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Japanese encephalitis (JE) is a major cause of mortality and morbidity for which there is no treatment. In addition to direct viral cytopathology, the inflammatory response is postulated to contribute to the pathogenesis. Our goal was to determine the contribution of bystander effects and inflammatory mediators to neuronal cell death.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Material from a macaque model was used to characterize the inflammatory response and cytopathic effects of JE virus (JEV). Intranasal JEV infection induced a non-suppurative encephalitis, dominated by perivascular, infiltrates of mostly T cells, alongside endothelial cell activation, vascular damage and blood brain barrier (BBB) leakage; in the adjacent parenchyma there was macrophage infiltration, astrocyte and microglia activation. JEV antigen was mostly in neurons, but there was no correlation between intensity of viral infection and degree of inflammatory response. Apoptotic cell death occurred in both infected and non-infected neurons. Interferon-α, which is a microglial activator, was also expressed by both. Tumour Necrosis Factor-α, inducible nitric oxide synthase and nitrotyrosine were expressed by microglial cells, astrocytes and macrophages. The same cells expressed matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-2 whilst MMP-9 was expressed by neurons.


The results are consistent with JEV inducing neuronal apoptotic death and release of cytokines that initiate microglial activation and release of pro-inflammatory and apoptotic mediators with subsequent apoptotic death of both infected and uninfected neurons. Activation of astrocytes, microglial and endothelial cells likely contributes to inflammatory cell recruitment and BBB breakdown. It appears that neuronal apoptotic death and activation of microglial cells and astrocytes play a crucial role in the pathogenesis of JE.  相似文献   

Over a period of 20 months, 18 aged and 22 non-aged semi-free ranging female Japanese monkeys were observed, and a total of 440 hours of focal animal data were collected. The goal of the study was to investigate the reported pattern of disengagement in old female monkeys. For each subject female, two sociability scores were calculated: the total number of other animals with whom time was spent in affiliative social interaction, and the total amount of time spent in affiliative social interaction. These data were analyzed in order to determine any change in sociability based on age. No relationship was found between age and sociability. The absence of a pattern of decreased social interaction with advancing age in these monkeys is discussed in terms of the methodological differences with earlier studies. It is suggested that the life of nonhuman primates may be essentially continuous from the attainment of adulthood to death, with no recognizable social stage for the elderly, at least in terms of sociability and isolation. Menopause, awareness of mortality, and interindividual dependence are three elements of the human life course that appear to be absent in this troop of Japanese monkeys, and these are discussed as key elements that may render the later portion of the human life course to be very different from that of monkeys, and possibly from that of all other primates.  相似文献   

Studies of influenza transmission are necessary to predict the pandemic potential of emerging influenza viruses. Currently, both ferrets and guinea pigs are used in such studies, but these species are distantly related to humans. Nonhuman primates (NHP) share a close phylogenetic relationship with humans and may provide an enhanced means to model the virological and immunological events in influenza virus transmission. Here, for the first time, it was demonstrated that a human influenza virus isolate can productively infect and be transmitted between common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus), a New World monkey species. We inoculated four marmosets with the 2009 pandemic virus A/California/07/2009 (H1N1pdm) and housed each together with a naïve cage mate. We collected bronchoalveolar lavage and nasal wash samples from all animals at regular intervals for three weeks post-inoculation to track virus replication and sequence evolution. The unadapted 2009 H1N1pdm virus replicated to high titers in all four index animals by 1 day post-infection. Infected animals seroconverted and presented human-like symptoms including sneezing, nasal discharge, labored breathing, and lung damage. Transmission occurred in one cohabitating pair. Deep sequencing detected relatively few genetic changes in H1N1pdm viruses replicating in any infected animal. Together our data suggest that human H1N1pdm viruses require little adaptation to replicate and cause disease in marmosets, and that these viruses can be transmitted between animals. Marmosets may therefore be a viable model for studying influenza virus transmission.  相似文献   

Twenty-four fetoscopy procedures were performed on 22 monkeys (19 Macaca mulatto, one M. fascicularis, two Erythrocebus patas) with gestational ages ranging from 66 to 145 days. Insertion of the fetoscope without ultrasound guidance was easy in 14 and difficult in ten procedures. Amniotic fluid exchange with normal saline, to improve visualization, was successful in eight of 13 procedures. Fetal blood sampling was successful in four of nine attempts. Nine monkeys aborted within 17 days of the fetoscopy, the remaining 13 went to term or were used in other research protocols. Major complications included maternal hemorrhage into the amniotic fluid, inability to enter the amniotic cavity, and abortion. Maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein following fetoscopy was not a useful indicator of subsequent abortion.  相似文献   

