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Mitochondria of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae contain enzymes Crd1p and Psd1p, which synthesize cardiolipin (CL) and phosphatidylethanolamine respectively. A previous study indicated that crd1Δ is synthetically lethal with psd1Δ. In this study, to identify novel genes involved in CL metabolism, we searched for genes that genetically interact with Psd1p, and found that deletion of FMP30 encoding a mitochondrial inner membrane protein results in a synthetic growth defect with psd1Δ. Although fmp30Δ cells grew normally and exhibited a slightly decreased CL level, fmp30Δpsd1Δ cells exhibited a severe growth defect and an about 20-fold reduction in the CL level, as compared with the wild-type control. We found also that deletion of FMP30 caused a defect in mitochondrial morphology. Furthermore, FMP30 genetically interacted with seven mitochondrial morphology genes. These results indicated that Fmp30p is involved in the maintenance of mitochondrial morphology and required for the accumulation of a normal level of CL in the absence of mitochondrial phosphatidylethanolamine synthesis.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial free calcium is critically linked to the regulation of cellular metabolism. Free ionic calcium concentration within these organelles is determined by the interplay between two processes: exchange across the mitochondrial inner membrane and calcium-buffering within the matrix. During stimulated calcium uptake, calcium is primarily buffered by orthophosphate, preventing calcium toxicity while allowing for well-regulated yet elevated calcium loads. However, if limited to orthophosphates only, this buffering system is expected to lead to the irreversible formation of insoluble precipitates, which are not observed in living cells, under physiological conditions. Here, we demonstrate that the regulation of free mitochondrial calcium requires the presence of free inorganic polyphosphate (polyP) within the organelle. We found that the overexpression of a mitochondrial-targeted enzyme hydrolyzing polyP leads to the loss of the cellular ability to maintain elevated calcium concentrations within the organelle, following stimulated cytoplasmic signal. We hypothesize that the presence of polyP prevents the formation of calcium-phosphate insoluble clusters, allowing for the maintenance of elevated free calcium levels, during stimulated calcium uptake.  相似文献   

Lysosomes are the main degradative compartments of eukaryotic cells. The CORVET and HOPS tethering complexes are well known for their role in membrane fusion in the yeast endocytic pathway. Yeast Vps33p is part of both complexes, and has two mammalian homologues: Vps33A and Vps33B. Vps33B is required for recycling of apical proteins in polarized cells and a causative gene for ARC syndrome. Here, we investigate whether Vps33B is also required in the degradative pathway. By fluorescence and electron microscopy we show that Vps33B depletion in HeLa cells leads to significantly increased numbers of late endosomes that together with lysosomes accumulate in the perinuclear region. Degradation of endocytosed cargo is impaired in these cells. By electron microscopy we show that endocytosed BSA‐gold reaches late endosomes, but is decreased in lysosomes. The increase in late endosome numbers and the lack of internalized cargo in lysosomes are indicative for a defect in late endosomal–lysosomal fusion events, which explains the observed decrease in cargo degradation. A corresponding phenotype was found after Vps33A knock down, which in addition also resulted in decreased lysosome numbers. We conclude that Vps33B, in addition to its role in endosomal recycling, is required for late endosomal–lysosomal fusion events.   相似文献   

Stomatal guard cells play a key role in gas exchange for photosynthesis and in minimizing transpirational water loss from plants by opening and closing the stomatal pore. The bulk of the osmotic content driving stomatal movements depends on ionic fluxes across both the plasma membrane and tonoplast, the metabolism of organic acids, primarily Mal (malate), and its accumulation and loss. Anion channels at the plasma membrane are thought to comprise a major pathway for Mal efflux during stomatal closure, implicating their key role in linking solute flux with metabolism. Nonetheless, little is known of the regulation of anion channel current (I(Cl)) by cytosolic Mal or its immediate metabolite OAA (oxaloacetate). In the present study, we have examined the impact of Mal, OAA and of the monocarboxylic acid anion acetate in guard cells of Vicia faba L. and report that all three organic acids affect I(Cl), but with markedly different characteristics and sidedness to their activities. Most prominent was a suppression of ICl by OAA within the physiological range of concentrations found in vivo. These findings indicate a capacity for OAA to co-ordinate organic acid metabolism with I(Cl) through the direct effect of organic acid pool size. The findings of the present study also add perspective to in vivo recordings using acetate-based electrolytes.  相似文献   

