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Ostreolysin, a cytolytic protein from the edible oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus), recognizes and binds specifically to membrane domains enriched in cholesterol and sphingomyelin (or saturated phosphatidylcholine). These events, leading to permeabilization of the membrane, suggest that a cholesterol-rich liquid-ordered membrane phase, which is characteristic of lipid rafts, could be its possible binding site. In this work, we present effects of ostreolysin on membranes containing various steroids. Binding and membrane permeabilizing activity of ostreolysin was studied using lipid mono- and bilayers composed of sphingomyelin combined, in a 1/1 molar ratio, with natural and synthetic steroids (cholesterol, ergosterol, beta-sitosterol, stigmasterol, lanosterol, 7-dehydrocholesterol, cholesteryl acetate, and 5-cholesten-3-one). Binding to membranes and lytic activity of the protein are both shown to be dependent on the intact sterol 3beta-OH group, and are decreased by introducing additional double bonds and methylation of the steroid skeleton or C17-isooctyl chain. The activity of ostreolysin mainly correlates with the ability of the steroids to promote formation of liquid-ordered membrane domains, and is the highest with cholesterol-containing membranes. Furthermore, increasing the cholesterol concentration enhanced ostreolysin binding in a highly cooperative manner, suggesting that the membrane lateral distribution and accessibility of the sterols are crucial for the activity of this new member of cholesterol-dependent cytolysins.  相似文献   

We have measured the rates of insertion into, desorption from, and spontaneous interlayer translocation (flip-flop) of the fluorescent lysophospholipid derivative NBD-lyso-1-myristoylphosphatidylethanolamine in l(d) and l(o) phase lipid bilayer membranes. The lipid bilayers, studied as LUV, were prepared from pure 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoylphosphatidylcholine, in the l(d) phase; and from two Chol-containing binary lipid mixtures, 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoylphosphatidylcholine and Chol (molar ratio of 1:1) and SpM and Chol (molar ratio of 6:4), both in the l(o) phase. Insertion, desorption, and translocation rate constants and equilibrium constants for association of the amphiphile monomer with the lipid bilayers were measured between 15 degrees C and 35 degrees C, and the standard free energies, enthalpies, and entropies, as well as the activation energies for these processes were derived from these data. The equilibrium partition coefficients for partitioning of the amphiphile between the aqueous phase and the different membrane phases were also derived, and an estimation was made of hypothetical partition coefficients and the respective energetic parameters for partitioning between the different lipid phases if these were to coexist in the same membrane. We show that, contrary to general belief, the association of NBD-lysoMPE with lipid bilayers is not a diffusion-controlled process, the rate-limiting step in insertion being the formation of a free area in the membrane surface of an adequate size for insertion to occur.  相似文献   

Interaction of bovine myelin basic protein and its constituent charge isomers (C1-C3) with phospholipid bilayers was studied using solid-state NMR experiments on model membranes. 31P NMR experiments on multilamellar vesicles and mechanically aligned bilayers were used to measure the degree of protein-induced disorder in the lipid headgroup region while 2H NMR data provided the disorder caused by the protein in the hydrophobic core of the bilayers. Our results suggest that MBP and its charge isomers neither fragment nor significantly disrupt DMPC, POPC, POPC:POPG, and POPE bilayers. These results demonstrate that the MBP-induced fragmentation of POPC bilayers is due to the freeze-thaw cycles used in the preparation of multilamellar vesicles and not due to intrinsic protein-lipid interactions.  相似文献   

Lung surfactant protein B (SP-B) is critical to minimizing surface tension in the alveoli. The C-terminus of SP-B, residues 59-80, has much of the surface activity of the full protein and serves as a template for the development of synthetic surfactant replacements. The molecular mechanisms responsible for its ability to restore lung compliance were investigated with circular dichroism, differential scanning calorimetry, and 31P and 2H solid-state NMR spectroscopy. SP-B59-80 forms an amphipathic helix which alters lipid organization and acyl chain dynamics in fluid lamellar phase 4:1 DPPC:POPG and 3:1 POPC:POPG MLVs. At higher levels of SP-B59-80 in the POPC:POPG lipid system a transition to a nonlamellar phase is observed while DPPC:POPG mixtures remain in a lamellar phase. Deuterium NMR shows an increase in acyl chain order in DPPC:POPG MLVs on addition of SP-B59-80; in POPC:POPG MLVs, acyl chain order parameters decrease. Our results indicate SP-B59-80 penetrates deeply into DPPC:POPG bilayers and binds more peripherally to POPC:POPG bilayers. Similar behavior has been observed for KL4, a peptide mimetic of SP-B which was originally designed using SP-B59-80 as a template and has been clinically demonstrated to be successful in treating respiratory distress syndrome. The ability of these helical peptides to differentially partition into lipid lamellae based on their degree of monounsaturation and subsequent changes in lipid dynamics suggest a mechanism for lipid organization and trafficking within the dynamic lung environment.  相似文献   

