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The occurrence of ringworm caused by Arthroderma benhamiae Ajello & Cheng is reported in Central African hedgehogs (Erinaceus albiventris Wagner), caught near Nairobi, Kenya. Of the 45 animals examined, 10 were positive on culture, including a litter of 4 young. Six infected animals were without lesions, and 2 littermates showed scaly areas similar to those described in E. europaeus L. caused by Trichophyton erinacei (Smith & Marples) Padhye & Carmichael. No correlation with mite infestation or mange lesions was evident. Ringworm-like lesions were found which were repeatedly negative on culture. A human infection by A. benhamiae was contracted from the hedgehogs.  相似文献   

Oronasal squamous cell carcinoma was diagnosed in an adult African hedgehog (Erinaceidae albiventris). Clinically, the carcinoma presented as a firm right maxillary swelling with deviation of the nose to the left. The carcinoma was attached to the hard palate and protruded into the oral cavity. At necropsy, the carcinoma appeared centered in the right maxillary sinus, and had replaced the maxilla and extended into the nasal cavity. Metastatic foci were not found.  相似文献   

Investigation of ectoparasites of African hedgehogs revealed Amblyomma variegatum, Rhipicephalus sanguineus, Haemaphysalis leachi leachi, Sarcoptes scabiei and Ctenocephalides crataepus. A significant finding is the occurrence of ticks of domestic livestock.  相似文献   

Summary Trichophyton quinckeanum was isolated from a spontaneous infection in rabbit. The hairs were also invaded by the fungus, exibiting a yellowish fluorescence in Wood's light. White mice inoculation of the isolate produced typical scutula with hair penetration fluorescing in green colour. The type of animal hair invasion is also discussed. The morphologic features ofTr. quinckeanum, together with its ability of producing scutula while inoculating the white mice, must be emphasized, when proving its separate identity.  相似文献   

To obtain further perspective on reproduction and particularly gamete function among so-called primitive mammals presently grouped in the Order Insectivora, we have examined the African hedgehog, Atelerix albiventris, in light of unusual features reported in shrews and moles. Atelerix proves to share many but not all of the characteristics seen in these other insectivores. The penis of Atelerix has a 'snail-like' form, but lacks the surface spines common in insectivores and a number of other mammals. Hedgehog spermatozoa display an eccentric insertion of the tail on the sperm head, and they manifest the barbs on the perforatorium that, in shrews, probably effect the initial binding of the sperm head to the zona pellucida. As a possible correlate, the structural matrix of the hedgehog acrosome comprises only two main components, as judged by immunoblotting, rather than the complex of peptides seen in the matrix of some higher mammals. The Fallopian tube of Atelerix is relatively simple; it displays only minor differences in width and in the arborized epithelium between the isthmus and ampulla, and shows no evidence of the unusual sperm crypts that characterize the isthmus or ampulla, depending on the species, in shrews and moles. In common with other insectivores, Atelerix appears to be an induced ovulator, as judged by the ovulation of some 6-8 eggs by about 23 h after injection of hCG. The dense cumulus oophorus appeared to have little matrix, in keeping with the modest dimensions of the tubal ampulla and, while it was not quite as discrete as that of soricids, it did show the same insensitivity to 0.5% (w/v) ovine or bovine hyaluronidase.  相似文献   

The reproductive tracts of 112 female little bulldog bats collected around the onset of a breeding season in the Cauca Valley of Colombia were examined histologically. Of the 88 females with luteinizing/luteinized follicles or new CL, 72 carried tubal ova or uterine blastocysts and 16 were non-pregnant. In 14 of the latter follicle rupture had apparently failed to occur, and the oocyte or a collapsed zona pellucida was found within a luteinizing or luteinized follicle. These structures appeared to be functional because most of the affected bats demonstrated preferential stimulation of the ipsilateral oviduct and/or uterine horn. Two of these animals also had a second, older luteinized follicle which contained the remnants of an oocyte. None of these 14 bats exhibited the uterine modifications thought to be associated with a previous pregnancy or had prominent mammary glands. Such reproductive features were, in contrast, frequently demonstrated by other females in the population. These observations suggest that the luteinization of unruptured follicles may have occurred in prepubertal members of the population and reflect immaturity of the hypothalamo-pituitary -ovarian axis in these individuals.  相似文献   

Like other hedgehog species investigated hitherto, also the Middle African species Atelerix albiventris has a diploid number of 48 chromosomes. However, Aethechinus and Atelerix display quite distinct cytogenetic characteristics compared to the hedgehog genera Erinaceus, Hemiechinus and Paraechinus. Individual chromosome structures and reactivities permit the recognition of similarities to the Algerian hedgehog Aethechinus algirus and indicate their close relationship.Nevertheless, the proposal by Corbet (1988) to merge the two taxa into one genus, which is contrary to Robbins and Setzer (1985), remains to be clarified by further investigations.  相似文献   

In February 2010, dermatitis characterized by scale and self-trauma due to puritis was recognized in a group of 22 four-toed hedgehogs (Atelerix albiventris Wagner, 1841) from a local pet shop in Gwangju, Korea. Microscopic examinations of skin scraping samples showed numerous mites of all developmental stages. Morphologically, pedicels of adult mites were short and unjointed. Tarsal caruncles were bell-shaped on all legs of males while they were absent on legs III and IV of females. Three long setae on the third pair of legs in both sexes were present. Adult males had posterior end of the abdomen with trilobate projection on each side, each lobe with a long seta. Based on these features, the mites were identified as Caparinia tripilis. This is the first report of caparinic mite infestation in hedgehogs from Korea. Identification keys for the family Psoroptidae and the genus Caparinia are provided.  相似文献   

Degreef H 《Mycopathologia》2008,166(5-6):257-265
Dermatophytic infections of the skin, hairs and nails are very common and are very variable in aspect. In skin, inflammatory symptoms are often absent, but in other cases they may be very pronounced, in particular when caused by zoophilic dermatophytes. In onychomycosis, it is very difficult to make the differential diagnosis with other causes of onychodystrophy on purely clinical grounds; indeed, even in case of fungal infection, the causative agent can be suspected on clinical grounds only in a minority of cases. The clinical presentation of skin infections, infections of the scalp and beard, and the nails are presented more in detail.  相似文献   

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