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Systematic investigation into the chemical etiology of ribose has led to the discovery of glycerol nucleic acid (GNA) and threose nucleic acid (TNA) as possible progenitor candidates of RNA in the origins of life. Coupled with their chemical simplicity, polymers for both systems are capable of forming stable Watson-Crick antiparallel duplex structures with themselves and RNA, thereby providing a mechanism for the transfer of genetic information between successive genetic systems. Investigation into whether both polymers arose independently or descended from a common evolutionary pathway would provide additional constraints on models that describe the emergence of a hypothetical RNA world. Here we show by thermal denaturation that complementary GNA and TNA mixed sequence polymers are unable, even after prolonged incubation times, to adopt stable helical structures by intersystem cross-pairing. This experimental observation suggests that GNA and TNA, whose structures derive from one another, were not consecutive polymers in the same evolutionary pathway to RNA. Reviewing Editor: Dr. Niles Lehman  相似文献   

这里每个村寨都是在喀斯特峰丛的包围之中,村寨里的每间房子都有一个小小的窗口,每个窗口内都有一台织布机,每台织布机都传唱着一个织布女的故事。  相似文献   

MethodsFrom January 2010 to December 2012, 587 consecutive cases undergoing McKeown-type esohpageactomy were retrospectively identified from a prospectively maintained database.ResultsAfter propensity-matching, incorporating baseline characteristics, 178 cases were included in each group, and patients characteristics distributions were well-balanced between two groups. Compared with intravenous analgesia, the use of EDA significantly decreased the incidence of pneumonia from 32% to 19.7% (P = 0.008), and anastomotic leakage from 23.0% to 14.0% (P = 0.029). The change in CRP level of EDA group was significantly decreased (preoperative, 6.2 vs. 6.2; POD 1, 108.1 vs. 121.3; POD 3, 131.5 vs. 137.8; POD 7, 69.3 vs. 82.1 mg/L; P = 0.044). EDA patients had a significantly longer duration of indwelling urinary catheter (P<0.001), and lower levels in both systolic (P = 0.001) and diastolic blood pressure (P<0.001). There weren''t significant differences in overall survival (log-rank P = 0.47) and recurrence (Gray-test P = 0.46) between two groups.ConclusionsThese findings revealed that EDA could attenuate inflammatory response and reduce the incidence of pneumonia and anastomotic leakage after esophagectomy, at the price of delayed urinary catheter removal and lower blood pressure. EDA remains an important component of multimodal perioperative management after esophagectomy.  相似文献   

Plasmodium vivax infects a hundred million people annually and endangers 40% of the world''s population. Unlike Plasmodium falciparum, P. vivax parasites can persist as a dormant stage in the liver, known as the hypnozoite, and these dormant forms can cause malaria relapses months or years after the initial mosquito bite. Here we analyze whole genome sequencing data from parasites in the blood of a patient who experienced consecutive P. vivax relapses over 33 months in a non-endemic country. By analyzing patterns of identity, read coverage, and the presence or absence of minor alleles in the initial polyclonal and subsequent monoclonal infections, we show that the parasites in the three infections are likely meiotic siblings. We infer that these siblings are descended from a single tetrad-like form that developed in the infecting mosquito midgut shortly after fertilization. In this natural cross we find the recombination rate for P. vivax to be 10 kb per centimorgan and we further observe areas of disequilibrium surrounding major drug resistance genes. Our data provide new strategies for studying multiclonal infections, which are common in all types of infectious diseases, and for distinguishing P. vivax relapses from reinfections in malaria endemic regions. This work provides a theoretical foundation for studies that aim to determine if new or existing drugs can provide a radical cure of P. vivax malaria.  相似文献   



The objective of this qualitative study was to explore how clinical symptoms may affect adherence to antiretroviral therapy (ART) in HIV patients, and to explore factors, perceptions and attitudes related to adherence to therapy.


A qualitative study was carried out in the context of the prospective cohort study “Evaluation of Immune Reconstitution Following Initiation of Highly Active Antiretroviral Treatment in Manhiça, Mozambique”. In-depth Interviews were conducted twice in a sub-sample of the study cohort (51 participants), at six-month intervals.


