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Raji and Daudi cells were opsonized with C3b, iC3b, and C3d fragments by using purified complement components. The sensitivity of C3-opsonized cells to lysis mediated by low density blood lymphocytes was studied. Raji and Daudi cells carrying C3b or C3d fragments were lysed with similar efficiencies as the nonopsonized cells. The presence of iC3b on the target surface imposed elevated NK sensitivity. The iC3b-mediated enhancement of NK lysis was inhibited when iC3b fragments or rabbit anti-human C3 antibodies were included into the lytic assays. These results indicate that the iC3b fragments fixed on the targets bind to the CR3 on the lymphocytes. Results obtained in immobilized conjugate-lytic assays showed that iC3b-opsonized targets interact more readily with the lymphocytes. This was reflected by the elevated proportion of lymphocytes that were bound to the iC3b-carrying targets. The proportions of conjugates in which target damage occurred were similar with the control and with the iC3b-carrying cells. It seems therefore that opsonization of targets with iC3b leads to recruitment of effector lymphocytes due to contact with their CR3. However, once the effector-target contact is established, the triggering of lytic function does not seem to be influenced by the iC3b/CR3 bridge.  相似文献   

Human serum-treated Raji and Daudi cells were shown to bind C3 fragments on their surface as a consequence of their capacity to activate C via the alternative pathway. C3 molecules were detectable on the cell surfaces up to 24 h after serum exposure. The C3 fragment-coated cells showed increased sensitivity to spontaneous lymphocyte-mediated cytotoxicity. The effector lymphocytes involved in the enhanced cytotoxicity were NK cells with low buoyant density, carrying both CR3 and FcR. Blocking of the FcR and CR3 with F(ab)2 fragments from Leu-11c or Leu-15 mAb, respectively, did not influence the lysis of targets that did not carry C3 fragments. In contrast, the accessibility of CR3 on the effector lymphocytes was essential for the C3 fragment-mediated enhancement of cytotoxicity. In addition to the Leu-15 antibody, N-acetyl-D-Glucosamine, a compound known to block iC3b binding to CR3, also abrogated the C3 fragment-imposed effect. Our previous experiments showed that the C3 fragments bind to acceptor sites on target cells. The present experiments show that the C3 fragments fixed onto the target bind to CR3 on effector cells. These data substantiate the hypothesis that the bivalent C3 fragments, which are fixed on the targets, promote their interaction with lytic lymphocytes by bridging the two cells.  相似文献   

The presence of C3 receptors on human peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) and on the ADCC-exhibiting subset (K cells) thereof was analyzed by rosetting with bovine erythrocytes (Eb) or chicken erythrocytes (Ec) carrying human C3b, C3bi, or C3d. The indicator cells were coated with 20,000 to 100,000 C3 fragments, obtained by C3 activation with purified proteins of the alternative pathway and trypsin treatment. ADCC was studied at the cellular level by means of a plaque assay, with complement-free or complement-carrying indicator cells as targets. Of the total lymphocytes, 12 to 14% bound EC3b; 6 to 8%, EC3bi; and approximately 2%, EC3d. Surface marker analysis indicated that approximately 75% of the C3b-binding lymphocytes in PBL were either B or null cells and approximately 60% of the C3bi-binding cells were T cells, as characterized by the monoclonal antibodies OKT3 and OKT4 or by presence of receptors for Helix pomatia hemagglutinin. Of the K cells, which constituted from 5 to 10% of the total lymphocytes, approximately 20% bound C3b; 30 to 35%, C3bi; and 7 to 8%, C3d. Here the majority of the C3b binders were null cells, and the majority of the C3bi and C3d binders were T cells. Only one-third of the C3b-binding K cells and one-fifth of the C3bi-binding K cells bound both fragments. The nature of these double binding cells is unknown. In contrast, all C3d-binding K cells bound C3bi as well. C3 fragment-carrying target cells did not induce K cell-mediated lysis in the absence of anti-target antibodies but strongly enhanced ADCC in the presence of sublytic concentrations of such antibodies. The rank order for C3 fragment-induced enhancement was C3bi greater than C3d greater than C3b. It reflected the relative proportions of effector cells binding the different fragments. Enhancement was the expression of effector cell recruitment rather than of increased cytolytic activity of individual K cells. This recruitment was selective in that C3b-carrying target cells primarily recruited effector cells of null type, binding C3b, while C3bi- or C3d-carrying targets primarily recruited C3bi and/or C3d-binding K cells of T gamma type. Thus, these experiments show directly at the effector cell level that cell-bound C3 fragments constitute important recognition structures, which strongly amplify ADCC both by recruiting the proper effector cells into the cytolytic reaction and by very significantly decreasing the antibody concentration needed for its induction.  相似文献   

