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Summary   Ceiba rubriflora Carv.-Sobr. & L. P. Queiroz, a new species of Malvaceae subfamily Bombacoideae from the State of Bahia, Brazil, is described and illustrated. It is considered to be endemic to calcareous outcrops in the valley of the Rio S?o Francisco, in the western region of the state. Notes on distribution, ecology and phenology are given. Relationships with related species are discussed and an addition to the key to species of Ceiba Mill. published by Gibbs & Semir (2003) are provided.  相似文献   

该研究采用CTAB法提取云杉矮槲寄生(Arceuthobium sichuanense)的基因组DNA,利用ITS1片段的序列信息对中国9个不同地理群体的62份云杉矮槲寄生样本的遗传多样性及群体遗传结构进行分析。结果表明:(1)62条ITS1序列共定义16个单倍型(H1~H16),表现出较低的遗传多样性水平(h=0.678 5,π=0.005 9),而群体间的遗传多样性水平则表现出较大差异(h=0~1.000 0,π=0~0.009 4);AMOVA分析显示云杉矮槲寄生群体内的遗传变异占到51.37%,群体间为48.63%。(2)Network单倍型网络分析表明,单倍型H1和H12较为古老,且所有群体对2种单倍型无共享现象;单倍型H1是广布单倍型,存在于青海和甘肃的6个群体中,单倍型H12仅在四川的2个群体中有分布。(3)基于最大似然法(ML)构建的群体聚类和中介邻接法构建的单倍型网络图均显示,四川的3个群体为独立类群,区别于青海、甘肃群体,且甘肃和青海的群体之间没有明显分化。该研究首次报道了云杉矮槲寄生遗传多样性和遗传结构,为进一步研究其进化及后续的病害防控提供了一定的参考。  相似文献   

以内蒙古北沙柳(Salix psammophila)国家种质资源库内9个群体(P1~P9)288个无性系为实验材料,利用TP-M13-SSR技术,选取22对具有多态性EST-SSR北沙柳引物,采用毛细管电泳对PCR产物进行检测,分析北沙柳遗传多样性、分化程度和群体遗传结构,为北沙柳种质资源库遗传管理、无性系鉴定、品种选育、遗传改良和构建指纹图谱提供理论依据。结果显示:(1)22对EST-SSR引物共检测到222个等位基因,各位点平均等位基因数(A)为10,四倍体基因型丰富度(G)和特异基因型(G1)总和分别为1 460和802个,平均特异基因型比率(P1)和种质鉴别率(P2)分别为45.86%和13.21%。(2)9个群体平均等位基因数(A)为7.475,基因型丰富度(G)为15.586,观察杂合度(Ho)和期望杂合度(He)分别为0.577和0.638。以期望杂合度He为标准,北沙柳群体遗传多样性水平最低的是P1和P9。(3)北沙柳群体遗传分化系数仅为0.02,AMOVA分子变异分析显示,北沙柳群体大部分遗传变异来自群体内(97%),群体间变异仅为3%。(4)三维主成分、聚类和Structure群体遗传结构分析显示,9个群体被划分为2个组,Mantel检验表明北沙柳遗传距离与地理距离极显著相关(r=0.684 P0.001)。研究表明,北沙柳种质资源具有丰富的遗传多样性,这是其具有耐旱、耐寒、耐高温、耐沙埋和抗风蚀等适应性较强的分子基础;北沙柳的遗传变异集中在群体内;分布区群体呈现由中心向边缘群体扩张分化的趋势。  相似文献   

Scrub mangrove wetlands colonize the intertidal zone of fossil lagoons located in carbonate continental margins along the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico. These unique ecological types were investigated in October, 1994, by locating transects in several mangrove forests along the Caribbean coast of the peninsula. Four species of mangrove occurred at these sites including Rhizophora mangle, Avicennia germinans, Laguncularia racemosa, Conocarpus erecta. This is one of the first examples of a species rich scrub forest. The mangroves fell into three height categories: short scrub less than 1.5 m, tall scrub to 3.0 m, and basin forests between 4.5 and 6 m. Average height, diameter (dbh), basal area, and complexity index generally increased from short scrub to basin forests. Basal area, ranged from 0.16 m2 ha–1 in a short scrub forest intermixed with Cladium jamaicense to 12.9 m2 ha–1 in a basin forest. Density ranged from 1520 trees ha–1 to over 25,000 trees ha–1 in a short scrub forest dominated by R. mangle. The complexity index ranged from 0.01 to 8.3. Height, dbh, basal area, and complexity index were positively related. A number of trees were growing as sprouts from larger downed trunks, suggesting that hurricanes, such as Gilbert that occurred in 1988, are important in controlling the structure of these forests. These forests appear isolated from the sea, but are influenced by groundwater exchange occurring at the land-margin zone.  相似文献   

