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Although all of the world’s coral reef regions have suffered degradation due to direct and indirect human influences, only the Western Atlantic reefs have declined to the extent that their continued existence appears to be in jeopardy. Of a once flourishing reef system, only about 10% is still alive and it is depauperate in terms of the food web diversity necessary to maintain a stable and productive ecosystem. The large carnivores and herbivores have become so scarce that they have failed to control the populations of smaller animals and plants, so that almost all the trophic levels have been disrupted. At the same time, the impacts of many other factors have contributed to the process of degradation resulting in a true crisis. The extent of damage, and the general impairment of regeneration, is such that a hope for natural recovery appears to be unrealistic. It is suggested that a recovery could be achieved through transplantation of corals and other reef species from areas where more diverse, relatively stable ecosystems still exist. Available data on the introduction of exotic species into marine ecosystems indicate that such species are generally accommodated and do not cause extinctions among the native species. Although some introduced species are considered to be pests, others have proved to be beneficial, and all have apparently increased the biodiversity of the invaded areas.  相似文献   

Coral Reefs - There is currently very limited information around the spatial patterns of coral recruitment at mesophotic depths globally. This study investigated depth-related differences in coral...  相似文献   

 Scleractinian coral reefs, when coexistent with siliciclastic sediments, usually occur in association with deltaic or coastal sands. Nevertheless, Pleistocene reef limestones in southwestern Taiwan are developed in association with thick claystones that were deposited in a deeper-water environment. These reef limestones are characterized by: (1) rapid transition from underlying claystones upward to reefal limestones, (2) lateral interfingering with open-shelf claystones, (3) being overlain by terrestrial deposits or exposed with no covering strata, and (4) being located in close association with anticlines. The authors propose that these reef limestones developed on anticlinal ridges raised above the adjacent sea floor by thrust-front migration in a foreland setting. Accepted: 21 April 1998  相似文献   

The variability in reef-fish species assemblages was examined at three geographic locations in the Philippines (Apo, Abra and Patn), each showing varying levels of disturbances (low to high) at two depths, shallow-water reef (SWR; 8–20 m) and the upper mesophotic coral ecosystem (MCE; 30–35 m). Fish species assemblages varied among locations and between depths. Differences in fish assemblages among locations corresponded to the variability in benthic assemblages and levels of disturbances, wherein locations with higher coral cover and less disturbances had the highest fish species richness, abundance and biomass. Variation in fish assemblages between depths was also associated with changes in benthic assemblages and possibly inaccessibility to local fishing techniques. Fish species richness decreased with depth in all locations, but biomass increased only in the MCEs of Apo and Abra, which is a similar pattern exhibited in many MCEs. Our results suggest that despite location differences, depth had a relatively consistent influence on fish species assemblages, particularly in locations exposed to low and intermediate disturbance. Under high disturbance, MCEs exhibit similar vulnerability to SWRs.  相似文献   

This contribution documents widespread trawling damage to cold-water coral reefs at 840-1300 m depth along the West Ireland continental shelf break and at 200 m off West Norway. These reefs are spectacular but poorly known. By-catches from commercial trawls for deep-water fish off West Ireland included large pieces (up to 1 m(2)) of coral that had been broken from reefs and a diverse array of coral-associated benthos. Five azooxanthellate scleractinarian corals were identified in these by-catches, viz. Desmophyllum cristagalli, Enallopsammia rostrata, Lophelia pertusa, Madrepora oculata and Solenosmilia variabilis. Dating of carbonate skeletons using (14)C accelerator mass spectrometry showed that the trawled coral matrix was at least 4550 years old. Surveys by remotely operated vehicles in Norway showed extensive fishing damage to L. pertusa reefs. The urgent need for deep-water coral conservation measures is discussed in a Northeast Atlantic context.  相似文献   

