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Many cnidarians (e.g., corals, octocorals, sea anemones) maintain a symbiosis with dinoflagellates (zooxanthellae). Zooxanthellae are grouped into clades, with studies focusing on scleractinian corals. We characterized zooxanthellae in 35 species of Caribbean octocorals. Most Caribbean octocoral species (88.6%) hosted clade B zooxanthellae, 8.6% hosted clade C, and one species (2.9%) hosted clades B and C. Erythropodium caribaeorum harbored clade C and a unique RFLP pattern, which, when sequenced, fell within clade C. Five octocoral species displayed no zooxanthella cladal variation with depth. Nine of the ten octocoral species sampled throughout the Caribbean exhibited no regional zooxanthella cladal differences. The exception, Briareum asbestinum, had some colonies from the Dry Tortugas exhibiting the E. caribaeorum RFLP pattern while elsewhere hosting clade B. In the Caribbean, octocorals show more symbiont specificity at the cladal level than scleractinian corals. Both octocorals and scleractinian corals, however, exhibited taxonomic affinity between zooxanthella clade and host suborder.Communicated by R.C. Carpenter  相似文献   

Reef-building corals are comprised of close associations between the coral animal, symbiotic zooxanthellae, and a diversity of associated microbes (including Bacteria, Archaea and Fungi). Together, these comprise the coral holobiont – a paradigm that emphasizes the potential contributions of each component to the overall function and health of the coral. Little is known about the ecology of the coral-associated microbial community and its hypothesized role in coral health. We explored bacteria–bacteria antagonism among 67 bacterial isolates from the scleractinian coral Montastrea annularis at two temperatures using Burkholder agar diffusion assays. A majority of isolates exhibited inhibitory activity (69.6% of isolates at 25°C, 52.2% at 31°C), with members of the γ-proteobacteria ( Vibrionales and Alteromonadales ) being especially antagonistic. Elevated temperatures generally reduced levels of antagonism, although the effects were complex. Several potential pathogens were observed in the microbial community of apparently healthy corals, and 11.6% of isolates were able to inhibit the growth of the coral pathogen Vibrio shiloi at 25°C. Overall, this study demonstrates that antagonism could be a structuring force in coral-associated microbial communities and may contribute to pathogenesis as well as disease resistance.  相似文献   

Bacterial diseases affecting scleractinian corals pose an enormous threat to the health of coral reefs, yet we still have a limited understanding of the bacteria associated with coral diseases. White band disease is a bacterial disease that affects the two Caribbean acroporid corals, the staghorn coral Acropora cervicornis and the elkhorn coral A. palmate. Species of Vibrio and Rickettsia have both been identified as putative WBD pathogens. Here we used Illumina 16S rRNA gene sequencing to profile the bacterial communities associated with healthy and diseased A. cervicornis collected from four field sites during two different years. We also exposed corals in tanks to diseased and healthy (control) homogenates to reduce some of the natural variation of field-collected coral bacterial communities. Using a combination of multivariate analyses, we identified community-level changes between diseased and healthy corals in both the field-collected and tank-exposed datasets. We then identified changes in the abundances of individual operational taxonomic units (OTUs) between diseased and healthy corals. By comparing the diseased and healthy-associated bacteria in field-collected and tank-exposed corals, we were able to identify 16 healthy-associated OTUs and 106 consistently disease-associated OTUs, which are good candidates for putative WBD pathogens. A large percentage of these disease-associated OTUs belonged to the order Flavobacteriales. In addition, two of the putative pathogens identified here belong to orders previously suggested as WBD pathogens: Vibronales and Rickettsiales.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structure of habitats is a critical component of species' niches driving coexistence in species-rich ecosystems. However, its influence on structuring and partitioning recruitment niches has not been widely addressed. We developed a new method to combine species distribution modelling and structure from motion, and characterized three-dimensional recruitment niches of two ecosystem engineers on Caribbean coral reefs, scleractinian corals and gorgonians. Fine-scale roughness was the most important predictor of suitable habitat for both taxa, and their niches largely overlapped, primarily due to scleractinians' broader niche breadth. Crevices and holes at mm scales on calcareous rock with low coral cover were more suitable for octocorals than for scleractinian recruits, suggesting that the decline in scleractinian corals is facilitating the recruitment of octocorals on contemporary Caribbean reefs. However, the relative abundances of the taxa were independent of the amount of suitable habitat on the reef, emphasizing that niche processes alone do not predict recruitment rates.  相似文献   

