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Several recent studies have explored various aspects of animal personality and their ecological consequences. However, the processes responsible for the maintenance of personality variability within a population are still largely unknown. We have recently demonstrated that social personality traits exist in the common lizard (Lacerta vivipara) and that the variation in sociability provides an explanation for variable dispersal responses within a given species. However, we need to know the fitness consequences of variation in sociability across environmental contexts in order to better understand the maintenance of such variation. In order to achieve this, we investigated the relationship between sociability and survival, body growth and fecundity, in one-year-old individuals in semi-natural populations with varying density. 'Asocial' and 'social' lizards displayed different fitness outcomes in populations of different densities. Asocial lizards survived better in low-density populations, while social females reproduced better. Spatiotemporal variation in environmental conditions might thus be the process underlying the maintenance of these personality traits within a population. Finally, we also discuss the position of sociability in a more general individual behavioural pattern including boldness, exploration and aggressiveness.  相似文献   

The boldness of individual Brachyrhaphis episcopi , collected from regions of high and low predation, was investigated using two independent assays: (1) the time to emerge from cover and (2) the propensity to leave shoal mates and investigate a novel object. A strong correlation between the two assays was revealed such that fish that emerged from shelter sooner were also more likely to approach a novel object. This is indicative of a boldness personality axis acting across both behavioural contexts. Fish from high-predation areas were bolder than those from low-predation areas and males were bolder than females. A significant correlation between body mass, standard length ( L S) and boldness score was also found. In general, bold fish had a greater body mass at a given L S than shy fish. These results suggest that personality traits are strongly influenced by population-specific ecological variables and may have fitness consequences in wild populations.  相似文献   

Within populations, individual animals vary considerably in their behaviour, including mate choice and personality. There is mounting interest in the potential covariation between these two behaviours within individuals, such that personality would influence mate choice. We experimentally tested this proposition under controlled laboratory conditions using male Trinidadian guppies (Poecilia reticulata) as a model study system. We assayed repeatedly the mating preference of individual males for females based on their body size. Additionally, we assayed repeatedly two ecologically relevant personality traits in males, namely exploration of a novel environment and boldness under a simulated predation threat. Finally, we analysed whether male mating preference and personality traits were repeatable, and tested whether the personality of individual males was correlated (covaried) with their mating preference scores. Although all but one of the measures of exploration and boldness behaviour were repeatable over time, male mating preference scores were not repeatable. Measures of male exploration and boldness were not inter-correlated among individuals, suggesting the absence of a behavioural syndrome between exploration and boldness. Unexpectedly, males did not exhibit on average a significant mating preference for larger females over smaller ones; they chose randomly between the paired stimulus females. Overall, we found no compelling evidence for a relationship between individual personality traits and mating preference in male guppies, suggesting that personality does not predict mate choice, at least in our study population and under our experimental conditions. We discuss potential factors, other than male personality and body length, that might maintain inter-individual variation in male mating preferences in the guppy in the wild.  相似文献   

Behaviour, including personality, informs us about the response of animals towards their changing environment. Despite the widespread occurrence of florivorous insects and the important but often underrated ecological roles that they play, the study of florivore behaviour is neglected relative to that of pollinators and other herbivores. Specifically, we do not know how different personality types can develop among florivores and enable them to persist in habitats with an ephemeral and dynamic availability of food resources. To address this knowledge gap, we investigated the following questions: whether the (a) inter‐individual differences of exploration and boldness are consistent; (b) inter‐population differences of exploration and boldness are consistent; (c) exploration and boldness are correlated. We collected individuals of the polyphagous floriphilic katydid, Phaneroptera brevis from four populations from wasteland sites in Singapore and performed a personality assay conducted in an insectary to investigate the exploratory and boldness levels of the individuals and populations. The major novel finding was that the floriphilic P. brevis katydids exhibit population‐level personality types for boldness, but not for exploration. Some katydid individuals were consistently more exploratory and bolder than other individuals. However, contrary to our predictions, we did not find any evidence of behavioural syndromes in the katydid individuals, as the boldness level for individuals was not significantly correlated with exploration for individuals. This suggests that an individual which is more exploratory may not be equally keen to take risks and consume novel food that it encounters. Our findings also suggest that boldness and exploration are linked to ecologically important behaviours, but more studies are needed to better understand population‐level personality and how and why natural selection may favour the evolution of personality in certain populations.  相似文献   