Most participants (73%) knew that AIDS is a chronic disease and that ART does not cure it. Nine participants (18%) were non-adherent at some point and two (4%) abandoned ART. All participants but five reported having symptoms after starting ART, mainly attributed to pills needing time to act and body’s reaction to the treatment. In spite of the perceived severity of the symptoms, only two people reported they discontinued the treatment due to symptoms. Almost all participants reported feeling comfortable with the HIV clinic organization and procedures, but afraid of staff being hostile if they did not follow the rules or if the health worker visited their home. Family was one of the most important source of support according participants. Almost all participants with children said that a decisive factor to follow the treatment was the desire to be able to look after them.


Experiencing symptoms after starting treatment was not a barrier to adherence to ART. Factors related to adherence included control measures set up by the health facility (exhaustive follow up, support, information) and family and community support. Indirect ART-related expenses did jeopardise adherence.  相似文献   

The calcium-dependent serine endoproteases prohormone convertase 1/3 (PC1/3) and prohormone convertase 2 (PC2) play important roles in the homeostatic regulation of blood glucose levels, hence implicated in diabetes mellitus. Specifically, the absence of PC2 has been associated with chronic hypoglycemia. Since there is a reasonably good conservation of the catalytic domain between species translation of inhibitory effects is likely. In fact, similar results have been found using both mouse and human recombinant enzymes. Here, we employed computational structure-based approaches to screen 14,400 compounds from the Maybridge small molecule library towards mouse PC2. Our most remarkable finding was the identification of a potent and selective PC2 inhibitor. Kinetic data showed the compound to be an allosteric inhibitor. The compound identified is one of the few reported selective, small-molecule inhibitors of PC2. In addition, this new PC2 inhibitor is structurally different and of smaller size than those reported previously. This is advantageous for future studies where structural analogues can be built upon.  相似文献   

