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ShaA, a member of a multigene-encoded Na+/H+ antiporter in B. subtilis, is a large integral membrane protein consisting of 20 transmembrane helices (TM). Conservation of ShaA-like protein subunits in several cation-coupled enzymes, including the NuoL (ND5) subunit of the H+-translocating complex I, suggests the involvement of ShaA in cation transport. Bacillus subtilis ShaA contains six acidic residues that are conserved in ShaA homologues and are located in putative transmembrane helices. We examined the functional involvement of the six transmembrane acidic residues of ShaA by site-directed mutagenesis. Mutation in glutamate (Glu)-113 in TM-4, Glu-657 in TM-18, aspartate (Asp)-734 and Glu-747 in TM-20 abolished the antiport activity, suggesting that these residues play important roles in the ion transport of Sha. The acidic group was necessary and sufficient in Glu-657 and Asp-743, while it was not true of Glu-113 and Glu-747. Mutation in Asp-103 in TM-3, which is conserved in ShaA-types but not in ShaAB-types, partially affected on the antiport activity. Mutation in Asp-50 in TM-2 resulted in a unexpected phenotype: mutants retained the wild type level of ability to confer NaCl resistance to the Na+/H+ antiporter-deficient E. coli KNabc, but showed a very low antiport activity. The acidic group of Asp-50 and Asp-103 was not essential for the function. Our results suggested that these acidic residues are functionally involved in the ion transport of Sha, and some of them probably in cation binding and/or translocation.  相似文献   

The Vc-NhaD is an Na+/H+ antiporter from Vibrio cholerae belonging to a new family of bacterial Na+/H+ antiporters, the NhaD family. In the present work we mutagenized five conserved Asp and Glu residues and one conserved Thr residue to Ala in order to identify amino acids that are critical for the antiport activity. All mutations fall into two distinct groups: (i) four variants, Glu100Ala, Glu251Ala, Glu342Ala, and Asp393Ala, did not abolish antiport activity but shifted the pH optimum to more alkaline pH, and (ii) variants Asp344Ala, Asp344Asn, and Thr345Ala caused a complete loss of both Na+/H+ and Li+/H+ antiport activity whereas the Asp344Glu variant exhibited reduced Na+/H+ and Li+/H+ antiport activity. This is the first mutational analysis of the antiporter of NhaD type and the first demonstration of Thr residue being indispensable for Na+/H+ antiport. We discuss the possible role of Asp344 and Thr345 in the functioning of Vc-NhaD.  相似文献   

Since their advent some 25 years ago, monoclonal antibodies have developed into powerful tools for structural and functional analysis of their cognate antigens. Together with the respective antigen binding fragments, antibodies offer exclusive capacities in detection, characterization, purification and functional assays for every given ligand.Antibody-fragment mediated crystallization represents a major advance in determining the three-dimensional structure of membrane-bound protein complexes. In this review, we focus on the methods used to generate monoclonal antibodies against the NhaA antiporter from Escherichia coli as a paradigm of secondary transporters. We describe examples on how antibodies are helpful in understanding structure and function relationships for this important class of integral membrane proteins.The generated conformation-specific antibody fragments are highly valuable reagents for co-crystallization attempts and structure determination of the antiporter.  相似文献   

Na(+)/H(+) antiporters are ubiquitous membrane proteins and play an important role in cell homeostasis. We amplified a gene encoding a member of the monovalent cation:proton antiporter-2 (CPA2) family (TC 2.A.37) from the Thermus thermophilus genome and expressed it in Escherichia coli. The gene product was identified as a member of the NapA subfamily and was found to be an active Na(+)(Li(+))/H(+) antiporter as it conferred resistance to the Na(+) and Li(+) sensitive strain E. coli EP432 (DeltanhaA, DeltanhaB) upon exposure to high concentration of these salts in the growth medium. Fluorescence measurements using the pH sensitive dye 9-amino-6-chloro-2-methoxyacridine in everted membrane vesicles of complemented E. coli EP432 showed high Li(+)/H(+) exchange activity at pH 6, but marginal Na(+)/H(+) antiport activity. Towards more alkaline conditions, Na(+)/H(+) exchange activity increased to a relative maximum at pH 8, where by contrast the Li(+)/H(+) exchange activity reached its relative minimum. Substitution of conserved residues D156 and D157 (located in the putative transmembrane helix 6) with Ala resulted in the complete loss of Na(+)/H(+) activity. Mutation of K305 (putative transmembrane helix 10) to Ala resulted in a compromised phenotype characterized by an increase in apparent K(m) for Na(+) (36 vs. 7.6 mM for the wildtype) and Li(+) (17 vs. 0.22 mM), In summary, the Na(+)/H(+) antiport activity profile of the NapA type transporter of T. thermophilus resembles that of NhaA from E. coli, whereas in contrast to NhaA the T. thermophilus NapA antiporter is characterized by high Li(+)/H(+) antiport activity at acidic pH.  相似文献   

