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Early plasma is generated owing to high intensity laser irradiation of target and the subsequent target material ionization. Its dynamics plays a significant role in laser-material interaction, especially in the air environment1-11.Early plasma evolution has been captured through pump-probe shadowgraphy1-3 and interferometry1,4-7. However, the studied time frames and applied laser parameter ranges are limited. For example, direct examinations of plasma front locations and electron number densities within a delay time of 100 picosecond (ps) with respect to the laser pulse peak are still very few, especially for the ultrashort pulse of a duration around 100 femtosecond (fs) and a low power density around 1014 W/cm2. Early plasma generated under these conditions has only been captured recently with high temporal and spatial resolutions12. The detailed setup strategy and procedures of this high precision measurement will be illustrated in this paper. The rationale of the measurement is optical pump-probe shadowgraphy: one ultrashort laser pulse is split to a pump pulse and a probe pulse, while the delay time between them can be adjusted by changing their beam path lengths. The pump pulse ablates the target and generates the early plasma, and the probe pulse propagates through the plasma region and detects the non-uniformity of electron number density. In addition, animations are generated using the calculated results from the simulation model of Ref. 12 to illustrate the plasma formation and evolution with a very high resolution (0.04 ~ 1 ps).Both the experimental method and the simulation method can be applied to a broad range of time frames and laser parameters. These methods can be used to examine the early plasma generated not only from metals, but also from semiconductors and insulators.  相似文献   

Analysis of accumulation of repair and checkpoint proteins at repair sites in yeast nuclei has conventionally used chemical agents, ionizing radiation or induction of endonucleases to inflict localized damage. In addition to these methods, similar studies in mammalian cells have used laser irradiation, which has the advantage that damage is inflicted at a specific nuclear region and at a precise time, and this allows accurate kinetic analysis of protein accumulation at DNA damage sites. We show here that it is feasible to use short pulses of near-infrared laser irradiation to inflict DNA damage in subnuclear regions of yeast nuclei by multiphoton absorption. In conjunction with use of fluorescently-tagged proteins, this allows quantitative analysis of protein accumulation at damage sites within seconds of damage induction. PCNA accumulated at damage sites rapidly, such that maximum accumulation was seen approximately 50 s after damage, then levels declined linearly over 200–1000 s after irradiation. RPA accumulated with slower kinetics such that hardly any accumulation was detected within 60 s of irradiation, and levels subsequently increased linearly over the next 900 s, after which levels were approximately constant (up to ca. 2700 s) at the damage site. This approach complements existing methodologies to allow analysis of key damage sensors and chromatin modification changes occurring within seconds of damage inception.  相似文献   

Plasmonics - The radar cross section (RCS) reduction from curved surfaces using plasma based frequency selective surfaces (FSS) is investigated. A frequency reconfigurable plasma based FSS...  相似文献   

Plasma Physics Reports - The system is described for the formation of the low-temperature starting plasma flow in the GOL-NB trap. The starting plasma is a target for capturing heating neutral...  相似文献   

Genotyping studies of Australian Scedosporium isolates have revealed the strong prevalence of a recently described species: Scedosporium aurantiacum. In addition to occurring in the environment, this fungus is also known to colonise the respiratory tracts of cystic fibrosis (CF) patients. A high throughput Phenotype Microarray (PM) analysis using 94 assorted substrates (sugars, amino acids, hexose-acids and carboxylic acids) was carried out for four isolates exhibiting different levels of virulence, determined using a Galleria mellonella infection model. A significant difference was observed in the substrate utilisation patterns of strains displaying differential virulence. For example, certain sugars such as sucrose (saccharose) were utilised only by low virulence strains whereas some sugar derivatives such as D-turanose promoted respiration only in the more virulent strains. Strains with a higher level of virulence also displayed flexibility and metabolic adaptability at two different temperature conditions tested (28 and 37°C). Phenotype microarray data were integrated with the whole-genome sequence data of S. aurantiacum to reconstruct a pathway map for the metabolism of selected substrates to further elucidate differences between the strains.  相似文献   