Studies documenting and quantifying personality traits are common in animal behavior. Such studies often consider the nature of individual variation and personality as correlated with a variety of natural history, physiological, or ecological traits, and therefore consider the importance of personality for strategies in wild systems. Though such studies have contributed markedly to our understanding of the important aspects of personality that may covary with a variety of factors that might affect fitness, much of the research on animal personalities is taxonomically limited. To supplement and compliment the laboratory study of reptile personality, we examined the patterns of multiple personality traits in wild Eastern painted turtles (Chrysemys picta) in the field. We examined patterns of aggression, sociability, and boldness across these traits in different contexts in 103 adult, wild-caught turtles. We found strong correlations both within and among the focal behavioral axes, representing robust evidence for personality in this species. Specifically, we found strong relationships among many measures of aggression, as well as relationships between aggression and our measures of boldness. Finally, we note a tendency for sociability in our turtles, with animals scoring high on sociability showing lower tendency toward aggression. Overall, our study provides robust evidence for correlated suites of behavioral traits, or personality, in a semi-aquatic turtle surveyed in the wild. Future work should continue to expand the range of traits examined to more fully consider the ecological consequences of variation in personality in this and similar species.  相似文献   

Are animal personality traits linked to life-history productivity?   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Animal personality traits such as boldness, activity and aggressiveness have been described for many animal species. However, why some individuals are consistently bolder or more active than others, for example, is currently obscure. Given that life-history tradeoffs are common and known to promote inter-individual differences in behavior, we suggest that consistent individual differences in animal personality traits can be favored when those traits contribute to consistent individual differences in productivity (growth and/or fecundity). A survey of empirical studies indicates that boldness, activity and/or aggressiveness are positively related to food intake rates, productivity and other life-history traits in a wide range of taxa. Our conceptual framework sets the stage for a closer look at relationships between personality traits and life-history traits in animals.  相似文献   

Despite increasing interest, animal personality is still a puzzling phenomenon. Several theoretical models have been proposed to explain intraindividual consistency and interindividual variation in behaviour, which have been primarily supported by qualitative data and simulations. Using an empirical approach, I tested predictions of one main life-history hypothesis, which posits that consistent individual differences in behaviour are favoured by a trade-off between current and future reproduction. Data on life-history were collected for individuals of a natural population of grey mouse lemurs (Microcebus murinus). Using open-field and novel-object tests, I quantified variation in activity, exploration and boldness for 117 individuals over 3 years. I found systematic variation in boldness between individuals of different residual reproductive value. Young males with low current but high expected future fitness were less bold than older males with high current fecundity, and males might increase in boldness with age. Females have low variation in assets and in boldness with age. Body condition was not related to boldness and only explained marginal variation in exploration. Overall, these data indicate that a trade-off between current and future reproduction might maintain personality variation in mouse lemurs, and thus provide empirical support of this life-history trade-off hypothesis.  相似文献   

Personality exists in non-human animals and can impact fitness. There is, however, a shortage of empirical studies in certain areas within the field, and fundamental evolutionary theory on personality remains largely untested. For example, little is known on how variation in personality is maintained over evolutionary time. Theory suggests that fluctuating selection pressures due to spatiotemporal variation in conditions, e.g. food availability, is a possible mechanism and a few studies have shown that the success of different personality types varies with spatiotemporal conditions. However, it remains unknown whether different mechanisms can maintain personality within a species. Here we use a reintroduction programme for the critically endangered European mink (Mustela lutreola) to test whether multiple personality trait domains (boldness, exploration and sociability) affected survival in two different years and islands. This was done through pre-release personality tests and post-release radio-tracking monitoring. Survival was positively correlated with boldness, whereas the relationship with exploration was either negative or positive depending on year/island. The results show a complex relationship between personality and survival and suggest that exploration can be maintained over evolutionary time via spatiotemporal variation in conditions. However, in contrast to exploration, boldness did not vary spatiotemporally and sociability had no impact on survival. This indicates that different personality trait domains might be maintained by different mechanisms. To date, personality has been studied primarily within behavioural sciences, but through empirical findings we highlight the importance of personality also in ecology and conservation biology.  相似文献   