In the thermohalophilic bacterium Rhodothermus marinus, the NADH:quinone oxidoreductase (complex I) is encoded by two single genes and two operons, one of which contains the genes for five complex I subunits, nqo10-nqo14, a pterin carbinolamine dehydratase, and a putative single subunit Na+/H+ antiporter. Here we report that the latter encodes indeed a functional Na+/H+ antiporter, which is able to confer resistance to Na+, but not to Li+ to an Escherichia coli strain defective in Na+/H+ antiporters. In addition, an extensive amino acid sequence comparison with several single subunit Na+/H+ antiporters from different groups, namely NhaA, NhaB, NhaC, and NhaD, suggests that this might be the first member of a new type of Na+/H+ antiporters, which we propose to call NhaE.  相似文献   

The functional analysis of the sodium exchanger SOS1 from wheat, TaSOS1, was undertaken using Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a heterologous expression system. The TaSOS1 protein, with significant sequence homology to SOS1 sodium exchangers from Arabidopsis and rice, is abundant in roots and leaves, and is induced by salt treatment. TaSOS1 suppressed the salt sensitivity of a yeast strain lacking the major Na+ efflux systems by decreasing the cellular Na+ content while increasing K+ content. Na+/H+ exchange activity of purified plasma membrane from yeast cells expressing TaSOS1 was higher than controls transformed with empty vector. These results demonstrate that TaSOS1 contributes to plasma membrane Na+/H+ exchange.  相似文献   


Na+/H+ antiporters play a primary role in Na+/H+ homeostasis in cells and many organelles and have long been drug targets. The X-ray structure of NhaA, the main antiporter of Escherichia coli, provided structural insights into the antiport mechanism and its pH regulation and revealed a novel fold; six of the 12 TMs (Trans membrane segments) are organized in two topologically inverted repeats, each with one TM interrupted by an extended chain creating a unique electrostatic environment in the middle of the membrane at the cation binding site. Remarkably, inverted repeats containing interrupted helices with similar functional implications have since been observed in structures of other bacterial secondary transporters with almost no sequence homology. Finally, the structure reveals that NhaA is organized into two functional regions: a ‘pH sensor' – a cluster of amino acyl side chains that are involved in pH regulation; and a catalytic region that is 9 Å removed from the pH sensor. Alternative accessibility of the binding site to either side of the membrane, i.e., functional-dynamics, is the essence of secondary transport mechanism. Because NhaA is tightly pH regulated, structures of the pH-activated and ligand-activated NhaA conformations are needed to identify its functional-dynamics. However, as these are static snapshots of a dynamic protein, the dynamics of the protein both in vitro and in situ in the membrane are also required as reviewed here in detail. The results reveal two different conformational changes characterizing NhaA: One is pH-induced for NhaA activation; the other is ligand-induced for antiport activity.  相似文献   

CwlQ (previous YjbJ) is one of the putative cell wall hydrolases in Bacillus subtilis. Its domain has an amino acid sequence similar to the soluble-lytic transglycosylase (SLT) of Escherichia coli Slt70 and also goose lysozyme (muramidase). To characterize the enzyme, the domain of CwlQ was cloned and expressed in E. coli. The purified CwlQ protein exhibited cell wall hydrolytic activity. Surprisingly, RP-HPLC, mass spectrometry (MS), and MS/MS analyses showed that CwlQ produces two products, 1,6-anhydro-N-acetylmuramic acid and N-acetylmuramic acid, thus indicating that CwlQ is a bifunctional enzyme. The site-directed mutagenesis revealed that glutamic acid 85 (Glu-85) is an amino acid residue essential to both activities.  相似文献   