Interactions among microorganisms found in coral mucus can be either symbiotic or competitive. It has been hypothesized that microbial communities found on the surface of coral play a role in coral holobiont defense, possibly through production of antimicrobial substances. Selected microorganisms isolated from the mucus layer of a number of coral species were grown using agar-plating techniques. Screening for antimicrobial substances was performed using overlay and drop techniques, employing several indicator microorganisms. Between 25% and 70% of cultivable mucus-associated bacteria from scleractinian corals demonstrated bioactivity. Higher percentages of activity were evident in mucus-associated cultivable bacteria from massive and solitary corals, as compared with bacteria from branching or soft corals. Isolates related to the genera Vibrio and Pseudoalteromonas demonstrated high activity against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. Gram-positive bacteria ( Bacillus, Planomicrobium ) demonstrated lower levels of activity, primarily against other Gram-positive bacteria. In some cases, inhibitory effects were confined to the cell fraction, suggesting the involvement of a cell-bound molecule, sensitive to temperature and most likely proteinaceous in nature. These results demonstrate the existence of microorganisms with antimicrobial activity on the coral surface, possibly acting as a first line of defense to protect the coral host against pathogens.  相似文献   

In the northeast Caribbean, doldrum-like conditions combined with elevated water temperatures in the summer/fall 2005 created the most severe coral bleaching event ever documented within this region. Video monitoring of 100 randomly chosen, permanent transects at five study sites in the US Virgin Islands revealed over 90% of the scleractinian coral cover showed signs of thermal stress by paling or becoming completely white. Lower water temperatures in October allowed some re-coloring of corals; however, a subsequent unprecedented regional outbreak of coral disease affected all sites. Five known diseases or syndromes were recorded; however, most lesions showed signs similar to white plague. Nineteen scleractinian species were affected by disease, with >90% of the disease-induced lesions occurring on the genus Montastraea. The disease outbreak peaked several months after the onset of bleaching at all sites but did not occur at the same time. The mean number of disease-induced lesions increased 51-fold and the mean area of disease-associated mortality increased 13-fold when compared with pre-bleaching disease levels. In the 12 months following the onset of bleaching, coral cover declined at all sites (average loss: 51.5%, range: 42.4–61.8%) reducing the five-site average from 21.4% before bleaching to 10.3% with most mortality caused by white plague disease, not bleaching. Continued losses through October 2007 reduced the average coral cover of the five sites to 8.3% (average 2-year loss: 61.1%, range: 53.0–79.3%). Mean cover by M. annularis (complex) decreased 51%, Colpophyllia natans 78% and Agaricia agaricites 87%. Isolated disease outbreaks have been documented before in the Virgin Islands, but never as widespread or devastating as the one that occurred after the 2005 Caribbean coral-bleaching event. This study provides insight into the effects of continued seawater warming and subsequent coral bleaching events in the Caribbean and highlights the need to understand links between coral bleaching and disease.  相似文献   