We examined the effect of exogenous IL-10 on the sensitivity of rat W14 and W31 tumor cells to natural killer (NK) cell-mediated cytotoxicity in relation to previously identified NK target structure (NKTS) expressed on these cells. We also examined the effect of endogenous interleukin-10 (IL-10) on rat IL-10 cDNA-introduced W31 cells (W31T-H, a high-IL-10-producer clone; W31T-L, a low-IL-10-producer clone). Both exogenous and endogenous IL-10 had no effect on the proliferative activity of these cells, but incubation of cells with recombinant human (rh) IL-10 resulted in a dose-dependent decrease in the expression of NKTS recognized by mAb 109. The expression level of NKTS on W31T-H cells was dramatically decreased compared with that on W31T-L cells and parental W31 cells. In addition, treatment of W31 cells with the culture supernatants of W31T-H cells could downregulate the expression of the NKTS. Moreover, NK sensitivity of W31T-H was suppressed down to a level equivalent to that of W31 cells pretreated with exogenous rhIL-10, and cytolysis could no longer be inhibited by mAb 109. We previously demonstrated that IL-10 downregulated MHC class I expression in this model. Nevertheless, NK susceptibility was also decreased. Taken together, these results suggest that the IL-10-mediated decrease in NKTS expression has a larger effect than decreased MHC class I expression on NK sensitivity. Thus, our data reveal a novel mechanism for an IL-10-mediated escape of tumor cells from host immune surveillance by downregulation of NKTS expression.  相似文献   

NK-cell cytotoxic activity and their relative distributions were studied in the spleen of female Lurcher mice with spontaneous olivopontocerebellar degeneration (C3H) and female athymic nu/nu mice (BALB/c) influenced by 3-acetylpyridine (the neurotoxin causing selective degeneration of cerebellar and inferior olive neurons in some rodent species). The congenital olivopontocerebellar degeneration in Lurcher mice is followed by only an insignificant increase of NK-cell cytotoxic activity (1.2 times). On the other hand, the congenital thymic dysgenesis in nu/nu mice is compensated by a substantial increase in cytotoxic activity (19.4-fold). The administration of 3-acetylpyridine (including prevalent neuronal destruction particularly in Lurcher mutants) caused a decrease of NK-cell cytotoxic activities in all groups of mice (in Lurcher and C3H controls to 60 and 50%, respectively, and in nu/nu and BALB/c controls to 25 and 60%). Relative distributions of NK-cells in spleens of non-influenced and influenced animals were not significantly changed. Some fundamental immune mechanisms, such as the NK-cell cytotoxic activity, were demonstrated to be controlled by congenitally determined or artificially induced changes in both the nervous and the immune systems.  相似文献   

The measurement of natural killer (NK) cells toxicity against tumor or virus-infected cells especially in cases with small blood samples requires highly sensitive methods. Here, a coupled luminescent method (CLM) based on glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase release from injured target cells was used to evaluate the cytotoxicity of interleukin-2 activated NK cells against neuroblastoma cell lines. In contrast to most other methods, CLM does not require the pretreatment of target cells with labeling substances which could be toxic or radioactive. The effective killing of tumor cells was achieved by low effector/target ratios ranging from 0.5:1 to 4:1. CLM provides highly sensitive, safe, and fast procedure for measurement of NK cell activity with small blood samples such as those obtained from pediatric patients.  相似文献   

Experiments in vivo and in vitro were made to study the effects of HETR-MLN-8 and HETR tumor cells differing in metastatic ability and inhibition of the natural host resistance to tumor on cytotoxic activity of NK from Syrian hamsters. Marked inhibition of cytotoxicity and ability for interferon activation was detected in NK isolated from tumors (as compared with blood), with that inhibition being far more pronounced in highly malignant HETR-MLN-8 tumors. This may indicate a direct inhibitory action of the tumor or its products on NK cytotoxicity. The in-vitro competition inhibition test yielded results showing that HETR-MLN-8 cells capable of in-vivo inhibition of the natural host resistance to the tumor also display much more demonstrable ability for in-vitro inhibition of NK cytotoxicity as compared to HETR cells.  相似文献   

