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Trehalase from the bean-shaped accessory glands of the male mealworm beetle, Tenebrio molitor, was purified by acid treatment, with subsequent chromatography on columns of DEAE-cellulofine and Sephacryl S-300. The molecular masses of the native and the denatured forms were estimated to be 43 and 62 kDa by gel filtration and SDS-PAGE, respectively, an indication that the trehalase may be composed of a single polypeptide. The optimum pH of the reaction catalyzed by trehalase was 5.6–5.8. The K m for trehalose was 4.4 mmol·l–1. Immunohistochemical experiments with trehalase-specific antiserum showed that the enzyme was localized in one specific type of secretory cell in the bean-shaped accessory gland epithelium and within the semisolid secretory mass that was a precursor to the wall of spermatophore. SDS-PAGE and immunoblotting analysis revealed the presence of a polypeptide of about 62 kDa in the spermatophore, Immunohistochemical observations showed that the trehalase was located at the outgrowth in the anterior portion of the spermatophore. When a fresh spermatophore was immersed in phosphate-buffered saline it discharged sperm in the same manner as in the bursa copulatrix of the female. Before the rupture of the expanded bulb of the spermatophore, almost all of the trehalase had dissolved in the phosphate-buffered saline. The addition of validoxylamine A to the saline, a specific inhibitor of trehalase, did not affect the expansion and evacuation of the spermatophore. These results demonstrate that trehalase, synthesized by a specific type of secretory cell in the bean-shaped accessory gland epithelium, is actively passed into the lumen of the bean-shaped accessory gland and then incorporated into the spermatophore. Trehalase appears to be one of the structural proteins of the spermatophore, although the possibility can not yet be completely ruled out that the trehalase-trehalose system functions for the nourishment and/or activation of the sperm in the bursa copulatrix of the female.Abbreviations BAG bean-shaped accessory gland(s) - DEAE diethylaminoethyl - Kpi buffer K2HPO4/KH2PO4 buffer (pH 7.0) - PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - PBS phosphate-buffered saline - SDS sodium dodecy sulphate - Spph spermatophore(s) - TAG tubular accessory gland(s)  相似文献   

Summary The neuroarchitecture of the central complex, a prominent neuropil in the midbrain of the holometabolan, Tenebrio molitor, is described throughout larval development. The analysis is based on classical silver impregnations and on fate-mapping of identified neurons using antisera against serotonin and FMRF-amide. In T. molitor, the central body is present in the first larval instar, and is formed by side branches of contralaterally projecting neurons. Glial cells surround eight neuropil compartments in the first larval instar. These subdivisions in the organization of the fan-shaped body are maintained throughout development. Intrinsic interneurons are found from the 5th larval instar onwards. In the last larval stage, the central complex consists of the fan-shaped body, the protocerebral bridge, and the anlage of the ellipsoid body. The cellular architecture of the fan-shaped body of the last larval instar resembles the basic structural characteristics of the adult. Serotonin-immunoreactive neurons and FMRF-amide immunoreactive neurons in the midbrain of the first larval instar show the basic structural features of the respective imaginal cells. The structural organizations of larval and adult midbrain are compared.Abbreviations a Anterior - AGT antenno-glomerular tract - aL -lobus - AL antennal lobe - AP anterior protocerebrum - bL -lobe - BSN bilateral symmetrical - FMRF amide-immunopositive neurons - CA calyx - CL1-CL4 serotonin-immunopositive neurons cluster 1–4 - d dorsal - DAB diaminobenzidine tetrahydrochloride - DC dorsal commissure - DCFB dorsal commissure of the fan-shaped body - DHT dorsal horizontal tract - DLTR dorsal lateral triangle - DMLP dorsal medial lateral protocerebrum - DN serotonin-immunopositive deuterocerebral neuron - EB ellipsoid body - en1, en2 extrinsic neurons connecting two FB-subcompartments - esn extrinsic subcompartmental neuron - l lateral - FB fan-shaped body - FN serotonin-immunopositive fan-shaped neuron - fs1, fs2 fanshaped neurons of type 1 and 2 - GC great commissure - HF horizontal fibres - in intrinsic neuron connecting two FB-subcompartments - isn intrinsic subcompartmental neuron - IT isthmus tract - LF large-field neurons - LFASC lateral fascicle - LMFASC lateral median fascicle - MB median bundles - MLP medial lateral protocerebrum - p posterior - P pedunculus - PB protocerebral bridge - pb-fb protocerebral bridge-fan-shaped body connection - PBS phosphate-buffered saline - PDC posterio-dorsal commissure - PTX phosphate-buffered saline containing Triton X-100 - SU suboesophageal ganglion - SVT small ventral triangles - TN 1,2 tritocerebral serotonin-immunoreactive neuron 1,2 - v ventral - VB ventral body - VBC ventral body commissure - VCBC ventral central body commissure - VCFB ventral commissure of the fan-shaped body  相似文献   

