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ATP dose-dependently inhibited rat 125I-ANP-(99-126) binding to membranes from the human neuroblastoma cell line NB-OK-1 by increasing the KD value for the hormone without altering the Bmax value. After a 20 min preincubation with 37.5 pM 125I-ANP-(99-126) and 0.5 mM ATP, followed by the addition of 0.3 microM unlabelled ANP-(99-126), the proportion of rapidly dissociating receptors was 4-times higher than in the absence of ATP. The other nucleotides ADP, AMP, AMP-PNP, ATP gamma S, GTP, GDP, GMP, GMP-PNP and GTP gamma S were also inhibitory but with a lower potency and/or efficacy. Binding equilibrium data were satisfactorily simulated by a computer program based on partially competitive binding of ANP-(99-126) and the nucleotides, and this, together with the data on dissociation kinetics, strongly suggests that several nucleotides, when added at concentrations up to 1 mM, form a ternary ANP-receptor-nucleotide complex.  相似文献   

A unique two allele polymorphism for both HpaII and SmaI is described in the second intron of the human atrial natriuretic peptide gene. It should be a useful marker of this candidate gene in familial susceptibility to hypertension.  相似文献   

alpha-Human atrial natriuretic peptide (hANP) is secreted by the heart and acts on the kidney to promote a strong diuresis and natriuresis. In vivo it has been shown to be catabolized partly by the kidney. Crude microvillar membranes of human kidney degrade 125I-ANP at several internal bonds generating metabolites among which the C-terminal fragments were identified. Formation of the C-terminal tripeptide was blocked by phosphoramidon, indicating the involvement of endopeptidase-24.11 in this cleavage. Subsequent cleavages by aminopeptidase(s) yielded the C-terminal dipeptide and free tyrosine. Using purified endopeptidase 24.11, we identified seven sites of hydrolysis in unlabelled alpha-hANP: the bonds Arg-4-Ser-5, Cys-7-Phe-8, Arg-11-Met-12, Arg-14-Ile-15, Gly-16-Ala-17, Gly-20-Leu-21 and Ser-25-Phe-26. However, the bonds Gly-16-Ala-17 and Arg-4-Ser-5 did not fulfil the known specificity requirements of the enzyme. Cleavage at the Gly-16-Ala-17 bond was previously observed by Stephenson & Kenny [(1987) Biochem. J. 243, 183-187], but this is the first report of an Arg-Ser bond cleavage by this enzyme. Initial attack of alpha-hANP by endopeptidase-24.11 took place at a bond within the disulphide-linked loop and produced a peptide having the same amino acid composition as intact ANP. The bond cleaved in this metabolite was determined as the Cys-7-Phe-8 bond. Determination of all the bonds cleaved in alpha-hANP by endopeptidase-24.11 should prove useful for the design of more stable analogues, which could have therapeutic uses in hypertension.  相似文献   

We used human DNA microarray to explore the differential gene expression profiling of atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP)-stimulated renal tubular epithelial kidney cells (LLC-PK1) in order to understand the biological effect of ANP on renal kidney cell's response. Gene expression profiling revealed 807 differentially expressed genes, consisting of 483 up-regulated and 324 down-regulated genes. The bioinformatics tool was used to gain a better understanding of differentially expressed genes in porcine genome homologous with human genome and to search the gene ontology and category classification, such as cellular component, molecular function and biological process. Four up-regulated genes of ATP1B1, H3F3A, ITGB1 and RHO that were typically validated by real-time quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR) analysis serve important roles in the alleviation of renal hypertrophy as well as other related effects. Therefore, the human array can be used for gene expression analysis in pig kidney cells and we believe that our findings of differentially expressed genes served as genetic markers and biological functions can lead to a better understanding of ANP action on the renal protective system and may be used for further therapeutic application.  相似文献   

