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We previously showed that patients with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) present an increased expression of angiotensin II (AngII) AT1 and AT2 receptors in the hippocampus, supporting the idea of an upregulation of renin-angiotensin system (RAS) in this disease. This study aimed to verify the relationship between the RAS and TLE during epileptogenesis. Levels of the peptides angiotensin I (AngI), angiotensin II (AngII) and angiotensin 1-7 (Ang 1-7), were detected by HPLC assay. Angiotensin AT1 and AT2 receptors, Mas mRNA receptors and angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE), tonin and neutral endopeptidase (NEP) mRNA were also quantified at the hippocampus of Wistar rats by real time PCR, during acute (n=10), silent (n=10) and chronic (n=10) phases of pilocarpine-induced epilepsy. We observed an increased peptide level of Ang1-7 into acute and silent phases, decreasing importantly (p≤0.05) in the chronic phase, suggesting that AngI may be converted into Ang 1-7 by NEP, which is present in high levels in these periods. Our results also showed increased peptide level of AngII in the chronic phase of this model. In contraposition, the ACE expression is reduced in all periods. These data suggest that angiotensinogen or AngI may be cleaved to AngII by tonin, which showed increased expression in all phases. We found changes in AT1, AT2 and Mas mRNA receptors levels suggesting that Ang1-7 could act at Mas receptor during the silent period. Herein, we demonstrated for the first time, changes in angiotensin-related peptides, their receptors as well as the releasing enzymes in the hippocampus of rats during pilocarpine-induced epilepsy.  相似文献   

The glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide receptor (GIPR) has been implicated with neuroplasticity and may be related to epilepsy. GIPR expression was analyzed by immunohistochemistry in the hippocampus (HIP) and neocortex (Cx) of rats undergoing pilocarpine induced status epilepticus (Pilo-SE), and in three young male patients with left mesial temporal lobe epilepsy related to hippocampal sclerosis (MTLE-HS) treated surgically. A combined GIPR immunohistochemistry and Fluoro-Jade staining was carried out to investigate the association between the GIPR expression and neuronal degeneration induced by Pilo-SE. GIPR was expressed in the cytoplasm of neurons from the HIP CA subfields, dentate gyrus (DG) and Cx of animals and human samples. The GIPR expression after the Pilo-SE induction increases significantly in the HIP after 1 h and 5 days, but not after 12 h or 50 days. In the Cx, the GIPR expression increases after 1 h, 12 h and 5 days, but not 50 days after the Pilo-SE. The expression of GIPR 12 h after Pilo-SE was inversely proportional to the Fluoro-Jade staining intensity. In the human tissue, GIPR expression patterns were similar to those observed in chronic Pilo-SE animals. No Fluoro-Jade stained cells were observed in the human sample. GIPR is expressed in human HIP and Cx. There was a time and region dependent increase of GIPR expression in the HIP and Cx after Pilo-SE that was inversely associated to neuronal degeneration.  相似文献   

目的观察海人酸(kainic acid,KA)所致癫痫(epilepsy,EP)小鼠海马Ste20蛋白激酵素(MST3)表达水平的变化,探讨MST3在癫痫发病过程中的可能作用。方法选用成年雄性小鼠,并随机分成模型组和对照组。模型组小鼠侧脑室注射2μL(100 ng/μL)KA,分别于术后3、8、24 h收集动物标本以进行检测。使用RT-PCR和Western Blot测定MST3 mRNA含量和MST3蛋白动态表达变化,应用免疫组化观察MST3在海马的表达分布与特点。结果与正常对照组相比,模型组海马组织内MST3mRNA的表达随时间持续升高,24 h达到高峰;MST3的蛋白表达也表现出同样的动态升高趋势;术后3~24 h的模型组海马免疫组化检测显示,模型组MST3主要以海马齿状回、门回区、CA3区域表达增加为主,并且这些区域表达逐渐递增。结论随着时间的推移,MST3表达水平呈现逐渐增加趋势,可能与神经元损伤造成的凋亡之间有密切的关系,提示MST3可能在癫痫发病过程中起重要作用。  相似文献   

