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Populations are often composed of more than just randomly mating subpopulations - many organisms from social groups with distinct patterns of mating and dispersal. Such patterns have recieved much attention in behavioral ecology, yet theories of population genetics rarely take social structures into account. Consequently, population geneticists often report high levels of apparent in breeding and concomitantly low efective sizes, even for species that avoid mating between close kin. Recently, a view of gene dynamics has been introduced that takes dispersal and social structure into account. Accounting for social structure in population genetics leads to a different perspective on how genetic variation is partitoned and the rate at which genic diversity is lost in natural populations - a view that is more consistent with observed behaviors for the minimization of inbreeding.  相似文献   

Individuals differ in their inherited tendency to develop cancer. Major single-gene defects that cause early cancer onset have been known for many years from their inheritance patterns, and inherited defects that have weaker effects on predisposition were also suspected to exist. Recent progress in cancer genetics has identified specific loci that are involved in cancer progression, many of which have key roles in DNA repair, cell-cycle control and cell-death pathways. Those loci, which are often mutated somatically during cancer progression, sometimes also contain inherited mutations. Recent genetic studies and quantitative population-genetic analyses provide a framework for understanding the frequency of inherited mutations and the consequences of these mutations for increased predisposition to cancer.  相似文献   

Conservation genetics is a well‐established scientific field. However, limited information transfer between science and practice continues to hamper successful implementation of scientific knowledge in conservation practice and management. To mitigate this challenge, we have established a conservation genetics community, which entails an international exchange‐and‐skills platform related to genetic methods and approaches in conservation management. First, it allows for scientific exchange between researchers during annual conferences. Second, personal contact between conservation professionals and scientists is fostered by organising workshops and by popularising knowledge on conservation genetics methods and approaches in professional journals in national languages. Third, basic information on conservation genetics has been made accessible by publishing an easy‐to‐read handbook on conservation genetics for practitioners. Fourth, joint projects enabled practitioners and scientists to work closely together from the start of a project in order to establish a tight link between applied questions and scientific background. Fifth, standardised workflows simplifying the implementation of genetic tools in conservation management have been developed. By establishing common language and trust between scientists and practitioners, all these measures help conservation genetics to play a more prominent role in future conservation planning and management.  相似文献   

It is strongly implicated that cod in the NorthAtlantic Ocean is sub-structured at a smallgeographic scale exemplified by studies fromCanadian, Icelandic, and Norwegian waters. Inthe first part of this review, we reviewedpopulation genetics studies in these threeareas and our conclusion is that, despite someinconsistencies in the numerous genetic studiesof cod in Norwegian and Icelandic waters, andthe northwest Atlantic, these studiesillustrate that cod in the investigated areasconsists of several distinct populations, bothwithin and between areas. However, tounderstand the contradictory results obtainedin some of the studies discussed in thisreview, more knowledge about the influence ofnatural selection, mutation, and genetic drifton the genetic material of cod is necessary.Such knowledge could guide us to the markersgiving the best illustration of the geneticstructure in these areas. Identifying andgenetically characterizing wild stocks areessential steps for their conservation, sinceoverexploitation of genetically differentpopulations can lead to the loss of geneticvariability and productivity in subsequentgenerations.Motivated by the hypothesis that growthpatterns may reflect specific genotypeadaptations, we reviewed stock specificresponses on growth in the second part of thisreview and try to link these with the differentlife histories within the different stock unitsindicated in the first part of the review. Anexample of genetically-based differencesbetween population units at two spawninglocalities off south Iceland is discussed.Studies have shown conflicting results,depending on which side of the Atlantic theproblem has been investigated. We propose thata common-garden meta-analysis with several codstocks from both sides of the Atlantic isneeded to give any reasonable answer to thequestion of genetically-based growthdifferences.In this review, we have not tried to quantifyhow large the environmental part of growthregulation is versus the genetic part, as thisinformation is not available in the publishedliterature on cod. Based on recent research ontwo flatfish species (turbot and Atlantichalibut), approximately 30% of growthvariation is caused by genetic factors, but itremains to be seen if this is similar in cod.  相似文献   

Anderson JA  Song YS  Langley CH 《Genetics》2008,178(1):477-487
DNA sequence surveys in yeast and humans suggest that the forces shaping telomeric polymorphism and divergence are distinctly more dynamic than those in the euchromatic, gene-rich regions of the chromosomes. However, the generality of this pattern across outbreeding, multicellular eukaryotes has not been determined. To characterize the structure and evolution of Drosophila telomeres, we collected and analyzed molecular population genetics data from the X chromosome subtelomere in 58 lines of North American Drosophila melanogaster and 29 lines of African D. melanogaster. We found that Drosophila subtelomeres exhibit high levels of both structural and substitutional polymorphism relative to linked euchromatic regions. We also observed strikingly different patterns of variation in the North American and African samples. Moreover, our analyses of the polymorphism data identify a localized hotspot of recombination in the most-distal portion of the X subtelomere. While the levels of polymorphism decline sharply and in parallel with rates of crossing over per physical length over the distal first euchromatic megabase pairs of the X chromosome, our data suggest that they rise again sharply in the subtelomeric region (approximately 80 kbp). These patterns of historical recombination and geographic differentiation indicate that, similar to yeast and humans, Drosophila subtelomeric DNA is evolving very differently from euchromatic DNA.  相似文献   