Marriage Systems and Pathogen Stress in Human Societies   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Pathogen stress is an important form of environmental extremenessand uncertainty for humans as well as other organisms. It ispredicted to: fl] increase the degree of polygyny (as fewermales become appropriate mates); [2] make non-sororal polygynymore frequent (as variable offspring become more advantageous),and [3] be correlated with signs of sexual selection: physicaldimorphism, societal rules about allowed wives for men in differentcategories, both achieved and inherited. The first two hypotheses are supported. As pathogen stress increases,the degree of polygyny increases, no matter how polygyny ismeasured. As pathogen stress increases, non-sororal polygynyand capture of women from outside societies increase; sororaland other endogamous forms of polygyny decrease. The third hypothesisis not supported. Measures of male-male competition and reflectionsof male status are not associated with pathogen stress. A man'sactual present appearance (physical, behavioral) may providea more direct and accurate reflection of a man's worth as amate. It is possible that the measures available for testinghere are not fully appropriate. These results suggest that major pathogens may have been, duringhuman evolutionary history, an important selective force, shiftingthe polygyny threshold, and resulting in greater polygyny, andpolygyny of specific types, in areas of high stress. The relationshipappears to be of a threshold sort (at high levels of pathogenstress monogamy, polyandry, and mild polygyny are absent) ratherthan a linear relationship. We need within-society data forappropriate pathogens regarding relationship between individualpathogen load and probability of getting a mate, possible interactionsbetween pathogen stress and resource accumulation in sexualselection, and impact of pathogen load on fertility.  相似文献   

In response to injury, blood coagulation is activated and results in generation of the clotting protease, thrombin. Thrombin cleaves fibrinogen to fibrin which forms an insoluble clot that stops hemorrhage. Factor V (FV) in its activated form, FVa, is a critical cofactor for the protease FXa and accelerator of thrombin generation during fibrin clot formation as part of prothrombinase1, 2. Manual FV assays have been described 3, 4, but they are time consuming and subjective. Automated FV assays have been reported 5-7, but the analyzer and reagents are expensive and generally provide only the clot time, not the rate and extent of fibrin formation. The microplate platform is preferred for measuring enzyme-catalyzed events because of convenience, time, cost, small volume, continuous monitoring, and high-throughput 8, 9. Microplate assays have been reported for clot lysis 10, platelet aggregation 11, and coagulation Factors 12, but not for FV activity in human plasma. The goal of the method was to develop a microplate assay that measures FV activity during fibrin formation in human plasma.This novel microplate method outlines a simple, inexpensive, and rapid assay of FV activity in human plasma. The assay utilizes a kinetic microplate reader to monitor the absorbance change at 405nm during fibrin formation in human plasma (Figure 1) 13. The assay accurately measures the time, initial rate, and extent of fibrin clot formation. It requires only μl quantities of plasma, is complete in 6 min, has high-throughput, is sensitive to 24-80pM FV, and measures the amount of unintentionally activated (1-stage activity) and thrombin-activated FV (2-stage activity) to obtain a complete assessment of its total functional activity (2-stage activity - 1-stage activity).Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) is an acquired coagulopathy that most often develops from pre-existing infections 14. DIC is associated with a poor prognosis and increases mortality above the pre-existing pathology 15. The assay was used to show that in 9 patients with DIC, the FV 1-stage, 2-stage, and total activities were decreased, on average, by 54%, 44%, and 42%, respectively, compared with normal pooled human reference plasma (NHP).The FV microplate assay is easily adaptable to measure the activity of any coagulation factor. This assay will increase our understanding of FV biochemistry through a more accurate and complete measurement of its activity in research and clinical settings. This information will positively impact healthcare environments through earlier diagnosis and development of more effective treatments for coagulation disorders, such as DIC.  相似文献   