Many insects experience a decrease in reproductive output when parasitised. We are investigating mechanisms underlying this fecundity reduction using the rat tapeworm, Hymenolepis diminuta infection of Tenebrio molitor beetles. These include an increase in the resorption of developing ovarian follicles and a decrease in fat body synthesis of vitellogenin. The latter is the direct effect of a molecule produced by the parasite. Here we report a study to determine whether vitellogenin synthesis and follicle resorption are the result of parasite-induced apoptosis in the respective tissues and whether the parasite molecule acts directly on the fat body by inducing apoptosis. In vivo, the number of fat body cell nuclei with chromatin condensation are significantly elevated in parasitised females at all days examined and peaked at day 7 post-infection. A TUNEL assay to detect DNA fragmentation confirmed these observations of apoptosis. However, when fat body from uninfected females was co-cultured with live metacestodes they did not cause cells to die by apoptosis, showing that the induction signal does not come directly from the parasite. The follicle resorption observed in the ovaries of infected beetles was not associated with apoptosis of the epithelial cells. The possibility of several mechanisms underlying fecundity reduction is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary By use of an antiserum against the crustacean cardioactive peptide (CCAP) several types of bilaterally symmetrical neurons have been mapped quantitatively in the ventral nerve cord and in the brain of the meal beetle, Tenebrio molitor. The general architecture of these neurons was reconstructed from peroxidase-antiperoxidase-labelled whole-mount preparations. From the subesophageal to the seventh abdominal ganglia two types of neurons show a repetitive organization of contralateral projection patterns in each neuromere. The first type has few branches in the central neuropil and a distinct peripheral projection. The second type is characterized by an elaborate central branching pattern, which includes ascending and descending processes. Some of its peripheral branches were found to supply peripheral neurohemal areas. In the protocerebrum, 10 CCAP-immunoreactive neurons occur with projections into the superior median protocerebrum and the tritocerebrum. Immunopositive neurons were mapped in larval and various pupal stages, as well as in the adult. All types of identified neurons were found to persist throughout metamorphosis maintaining their essential structural and topological characteristics. The CCAP-immunoreactive neurons of T. molitor are compared with those described for the locust. Putative structural homologies of subsets of neurons in both species are discussed.  相似文献   

The antifreeze proteins (AFPs) are a family of proteins characterised by their ability to inhibit the growth of ice. These proteins have evolved as a protection against lethal freezing in freeze avoiding species. Metal stress has been shown to reduce the cold hardening in invertebrates, but no study has investigated how this type of stress affects the production of AFPs. This study demonstrates that exposure to cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) reduces the normal developmental increase in AFP levels in Tenebrio molitor larvae reared under summer conditions. Exposure to winter conditions, however stimulated the production of AFPs in the metal exposed larvae, and raised the concentrations of AFPs to normal winter levels. The reduced level of AFPs in metal-stressed animals acclimated to summer conditions seems to arise from alterations in the normal gene expression of AFPs. The results indicate that metal exposure may cause freeze avoiding insects to become more susceptible to lethal freezing, as they enter the winter with lowered levels of AFPs. Such an effect cannot be revealed by ordinary toxicological tests, but may nevertheless be of considerable ecological importance.  相似文献   


