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We discuss a diversity measure combining information of relative abundances and taxonomic distinctiveness suggested by Ricotta (2004). We show that Ricotta's measure violates weak species monotonicity, a condition that requires that the addition of a species should always increase a diversity index if abundances change only marginally. We suggest an alternative index satisfying weak species monotonicity and apply it to the 'Zeesserveld' forest reserve in the Netherlands.  相似文献   

Most ecological diversity indices summarize the information about the relative abundances of species without reflecting taxonomic differences between species. Nevertheless, in environmental conservation practice, data on species abundances are mostly irrelevant and generally unknown. In such cases, to summarize the conservation value of a given site, so‐called ‘taxonomic diversity’ measures can be used. Such measures are based on taxonomic relations among species and ignore species relative abundances. In this paper, bridging the gap between traditional biodiversity measures and taxonomic diversity measures, I introduce a parametric diversity index that combines species relative abundances with their taxonomic distinctiveness. Due to the parametric nature of the proposed index, the contribution of rare and abundant species to each diversity measure is explicit.  相似文献   

Savannas are characterized by a sharp seasonality, in which the water shortage defines the community functioning. Hyperseasonal savannas, however, experience additionally waterlogging in the rainy season. Since waterlogging may cause local extinctions of intolerant species, we asked whether waterlogging constricts the phylogenetic structure of a hyperseasonal savanna. We studied a hyperseasonal cerrado, comparing it with a nearby seasonal cerrado, never waterlogged, in Emas National Park, central Brazil. In each vegetation form, we sampled all vascular plants by placing fifty 1-m2 quadrats in five surveys. We compared the phylogenetic structure of both vegetation forms, calculating their taxonomic distinctness, taxonomic diversity, expected taxonomic distinctness, and species, genus, and family similarities. The taxonomic distinctness of both cerrados was similar and the values of similarities were high, but taxonomic diversity and expected taxonomic distinctness were lower in the hyperseasonal cerrado than in the seasonal one. Assuming that phenotypic attraction is the major process organizing local communities, the waterlogging in hyperseasonal cerrado assembles phylogenetically unrelated species that have converged on similar habitat use. As a consequence, the habitat use of hyperseasonal cerrado species is a trait widespread in the phylogeny of seasonal cerrado. Waterlogging constrains the phylogenetic structure of the hyperseasonal cerrado, especially by reducing species diversity. In more ecological terms, we can only fully assess the phylogenetic structure of a community if we consider the species abundance.  相似文献   



Large ‐ scale diversity patterns are generated by different but not mutually exclusive mechanisms. However, understanding of multiple facets of diversity and their determinants in the freshwater realm remains limited. Here, we characterized the geographical gradients, hotspots and spatial congruence of three facets of freshwater molluscan diversity and evaluated the relative importance of three different underlying mechanisms related to the energy, area/environmental heterogeneity and dispersal/historical hypotheses.




Species richness (SR), functional richness (FR) and taxonomic distinctness (TD, a proxy of phylogenetic diversity) were calculated for 212 drainage basins with a total of 313 molluscan species. Spatial congruence between the diversity facets was evaluated with Pearson correlation coefficient and overlap among hotspots. Multiple linear regression models and variation partitioning were used to assess the relative importance of different mechanisms.


Hotspots of SR and FR were mainly concentrated in the Yangtze River and Huai River basins, while high TD values were patchily distributed across China. We found extremely low spatial congruence between TD and both SR and FR, while there was relatively high concordance between SR and FR. All diversity facets were best explained by the dispersal/historical hypothesis with strong unique effects, followed by the factors related to the energy hypothesis. The area/ environmental heterogeneity hypothesis was only weakly supported.

Main conclusions

We found a potentially strong influence of dispersal limitation and evolutionary history on the geographical diversity gradients of Chinese molluscs. This finding contrasts with the general finding that energy‐related factors are the strongest correlates of diversity patterns at large spatial scales. Moreover, our results do not support the idea that using any one diversity component as a surrogate of the others in developing conservation strategies. Instead, an integrative approach embracing multiple facets of diversity should be adopted in the conservation of freshwater biodiversity.

