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Ablation of the orbital cortical zones in dogs after ablation of the basolateral part of the amygdala and the caudate nucleus head considerably impeded the elaboration of secretory conditioned alimentary reflexes, without affecting the rate of elaboration of simple instrumental food-procuring reaction. The dogs lost however the capacity to differentiate non-reinforced stimuli from reinforced ones, which was revealed in both secretory and instrumental reactions.  相似文献   

In dogs with previous learning experience, a low-frequency (1 imp/s), weak (20-50 mcA) amygdala stimulation produces dissimilar influences on formation rate and value of conditioned alimentary reflexes in dependence on stimulation localization. At stimulation of amygdala basolateral part, the reflexes formation proceeds 2-3 times slower than normally. Their value is significantly reduced, the triggering of the secretory reaction is delayed. Dorsomedial part stimulation accelerates the process of conditioning, intensifies the secretion but delays the start of secretory reaction. The elaboration of differentiation inhibition is facilitated by basolateral part stimulation and is impeded by dorsomedial amygdala activation.  相似文献   

Properties were studied of elaboration of conditioned alimentary secretory reflexes to threshold electric stimulation of the caudate nucleus in dogs. The rate of formation of such a reflex and its magnitude were considerably lower than in reflexes elaborated to distant stimuli. Latencies were longer; dynamics of conditioned and unconditioned secretory reactions was similar to that of reflexes to a weak stimulus--light. The motor component of the conditioned alimentary reaction, as a rule, was absent. Characteristics were revealed of formation of alimentary reflexes to stimulation of the dorsal and ventral parts of the head and body of the caudate nucleus.  相似文献   

In experiments on dogs, changes of conditioned alimentary reflexes were studied under stimulation (50-100 mcA, 1, 40, 100 imp/s, 0.5 ms) of the basolateral area of amygdala before and after electrolytic ablation (5 mA, 60 s) of the head of the caudate nucleus. Stimulation of the amygdala, which elicited inhibition of conditioned secretory reflexes and prolongation of latencies in intact dogs leads to opposite - activating - influences after destruction of the caudate nucleus head. A conclusion is made on the participation of neurophysiological and neurochemical mechanisms of the caudate nucleus in transmission of inhibitory effects of the amygdala on alimentary conditioned reflexes.  相似文献   

In experiments on 35 pigeons formation and realization was studied of alimentary motor conditioned reflexes under the influence of alternating magnetic field (AMF) with a frequency of 5 and 8 Hz and induction 5100 nTl. It has been found that under the action of such AMF, the percent of adequate responses lowers and the time of motor reaction during execution of motor alimentary conditioned reflexes and of delayed reactions increases. Realization of delayed reactions is disturbed more significantly than that of the present conditioned reflexes. AMF with a frequency of 8 Hz influences more expressively the pigeons conditioned activity in comparison with 5 Hz frequency.  相似文献   

The influence of the first and repeated increases of total illumination of the experimental chamber on conditioned activity was studied in chronic experiments on six dogs by the secretory alimentary conditioned reflex method. It was found that such repeated functional loads exert a training effect on the mechanism regulating the general functional state of the brain. In preliminarily trained animals different components of the conditioned reflex are rapidly and synchronously reorganized. In non-trained animals the reorganization of the brain general functional state was prolonged and accompanied by development of a pronounced emotional stress. It has been assumed that training of the functions controlling the general functional state of the brain is based on conditioned mechanisms. An important part is played by the mechanism of conditioned inhibition, which prevents a prolonged retention and reproduction of an excessively intensive level of emotional stress.  相似文献   

The effects on Pavlovian alimentary conditioned reflexes realization of two methods of intrastriatal microinjections--acute (separate) and long-term (chronic) one--are compared in experiments on dogs. Bilateral acute administration and the first week of chronic injection of 45 mcg of GABA into the caudate nuclei produced in dogs a manifest improvement of parameters of the conditioned differentiation inhibition, but only in the next period of chronic treatment an improvement of the positive Pavlovian alimentary conditioned reflex was obtained. The both ways of picrotoxin treatment impaired conditioned behaviour, and this effect was observed after the end of injection. No withdrawal effects were recorded. The data obtained give ground for discussion of the role of striatal GABAergic system in the positive modulation of adaptive alimentary behaviour. The application of novel psychopharmacological method in experimental and clinical fields of investigation is discussed.  相似文献   

