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The concept of reachable workspace is closely tied to upper limb joint range of motion and functional capability. Currently, no practical and cost-effective methods are available in clinical and research settings to provide arm-function evaluation using an individual’s three-dimensional (3D) reachable workspace. A method to intuitively display and effectively analyze reachable workspace would not only complement traditional upper limb functional assessments, but also provide an innovative approach to quantify and monitor upper limb function.

Methodology/Principal Findings

A simple stereo camera-based reachable workspace acquisition system combined with customized 3D workspace analysis algorithm was developed and compared against a sub-millimeter motion capture system. The stereo camera-based system was robust, with minimal loss of data points, and with the average hand trajectory error of about 40 mm, which resulted to ∼5% error of the total arm distance. As a proof-of-concept, a pilot study was undertaken with healthy individuals (n = 20) and a select group of patients with various neuromuscular diseases and varying degrees of shoulder girdle weakness (n = 9). The workspace envelope surface areas generated from the 3D hand trajectory captured by the stereo camera were compared. Normalization of acquired reachable workspace surface areas to the surface area of the unit hemi-sphere allowed comparison between subjects. The healthy group’s relative surface areas were 0.618±0.09 and 0.552±0.092 (right and left), while the surface areas for the individuals with neuromuscular diseases ranged from 0.03 and 0.09 (the most severely affected individual) to 0.62 and 0.50 (very mildly affected individual). Neuromuscular patients with severe arm weakness demonstrated movement largely limited to the ipsilateral lower quadrant of their reachable workspace.


The findings indicate that the proposed stereo camera-based reachable workspace analysis system is capable of distinguishing individuals with varying degrees of proximal upper limb functional impairments.  相似文献   

Electrical and mechanical studies have been made of the deep abdominal extensor muscles, medial (DEAM) and lateral (DEAL), of crayfish and lobster. The medial muscle responds to direct (intracellular) and indirect stimulation with a transient membrane depolarization which exhibits the properties of a propagated non-decremental action potential but does not overshoot the zero level. The amplitude is about 30 mv in crayfish and 50 mv in lobster. It is followed by a fast all-or-none twitch whose duration at 20°C is 30 to 50 msec. and whose developed tension is 500 gm/cm2 or about half the tetanic value. Membrane potential is K+-dependent and immersion in high K+ induces a brief transient tension rise as in other twitch-type muscles. The action potential and twitch are normal even if all external Na+ is replaced with sucrose but vary with external Ca++, the action potential increasing 8 to 10 mv for a twofold increase in Ca++. The lateral muscle (DEAL) is much slower and responds to intracellular stimulation only with an electrotonic or a local response. Mechanical responses and relaxation speeds are slow with minimal duration of contraction of 0.5 to 2 seconds. Immersion in high K solutions induces large maintained tensions. Sarcomere length in the fast DEAM is uniform and about 2 µ at rest, but in the DEAL speed is less and sarcomere length is greater averaging about 4.5 µ but with a mixed population of fibers.  相似文献   

Locomotion of mammals, including humans, is based on the rhythmic activity of spinal cord circuitries. The functioning of these circuitries depends on multimodal afferent information and on supraspinal influences from the motor cortex. Using the method of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) of arm muscle areas in the motor cortex, we studied the motor evoked potentials (MEP) in the upper arm muscles in stationary conditions and during voluntary and vibration-evoked arm movements. The study included 13 healthy subjects under arm and leg unloading conditions. In the first series of experiments, with motionless limbs, the effect of vibration of left upper arm muscles on motor responses in these muscles was evaluated. In the second series of experiments, MEP were compared in the same muscles during voluntary and rhythmic movements generated by left arm m. triceps brachii vibration (the right arm was stationary). Motionless left arm vibration led to an increase in MEP values in both vibrated muscle and in most of the non-vibrated muscles. For most target muscles, MEP was greater with voluntary arm movements than with vibration-evoked movements. At the same time, a similar MEP modulation in the cycle of arm movements was observed in the same upper arm muscles during both types of arm movements. TMS of the motor cortex significantly potentiated arm movements generated by vibration, but its effect on voluntary movements was weaker. These results indicate significant differences in the degree of motor cortex involvement in voluntary and evoked arm movements. We suppose that evoked arm movements are largely due to spinal rather than central mechanisms of generation of rhythmic movements.  相似文献   