Two neuropeptides (NPs), hydra head activator (HHA), and the luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LHRH), were used to study their effects on the development of the larvae of the grain beetle Tenebrio molitor (mealworms). The larvae received the NPs in the course of development at the beginning or at the end of instar. The LHRH given at the beginning of the instar stimulated molting and pupation in larvae; it did not affect molting in the late period of the instar. The C-end fragment of LHRH(9–10) produced fewer molts and increased the duration of the instar period. The effect of this fragment was weak when it was injected at the initial period of the instar; it was considerably stronger in the end of the instar. It inhibited development when administered during the last instar. On the contrary, the N-end fragment of the LHRH(1–2) stimulated growth and development of larvae. The action of these NPs can be connected to the function of the hormones of metamorphosis. The HHA administrated to the larvae at different days of the instar stimulated molting but in the last instar it delayed pupation. The C-end of the HHA(7–11) stimulated molting when injected during the whole period of the instar. The other C-end fragments, the HHA(8–11) and HHA(9–11) had inhibitory effects on the molting. The injection of the N-end fragment of the HHA(1–5) had no effect. The action of HHA and its fragments did not correlate with the function of the hormones of metamorphosis.  相似文献   

Two soluble post-proline cleaving peptidase activities, PPCP1 and PPCP2, were demonstrated in Tenebrio molitor larval midgut with the substrate benzyloxycarbonyl-L-alanyl-L-proline p-nitroanilide. Both activities were serine peptidases. PPCP1 was active in acidic buffers, with maximum activity at pH 5.3, and was located mainly in the more acidic anterior midgut lumen. The dynamics of PPCP1 activity and the total activity of soluble digestive peptidases in the course of food digestion were similar, suggesting that the enzyme participates in protein digestion. PPCP2 is a nondigestive soluble tissue enzyme evenly distributed along the midgut. An increase in the activity of PPCP2 was observed in buffers of pH 5.6-8.6 and was maximal at pH 7.4. The sensitivity of PPCP2 to inhibitors and the effect of pH are similar to prolyl oligopeptidases with a cysteine residue near the substrate binding site.  相似文献   

Summary Topological organization of identified neurons has been characterized for the larval, pupal and imaginal suboeosphageal neuropil of the meal-worm beetleTenebrio molitor. Neuronal fate mapping allows identification of individually persisting neurons in the metamorphosing suboesophageal ganglion ofTenebrio. Analysis was performed on interneurons characterized by serotonin and CCAP (crustacean cardioactive peptide) immunohistochemistry, on motoneurons that innervate the dorsal and ventral longitudinal muscles, and on suboesophageal descending neurons. All these different populations of neurons show topologically invariant features throughout metamorphosis. Motoneurons, interneurons, and descending suboesophageal neurons of the imaginal suboeosphageal ganglion embody individually persisting larval interneurons. Impacts for a functional interpretation of the neuronal architecture of the suboesophageal ganglion are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Serotonin-immunoreactive neurons in the brain of Tenebrio molitor L. have been demonstrated and mapped throughout metamorphosis. Most serotonin-immunoreactive brain neurons persist throughout metamorphosis; their fate can be followed during development because of their characteristic cell body locations and arborization patterns. The detailed morphology of the persisting neurons, however, changes during metamorphosis, probably to accommodate architectural changes of the different brain centers. Serotonin-immunoreactivity in the optic lobes allows a subset of neurons that is newly differentiated during metamorphosis to be identified. Phylogenetic homology of serotonin-immunoreactive brain interneurons of different insect species is discussed. The serotonin-immunoreactive brain neurons comprise a phylogenetically conserved neuronal population. Serial homologous abdomino-thoracic and brain serotonin-immunoreactive neurons were characterized, allowing a comparison of some basic structural features of these neurons.  相似文献   