The functions of two Schizosaccharomyces pombe Vps9-like genes, SPBC4F6.10/vps901(+) and SPBC29A10.11c/vps902(+), were characterized. Genomic sequence analysis predicted that Vps901p contains a VPS9 domain, whereas cDNA analyses revealed that Vps901p contains a CUE domain (coupling of ubiquitin to ER degradation) in its C-terminal region. Deletion of vps901(+) resulted in mis-sorting and secretion of S. pombe vacuolar carboxypeptidase Cpy1p, whereas deletion of vps902(+) had no effect, suggesting that only Vps901p functions in vacuolar protein transport in S. pombe. Deletion of vps901(+) further produced pleiotropic phenotypes, including vacuolar homotypic fusion and endocytosis defects. Heterologous expression of the budding yeast VPS9 gene corrected the CPY mis-sorting defect in vps901Δ cells. These findings suggest that the VPS9 domain of Vps901p is required for vacuolar protein trafficking in S. pombe.  相似文献   

Early pseudohyphal growth of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is well described, and is known to be subject to a complex web of developmental regulation. In maturing filaments, young cells differ significantly from their pseudohyphal progenitors, in their shape, and in their timing and direction of cell division. The changes that occur during filament maturation result in round and oval cells surrounding and covering the pseudohyphal filament. In a screen for mutants that affect this process, a vacuolar protein sorting gene, MOS10 (VPS60), and a gene encoding an alpha subunit of the proteasome core, PRE9, were isolated. Characterization of the mos10/mos10 phenotype showed that the process of filament maturation is regulated differently from early filamentous growth, and that the requirement for Mos10 is limited to the maturation stage of pseudohyphal development. The mos10/mos10 phenotype is unlikely to be an unspecific effect of disruption of endocytosis or vacuolar protein sorting, because it is not recapitulated by mutants in other genes required for these processes. Disruption of homologues of MOS10, which act as components of the ESCRT-III complex in targeting proteins for vacuolar degradation, results in abnormal early pseudohyphal growth, not in the filament maturation defect seen in mos10/mos10. Thus, Mos10 may function in targeting of specific cargo proteins for degradation, under conditions particular to maturing filaments.  相似文献   

Rab5 GTPases are key regulators of protein trafficking through the early stages of the endocytic pathway. The yeast Rab5 ortholog Vps21p is activated by its guanine nucleotide exchange factor Vps9p. Here we show that Vps9p binds ubiquitin and that the CUE domain is necessary and sufficient for this interaction. Vps9p ubiquitin binding is required for efficient endocytosis of Ste3p but not for the delivery of the biosynthetic cargo carboxypeptidase Y to the vacuole. In addition, Vps9p is itself monoubiquitylated. Ubiquitylation is dependent on a functional CUE domain and Rsp5p, an E3 ligase that participates in cell surface receptor endocytosis. These findings define a new ubiquitin binding domain and implicate ubiquitin as a modulator of Vps9p function in the endocytic pathway.  相似文献   

An extracellular matrix connects bacteria that live in organized assemblages called biofilms. While the role of the matrix in the regulation of cell behavior has not been extensively examined in bacteria, we suggest that, like mammalian cells, the matrix facilitates cell-cell interactions involved with regulation of cohesion, motility, and sensory transduction. The extracellular matrix of the soil bacterium Myxococcus xanthus is essential for biofilm formation and fruiting body development. The matrix material is extruded as long, thin fibrils that mediate adhesion to surfaces, cohesion to other cells, and excitation by the chemoattractant dilauroyl phosphatidylethanolamine. We report the identification of a putative matrix-associated zinc metalloprotease called FibA (fibril protein A). Western blotting with FibA-specific monoclonal antibody 2105 suggests extensive proteolytic processing of FibA during assembly into fibrils, consistent with the autoprocessing observed with other members of the M4 metalloprotease family. Disruption of fibA had no obvious effect on the structure of the fibrils and did not inhibit cell cohesion, excitation by dioleoyl phosphatidylethanolamine, or activity of the A- or S-motility motors. However, the cells lost the ability to respond to dilauroyl phosphatidylethanolamine and to form well-spaced fruiting bodies, though substantial aggregation was observed. Chemotactic excitation of the fibA mutant was restored by incubation with purified wild-type fibrils. The results suggest that this metalloprotease is involved in sensory transduction.  相似文献   