Sod2 is the sodium-proton antiporter on the plasma membrane of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. It is vitally important for sodium export and pH homeostasis in this organism. Recently, the sod2 gene has been cloned and sequenced. However, initial attempts to express sod2 in Escherichia coli using the T7 promoter failed. In the present work we examined physiological consequences of expression of sod2 in E. coli. To alleviate problems caused by expression of sod2 we: (i) used sodium-free media at all steps; (ii) used the moderate tac promoter for expression and; (iii) used E. coli strain MH1 which has impaired sodium exchange. The effect of sod2 expression on E. coli varied depending on the E. coli genotype. When sod2 was expressed in BL21 cells which have normal N a+/H+ antiporters, the result was a Li+ sensitive phenotype. LiCl completely arrested or prevented growth of BL21 E. coli transformed with the sod2 gene. The effect on growth was pronounced in media of low external pH. Sod2 was then expressed in E. coli MH1 which is devoid of endogenous Na+/H+ antiporters. These cells became more resistant to external LiCl, but only in Na+ containing media. In the absence of external Na+, the presence of sod2 reduced growth. The results are explained in a model which demonstrates the physiological consequences of interference by expression of a foreign electroneutral Na+/H+ antiporter in conjunction with different housekeeping systems of E. coli host cells.  相似文献   

Bacteria have adapted their NhaA Na+/H+ exchangers responsible for salt homeostasis to their different habitats. We present an electrophysiological and kinetic analysis of NhaA from Helicobacter pylori and compare it to the previously investigated exchangers from Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium. Properties of all three transporters are described by a simple model using a single binding site for H+ and Na+. We show that H.pylori NhaA only has a small acidic shift of its pH-dependent activity profile compared to the other transporters and discuss why a more drastic change in its pH activity profile is not physiologically required.  相似文献   

Bacillus subtilis is a facultative anaerobic Gram-positive non-pathogenic bacterium that includes members displaying hemolytic activity. To identify the genes responsible for hemolysis, a random mariner-based transposon insertion mutant library of B. subtilis 168 was constructed. More than 20,000 colonies were screened for the hypohemolytic phenotype on blood agar plates. One mutant showed significantly less pronounced hemolytic phenotype than the wild type. DNA sequencing and Southern blot analysis showed this mutant has a single transposable element inserted into the open reading frame (ORF) of the spoVG gene; complementation of the spoVG-disrupted mutant with a wild-type copy restored its hemolytic phenotype. It was therefore concluded that the spoVG gene, which plays a role in regulating asymmetric septation during sporulation in B. subtilis, is involved in hemolysis by B. subtilis.  相似文献   

E. D?afi?  P. Goswami  W. Mäntele 《BBA》2009,1787(6):730-737
In this study, structural, functional, and mechanistic properties of the Na+/H+ antiporter MjNhaP1 from Methanococcus jannaschii were analyzed by infrared spectroscopic techniques. Na+/H+ antiporters are generally responsible for the regulation of cytoplasmic pH and Na+ concentration. MjNhaP1 is active in the pH range between pH 6 and pH 6.5; below and above it is inactive.The secondary structure analysis on the basis of ATR-IR spectra provides the first insights into the structural changes between inactive (pH 8) and active (pH 6) state of MjNhaP1. It results in decreased ordered structural elements with increasing the pH-value i.e. with inactivation of the protein. Analysis of temperature-dependent FTIR spectra indicates that MjNhaP1 in the active state exhibits a much higher unfolding temperature in the spectral region assigned to α-helical segments. In contrast, the temperature-induced structural changes for β-sheet structure are similar for inactive and active state. Consequently, this structure element is not the part of the activation region of the protein. The surface accessibility of the protein was analyzed by following the extent of H/D exchange. Due to higher content of unordered structural elements a higher accessibility for amide protons is observed for the inactive as compared to the active state of MjNhaP1. Altogether, the results present the active state of MjNhaP1 as the state with ordered structural elements which exhibit high thermal stability and increased hydrophobicity.  相似文献   