GnRH deficiency: new insights from genetics   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The acquisition of a sexually dimorphic phenotype is a critical event in mammalian development. Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (HH) results from impaired secretion of GnRH. The patients display with delayed puberty, micropenis and cryptorchidism in the male reflecting gonadotropin insufficiency, and amenorrhea in the female. Kallmann's syndrome (KS) is defined by the association of HH and anosmia or hyposmia (absent smelling sense). Segregation analysis in familial cases has demonstrated diverse inheritance patterns, suggesting the existence of several genes regulating GnRH secretion. The X-linked form of the disease was associated with a genetic defect in the KALI gene located on the Xp22.3 region. KAL1 gene encodes an extracellular matrix glycoprotein anosmin-1, which facilitates neuronal growth and migration. Abnormalities in the migratory processes of the GnRH neurons with the olfactory neurons explain the association of HH with anosmia. Recently, mutations in the FGF recepteur 1 (FGFR1) gene were found in KS with autosomal dominant mode of inheritance. The role of FGFR1 in the function of reproduction requires further investigation. Besides HH with anosmia, there are isolated HH (IHH). No human GnRH mutations have been reported although hypogonadal mice due to a GnRH gene deletion exist. In patients with idiopathic HH and without anosmia an increasing number of GnRH receptor (GnRHR) mutations have been described which represent about 50% of familial cases. The clinical features are highly variable and there is a good relationship between genotype and phenotype. A complete loss of function is associated with the most severe phenotype with resistance to pulsatile GnRH treatment, absence of puberty and cryptorchidism in the male. In contrast, milder loss of function mutations causes incomplete failure of pubertal development. The preponderant role of GnRH in the secretion of LH by the gonadotrophs explains the difference of the phenotype between male and female with partial GnRH resistance. Affected females can have spontaneous telarche and normal breast development while affected males exhibit no pubertal development but normal testis volume, a feature described as "fertile-eunuch". High-dose pulsatile GnRH has been used to induce ovulation. Another gene, called GPR54, responsible for idiopathic HH has been recently described by segregation analysis in two different consanguineous families. The GPR54 gene is an orphan receptor, and its putative ligand is the product of the KISS-1 gene, called metastine. Their roles in the function of reproduction are still unknown.  相似文献   

In Drosophila, the larval neuromuscular junction is particularly tractable for studying how synapses develop and function. In contrast to vertebrate central synapses, each presynaptic motor neuron and postsynaptic muscle cell is unique and identifiable, and the wiring circuit is invariant. Thus, the full power of Drosophila genetics can be brought to bear on a single, reproducibly identifiable, synaptic terminal. Each individual neuromuscular junction encompasses hundreds of synaptic neurotransmitter release sites housed in a chain of synaptic boutons. Recent advances have increased our understanding of the mechanisms that shape the development of both individual synapses--that is, the transmitter release sites including active zones and their apposed glutamate receptor clusters--and the whole synaptic terminal that connects a pre- and post-synaptic cell.  相似文献   

Landscape genetics, which combines population genetics, landscape ecology and spatial statistics, has emerged recently as a new discipline that can be used to assess how landscape features or environmental variables can influence gene flow and spatial genetic variation. We applied this approach to the invasive plant pathogenic fungus Mycosphaerella fijiensis, which causes black leaf streak disease of banana. Around 880 isolates were sampled within a 50 × 50 km area located in a fragmented banana production zone in Cameroon that includes several potential physical barriers to gene flow. Two clustering algorithms and a new F(ST) -based procedure were applied to define the number of genetic entities and their spatial domain without a priori assumptions. Two populations were clearly delineated, and the genetic discontinuity appeared sharp but asymmetric. Interestingly, no landscape features matched this genetic discontinuity, and no isolation by distance (IBD) was found within populations. Our results suggest that the genetic structure observed in this production area reflects the recent history of M. fijiensis expansion in Cameroon rather than resulting from contemporary gene flow. Finally, we discuss the influence of the suspected high effective population size for such an organism on (i) the absence of an IBD signal, (ii) the characterization of contemporary gene-flow events through assignation methods of analysis and (iii) the evolution of the genetic discontinuity detected in this study.  相似文献   