Alternative bone regeneration strategies that do not rely on harvested tissue or exogenous growth factors are needed. One of the major challenges in tissue reconstruction is recreating the bone tissue microenvironment using the appropriate combination of cells, scaffold, and stimulation to direct differentiation. This study presents a bone regeneration formulation that involves the use of human adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells (hASCs) and a three-dimensional (3D) hydrogel scaffold based on self-assembled RADA16 peptides containing superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (NPs). Although superparamagnetic NPs could be used as stimulus to manipulate the cell proliferation and differentiation, in this paper their use is explored for assisting osteogenic differentiation of hASCs in conjunction with direct stimulation by extremely low-frequency pulsed electromagnetic fields (pEMFs). Cellular morphology, proliferation, and viability, as well as alkaline phosphatase activity, calcium deposition, and osteogenic capacity were monitored for cells cultured up to 21 days in the 3D construct. The results show that the pEMFs and NPs do not have any negative effect on cell viability, but instead distinctly induced early differentiation of hASCs to an osteoblastic phenotype, when compared with cells without biophysical stimulation. This effect is attributed to synergy between the pEMFs and NPs, which may have stimulated mechanotransduction pathways, which, in turn activated biochemical signals between cells to differentiate or proliferate. This approach may offer a safe and effective option for the treatment of non-union bone fractures. Bioelectromagnetics. © 2020 The Authors. Bioelectromagnetics published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Calculation of infectious viral titers represents a basic and essential experimental approach for virologists. Classical plaque assays cannot be used for viruses that do not cause significant cytopathic effects, which is the case for strains 229E and OC43 of human coronavirus (HCoV). An alternative indirect immunoperoxidase assay (IPA) is herein described for the detection and titration of these viruses. Susceptible cells are inoculated with serial logarithmic dilutions of samples in a 96-well plate. After viral growth, viral detection by IPA yields the infectious virus titer, expressed as "Tissue Culture Infectious Dose" (TCID50). This represents the dilution of a virus-containing sample at which half of a series of laboratory wells contain replicating virus. This technique is a reliable method for the titration of HCoV in biological samples (cells, tissues or fluids).Download video file.(92M, mov)  相似文献   

Faecal contamination of estuarine and coastal waters can pose a risk to human health, particularly in areas used for shellfish production or recreation. Routine microbiological water quality testing highlights areas of faecal indicator bacteria (FIB) contamination within the water column, but fails to consider the abundance of FIB in sediments, which under certain hydrodynamic conditions can become resuspended. Sediments can enhance the survival of FIB in estuarine environments, but the influence of sediment composition on the ecology and abundance of FIB is poorly understood. To determine the relationship between sediment composition (grain size and organic matter) and the abundance of pathogen indicator bacteria (PIB), sediments were collected from four transverse transects of the Conwy estuary, UK. The abundance of culturable Escherichia coli, total coliforms, enterococci, Campylobacter, Salmonella and Vibrio spp. in sediments was determined in relation to sediment grain size, organic matter content, salinity, depth and temperature. Sediments that contained higher proportions of silt and/or clay and associated organic matter content showed significant positive correlations with the abundance of PIB. Furthermore, the abundance of each bacterial group was positively correlated with the presence of all other groups enumerated. Campylobacter spp. were not isolated from estuarine sediments. Comparisons of the number of culturable E. coli, total coliforms and Vibrio spp. in sediments and the water column revealed that their abundance was 281, 433 and 58-fold greater in sediments (colony forming units (CFU)/100g) when compared with the water column (CFU/100ml), respectively. These data provide important insights into sediment compositions that promote the abundance of PIB in estuarine environments, with important implications for the modelling and prediction of public health risk based on sediment resuspension and transport.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Difficulties arising during chemotherapy of Candida albicans necessitate novel chemotherapeutic strategies. Garlic extract and two of its constituents, diallyl disulphide and allyl alcohol, are potentially useful anti-candidal agents. Flow Cytometry has been used to measure the population distributions of apoptotic/necrotic cell death using annexin V-FITC/propidium iodide and oxidative stress dichlorodihydrofluorescein. Candicidal mechanisms may be due to programmed cell death induced by oxidative stress, mediated by the generation of reactive oxygen species or alternatively by the depletion of cellular thiols, which normally act as redox buffer systems for defence. We suggest that mechanisms that these anti-candidal agents have in common is the triggering some of the characteristics of apoptotic cell death.  相似文献   