Extremely alkalophilic bacteria that grow optimally at pH 10.5 and above are generally aerobic bacilli that grow at mesophilic temperatures and moderate salt levels. The adaptations to alkalophily in these organisms may be distinguished from responses to combined challenges of high pH together with other stresses such as salinity or anaerobiosis. These alkalophiles all possess a simple and physiologically crucial Na+ cycle that accomplishes the key task of pH homeostasis. An electrogenic, secondary Na+/H+ antiporter is energized by the electrochemical proton gradient formed by the proton-pumping respiratory chain. The antiporter facilitates maintenance of a pHin that is two or more pH units lower than pHout at optimal pH values for growth. It also largely converts the initial electrochemical proton gradient formed by respiration into an electrochemical sodium gradient that energizes motility as well as a plethora of Na+/solute symporters. These symporters catalyze solute accumulation and, importantly, reentry of Na+. The extreme nonmarine alkalophiles exhibit no primary sodium pumping dependent upon either respiration or ATP. ATP synthesis is not part of their Na+ cycle. Rather, the specific details of oxidative phosphorylation in these organisms are an interesting analogue of the same process in mitochondria, and may utilize some common features to optimize energy transduction.  相似文献   

The NADH:menaquinone oxidoreductase (Nqo) is one of the enzymes present in the respiratory chain of the thermohalophilic bacterium Rhodothermus marinus. The genes coding for the R. marinus Nqo subunits were isolated and sequenced, clustering in two operons [nqo1 to nqo7 (nqoA) and nqo10 to nqo14 (nqoB)] and two independent genes (nqo8 and nqo9). Unexpectedly, two genes encoding homologues of a NhaD Na+/H+ antiporter (NhaD) and of a pterin-4α-carbinolamine dehydratase (PCD) were identified within nqoB, flanked by nqo13 and nqo14. Eight conserved motives to harbour iron-sulphur centres are identified in the deduced primary structures, as well as two consensus sequences to bind nucleotides, in this case NADH and FMN. Moreover, the open-reading-frames of the putative NhaD and PCD were shown to be co-transcribed with the other complex I genes encoded by nqoB. The possible role of these two genes in R. marinus complex I is discussed.  相似文献   

NfrA1 nitroreductase from the Gram-positive bacterium Bacillus subtilis is a member of the NAD(P)H/FMN oxidoreductase family. Here, we investigated the reactivity, the structure and kinetics of NfrA1, which could provide insight into the unclear biological role of this enzyme. We could show that NfrA1 possesses an NADH oxidase activity that leads to high concentrations of oxygen peroxide and an NAD+ degrading activity leading to free nicotinamide. Finally, we showed that NfrA1 is able to rapidly scavenge H2O2 produced during the oxidative process or added exogenously.

Structured summary

MINT-7990140: nfrA1 (uniprotkb:P39605) and nfrA1 (uniprotkb:P39605) bind (MI:0407) by X-ray crystallography (MI:0114)  相似文献   

Salt stress is an environmental factor that severely impairs plant growth and productivity. We have cloned a novel isoform of a vacuolar Na+/H+ antiporter from Pennisetum glaucum (PgNHX1) that contains 5 transmembrane domains in contrast to AtNHX1 and OsNHX1 which have 9 transmembrane domains. Recently we have shown that PgNHX1 could confer high level of salinity tolerance when overexpressed in Brassica juncea. Here, we report the functional validation of this antiporter in crop plant rice. Overexpression of PgNHX1 conferred high level of salinity tolerance in rice. Transgenic rice plants overexpressing PgNHX1 developed more extensive root system and completed their life cycle by setting flowers and seeds in the presence of 150 mM NaCl. Our data demonstrate the potential of PgNHX1 for imparting enhanced salt tolerance capabilities to salt-sensitive crop plants for growing in high saline areas.  相似文献   

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