1 . Floral scent is a key factor in the attraction of pollinators. Despite this, the role of floral scent in angiosperm speciation and evolution remains poorly understood. Modern population genetic approaches when combined with pollination ecology can open new opportunities for studying the evolutionary role of floral scent.
2 . A framework of six hypotheses for the application of population genetic tools to questions about the evolutionary role of floral scent is presented. When floral volatile chemistry is linked to pollinator attraction we can analyse questions such as: Does floral volatile composition reflect plant species boundaries? Can floral scent facilitate or suppress hybridization between taxa? Can the attraction of different pollinators influence plant mating systems and pollen-mediated gene flow? How is population genetic structure indirectly influenced by floral scent variation?
3 . The application of molecular tools in sexually deceptive orchids has confirmed that volatile composition reflects species boundaries, revealed the role of shared floral odour in enabling hybridization, confirmed that the sexual attraction mediated by floral odour has implications for pollen flow and population genetic structure and provided examples of pollinator-mediated selection on floral scent variation. Interdisciplinary studies to explore links between floral volatile variation, ecology and population genetics are rare in other plant groups.
4 . Ideal study systems for future floral scent research that incorporate population genetics will include closely related taxa that are morphologically similar, sympatric and co-flowering as well as groups that display wide variation in pollination mechanisms and floral volatiles.  相似文献   

Reconstructing ancestral geographic origins is critical for understanding the long-term evolution of a species. Bayesian methods have been proposed to test biogeographic hypotheses while accommodating uncertainty in phylogenetic reconstruction. However, the problem that certain taxa may have a disproportionate influence on conclusions has not been addressed. Here, we infer the geographic origin of Drosophila simulans using 2,014 bp of the period locus from 63 lines collected from 18 countries. We also analyze two previously published datasets, alcohol dehydrogenase related and NADH:ubiquinone reductase 75 kDa subunit precursor. Phylogenetic inferences of all three loci support Madagascar as the geographic origin of D. simulans. Our phylogenetic conclusions are robust to taxon resampling and to the potentially confounding effects of recombination. To test our phylogenetically derived hypothesis we develop a randomization test of the population genetics prediction that sequences from the geographic origin should contain more genetic polymorphism than those from derived populations. We find that the Madagascar population has elevated genetic polymorphism relative to non-Madagascar sequences. These data are corroborated by mitochondrial DNA sequence data.  相似文献   

Three species of cactophilic Drosophila endemic to the Sonoran Desert of North America, D. nigrospiracula, D. pachea and D. mettleri, experience marked differences in spatial resource availability, and the first two of these display significant differences in dispersal behaviour. We employed starch gel and cellulose acetate electrophoresis for eight allozyme loci to test for a relationship between these variables and genetic differentiation among geographical populations of each species. No evidence was found for population structure in any of the three species, populations of which were separated by geographical distances of up to 475 km. Allele frequencies for two loci, Mdh-1 and Est-2, in D. nigrospiracula and D. pachea were very similar to those obtained approximately 30 years ago by other workers, indicating that the polymorphisms are remarkably stable under the stressful and variable conditions of the desert environment. High longevity, dispersal and multiple female remating are likely to contribute to the apparent high level of gene flow in all three species.  相似文献   

Protea-associated fungi are dispersed between flower heads by mites, beetles and possibly birds. For the ophiostomatoid fungus, Knoxdaviesia proteae, these vectors offer regular dispersal between distant floral hosts. Unlike K. proteae, Knoxdaviesia capensis occupies multiple Protea host species. In this study, we aimed to determine whether the generalist K. capensis shares the long-distance dispersal pattern with specialist K. proteae and whether it moves freely between different host species. We evaluated the genetic structure of K. capensis from five populations of a wide-spread host and between sympatric hosts. Twelve K. capensis-specific microsatellite markers were developed and applied to 90 individuals. K. capensis showed high genetic diversity and almost maximal genotypic diversity. All populations were poorly differentiated, indicating the presence of long-distance dispersal. No differentiation could be detected between sympatric host populations, suggesting free dispersal between different hosts. This implies that the beetle and bird vectors that pollinate Protea species show the same non-specific movement.  相似文献   

Cell death is ubiquitous in metazoans and involves the action of an evolutionarily conserved process known as programmed cell death or apoptosis. In Drosophila melanogaster, it is now uniquely possible to screen for genes that determine the fate - life or death - of any cell or population of cells during development and in the adult. This review describes these genetic approaches and the key insights into cell-death mechanisms that have been obtained, as well as the outstanding questions that these techniques can help to answer.  相似文献   