Recent population studies have significantly advanced our understanding of how age shapes the gut microbiota. However, the actual role of age could be inevitably confounded due to the complex and variable environmental factors in human populations. A well-controlled environment is thus necessary to reduce undesirable confounding effects, and recapitulate age-dependent changes in the gut microbiota of healthy primates. Herein we performed 16S rRNA gene sequencing, characterized the age-associated gut microbial profiles from infant to elderly crab-eating macaques reared in captivity, and systemically revealed the lifelong dynamic changes of the primate gut microbiota. While the most significant age-associated taxa were mainly found as commensals such as Faecalibacterium, the abundance of a group of suspicious pathogens such as Helicobacter was exclusively increased in infants, underlining their potential role in host development. Importantly, topology analysis indicated that the network connectivity of gut microbiota was even more age-dependent than taxonomic diversity, and its tremendous decline with age could probably be linked to healthy aging. Moreover, we identified key driver microbes responsible for such age-dependent network changes, which were further linked to altered metabolic functions of lipids, carbohydrates, and amino acids, as well as phenotypes in the microbial community. The current study thus demonstrates the lifelong age-dependent changes and their driver microbes in the primate gut microbiota, and provides new insights into their roles in the development and healthy aging of their hosts.  相似文献   

非人类灵长类恒河猴是研究人类衰老和热量限制抗衰老的理想模型。与人类衰老一样,恒河猴由于增龄性神经内分泌、免疫、神经系统、心血管系统等衰老,出现相应的老年病。热量限制能有效地延缓恒河猴原发性衰老和继发性衰老。其机制可能是调节代谢相关的信号通路,抑制氧化应激-炎性衰老-DNA损伤;同时激活DNA损伤修复。然而,不同的实验设计、饲养环境、饮食组成和遗传背景等可能对热量限制抗长生命周期恒河猴原发性衰老和继发性衰老作用存在不同的影响。优化实验设计,控制这些变量,缩短实验周期将更有利于明确CR抗衰老的作用及其机制。  相似文献   

Telomere Biology and Cellular Aging in Nonhuman Primate Cells   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
To determine how cellular aging is conserved among primates, we analyzed the replicative potential and telomere shortening in skin fibroblasts of anthropoids and prosimians. The average telomere length of the New World primates Ateles geoffroyi (spider monkey) and Saimiri sciureus (squirrel monkey) and the Old World primates Macaca mulatta (rhesus monkey), Pongo pygmaeus (orangutan), and Pan paniscus (pigmy chimpanzee) ranged from 4 to 16 kb. We found that telomere shortening limits the replicative capacity of anthropoid fibroblasts and that the expression of human telomerase produced telomere elongation and the extension of their in vitro life span. In contrast the prosimian Lemur catta (ring-tailed lemur) had both long and short telomeres and telomere shortening did not provide an absolute barrier to immortalization. Following a transient growth arrest a subset of cells showing a reduced number of chromosomes overgrew the cultures without activation of telomerase. Here we show that the presence of continuous TTAGGG repeats at telomeres and rigorous control of replicative aging by telomere shortening appear to be conserved among anthropoid primates but is less effective in prosimian lemurs.  相似文献   