Oxyopinins (Oxki1 and Oxki2) are antimicrobial peptides isolated from the crude venom of the wolf spider Oxyopes kitabensis. The effect of oxyopinins on lipid bilayers was investigated using high-sensitivity titration calorimetry and 31P solid-state NMR spectroscopy. High-sensitivity titration calorimetry experiments showed that the binding of oxyopinins was exothermic, and the binding enthalpies (ΔH) to 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidylcholine (POPC) small unilamellar vesicles (SUVs) were − 18.1 kcal/mol and − 15.0 kcal/mol for Oxki1 and Oxki2, respectively, and peptide partition coefficient (Kp) was found to be 3.9 × 103 M− 1. 31P NMR spectra of 1,2-dielaidoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine (DEPE) membranes in the presence of oxyopinins indicated that they induced a positive curvature in lipid bilayers. The induced positive curvature was stronger in the presence of Oxki2 than in the presence of Oxki1. 31P NMR spectra of phosphaditylcholine (PC) membranes in the presence of Oxki2 showed that Oxki2 produced micellization of membranes at low peptide concentrations, but unsaturated PC membranes or acidic phospholipids prevented micellization from occurring. Furthermore, 31P NMR spectra using membrane lipids from E. coli suggested that Oxki1 was more disruptive to bacterial membranes than Oxki2. These results strongly correlate to the known biological activity of the oxyopinins.  相似文献   

The photophobic receptor from Natronomonas pharaonis (NpSRII) forms a photo-signalling complex with its cognate transducer (NpHtrII). In order to elucidate the complex formation in more detail, we have studied the intermolecular binding of both constituents (NpSRII and NpHtrII157; truncated at residue 157) in detergent buffers, and in lipid bilayers using FRET. The data for hetero-dimer formation of NpSRII/NpHtrII in detergent agrees well with KD values (∼ 200 nM) described in the literature. In lipid bilayers, the binding affinity between proteins in the NpSRII/NpHtrII complex is at least one order of magnitude stronger. In detergent the strength of binding is similar for both homo-dimers (NpSRII/NpSRII and NpHtrII/NpHtrII) but significantly weaker (KD  ∼ 16 μM) when compared to the hetero-dimer. The intermolecular binding is again considerably stronger in lipid bilayers; however, it is not as strong as that observed for the hetero-dimer. At a molar transducer/lipid ratio of 1:2000, which is still well above physiological concentrations, only 40% homo-dimers are formed. Apparently, in cell membranes the formation of the assumed functionally active oligomeric 2:2 complex depends on the full-length transducer including the helical cytoplasmic part, which is thought to tighten the transducer-dimer association.  相似文献   



The proteins Sm1 and Sm2 from the biocontrol fungus Trichoderma virens belong to the cerato-platanin protein family. Members of this family are small, secreted proteins that are abundantly produced by filamentous fungi with all types of life-styles. Some species of the fungal genus Trichoderma are considered as biocontrol fungi because they are mycoparasites and are also able to directly interact with plants, thereby stimulating plant defense responses. It was previously shown that the cerato-platanin protein Sm1 from T. virens - and to a lesser extent its homologue Epl1 from Trichoderma atroviride - induce plant defense responses. The plant protection potential of other members of the cerato-platanin protein family in Trichoderma, however, has not yet been investigated.


In order to analyze the function of the cerato-platanin protein Sm2, sm1 and sm2 knockout strains were generated and characterized. The effect of the lack of Sm1 and Sm2 in T. virens on inducing systemic resistance in maize seedlings, challenged with the plant pathogen Cochliobolus heterostrophus, was tested. These plant experiments were also performed with T. atroviride epl1 and epl2 knockout strains. In our plant-pathogen system T. virens was a more effective plant protectant than T. atroviride and the results with both Trichoderma species showed concordantly that the level of plant protection was more strongly reduced in plants treated with the sm2/epl2 knockout strains than with sm1/epl1 knockout strains.