The crystal packing of the extracellular hormone binding domain of the atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) receptor contains two possible dimer pairs, the head-to-head (hh) and tail-to-tail (tt) dimer pairs associated through the membrane-distal and membrane-proximal subdomains, respectively. The tt-dimer structure has been proposed previously (van den Akker, F., Zhang, X., Miyagi, M., Huo, X., Misono, K. S., and Yee, V. C. (2000) Nature 406, 101-104). However, no direct evidence is available to identify the physiological dimer form. Here we report site-directed mutagenesis studies of residues at the two alternative dimer interfaces in the full-length receptor expressed on COS cells. The Trp74 to Arg mutation (W74R) or D71R at the hh-dimer interface caused partial constitutive guanylate cyclase activation, whereas mutation F96D or H99D caused receptor uncoupling. In contrast, mutation Y196D or L225D at the tt-interface had no such effect. His99 modification at the hh-dimer interface by ethoxyformic anhydride abolished ANP binding. These results suggest that the hh-dimer represents the physiological structure. Recently, we determined the crystal structure of ANPR complexed with ANP and proposed a hormone-induced rotation mechanism mediating transmembrane signaling (H. Ogawa, Y. Qiu, C. M. Ogata, and K. S. Misono, submitted for publication). The observed effects of mutations are consistent with the ANP-induced structural change identified from the crystal structures with and without ANP and support the proposed rotation mechanism for ANP receptor signaling.  相似文献   

Human chymase is a chymotryptic serine peptidase stored and secreted by mast cells. Compared with other chymotryptic enzymes, such as cathepsin G and chymotrypsin, it is much more slowly inhibited by serum serpins. Although chymase hydrolyzes several peptides and proteins in vitro, its target repertoire is limited compared with chymotrypsin because of selective interactions in an extended substrate-binding site. The best-known natural substrate, angiotensin I, is cleaved to generate vasoactive angiotensin II. Selectivity of angiotensin cleavage depends in major part on interactions involving substrate residues on the carboxyl-terminal (P1'-P2') side of the cleaved bond. To identify new targets based on interactions with residues on the aminoterminal (P4-P1) side of the site of hydrolysis, we profiled substrate preferences of recombinant human chymase using a combinatorial, fluorogenic peptide substrate library. Data base queries using the peptide (Arg-Glu-Thr-Tyr-X) generated from the most preferred amino acid at each subsite identify albumin as the sole, soluble, human extracellular protein containing this sequence. We validate the prediction that this site is chymase-susceptible by showing that chymase hydrolyzes albumin uniquely at the predicted location, with the resulting fragments remaining disulfide-linked. The site of hydrolysis is highly conserved in vertebrate albumins and is near predicted sites of metal cation binding, but nicking by chymase does not alter binding of Cu2+ or Zn2+. A synthetic peptidic inhibitor, diphenyl N alpha-benzoxycarbonyl-l-Arg-Glu-Thr-PheP-phosphonate, was designed from the preferred P4-P1 substrate sequence. This inhibitor is highly potent (IC50 3.8 nM) and 2,700- and 1,300-fold selective for chymase over cathepsin G and chymotrypsin, respectively. In summary, these findings reveal albumin to be a substrate for chymase and identify a potentially useful new chymase inhibitor.  相似文献   

These investigations were made to determine how the elastase released from its complex with alpha-1-antitrypsin at high pH is modified. Most of the elastase component precipitates on returning the pH to neutral. The elastase component and the native enzyme subjected to the same conditions of pH and temperature reacted to approximately the same extent with radio-actively labeled diisopropyl fluorophosphate. There were about two moles of dehydroalanine per mole of enzyme either in the presence or absence of complex formation. Thus, the enzyme is either still capable of reacting with diisopropyl fluorophosphate or it is denatured and thus inactivated by partial conversion of cystine residues to dehydroalanine. Anhydroelastase is apparently not formed during cleavage of the complex.  相似文献   

Endothelin converting enzyme-1 (ECE-1) is a type II integral membrane protein and a zinc metalloendopeptidase. ECE-1 generates endothelin-1 (ET-1), the most potent vasoconstrictor yet discovered, by specific proteolytic processing of a precursor peptide, big ET-1. An insect cell expression system, which generates up to 4.3 mg of a secreted, soluble form of ECE-1 (solECE-1) per liter culture medium, has been established and solECE-1 was purified to homogeneity using five chromatographic steps. SolECE-1 expressed in insect cells could be suitable for X-ray structure determination as it is much less glycosylated than solECE-1 from mammalian cells. SolECE-1 from both sources, nonetheless, has comparable enzymatic properties. Despite apparent structural similarities, ECE-1 cleaves big ET-1 exclusively between Trp(21) and Val(22), in contrast to neprilysin, which cleaves big ET-1 at various sites. However, when linear big ET-1, in which the formation of disulfide bonds has been prevented by alkylation of the four cysteines, was used as substrate, it was cleaved by solECE-1 at multiple sites. This result indicates that secondary/tertiary structure of big ET-1 induced by disulfide bonds is essential for the specific cleavage of the Trp(21)-Val(22) bond by ECE-1. A continuous, fluorescent ECE-1 assay has been developed using a novel substrate, 2-aminobenzoyl-Arg-Pro-Pro-Gly-Phe-Ser-Pro-(p-nitro-Phe(8))-Arg. This simple and rapid assay can greatly facilitate discovery of novel ECE inhibitors useful as pharmaceutical agents.  相似文献   