Conventional theories of population and community dynamics are based on a single currency such as number of individuals, biomass, carbon or energy. However, organisms are constructed of multiple elements and often require them (in particular carbon, phosphorus and nitrogen) in different ratios than provided by their resources; this mismatch may constrain the net transfer of energy and elements through trophic levels. Ecological stoichiometry, the study of the balance of elements in ecological processes, offers a framework for exploring ecological effects of such constraints. We review recent theoretical and empirical studies that have considered how stoichiometry may affect population and community dynamics. These studies show that stoichiometric constraints can affect several properties of populations (e.g. stability, oscillations, consumer extinction) and communities (e.g. coexistence of competitors, competitive interactions between different guilds). We highlight gaps in general knowledge and focus on areas of population and community ecology where incorporation of stoichiometric constraints may be particularly fruitful, such as studies of demographic bottlenecks, spatial processes, and multi-species interactions. Finally, we suggest promising directions for new research by recommending potential study systems (terrestrial insects, detritivory-based webs, soil communities) to improve our understanding of populations and communities. Our conclusion is that a better integration of stoichiometric principles and other theoretical approaches in ecology may allow for a richer understanding of both population and community structure and dynamics.  相似文献   

Microbial biofilms: from ecology to molecular genetics.   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
Biofilms are complex communities of microorganisms attached to surfaces or associated with interfaces. Despite the focus of modern microbiology research on pure culture, planktonic (free-swimming) bacteria, it is now widely recognized that most bacteria found in natural, clinical, and industrial settings persist in association with surfaces. Furthermore, these microbial communities are often composed of multiple species that interact with each other and their environment. The determination of biofilm architecture, particularly the spatial arrangement of microcolonies (clusters of cells) relative to one another, has profound implications for the function of these complex communities. Numerous new experimental approaches and methodologies have been developed in order to explore metabolic interactions, phylogenetic groupings, and competition among members of the biofilm. To complement this broad view of biofilm ecology, individual organisms have been studied using molecular genetics in order to identify the genes required for biofilm development and to dissect the regulatory pathways that control the plankton-to-biofilm transition. These molecular genetic studies have led to the emergence of the concept of biofilm formation as a novel system for the study of bacterial development. The recent explosion in the field of biofilm research has led to exciting progress in the development of new technologies for studying these communities, advanced our understanding of the ecological significance of surface-attached bacteria, and provided new insights into the molecular genetic basis of biofilm development.  相似文献   

While many functional elements of the meiotic process are well characterized in model organisms, the genetic basis of most of the natural phenotypic variation observed in meiotic pathways has not been determined. To begin to address this issue, we characterized patterns of polymorphism and divergence in the protein-coding regions of 33 genes across 31 lines of Drosophila melanogaster and 6 lines of Drosophila simulans. We sequenced genes known to be involved in chromosome segregation, recombination, DNA repair, and related heterochromatin binding. As expected, we found several of the genes to be highly conserved, consistent with purifying selection. However, a subset of genes showed patterns of polymorphism and divergence typical of other types of natural selection. Moreover, several intriguing differences between the two Drosophila lineages were evident: along the D. simulans lineage we consistently found evidence of adaptive protein evolution, whereas along the D. melanogaster lineage several loci exhibited patterns consistent with the maintenance of protein variation.  相似文献   

Kovacevic M  Schaeffer SW 《Genetics》2000,156(1):155-172
This article presents a nucleotide sequence analysis of 500 bp determined in each of five X-linked genes, runt, sisterlessA, period, esterase 5, and Heat-shock protein 83, in 40 Drosophila pseudoobscura strains collected from two populations. Estimates of the neutral migration parameter for the five loci show that gene flow among D. pseudoobscura populations is sufficient to homogenize inversion frequencies across the range of the species. Nucleotide diversity at each locus fails to reject a neutral model of molecular evolution. The sample of 40 chromosomes included six Sex-ratio inversions, a series of three nonoverlapping inversions that are associated with a strong meiotic drive phenotype. The selection driven by the Sex-ratio meiotic drive element has not fixed variation across the X chromosome of D. pseudoobscura because, while significant linkage disequilibrium was observed within the sisterlessA, period, and esterase 5 genes, we did not find evidence for nonrandom association among loci. The Sex-ratio chromosome was estimated to be 25,000 years old based on the decomposition of linkage disequilibrium between esterase 5 and Heat-shock protein 83 or 1 million years old based on the net divergence of esterase 5 between Standard and Sex-ratio chromosomes. Genetic diversity was depressed within esterase 5 within Sex-ratio chromosomes, while the four other genes failed to show a reduction in heterozygosity in the Sex-ratio background. The reduced heterogeneity in esterase 5 is due either to its location near one of the Sex-ratio inversion breakpoints or that it is closely linked to a gene or genes responsible for the Sex-ratio meiotic drive system.  相似文献   

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