The developmental perspectives of animal personality enhance our understanding of how personality structure changes in relation to life stage. Clonal animals are ideal models for developmental studies because personality differences can be solely attributed to environmental factors. Here, I investigated the presence of personality within a species of clonal gecko, Lepidodactylus lugubris, at different developmental stages. For juveniles and adult geckos, I measured exploration (reaction to a novel situation) and boldness (risk-prone tendency) and evaluated repeatability and correlation of these behavioural traits. Each gecko exhibited different exploration and boldness with significant repeatability through time but no correlation between these behavioural traits. Small juveniles were composed of only bold and low explorative individuals but large juveniles and adults were composed of various personality type individuals. These results demonstrate that subject geckos have a similar personality structure across life stages and that exploration and boldness are independent personality without forming behavioural syndrome structure. Biased composition of personality type between life stages suggests that appearance of different personality type individuals during an early ontogenetic stage generates personality variation within the clonal population. This study provides developmental insight about personality structure and its composition in clonal animals living in the wild.  相似文献   

Haymer DS  Hartl DL 《Genetics》1983,104(2):343-352
Twelve diverse strains of Drosophila melanogaster have been examined with respect to their individual fitness components and with respect to their relative performance under competitive and noncompetitive conditions. Individual fitness components included estimates of time until successful copulation (t), fecundity (f) and egg-to-adult viability (v), and a composite index of overall fitness of the form fv/t was used for comparisons among strains. Noncompetitive performance was assessed in terms of the biomass (standing crop) and productivity of equilibrium experimental populations. Competitive performance was assessed in terms of relative competitive ability vis-à-vis a standard compound-autosome-bearing strain in single-generation tests. A significant correlation was found between the composite index of individual fitness components and the competitive compound-autosome test. Although the biomass and productivity of equilibrium populations were correlated with each other, neither of these noncompetitive measures was correlated with individual fitness components or with the composite index. We suggest that the performance of strains in such noncompetitive tests may be related to what Wright has called the "mean selective value" of the populations. Judging from their association with the composite index of individual fitness components, competitive tests such as the compound-autosome test seem to be related more nearly to the average Darwinian fitness of the populations.  相似文献   

Individuals from the same population generally vary in suites of correlated behavioral traits: personality. Yet, the strength of the behavioral correlations sometimes differs among populations and environmental conditions, suggesting that single underlying mechanisms, such as genetic constraints, cannot account for them. We propose, instead, that such suites of correlated traits may arise when a single key behavior has multiple cascading effects on several other behaviors through affecting the range of options available. For instance, an individual's shyness can constrain its habitat choice, which, in turn, could restrict the expression of other behavioral traits. We hypothesize that shy individuals should be especially restrained in their choice of habitat when the risk of predation is high, which then canalizes them into different behavioral options making them appear behaviorally distinct from bolder individuals. We test this idea using an individual‐based simulation model. Our results show that individual differences in boldness can be sufficient, under high predation pressure, to generate behavioral correlations between boldness and both the tendency to aggregate and the propensity to use social information. Thus, our findings support the idea that some behavioral syndromes can be, at least to some extent, labile. Our model further predicts that such cascading effects should be more pronounced in populations with a long history of predation, which are expected to exhibit a low average boldness level, compared with predator‐naïve populations.  相似文献   

Mechanisms affecting consistent interindividual behavioral variation (i.e., animal personality) are of wide scientific interest. In poikilotherms, ambient temperature is one of the most important environmental factors with a direct link to a variety of fitness‐related traits. Recent empirical evidence suggests that individual differences in boldness are linked to behavioral thermoregulation strategy in heliothermic species, as individuals are regularly exposed to predators during basking. Here, we tested for links between behavioral thermoregulation strategy, boldness, and individual state in adult males of the high‐mountain Carpetan rock lizard (Iberolacerta cyreni). Principal component analysis revealed the following latent links in our data: (i) a positive relationship of activity with relative limb length and color brightness (PC1, 23% variation explained), (ii) a negative relationship of thermoregulatory precision with parasite load and risk‐taking (PC2, 20.98% variation explained), and (iii) a negative relationship between preferred body temperature and relative limb length (PC3, 19.23% variation explained). We conclude that differences in boldness and behavioral thermoregulatory strategy could be explained by both stable and labile state variables. The moderate link between behavioral thermoregulatory strategy and risk‐taking personality in our system is plausibly the result of differences in reproductive state of individuals or variation in ecological conditions during the breeding season.  相似文献   

