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We studied the interaction of proteoglycan subunit with both types I and II collagen. All three molecular species were isolated from the ox. Type II collagen, prepared from papain-digested bovine nasal cartilage, was characterized by gel electrophoresis, amino acid analysis and CM-cellulose chromatography. By comparison of type I collagen, prepared from papain-digested calf skin, with native calf skin acid-soluble tropocollagen, we concluded that the papain treatment left the collagen molecules intact. Interactions were carried out at 4 degrees C in 0.06 M-sodium acetate, pH 4.8, and the results were studied by two slightly different methods involving CM-cellulose chromatography and polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis. It was demonstrated that proteoglycan subunit, from bovine nasal cartilage, bound to cartilage collagen. Competitive-interaction experiments showed that, in the presence of equal amounts of calf skin acid-soluble tropocollagen (type I) and bovine nasal cartilage collagen (type II), proteoglycan subunit bound preferentially to the type I collagen. We suggest from these results that, although not measured under physiological conditions, it is unlikely that the binding in vivo between type II collagen and proteoglycan is appreciably stronger than that between type I collagen and proteoglycan.  相似文献   

Summary A case of achondrogenesis type I was observed in a stillborn infant of consanguineous parents. Additional abnormalities included cleft palate, corneal clouding, ear deformities, aplastic testes, and anal atresia. Radiological and histological findings are evaluated for the differential diagnosis.  相似文献   

A comparison of the synthesis and deposition of fibrous type II collagen and the constituents of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan (CSPG) aggregates, CSPG monomer and link protein, was made for chicken sternal chondrocytes in culture, using simultaneous double immunofluorescence and lectin localization. Chondrocytes deposited only CSPG constituents--and not type II collagen--into the extracellular matrix (ECM). Intracellular precursors of CSPG monomer were localized primarily in perinuclear regions, but were observed in other cytoplasmic vesicles as well. Link protein antibodies stained the same intracellular structures, but stained the perinuclear cytoplasm less intensely. In contrast, type II procollagen was distributed in vesicles throughout the cytoplasm and was clearly absent from the distinctive, CSPG precursor-containing vesicles. Fluorescence-labelled lectins were used to further identify intracellular membrane compartments. Wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) and Ricinus lectins (which recognize carbohydrates added in the Golgi) stained the perinuclear cytoplasm, while concanavalin A (conA) (which recognizes mannose-rich oligosaccharides added co-translationally) stained vesicles throughout the rest of the cytoplasm and not the perinuclear cytoplasm. The distinctive CSPG-containing vesicles were not stained with WGA or Ricinus agglutinins. Data presented elsewhere demonstrate that the vesicles do not react with monoclonal antibodies which recognize chondroitin sulfate (CS) or keratan sulfate (KS) determinants. Thus, we conclude that the vesicles accumulate CSPG precursors which have not been modified by Golgi-mediated processes. The data indicate that matrix molecules may be segregated selectively prior to transit through the Golgi complex. The co-distribution of link protein and CSPG monomer precursors in vesicles prior to further, Golgi-mediated modification may reflect an as yet undetermined function of these vesicles in the processing or assembly of CSPG.  相似文献   

