee pollen loads were collected each month for two years (totalling 24 samples), acetolysed, and mounted on permanent slides. At least 500 grains of pollen were counted for each sample, the data was analysed, and figures were made using the Tilia software. The pollen grains of Cocos nucifera were present in 23 samples (96%), and concentrations of this pollen type varied between 1.1 and 46.8% (but were commonly above 20%). The concentration of Arecaceae pollen grains is the result of the large-scale production of coconuts along the coastline. However, the presence of other pollen types, such as Mimosa arenosa, Mimosa pudica, Mikania and Myrcia, compliments the diets of bees in the region. The results show that even when in low frequency, Cocos nucifera pollen grains represent a large proportion of pollen content compared with other pollen types, because of the large size of Arecaceae pollen grains.  相似文献   

Almond is one of the world's most economically valuable crops and many varieties require cross pollination for optimal fruit set. For this reason, western honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) hives are often placed in almond orchards. However, little is known about the usage of almond and other pollen sources by individual hives during almond bloom. Here, we investigated the timing, identity and quantity of pollen collection associated with almond floral abundance and spatial location of individual hives by sampling 440 individual pollen tray samples and counting 45,072 pollen grains from 13,200 pollen pellets collected from 80 individual hives across the flowering season in Victoria, south-eastern Australia. A large proportion of hives collected non-almond pollen in addition to almond pollen (63/80 = 79%). The weight of almond pollen collected by the hives at each sampling time was positively related to the number of concurrently open almond flowers. However, non-almond pollen richness and abundance was not related to the number of almond flowers but had a positive relationship with the weight of almond pollen collected. There was no relationship between the distance among hives and identity of pollen collected. Yet, three plant families in the study area were found to account for a high percentage of the non-almond pollen collected, Euphorbiaceae, Fabaceae and Asteraceae. Understanding crop and non-crop pollen collection could inform honey bee diet needs and identify the plant species of importance to inform best practice bee management during almond flowering.  相似文献   

Fossil pollen grains of Quercus L. were studied with application of an EVO 40 scanning electron microscope. The material came from Holocene core samples from deep water zone of the south of the Sea of Japan and shelf zone of East Korea Bay. The pollen grains were obtained from three radiocarbon-dated palynological assemblages. Six types of fossil pollen grains were revealed: four of them were assigned to deciduous oaks and two were assigned to evergreen oaks.  相似文献   

Palynological analysis of the organic contents of ceramic pots from the Kodiani burial mound, which is dated as 27th-25th centuries B.C., revealed that they contained honey. The samples are extremely rich in excellently preserved pollen grains, including numerous pollen grains of insect-pollinated plants. Such characteristics are typical of palynological assemblages from honey. The palynological assemblages from three pot fragments studied are dominated by pollen grains of Rosaceae; however, they differ from one another in the subdominants. The discovery of several kinds of honey testifies to the presence of well-developed beekeeping in the time of the Early Kurgans. Agriculture, with a significant role of wheat, was also developed in the region of Georgia under study. According to the composition of the palynospectra, the ecological conditions that existed during the epoch studied differ significantly from the present day.  相似文献   

A study of the most important polliniferous plants for European and Africanized honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) was made in Quintana Roo state. Comparisons were made between the plants visited by both bee types in order to determine whether there were qualitative or quantitative differences in their choice of plant species. Also some foraging strategies of the honeybees were analysed. Pollen from pollen load samples was acetolysed and mounted on slides. Subsequently the pollen grains were identified, counted and photographed. A total of 206 pollen load samples were collected at Palmas and St. Teresa during two years. The most frequent species in the pollen load samples from European and Africanized honeybees were Cecropia peltata, Metopium brownei, Lonchocarpus sp. 2, Viguiera dentata, Eragrostis sp. 1, Bursera simaruba and Eupatorium albicaule. Both types of honey bees show a high reliance on pollen from only a few species, the first five named above comprised around 50% of all the mean percentage frequencies. Families that contributed with the largest number of pollen species were Fabaceae, Asteraceae, Boraginaceae, Convolvulaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Sapindaceae, Poaceae, Myrtaceae, Sapotaceae and Tiliaceae. C. peltata, Trema micrantha, B. simaruba, Eugenia sp. 1, Thouinia canesceras, Pouteria sp. 1, Mimosa bahamensis and V. dentata, were the pollen species with the largest percentages of occurrence in both European and Africanized bee pollen load samples, and also represent a "long-term" food resources during the year.  相似文献   

Unresolved controversies concerning the classification of the monotypic genus Perilla L.have hindered the complete understanding and subsequent sustainable use of these vital food,oil,and medicinal plants to their full potential.In the present study,we used scanning electron microscopy to obtain palynological evidence from 21 samples of Perilla plants from seven provinces in China as a potential further attribute for classification.The findings showed that pollen grains from plants of 11 samples were oblate...  相似文献   

The honey bee Apis mellifera L. is a crucial insect in the agricultural industry and natural ecosystem by being a major pollinator. Nevertheless, honey bee population has been recently facing a decline. Among the several factors responsible for this decline, deformed wing virus (DWV) is considered a primary cause that negatively affects honey bee health. DWV is a cosmopolitan honey bee pathogen and causes morphological disadvantages in individual honey bees and colony collapse. Regarding the horizontal transmission of DWV, in addition to Varroa destructor, a well-known major vector of DWV, flowers have recently been implied as a transmission route. Therefore, in this study, we detected DWV from various substances, including flowers, honey bee feces, pupa, larva, nurse bee, surface of nurse bee, pollen collected by forager bee, and forager bee samples in four strawberry greenhouses, which could suggest the potential for the horizontal transmission of DWV in the semi-field condition. We also detected DWV in pollen collected by DWV-negative forager bees, implying that flowers can serve as a potential source of virus infection. These findings suggest that the surrounding environment such as shared floral sources affects the spread of DWV.  相似文献   

We examined the protoplasmic assimilation of columnar cacti pollen grains in two species of Venezuelan desert glosophagine bats, Glossophaga longirostris and Leptonycteris curasoae, by determining the amount of empty (digested) pollen grains found in their fecal samples. To determine the amount of empty pollen grains, the fecal samples were stained to differ between empty and full (non-digested) pollen grains. The number of empty and full pollen grains observed in the fecal samples were corrected using the amount of aborted pollens present (before anthesis) in flowers of the columnar cacti species (Subpilocereus repandus, Stenocereus griseus and Pilosocereus tillianus) used by bats as food in the study site; G. longirostris and L. curasoae digested 64.2% and 71.3% of all the pollens fed, respectively. These high values confirm the importance of pollen in the diet of these bats, given its high nitrogen level.  相似文献   

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