Autophagy is involved in cellular clearance of aggregate-prone proteins, thereby having a cytoprotective function. Studies in yeast have shown that the PI 3-kinase Vps34 and its regulatory protein kinase Vps15 are important for autophagy, but the possible involvement of these proteins in autophagy in a multicellular animal has not been addressed genetically. Here, we have created a Drosophila deletion mutant of vps15 and studied its role in autophagy and aggregate clearance. Homozygous Deltavps15 Drosophila died at the early L3 larval stage. Using GFP-Atg8a as an autophagic marker, we employed fluorescence microscopy to demonstrate that fat bodies of wild type Drosophila larvae accumulated autophagic structures upon starvation whereas vps15 fat bodies showed no such response. Likewise, electron microscopy revealed starvation-induced autophagy in gut cells from wild type but not Deltavps15 larvae. Fluorescence microscopy showed that Deltavps15 mutant tissues accumulated profiles that were positive for ubiquitin and Ref(2)P, the Drosophila homolog of the sequestosome marker SQSTM1/p62. Biochemical fractionation and Western blotting showed that these structures were partially detergent insoluble, and immuno-electron microscopy further demonstrated the presence of Ref(2)P positive membrane free protein aggregates. These results provide the first genetic evidence for a function of Vps15 in autophagy in multicellular organisms and suggest that the Vps15-containing PI 3-kinase complex may play an important role in clearance of protein aggregates.  相似文献   

Autophagy is involved in cellular clearance of aggregate-prone proteins, thereby having a cytoprotective function. Studies in yeast have shown that the PI 3-kinase Vps34 and its regulatory protein kinase Vps15 are important for autophagy, but the possible involvement of these proteins in autophagy in a multicellular animal has not been addressed genetically. Here, we have created a Drosophila deletion mutant of vps15 and studied its role in autophagy and aggregate clearance. Homozygous Δvps15 Drosophila died at the early L3 larval stage. Using GFP-Atg8a as an autophagic marker, we employed fluorescence microscopy to demonstrate that fat bodies of wild type Drosophila larvae accumulated autophagic structures upon starvation whereas vps15 fat bodies showed no such response. Likewise, electron microscopy revealed starvation-induced autophagy in gut cells from wild type but not Δvps15 larvae. Fluorescence microscopy showed that Δvps15 mutant tissues accumulated profiles that were positive for ubiquitin and Ref(2)P, the Drosophila homolog of the sequestosome marker SQSTM1/p62. Biochemical fractionation and Western blotting showed that these structures were partially detergent insoluble, and immuno-electron microscopy further demonstrated the presence of Ref(2)P positive membrane free protein aggregates.. These results provide the first genetic evidence for a function of Vps15 in autophagy in multicellular organisms and suggest that the Vps15-containing PI 3-kinase complex may play an important role in clearance of protein aggregates.  相似文献   