C3b2-IgG complexes are formed during complement activation in serum by attachment of two C3b molecules (the proteolytically activated form of C3) to one IgG heavy chain (IgG HC) via ester bonds. Because of the presence of two C3b molecules, these complexes are very efficient activators of the alternative complement pathway. Likewise, dimeric C3b is known to enhance complement receptor 1-dependent phagocytosis, and dimeric C3d (the smallest thioester-containing fragment of C3) linked to a protein antigen facilitates CR2-dependent B-cell proliferation. Because the efficiency of all these interactions depends on the number of C3 fragments, we investigated whether C3b2-IgG complexes retained dimeric structure upon physiological inactivation. We used two-dimensional SDS-PAGE and Western blot to study the arrangement of the C3b molecules by analyzing the fragmentation pattern after cleavage of the ester bonds. Upon inactivation with factors H and I, a 185-kDa band was generated under reducing conditions. It released IgG HC and the 65-kDa fragment of C3b alpha' chain after hydrolysis of the ester bonds with hydroxylamine. The two C3b molecules were not 65-kDa-to-40-kDa linked, because neither ester-bonded 65 kDa HC nor 65 kDa-40 kDa fragments were observed, nor was a 40-kDa peptide released after hydroxylamine cleavage. Factor I and CR1 cleaved the C3b2-IgG molecule to its final physiological product, C3dg2-IgG, which migrated as a 133-kDa fragment in reduced form. This fragment released exclusively C3dg (the final physiological product of C3b inactivation by factor I) and IgG HC. C3dg2-HC appeared as a double band on SDS-PAGE only at low gel porosity, suggesting the presence of two conformers of the same composition. Our results suggest that, upon physiological inactivation, C3b2-IgG complexes retain dimeric inactivated C3b and C3dg, which allows bivalent binding to the corresponding complement receptors.  相似文献   

Epstein-Barr virus gene expression in P3HR1-superinfected Raji cells.   总被引:35,自引:28,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
The pattern of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) RNAs expressed in Raji cells superinfected with P3HR1 EBV was examined. RNAs whose expression was of an immediate-early type (resistant to treatment of the cells with anisomycin) were identified. These RNAs, encoding the EBV reading frames BZLF1 and BRLF1, were probably expressed from defective virus within the P3HR1 preparation, and some of them were responsible for the induction of the EBV productive cycle in the Raji cells. The structures of the B95-8 RNAs equivalent to the anisomycin-resistant RNAs were determined. The RNA encoding the BZLF1 reading frame contained two splices which extended and modified the reading frame from that previously described.  相似文献   

Antibody-independent activation of the alternative C pathway by human lymphoblastoid cell lines latently infected with EBV has been recognized for some time, although the mechanisms involved and the specific cell surface molecule(s) recognized by the C system have not been identified. The present studies, carried out with the purified proteins of the alternative pathway have addressed these questions. Activation of the purified proteins of the alternative pathway by Raji lymphoblastoid cells was found to be antibody independent, confirming earlier findings with serum. Surprisingly, activation was highly dependent on properdin. In other models properdin has been found to augment alternative pathway activation and to be required for lysis of virus infected cells. Molecules which activate the alternative pathway provide binding sites on which C3 breakdown by regulatory proteins is impeded; therefore intact C3b accumulates on the activator. Immunoprecipitation studies with either anti-CR2 or anti-C3 have identified CR2, the R for C3d,g and EBV, as a major covalent and noncovalent binding site for C3 deposition on Raji cells during alternative pathway activation. Covalently bound C3b was dissociated from CR2 by hydroxylamine, indicating attachment via an ester bond. C3b binding after activation was not reduced by an anti-CR2 mAb which blocks CR2 R function, indicating that it was probably not mediated by C3d,g R epitopes on CR2. Direct confirmation of the ability of CR2 to trigger the alternative pathway came from studies with purified CR2 which was found to activate the alternative C pathway in serum or in mixtures of the purified proteins of the pathway. This work provides conclusive evidence that CR2 is a C activator and functions in this capacity on Raji cells.  相似文献   

目的:研究双氢青蒿素(DHA)对Raji细胞放射敏感性的影响并探讨其作用机制。方法:CCK8测定DHA对Raji细胞活力的影响,流式细胞术检测细胞凋亡、胞内ROS及线粒体膜电位,Western blot检测AKT、p-AKT、Bcl-2、Bax和Cleaved-Caspase-3蛋白表达量。结果:实验分为对照组、DHA组(5 μmol/L DHA)、放射组(4 Gy γ射线)、联合放射组(5 μmol/L DHA和4 Gy γ射线),与其他3组相比,联合放射组Raji细胞的线粒体膜电位显著降低(P<0.01),胞内ROS含量和凋亡率显著升高(P<0.01);此外,Raji细胞AKT表达量与其他3组相比无明显差异,但AKT的磷酸化受到抑制;Bcl-2表达量显著降低,而Bax、Cleaved-Caspase-3表达量显著升高。结论:DHA可能通过抑制磷酸肌醇3-激酶(PI3K-AKT)信号通路及激活了Raji细胞的线粒体凋亡途径,引起氧化应激反应,从而增加Raji细胞对放射的敏感性。  相似文献   