为了观察脉冲Nd∶YAG激光在根管预备(以下简称根备)中的作用,我们用Nd∶YAG激光辅助,对30颗患牙进行根备,根备后即时根充。并与超声根备后即时根充、传统根备后即时根充比较,结果表明:激光组的术后疼痛反应少于超声组与传统组,远期疗效与超声组相仿,而优于传统组。  相似文献   

The rate of oxidation of cytochrome following absorption of a short pulse of light from a ruby laser in the photosynthetic bacterium Chromatium has been measured spectrophotometrically. The half-time is about 2 musec at room temperature increasing to 2.3 msec at about 100 degrees K and constant at the latter value to 35 degrees K or below. The temperature dependence above 120 degrees K corresponds to an activation energy of 3.3 kcal/mole; that below 100 degrees K to less than 80 cal/mol: essentially a temperature-independent electron transport reaction. Since the slowness below 100 degrees K indicates the presence of a barrier, the lack of activation energy is taken to mean penetration by quantum-mechanical "tunneling."  相似文献   

During the assessments of the correlation of the diseases and the microbiota of various clinical specimens, unique 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene sequences (less than 80% similarity to known bacterial type strains) were predominantly detected in a bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) specimen from a patient with chronic lower respiratory tract infection. The origin of this unique sequence is suspected to be the causative agent of the infection. We temporarily named the owner organism of this sequence “IOLA” (Infectious Organism Lurking in Airways). In order to evaluate the significance of IOLA in human lung disorders, we performed several experiments. IOLA-16S rRNA genes were detected in 6 of 386 clone libraries constructed from clinical specimens of patients with respiratory diseases (in our study series). The gene sequences (1,427 bp) are identical, and no significantly similar sequence was found in public databases (using NCBI blastn) except for the 8 shorter sequences detected from patients with respiratory diseases in other studies from 2 other countries. Phylogenetic analyses revealed that the 16S rRNA gene of IOLA is more closely related to eukaryotic mitochondria than bacteria. However, the size and shape of IOLA seen by fluorescent in-situ hybridization are similar to small bacteria (approximately 1 µm with a spherical shape). Furthermore, features of both bacteria and mitochondria were observed in the genomic fragment (about 19 kb) of IOLA, and the GC ratio of the sequence was extremely low (20.5%). Two main conclusions were reached: (1) IOLA is a novel bacteria-like microorganism that, interestingly, possesses features of eukaryotic mitochondria. (2) IOLA is a novel pathogen candidate, and it may be the causative agent of human lung or airway disease. IOLA exists in BALF specimens from patients with remarkable symptoms; this information is an important piece for helping solve the elusive etiology of chronic respiratory disorders.  相似文献   

文章对眼组织细胞内的激光等离子体诱导蚀除的发展现状、物理机理及未来趋势做了综合评述,并从理论上解释了眼组织内等离子体的屏蔽机制,同时提出了更有效蚀除即把副作用降低到最低限度的解决办法。  相似文献   

THE HL-A antigens of man have been described on a number of somatic (diploid) cells1 and demonstrated on spermatozoa, suggesting an expression of the haploid genome on spermatozoan membrane2. Soluble HL-A antigens, HL-A2, HL-A7 and 7b, have been reported in serum3,4. We have now found in human seminal plasma substances that inhibit specific anti-HL-A antibodies. This has important biological and clinical implications, especially for the characterization of HL-A antigens and for the induction of specific tolerance.  相似文献   

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