Mouse lemurs are suggested to represent promising novel non-human primate models for aging research. However, standardized and cross-taxa cognitive testing methods are still lacking. Touchscreen-based testing procedures have proven high stimulus control and reliability in humans and rodents. The aim of this study was to adapt these procedures to mouse lemurs, thereby exploring the effect of age. We measured appetitive learning and cognitive flexibility of two age groups by applying pairwise visual discrimination (PD) and reversal learning (PDR) tasks. On average, mouse lemurs needed 24 days of training before starting with the PD task. Individual performances in PD and PDR tasks correlate significantly, suggesting that individual learning performance is unrelated to the respective task. Compared to the young, aged mouse lemurs showed impairments in both PD and PDR tasks. They needed significantly more trials to reach the task criteria. A much higher inter-individual variation in old than in young adults was revealed. Furthermore, in the PDR task, we found a significantly higher perseverance in aged compared to young adults, indicating an age-related deficit in cognitive flexibility. This study presents the first touchscreen-based data on the cognitive skills and age-related dysfunction in mouse lemurs and provides a unique basis to study mechanisms of inter-individual variation. It furthermore opens exciting perspectives for comparative approaches in aging, personality, and evolutionary research.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The sera of 21 different species of primates were surveyed for the presence of a trypanocidal factor to a monomorphic human serum-sensitive clone of Trypanosoma brucei gambiense (T.b.g.) ; human, gorilla, baboon (2 species), and the mandrill were found to contain this factor. The factor in all the sera is in the high density lipoprotein (HDL) fraction, and has similar modes of biological action. It has been shown that the human and gorilla trypanocidal factor share cross-reactive antigenic epitopes, but do not share similar cross-reactive epitopes with the baboon and mandrill factor. There was no relationship between the presence or absence of this factor and the primate's position on the phylogenetic tree. In addition, there was also no obvious correlation between the animals'preferred diet, and the presence or absence of trypanocidal activity. The evidence to date suggests that only African ground-dwelling primates that live in tsetse endemic areas contain the trypanocidal factor. It is assumed that this factor is involved in resistance of these primates to T.b.b. We believe that the host has developed trypanocidal substances as a result of selective evolutionary pressure by the African trypanosomes.  相似文献   

<正>The use of daily torpor and/or of multi-day torpor bouts during a hibernation season are energy-saving survival strategies that have been well-studied for many years,particularly for small mammals living in seasonally-cold environments.Both phenomena are characterized by a regulated suppression of metabolic rate,a slowing of many physiological processes  相似文献   

Mouse lemurs (Microcebus spp.) are an exciting new primate model for understanding human aging and disease. In captivity, Microcebus murinus develops human-like ailments of old age after five years (e.g., neurodegeneration analogous to Alzheimer''s disease) but can live beyond 12 years. It is believed that wild Microcebus follow a similar pattern of senescence observed in captive animals, but that predation limits their lifespan to four years, thus preventing observance of these diseases in the wild. Testing whether this assumption is true is informative about both Microcebus natural history and environmental influences on senescence, leading to interpretation of findings for models of human aging. Additionally, the study of Microcebus longevity provides an opportunity to better understand mechanisms of sex-biased longevity. Longevity is often shorter in males of species with high male-male competition, such as Microcebus, but mouse lemurs are sexually monomorphic, suggesting similar lifespans. We collected individual-based observations of wild brown mouse lemurs (Microcebus rufus) from 2003–2010 to investigate sex-differences in survival and longevity. Fecal testosterone was measured as a potential mechanism of sex-based differences in survival. We used a combination of high-resolution tooth wear techniques, mark-recapture, and hormone enzyme immunoassays. We found no dental or physical signs of senescence in M. rufus as old as eight years (N = 189, ages 1–8, mean = 2.59±1.63 SE), three years older than captive, senescent congeners (M. murinus). Unlike other polygynandrous vertebrates, we found no sex difference in age-dependent survival, nor sex or age differences in testosterone levels. While elevated male testosterone levels have been implicated in shorter lifespans in several species, this is one of the first studies to show equivalent testosterone levels accompanying equivalent lifespans. Future research on captive aged individuals can determine if senescence is partially a condition of their captive environment, and studies controlling for various environmental factors will further our understanding of senescence.  相似文献   



Individual differences in human cognitive abilities show consistently positive correlations across diverse domains, providing the basis for the trait of “general intelligence” (g). At present, little is known about the evolution of g, in part because most comparative studies focus on rodents or on differences across higher-level taxa. What is needed, therefore, are experiments targeting nonhuman primates, focusing on individual differences within a single species, using a broad battery of tasks. To this end, we administered a large battery of tasks, representing a broad range of cognitive domains, to a population of captive cotton-top tamarin monkeys (Saguinus oedipus).

Methodology and Results

Using a Bayesian latent variable model, we show that the pattern of correlations among tasks is consistent with the existence of a general factor accounting for a small but significant proportion of the variance in each task (the lower bounds of 95% Bayesian credibility intervals for correlations between g and task performance all exceed 0.12).


Individual differences in cognitive abilities within at least one other primate species can be characterized by a general intelligence factor, supporting the hypothesis that important aspects of human cognitive function most likely evolved from ancient neural substrates.  相似文献   

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