普定杜鹃花(Rhododendronpudingense)是杜鹃花属一新种,在贵州省首次发现的4个分布区设置样方,采用匀滑技术和均值比率等方法分析其种群结构和空间分布格局。结果表明,普定杜鹃花在4个分布区共有1 113株,其中晴隆611株,望谟308株,普定83株,镇宁111株;普定杜鹃花种群个体主要集中在第Ⅰ和第Ⅱ龄级;晴隆、望谟和普定分布点的存活曲线表现为Deevey-Ⅱ型,镇宁为Deevey-Ⅲ型;各个分布点都表现为聚集分布。4个分布区的普定杜鹃花种群属于增长型,但由于普定杜鹃花在分布的群落中数量较少,在群落物种组成中处于从属地位,加上其生长区域大量基岩裸露导致其生境的脆弱性,如果不加强人为干扰措施去保护普定杜鹃花,可能导致这一新物种会被森林群落中的其他物种淘汰。  相似文献   

为了解珍稀濒危植物黄杉种群的生存现状和更新机制,对贵州省威宁县黄杉自然保护区内天然分布的黄杉(Pseudotsuga sinensis)群落的结构特征和空间分布格局进行了研究。结果表明,黄杉种群的中龄级个体数较多,幼龄级和老龄级个体相对较少,呈典型的“∩”型结构。种群结构动态指数V_(pi)(13.49%)和V′_(pi)(0.05%)均大于0,种群属于增长型,但增长幅度逐渐降低,对外界干扰敏感度较高。种群存活曲线趋于Deevey-II型,生命期望值单调下降,死亡率呈“V”型,有2个死亡高峰,第1个出现在I龄级,第2个出现在IX龄级。黄杉种群除部分样地(Q2和Q7)呈均匀分布外,大部分样地呈集群分布;随龄级的增加,空间分布格局由集群分布逐渐趋向于均匀分布。因此,黄杉种群濒危的主要因素是幼树个体无法及时补充种群,建议加强对幼苗的抚育和通过适度干扰,促进黄杉种群的更新。  相似文献   

A new genus of Violaceae is described from Brazil.Hybanthopsis Paula-Souza, with a single species (H. bahiensis Paula-Souza), is endemic to caatingas of Bahia, Brazil, and is morphologically most similar toHybanthus, from which it differs by the fruit morphology and especially its peculiar seeds.
Um novo gênero brasileiro de Violaceae é descrito.Hybanthopsis Paula-Souza, com uma única espécie (H. bahiensis Paula-Souza), é endêmico de caatingas do Estado da Bahia, e é morfologicamente mais similar aHybanthus, do qual difere pela morfologia do fruto e especialmente por suas sementes peculiares.

栗背短脚鹎(Hemixos castanonotus)是我国南方山区常见的杂食性鸟类。为探明其遗传多样性及分化现状,采用线粒体Cyt b基因和7个核基因非编码区片段作为分子标记,对分布于广东、广西、海南、贵州和江西五省(自治区)的栗背短脚鹎11个地理种群进行了遗传分化及遗传多样性研究。基于所获得的Cyt b基因866 bp和7个核基因内含子序列6 808 bp进行分析。结果显示,在Cyt b基因中,共检测到37个单倍型,共享单倍型占单倍型总数的35.6%,推测这些共享单倍型可能属于祖先单倍型。分子方差分析结果显示,遗传变异主要来源于种群内部(79.77%)。Tajima’s D和Fu’s Fs中性检验分析结果均支持栗背短脚鹎种群可能曾经历过种群扩张现象。基于7个核基因内含子联合序列的贝叶斯天际线(BSP)分析,推断其种群在大约5.3 ~ 3.7百万年前(Mya)和约0.7 ~ 0.3百万年前(Mya)发生过扩张。基于Cyt b基因的贝叶斯系统发育分析,11个地理种群共分为两支,一支为海南猴猕岭地理种群,属指名亚种(H. c. castanonotus),其他10个地理种群聚为另一支,属H. c. canipennis亚种,并且后者尚未形成显著的地理结构,单倍型网络图分析也获得相似的结果。本研究所用分子数据基本支持两个亚种的分化,对于存在争议的广西南部分布的指名亚种,其分子数据与形态学亚种归属不一致,有待更深入研究。  相似文献   