The Malpighian tubules of Tenebrio molitor provide a model system for interpreting the actions of endogenous diuretic and antidiuretic peptides. The effects of diuretic (Tenmo-DH(37)) and antidiuretic (Tenmo-ADFa) peptides and their respective second messengers (cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP) on basolateral (V(bl)) and transepithelial (V(te)) potentials of Tenebrio Malpighian tubules were determined using conventional microelectrodes. In the presence of 6 mmol l(-1) Ba(2+), Tenmo-DH(37) (100 nmol l(-1)) reversibly hyperpolarized V(bl) and depolarized V(te). A similar response was seen with the addition of 1 mmol l(-1) cyclic AMP; however, the apical membrane potential (V(ap)) then showed a hyperpolarization, whereas a depolarization of V(ap) was observed with Tenmo-DH(37). Bafilomycin A(1) (5 micromol l(-1)) inhibited fluid secretion of stimulated tubules and reversed the hyperpolarization of V(bl) in response to Tenmo-DH(37). In response to 100 nmol l(-1) Tenmo-ADFa or 1 mmol l(-1) cyclic GMP, V(bl) and V(te) depolarized, although cyclic GMP affected membrane potentials somewhat differently by causing an initial hyperpolarization of V(bl) and V(te). In high [K(+)]-low [Na(+)] Ringer, 1 mmol l(-1) amiloride decreased fluid secretion rates, and depolarized both V(bl) and V(te). Amiloride significantly decreased luminal pH in paired experiments, indicating the presence of a K(+)/nH(+) exchanger in tubule cells of Tenebrio. The results suggest that the endogenous factors and their second messengers stimulate/inhibit fluid secretion by acting on the apical V-ATPase, basolateral K(+) transport, and possibly Cl(-) transport.  相似文献   

The physiological processes that occur during the aging of insects are poorly understood. The aim of this study was to describe the changes in contractile activity and hemodynamic parameters of the heart that take place as the coleopteran beetle, Tenebrio molitor, ages. The frequency of heart contractions in beetles that had just undergone metamorphosis (median 24.7 beats/min) was significantly lower than the frequency of heart contractions in older beetles. In 56% of beetles that were < 1 week of age, a pattern of contractile activity with alternating periods of higher and lower contraction frequency was detected, suggesting that some posteclosion developmental processes occur during the first week of adulthood. All beetles that were 1 week of age showed a regular rhythm of heart contractions (median 72 beats/min). In older beetles, abnormalities such as heart arrhythmias or heart arrest were observed. The incidence of arrhythmia as well as the arrhythmicity index was highest in beetles that were 8–18 weeks old. The calculated stroke volume (SV) was also found to increase from eclosion to 12 weeks of age, and then decreased as adults aged further. Interestingly, cardiac output increased gradually, but the ejection fraction did not change significantly with age.  相似文献   

Summary This paper describes the afferent projections of hair sensilla of the pro- and mesothoracic legs and the lateral thoracic sclerites of larval and adultTenebrio molitor and the corresponding set of pupal hair sensilla. The sensory neurons that innervate the hair sensilla of larval or adult insects project somatotopically into the thoracic neuropil. Different types of sensilla on the same region of the body surface project to the same zone of the ipsilateral thoracic ventral neuropil but exhibit different arborization patterns. Although there is a profound reorganization of body surface sensilla, the basic somatotopic layout of the larva is maintained in the adult. The sensory neurons that innervate the pupal hair sensilla possess central projections similar to those of the corresponding adult sensory neurons. The central projections of pupal sensory neurons are somatotopically oriented. Their projection pattern is serially homologous in the thoracic and the abdominal ganglia. The central projection pattern of the described pupal sensory neurons is constant throughout pupation. MAb 22C10 immunoreactivity allows an estimate of the timing of the early differentiation of the imaginal sensory neurons originating during pupation. Ablation experiments indicate that pupal sensory neurons influence the central projection pattern of the differentiating imaginal sensory neurons.  相似文献   