Previous studies demonstrated that the pathophysiological changes after temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) such as oxidative stress, inflammatory reaction contribute to cognitive defect and neuronal damage. The present study was conducted to evaluate the anticonvulsant effect of wogonin ameliorates kainate-induced TLE, and to investigate the mechanism underlying these effects. Rats were divided into control, wogonin, kainate, and wogonin-pretreated kainate groups. The rat model of TLE was induced by unilateral intrahippocampal injection of 0.4 ug/ul of kainate. The results showed that the cognitive function in TLE rats was significantly impaired, and wogonin treatment improved cognitive function in the Morris water maze (MWM). H & E staining and TUNEL staining showed obvious damage in the hippocampus of TLE rats, and wogonin alleviated the damage. To evaluate the oxidative stress, the expression of MDA and GSH in plasma were detected. Nrf-2 and HO-1 mRNA expression in the hippocampus were detected. The levels of MDA in plasma increased in TLE rats, and the levels of GSH in plasma and Nrf-2, HO-1 in the brain decreased. Treatment with wogonin alleviated these changes. We also detected the mRNA expression of inflammatory mediators like IL-1β, TNF-α, and NF kB in the brain. The inflammatory reaction was significantly activated in the brain of TLE rats, and wogonin alleviated neuroinflammation. We detected the mRNA expression of Bcl-2, Bax, caspase-3, in the hippocampus. The levels of Bcl-2 decreased in TLE rats, Bax and caspase-3 increased, while wogonin alleviated these changes. The present study indicated that wogonin exerted a noticeable neuroprotective effect in kainate-induced TLE rats.  相似文献   

采用了近似熵(approximately entropy,ApEn)和它的改进算法,即样品熵(sample entropy,SampEn)分析了8位颞叶癫痫患者和10位健康人员的短程脑电信号。在计算过程中使用了两种滑动窗口和5个不同的过滤标准r。结果显示颞叶癫痫患者组脑电信号的熵值显著低于健康组,而且患者癫痫病灶所在的脑半球的复杂度远远小于非癫痫病灶的脑半球。小的滑动窗口能更多地反映与癫痫发作相关的细节。对于1秒的滑动窗口,过滤标准r不能小于时间序列标准差的0.15%;而对于4秒的滑动窗口,则过滤标准r不能小于时间序列标准差的10%。研究结果表明,在短程脑电信号的非线性分析中,样品熵是一种比近似熵更为可靠的非线性分析方法。颞叶癫痫患者脑电信号的熵值低于健康人员,这可能表明脑电活动的非线性程度的降低是由于神经信号在大脑内的传递受到了阻碍或者损坏,使得神经信号成了相对孤立的信息源。  相似文献   

Summary. Mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE), the most common form of epilepsy, is characterised by cytoarchitectural abnormalities including neuronal cell loss and reactive gliosis in hippocampus. Determination of aberrant cytoskeleton protein expression by proteomics techniques may help to understand pathomechanism that is still elusive. We searched for differential expression of hippocampal proteins by an analytical method based on two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE) coupled with mass spectrometry unambiguously identifying 77 proteins analysed in eight control and eight MTLE hippocampi. Proteins were quantified and we observed 18 proteins that were altered in MTLE. Cytoskeleton proteins tubulin α-1 chain, β-tubulin, profilin II, neuronal tropomodulin were significantly reduced and one actin spot was missing, whereas ezrin and vinculin were significantly increased in MTLE. Proteins of several classes as e.g. antioxidant proteins (peroxiredoxins 3 and 6), chaperons (T-complex protein 1-α, stress-induced-phosphoprotein 1), signaling protein MAP kinase kinase 1, synaptosomal proteins (synaptotagmin I, α-synuclein), NAD-dependent deacetylase sirtuin-2 and 26S protease regulatory subunit 7 protein, neuronal-specific septin 3 were altered in MTLE. Taken together, the findings may represent or lead to cytoskeletal impairment; aberrant antioxidant proteins, chaperons, MAP kinase kinase 1 and NAD-dependent deacetylase sirtuin-2 may have been involved in pathogenetic mechanisms and altered synaptosomal protein expression possibly reflects synaptic impairment in MTLE. J. W. Yang and T. Czech have equally contributed to the paper.  相似文献   