Despite the great anthropogenic interference on urban streams, information is still scarce about the genetic variability and structure of native fish populations inhabiting such streams. In the present study, random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers were used to analyze genetic variability and structure of populations assigned to the Neotropical fish species Astyanax scabripinnis from an urban stream located in Londrina, Paraná State, southern Brazil. Thirty individuals of this species were collected from three sites throughout the upper Cambé stream. A total of 10 primers amplified 159 loci, of which 128 (80.5%) were polymorphic. Each of the three populations showed very similar proportions of polymorphic loci, which ranged from 63.5 to 64.8%. Unbiased genetic distances varied from 0.0612 to 0.0646. Thetap-test values indicated moderate to high genetic differentiation among individuals from different localities. The number of migrants varied from 1.34 to 1.46, suggesting a low gene flow between populations. The genetic similarity among all individuals studied ranged from 0.424 to 0.848. The results suggest that populations of A. scabripinnis in Cambé stream are undergoing genetic differentiation.  相似文献   

Enzyme electrophoresis was used to estimate genetic diversity and population structure of Juniperus rigida (Cupressaceae) and Juniperus coreana in Korea. In J. rigida, 16 of the 22 loci (72.7%) showed detectable polymorphism. Genetic diversity (0.224) was higher than average values for species with similar life history traits. The endemic species (J. coreana) was found to have fewer alleles per locus (1.39 vs. 1.61), fewer alleles per polymorphic locus (2.42 vs. 2.63), lower percent polymorphic locus (54.6 vs. 72.7%), and lower diversity (0.199 vs. 0.224) than J. rigida. These genetic diversity parameters indicated that J. coreana was genetically depauperate relative to its presumptive progenitor, J. rigida. Analysis of fixation indices showed a substantial deficiency of heterozygotes relative to Hardy–Weinberg expectations suggesting inbreeding in J. coreana. The G ST values of J. rigida and J. coreana were 0.173 and 0.118 respectively. The indirect estimate of gene flow based on mean G ST was moderate (Nm = 1.19 for J. rigida and 1.86 for J. coreana). This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

采用样方法对塔里木河干流上、中、下游胡杨(Populus euphratica)种群按径级、高度级、长势级进行实地调查与统计,绘制径级结构图、高度结构图和长势结构图,并应用理论分布模型和聚集强度指数进行种群分布格局分析。结果表明:(1)塔里木河干流胡杨径级结构呈"纺锤型",幼苗和幼树缺乏(Ⅰ~Ⅱ级占28.83%),以Ⅲ~Ⅴ级占绝对优势(占66.62%),老龄植株所占比例最低(Ⅵ级占4.55%),从龄级结构看种群处于衰退的早期阶段,存活曲线符合DeeveyⅠ(凸)型,为稳定种群。(2)塔里木河上游胡杨种群高度级比例差异小(变幅为21.60%~31.07%),处于发展阶段;中游种群结构呈正态分布,为稳定增长型;下游种群高度级比例差异大(变幅为12.50%~51.14%),处于衰退阶段。(3)塔里木河干流胡杨种群分布格局呈聚集分布,不同离河距离的胡杨种群聚集强度有差异,不同龄级的胡杨种群聚集强度也不同,幼树的聚集程度高,Ⅵ级聚集强度较其他龄级差。  相似文献   

We report on flowering phenology, floral morphology, pollinators, and nectar for eight species and a putative natural hybrid belonging to Agarista, Gaultheria and Gaylussacia that occur syntopically in a montane area. The campanulate to tubular flowers of eight out of nine Ericaceae taxa are primarily pollinated by either hummingbirds or bees. Flowering overlaps in all species but slight differences of floral shape, colour, and nectar characterize pollination by each pollinator group. Differences in floral traits are not large enough to exclude secondary pollinators. Thus, either the main pollinators of a species belonging to its syndrome, or secondary pollinators of a species belonging to different syndromes, may allow for inter-specific crosses.  相似文献   