Predation is a strong selective force in most natural systems, potentially fueling evolutionary changes in prey morphology, life history and behaviour. Recent work has suggested that contrasting predation pressures may lead to population differentiation in personality traits. However, there are indications that these personality traits also differ between sexes and not necessarily in a consistent way between populations. We used an integrative approach to quantify boldness (latency to emerge from a shelter) in wild‐caught guppies in relation to predation pressure, population origin, sex and size. In addition we quantified the repeatability of these personality traits. We show that predation regime had significant effects on emergence time. In general, fish from high predation localities emerged sooner from the shelter compared to those from low predation localities. We found strong sex differences; males were significantly bolder than females. The relationship between emergence time and body size was non‐significant in all populations. We discuss what responses to expect from predator‐naïve versus predator‐experienced individuals and how this can be linked to the shyness–boldness continuum.  相似文献   

There is a growing interest in animal personality because individual variation is the substrate of the evolutionary process. Despite revelations that personality traits affect key fitness variables, little is known about the proximate mechanisms generating consistent behavioural differences between individuals. Boldness, the propensity to take risks, is one of the most widely studied aspects of personality in fishes. We assessed the position of juvenile Argyosomus japonicus on the ??boldness?Cshyness?? continuum by repeatedly recording the time taken to exit a refuge and explore a novel environment. Stress-related hormone concentrations after exposure to a mild stressor were analysed 1?month before behavioural assays and found to be significantly linked to boldness scores. Shy fish had significantly higher plasma cortisol concentrations in response to handling stress than bold fish. Spontaneous switching between personality categories occurred between trials, highlighting the importance of repeated testing of personality traits over time to correctly attribute personality.  相似文献   

The existence of consistent individual differences in behaviour (‘animal personality’) has been well documented in recent years. However, how such individual variation in behaviour is maintained over evolutionary time is an ongoing conundrum. A well-studied axis of animal personality is individual variation along a bold–shy continuum, where individuals differ consistently in their propensity to take risks. A predation-risk cost to boldness is often assumed, but also that the reproductive benefits associated with boldness lead to equivalent fitness outcomes between bold and shy individuals over a lifetime. However, an alternative or complementary explanation may be that bold individuals phenotypically compensate for their risky lifestyle to reduce predation costs, for instance by investing in more pronounced morphological defences. Here, we investigate the ‘phenotypic compensation’ hypothesis, i.e. that bold individuals exhibit more pronounced anti-predator defences than shy individuals, by relating shell shape in the aquatic snail Radix balthica to an index of individual boldness. Our analyses find a strong relationship between risk-taking propensity and shell shape in this species, with bolder individuals exhibiting a more defended shell shape than shy individuals. We suggest that this supports the ‘phenotypic compensation’ hypothesis and sheds light on a previously poorly studied mechanism to promote the maintenance of personality variation among animals.  相似文献   

The study of heterozygosity‐fitness correlations (HFCs) has a long history in the fields of ecology and evolutionary biology but remains controversial. Recently, it has been shown that the genetic distance of markers from functional loci can be an important factor to be considered in addition to marker numbers and variability. In this study, we investigated the correlation between individual heterozygosity and behaviour (aggression, boldness and feeding activity) in nine‐spined stickleback (Pungitius pungitius) individuals originating from four populations in two contrasting environments. Offspring of full‐sib families raised in a common garden setting were assessed for behaviour and genotyped using 84 microsatellite markers that were either located within or near behaviourally or physiologically important genes (termed ‘functional’) or were randomly selected. No associations were detected with any behavioural trait in any population or over all populations when genetic variability was measured using all 84 markers combined. However, when the markers were separated into three functional categories (behavioural, physiological and random), several significant associations were observed both with functional markers and random markers in one of the four populations assessed. Interestingly, contrasting correlations with behaviour were observed when using physiological gene (negative) and random (positive) markers. Upon dividing the physiological gene markers into further subcategories based on their specific physiological functions, a strong relationship between the heterozygosity of markers linked to osmoregulation‐related genes, and behaviour was revealed in the brackish water population. Our results indicate that both local (physiological) and general (neutral) effects are important in shaping behaviour and that heterozygosity–behaviour correlations are population dependent.  相似文献   