This article aimed to reveal the mechanism of long noncoding RNA (lncRNA) urothelial cancer-associated 1 (UCA1) regulated astrocyte activation in temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) rats via mediating the activation of the JAK/STAT signaling pathway. A model of TLE was established based on rats via kainic acid (KA) injection. All rats were divided into the Sham group (without any treatments), KA group, normal control (NC; injection with empty vector) + KA group, and UCA1 + KA group. The Morris water maze was used to test the learning and memory ability of rats, and the expression of UCA1 in the hippocampus was determined by quantitative real time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR). Surviving neurons were counted by Nissl staining, and expression levels of glial cells glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), p-JAK1, and p-STAT3 and glutamate/aspartate transporter (GLAST) were analyzed by immunofluorescence and Western blot analysis. A rat model of TLE was established by intraperitoneal injection of KA. qRT-PCR and fluorescence analyses showed that UCA1 inhibited astrocyte activation in the hippocampus of epileptic rats. Meanwhile, the Morris water maze analysis indicated that UCA1 improved the learning and memory in epilepsy rats. Moreover, the Nissl staining showed that UCA1 might have a protective effect on neuronal injury induced by KA injection. Furthermore, the immunofluorescence and Western blot analysis revealed that the overexpression of UCA1 inhibited KA-induced abnormal elevation of GLAST, astrocyte activation of the JAK/STAT signaling pathway, as well as hippocampus of epilepsy rats. UCA1 inhibited hippocampal astrocyte activation and JAK/STAT/GLAST expression in TLE rats and improved the adverse reactions caused by epilepsy.  相似文献   

Mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE) is characterized by spontaneous recurrent complex partial seizures. Increased neurogenesis and neuronal plasticity have been reported in animal models of MTLE, but not in detail in human MTLE cases. Here, we showed that receptor for activated C kinase 1 (RACK1) was expressed in the hippocampus and temporal cortex of the MTLE human brain. Interestingly, most of the cells expressing RACK1 in the epileptic temporal cortices co‐expressed both polysialylated neural cell adhesion molecules, the migrating neuroblast marker, and the beta‐tubulin isotype III, an early neuronal marker, suggesting that these cells may be post‐mitotic neurons in the early phase of neuronal development. A subpopulation of RACK1‐positive cells also co‐express neuronal nuclei, a mature neuronal marker, suggesting that epilepsy may promote the generation of new neurons. Moreover, in the epileptic temporal cortices, the co‐expression of both axonal and dendritic markers in the majority of RACK1‐positive cells hints at enhanced neuronal plasticity. The expression of β‐tubulin II (TUBB2B) associated with neuronal migration and positioning, was decreased. This study is the first to successfully identify a single population of cells expressing RACK1 in the human temporal cortex and the brain of the animal model, which can be up‐regulated in epilepsy. Therefore, it is possible that these cells are functionally relevant to the pathophysiology of epilepsy.