Coral populations have precipitously declined on Caribbean reefs while algal abundance has increased, leading to enhanced competitive damage to corals, which likely is mediated by the potent allelochemicals produced by both macroalgae and benthic cyanobacteria. Allelochemicals may affect the composition and abundance of coral-associated microorganisms that control host responses and adaptations to environmental change, including susceptibility to bacterial diseases. Here, we demonstrate that extracts of six Caribbean macroalgae and two benthic cyanobacteria have both inhibitory and stimulatory effects on bacterial taxa cultured from the surfaces of Caribbean corals, macroalgae, and corals exposed to macroalgal extracts. The growth of 54 bacterial isolates was monitored in the presence of lipophilic and hydrophilic crude extracts derived from Caribbean macroalgae and cyanobacteria using 96-well plate bioassays. All 54 bacterial cultures were identified by ribotyping. Lipophilic extracts from two species of Dictyota brown algae inhibited >50% of the reef coral bacteria assayed, and hydrophilic compounds from Dictyota menstrualis particularly inhibited Vibrio bacteria, a genus associated with several coral diseases. In contrast, both lipo- and hydrophilic extracts from 2 species of Lyngbya cyanobacteria strongly stimulated bacterial growth. The brown alga Lobophora variegata produced hydrophilic compounds with broad-spectrum antibacterial effects, which inhibited 93% of the bacterial cultures. Furthermore, bacteria cultured from different locations (corals vs. macroalgae vs. coral surfaces exposed to macroalgal extracts) responded differently to algal extracts. These results reveal that extracts from macroalgae and cyanobacteria have species-specific effects on the composition of coral-microbial assemblages, which in turn may increase coral host susceptibility to disease and result in coral mortality.  相似文献   


Competition is a fundamental process structuring ecological communities. On coral reefs, space is a highly contested resource and the outcomes of spatial competition can dictate community composition. In the Caribbean, reefs are increasingly dominated by non-scleractinian species like sponges, gorgonians, and zoanthids, yet there is a paucity of data on interactions between these increasingly common organisms and historically dominant corals. Here, we investigated interactions among these groups of sessile benthic invertebrates to better understand the role of spatial competition in shaping benthic communities on Caribbean reefs. We coupled surveys of competitive interactions on the reef with a common garden competition experiment to determine the frequency and outcome of interference competition among eight focal species. We found that competitive interactions were pervasive on Florida reefs, with 60% of sessile benthic invertebrates interacting with at least one other invertebrate. Increasingly common non-scleractinian species were some of the most abundant taxa and consistently outcompeted the contemporarily common scleractinian species Porites porites and Siderastrea siderea. The encrusting gorgonian, Erythropodium caribaeorum, was the most aggressive species, reducing the live area of its competitors on average 42% ± 7.04 (SE) over the course of 5 months. Surprisingly, the most aggressive species declined in size when competing, while some less aggressive species were able to increase or maintain area, suggesting a trade-off between aggressiveness and growth. Our findings suggest that competition among sessile invertebrates is likely to remain an important process in structuring coral reefs, but that the optimal strategies for maintaining space on the benthos may change. Importantly, many non-scleractinian species that now dominate reefs appear to be superior competitors, potentially increasing the stress on corals on contemporary reefs.


The mass die‐off of Caribbean corals has transformed many of this region’s reefs to macroalgal‐dominated habitats since systematic monitoring began in the 1970s. Although attributed to a combination of local and global human stressors, the lack of long‐term data on Caribbean reef coral communities has prevented a clear understanding of the causes and consequences of coral declines. We integrated paleoecological, historical, and modern survey data to track the occurrence of major coral species and life‐history groups throughout the Caribbean from the prehuman period to the present. The regional loss of Acropora corals beginning by the 1960s from local human disturbances resulted in increases in the occurrence of formerly subdominant stress‐tolerant and weedy scleractinian corals and the competitive hydrozoan Millepora beginning in the 1970s and 1980s. These transformations have resulted in the homogenization of coral communities within individual countries. However, increases in stress‐tolerant and weedy corals have slowed or reversed since the 1980s and 1990s in tandem with intensified coral bleaching and disease. These patterns reveal the long history of increasingly stressful environmental conditions on Caribbean reefs that began with widespread local human disturbances and have recently culminated in the combined effects of local and global change.  相似文献   