Type IX collagen from chick embryonic cartilage is a proteoglycan bearing a single chondroitin sulfate chain covalently linked to the alpha 2(IX) polypeptide chain. We have isolated type IX collagen metabolically labeled with [3H]proline using an antibody to type IX collagen and have found that the molecule is synthesized in two forms, a collagen form (COLIX) and a proteoglycan form (PGIX). In cultured chondrocytes, the two forms of type IX collagen showed a different ability to be deposited in the matrix. We have suggested the possibility that both forms may arise from an alternative substitution of a chondroitin sulfate chain to the NC3 domain of the alpha 2(IX) chain. Based on the reported amino acid sequence at the NC3 domain of alpha 2(IX), we have synthesized undecapeptides containing the sequence around the glycosaminoglycan attachment site of the alpha 2(IX) chain. Antibody against the peptide, which was raised in rabbit, only recognized COLIX and made it possible to distinguish COLIX from PGIX. Evidence shows that this could be due to a difference in antigenicity of the NC3 domain of the alpha 2(IX) chain between COLIX and PGIX caused by the substitution of a chondroitin sulfate chain to the serine residue in this domain. Therefore, this antibody may be useful as a probe for studies on the functions of glycosaminoglycan substitution in type IX collagen.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine whether a fragment(s) of type II collagen can induce cartilage degradation. Fragments generated by cyanogen bromide (CB) cleavage of purified bovine type II collagen were separated by HPLC. These fragments together with selected overlapping synthetic peptides were first analysed for their capacity to induce cleavage of type II collagen by collagenases in chondrocyte and explant cultures of healthy adult bovine articular cartilage. Collagen cleavage was measured by immunoassay and degradation of proteoglycan (mainly aggrecan) was determined by analysis of cleavage products of core protein by Western blotting. Gene expression of matrix metalloproteinases MMP-13 and MMP-1 was measured using Real-time PCR. Induction of denaturation of type II collagen in situ in cartilage matrix with exposure of the CB domain was identified with a polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies that only react with this domain in denatured but not native type II collagen. As well as the mixture of CB fragments and peptide CB12, a single synthetic peptide CB12-II (residues 195-218), but not synthetic peptide CB12-IV (residues 231-254), potently and consistently induced in explant cultures at 10 microM and 25 microM, in a time, cell and dose dependent manner, collagenase-induced cleavage of type II collagen accompanied by upregulation of MMP-13 expression but not MMP-1. In isolated chondrocyte cultures CB12-II induced very limited upregulation of MMP-13 as well as MMP-1 expression. Although this was accompanied by concomitant induction of cleavage of type II collagen by collagenases, this was not associated by aggrecan cleavage. Peptide CB12-IV, which had no effect on collagen cleavage, clearly induced aggrecanase specific cleavage of the core protein of this proteoglycan. Thus these events involving matrix molecule cleavage can importantly occur independently of each other, contrary to popular belief. Denaturation of type II collagen with exposure of the CB12-II domain was also shown to be much increased in osteoarthritic human cartilage compared to non-arthritic cartilage. These observations reveal that peptides of type II collagen, to which there is increased exposure in osteoarthritic cartilage, can when present in sufficient concentration induce cleavage of type II collagen (CB12-II) and aggrecan (CB12-IV) accompanied by increased expression of collagenases. Such increased concentrations of denatured collagen are present in adult and osteoarthritic cartilages and the exposure of chondrocytes to the sequences they encode, either in soluble or more likely insoluble form, may therefore play a role in the excessive resorption of matrix molecules that is seen in arthritis and development.  相似文献   

Embryonic chick articular and keel cartilage was found to synthesize two types of collagen. The amount of Type I collagen synthesis decreased from 60% to nearly 10% during the embryonic period studied, thus suggesting not only coexistence of both collagen types in the same tissue, but also a developmental transformation from predominantly Type I synthesis to Type II synthesis with cartilage development and maturation. Radioautographs suggested that all chondrocytes were equally active in collagen synthesis and failed to show any significant non-cartilagenous tissue contamination. Therefore variation in collagen type synthesis must be a product of some unknown genetic regulatory mechanism within the cartilage tissue.  相似文献   

In previous experiments, two collagenous fragments were isolated from pepsin digests of chicken hyaline cartilage and called the high molecular weight, (HMW) and low molecular weight (LMW) fractions [3]. In the present experiments, the chains of LMW were isolated after denaturation and subsequent reduction and alkylation of interchain disulfide bridges and were further fractionated by carboxymethyl-cellulose chromatography. Four peaks were resolved during chromatography and were designated LMW 1, 2A, 2B, and 3. Amino acid analyses and peptide mapping after cleavage with trypsin, V8 protease, and cyanogen bromide showed that three genetically distinct chains must be present in LMW. Fractions 2A and 2B were very similar, but not identical, in structure. LMW 1, 2A plus 2B, and 3 were consistently isolated in approximately equal proportions, suggesting that the probable chain organization of LMW is [1][2A + 2B][3]. This suggestion was supported further by experiments that attempted to fractionate LMW by carboxymethyl-cellulose chromatography after denaturation but without reduction and alkylation of interchain disulfide bridges. No fractionation of LMW was achieved, the single peak subsequently being shown to contain LMW 1, 2A plus 2B, and 3.  相似文献   