Pilocarpine (PILO) administered to rats acutely induces status epilepticus (acute period), which is followed by a transient seizure-free period (silent period), and finally by a chronic phase of spontaneous recurrent seizures (chronic period, SRS) that lasts for the rest of animal's life. Hippocampal neurochemical changes following PILO administration include alteration in monoamines and amino acids content during all phases of this epilepsy model. The present work was delineated to study the content of prostaglandins (PG) levels in hippocampus during the three phases of this model. The levels of PG E2, PG F2 alpha and PG D2 were measured by radioimmunoassay 1 h after PILO, 5 h after PILO, during the silent period, and interictally into the chronic period. The results show, in hippocampus of rats, increase of PG F2 alpha and PG D2 during status epilepticus, increase of PG D2 during the silent period and increase of PG E2 and PG D2 during the chronic phase, when compared with control group. These changes match previously reported alteration in monoamines and amino acid levels, showing that altered neurotransmission is accompanied by changes in second messengers and enzyme activity related to PG production during all phases of this epilepsy model.  相似文献   

Summary. A series of enzyme alterations has been shown to be associated with several forms of epilepsy, in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE), however, information is limited. It was therefore the aim of the study to determine brain enzyme protein expression using a proteomic screening approach. Hippocampi of controls and patients with drug-resistant MTLE were used for evaluation of protein expression. We applied two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE) with mass spectrometrical identification and immunoblotting. 2-DE revealed a remarkably decreased spot identified as cytosolic acyl-CoA thioester hydrolase (BACH; EC in patients with MTLE. Western blotting showed absence of bands at 37kDa in MTLEs using an antibody against mouse BACH and at 140kDa in MTLEs using anti-rat BACH. This study demonstrates that BACHs were deranged in hippocampus of MTLE patients. This finding may well contribute to the understanding of the still elusive pathomechanisms involved in MTLE.J. W. Yang and T. Czech have equally contributed to the paper.  相似文献   

目的 :探讨尾壳核 (caudate putamen ,CPu) 海马 (hippocampus,HPC) 中部颞叶新皮质 (Medialtemporallobeneocortex ,MTNC)通路在癫痫相关性病理神经网络重建中的作用。方法 :4 5只SD大鼠。用不锈钢双极同芯电极记录右侧HPC、右侧MTNC、左、右侧HPC、右侧HPC和右侧MTNC深部电图 ,重复强直电刺激 (6 0Hz ,2s,0 .4~0 .6mA)大鼠右侧CPu 10次 ,每次刺激间隔时间约 10min ,观察上述脑区深部电图的改变。结果 :强直电刺激右侧CPu可以诱发植入电极同侧或双侧HPC出现原发性后放和继发性电图癫痫样点燃效应 ,也可以表现为HPC深部电图脑电波出现压抑 反弹 癫痫样点燃发作 ;诱发同侧HPC与MTNC出现部分同步性阵发癫痫样电活动 ;腹腔注射东莨菪碱 (0 .0 5mg/kg)后 ,重复上述电刺激右侧CPu实验 ,可以诱发双侧HPC电图出现 3Hz慢波电振荡长时程增强现象 ,也可以诱发同侧HPC与MTNC出现完全同步的阵发性癫痫样电活动。结论 :过度激活CPu功能可以促进CPu HPC MTNC通路癫痫相关性病理生理性神经网络重新的建立 ,该效应累及对侧大脑半球 ,有利于颞叶癫痫的发生  相似文献   

Abstract: The effect of clinical, spontaneous-onset seizures on extracellular fluid lactate was investigated by the method of lactography, the in vivo on-line measurement of lactate levels using microdialysis. Studies of experimental animals have suggested that generation of extracellular lactate as measured by microdialysis is an index of local glucose utilization and is dependent on the activity of neurons under physiological conditions. Patients with medically refractory complex partial epilepsy underwent stereo-tactic implantation of combination depth electrode/micro-dialysis probes into both hippocampi for 7–16 days. During spontaneous complex partial seizures with secondary generalization, extracellular lactate levels rose by 91 β 32%. Moreover, this increase persisted for 60–90 min. During a unilateral hippocampal seizure that did not propagate to the contralateral hippocampus, the increase in lactate content was restricted to the side of seizure activity. Between seizures, extracellular lactate levels correlated with the frequency of interictal spikes. In summary, these data suggest that brief clinical seizures increase nonoxidative glucose metabolism significantly as measured by the generation of extracellular lactate. Furthermore, the increase in extracellular lactate level is limited to the site of seizure activity. Lactate is transported extracellularly via a lactate/proton cotransporter; therefore, the rise in extracellular lactate level may mediate the drop in pHo associated with seizure activity. As acidification of the extracellular compartment has an inhibitory effect on neuronal excitability, the rise in extracellular lactate content may be a mechanism of seizure arrest and postictal refractoriness. Moreover, extracellular lactate may also mediate the decreased seizure susceptibility associated with frequent interictal spikes.  相似文献   