In this work, variations in endogenous levels of several hormones were measured in citrus under conditions of continuous flooding following a time-course design. The use of three genotypes differing in their ability to tolerate waterlogging has allowed the discrimination between common and specific hormonal responses. Data suggest an essential involvement of the aerial part in the regulation of tolerance to flooding, whereas in roots more general responses were detected. The progressive increase in leaf abscisic acid (ABA) correlating with the different tolerance of genotypes confirms the involvement of this hormone in plant responses to stress. The late increase in 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid, concomitant with severe leaf injury, points to ethylene as a promoter of leaf senescence in citrus. Leaf putrescine increased in all flooded genotypes, suggesting a general protective role, whereas a higher protective ability of spermidine and spermine was enforced by their exclusive accumulation in the sensitive genotype. Leaf jasmonic acid (JA) increased rapidly and transiently under flooding, suggesting a role for this hormone in triggering downstream responses. In stressed roots, while indole-3-acetic acid increased, JA and ABA levels rapidly decreased to reach almost complete depletion in all flooded citrus genotypes. This suggests that not only should the increase in the so-called stress hormones be considered a signal but also their reduction. The results contribute to the understanding of the intricate set of connections between plant hormones that regulate physiologic responses to stress.  相似文献   

Hormonal Interactions and Stomatal Responses   总被引:18,自引:4,他引:14  
Both environmental and hormonal factors and their interactions affect stomatal behavior. Methodologies for identifying hormonal interactions affecting stomatal function are reviewed. Although there is abundant evidence that abscisic acid (ABA) closes stomata, evidence that the other classical plant hormones (auxins, cytokinins, ethylene, gibberellins) in isolation alter stomatal response often comes from exogenous applications to detached epidermes and leaves, rather than correlation of endogenous concentrations with stomatal conductance (gs). Evidence for hormonal interactions comes from isolated tissues with exogenous hormones supplied at nonphysiological concentrations, or from variation in stomatal response to xylem ABA concentration in planta. The roles of hormonal changes in causing stomatal closure following changes in soil environment are considered. Although soil drying induces multiple changes in xylem sap composition, analysis of stomatal responses suggests a dominant role for increased endogenous ABA concentrations and relatively little evidence of roles for other hormones. A similar picture emerges from studies of soil compaction. Although soil flooding decreases ABA export from the root system, there is some evidence that apoplastic ABA accumulation elicits stomatal closure. Stomatal closure following nitrogen deprivation does not appear to involve ABA and may provide a suitable experimental system to investigate roles for other hormones. The availability of mutant or transgenic lines with altered hormone homeostasis or sensitivity provides opportunities to screen for altered stomatal behavior in response to different environments, and may provide new evidence that hormonal interactions are important in the control of stomatal behavior.  相似文献   

Electrical and mechanical responses have been obtained in situ and in vitro from the superior oblique muscle stimulated by single and repetitive electrical pulses, applied to the trochlear nerve. Two different types of muscle fibers are described, the twitch and the slow. The slow type is characterized electrically by the presence of junctional potentials, which have reversal potentials between -10 and -20 mv, and do not show propagated responses or spikes, during nerve stimulation. When the slow muscle fibers are repetitively stimulated in situ, a prolonged contraction is maintained during stimulation. At the time, the recorded electrical activity is produced locally, at the level of the neuromuscular junctions of the slow fibers. These results indicate that the contractile mechanism of the slow muscle fibers is activated locally and segmentally.  相似文献   

Neuromuscular Junctions in Flight and Tymbal Muscles of the Cicada   总被引:1,自引:11,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The tymbal muscle fiber in the cicada closely resembles the indirect flight muscle fiber in its structural detail. We agree with other authors that the tymbal muscle is a modified indirect flight muscle. The peripheral nerve branches to the tymbal and flight muscle fibers are similar to those in the wasp leg. The axon is loosely mantled by irregular turns of the mesaxon, enclosing cytoplasm. The nerve is therefore a tunicated nerve. The neuromuscular junction in the high frequency muscle fibers shows direct apposition of plasma membranes of axon and muscle fiber, large numbers of mitochondria and synaptic vesicles in the axon, and concentrations of mitochondria, aposynaptic granules, and endoplasmic reticulum in the postsynaptic area of the muscle fiber. Of special interest is the multitude of intracellular, opposing membranes in the postsynaptic area. They form laminated stacks and whorls, vesicles, cysternae, and tubules. They occasionally show continuity with the plasma membrane, the outer nuclear envelope, and the circumfibrillar endoplasmic reticulum. The membrane system in this area is designated "rete synapticum." It is believed to add to the electrical capacity of the neuromuscular junction, to serve in transmission of potentials, and possibly is the site of the oscillating mechanism in high-frequency muscle fibers.  相似文献   