Although the cerato-platanin genes sm1/epl1 are more abundantly expressed than sm2/epl2 during fungal growth, Sm2/Epl2 are, interestingly, more important than Sm1/Epl1 for the promotion of plant protection conferred by Trichoderma in the maize-C. heterostrophus pathosystem.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12866-014-0333-0) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) is the most abundant CYP enzyme in the liver and metabolizes approximately 50% of the drugs, including antiretrovirals. Although CYP3A4 induction by ethanol and impact of CYP3A4 on drug metabolism and toxicity is known, CYP3A4-ethanol physical interaction and its impact on drug binding, inhibition, or metabolism is not known. Therefore, we studied the effect of ethanol on binding and inhibition of CYP3A4 with a representative protease inhibitor, nelfinavir, followed by the effect of alcohol on nelfinavir metabolism. Our initial results showed that methanol, ethanol, isopropanol, isobutanol, and isoamyl alcohol bind in the active site of CYP3A4 and exhibit type I spectra. Among these alcohol compounds, ethanol showed the lowest KD (5.9 ± 0.34 mM), suggesting its strong binding affinity with CYP3A4. Ethanol (20 mM) decreased the KD of nelfinavir by >5-fold (0.041 ± 0.007 vs. 0.227 ± 0.038 μM). Similarly, 20 mM ethanol decreased the IC50 of nelfinavir by >3-fold (2.6 ± 0.5 vs. 8.3 ± 3.1 μM). These results suggest that ethanol facilitates binding of nelfinavir with CYP3A4. Furthermore, we performed nelfinavir metabolism using LCMS. Although ethanol did not alter kcat, it decreased the Km of nelfinavir, suggesting a decrease in catalytic efficiency (kcat/Km). This is an important finding because alcoholism is prevalent in HIV-1-infected persons and alcohol is shown to decrease the response to antiretroviral therapy.  相似文献   

Deposition of transthyretin (TTR) amyloid is a pathological hallmark of familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy (FAP). Recently we showed that TTR binds to membrane lipids via electrostatic interactions and that membrane binding is correlated with the cytotoxicity induced by amyloidogenic TTR. In the present study, we examined the role of lipid composition in membrane binding of TTR by a surface plasmon resonance (SPR) approach. TTR bound to lipid bilayers through both high- and low-affinity interactions. Increasing the mole fraction of cholesterol in the bilayer led to an increase in the amount of high-affinity binding of an amyloidogenic mutant (L55P) TTR. In addition, a greater amount of L55P TTR bound with high affinity to membranes made from anionic phospholipids, phosphatidylglycerol (PG) and phosphatidylserine (PS), than to membranes made from zwitterionic phospholipid phosphatidylcholine (PC). The anionic phospholipids (PS and PG) promoted the aggregation of L55P TTR by accelerating the nucleation phase of aggregation, whereas the zwitterionic phospholipid PC had little effect. These results suggest that cholesterol and anionic phospholipids may be important for TTR aggregation and TTR-induced cytotoxicity.  相似文献   

Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1A toxins, in contrast to other pore-forming toxins, bind two putative receptor molecules, aminopeptidase N (APN) and cadherin-like proteins. Here we show that Cry1Ab toxin binding to these two receptors depends on the toxins' oligomeric structure. Toxin monomeric structure binds to Bt-R1, a cadherin-like protein, that induces proteolytic processing and oligomerization of the toxin (Gómez, I., Sánchez, J., Miranda, R., Bravo A., Soberón, M., FEBS Lett. (2002) 513, 242-246), while the oligomeric structure binds APN, which drives the toxin into the detergent-resistant membrane (DRM) microdomains causing pore formation. Cleavage of APN by phospholipase C prevented the location of Cry1Ab oligomer and Bt-R1 in the DRM microdomains and also attenuates toxin insertion into membranes despite the presence of Bt-R1. Immunoprecipitation experiments demonstrated that initial Cry1Ab toxin binding to Bt-R1 is followed by binding to APN. Also, immunoprecipitation of Cry1Ab toxin-binding proteins using pure oligomeric or monomeric structures showed that APN was more efficiently detected in samples immunoprecipitated with the oligomeric structure, while Bt-R1 was preferentially detected in samples immunoprecipitated with the monomeric Cry1Ab. These data agrees with the 200-fold higher apparent affinity of the oligomer than that of the monomer to an APN enriched protein extract. Our data suggest that the two receptors interact sequentially with different structural species of the toxin leading to its efficient membrane insertion.  相似文献   