Symbioses with the dinoflagellate Symbiodinium form the foundation of tropical coral reef communities. Symbiodinium photosynthesis fuels the growth of an array of marine invertebrates, including cnidarians such as scleractinian corals and octocorals (e.g., gorgonian and soft corals). Studies examining the symbioses between Caribbean gorgonian corals and Symbiodinium are sparse, even though gorgonian corals blanket the landscape of Caribbean coral reefs. The objective of this study was to compare photosynthetic characteristics of Symbiodinium in four common Caribbean gorgonian species: Pterogorgia anceps, Eunicea tourneforti, Pseudoplexaura porosa, and Pseudoplexaura wagenaari. Symbiodinium associated with these four species exhibited differences in Symbiodinium density, chlorophyll a per cell, light absorption by chlorophyll a, and rates of photosynthetic oxygen production. The two Pseudoplexaura species had higher Symbiodinium densities and chlorophyll a per Symbiodinium cell but lower chlorophyll a specific absorption compared to P. anceps and E. tourneforti. Consequently, P. porosa and P. wagenaari had the highest average photosynthetic rates per cm2 but the lowest average photosynthetic rates per Symbiodinium cell or chlorophyll a. With the exception of Symbiodinium from E. tourneforti, isolated Symbiodinium did not photosynthesize at the same rate as Symbiodinium in hospite. Differences in Symbiodinium photosynthetic performance could not be attributed to Symbiodinium type. All P. anceps (n = 9) and P. wagenaari (n = 6) colonies, in addition to one E. tourneforti and three P. porosa colonies, associated with Symbiodinium type B1. The B1 Symbiodinium from these four gorgonian species did not cluster with lineages of B1 Symbiodinium from scleractinian corals. The remaining eight E. tourneforti colonies harbored Symbiodinium type B1L, while six P. porosa colonies harbored type B1i. Understanding the symbioses between gorgonian corals and Symbiodinium will aid in deciphering why gorgonian corals dominate many Caribbean reefs.  相似文献   

The study of coral repopulation in marginal communities may provide a useful analog for understanding the dynamics of coral reefs subjected to deleterious environmental changes. Repopulation of scleractinian reef corals may strongly impact the community structure on tropical reefs; however, the extent of this process on coral communities influenced by upwelling is unknown, especially in the Caribbean. In this study, the potential for natural repopulation of coral communities subjected to wind-driven upwelling was evaluated at three sites on the island of Cubagua, Venezuela. Coral spawning behavior was recorded and both larval settlement and juvenile abundance were estimated. Upwelling did not appear to affect coral spawning behavior, since at this locality spawning occurred at dates and times similar to those reported for well-developed reefs in the Caribbean. Also, juveniles produced by brooding corals were six times more abundant than those of broadcasting species, similar to patterns on other Caribbean reefs that are not under the influence of upwelling. By contrast, mean larval settlement (4 settlers m−2) and juvenile abundance (0.1 juveniles m−2) in Cubagua were both lower than those elsewhere in the Caribbean and on Pacific reefs. Thus, the potential for repopulation of these marginal communities seems lower than for well-developed coral reefs in other regions. These results suggest that more fully developed coral reefs also may have reduced repopulation potential, as they become influenced by suboptimal environmental conditions. Handling editor: I. Nagelkerken  相似文献   

Biogeographic investigations have suggested that coral-symbiont associations can adapt to higher temperatures by hosting a heat-tolerant Symbiodinium, phylotype D. It is hypothesized that phylotype D is absent in high latitudes due to its heat-tolerant characteristics. In this study, this hypothesis was tested by examining the symbiont diversity in a scleractinian coral, Oulastrea crispata, throughout its entire latitudinal distribution range in the West Pacific. Molecular phylotyping of the 5′-end of the nuclear large subunit of ribosomal DNA (lsu rDNA) indicated that phylotype D was the dominant Symbiodinium in O. crispata from the tropical reefs to the marginal non-reefal coral communities. Several colonies of tropical populations were associated with phylotype C, either alone or simultaneously with phylotype D. Analysis of the polymerase chain reaction products using single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) detected relatively low densities of phylotype C in most of the O. crispata colonies surveyed. These results provide evidence for the occurrence of phylotype D in cold-water outlying coral communities. The dominant occurrence of phylotype C in some O. crispata colonies on tropical reefs and the relatively low densities of phylotype C identified by SSCP in subtropical and temperate populations show that the dominant symbiont type can vary in this coral species and that multiple symbionts can co-occur in the same host.  相似文献   