Hemmi A  Jormalainen V 《Oecologia》2004,140(2):302-311
Environmental variation in food resources modifies performance of herbivores, in addition to genetic variation and maternal effects. In marine benthic habitats, eutrophication may modify herbivores diets by changing host species composition or nutritional quality of algae for herbivores. We studied experimentally the effects of diet breadth and nutrient availability for the host algae on fitness components of the herbivorous isopod Idotea baltica. We fed the adult isopods with the brown algae Fucus vesiculosus and Pilayella littoralis and juveniles with the green alga Cladophora glomerata. By using half-sib families, we were able to separate the genetic, environmental and maternal effects on intermolt duration and size of the juveniles. The mothers confined to the diet consisting of both Fucus and Pilayella grew better and produced larger egg mass than those having consumed Fucus alone. Nutrient enhancement of algae did not influence the performance of the adult herbivores. However, the juveniles achieved twice the weight as well as shorter intermolt duration when consuming nutrient-treated C. glomerata. Mothers nutrition, either nutrient enrichment of her food algae or diet breadth, did not affect juvenile survival or growth as such, but we found evidence that the broader diet consumed by the mother mediated offspring performance by further accelerating growth rate of the offspring that fed on nutrient-treated alga. Intermolt duration was a highly heritable trait, but size showed very low heritability. Instead, maternal effects on size were substantial, suggesting that differences among mothers in their egg-provisioning ability strongly affect weight gain of their offspring. A high amount of additive genetic variance in intermolt duration implies potential for quick evolutionary responses in the growth schedule in the face of changes in the selective environment. We conclude that eutrophication, in addition to improving growth and reproduction of I. baltica by enhancing food quality and by providing opportunity for broader, more profitable diets, may act as a selective agent on life-history traits. Eutrophication of coastal waters is thus likely to reflect in herbivore density, population dynamics and eventually, grazing pressure of littoral macroalgae.  相似文献   

The primary source of plant parasitic nematodes in irrigation waterways in the Columbia Basin Project of eastern Washington is irrigation runoff returned into the irrigation system. This has contributed to the rapid spread of plant parasitic nematodes observed during eight years of study.  相似文献   

Pastorino MJ  Gallo LA 《Genetica》2006,126(3):315-321
The mating system of a species is an essential factor that determines the genotypic frequencies of its populations in each generation. Thus, knowledge in this regard is important in the application of practical measures in conservation and forest tree breeding. Austrocedrus chilensis (D.DON) PIC. SER. ET BIZZARRI is a member of the Cupressaceae native to the Andean–Patagonian Forest of Argentina and Chile with regional economic importance. It is a dioecious tree with pollen and seeds distributed by wind. Isozyme markers were utilized to study the mating system of this species through the survey of individual effective pollen clouds in a natural low-density population. If random mating occurs, effective pollen clouds that pollinate single seed trees are expected to be genetically homogeneous. The classical HardyWeinberg test of panmixia was also performed. Although it failed to reject random mating, the analysis of the pollen clouds showed that this mating pattern does not occur. Evidence of locally distributed heterogeneous pollen clouds is presented. The two methods are critically compared.  相似文献   

Bracon hebetorSay(Hymenoptera: Braconidae) is known primarily as a parasitoid of pyralid moth larvae infesting stored grain. In the 1970s, a parasitoid identified asB. hebetorwas released for control ofHeliothis/Helicoverpaspp. (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) on the island of Barbados. Because life-history traits of this parasitoid differed from those reported forB. hebetorfrom the United States, we conducted a series of laboratory experiments to determine whether this parasitoid was (i) a population ofB. hebetorthat attacks noctuids in the field or (ii) a different species fromB. hebetor.We confirmed thatHeliothis virescens(F.) was a more suitable host for the Barbados strain than forB. hebetor.However, a stored-grain infesting pyralid,Plodia interpunctella(Hübner), was a more suitable host for the Barbados strain than wasH. virescens.Reciprocal crosses between the Barbados strain andB. hebetorshowed that the two populations were reproductively isolated. No mating was observed during a series of 30-min observations of reciprocal crosses, and the crosses produced only male offspring. Examination of each female's spermatheca confirmed that females were not fertilized. Sequence analysis of a 517-bp fragment of the mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene revealed that two populations ofB. hebetorfrom our laboratory were identical but differed in sequence by 2% from the Barbados strain. Collectively, our results indicate that the Barbados strain is a distinct species fromB. hebetor.  相似文献   