Biochemical abnormalities have been implicated in possible mechanisms underlying the epileptic phenomena. Some of these alterations include changes in the activity of several enzymes present in epileptic tissues. Systemic administration of pilocarpine in rats induces electrographic and behavioral limbic seizures and status epilepticus, that is followed by a transient seizure-free period (silent period). Finally a chronic phase ensues, characterized by spontaneous and recurrent seizures (chronic period), that last for the rest of the animal's life. The present work aimed to study the activity of the enzyme Na+ K+ ATPase, in rat hippocampus, during the three phases of this epilepsy model. The enzyme activity was determined at different time points from pilocarpine administration (1 and 24 h of status epilepticus, during the silent and chronic period) using a spectrophotometric assay previously described by Mishra and Delivoria-Papadopoulos [Neurochem. Res. (1988) 13, 765–770]. The results showed decreased enzyme activities during the acute and silent periods and increased Na+K+ ATPase activity during the chronic phase. These data show that changes in Na+K+ ATPase activity could be involved in the appearance of spontaneous and recurrent seizures following brain damage induced by pilocarpine injection.  相似文献   

Excess iron accumulation in the brain has been shown to be related to a variety of neurodegenerative diseases. However, identification and characterization of iron compounds in human tissue is difficult because concentrations are very low. For the first time, a combination of low temperature magnetic methods was used to characterize iron compounds in tumour tissue from patients with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE). Induced magnetization as a function of temperature was measured between 2 and 140 K after cooling in zero-field and after cooling in a 50 mT field. These curves reveal an average blocking temperature for ferritin of 10 K and an anomaly due to magnetite at 48 K. Hysteresis measurements at 5 K show a high coercivity phase that is unsaturated at 7 T, which is typical for ferritin. Magnetite concentration was determined from the saturation remanent magnetization at 77 K. Hysteresis measurements at various temperatures were used to examine the magnetic blocking of magnetite and ferritin. Our results demonstrate that low temperature magnetic measurements provide a useful and sensitive tool for the characterisation of magnetic iron compounds in human tissue.Published online: March 2005  相似文献   

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is one of the most common functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. It is characterized by abdominal pain and changes in bowel habits. Various studies have investigated the pathophysiologic processes underlying IBS, but the mechanism remains poorly understood. In the present study, we established an IBS model and identified differentially expressed proteins in colon tissue of IBS rats compared with healthy controls by 2‐D gel electrophoresis, MALDI‐TOF‐MS, and Western blot analysis. Our results showed that 13 of the 1396 protein spots on 2‐D gel were differently expressed between the IBS and control groups. Ontological analysis of these proteins revealed primary roles in catalytic activity (protein disulfide‐isomerase A3, glyoxalase I, cathepsin S, α‐enolase), structural support (cytokeratin 8), antioxidant activity (peroxiredoxin‐6), protein binding (transgelin, serpin peptidase inhibitor B5), and signal transduction (40S ribosomal protein SA). Protein disulfide‐isomerase A3 and cytokeratin 8 overexpression in IBS were confirmed by Western blot. The findings indicate that multiple proteins are involved in IBS processes that influence intestinal tract immunity, inflammation, and nerve regulation. Our study provides useful candidate genes and proteins for further investigation.  相似文献   

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