To delineate factors involved in NK cell development, we established an in vitro system in which lineage marker (Lin)-, c-kit+, Sca2+ bone marrow cells differentiate into lytic NK1.1+ but Ly49- cells upon culture in IL-7, stem cell factor (SCF), and flt3 ligand (flt3L), followed by IL-15 alone. A comparison of the ability of IL-7, SCF, and flt3L to generate IL-15-responsive precursors suggested that NK progenitors express the receptor for flt3L. In support of this, when Lin-, c-kit+, flt3+ or Lin-, c-kit+, flt3- progenitors were utilized, 3-fold more NK cells arose from the flt3+ than from the flt3- progenitors. Furthermore, NK cells that arose from flt3- progenitors showed an immature NK1.1dim, CD2-, c-kit+ phenotype as compared with the more mature NK1.1bright, CD2+/-, c-kit- phenotype displayed by NK cells derived from flt3+ progenitors. Both progenitors, however, gave rise to NK cells that were Ly49 negative. To test the hypothesis that additional marrow-derived signals are necessary for Ly49 expression on developing NK cells, flt3+ progenitors were grown in IL-7, SCF, and flt3L followed by culture with IL-15 and a marrow-derived stromal cell line. Expression of Ly49 molecules, including those of which the MHC class I ligands were expressed on the stromal or progenitor cells, as well as others of which the known ligands were absent, was induced within 6-13 days. Thus, we have established an in vitro system in which Ly49 expression on developing NK cells can be analyzed and possibly experimentally manipulated.  相似文献   

A cosmid library of Rhodopseudomonas capsulata DNA was constructed in Escherichia coli HB101 using the broad-host-range cosmid vector pLAFR1. More than ninety per cent of the clones in the bank contained cosmids with DNA inserts averaging 20 kilobase pairs in length. Mutants deficient in uptake hydrogenase (Hup-) were obtained from R. capsulata strain B10 by ethylmethylsulfonate (EMS) mutagenesis. The content of hydrogenase protein in Hup- mutant cells was tested by rocket immunoelectrophoresis. Hup- mutants (Rifr) were complemented with the clone bank by conjugation and, from the transconjugants selected by rifampicin and tetracycline resistance, Hup+ transconjugants were screened for the ability to grow photoautotrophically and to reduce methylene blue in a colony assay. The recombinant plasmid pAC57 restored hydrogenase activity in the Hup- mutants RCC8, RCC10, RCC12 and ST410 whereas pAG202 restored that of IR4. The cloned R. capsulata DNA insert of pAC57 gave 5 restriction fragments by cleavage with EcoRI endonuclease. Fragment 1 (7 kb) restored hydrogenase activity in Hup- mutant strains RCC12 and ST410 and fragment 5 (1.3 kb) in strains RCC8 and RCC10. Since the 2 cosmids pAC57 and pAG202 are different cosmids, as indicated by restriction analyses and absence of cross hybridization, it is concluded that at least two hup genes are required for the expression of hydrogenase activity in R. capsulata.  相似文献   