Sterols impart significant changes to the biophysical properties of lipid bilayers. In this regard the impact of cholesterol on membrane organization and dynamics is particularly well documented and serves for comparison with other sterols. However, the factors underlying the molecular evolution of cholesterol remain enigmatic. To this end, cholesterol attenuates membrane perturbation by the so-called antimicrobial peptides (AMPs), produced ubiquitously by eukaryotic cells to combat bacterial infections by compromising the permeability barrier function of the microbial target membranes. In the present study, we addressed the effects of cholesterol, ergosterol, and lanosterol on the membrane association of two structurally and functionally diverse AMPs viz. LL-37(F27W) and temporin L (TemL) using fluorescence spectroscopy. Interestingly, sterol concentration dependent effects on the membrane association of these peptides were observed. At XSterol = 0.5 cholesterol was most effective in reducing the membrane intercalation of both LL-37(F27W) and TemL, the corresponding efficiencies of the three sterols decreasing as cholesterol > lanosterol ≥ ergosterol, and cholesterol > lanosterol > ergosterol. It is conceivable that part of the selection pressure for the chemical evolution of cholesterol may have derived from the ability to protect the AMP-secreting host cell from the membrane damaging action of the antimicrobial peptides.  相似文献   

The main cofactors of Photosystem II (PSII) are borne by the D1 and D2 subunits. In the thermophilic cyanobacterium Thermosynechococcus elongatus, three psbA genes encoding D1 are found in the genome. Among the 344 residues constituting the mature form of D1, there are 21 substitutions between PsbA1 and PsbA3, 31 between PsbA1 and PsbA2, and 27 between PsbA2 and PsbA3. In a previous study (Sugiura et al., J. Biol. Chem. 287 (2012), 13336-13347) we found that the oxidation kinetics and spectroscopic properties of TyrZ were altered in PsbA2-PSII when compared to PsbA(1/3)-PSII. The comparison of the different amino acid sequences identified the residues Cys144 and Pro173 found in PsbA1 and PsbA3, as being substituted in PsbA2 by Pro144 and Met173, and thus possible candidates accounting for the changes in the geometry and/or the environment of the TyrZ/His190 phenol/imidizol motif. Indeed, these amino acids are located upstream of the α-helix bearing TyrZ and between the two α-helices bearing TyrZ and its hydrogen-bonded partner, D1/His190. Here, site-directed mutants of PSII, PsbA3/Pro173Met and PsbA2/Met173Pro, were analyzed using X- and W-band EPR and UV-visible time-resolved absorption spectroscopy. The Pro173Met substitution in PsbA2-PSII versus PsbA3-PSII is shown to be the main structural determinant of the previously described functional differences between PsbA2-PSII and PsbA3-PSII. In PsbA2-PSII and PsbA3/Pro173Met-PSII, we found that the oxidation of TyrZ by P680+● was specifically slowed during the transition between S-states associated with proton release. We thus propose that the increase of the electrostatic charge of the Mn4CaO5 cluster in the S2 and S3 states could weaken the strength of the H-bond interaction between TyrZ and D1/His190 in PsbA2 versus PsbA3 and/or induce structural modification(s) of the water molecules network around TyrZ.  相似文献   

We have used two-dimensional infrared correlation spectroscopy (2D-IR) to study the interaction and conformation of cytochrome c in the presence of a binary phospholipid mixture composed of a zwitterionic perdeuterated phospholipid and a negatively-charged one. The influence of the main temperature phase transition of the phospholipid model membranes on the conformation of cytochrome c has been evaluated by monitoring both the Amide I′ band of the protein and the CH2 and CD2 stretching bands of the phospholipids. Synchronous 2D-IR analysis has been used to determine the different secondary structure components of cytochrome c which are involved in the specific interaction with the phospholipids, revealing the existence of a specific interaction between the protein with cardiolipin-containing vesicles but not with phosphatidic acid-containing ones. Interestingly, 2D-IR is capable of showing the existence of significant changes in the protein conformation at the same time that the phospholipid transition occurs. In summary, 2D-IR revealed an important effect of the phospholipid phase transition of cardiolipin on the secondary structure of oxidized cytochrome c but not to either reduced cytochrome c or in the presence of phosphatidic acid, demonstrating the existence of specific intermolecular interactions between cardiolipin and cytochrome c.  相似文献   