Partial cDNA sequences coding for antifreeze proteins in Tenebrio molitor were obtained by RT-PCR.Sequence analysis revealed nine putative cDNAs with a high degree of homology to Tenebrio molitor antifreeze protein genes published in GenBank.The recombinant pGEX-4T-l-tmafp-XJ430 was introduced into E.coli BL21 to induce a GST fusion protein by IPTG.SDS-PAGE analysis for the fusion protein shows a band of 38 kDa.pCDNA3- tmafp-XJ430 was injected into mice to generate antiserum which was later detected by indirect ELISA.The titer of the antibody was 1:2000.Western blot-ting analysis shows that the antiserum was specifically against the antifreeze protein.Our results laid the founda-tion for further studies on the properties and functions of insect antifreeze proteins.  相似文献   

目的 纯化黄粉虫抗菌肽Tenecin蛋白,并检测其抑菌活性.方法用1 mmol/L IPTG大量诱导表达Tenecin蛋白,纯化后检测其抑菌活性,包括金黄色葡萄球菌(Staphylococcus aureus)ATCC 29213,大肠埃希菌(Escherichia coli)ATCC 25922,白色念珠菌(Candida albicans)ATCC 10231和痢疾志贺氏菌(Shigella dysenteriae)CMCC 51252等4种标准菌.结果 SDS-PAGE电泳检测表明已获得纯化的Tenecin蛋白;体外抑菌试验结果表明,浓度为120、60、30、15 μg/ml的Tenecin与4种标准菌共培养18 h后,对金黄色葡萄球菌的抑制作用最强,而对白色念珠菌的抑制作用最弱.对同一菌种而言,浓度为60和30 μg/ml两组间无统计学意义(P>0.05),而其他各浓度的组间均有显著性差异(P<0.01);对同一浓度的Tenecin而言,其对白色念珠菌和痢疾志贺氏菌的抑菌效果组间无统计学意义(P>0.05),其余各组之间均有显著性差异(P<0.01).结论 获得的Tenecin蛋白可明显抑制病原菌,为进一步研究其抑菌机理和后期研发奠定了基础.  相似文献   

Partial cDNA sequences coding for antifreeze proteins in Tenebrio molitor were obtained by RT-PCR. Sequence analysis revealed nine putative cDNAs with a high degree of homology to Tenebrio molitor antifreeze protein genes published in GenBank. The recombinant pGEX-4T-1-tmafp-XJ430 was introduced into E. coli BL21 to induce a GST fusion protein by IPTG. SDSPAGE analysis for the fusion protein shows a band of 38 kDa. pCDNA3-tmafp-XJ430 was injected into mice to generate antiserum which was later detected by indirect ELISA. The titer of the antibody was 1:2000.Western blotting analysis shows that the antiserum was specifically against the antifreeze protein. Our results laid the foundation for further studies on the properties and functions of insect antifreeze proteins. __________ Translated from Hereditas (Beijing), 2006, 28(12): 1532-1540 [译自: 遗传]  相似文献   

黄粉虫防御性分泌物抑菌活性的研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
目的:研究黄粉虫防御性分泌物的化学成分及其抑菌活性。方法:用二氯甲烷萃取分泌物并经GC/MS分析,后用牛津杯法和平板连续稀释法分别就该分泌物对大肠杆菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、白色假丝酵母、黑曲霉、桔青霉的抑菌作用及2-甲基对苯醌和对甲酚标准品对上述供试菌的最低抑菌浓度进行测定和比较。结果:分泌物含2-甲基对苯醌、对甲酚和正二十三烷等7种成分,抑菌强度:桔青霉>大肠杆菌和金黄色葡萄球菌>白色假丝酵母>黑曲霉。结论:该分泌物对这5种供试菌的抑制效果优于2-甲基对苯醌和对甲酚标准品。  相似文献   