Bilateral electrolytic lesions of the dorsal hippocamp and basolateral amygdalar complex impede the differential and extinctive inhibition. The damage of the corticomedial amygdala against a background of the dorsal hippocamp deficiency facilitates differentiation and extinction of alimentary reflexes induced by a decrease of the alimentary motivation and by weakening of alimentary conditioned reflexes. Lesions of the dorsal hippocamp after the corticomedial amygdala damage facilitates the training of positive alimentary reflexes, but weakens inhibitory conditioned reflexes.  相似文献   

It was shown during alimentary conditioning in dogs that in the "background" electrocaudatogram there are rhythms typical of the act of eating, which become more clearly pronounced under the action of the conditioned stimulus. The EEG of the caudate nucleus head sharply changed during discordance reactions. It has been assumed that the caudate nucleus head forms a link in the functional system of the alimentary conditioned reflex at stages of afferent synthesis and functioning of the action acceptor.  相似文献   

In experiments on cats with chronically implanted electrodes a conditioned stimulus (200 c/s tone) was paired with electrical stimulation of limbic structures, which produces pronounced emotional behaviour: defensive, aggressive, alimentary or drinking reactions. It has been shown that conditioned reactions are not elaborated on the basis of electrical stimulation, which activates alimentary, drinking or aggressive behaviour. Neither is a conditioned reflex formed to the combination of sound and stimulation of the brain structures, which inhibits alimentary behaviour. A distinct conditioned fear reaction sets in as a result of combination of sound and electrical stimulation of brain structures, which evoke defensive behaviour. The data obtained are analyzed in the light of the significance of natural requirements of the organism for the elaboration of conditioned reflexes.  相似文献   

Defensive and alimentary conditioned reflexes were studied on normal cats and cats with neural isolation of the neocortex. The cardiac component of the conditioned reflexes is elaborated in decorticated animals at a similar rate and is as steady as in normal cats. Motor conditioned reactions in decorticated cats are difficult to elaborate. Both in normal and decorticated cats unconditioned pain stimulation evokes tachycardia, while a conditioned signal, paired with this unconditioned stimulus, produces bradicardia. Ban assumption has been made that the primary conditioned reaction consists in the appearance of a certain emotional state which changes the cardiac rhythm in a typical way.  相似文献   

The electrical activity of the rabbit brain at different stages of hunger and satiation was correlated with the animal's behavioral reactions. It has been found that alimentary reactions are attended with the appearance of complex high-amplitude and high-frequency electrical potentials in the lateral hypothalamic area, which increased with the longer duration of the animal's hunger, as well as during search, in response to natural and conditioned alimentary stimuli, and when feeding. As satiation sets in, they fade and disappear after food refusal. It is assumed that this form of activity is an EEG expression of alimentary motivational excitation. Its constituent rhythms reflect the different components of alimentary excitation.  相似文献   

It has been found that extirpation of the orbital zones of the cerebral cortex in dogs in which the structures of the limbic and striate levels of nervous integration were previously ablated, produced more profound disturbances of the higher nervous activity than the previous operations. Not only conditioned positive and inhibitory reactions were affected, but unconditioned alimentary reflexes as well, while food motivation sharply decreased. Further experiments on the operated animals and could go on, only when alimentary excitability was enhanced. A conclusion has been drawn that the orbital zones of the cerebral cortex are directly related to the achievement of an integrated alimentary behavioral reaction.  相似文献   

It has been established by indirect immunofluorescence that thymic lymphocytes bear receptors for secretory component (Rsc). The bound secretory component, i. e., in the molecule of secretory IgA, was found to react with a greater number of thymocytes than free secretory component. Such difference may indicate that T-Rsc have higher affinity to the bound secretory component than to free secretory component. However, this needs detailed investigation. The ability of thymocytes to express Rsc depends on the cellular cAMP level, as the treatment with adenosine and theophylline increases the number of cells with Rsc. Supernatant of a 3-hour thymocyte culture was also capable of stimulating the expression of Rsc. It is assumed that secretory component contained in great amounts in the thymus membrane system takes part in the differentiation of T alpha and Tsc cells of the thymus, which repopulate lymphoid organs and regulate their immune reactions. Rsc may also be useful in assessing the state of Tsc subpopulation in different pathological conditions.  相似文献   