Pedro Fiaschi 《Brittonia》2004,56(4):357-360
Schefflera aurata, a new species of Araliaceae endemic to the restinga forests of southern Bahia, Brazil, is described and illustrated. It is probably related toS. morototoni, but can be distinguished by leaflets with strongly coriaceous blades, cuspidate apices, goldensericeous indument of the abaxial surfaces, partial inflorescences with 8–12 subsessile flowers, elongated ovaries, and distinctly larger fruits.  相似文献   

为评估贵州特有植物长柱红山茶(Camellia mairei var.lapiden)的资源现状,采用样方法对其种群年龄结构和空间分布格局进行了研究。结果表明,长柱红山茶种群年龄结构为衰退型,种群密度以中龄树>老年树>幼龄树;不同发育阶段种群的空间分布格局不同,幼龄树和中龄树均呈显著集群分布,老年树接近集群分布或随机分布;种群的3个发育阶段之空间关系不密切,均表现为负相关或不相关。长柱红山茶由于其繁殖生物学特性和受其群落之种内、种间竞争及生境异质性的影响而趋于濒危和灭绝。因此,建立长柱红山茶就地保护区和开展引种栽培,扩大其栽培种植范围以增加种群数量是保护长柱红山茶种质资源的有效措施。  相似文献   

The fish community and habitat structure in the littoral zone of lakes Pedra and Hortência, middle Rio Doce Valley, Brazil, were investigated in three sampling periods from August 1992 to May 1993. A total of 9106 fishes were collected, including 11 species in Lake Hortência and 12 species in Lake Pedra. Diversity was higher in Lake Hortência, although total fish abundance was the same for both lakes, with no significant temporal differences. The length distribution of the majority of fish species was similar between lakes. Geophagus brasiliensis was the dominant species (number/biomass) in all habitats of the two lakes in all three sampling periods. A striking difference in total fish abundance in relation to habitat types, which we attribute to physical variables, especially the abundance of macrophytes was observed. Negative impacts attributable to the local Eucalyptus sp. plantations were not detected in the fish community structure of Lake Hortência, which is probably due to the maintenance of the riparian vegetation contributing to similar physical environmental conditions in the littoral zone and high similarity in fish community structure between the two lakes. However, further studies on fish community structure and potential Eucalyptus impacts are suggested as necessary to improve conservation measures of the lakes and their fish faunas.  相似文献   

The Cactaceae, a family of about 1,800 species of succulent perennials, contains numerous species that exhibit self-incompatibility (SI). The objective of the current study was to determine the number of incompatibility groups present among diploid (2n=2x=22) cultivars of the genera Schlumbergera Lem. (Christmas cacti) and Hatiora Britton & Rose (Easter cacti). Two partial diallel crosses were performed, one with 19 cultivars of Christmas cacti [= S. truncata (Haworth) Moran and S. × buckleyi (Buckley) Tjaden] and the other with 10 cultivars of Easter cacti [= H. gaertneri (Regel) Barthlott, H. rosea (Lagerheim) Barthlott, and H. × graeseri Barthlott ex D. Hunt]. The compatibility/incompatibility status of crosses was determined by percent fruit set and presence of seed in mature fruit. None of the cultivars set fruit when selfed or crossed with a cultivar in the same incompatibility group, but fruit set ranged from 35% to 100% following compatible crosses. For the Christmas cacti, eight intra-incompatible but reciprocally compatible groups were identified, with 13 of the 19 cultivars assigned to three incompatibility groups (68%). The ten cultivars of Easter cacti yielded nine intra-incompatible but reciprocally compatible groups, with two cultivars in one incompatibility group and the other eight cultivars each assigned to a unique group. One cultivar of Christmas cactus ('Abendroth 6') was incompatible when crossed as a male with cultivars in incompatibility group 2 but was compatible in reciprocal crosses, results that suggest that this cultivar is an S-allele homozygote. The crossing relationships are consistent with a one-locus, gametophytic SI system with multiple alleles. Allozyme locus Lap-1, shown previously to be linked with the S locus (recombination frequency 7%) in Schlumbergera, exhibited insufficient allelic diversity for determining the S genotypes of the 19 cultivars of Christmas cacti. Based on the number of incompatibility groups in each diallel, at least five S-alleles occur in the 19 Christmas cacti and the 10 Easter cacti.Publication 3337 of the Massachusetts Agricultural Experiment Station. This material is based on work supported in part by the Cooperative State Research, Extension, Education Service, United States Department of Agriculture, Massachusetts Agricultural Experiment Station, under Project No. 746  相似文献   

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