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植株内种子蛋白多样性与繁育系统   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳分析了3种锦鸡儿属植物种子的同工酶。分布在典型草原上的小叶锦鸡儿(Cara-gana microphylla Lam.)、典型荒漠的柠条锦鸡儿(C.korshinskii Kom.)或荒漠草原的中间锦鸡儿(C.intermedia Kuang etH.C.Fu),同一植株不同单粒种子酶谱表现显著的变异,类似于经典遗传分析中互显性等位基因分离现象,77株植株无一例外,因此可以进行  相似文献   

Frugivores exhibit considerable variation in the seed dispersal services they provide. Understanding what drives these differences is a key goal for ecologists because of the central role seed dispersal plays in shaping ecological and genetic diversity in plant populations. The lek‐mating system of the Long‐wattled Umbrellabird (Cephalopterus penduliger) provides a powerful lens to examine how mating behavior may impact seed dispersal outcomes. As in all lek‐breeding species, male Umbrellabirds congregate in traditional sites (leks) to display, whereas females are solitary and visit leks only rarely. This study demonstrates how differences in mating behavior between the sexes drive distinctive seed movement and deposition patterns by male vs. female Umbrellabirds. Using radio tracking and gut retention trials, we documented divergent movement patterns between the sexes that are directly attributable to mating behavior differences. These movement differences led males to disperse seeds long distances from source trees and to deposit the majority of seeds they ingested within the lek; females dispersed seeds shorter distances and more evenly across the landscape. We empirically confirmed that the density of dispersed seeds was higher in leks than in control areas outside the lek, yet found no evidence that this higher density of seeds in leks reduced probability of seedling establishment. This research not only provides a mechanistic explanation for long dispersal distances and high levels of genetic diversity previously reported for seeds in Umbrellabird leks, but also highlights the importance of explicitly considering behavior in studies of animal‐mediated seed dispersal.  相似文献   

Based on the survey sampling far from the parent plants, the quantitative analysis on seed dispersal of Hordeum brevisubulatum (Trin.)Link on alkalized meadow in the Songnen Plain of China on six orientations was conducted. The results showed that due to the effect of wind direction, the greatest number of seeds disposed was in the northeast, which was 4 times more than the smallest number in the South west. The mean radius of the seed dispersal was about 130 cm. All seed disposal patterns per unit area in different orientations fit, more or less, well with the weibull distribution. It refected that seed dispersal of the with barley provided the character of extending, far from the parent plants, their potential space niche under the natural conditions at the Songnen Plain. The number of seeds dispersed by sequence centrifugation far from the parent plants increased following a Logistic curve relevant to the expansion of accumulated unit area. The rates of increase were relatively lower in the east and northeast where seed disporsal was greater and the distance was farther from the parent plants.  相似文献   

将Cockerham广义遗传模型的建模原理应用于双交方式的交配设计,针对二倍体种子和三倍体胚乳数量性状的遗传特点,提出了2个适用于分析种子品质性状的加性-显性-细胞质-母体模型,介绍了相应的统计分析方法,并进行了蒙特卡罗模拟分析。  相似文献   

Storage experiments were carried out on barley seed (Hordeumdistichum L.) lasting from 1 min to 926 days, including 52 hermeticstorage environments covering a range of temperatures from 3to 90 °C and 5·5 per cent to 24·6 per centmoisture content (f. wt basis). Over the entire range of conditionssurvival curves conformed to negative cumulative normal distributionsand, for any given measure of longevity, e.g. half-viabilityperiod, longevity was roughly proportional to the negative exponentof both temperature and moisture content. Although previouslyreported viability equations were adequate to describe theserelationships over restricted ranges of environments, over theextended range of conditions tested here it was shown that therelationship between log seed viability and temperature is infact slightly convex, whilst that between log seed viabilityand moisture content is slightly concave. An improved viabilityequation was applied which takes into account those curvaturesand, at the same time takes into account the initial viabilityof a seed lot which reflects pre-storage deterioration. Thefit was excellent and thus it is now possible to predict percentageviability of any lot of barley seed after any storage periodunder a very wide range of conditions. Hordeum distichum L., barley viability, seed longevity, seed storage, moisture content of barley seed, temperature, influence of seed viability  相似文献   

Four diploid South and North American species of Hordeum are revised, viz. H. flexuosum Nees ex Steud., H. euclaslon Steud., H. intercedens Nevski, and H. pusillum Nutt. The synonomy, distribution, chromosome numbers, and variation are treated.  相似文献   

基于黑麦幼穗抽出旗叶前后取材,以幼穗的不同长度区间、小穗节位、花药长度为观测点,观察分析其对应的花粉母细胞减数分裂时期。结果如下:5个长度区间的幼穗花粉母细胞减数分裂的起始节位(最早开始分裂的节位)均发生于倒数第18-24节位,即处于幼穗轴中上部;以起始节位的花粉母细胞进入到四分孢子时期的百分率最低为最佳的区间是Ⅳ、Ⅴ,即幼穗长度为171~190mm,且未进入到花粉粒发育阶段:花药长度为2.0~4.5mm范围时可以观察到整个减数分裂过程,其中3.5mm可作为花粉母细胞进行第1、第2次减数分裂的参考临界花药长度.对此就能定位观察到某一个减数分裂时期。  相似文献   