Tsounis  G.  Steele  M. A.  Edmunds  P. J. 《Coral reefs (Online)》2020,39(5):1299-1311

Increasing abundance of arborescent octocorals (often referred to as gorgonians) on Caribbean reefs raises the question of whether habitat structure provided by octocorals can mediate a transition between coral- and algal- dominated states by increasing fish abundance and herbivory. This study tested the hypotheses that feeding rates and densities of demersal reef fishes are affected by the habitat structure provided by dense octocoral communities. Surveys of fishes on coral reefs in St John, US Virgin Islands, found 1.7-fold higher densities, and 2.4-fold higher feeding rates within versus outside of dense octocoral canopies. This difference, however, was only seen at sites with octocoral densities > 8 colonies m−2. Furthemore, the proximity of octocoral colonies to fish had an effect on the grazing rate of key herbivores (surgeonfishes and parrotfishes), with a 53% higher feeding rate (1.90 ± 0.11 bites min−1 m−2) near octocorals (< 20 or 30 cm, depending on the site) versus farther from them (1.24 ± 0.09 bites min−1 m−2). Finally, within the canopy of dense octocoral communities (17 colonies m−2), reef fishes fed at a rate that was 2.2-fold higher within the community than at the edge of the community that faced an adjacent sand patch. Fish abundance, however, was not uniformly higher within versus at the edge of the octocoral community, as ecotone specialists such as gobiids, blennioids, ostraciids, holocentrids, labrids, and pomacentrids were 1.3—2.3 times more abundant at the edge. In contrast, other taxa of demersal fishes, notably herbivores, were twice as abundant within octocoral communities than at the edges. Together, these results reveal an association between habitat structure created by octocorals on shallow reefs and increased feeding rates of demersal fishes (including those of herbivores). The potential of octocorals to increase herbivory that could mediate stony coral recovery is therefore worthy of further study.


Coral disease is one of the major causes of reef degradation. Dark Spot Syndrome (DSS) was described in the early 1990''s as brown or purple amorphous areas of tissue on a coral and has since become one of the most prevalent diseases reported on Caribbean reefs. It has been identified in a number of coral species, but there is debate as to whether it is in fact the same disease in different corals. Further, it is questioned whether these macroscopic signs are in fact diagnostic of an infectious disease at all. The most commonly affected species in the Caribbean is the massive starlet coral Siderastrea siderea. We sampled this species in two locations, Dry Tortugas National Park and Virgin Islands National Park. Tissue biopsies were collected from both healthy colonies and those with dark spot lesions. Microbial-community DNA was extracted from coral samples (mucus, tissue, and skeleton), amplified using bacterial-specific primers, and applied to PhyloChip G3 microarrays to examine the bacterial diversity associated with this coral. Samples were also screened for the presence of a fungal ribotype that has recently been implicated as a causative agent of DSS in another coral species, but the amplifications were unsuccessful. S. siderea samples did not cluster consistently based on health state (i.e., normal versus dark spot). Various bacteria, including Cyanobacteria and Vibrios, were observed to have increased relative abundance in the discolored tissue, but the patterns were not consistent across all DSS samples. Overall, our findings do not support the hypothesis that DSS in S. siderea is linked to a bacterial pathogen or pathogens. This dataset provides the most comprehensive overview to date of the bacterial community associated with the scleractinian coral S. siderea.  相似文献   