Vajjhala PR  Wong JS  To HY  Munn AL 《The FEBS journal》2006,273(11):2357-2373
Endocytic and biosynthetic trafficking pathways to the lysosome/vacuole converge at the prevacuolar endosomal compartment. During transport through this compartment, integral membrane proteins that are destined for delivery to the lysosome/vacuole lumen undergo multivesicular body (MVB) sorting into internal vesicles formed by invagination of the endosomal limiting membrane. Vps4 is an AAA family ATPase which plays a key role in MVB sorting and facilitates transport through endosomes. It possesses an N-terminal microtubule interacting and trafficking domain required for recruitment to endosomes and an AAA domain with an ATPase catalytic site. The recently solved 3D structure revealed a beta domain, which protrudes from the AAA domain, and a final C-terminal alpha-helix. However, the in vivo roles of these domains are not known. In this study, we have identified motifs in these domains that are highly conserved between yeast and human Vps4. We have mutated these motifs and studied the effect on yeast Vps4p function in vivo and in vitro. We show that the beta domain of the budding yeast Vps4p is not required for recruitment to endosomes, but is essential for all Vps4p endocytic functions in vivo. We also show that the beta domain is required for Vps4p homotypic interaction and for full ATPase activity. In addition, it is required for interaction with Vta1p, which works in concert with Vps4p in vivo. Our studies suggest that assembly of a Vps4p oligomeric complex with full ATPase activity that interacts with Vta1p is essential for normal endosome function.  相似文献   

Phosphoinositides are important regulators of numerous cellular functions. The yeast class III phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase Vps34p, and its human orthologue hVPS34, are implicated in control of several key pathways, including endosome to lysosome transport, retrograde endosome to Golgi traffic, multivesicular body formation, and autophagy. We have identified the Vps34p orthologue in the African trypanosome, TbVps34. Knockdown of TbVps34 expression by RNA interference induces a severe growth defect, with a post-mitotic block to cytokinesis accompanied by a variety of morphological abnormalities. GFP2xFYVE, a chimeric protein that specifically binds phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate, localizes to the trypanosome endosomal system and is delocalized under TbVps34 RNA interference (RNAi), confirming that TbVps34 is an authentic phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase. Expression of GFP2xFYVE enhances the TbVps34 RNAi-associated growth defect, suggesting a synthetic interaction via competition for phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate-binding sites with endogenous FYVE domain proteins. Endocytosis of a fluid phase marker is unaffected by TbVps34 RNAi, but receptor-mediated endocytosis of transferrin and transport of concanavalin A to the lysosome are both impaired, confirming a role in membranous endocytic trafficking for TbVps34. TbVps34 knockdown inhibits export of variant surface glycoprotein, indicating a function in exocytic transport. Ultrastructural analysis revealed a highly extended Golgi apparatus following TbVps34 RNAi, whereas expression of the Golgi marker red fluorescent protein-GRASP (Grp1 (general receptor for phosphoinositides-1)-associated scaffold protein) demonstrated that trypanosomes are able to duplicate the Golgi complex but failed to complete segregation during mitosis, despite faithful replication and segregation of basal bodies and the kinetoplast. These observations implicate TbVps34 as having a role in coordinating segregation of the Golgi complex at cell division.  相似文献   

Glycerol‐3‐phosphate acyltransferase (GPAT) is involved in the first step in glycerolipid synthesis and is localized in both the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and mitochondria. To clarify the functional differences between ER‐GPAT and mitochondrial (Mt)‐GPAT, we generated both GPAT mutants in C. elegans and demonstrated that Mt‐GPAT is essential for mitochondrial fusion. Mutation of Mt‐GPAT caused excessive mitochondrial fragmentation. The defect was rescued by injection of lysophosphatidic acid (LPA), a direct product of GPAT, and by inhibition of LPA acyltransferase, both of which lead to accumulation of LPA in the cells. Mitochondrial fragmentation in Mt‐GPAT mutants was also rescued by inhibition of mitochondrial fission protein DRP‐1 and by overexpression of mitochondrial fusion protein FZO‐1/mitofusin, suggesting that the fusion/fission balance is affected by Mt‐GPAT depletion. Mitochondrial fragmentation was also observed in Mt‐GPAT‐depleted HeLa cells. A mitochondrial fusion assay using HeLa cells revealed that Mt‐GPAT depletion impaired mitochondrial fusion process. We postulate from these results that LPA produced by Mt‐GPAT functions not only as a precursor for glycerolipid synthesis but also as an essential factor of mitochondrial fusion.  相似文献   