Although several classes of phospholipases have been implicated in NK cell-mediated cytotoxicity, no evidence has been reported to date on involvement of phosphatidylcholine-specific phospholipase C (PC-PLC) in NK activation by lymphokines and/or in lytic granule exocytosis. This study demonstrated the expression of two PC-PLC isoforms (M(r) 40 and 66 kDa) and their IL-2-dependent distribution between cytoplasm and ectoplasmic membrane surface in human NK cells. Following cell activation by IL-2, cytoplasmic PC-PLC translocated from the microtubule-organizing center toward cell periphery, essentially by kinesin-supported transport along microtubules, while PC-PLC exposed on the outer cell surface increased 2-fold. Preincubation of NK cells with a PC-PLC inhibitor, tricyclodecan-9-yl-xanthogenate, strongly reduced NK-mediated cytotoxicity. In IL-2-activated cells, this loss of cytotoxicity was associated with a decrease of PC-PLC exposed on the cell surface, and accumulation of cytoplasmic PC-PLC in the Golgi region. Massive colocalization of PC-PLC-rich particles with perforin-containing granules was found in the cytoplasm of NK-activated (but not NK-resting) cells; both organelles clustered at the intercellular contact region of effector-target cell conjugates. These newly detected mechanisms of PC-PLC translocation and function support an essential role of this enzyme in regulated granule exocytosis and NK-mediated cytotoxicity.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C (PI-PLC) is an enzyme that has the capacity to release glycosyl-phosphatidyl inositol (G-PI)-anchored proteins from the cells surface. Pretreatment of the human T-cell leukemia cell line Molt-4 with PI-PLC resulted in a decrease in the susceptibility to lysis by natural killer (NK) cells. Treatment of the erythroleukemia cell line K562 with PI-PLC had no effect on its NK susceptibility. PI-PLC-treated and untreated Molt-4 bound equally well to lymphocytes in target-binding studies with effector cell preparations enriched for NK cells. Susceptibility to cytolytic granules isolated from rat LGL tumor cells remained the same after treatment of Molt-4 or K562 with PI-PLC. Combined treatment of Molt-4 with PI-PLC and rlFN-alpha or rlFN-gamma resulted in additive reductions of the NK susceptibility, suggesting that PI-PLC and interferons act on different mechanisms to protect cells from NK lysis. When expression of a number of antigens on Molt-4 and K562 was analyzed in flow cytometry, only the expression of CD58 was reduced after PI-PLC treatment. The susceptibility of Con A blasts to MLR derived cytotoxic T-cells was not altered by treatment with phospholipase. These data suggest that PI-PLC treatment reduces the capacity of some target cells to activate NK cells upon contract. The mechanism behind this phenomenon is presently unclear.  相似文献   

Natural killer (NK) cells are important innate effector cells controlled by an array of activating and inhibitory receptors. Some alleles of the inhibitory killer-cell immunoglobulin-like receptor KIR3DL1 in combination with its HLA class I ligand Bw4 have been genetically associated with slower HIV-1 disease progression. Here, we observed that the presence of HLA-B Bw4 was associated with elevated frequencies of KIR3DL1(+) CD56(dim) NK cells in chronically HIV-1-infected individuals from the rural district of Kayunga, Uganda. In contrast, levels of KIR2DL1(+) CD56(dim) NK cells were decreased, and levels of KIR2DL3(+) CD56(dim) NK cells were unchanged in infected subjects carrying their respective HLA-C ligands. Furthermore, the size of the KIR3DL1(+) NK cell subset correlated directly with viral load, and this effect occurred only in HLA-B Bw4(+) patients, suggesting that these cells expand in response to viral replication but may have relatively poor antiviral capacity. In contrast, no association with viral load was present for KIR2DL1(+) and KIR2DL3(+) NK cells. Interestingly, chronic HIV-1 infection was associated with an increased polyfunctional response in the NK cell compartment, and, upon further investigation, KIR3DL1(+) CD56(dim) NK cells exhibited a significantly increased functional response in the patients carrying HLA-B Bw4. These results indicate that chronic HIV-1 infection is associated with increased NK cell polyfunctionality and elevated levels of KIR3DL1(+) NK cells in Ugandans carrying the HLA-B Bw4 motif.  相似文献   

CTL are crucial in the defense against viral infections. In the course of investigating peripheral blood and intrahepatic CD8 T cells in patients with chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection, we observed a significant population of CD8 T cells expressing the FcgammaRIIIA (CD16) receptor. This observation led us to characterize these cells with respect to their phenotype and function in a cohort of patients with chronic HCV infection as well as in healthy blood donors. On average, 10% of peripheral blood CD8 T cells from HCV-infected patients expressed CD16 compared with only a few percent in healthy donors. CD16(+) CD8 T cells displayed a late-stage effector phenotype with high levels of perforin. These cells exhibited a restricted TCR profile suggesting underlying clonal expansion. Stimulation of CD16 on CD8 T cells evoked a vigorous response similar to that of CD16 stimulation in NK cells. Our data suggest that CD8 T cells, during chronic HCV infection in humans, continue to differentiate beyond defined stages of terminal effector cells, acquiring CD16 and NK cell-like functional properties.  相似文献   

Natural killer (NK) cells play a crucial role in innate immunity as effectors against tumor cells and pathogen-infected cells. Our data show for the first time that NK cells produce high levels of cytokines interferon-γ (IFN-γ), tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) and interleukin-6 (IL-6) in response to stimulation with the artificial RNA analogue Poly I:C without additional cytokines or contact to other types of immune cells. An incubation period of 48 h is necessary to induce cytokine release by Poly I:C. These data suggest Poly I:C as a competent direct activator and immunomodulator of NK cell functions.  相似文献   

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