It was recently proposed that long-term population studies be exempted from the expectation that authors publicly archive the primary data underlying published articles. Such studies are valuable to many areas of ecological and evolutionary biological research, and multiple risks to their viability were anticipated as a result of public data archiving (PDA), ultimately all stemming from independent reuse of archived data. However, empirical assessment was missing, making it difficult to determine whether such fears are realistic. I addressed this by surveying data packages from long-term population studies archived in the Dryad Digital Repository. I found no evidence that PDA results in reuse of data by independent parties, suggesting the purported costs of PDA for long-term population studies have been overstated.Data are the foundation of the scientific method, yet individual scientists are evaluated via novel analyses of data, generating a potential conflict of interest between a research field and its individual participants that is manifested in the debate over access to the primary data underpinning published studies [15]. This is a chronic issue but has become more acute with the growing expectation that researchers publish the primary data underlying research reports (i.e., public data archiving [PDA]). Studies show that articles publishing their primary data are more reliable and accrue more citations [6,7], but a recent opinion piece by Mills et al. [2] highlighted the particular concerns felt by some principal investigators (PIs) of long-term population studies regarding PDA, arguing that unique aspects of such studies render them unsuitable for PDA. The "potential costs to science" identified by Mills et al. [2] as arising from PDA are as follows:
  • Publication of flawed research resulting from a "lack of understanding" by independent researchers conducting analyses of archived data
  • Time demands placed on the PIs of long-term population studies arising from the need to correct such errors via, e.g., published rebuttals
  • Reduced opportunities for researchers to obtain the skills needed for field-based data collection because equivalent long-term population studies will be rendered redundant
  • Reduced number of collaborations
  • Inefficiencies resulting from repeated assessment of a hypothesis using a single dataset
Each "potential cost" is ultimately predicated on the supposition that reuse of archived long-term population data is common, yet the extent to which this is true was not evaluated. To assess the prevalence of independent reuse of archived data—and thereby examine whether the negative consequences of PDA presented by Mills et al. [2] may be realised—I surveyed datasets from long-term population studies archived in the Dryad Digital Repository (hereafter, Dryad). Dryad is an online service that hosts data from a broad range of scientific disciplines, but its content is dominated by submissions associated with ecological and evolutionary biological research [8]. I examined all the Dryad packages associated with studies from four journals featuring ecological or evolutionary research: The American Naturalist, Evolution, Journal of Evolutionary Biology, and Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences (the latter referred to hereafter as Proceedings B). These four journals together represent 23.3% of Dryad''s contributed packages (as of early February 2016). Mills et al. [2] refer to short- versus long-term studies but do not provide a definition of this dichotomy. However, the shortest study represented by their survey lasted for 5 years, so I used this as the minimum time span for inclusion in my survey. This cut-off seems reasonable, as it will generally exclude studies resulting from single projects, such that included datasets likely relate to studies resulting from a sustained commitment on the part of researchers—although one included package contains data gathered via “citizen science” [9], and two others contain data derived from archived human population records [10,11]. However, as these datasets cover extended time spans and were used to address ecological questions [1214], they were retained in my survey sample. Following Mills et al. [2], my focus was on population studies conducted in natural (or seminatural) settings, so captive populations were excluded. Because I was assessing the reuse of archived data, I excluded packages published by Dryad after 2013: authors can typically opt to impose a 1-year embargo, and articles based on archived data will themselves take some time to be written and published.Of the 1,264 archived data packages linked to one of the four journals and published on the Dryad website before 2014, 72 were identified as meeting the selection criteria. This sample represents a diverse range of taxa (Fig 1) and is comparable to the 73 studies surveyed by Mills et al. [2], although my methodology permits individual populations to be represented more than once, since the survey was conducted at the level of published articles (S1 Table). Of these 72 data packages, five had long-term embargoes remaining active (three packages with 5-year embargoes [1517]; two packages with 10-year embargoes [18,19]). For two of these [17,19], the time span of the study could not be estimated because this information is not provided in the associated articles [20,21]. For a third package [22], the archived data indicated 10 years were represented (dummy coding was used to disguise factor level identities, including for year), yet the text of the associated paper suggests data collection covered a considerably greater time span [23]. However, since the study period is not stated in the text, I followed the archived data [22] in assuming data collection spanned a 10-year period. The distribution of study time spans is shown in Fig 2.Open in a separate windowFig 1Taxonomic representation of the 72 data packages included in the survey.The number of packages for each taxon is given in parentheses (note: one data package included data describing both insects and plants [9], while other data packages represented multiple species within a single taxonomic category).Open in a separate windowFig 2The study periods of the 70 data packages included in the survey for which this could be calculated.For each year from 2000 to 2004, these four journals contributed no more than a single data package to Dryad between them. However, around the time that the Joint Data Archiving Policy (JDAP; [24]) was adopted by three of these, we see a surge in PDA by ecologists and evolutionary biologists (Fig 3), such that in 2015 these four journals were collectively represented by 709 data packages. Of course, Mills et al. [2] argue against mandatory archiving of primary data for long-term studies in particular. For this subset of articles published in these four journals, the same pattern is observed: prior to adoption of the JDAP, only two data packages associated with long-term studies had been archived in Dryad, but following the implementation of the JDAP as a condition of publication in The American Naturalist, Evolution, and Journal of Evolutionary Biology, there is a rapid increase in the number of data packages being archived, despite the continuing availability of alternative venues should authors wish to avoid the purported costs of PDA as Mills et al. [2] contend. As the editorial policy of Proceedings B has shifted towards an increasingly strong emphasis on PDA (it is now mandatory), there has similarly been an increase in the representation of articles from this journal in Dryad, both overall (Fig 3) and for long-term studies in particular (Fig 4). These observations suggest that authors rarely chose to publicly archive their data prior to the adoption of PDA policies by journals and that uptake of PDA spread rapidly once it became a prerequisite for publication. In this respect, researchers using long-term population studies are no different to those in other scientific fields, despite the assertion by Mills et al. [2] that they are a special case owing to the complexity of their data. In reality, researchers in many other scientific disciplines also seek to identify relationships within complex systems. Within neuroscience, for example, near-identical objections to PDA were raised at the turn of the century [25], while archiving of genetic and protein sequences by molecular biologists has yielded huge advances but was similarly resisted until revised journal policies stimulated a change in culture [1,26].Open in a separate windowFig 3Total number of data packages archived in the Dryad Digital Repository each year for four leading journals within ecology and evolutionary biology.Arrow indicates when the Joint Data Archiving Policy (JDAP) was adopted by Evolution, Journal of Evolutionary Biology, and The American Naturalist. Note that because data packages are assigned a publication date by Dryad prior to journal publication (even if an embargo is imposed), some data packages will have been published in the year preceding the journal publication of their associated article.Open in a separate windowFig 4Publication dates of the 72 data packages from long-term study populations that were included in the survey.A primary concern raised by opponents of PDA is that sharing their data will see them “scooped” by independent researchers [6,8,2730]. To quantify this risk for researchers maintaining long-term population studies, I used the Web of Science (wok.mimas.ac.uk) to search for citations of each data package (as of November 2015). For the 67 Dryad packages that were publicly accessible, none were cited by any article other than that from which it was derived. However, archived data could conceivably have been reused without the data package being cited, so I examined all journal articles that cited the study report associated with each data package (median citation count: 9; range: 0–58). Although derived metrics from the main articles were occasionally included in quantitative reviews [31,32] or formal meta-analyses [33], I again found no examples of the archived data being reused by independent researchers. As a third approach, I emailed the corresponding author(s) listed for each article, to ask if they were themselves aware of any examples. The replies I received (n = 35) confirmed that there were no known cases of long-term population data being independently reused in published articles. The apparent concern of some senior researchers that PDA will see them "collect data for 30 years just to be scooped" [30] thus lacks empirical support. It should also be noted that providing primary data upon request precedes PDA as a condition of acceptance for most major scientific journals [8]. PDA merely serves to ensure that authors meet this established commitment, a step made necessary by the failure rate that is otherwise observed, even after the recent revolution in communications technology [3436]. As my survey shows, in practice the risk of being scooped is a monster under the bed: empirical assessment fails to justify the level of concern expressed. While long-term population studies are unquestionably a highly valuable resource for ecologists [2,3739] and will likely continue to face funding challenges [3739], there is no empirical support for the contention of Mills et al. [2] that PDA threatens their viability, although this situation may deserve reassessment in the future if the adoption of PDA increases within ecology and evolutionary biology. Nonetheless, in the absence of assessments over longer time frames (an inevitable result of the historical reluctance to adopt PDA), my survey results raise doubts over the validity of arguments favouring extended embargoes for archived data [29,40], and particularly the suggestion that multidecadal embargoes should be facilitated for long-term studies [2,41].Authors frequently assert that unique aspects of their long-term study render it especially well suited to addressing particular issues. Such claims contradict the suggestion that studies will become redundant if PDA becomes the norm [2] while simultaneously highlighting the necessity of making primary data available for meaningful evaluation of results. For research articles relying on data collected over several decades, independent replication is clearly impractical, such that reproducibility (the ability for a third party to replicate the results exactly [42]) is rendered all the more crucial. Besides permitting independent validation of the original results, PDA allows assessment of the hypotheses using alternative analytical methods (large datasets facilitate multiple analytical routes to test a single biological hypothesis, which likely contributes to poor reproducibility [43]) and reassessment if flaws in the original methodology later emerge [44]. Although I was not attempting to use archived data to replicate published results, and thus did not assess the contents of each package in detail, at least six packages [10,4549] failed to provide the primary data underlying their associated articles, including a quantitative genetic study [50] for which only pedigree information was archived [47]. This limits exploration of alternative statistical approaches to the focal biological hypothesis and impedes future applications of the data that may be unforeseeable by the original investigators (a classic example being Bumpus'' [51] dataset describing house sparrow survival [52]), but it seems to be a reality of PDA within ecology and evolution at present [53].The "solutions" proffered by Mills et al. [2] are, in reality, alternatives to PDA that would serve to maintain the status quo with respect to data accessibility for published studies (i.e., subject to consent from the PI). This is a situation that is widely recognised to be failing with respect to the availability of studies'' primary data [3436,54]. Indeed, for 19% (13 of 67 nonembargoed studies) of the articles represented in my survey, the correspondence email addresses were no longer active, highlighting how rapidly access to long-term primary data can be passively lost. It is unsurprising, then, that 95% of scientists in evolution and ecology are reportedly in favour of PDA [1]. Yet, having highlighted the value and irreplaceability of data describing long-term population studies, Mills et al. [2] reject PDA in favour of allowing PIs to maintain postpublication control of primary data, going so far as to discuss the possibility of data being copyrighted. Such an attitude risks inviting public ire, since asserting private ownership ignores the public funding that likely enabled data collection, and is at odds with a Royal Society report urging scientists to "shift away from a research culture where data is viewed as a private preserve" [55]. I contend that primary data would better be considered as an intrinsic component of a published article, alongside the report appearing in the pages of a journal that presents the data''s interpretation. In this way, an article would move closer to being a self-contained product of research that is fully accessible and assessable. For issues that can only be addressed using data covering an extended time span [2,3739], excusing long-term studies from the expectation of publishing primary data would potentially render the PIs as unaccountable gatekeepers of scientific consensus. PDA encourages an alternative to this and facilitates a change in the treatment of published studies, from the system of preservation (in which a study''s contribution is fixed) that has been the historical convention, towards a conservation approach (in which support for hypotheses can be reassessed and updated) [56]. Given the fundamentally dynamic nature of science, harnessing the storage potential enabled by the Information Age to ensure a study''s contribution can be further developed or refined in the future seems logical and would benefit both the individual authors (through enhanced citations and reputation) and the wider scientific community.The comparison Mills et al. [2] draw between PIs and pharmaceutical companies in terms of how their data are treated is inappropriate: whereas the latter bear the financial cost of developing a drug, a field study''s costs are typically covered by the public purse, such that the personal risks of a failed project are largely limited to opportunity costs. It is inconsistent to highlight funding challenges [2,37] while simultaneously acting to inhibit maximum value for money being derived from funded studies. Several of the studies represented in the survey by Mills et al. [2] comfortably exceed a 50-year time span, highlighting the possibility that current PIs are inheritors rather than initiators of long-term studies. In such a situation, arguments favouring the rights of the PI to maintain control of postpublication access to primary data are weakened still further, given that the data may be the result of someone else''s efforts. Indeed, given the undoubted value of long-term studies for ecological and evolutionary research [2,37,39], many of Mills et al.''s [2] survey respondents will presumably hope to see these studies continue after their own retirement. Rather than owners of datasets, then, perhaps PIs of long-term studies might better be considered as custodians, such that—to adapt the slogan of a Swiss watchmaker—“you never really own a long-term population study; you merely look after it for the next generation.”  相似文献   