山东近海鱼类群落分类多样性   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
李凡  周兴  张岚  任中华  吕振波 《生态学报》2015,35(7):2322-2330
根据相关文献整理了山东近海鱼类名录,并根据1998—2009年山东近海鱼类调查名录,应用平均分类差异指数(Δ+)和分类差异变异指数(Λ+)研究了鱼类分类学多样性特征。结果表明,山东近海鱼类名录包括2纲28目91科169属225种,1998年调查仅2纲11目41科58属62种,2006年调查为1纲13目41科71属78种,2009年调查为1纲9目32科55属62种。1998年—2009年调查鱼类种类远远低于鱼类名录记录的种数,分类阶元包含指数较低,平均每属包含1.1种。根据山东近海鱼类名录计算鱼类平均分类差异指数为66.1,分类差异变异指数为141.7;1998—2009年历次调查鱼类平均分类差异指数在60.9—62.7之间,分类差异变异指数在65.4—92.3之间。将1998—2009年历次调查鱼类群落分类多样性指数计算值叠加到山东近海鱼类总名录的95%置信漏斗曲线图,结果表明大部分调查值在置信漏斗曲线之外,目前山东近海鱼类分类多样性已大幅下降。  相似文献   

1. Many studies have shown traditional species diversity indices to perform poorly in discriminating anthropogenic influences on biodiversity. By contrast, in marine systems, taxonomic distinctness indices that take into account the taxonomic relatedness of species have been shown to discriminate anthropogenic effects. However, few studies have examined the performance of taxonomic distinctness indices in freshwater systems. 2. We studied the performance of four species diversity indices and four taxonomic distinctness indices for detecting anthropogenic effects on stream macroinvertebrate assemblages. Further, we examined the effects of catchment type and area, as well as two variables (pH and total phosphorus) potentially describing anthropogenic perturbation on biodiversity. 3. We found no indications of degraded biodiversity at the putatively disturbed sites. However, species density, rarefied species richness, Shannon's diversity and taxonomic diversity showed higher index values in streams draining mineral as opposed to peatland catchments. 4. Of the major environmental gradients analysed, biodiversity indices showed the strongest relationships with catchment area, lending further support to the importance of stream size for macroinvertebrate biodiversity. Some of the indices also showed weak linear and quadratic relationships to pH and total phosphorus, and residuals from the biodiversity index‐catchment area regressions (i.e. area effect standardized) were more weakly related to pH and total phosphorus than the original index values. 5. There are a number of reasons why the biodiversity indices did not respond to anthropogenic perturbation. First, some natural environmental gradients may mask the effects of perturbation on biodiversity. Secondly, perturbations of riverine ecosystems in our study area may not be strong enough to cause drastic changes in biodiversity. Thirdly, multiple anthropogenic stressors may either increase or decrease biodiversity, and thus the coarse division of sites into reference and altered streams may be an oversimplification. 6. Although neither species diversity nor taxonomic distinctness indices revealed anthropogenic degradation of macroinvertebrate assemblages in this study, the traditional species diversity and taxonomic distinctness indices were very weakly correlated. Therefore, we urge that biodiversity assessment and conservation planning should utilize a number of different indices, as they may provide complementary information about biotic assemblages.  相似文献   

The ichtyofauna of the Porto-Lagos Lagoon in northern Greece was sampled over 17 months, using a bag-seine net, to investigate factors influencing species seasonal composition and abundance. Of the 35 resident, migrant and straggler species caught, representing 22 families, the most numerically dominant species were Atherina boyeri (46.4% of total catch), which today is the most economically important species, followed by Pomatoschistus marmoratus (28% of total catch) and Aphanius fasciatus (9.1% of total catch). Mugilidae and Sparidae were the most diverse families. According to various diversity indices, the lagoon’s ichthyofauna was found to be most diverse in May 1990; taxonomic spread however, as shown by the taxonomic distinctness index (Δ*), was lowest in July 1990, when the greatest monthly water temperature range was observed (13.5 °C). Overall fish relative abundance was positively correlated with the maximum monthly water temperature (r2=0.32, p < 0.05). The NMDS and cluster analysis performed on the bag seine catches showed four groupings, based mainly on the life history of the species. The main group consisted of all the resident species of the lagoon and four mugilid species that were present throughout most of the sampling period. The second group consisted of marine migrant species that spent a short period of their life in the lagoon. Marine migrants and one marine straggler that were found once or twice formed the third group, while the fourth group consisted of species with casual presence. The importance of Porto-Lagos Lagoon as nursery and feeding area for marine species was confirmed by the catch of young individuals of several marine species.  相似文献   