Autophagy is a catabolic process used to deliver cellular material to the lysosome for degradation. The core Vps34/class III phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) complex, consisting of Atg6, Vps15, and Vps34, is highly conserved throughout evolution, critical for recruiting autophagy-related proteins to the preautophagosomal structure and for other vesicular trafficking processes, including vacuolar protein sorting. Atg6 and Vps34 have been well characterized, but the Vps15 kinase remains poorly characterized with most studies focusing on nutrient deprivation-induced autophagy. Here, we investigate the function of Vps15 in different cellular contexts and find that it is necessary for both stress-induced and developmentally programmed autophagy in various tissues in Drosophila melanogaster. Vps15 is required for autophagy that is induced by multiple forms of stress, including nutrient deprivation, hypoxia, and oxidative stress. Furthermore, autophagy that is triggered by physiological stimuli during development in the fat body, intestine, and salivary gland also require the function of Vps15. In addition, we show that Vps15 is necessary for efficient salivary gland protein secretion. These data illustrate the broad importance of Vps15 in multiple forms of autophagy in different animal cells, and also highlight the pleiotropic function of this kinase in multiple vesicle-trafficking pathways.Autophagy is an evolutionarily conserved process in which cytoplasmic proteins or organelles are packaged into lysosomes for degradation. This process can be initiated by a variety of stimuli, such as high levels of starvation or stress, to provide nutrients to the cells or to clear the cell of damaged organelles or protein aggregates.1 In some circumstances, autophagy can promote an alternative form of cell death, such as in the clearance of larval tissues in Drosophila melanogaster.2 As defects in autophagy have been implicated in several physiological and pathological conditions, such as cancer, neurodegenerative diseases, and aging,3,4 it is important to obtain a complete understanding of the molecular mechanisms controlling autophagy.The induction of autophagy is regulated by the Atg1/Ulk1 complex, and this complex is regulated by mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR).5 Vesicle nucleation is controlled by the class III phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) complex that generates phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate (PI3P).6 This conserved complex consists of vacuolar protein sorting 34 (Vps34; also known as Pik3c3), Atg6/Becn1 (also known as Vps30 in yeast), and the serine-threonine kinase Vps15/ird1 (p150 in mammals; also known as Pik3r4).7,8 Localized production of PI3P by Vps34 can act to recruit proteins containing PX or FYVE domains to membrane compartments, such as the autophagosome isolation membrane.9 Vps34 is also required more broadly for several vesicular trafficking processes such as the sorting of hydrolytic enzymes to the yeast vacuole and mammalian lysosome, and endocytic trafficking.10, 11, 12 There is mounting evidence demonstrating the pleiotropic function of the PI3K/Vps34 complex, but this has not been well studied in the context of autophagy under different physiological and cell contexts in animals.Of the three core PI3K complex proteins, Vps15 remains an understudied kinase, and its function has not been rigorously investigated in multicellular organisms in vivo. Most of the focus on the role of this complex in autophagy regulation has been on nutrient deprivation-initiated autophagy. Indeed, previous studies determined Vps15 to be necessary for starvation-induced autophagy in the Drosophila larval fat body.13,14 However, its role in hormone-regulated autophagy, a process that occurs in the intestine,15 salivary glands,16 and fat body17 of developing Drosophila, as well as its role in other stress-induced conditions have not yet been examined. In order to address the role of Vps15 in these and other processes regulated by autophagy, we utilized Vps15 knockdown as well as a previously described null mutant14 to examine its role in a multicellular organism in vivo. We found that Vps15 is required not only for stress-induced autophagy in multiple tissues, but it is also a broad regulator of developmentally programmed autophagy in Drosophila. In addition, Vps15 is necessary for efficient protein secretion, as indicated by its role in the secretion of glue proteins from the Drosophila salivary gland. Together, these results highlight the importance of Vps15 in multiple processes in vivo.  相似文献   