The ascidian Trididemnum solidum competes for space on Caribbean reefs and is capable of overgrowing live scleractinian corals. From 2006 to 2009, we monitored over 30,000 coral colonies and quantified competitive interactions with this ascidian at four reef sites along the Mexican Caribbean. The total number of competitive interactions increased in time, but the mean percentage of coral colonies involved in interactions remained lower than 1% in all reefs. Bottom cover by T. solidum was also low (mean < 0.5%) in all reef sites in all sampling years. We conclude that during the temporal scope of our study, the overall potential effect of T. solidum on the dynamics of Mexican Caribbean coral populations was minimal.  相似文献   

Interactions between corals and associated bacteria and amongst these bacterial groups are likely to play a key role in coral health. However, the complexity of these interactions is poorly understood. We investigated the functional role of specific coral-associated bacteria in maintaining microbial communities on the coral Acropora millepora (Ehrenberg 1834) and the ability of coral mucus to support or inhibit bacterial growth. Culture-independent techniques were used to assess bacterial community structures whilst bacterial culture was employed to assess intra- and inter-specific antimicrobial activities of bacteria. Members of Pseudoalteromonas and ribotypes closely related to Vibrio coralliilyticus displayed potent antimicrobial activity against a range of other cultured isolates and grew readily on detached coral mucus. Although such bacterial ribotypes would be expected to have a competitive advantage, they were rare or absent on intact and healthy coral colonies growing in situ (analysed using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis and 16S rRNA gene sequencing). The most abundant bacterial ribotypes found on healthy corals were Gammaproteobacteria, previously defined as type A coral associates. Our results indicate that this group of bacteria and specific members of the Alphaproteobacteria described here as ‘type B associates’ may be important functional groups for coral health. We suggest that bacterial communities on coral are kept in check by a combination of host-derived and microbial interactions and that the type A associates in particular may play a key role in maintaining stability of microbial communities on healthy coral colonies.  相似文献   


The existence of coral reef ecosystems critically relies on the reef carbonate framework produced by scleractinian corals and calcareous crusts (i.e., crustose coralline algae). While the Red Sea harbors one of the longest connected reef systems in the world, detailed calcification data are only available from the northernmost part. To fill this knowledge gap, we measured in situ calcification rates of primary and secondary reef builders in the central Red Sea. We collected data on the major habitat-forming coral genera Porites, Acropora, and Pocillopora and also on calcareous crusts (CC) in a spatio-seasonal framework. The scope of the study comprised sheltered and exposed sites of three reefs along a cross-shelf gradient and over four seasons of the year. Calcification of all coral genera was consistent across the shelf and highest in spring. In addition, Pocillopora showed increased calcification at exposed reef sites. In contrast, CC calcification increased from nearshore, sheltered to offshore, exposed reef sites, but also varied over seasons. Comparing our data to other reef locations, calcification in the Red Sea was in the range of data collected from reefs in the Caribbean and Indo-Pacific; however, Acropora calcification estimates were at the lower end of worldwide rates. Our study shows that the increasing coral cover from nearshore to offshore environments aligned with CC calcification but not coral calcification, highlighting the potentially important role of CC in structuring reef cover and habitats. While coral calcification maxima have been typically observed during summer in many reef locations worldwide, calcification maxima during spring in the central Red Sea indicate that summer temperatures exceed the optima of reef calcifiers in this region. This study provides a foundation for comparative efforts and sets a baseline to quantify impact of future environmental change in the central Red Sea.


Coral reefs are extremely vulnerable to ocean warming, which triggers coral bleaching—the loss of endosymbiotic microalgae (Symbiodiniaceae) from coral tissues, often leading to death. To enhance coral climate resilience, the symbiont, Cladocopium proliferum was experimentally evolved for >10 years under elevated temperatures resulting in increased heat tolerance. Bacterial 16S rRNA gene metabarcoding showed the composition of intra- and extracellular bacterial communities of heat-evolved strains was significantly different from that of wild-type strains, suggesting bacteria responded to elevated temperatures, and may even play a role in C. proliferum thermal tolerance. To assess whether microbiome transplantation could enhance heat tolerance of the sensitive wild-type C. proliferum, we transplanted bacterial communities from heat-evolved to the wild-type strain and subjected it to acute heat stress. Microbiome transplantation resulted in the incorporation of only 30 low-abundance strains into the microbiome of wild-type cultures, while the relative abundance of 14 pre-existing strains doubled in inoculated versus uninoculated samples. Inoculation with either wild-type or heat-evolved bacterial communities boosted C. proliferum growth, although no difference in heat tolerance was observed between the two inoculation treatments. This study provides evidence that Symbiodiniaceae-associated bacterial communities respond to heat selection and may contribute to coral adaptation to climate change.  相似文献   