We provide evidence that matrix metalloproteinase-7 (MMP-7) interacts with anionic, cationic and neutral lipid membranes, although it interacts strongest with anionic membranes. While the catalytic activity of the enzyme remains unaffected upon binding to neutral and negatively charged membranes, it is drastically impaired upon binding to the positively charged membranes. The structural data reveal that the origin of these features lies in the "bipolar" distribution of the electrostatic surface potentials on the crystallographic structure of MMP-7.  相似文献   

Cannabinoid CB1 receptor antagonists exhibit pharmacologic properties favorable for the treatment of metabolic disease. CP-945,598 (1-[9-(4-chlorophenyl)-8-(2-chlorophenyl)-9H-purin-6-yl]-4-ethylamino piperidine-4-carboxylic acid amide hydrochloride) is a recently discovered selective, high affinity, competitive CB1 receptor antagonist that inhibits both basal and cannabinoid agonist-mediated CB1 receptor signaling in vitro and in vivo. CP-945,598 exhibits sub-nanomolar potency at human CB1 receptors in both binding (Ki = 0.7 nM) and functional assays (Ki = 0.2 nM). The compound has low affinity (Ki = 7600 nM) for human CB2 receptors. In vivo, CP-945,598 reverses four cannabinoid agonist-mediated CNS-driven responses (hypo-locomotion, hypothermia, analgesia, and catalepsy) to a synthetic cannabinoid receptor agonist. CP-945,598 exhibits dose and concentration-dependent anorectic activity in two models of acute food intake in rodents, fast-induced re-feeding and spontaneous, nocturnal feeding. CP-945,598 also acutely stimulates energy expenditure in rats and decreases the respiratory quotient indicating a metabolic switch to increased fat oxidation. CP-945,598 at 10 mg/kg promoted a 9%, vehicle adjusted weight loss in a 10 day weight loss study in diet-induced obese mice. Concentration/effect relationships combined with ex vivo brain CB1 receptor occupancy data were used to evaluate efficacy in behavioral, food intake, and energy expenditure studies. Together, these in vitro, ex vivo, and in vivo data indicate that CP-945,598 is a novel CB1 receptor competitive antagonist that may further our understanding of the endocannabinoid system.  相似文献   

The four approximately 75-residue domains (repeats) that constitute the annexin core structure all possess an identical five-alpha-helix bundle topology, but the physico-chemical properties of the isolated domains are different. Domain IV of the annexins has previously been expressed only as inclusion bodies, resistant to solubilisation. Analysis of the conserved, exposed hydrophobic residues of the four annexin domains reveals that domain IV contains the largest number of hydrophobic residues involved in interfacial contacts with the other domains. We designed five constructs of domain IV of annexin A2 in which several interfacial hydrophobic residues were substituted by hydrophilic residues. The mutant domain, in which all fully exposed hydrophobic interfacial residues were substituted, was isolated as a soluble protein. Circular dichroism measurements indicate that it harbours a high content of alpha-helical secondary structure and some tertiary structure. The CD-monitored (lambda=222 nm) thermal melting profile suggests a weak cooperative transition. Nuclear magnetic resonance (1H-15N) correlation spectroscopy reveals heterogeneous line broadening and an intermediate spectral dispersion. These properties are indicative of a partially folded protein in which some residues are in a fairly structured conformation, whereas others are in an unfolded state. This conclusion is corroborated by 1-anilinonaphthalene-8-sulfonate fluorescence (ANS) analyses. Surface plasmon resonance measurements also indicate that this domain binds heparin, a known ligand of domain IV in the full-length annexin A2, although with lower affinity.  相似文献   