The Vps13 protein family is highly conserved in eukaryotic cells. Mutations in human VPS13 genes result in a variety of diseases, such as chorea acanthocytosis (ChAc), but the cellular functions of Vps13 proteins are not well defined. In yeast, there is a single VPS13 orthologue, which is required for at least two different processes: protein sorting to the vacuole and sporulation. This study demonstrates that VPS13 is also important for mitochondrial integrity. In addition to preventing transfer of DNA from the mitochondrion to the nucleus, VPS13 suppresses mitophagy and functions in parallel with the endoplasmic reticulum–mitochondrion encounter structure (ERMES). In different growth conditions, Vps13 localizes to endosome–mitochondrion contacts and to the nuclear–vacuole junctions, indicating that Vps13 may function at membrane contact sites. The ability of VPS13 to compensate for the absence of ERMES correlates with its intracellular distribution. We propose that Vps13 is present at multiple membrane contact sites and that separation-of-function mutants are due to loss of Vps13 at specific junctions. Introduction of VPS13A mutations identified in ChAc patients at cognate sites in yeast VPS13 are specifically defective in compensating for the lack of ERMES, suggesting that mitochondrial dysfunction might be the basis for ChAc.  相似文献   

In yeast, the Class C Vps protein complex (C-Vps complex), composed of Vps11, Vps16, Vps18, and Vps33, functions in Golgi-to-vacuole protein transport. In this study, we characterized and purified this complex and identified its interaction with the syntaxin homolog Vam3. Vam3 pairs with the SNAP-25 homolog Vam7 and VAMP homolog Vti1 to form SNARE complexes during vesicle docking/fusion with the vacuole. The C-Vps complex does not bind to Vam3-Vti1-Vam7 paired SNARE complexes but instead binds to unpaired Vam3. Antibodies to a component of this complex inhibited in vitro vacuole-to-vacuole fusion. Furthermore, temperature-conditional mutations in the Class C VPS genes destabilized Vam3-Vti1-Vam7 pairing. Therefore, we propose that the C-Vps complex associates with unpaired (activated) Vam3 to mediate the assembly of trans-SNARE complexes during both vesicle docking/fusion and vacuole-to-vacuole fusion.  相似文献   

Mutations in the human dynamin-related protein Drp1 cause mitochondria to form perinuclear clusters. We show here that these mitochondrial clusters consist of highly interconnected mitochondrial tubules. The increased connectivity between mitochondria indicates that the balance between mitochondrial division and fusion is shifted toward fusion. Such a shift is consistent with a block in mitochondrial division. Immunofluorescence and subcellular fractionation show that endogenous Drp1 is localized to mitochondria, which is also consistent with a role in mitochondrial division. A direct role in mitochondrial division is suggested by time-lapse photography of transfected cells, in which green fluorescent protein fused to Drp1 is concentrated in spots that mark actual mitochondrial division events. We find that purified human Drp1 can self-assemble into multimeric ring-like structures with dimensions similar to those of dynamin multimers. The structural and functional similarities between dynamin and Drp1 suggest that Drp1 wraps around the constriction points of dividing mitochondria, analogous to dynamin collars at the necks of budding vesicles. We conclude that Drp1 contributes to mitochondrial division in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

Glucocorticosteroid hormones, including dexamethasone, have diverse effects on immature lymphocyte function that ultimately lead to cell death. Previous studies established that glucocorticoid-induced alterations in intracellular calcium homeostasis promote apoptosis, but the mechanism by which glucocorticoids disrupt calcium homeostasis is unknown. Through gene expression array analysis, we found that dexamethasone induces a striking elevation of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor (IP(3)R) levels in two murine lymphoma cell lines, WEHI7.2 and S49.A2. IP(3)R elevation was confirmed at both mRNA and protein levels. However, there was not a strong correlation between IP(3)R elevation and altered calcium homeostasis in terms of either kinetics or dose response. Moreover, IP(3)R knockdown, by either antisense or small interfering RNA, did not prevent either calcium disruption or apoptosis. Finally, DT40 lymphoma cells lacking all three IP(3)R isoforms were just as sensitive to dexamethasone-induced apoptosis as wild-type DT40 cells expressing all three IP(3)R isoforms. Thus, although alterations in intracellular calcium homeostasis contribute to glucocorticoid-induced apoptosis, these calcium alterations are not directly attributable to IP(3)R elevation.  相似文献   

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