Genomic and cDNA clones encoding portions of a putative catfish parathyroid hormone (PTH) 2 receptor (PTH2R) led to the isolation of a cDNA encoding a full-length zebrafish PTH2R (zPTH2R). The zPTH2R shared 63 and 60% amino acid sequence identity with human and rat PTH2Rs, respectively, 47-52% identity with mammalian and frog PTH/PTHrP receptors (PTH1R), and less than 37% with other members of this family of G protein-coupled receptors. COS-7 cells expressing zPTH2R(43), a 5' splice variant that lacked 17 amino acids in the amino-terminal extracellular domain, showed cAMP accumulation when challenged with [Tyr(34)]hPTH(1-34)-amide (hPTH) (EC(50), 1.64 +/- 0. 95 nM) and [Ile(5),Trp(23),Tyr(36)]hPTHrP-(1-36)-amide ([Ile(5), Trp(23)]hPTHrP) (EC(50), 46.8 +/- 12.1 nM) but not when stimulated with [Tyr(36)]hPTHrP-(1-36)-amide (hPTHrP), [Trp(23), Tyr(36)]hPTHrP-(1-36)-amide ([Trp(23)]hPTHrP), or [Ala(29),Glu(30), Ala(34),Glu(35),Tyr(36)]fugufish PTHrP-(1-36)amide (fuguPTHrP). FuguPTHrP also failed to activate the human PTH2R but had similar efficiency and efficacy as hPTH and hPTHrP when tested with cells expressing the human PTH1R. Agonist-dependent activation of zPTH2R was less efficient than that of zPTH2R(43), and both receptor variants showed no cAMP accumulation when stimulated with either secretin, growth hormone-releasing hormone, or calcitonin. The zPTH2R thus has ligand specificity similar to that of the human homolog, which raises the possibility that a PTH-like molecule exists in zebrafish, species which lack parathyroid glands.  相似文献   

Retinoic acid (RA) is known to induce differentiation of neuroblastoma cells in vitro. Here we show that treatment of two human neuroblastoma cell lines, SY5Y and IMR32, with RA resulted in a fivefold increase of the integrin alpha 1/beta 1 expression. The effect was selective because expression of the alpha 3/beta 1 integrin, also present in these cells, was not increased. The up-regulation of the alpha 1/beta 1 differentiated SY5Y cells correlated with increased neurite response to laminin. In fact, RA-treated SY5Y cells elongated neurites on laminin-coated substratum more efficiently compared with untreated cells or cells treated with nerve growth factor, insulin, or phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate. These three agents induced partial morphological differentiation but did not increase alpha 1 integrin expression. Neurite extension in RA-treated cells was more efficient on laminin than on fibronectin or collagen type I and was inhibited with beta 1 integrin antibodies on all three substrates. Affinity chromatography experiments showed that alpha 1/beta 1 is the major laminin receptor in both untreated and RA-treated SY5Y cells. These data show that RA, a naturally occurring morphogen implicated in embryonic development, can selectively regulate the expression of integrin complexes in neuronal cells and suggest an important role of the alpha 1/beta 1 laminin receptor in the morphological differentiation of nerve cells.  相似文献   