There are four β-glycosidases (βgly1, βgly2, βgly3, and βgly4) in Tenebrio molitor midgut larvae. βgly1 and βgly2 have identical kinetic properties, and differ in a few amino acid residues. Purified βgly1 was used to raise antibodies in a rabbit. The resulting antiserum recognizes in a Western blot only βgly1 and βgly2 in midgut tissue homogenates and contents. An immunocytochemical study carried out using confocal fluorescence and immunogold techniques showed that βgly1+βgly2 are secreted by exocytosis mainly from the distal part of the second third of T. molitor midguts. This is the first immunocytochemical study of an insect digestive enzyme that does not have polymers as substrates. Enzyme assays with 0.3 mM amygdalin, a condition that detects only βgly1+βgly2, revealed that most of those β-glycosidases are found in the lumen of anterior and middle midgut. This supports the hypothesis that a countercurrent flux of fluid occurs in T. molitor midgut that is able to carry βgly1 and βgly2 to anterior midgut, in agreement with the enzyme recycling mechanism thought to occur in most insects.  相似文献   

黄粉甲幼虫抗菌物质的诱导及其抗菌活性   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:17  
采用饥饿法、紫外线照射法和针刺法处理黄粉甲Tenebriomolitor 6龄幼虫后均能诱导其 产生抗菌物质,收集的血淋巴上清液对真菌有抑制作用,对细菌无抑制作用;经热处理后的血 淋巴上清液则对细菌有抑制作用,而对真菌无抑制作用。SDS-PAGE检测结果发现,与未诱导的 对照相比经诱导的黄粉甲幼虫血淋巴中,原有的一类大分子蛋白质如分子量分别为97kD、44 kD和37 kD左右的蛋白质缺失;而ESI-MS分析结果显示诱导后比诱导前黄粉甲幼虫血淋巴中有 小分子物质产生,推测可能是此类缺失蛋白质分解为小分子量的抗菌肽,从而表现出抗菌活性 。  相似文献   

A new trypsin-like proteinase was purified to homogeneity from the posterior midgut of Tenebrio molitor larvae by ion-exchange chromatography on DEAE-Sephadex A-50 and gel filtration on Superdex-75. The isolated enzyme had molecular mass of 25.5 kD and pI 7.4. The enzyme was also characterized by temperature optimum at 55 degrees C, pH optimum at 8.5, and K(m) value of 0.04 mM (for hydrolysis of Bz-Arg-pNA). According to inhibitor analysis the enzyme is a trypsin-like serine proteinase stable within the pH range of 5.0-9.5. The enzyme hydrolyzes peptide bonds formed by Arg or Lys residues in the P1 position with a preference for relatively long peptide substrates. The N-terminal amino acid sequence, IVGGSSISISSVPXQIXLQY, shares 50-72% identity with other insect trypsin-like proteinases, and 44-50% identity to mammalian trypsins. The isolated enzyme is sensitive to inhibition by plant proteinase inhibitors and it can serve as a suitable target for control of digestion in this stored product pest.  相似文献   

Summary Proctolin-immunoreactive neurons in all neuromers of the ventral nerve cord of Tenebrio molitor L. have been quantitatively demonstrated and mapped throughout metamorphosis. Each neuromer contains an anterior and a posterior group of neurons with light and dark staining properties as revealed by peroxidase-antiperoxidase labeling. Serial homologous subsets of dark staining neurons with central and peripheral projections have been identified and found to persist during morphogenetic changes from the larva to the adult. Most neurons maintain their topological and structural characteristics throughout metamorphosis. The identified proctolin-immunoreactive neurons exhibit structures similar to those described in other insect species; some may correspond known motoneurons.  相似文献   

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