Mating habits of the rockfishSebastes inermis   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Synopsis Underwater observations were conducted on the mating habits of rockfish,Sebastes inermis, southwest of Kyushu Island, Japan, in 1984–1986. The reproductive season of the fish lasted from October to January, when most males over 1 year of age established territories ranging from 12 to 70 m2. Home ranges of females overlapped with male territories. Males performed courtship behaviors when females approached the territories. Principal motor patterns of courtship were characterized by ‘lateral display’ and ‘rushing and turning’ movements. The mating pair formed about 30 min before copulation. As the mating pair ascended to 1.5–2.0 m above the bottom, the male suddenly coiled around the female's body to copulate. In spite of frequent courtship behavior [14.8 (±10.7 SD)×15 min−1, December 1985] of males, only seven copulations were observed, occurring mostly at dusk in December. In December and January, more than half of the males had accumulated urine, some large volume of it. It was assumed that the male attracted the female by releasing substances via urine during the ‘lateral display’ movements, which were performed just in front of the female, near the snout. Other functional aspects of courtship behavior are discussed.  相似文献   

Chromosomal Location of 46 New RAPD Markers in Rye (Secale Cereale L.)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
González C  Camacho MV  Benito C 《Genetica》2002,115(2):205-211
The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to locate RAPD markers using disomic wheat–rye addition lines in order to develop a set of molecular markers distributed on the seven rye chromosomes. We carried out RAPD amplifications on genomic DNA of wheat Chinese Spring (CS), rye Imperial (I), the amphiploid wheat–rye and the seven disomic wheat–rye addition lines (1R–7R) using 140 different 10-mer oligonucleotides. Forty six new RAPD markers were located on the seven rye chromosomes and all the disomic wheat–rye addition lines were identified on the basis of their amplification patterns. The number of RAPD bands located on 1R, 2R, 3R, 4R, 5R, 6R and 7R chromosomes were 5, 8, 11, 8, 8, 10 and 6, respectively. The seven wheat–rye addition lines can be distinguished using only the following three 10-mer oligonucleotides: OPA16, OPF19 and GEN3-605, the other RAPD primers being useful for this purpose. The use of these RAPDs as a source of molecular markers that could be linked to interesting genes or other important agronomic traits is discussed.  相似文献   

Increasing the zinc content of cereal grains will be important for improving human nutrition. Improved plant zinc efficiency will lead to increased yields when available zinc is limiting plant growth. The aim of our work was to test how the over-expression of zinc transporters in cereals affects plant growth, seed mineral content, and zinc transport rates. Known zinc transporters from Arabidopsis were over-expressed in Hordeum vulgare cv. Golden Promise by means of a ubiquitin promoter. Multiple transgenic lines were obtained, and the locus number and expression levels were verified. Transgenic lines were tested in long-term growth and short-term uptake experiments. Seeds from transgenic lines grown in soil had higher zinc and iron contents than controls. Short-term uptake rates were higher in the transgenic lines after zinc deprivation. Resupply of zinc after a period of deprivation resulted in the rapid decrease in zinc uptake even in transgenic lines in which a zinc transporter gene was constitutively expressed. Similar to processes in yeast and Arabidopsis, we hypothesize that this rapid decrease in zinc transport activity may be caused by the degradation of transporters in response to zinc-sufficient conditions. In the long-term growth experiments, there were no significant differences between transgenic and control lines in leaf zinc content or shoot biomass under zinc-sufficient or -deficient conditions. However, root-to-shoot ratios were higher in the transgenic plants grown under low-zinc conditions; this could impact zinc acquisition under field conditions. Increased seed zinc and iron content by over-expression of a zinc transporter provides a new strategy for increasing the micronutrient content of cereals.  相似文献   

The mating type (-)-specific gene of the alpha-box and the mating type (+)-specific gene of the high-mobility group (HMG) DNA-binding domain were confirmed in zoophilic dematophytes of Arthroderma simii and A. vanbreuseghemii. The sequence of the alpha-box gene was 1,375 bp, containing 2 exons (from 172 to 463 bp and from 513 to 1,375 bp) in the A. simii (-) mating type strain and 1,380 bp, containing 2 exons (from 177 to 468 bp and from 518 to 1,380 bp) in the A. vanbreuseghemii (-) mating type strain. The sequence of the HMG gene was 1,871 bp, containing 2 exons (from 181 to 362 bp and from 426 to 1,440 bp, coding a protein of 398 amino acids) in the A. simii (+) mating type strain and 1,811 bp containing 2 exons (from 158 to 339 bp and from 403 to 1,381 bp, coding a protein of 386 amino acids) in the A. vanbreuseghemii (+) mating type strain. Of 15 animal isolates and 72 human isolates examined, the alpha-box gene was detected in five of the animal isolates and in none of the human isolates, while the HMG gene was detected in the other 10 of the animal isolates and in all of the human isolates. Phylogenetic analysis of the alpha-box and HMG genes of Trichophyton mentagrophytes complex strains and the Microsporum gypseum strain revealed that these strains were divided into 4 clusters; the first cluster consisting of A. vanbreuseghemii and the isolates from animals and humans, the second cluster consisting of A. simii, the third cluster consisting of A. benhamiae and the fourth cluster consisting of M. gypseum. These results indicate that anthropophilic T. mentagrophytes evolved from the A. vanbreuseghemii (+) mating strain.  相似文献   

Fertility among compatible stocks of the yeastHansenula holstii increased when cells of both sexes were incubated for 24–48 hr on a medium that restricted vegetative growth before mass-mating.  相似文献   

In the laboratory, the squid Loligo opalescens exhibits dominance behavior during spawning. A single dominant male keeps other male squid from coming near the egg mass he is guarding. Females are allowed to approach the egg mass. The dominant squid uses postural and color displays directed toward challenging males. Similar dominance behavior and displays have not been observed in natural spawns in the ocean.  相似文献   

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