Consistent individual differences in behavioural responses to perceived predation risk may have extensive ecological and evolutionary implications. We studied the repeatability of boldness across time and its relation to resource holding potential in the noble crayfish, Astacus astacus L., using predator-naïve immature individuals. We followed individual’s shelter use both with and without exposure to the chemical and physical cues of predators, and with and without the presence of a conspecific. In addition, we examined if armament, i.e. relative chelae size, would be correlated with individual differences in behaviour. Individuals showed repeatable behaviours across time and context. Individuals that occupied the shelter in competitive dyadic tests also spent more time in the shelter during individual control observations, suggesting that boldness is a personality trait that does not necessarily relate positively to high resource holding potential in the noble crayfish. The relative size of chelae did not correlate with any of the measured behavioural variables. Our results suggest that boldness can be considered as individually consistent and ecologically important personality trait in the noble crayfish.  相似文献   

Individual personality is an important source of variation in animal behavior. However, few studies have examined the reliability of individual behaviors across both time and context for even common temperament traits such as boldness, especially in mammals. We tested a laboratory colony of Siberian dwarf hamsters (Phodopus sungorus) in two similar assays, a tunnel maze and an open field, both provisioned with a home nestbox for shelter. Animals were tested in each assay at three ages, beginning at weaning. Principal components analysis on each assay identified an axis of activity level in both tests, boldness and reactivity in the tunnel maze, and nestbox orientation in the open field. All traits were moderately (7–18%) heritable. Individual activity level was the most reliably consistent trait, both within and between tests. Tunnel maze boldness, tunnel maze reactivity, and open field nestbox orientation did not correlate at any age. Correlation between boldness and activity changes from positive to negative as animals age, while reactivity was consistently negatively associated with activity. A negative correlation emerged in adults between open field activity and nestbox orientation. These results suggest that either development or habituation results in different personality trait associations in an individual over time. Individual temperament traits such as general activity level may be quite stable, but caution should be used in generalizing single assays to represent boldness across time and across contexts.  相似文献   

Deciphering the mechanisms involved in shaping social structure is key to a deeper understanding of the evolutionary processes leading to sociality. Individual specialization within groups can increase colony efficiency and consequently productivity. Here, we test the hypothesis that within-group variation in individual personalities (i.e. boldness and aggression) can shape task differentiation. The social spider Stegodyphus sarasinorum (Eresidae) showed task differentiation (significant unequal participation) in simulated prey capture events across 10-day behavioural assays in the field, independent of developmental stage (level of maturation), eliminating age polyethism. Participation in prey capture was positively associated with level of boldness but not with aggression. Body size positively correlated with being the first spider to emerge from the colony as a response to prey capture but not with being the first to attack, and dispersal distance from experimental colonies correlated with attacking but not with emerging. This suggests that different behavioural responses to prey capture result from a complex set of individual characteristics. Boldness and aggression correlated positively, but neither was associated with body size, developmental stage or dispersal distance. Hence, we show that personalities shape task differentiation in a social spider independent of age and maturation. Our results suggest that personality measures obtained in solitary, standardized laboratory settings can be reliable predictors of behaviour in a social context in the field. Given the wealth of organisms that show consistent individual behavioural differences, animal personality could play a role in social organization in a diversity of animals.  相似文献   

为了探讨集群性鱼类宽鳍鱲(Zacco platypus)的个性在群体中的生态学关联, 研究首先测定了宽鳍鱲的个性特征(包括活跃性、探索性、勇敢性和社会性)和标准代谢率。随后在群体(10个群体, 每群体6尾鱼)条件下测定了每尾鱼的运动轨迹、摄食状况, 并计算出每尾鱼的日总耗能。研究发现: 宽鳍鱲的个性特征与标准代谢率、摄食率和日总耗能均没有关联。个性与摄食率的关联丧失可能因为其野外生境食物丰度较高, 个性的差异未体现在对食物的竞争能力上; 而个性与能量代谢无关联可能与实验室单尾鱼测定条件下宽鳍鱲的应激反应有关。日总耗能与集群运动参数中的运动时间比、平均游泳速度和摄食率均呈正相关, 可能因为运动能耗和消化能耗在日总耗能中占比较高。另外, 日总耗能也与距质心距离正相关, 可能个性较积极的个体在群体中活跃程度较高, 集群时较多位于群体的边缘, 且日常能量消耗较高。研究结果表明, 集群时活跃的成员往往处于鱼群的外周, 食物占有能力更高, 但日常能量消耗也越多。研究还提示针对集群性野生鱼类, 可能在群体条件下考察其个性、能量代谢特征及其生态收益和代价更具生态学意义。  相似文献   

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