During endochondral bone formation, hypertrophic cartilage is replaced by bone or by a marrow cavity. The matrix of hypertrophic cartilage contains at least one tissue-specific component, type X collagen. Structurally type X collagen contains both a collagenous domain and a COOH-terminal non-collagenous one. However, the function(s) of this molecule have remained largely speculative. To examine the behavior and functions of type X collagen within hypertrophic cartilage, we (Chen, Q., E. Gibney, J. M. Fitch, C. Linsenmayer, T. M. Schmid, and T. F. Linsenmayer. 1990. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 87:8046-8050) recently devised an in vitro system in which exogenous type X collagen rapidly (15 min to several hours) moves into non-hypertrophic cartilage. There the molecule becomes associated with preexisting cartilage collagen fibrils. In the present investigation, we find that the isolated collagenous domain of type X collagen is sufficient for its association with fibrils. Furthermore, when non-hypertrophic cartilage is incubated for a longer time (overnight) with "intact" type X collagen, the molecule is found both in the matrix and inside of the chondrocytes. The properties of the matrix of such type X collagen-infiltrated cartilage become altered. Such changes include: (a) antigenic masking of type X collagen by proteoglycans; (b) loss of the permissiveness for further infiltration by type X collagen; and (c) enhanced accumulation of proteoglycans. Some of these changes are dependent on the presence of the COOH-terminal non-collagenous domain of the molecule. In fact, the isolated collagenous domain of type X collagen appears to exert an opposite effect on proteoglycan accumulation, producing a net decrease in their accumulation, particularly of the light form(s) of proteoglycans. Certain of these matrix alterations are similar to ones that have been observed to occur in vivo. This suggests that within hypertrophic cartilage type X collagen has regulatory as well as structural functions, and that these functions are achieved specifically by its two different domains.  相似文献   

From a study to understand the mechanism of covalent interaction between collagen types II and IX, we present experimental evidence for a previously unrecognized molecular site of cross-linking. The location relative to previously defined cross-linking sites predicts a specific manner of interaction and folding of collagen IX on the surface of nascent collagen II fibrils. The initial evidence came from Western blot analysis of type IX collagen extracted by pepsin from fetal human cartilage, which showed a molecular species that had properties indicating an adduct between the alpha1(II) chain and the C-terminal domain (COL1) of type IX collagen. A similar component was isolated from bovine cartilage in sufficient quantity to confirm this identity by N-terminal sequence analysis. Using an antibody that recognized the putative cross-linking sequence at the C terminus of the alpha1(IX) chain, cross-linked peptides were isolated by immunoaffinity chromatography from proteolytic digests of human cartilage collagen. They were characterized by immunochemistry, N-terminal sequence analysis, and mass spectrometry. The results establish a link between a lysine near the C terminus (in the NC1 domain) of alpha1(IX) and the known cross-linking lysine at residue 930 of the alpha1(II) triple helix. This cross-link is speculated to form early in the process of interaction between collagen IX molecules and collagen II polymers. A model of molecular folding and further cross-linking is predicted that can spatially accommodate the formation of all six known cross-linking interactions to the collagen IX molecule on a fibril surface. Of particular biological significance, this model can accommodate potential interfibrillar as well as intrafibrillar links between the collagen IX molecules themselves, so providing a mechanism whereby collagen IX could stabilize a collagen fibril network.  相似文献   

The in vitro phenotype of bovine articular chondrocytes is described. Chondrocytes plated at high density in roller-bottle and dish cultures were maintained in vitro. The major matrix macromolecules, collagen and proteoglycan, synthesized by these cells were characterized during the course of the culture period. The chondrocytes synthesized mainly Type II collagen, which was found predominantly in the cell-associated matrix. The media contained a mixture of Type II and Type III collagens. Type I collagen was detectable in neither the medium nor the cell-associated matrix. The proteoglycan monomers found in media and cell-associated matrix had the same hydrodynamic sizes as monomers synthesized by cartilage slices or those extracted from adult articular cartilage. The majority of proteoglycans synthesized by the cells were found in high molecular weight aggregates which were readily recovered from the media and were extractable from cell-associated matrix with low ionic strength buffers. The results demonstrate the long-term in vitro phenotypic stability of the bovine articular chondrocytes. The advantages of the in vitro system as a model for studying the effects of external agents, such as drugs and vitamins, are discussed.  相似文献   