Differential Responses of Crab Neuromuscular Synapses to Cesium Ion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSP's) generated in crab muscle fibers by a single motor axon, differ in amplitude and facilitation. Some EPSP's are large at low frequencies of stimulation and show little facilitation; others are smaller and show pronounced facilitation. When K+ is replaced by Cs+ in the physiological solution, all EPSP's increase in amplitude, but small EPSP's increase proportionately more than large ones. Quantal content of transmission, determined by external recording at single synaptic regions, undergoes a much larger increase at facilitating synapses. The increase in quantal content of transmission is attributable to prolongation of the nerve terminal action potential in Cs+. After 1–2 h of Cs+ treatment, defacilitation of synaptic potentials occurs at synapses which initially showed facilitation. This indicates that Cs+ treatment drastically increases the fraction of the "immediately available" transmitter store released by each nerve impulse, especially at terminals with facilitating synapses. It is proposed that facilitating synapses normally release less of the "immediately available" store of transmitter than poorly facilitating synapses. Possible reasons for this difference in performance are discussed.  相似文献   

We sought to determine if tendon inflammatory and histopathological responses increase in aged rats compared to young rats performing a voluntary upper extremity repetitive task, and if these changes are associated with motor declines. Ninety-six female Sprague-Dawley rats were used in the rat model of upper extremity overuse: 67 aged and 29 young adult rats. After a training period of 4 weeks, task rats performed a voluntary high repetition low force (HRLF) handle-pulling task for 2 hrs/day, 3 days/wk for up to 12 weeks. Upper extremity motor function was assessed, as were inflammatory and histomorphological changes in flexor digitorum and supraspinatus tendons. The percentage of successful reaches improved in young adult HRLF rats, but not in aged HRLF rats. Forelimb agility decreased transiently in young adult HRLF rats, but persistently in aged HRLF rats. HRLF task performance for 12 weeks lead to increased IL-1beta and IL-6 in flexor digitorum tendons of aged HRLF rats, compared to aged normal control (NC) as well as young adult HRLF rats. In contrast, TNF-alpha increased more in flexor digitorum tendons of young adult 12-week HRLF rats than in aged HRLF rats. Vascularity and collagen fibril organization were not affected by task performance in flexor digitorum tendons of either age group, although cellularity increased in both. By week 12 of HRLF task performance, vascularity and cellularity increased in the supraspinatus tendons of only aged rats. The increased cellularity was due to increased macrophages and connective tissue growth factor (CTGF)-immunoreactive fibroblasts in the peritendon. In conclusion, aged rat tendons were overall more affected by the HRLF task than young adult tendons, particularly supraspinatus tendons. Greater inflammatory changes in aged HRLF rat tendons were observed, increases associated temporally with decreased forelimb agility and lack of improvement in task success.  相似文献   

Current diagnosis and treatment of movement impairment post-stroke is based on the subjective assessment of select movements by a trained clinical specialist. However, modern low-cost motion capture technology allows for the development of automated quantitative assessment of motor impairment. Such outcome measures are crucial for advancing post-stroke treatment methods. We sought to develop an automated method of measuring the quality of movement in clinically-relevant terms from low-cost motion capture. Unconstrained movements of upper extremity were performed by people with chronic hemiparesis and recorded by standard and low-cost motion capture systems. Quantitative scores derived from motion capture were compared to qualitative clinical scores produced by trained human raters. A strong linear relationship was found between qualitative scores and quantitative scores derived from both standard and low-cost motion capture. Performance of the automated scoring algorithm was matched by averaged qualitative scores of three human raters. We conclude that low-cost motion capture combined with an automated scoring algorithm is a feasible method to assess objectively upper-arm impairment post stroke. The application of this technology may not only reduce the cost of assessment of post-stroke movement impairment, but also promote the acceptance of objective impairment measures into routine medical practice.  相似文献   