A single SH group in the B chain (33 kDa), generated by the specific reduction of the single interchain SS bond of human urinary urokinase, was alkylated (UK X B) with iodoacetamide to prevent a spontaneous SH-SS interchange. An SS bond in UK X B was exclusively alkylated with iodoacetamide (R X CAM-UK X B) after reduction with dithiothreitol in 0.3 M guanidine X HCl in the presence of the competitive inhibitor N alpha-benzoyl-L- argininamide with concomitant loss of 65-68% of the esterolytic activity towards N-acetyl-glycyl-L-lysine methyl ester. This specific SS bond was located at Cys194 - Cys222 whose SS loop contained the active-site Ser198 , as determined by amino acid analyses and identification of the N and C termini of the tryptic digest. Transformation of UK X B into R X CAM-UK X B induced no shift of the optimal pH in the bell-shaped pH/activity profile; pH values for 50% activity were similar (pH 9.7) for 10-min alkalization of the enzyme but different between UK X B (pH 9.4) and R X CAM-UK X B (pH 8.8) for 18-h alkalization. An unaltered Km value and a decline by 64% in kcat in the esterolytic activity indicate that the pretransition Michaelis complex is formed without degeneration of the primary substrate-binding site, but the catalytic pathway thereafter has deteriorated. In affinity labeling with dansyl chloride or N alpha-tosyl-L-lysine chloromethylketone, which interrupted the catalysis at the latest at a stage involving the abortive acyl intermediate, the second-order rate constant for UK X B was lowered to 28% or 35% for R X CAM-UK X B, respectively, but the labeling yields were similar. The results indicate that indispensable structural elements, such as the catalytic triad and oxyanion hole, are maintained but a local conformation, which is necessary for efficient transition to the acyl intermediate and/or for resistance against alkaline inactivation, is destabilized with Cys194 - Cys222 scission.  相似文献   

Congenitally abnormal fibrinogen Kyoto I with impaired fibrin monomer polymerization contains a normal gamma-chain and a gamma-chain variant (gamma Kyoto I) that has an apparently lower Mr on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the Laemmli system (Laemmli, U. K. (1970) Nature 227, 680-685) but migrates with apparently normal Mr in the Weber and Osborn system (Weber, K., and Osborn, M. (1969) J. Biol. Chem. 244, 4406-4412). Reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatographic analyses of the cyanogen bromide or lysyl endopeptidase cleavage fragments of the purified gamma-chains of fibrinogen Kyoto I showed the presence of peptides not seen from normal fibrinogen. Amino acid sequence analysis of these peptides indicated that gamma Asn308 of the gamma-chain variant is replaced by lysine. Purified fragment D1 of fibrinogen Kyoto I also contains two types of D1 gamma-remnants: normal and apparently lower Mr types. Abnormal fragment D1 is cleaved faster to fragments D2 and D3 by plasmin in the presence of [ethylenebis(oxyethylenenitrilo)]tetraacetic acid (EGTA) than normal fragment D1, as analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, followed by immunoblotting using anti-gamma-chain monoclonal antibody. Analysis of peptides released from fragment D1 by plasmin in the presence of EGTA demonstrated the cleavage of the gamma Lys308-Gly309 bond. Fragment D1 of fibrinogen Kyoto I has normal calcium binding properties. The data suggest that a region or conformation containing gamma Asn308 affects the polymerization of fibrin monomers and that the gamma Asn308----Lys replacement causes a conformational change in the gamma-chain which results in the accelerated cleavage of gamma Lys356-Ala357 and gamma Lys302-Phe303 bonds by plasmin and also results in the generation of a new plasmin cleavage site between Lys308 and Gly309 in the presence of EGTA. During these studies, we found that part of the gamma Lys212-Glu213 bond in fragment D1 is cleaved by plasmin in the presence of EGTA.  相似文献   

Infrared absorption bands due to sulfhydryl groups (VSH) of alpha-104(G11) and beta-112 (G14) cysteine residues of human carboxyhemoglobin (HbCO) have been observed near 2560 cm- minus 1 by use of Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. The beta-93 cysteine SH groups absorb infrared radiation so weakly that they are not distinguished from background. Only single SH absorption bands due to the alpha-104 cysteines of pig and horse hemoglobin are observed. The SH absorption bands from human HbCO disappear in alkali, are broadened by detergent or guanidinium chloride, and show a complex titration curve, and an isotopic frequency shift (VSD/VSH equals to 0.7267) virtually identical with that reported for methanethiol. The integrated absorption coefficient (epsilonmM(area)) for 0.1 M ethanetiol increased with H-bond acceptor solvents in the order: CCl4 (0.07), water (0.21), acetone (0.43), and N,N-dimethyl-acetamide (1.35 mM- minus 1 cm- minus 2). Comparison of the integrated absorption coefficients for the alpha-104 cysteine SH (2.43), and the beta-112 SH (0.80), of human HbCO with those of ethanetiol solutions suggested specifically H-bonded structures with peptide carbonyl groups 4 (or 3) residues back in the G helices. This was found to agree with a molecular model of the alpha-chain G helix of horse HbO2 built to coordinates from M. F. Perutz.  相似文献   

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