Besides Onconase (ONC) and its V11/N20/R103-variant, oocytes of the Northern Leopard frog (Rana pipiens) contain another homologue of ribonuclease A, which we named Amphinase (Amph). Four variants (Amph-1-4) were isolated and sequenced, each 114 amino acid residues in length and N-glycosylated at two positions. Sequence identities (a) among the variants and (b) versus ONC are 86.8-99.1% and 38.2-40.0%, respectively. When compared with other amphibian ribonucleases, a typical pattern of cysteine residues is evident but the N-terminal pyroglutamate residue is replaced by a six-residue extension. Amph variants have relatively weak ribonucleolytic activity that is insensitive to human ribonuclease inhibitor protein (RI). Values of k(cat)/K(M) with hypersensitive fluorogenic substrates are 10(4) and 10(2)-fold lower than the maximum values exhibited by ribonuclease A and ONC, respectively, and there is little cytosine/uracil or adenine/guanine discrimination at the B(1) or B(2) subsites, respectively. Amph variants have cytotoxic activity toward A-253 carcinoma cells that requires intact ribonucleolytic activity. The glycan component has little or no influence over single-stranded RNA cleavage, RI evasion or cytotoxicity. The crystal structures of natural and recombinant Amph-2 (determined at 1.8 and 1.9 A resolution, respectively) reveal that the N terminus is unlikely to play a catalytic role (but an unusual alpha2-beta1 loop may do so) and the B(2) subsite is rudimentary. At the active site, structural features that may contribute to the enzyme's low ribonucleolytic activity are the fixture of Lys14 in an obstructive position, the accompanying ejection of Lys42, and a lack of constraints on the conformations of Lys42 and His107.  相似文献   

Amphidinols, which are polyene-polyhydroxy metabolites produced by the marine dinoflagellate Amphidinium klebsii, possess potent antifungal and hemolytic activities. The membrane permeabilizing actions of amphidinol 3, the most potent homologue, were compared with those of polyene antibiotics, amphotericin B (AmB) and filipin, in hemolytic tests, 23Na nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)-based membrane permeabilizing assays, and UV spectroscopy for liposome-bound forms. In Na+ flux experiments using large unilamellar vesicles (LUVs), ion efflux by amphidinol 3 was inhibited by cholesterol or ergosterol, which was opposed to previous results [J. Mar. Biotechnol., 5 (1997) 124]. When the effect of the agents on the size of vesicles was examined by light scattering experiments, amphidinol 3 did not significantly alter their size while filipin and synthetic detergent Triton X-100 did. The observations implied that the activity of amphidinol 3 was mainly due to formation of large pores/lesions in liposomes rather than detergent-like disruption of membrane. The pore/lesion size was estimated to be 2.0-2.9 nm in diameter on the basis of osmotic protection experiments using blood cells. The UV spectra in liposomes, which revealed the close interaction of polyene moieties in a lipid bilayer, further implied that the membrane activity of amphidinol 3 is caused by the molecular assemblage formed in biomembrane. These results disclose that amphidinol 3 is one of few non-ionic compounds that possess potent membrane permeabilizing activity with non-detergent mechanism.  相似文献   

We carried out comparative differential scanning calorimetric and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopic studies of the effects of cholesterol (Chol) and epicholesterol (EChol) on the thermotropic phase behaviour and organization of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) bilayers. EChol is an epimer of Chol in which the axially oriented hydroxyl group of C3 of Chol is replaced by an equatorially oriented hydroxyl group, resulting in a different orientation of the hydroxyl group relative to sterol fused ring system. Our calorimetric studies indicate that the incorporation of EChol is more effective than Chol is in reducing the enthalpy of the pretransition of DPPC. EChol is also initially more effective than Chol in reducing the enthalpies of both the sharp and broad components of the main phase transition of DPPC. However, at higher EChol concentrations (~ 30-50 mol%), EChol becomes less effective than Chol in reducing the enthalpy and cooperativity of the main phase transition, such that at sterol concentrations of 50 mol%, EChol does not completely abolish the cooperative hydrocarbon chain-melting phase transition of DPPC, while Chol does. However, EChol does not appear to form a calorimetrically detectable crystallite phase at higher sterol concentrations, suggesting that EChol, unlike Chol, may form dimers or lower order aggregates at higher sterol concentrations. Our spectroscopic studies demonstrate that EChol incorporation produces more ordered gel and comparably ordered liquid-crystalline bilayers compared to Chol, which are characterized by increased hydrogen bonding in the glycerol backbone region of the DPPC bilayer. These and other results indicate that monomeric EChol is less miscible in DPPC bilayers than is Chol at higher sterol concentrations, but perturbs their organization to a greater extent at lower sterol concentrations, probably due primarily to the larger effective cross-sectional area of the EChol molecule. Nevertheless, EChol does appear to produce a lamellar liquid-ordered phase in DPPC bilayers.  相似文献   

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