Following copulation and cohabitation with a pregnant female, male gerbils show high levels of parental behavior toward their pups. The initiation of male parental behavior may be the result of neuroendocrine changes induced by cohabiting with the pregnant female or by pup stimuli. Experiment 1 examines the changes in androgen and prolactin levels in male gerbils cohabiting with females over the reproductive cycle. Gerbils were mated and blood samples taken from males for hormone analysis 1, 10, and 20 days after pairing and 3, 10, and 20 days after pups were born. A group of unmated male gerbils served as controls. Plasma prolactin levels of males were elevated throughout the female's pregnancy and lactation periods, but were only statistically significantly higher than those of unmated males 20 days after pups were born. Androgen levels rose during pregnancy and dropped significantly after the birth of the pups. These hormonal changes are similar to those found in males of monogamous birds and differ from those found in males of polygynous rodents such as the rat. Experiment 2 examined the hormonal responses of male and female gerbils to pup replacement after 4 hr of parent–pup separation. Female gerbils showed a significant elevation of prolactin levels 1 hr after pup replacement, but males did not. Males with pups returned showed no difference in androgen levels from males who did not have pups returned. Thus, male gerbils show neuroendocrine changes following long-term cohabitation with their mate and pups, but do not show acute hormone responses to pup removal and replacement. These results indicate that parental males have neuroendocrine changes associated with parental behavior and these differ from the neuroendocrine changes underlying female parental behavior.  相似文献   

This paper responds to the nine response papers to the initial paper in this series. This paper also presents a revised working definition of applied psychophysiology which is in concert with many of the responses.  相似文献   

Social life is profitable, but it facilitates conflicts over resources and creates interdependence between individuals. Separating highly social animals triggers intense reactions aimed at re‐establishing lost connections. Less is known, however, about behavioural and physiological responses to separation in socially facultative species, where individuals temporarily form groups and may subsequently leave them. Non‐breeding common ravens (Corvus corax) gather in large numbers at feeding and roosting sites, but otherwise spend time seemingly solitary or in small subgroups. We here studied how ravens cope with being socially isolated, and investigated the life characteristics that might explain potential individual differences. For this, we individually separated captive subadult ravens (n = 25) and housed them in physical and visual isolation from their group members across 4 d. During the separation period, we collected behavioural data and measured the amount of immunoreactive corticosterone metabolites from bird droppings to assess the ravens’ physiological stress response. We found behavioural indicators of stress at the start of the separation, when ravens showed higher levels of tension than of comfort – a pattern that reversed at the end of the separation. Furthermore, we found that the upbringing of ravens affected their behaviour during separation. Hand‐raised birds produced more vocalisations in the beginning of the separation, and were less active at the end, while the reverse pattern occurred with parent‐raised ravens. Contrary to our predictions, we did not find differences in hormonal responses between the beginning and end of the separation period or any link between hormonal responses and behaviours. Ravens’ behavioural responses to social separation stress seem to be dependent on their arousal states, although possible links with hormonal reactions remain unclear. Our results show that behavioural reactions are not always linked with hormonal responses to stress, and further emphasise the importance of investigating effects of early‐life experiences.  相似文献   

The effects of the gonadotrophin-releasing hormone, synthetic decapeptide luteinizing hormone/follicle stimulating hormone-releasing hormone (LH/FSH-RH), have been studied in 18 normal men and five women in the follicular phase of their menstrual cycle. Rapid and dose-dependent (25 to 100 μg) increases in serum immunoreactive LH were seen, which reached a peak 20 to 30 minutes after a rapid intravenous injection. Similar but much smaller increases in serum immunoreactive FSH were seen. These conclusions have been validated by using two different immunoassay systems for each hormone. The LH/FSH-RH therefore causes both LH and FSH release in man as in animals but does not affect growth hormone, thyrotrophin, or ACTH. The gonadotrophin responses were the same in the women as in the men but were insufficient in the men to cause statistically significant changes in the serum levels of the gonadal steroid hormones, testosterone or oestradiol, or in their precursors 17 α-hydroxyprogesterone or progesterone. In the women, however, there was a rise in oestradiol after the 100-μg doses. The use of LH/FSH-RH will provide an important test to define the level of the lesion in hypogonadal patients and also should be valuable in the treatment of some types of male and female infertility. A simple and clinically useful LH/FSH-RH test of pituitary function is described (100 μg given intravenously), and the provisional normal responses of LH and FSH at 20 and 60 minutes are given.  相似文献   