Transgenic insect-resistant cotton has been released into the environment for more than a decade in China to effectively control the cotton bollworm (Helicoverpa armigera) and other Lepidoptera. Because of concerns about undesirable ecological side-effects of transgenic crops, it is important to monitor the potential environmental impact of transgenic insect-resistant cotton after commercial release. Our 2-year study included 1 cotton field where non-transgenic cotton had been planted continuously and 2 other cotton fields where transgenic insect-resistant cotton had been planted for different lengths of time since 1997 and since 2002. In 2 consecutive years (2009 and 2010), we took soil samples from 3 cotton fields at 4 different growth stages (seedling, budding, boll-forming and boll-opening stages), collected soil nematodes from soil with the sugar flotation and centrifugation method and identified the soil nematodes to the genus level. The generic composition, individual densities and diversity indices of the soil nematodes did not differ significantly between the 2 transgenic cotton fields and the non-transgenic cotton field, but significant seasonal variation was found in the individual densities of the principal trophic groups and in the diversity indices of the nematodes in all 3 cotton fields. The study used a comparative perspective to monitor the impact of transgenic insect-resistant cotton grown in typical ‘real world’ conditions. The results of the study suggested that more than 10 years of cultivation of transgenic insect-resistant cotton had no significant effects–adverse or otherwise–on soil nematodes. This study provides a theoretical basis for ongoing environmental impact monitoring of transgenic plants.  相似文献   