In experiments on rabbits, instrumental and complex conditioned alimentary behaviour was studied at various ways of raising alimentary motivation to extreme levels. Animals behaviour in these conditions could acquire an outwardly non-motivated (in relation to alimentary need) character. It is suggested that these phenomena are based on the transformation of the dominant motivation and not on the mechanism of "shifted" activity. In experiments on rats, a long "pseudoreinforcement" of extremely enhanced motivation of thirst by ethanol led to profound changes of physiological and neurochemical properties of the primary drinking motivation centres of the hypothalamus. It is suggested that such changes underlie the realization of plasticity properties of the dominant motivation.  相似文献   

The experiments have been carried out on 6 dogs with type II conditioned alimentary reaction. After achieving the criterion in all animals the dorsomedial thalamic nucleus was destroyed by means of electrocoagulation. After the operation hypophagia developed with a rise in the number of intertrial responses and disinhibition of the alimentary conditioned reaction not exceeding 6 days. The obtained results confirm in part the hypothesis of Brutkowski who regarded this nucleus as belonging to a system controlling feeding behavior.  相似文献   

In chronic experiments on cats it was shown that the lesion of the medial part of the septum does not result in the "septal syndrome"; the ratio of the different sleep-wakefulness cycle phases remains within the baseline values; the acquisition, retrieval and extinction of instrumental alimentary conditioned reflexes proceed normally; the delayed conditioned reflexes are impaired. Massive septal lesion, including its lateral part, leads to the development of the "septal syndrome"; there are changes in the structure and percentage of the different sleep-wakefulness cycle phases; the acquisition and extinction of instrumental alimentary reflexes with the sound discrimination are markedly retarded; the performance of delayed conditioned reflexes is completely destroyed. The section of the entorhinal cortex produces an increase in the number of repeated errors and perseverative movements during performance of instrumental alimentary reflexes, the deceleration of the acquisition and extinction of instrumental alimentary reflexes, complete disturbance of the delayed conditioned reflexes and does not affect the sleep-wakefulness cycle. The problems of the role of the hippocampus and its main inputs in the regulation of the short-term operative memory in the "pure form" as well as the significance of the descending influence of the hippocampus on the regulation of general animal behavior were also discussed.  相似文献   

On the model of discriminating alimentary conditioned reflex with spatial separation of the sources of conditioned (CR, light flashes) and unconditioned (feeding trough) stimuli the theta-rhythm of the dorsal hippocampus was evaluated in cats. Two types of the theta-rhythm were observed in the spectrum of the hippocampal electrical activity: low-amplitude, consisting of a slow growing theta-waves (type I) and high-amplitude consisting of rapidly increasing theta-waves (type II). The type I theta-rhythm is sensitive to noradrenaline and correlates with behavioural forms directed immediately to the realization of alimentary motivation, while the type II is sensitive to serotonin and correlates with behavioural forms directed to the source of the conditioned stimulus. Enhancement of the type II theta-rhythm takes place during a delay of the expected conditioned stimulus. It is suggested that type I theta-rhythm reflects a level of activity of the brain structures connected with unconditioned mechanisms, with realization of biological motivations, while type II theta-rhythm is connected with conditioned reinforcing stimuli; it correlates with various forms of conditioned orienting reflexes and reflects the work of the "nervous model of reinforcing stimulus".  相似文献   

Acute and chronic experiments on cats have shown the possibility of obtaining in one session conditioned EEG-responses and vegetative changes as well as conditioned motor reactions time-locked to the moment of the unconditioned pain stimulation omitted during testing. Electro-convulsive stimulation directly after elaboration prevents the appearance of conditioned motor reactions, while conditioned EEG and vegetative changes are retained after electric seizures. A conclusion has been drawn that the emotional component of conditioned reactions is not subjected to the amnestic effect of electro-convulsive action.  相似文献   

Stable changes in EEG and spike activity of neuronal populations in different brain formations were studied on models of instrumental conditioned reflexes: motor and motor alimentary. A depencence has been established of the EEG amplitude-frequency parameters in the motor and striate cortical zones and the hippocampus on definite changes of unit spike activity in these areas. Simultaneous recording of the EEG and the spike activity of neuronal populations helps to elucidate the neurophysiological nature of individual rhythms of bio-electrical activity. Learned animals exhibit a stable reproduction of the spatial-temporal EEG patterns and motor alimentary reactions when automatic presentation of reinforcement is changed over to an arbitrary one.  相似文献   

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