机械刺激是一种广泛存在但却长期被忽视的环境胁迫因子。由于其营固于土壤的生活习性,植物在其整个生命过程中都不同程度地遭受着机械刺激的胁迫,它影响着植物的生长发育、形态建成、抗逆性的形成等。本文结合我们实验室的研究成果及国内外的研究进展,综述了植物对机械刺激的响应、机械刺激在细胞内诱发的信号事件、各种信号之间的信号交谈及基因表达,并对未来的研究方向提出了展望。  相似文献   

Unno  Toshihiro  Matsuyama  Hayato  Komori  Seiichi 《Neurophysiology》2003,35(3-4):262-273
In various gastrointestinal smooth muscles, two different muscarinic receptor subtypes, M2 and M3, are expressed; these receptors are the target for the parasympathetic neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Although the number of M2 receptors is much greater than that of M3 receptors, the functional role of the former receptor subtype has yet to be fully defined, since pharmacological analyses of the contractile responses to acetylcholine and other muscarinic agonists have revealed that such responses are mediated extensively by the minor M3 subtype. The M3 receptor links to Ca2+ store release, and the released Ca2+ ions may contribute to the contraction. However, many studies indicated the importance of Ca2+ influx through voltage-gated Ca2+ channels, rather than Ca2+ release, in muscarinic contractions, since the contractile responses are markedly inhibited by Ca2+ channel blockers. The major M2 receptors link to the opening of cationic channels leading to the membrane depolarization, which in turn activates voltage-gated Ca2+ channels. Thus, there should be somewhere a point of contact between the M3- and M2-mediated signal transductions, as if M3 receptor stimulation is connected with membrane depolarization. Our electrophysiological and pharmacological findings suggest that the M2-mediated cationic channel opening and a resulting increase in the membrane electrical activity are the primary mechanism for mediating the contractile response to muscarinic agonists. An allosteric interaction between M2 and M3 receptors such that M3 activation intensifies the M2/cation channel pathway may account at least in part for the failure of many previous analyses to detect M2 participation in the contractile responses to full agonists.  相似文献   

The Responses of Field-grown Sunflower and Maize to Mechanical Support   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
The effects of mechanical support on two contrasting speciesof herbaceous annual, the dicot sunflower (Helianthus annuusL.) and the monocot maize (Zea mays L.), were investigated bycomparing the growth and mechanical properties of supportedplants and those which were left to sway freely in the wind. Providing support had its greatest effect on the more highly-stressedbasal areas of the plants, such as the lower stem and the baseof the lateral roots. The diameter of the stem bases of bothspecies was approx. 10% lower in supported plants, but therewas no difference between treatments in the diameter of thestem above 50 cm. Roots of both species also showed a reductionin rigidity and bending strength of 40–50% in the supportedplants compared with freely swaying plants. There was a significantreduction in the partitioning of biomass to the root systemsof supported plants of both species. There were differences in the way in which sunflower and maizeresponded to the provision of support; in sunflower, the reductionin lateral diameter was about twice that in maize, whereas inmaize the decrease in the number of first-order laterals wastwice that of sunflower. This study suggests that thigmomorphogenesismay be a localized response, but that different species canrespond in different ways to mechanical stimulation. Wind; support; anchorage; thigmomorphogenesis; Helianthus annuus L.; sunflower; Zea mays L.; maize  相似文献   

The authors studied postural responses to bilateral vibratory stimulation (70 Hz, 1 mm, 2 s) of the calf triceps proprioceptors or anterior tibial muscles. Anteroposterior body tilts evoked by vibration were recorded by stabilography. The authors compared the values of postural responses under various conditions of visual control, namely, with normal vision, eyes closed, right–left inversion of the visual space by prismatic spectacles, central vision, and diffuse light. Visual inversion influenced the subjects' proprioceptive postural responses. The amplitude of vibration-evoked shifts of the feet pressure center was minimal with eyes open and significantly increased with eyes closed and inverted vision. Postural responses with visual inversion were significantly stronger than with eyes closed. Since inversion spectacles enabled a subject to see only the central part of the visual field (20°), the reference point was the condition of central vision, i.e., spectacles with same visual angle and without prisms. Postural responses were significantly weaker under these conditions than with visual inversion and eyes closed. Visual field inversion by prismatic spectacles made it impossible to use visual information for stabilizing the human upright posture and, moreover, destabized it. True, this holds only for a randomized experimental protocol, which prevents adaptation to prisms.  相似文献   

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