Bats are diverse and ecologically important, but are also subject to a suite of severe threats. Evidence for localized bat mortality from these threats is well-documented in some cases, but long-term changes in regional populations of bats remain poorly understood. Bat hibernation surveys provide an opportunity to improve understanding, but analysis is complicated by bats'' cryptic nature, non-conformity of count data to assumptions of traditional statistical methods, and observation heterogeneities such as variation in survey timing. We used generalized additive mixed models (GAMMs) to account for these complicating factors and to evaluate long-term, regional population trajectories of bats. We focused on four hibernating bat species – little brown myotis (Myotis lucifugus), tri-colored bat (Perimyotis subflavus), Indiana myotis (M. sodalis), and northern myotis (M. septentrionalis) – in a four-state region of the eastern United States during 1999–2011.Our results, from counts of nearly 1.2 million bats, suggest that cumulative declines in regional relative abundance by 2011 from peak levels were 71% (with 95% confidence interval of ±11%) in M. lucifugus, 34% (±38%) in P. subflavus, 30% (±26%) in M. sodalis, and 31% (±18%) in M. septentrionalis. The M. lucifugus population fluctuated until 2004 before persistently declining, and the populations of the other three species declined persistently throughout the study period. Population trajectories suggest declines likely resulted from the combined effect of multiple threats, and indicate a need for enhanced conservation efforts. They provide strong support for a change in the IUCN Red List conservation status in M. lucifugus from Least Concern to Endangered within the study area, and are suggestive of a need to change the conservation status of the other species. Our modeling approach provided estimates of uncertainty, accommodated non-linearities, and controlled for observation heterogeneities, and thus has wide applicability for evaluating population trajectories in other wildlife species.  相似文献   