In 2006–2007, spatial variations of chironomid assemblages of a small chalky watercourse were investigated in the hilly region of Balaton Upland, Hungary. Samplings were carried out every three weeks at seven characteristically different sites along the whole length of the watercourse. Altogether 2966 specimens were collected and identified. The chironomid fauna of the stream was relatively rich with 40 taxa belonging to four subfamilies (eight Tanypodinae, one Prodiamesinae, 17 Orthocladiinae, 14 Chironominae). The lowest number of species and number of individuals was found at the spring, and the highest at the middle reach. Based on multivariate analysis the different sections of the creek were characterised by distinctive chironomid communities. Although longitudinal changes in the chironomid community of the Örvényesi creek were detectable due to changes in natural environmental factors, land-use changes also significantly influenced the chironomid community composition and diversity. The natural and anthropogenic effects were hardly distinguishable. Furthermore, we found that the response of different diversity indices to environmental variability was different. This draws attention to the difficulties in evaluating the relationships between stream communities and environmental variables using different diversity indices. The taxonomic diversity, which incorporates the taxonomical relationships between the specimens, proved to be one of the most useful diversity indices to characterise the stream chironomid assemblages.  相似文献   

The relationships of plant and insect diversities in succession   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The basic features of an intensive study on the various stages of a secondary succession, from fallow Held to birch woodland, are described. The α-β diversities of the green plants, and two orders of insects, Hetcroptera and adult Coleoptera, are described. For the vegetation, in addition to taxonotnic diversity, structural diversity, with both spatial and architectural components, was recognized. It was found that up to a successional age of 16 months, the taxonomic diversities of plants and insects rose; thereafter the diversity of the plant species declined far more than the insect species diversity. It was concluded that in the later successional stages the maintenance of a high level of taxonomic diversity of these orders of insects is correlated with the rising structural diversity of the green plants, which virtually compensates for their falling taxonomic diversity. The larger fungi appear to show a similar trend to the insects.  相似文献   

Livestock grazing has been considered to be one of the major causes for biodiversity degradation worldwide. In this study, we examined this effect on Afromontane grassland birds by comparing their diversity between ungrazed and grazed grassland sites in the northern Bale Mountains, Ethiopia. We counted birds and recorded vegetation height and cover along 28 (14 in each land‐use type) 1 km transects. We used six different diversity measures (richness, evenness, Shannon diversity, taxonomic diversity and taxonomic distinctness) to express bird diversity and explored which of these measures better reveal the diversity pattern. Vegetation structure differed significantly between the two sites; the first two principal components accounted for 78% of the variation. Discriminant function analysis (DFA) showed bird diversity to differ significantly between the two sites; taxonomic diversity (Delta) contributed the most to the difference between the two sites, while species richness contributed the least. The results of ANOVA indicated that all diversity measures, except species richness, were significantly higher in the protected site compared to the unprotected site. In general, this study showed that grazing had negatively affected bird diversity in the study area and the use of taxonomic diversity measures had enabled us to reveal the impact better.  相似文献   

Marine fish species checklists from six Chinese coastal waters were combined for the analysis of taxonomic diversity. The Genus-Family index (G-F index) ranged between 0.39 and 0.84, which generally indicated a decreasing trend with increasing latitude, with the exception of the southernmost area. Average taxonomic distinctness showed a slight increasing trend from northern to central study areas, but whether the taxonomic distinctness indices represent a latitudinal gradient of biodiversity requires further study. The multivariate analysis revealed a distinct latitudinal variation in fish assemblages. These results indicate that species checklist data are helpful in understanding the diversity distribution of fish species in the coastal zone. The potential of a species inventory should be exploited to fully understand biodiversity.  相似文献   