Intra-species morphological variation may occur in sessile organisms, such as corals, living in different habitats. Conversely, the octocoral Briareum asbestinum exhibits both encrusting and upright branching morphologies at the same shallow water habitat, enabling studying physiological differences uncoupled from habitat variation due to depth or reef location. We investigated the mutualism between endosymbiotic dinoflagellate algae, Breviolum spp. (previously clade B Symbiodinium), and these B. asbestinum morphologies at ambient and elevated temperatures. Based on msh1 gene sequences, the host morphologies were genetically similar although they differed in protein content, polyp expansion behavior, and associated Breviolum (B19 for encrusting and B21 for branching B. asbestinum). Due to colony orientation, polyps in encrusting B. asbestinum experienced irradiance levels nearly three times higher than polyps in the branching morph, which probably contributed to the lower photochemical and light absorption efficiencies of the Breviolum in encrusting fragments. The light-limited portion of photosynthesis–irradiance curves and the intracellular chlorophyll concentrations, however, indicated that Breviolum in both morphologies were acclimated to similar internal irradiances. Encrusting B. asbestinum exhibited higher Breviolum density, areal chlorophyll a, and greater photosynthetic rates cm−2 compared to branching B. asbestinum. Notably, elevated temperature did not cause bleaching in either morphology, as Breviolum and chlorophyll densities did not differ significantly from ambient temperature, although the two morphologies adjusted some of the measured parameters, indicating coping with the stressor. In the face of continued ocean warming, the high thermal tolerance of octocorals may reinforce the shift of Caribbean reefs from scleractinian coral to octocoral dominance.



Ectohydrolytic enzyme activity (EEA) potential of 37 bacterial isolates derived from Orbicella annularis coral and 2 coral pathogens (Vibrio shilonii and V. coralliilyticus) was measured as model to infer the role of bacteria in organic matter processing within coral reef ecosystems. Bacterial cell-specific activities of eight enzyme types were measured after incubation in organic matter enriched and unenriched filtered seawater. Max value of activities of alkaline phosphatase, oleate-lipase, stearate-lipase and proteinase were 769.3, 327.6, 82.9 and 36.7 amol cell−1 h−1, respectively. Chitinase, α-mannosidase, α-glucosidase and β-glucosidase were generally lower by comparison (max 4.7–20.7 amol cell−1 h−1). No “super” isolates (bacteria expressing high levels of all ectohydrolases) were found suggesting a “specialization” among individual bacterial strains. Cumulatively, the 39 isolates tested displayed a broad range of cell-specific enzyme activities in both organic matter conditions. Culture-independent measurement of coral mucus layer EEA in O. annularis off a Panama reef showed comparable EEA patterns and diversity as the isolates. Volume-specific EEAs of all enzymes except alkaline phosphatase were 8–48 times higher in mucus than in surrounding seawater (SSW) samples. However, cell-specific EEAs in mucus were generally lower than in the SSW partly due to more abundant cells in the mucus than in SSW. For field samples, ≥ 85% of proteinase was cell-bound, while lipase was preferentially dissolved (40–96%). In general, the production of dissolved EEAs varied among measurements depending on sample source and enzyme types, suggesting a potential role of ectoenzyme size distribution in linking the whole reef ecosystem. Our findings support that the cumulative ectoenzyme expression (“ectoenzymome”) of the coral microbiome has the potential to maintain the functional resilience of the coral holobiont and response to stress through its contribution to organic matter processing within coral reef ecosystems.


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