采用Heath-Carter人体测量法对江西城市客家人304例(男154例,女150例)进行了体型评定。结果显示:1)江西城市客家人男性平均体型值为4.0-4.6-2.0,属于偏内胚层的中胚层体型;女性平均体型值为5.0-4.2-1.9,属于偏中胚层的内胚层体型。2)男女均以30岁为体型分界点,表现为30岁前后的体型差异。3)60岁前男女体型存在显著性差异。60岁后男女体型没有差异。4)与国内其他城市汉族比较,城市客家人男性平均体型点与内蒙古汉族最近,女性与云南汉族最为接近。客家人男女体型较其他城市汉族纤瘦,身体的线性度较高。  相似文献   

A bis(2,6-dioxopiperazine) derivative, ICRF-193, is a specific inhibitor of topoisomerase II without clearable complex-stabilizing activity. In Xenopus egg extract containing ICRF-193, demembranated sperm head chromatins were inhibited from decondensation. However, nuclear envelope-lamina assembled on the inhibited chromatins. The nuclear envelope-lamina continued to expand even after loss of contact with the chromatin surface. On the other hand, semiconservative DNA replication was initiated as soon as the lamina was assembled onto the surface of condensed chromatin, though the initiation was retarded and its extent was reduced, compared with that in noninhibited chromatins. Thus, it is concluded that topoisomerase II activity is not required for the formation of active DNA replication clusters and the extension of nuclear envelope-lamina on the chromatin, while the nuclear envelope-mediated decondensation of sperm chromatins is dependent on topoisomerase II activity.  相似文献   

Gary Struhl 《Genetics》1982,102(4):737-749
A two-step screen for isolating null mutations of the spineless-aristapedia locus has been performed, and several amorphic mutations, as well as a small deficiency, have been obtained. With the exception of the deficiency, which deletes genes required for viability on either side of the spineless-aristapedia locus, these mutations result in a transformation of only the distal antenna into distal leg, thereby indicating that the spineless-aristapedia gene is required for specifying antennal as opposed to leg development in only the distal portion of the antenna. Because this distal region does not appear to be a developmental compartment, it is probable that the spineless-aristapedia gene, unlike several other homeotic genes, is required for maintaining the correct determined state in a population of cells defined by their relative position, not by their ancestry.  相似文献   

Breast cancers exhibit high intertumoral heterogeneity in genetic alterations as well as histopathological and other phenotypic characteristics. The contribution of the initiating oncogenic mutation to tumor phenotype remains controversial, largely due to the technical difficulties in delivering genetic alterations into well-defined subsets of mammary epithelial cells. To examine how different initiating oncogenes drive tumor phenotype, we somatically delivered two oncogenes (ErbB2, PyMT) into a narrow and distinct subset of the mouse mammary epithelium defined by the expression of the progenitor marker keratin 6a (Krt6a), and compared the phenotypes of the resulting mammary tumors. While PyMT-induced tumors were well-differentiated and displayed glandular and papillary features, ErbB2-induced tumors were poorly differentiated and exhibited epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition as well as β-catenin activation. These in vivo data demonstrate that the initiating oncogene plays a key role in driving mammary tumor phenotype.  相似文献   

Ebola virus, a prime example of an emerging pathogen, causes fatal hemorrhagic fever in humans and in nonhuman primates. Identification of major determinants of Ebola virus pathogenicity has been hampered by the lack of effective strategies for experimental mutagenesis. Here we exploit a reverse genetics system that allows the generation of Ebola virus from cloned cDNA to engineer a mutant Ebola virus with an altered furin recognition motif in the glycoprotein (GP). When expressed in cells, the GP of the wild type, but not of the mutant, virus was cleaved into GP1 and GP2. Although posttranslational furin-mediated cleavage of GP was thought to be an essential step in Ebola virus infection, generation of a viable mutant Ebola virus lacking a furin recognition motif in the GP cleavage site demonstrates that GP cleavage is not essential for replication of Ebola virus in cell culture.  相似文献   

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