1. A variety of species richness measures have been used to assess the effects of environmental degradation on biodiversity. Such measures can be highly influenced by sample size, sampling effort, habitat type or complexity, however, and typically do not show monotonic responses to human impact. In addition to being independent of the degree of sampling effort involved in data acquisition, effective measures of biodiversity should reflect the degree of taxonomical relatedness among species within ecological assemblages and provide a basis for understanding observed diversity for a particular habitat type. Taxonomic diversity or distinctness indices emphasize the average taxonomic relatedness (i.e. degree of taxonomical closeness) between species in a community. 2. Eutrophication of freshwater ecosystems, mainly due to the increased availability of nutrients, notably phosphorus, has become a major environmental problem. Two measures of taxonomic distinctness (Average Taxonomic Distinctness and Variation in Taxonomic Distinctness) were applied to surface sediment diatoms from 45 lakes across the island of Ireland to examine whether taxonomic distinctness and nutrient enrichment were significantly related at a regional scale. The lakes span a range of concentrations of epilimnic total phosphorus (TP) and were grouped into six different types, based on depth and alkalinity levels, and three different categories according to trophic state (ultra‐oligotrophic and oligotrophic; mesotrophic; and eutrophic and hyper‐eutrophic). 3. The taxonomic distinctness measures revealed significant differences among lakes in the three different classes of trophic state, with nutrient‐rich lakes generally more taxonomically diverse than nutrient‐poor lakes. This implies that enrichment of oligotrophic lakes does not necessarily lead to a reduction in taxonomic diversity, at least as expressed by the indices used here. Furthermore, taxonomic distinctness was highly variable across the six different lake types regardless of nutrient level. 4. Results indicate that habitat availability and physical structure within the study lakes also exert a strong influence on the pattern of taxonomic diversity. Overall the results highlight problems with the use of taxonomic diversity measures for detecting impacts of freshwater eutrophication based on diatom assemblages.  相似文献   

Aim Phylogenetic diversity can provide insight into how evolutionary processes may have shaped contemporary patterns of species richness. Here, we aim to test for the influence of phylogenetic history on global patterns of amphibian species richness, and to identify areas where macroevolutionary processes such as diversification and dispersal have left strong signatures on contemporary species richness. Location Global; equal‐area grid cells of approximately 10,000 km2. Methods We generated an amphibian global supertree (6111 species) and repeated analyses with the largest available molecular phylogeny (2792 species). We combined each tree with global species distributions to map four indices of phylogenetic diversity. To investigate congruence between global spatial patterns of amphibian species richness and phylogenetic diversity, we selected Faith’s phylogenetic diversity (PD) index and the total taxonomic distinctness (TTD) index, because we found that the variance of the other two indices we examined (average taxonomic distinctness and mean root distance) strongly depended on species richness. We then identified regions with unusually high or low phylogenetic diversity given the underlying level of species richness by using the residuals from the global relationship of species richness and phylogenetic diversity. Results Phylogenetic diversity as measured by either Faith’s PD or TTD was strongly correlated with species richness globally, while the other two indices showed very different patterns. When either Faith’s PD or TTD was tested against species richness, residuals were strongly spatially structured. Areas with unusually low phylogenetic diversity for their associated species richness were mostly on islands, indicating large radiations of few lineages that have successfully colonized these archipelagos. Areas with unusually high phylogenetic diversity were located around biogeographic contact zones in Central America and southern China, and seem to have experienced high immigration or in situ diversification rates, combined with local persistence of old lineages. Main conclusions We show spatial structure in the residuals of the relationship between species richness and phylogenetic diversity, which together with the positive relationship itself indicates strong signatures of evolutionary history on contemporary global patterns of amphibian species richness. Areas with unusually low and high phylogenetic diversity for their associated richness demonstrate the importance of biogeographic barriers to dispersal, colonization and diversification processes.  相似文献   

We compared the assemblages of phyllostomid bats in three Neotropical rainforests with respect to species richness and assemblage structure and suggested a method to validate estimates of species richness for Neotropical bat assemblages based on mist-netting data. The fully inventoried bat assemblage at La Selva Biological Station (LS, 100 m elevation) in Costa Rica was used as a reference site to evaluate seven estimators of species richness. The Jackknife 2 method agreed best with the known bat species richness and thus was used to extrapolate species richness for an Amazonian bat assemblage (Tiputini Biodiversity Station; TBS, 200 m elevation) and an Andean premontane bat assemblage (Podocarpus National Park; BOM, 1000 m elevation) in Ecuador. Our results suggest that more than 100 bat species occur sympatrically at TBS and about 50 bat species coexist at BOM. TBS harbours one of the most species-rich bat assemblages known, including a highly diverse phyllostomid assemblage. Furthermore, we related assemblage structure to large-scale geographical patterns in floral diversity obtained from botanical literature. Assemblage structure of these three phyllostomid assemblages was influenced by differences in floral diversity at the three sites. At the Andean site, where understorey shrubs and epiphytes exhibit the highest diversity, the phyllostomid assemblage is mainly composed of understorey frugivores and nectarivorous species. By contrast, canopy frugivores are most abundant at the Amazonian site, coinciding with the high abundance of canopy fruiting trees. Assemblage patterns of other taxonomic groups also may reflect the geographical distribution patterns of floral elements in the Andean and Amazonian regions.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 94 , 617–629.  相似文献   