Human collagen type IX was isolated from the media of organ cultures of fetal or infant hyaline cartilage. It consisted of three distinct, disulfide-bonded polypeptides of 115, 84, and 72 kDa, respectively. Digestion with chondroitinase ABC reduced the apparent molecular mass of the 115-kDa chain to about 65 kDa demonstrating that also human collagen type IX is a proteoglycan. In the electron microscope, the molecule had a rigid rod-like structure with characteristic kinks and with a globular domain at one end. Digestion of human collagen type IX with pepsin leads to somewhat heterogeneous fragments. Affinity-purified antibodies to the mixture of fragments specifically reacted with the fragment HMW without cross-reaction with chicken HMW. LMW of both species were recognized to the same low extent. Mechanically generated fibril fragments from human fetal cartilage were heterogeneous in diameter. Significantly, they could be immunostained for collagen type IX in a D-periodic pattern and regardless of the fibril diameter. Some fibrils were poorly labeled, again independently of the diameter. Therefore, the role of collagen type IX in cartilage probably is not to control directly the lateral growth during fibrillogenesis but rather to stabilize the fibril network.  相似文献   

The small dermatan sulphate proteoglycan of bovine tendon demonstrated a unique ability to inhibit fibrillogenesis of both type I and type II collagen from bovine tendon and cartilage respectively in an assay performed in vitro. None of the other proteoglycan populations from cartilage, tendon or aorta, even those similar in size and chemical structure, had this effect. Alkali treatment of the small proteoglycan of tendon eliminated its ability to inhibit fibrillogenesis, whereas chondroitinase digestion did not. This indicates that its interaction with collagen depends on the core protein. Fibrillogenesis of pepsin-digested collagens was affected similarly, indicating that interaction with the collagen telopeptides is not involved. The results suggest that interactions between collagen and proteoglycans may be quite specific both for the type of proteoglycan and its tissue of origin.  相似文献   

Bovine articular type II collagen was prepared by limited pepsin digestion, differential salt fractionation and carboxymethylcellulose chromatography. Cyanogen bromide digestion of purified type II collagen alpha chains yielded twelve distinct peptides designated CB1-12. The peptide alpha 1(II)-CB11 was isolated by carboxymethylcellulose chromatography and Sephadex G-75S gel filtration. Automated Edman degradation together with chymotrypsin, thermolysin and trypsin digestion enabled identification of its complete amino acid sequence. Compared with type I and type III collagen, the data show similarity with alpha 1(I)-CB8 and alpha 1(III)-CB6-1-8-10-2 peptides, respectively. The peptide is located within residues 124-402 of the alpha 1(II) collagen chain and with its identification, now extends the known amino acid sequence of bovine type II cartilage collagen to 660 amino acid residues including alpha 1(II)-CB1-2-6-12-11-8-10 (partial). This corresponds to alpha 1(I)-CB0-1-2-4-5-8-3-7 (partial; 1-660) and alpha 1(III)-CB3A-3B-3C-7-6-1-8-10-2-4-5 (partial; 1-660) of bovine alpha 1(I) and alpha 1(III) collagen chains.  相似文献   

A major site of pyridinoline cross-linking in bovine type IX collagen was traced to a tryptic peptide derived from one of the molecule's HMW chains. This peptide gave two amino acid sequences (in 2/1 ratio) consistent with it being a three-chained structure. The major sequence matched exactly that of the C-telopeptide of type II collagen from the same tissue. A second HMW chain that contained pyridinoline cross-links also gave two amino-terminal sequences, one from its own amino terminus, the other matching exactly the N-telopeptide cross-linking sequence of type II collagen. We conclude that type IX collagen molecules are covalently cross-linked in cartilage to molecules of type II collagen, probably at fibril surfaces.  相似文献   

Abnormal structure of type II collagen in a patients with funnel chest   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The electrophoretical analysis and CNBr-peptide mapping of the collagens, isolated from the costal cartilage of 30 patients with non-classified and syndromal forms of pex excavatum (funnel chest) (27 patients) and pex carinatum (3 patients) was carried out. In case of one patient with the nonclassified form of funnel chest the electrophoretical mobility of CB 9.7-peptide was found to be decreased. The electrophoretical mobilities of other peptides are not markedly changed. The data obtained allow one to suggest the mutation causing the defect in the region about 160 amino acid residues distant from the C-end of alpha 1 (II) chain of type II collagen of the patient.  相似文献   

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