Studies assessing stream restoration of acid mine drainage (AMD) usually use community metrics that emphasize only a few attributes of ecological integrity. We used a variety of measures to examine recovery of macroinvertebrate communities in a watershed receiving passive treatment for AMD. We measured density, richness, functional diversity (FD), taxonomic diversity (Δ, a measure of taxonomic relatedness), and community taxonomic composition at 4 stream sites over an 11‐year period: 1 reference not affected by AMD, 2 downstream of treatment systems, and 1 AMD‐impacted site with no treatment. Our objectives were to determine if communities have responded to remediation, and examine whether FD and Δ provided additional insights into ecology integrity. Richness, FD, and Δ at the reference site were significantly higher than for other sites, but did not consistently differentiate treated and untreated sites. Additional information provided by FD and Δ on attributes related to functional redundancy and taxonomic relatedness was self‐evident given the simplicity of nonreference communities. Ordination of community composition incorporating knowledge of taxa autecologies indicated that treated sites were slightly less impacted than the untreated site, and trend analysis indicated slight improvement at 1 treated site. However, communities below treatment remained taxonomically distinct, with much lower densities than reference condition. Macroinvertebrate communities showed less recovery than was determined for benthic diatom communities at the same sites in a previous study. Several attributes of ecological integrity for different types of stream organisms should be incorporated into bioassessment of AMD restoration because they can vary in their response.  相似文献   

Biological diversity would apparently seem the most intuitive and easily studied of all the ecological concepts. However, in practice biodiversity has suffered from great number of definitions that vary with the specific needs of the different researchers, thus making it extremely confusing as an ecological concept. In this paper, I shortly review the concept of biodiversity showing that there exists a substantial ambiguity among ecologists as far as biodiversity conceptualization and evaluation is concerned. I conclude that, due to this major disagreement on its very nature, biodiversity may be defined simply as a set of multivariate summary statistics for quantifying different characteristics of community structure.  相似文献   

山西桑干河流域湿地植被物种多样性研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
贾燕春  张峰 《植物研究》2006,26(3):364-369
以109个样方调查数据为基础,采用丰富度指数、物种多样性指数和均匀度指数对山西桑干河流域湿地植物群落的物种多样性进行了研究,并用方差分析和多重比较的方法研究了各群落之间多样性指数的差异程度。研究结果表明:各植被类型的物种多样性指数大小排列依次为:柽柳—委陵菜群落>柽柳+沙棘—鹅观草群落>柽柳—鹅绒委陵菜群落>柽柳—芦苇群落>芦苇+水蓼+莎草群落>芦苇+苔草群落>百里香+铁杆蒿群落>香蒲+水蓼群落>水葱+轮藻+眼子菜群落>藨草+莎草+泽泻群落>水葱+藨草+芦苇群落>狐尾藻+香蒲群落>慈姑+芦苇群落>水蓼+慈姑群落>水莎草+水稗群落。对12种多样性指数进行比较后发现,R0、H′和E4优于其他指数。  相似文献   

中国多孔菌多样性初探:物种、区系和生态功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
多孔菌是指子实层体呈孔状且质地为革质至木质的一类大型担子菌,主要生长在各类木材上。我国地域辽阔,气候带和地形多样,森林类型和植被组成丰富,为多孔菌提供了丰富的栖息地。长期的野外资源调查和标本采集,特别是近年来分子生物学技术的发展,极大地丰富了对我国多孔菌种类的认识。我国是世界上多孔菌物种多样性最丰富的国家,现在已知有多孔菌704种,隶属于11目22科134属,包括世界广布成分、北温带成分和热带-亚热带成分。多孔菌中的白腐菌是潜在的工业用菌,褐腐菌在森林的更新过程中起重要作用。  相似文献   

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