Thirteen reef areas of Colombian territories in the Southwestern Caribbean were surveyed during the last 10 years. Coral diseases have been recorded in all these areas since 1990 and some of them have increased progressively. Six types were differentiated in the region, of which black band disease (BBD), dark spots disease (DSD), white band disease (WBD) and white plague disease (WPD) are widespread and common. Yellow band disease (YBD) was observed only since April 1998 but has been found now in seven reef areas and eight coral species (most of them recorded here as new hosts). In total, 25 species of hard corals were observed with diseases in the region, of which Colpophyllia natans, Diploria labyrinthiformis, Montastraea annularis, M. faveolata, M. franksi and Acropora spp. appear to be highly susceptible.  相似文献   

  1. While the effects of irradiance on coral productivity are well known, corals along a shallow to mesophotic depth gradient (10–100 m) experience incident irradiances determined by the optical properties of the water column, coral morphology, and reef topography.
  2. Modeling of productivity (i.e., carbon fixation) using empirical data shows that hemispherical colonies photosynthetically fix significantly greater amounts of carbon across all depths, and throughout the day, compared with plating and branching morphologies. In addition, topography (i.e., substrate angle) further influences the rate of productivity of corals but does not change the hierarchy of coral morphologies relative to productivity.
  3. The differences in primary productivity for different coral morphologies are not, however, entirely consistent with the known ecological distributions of these coral morphotypes in the mesophotic zone as plating corals often become the dominant morphotype with increasing depth.
  4. Other colony‐specific features such as skeletal scattering of light, Symbiodiniaceae species, package effect, or tissue thickness contribute to the variability in the ecological distributions of morphotypes over the depth gradient and are captured in the metric known as the minimum quantum requirements.
  5. Coral morphology is a strong proximate cause for the observed differences in productivity, with secondary effects of reef topography on incident irradiances, and subsequently the community structure of mesophotic corals.

Whether mesophotic reefs will behave as refugia for corals threatened by global climate change and coastal development depends on vertical exchange of larvae between diverse habitats. Here we use a biophysical model of larval dispersal to estimate vertical connectivity of a broadcasting (Orbicella faveolata) and a brooding (Porites astreoides) species of coral in the US Virgin Islands. Modeling predicts subsidy to shallow areas by mesophotic larvae of both species based on local hydrology, adult reproductive characteristics, larval traits, and a wide range of scenarios developed to test depth-sensitive factors, such as fertilization rates and post-settlement survivorship. In extreme model scenarios of reduced fertilization and post-settlement survivorship of mesophotic larvae, 1–10 % local mesophotic subsidy to shallow recruitment is predicted for both species, which are demographically significant. Although direct vertical connectivity is higher for the broadcaster, the brooder demonstrates higher local multigenerational vertical connectivity, which suggests that local P. astreoides populations are more resilient than those of O. faveolata, and corroborates field studies. As shallow habitat degrades, mesophotic–shallow subsidy is predicted to increase for both species. This study is the first of its kind to simulate larval dispersal and settlement between habitats of different depths, and these findings have local, regional, and global implications for predicting and managing coral reef persistence in a changing climate.  相似文献   

Given the global degradation of shallow-water coral reef ecosystems resulting from anthropogenic activities, mesophotic coral reef ecosystems (MCEs) are gaining attention because they are generally considered a de facto refuge for shallow-water species. Despite their inferred importance, MCEs remain one of the most understudied reef habitats, and basic information on the taxonomic composition, depth range, habitat preferences, and abundance and distribution of MCE taxa is scarce. The processes that structure these communities are virtually unknown. Here, we provide a review of what is known about MCEs community ecology and outline essential gaps in our knowledge of these deeper water coral reef ecosystems. The primary findings of this review are as follows: (1) many dominant shallow-water species are absent from MCEs; (2) compared to shallow reefs, herbivores are relatively scarce, perhaps due to limited habitat complexity at depth; (3) changes in the dominant photosynthetic taxa with depth suggest adaptation and specialization to depth; (4) evidence regarding the importance of heterotrophy for zooxanthellate corals at depth is conflicting and inconclusive; and (5) decreased light with depth, but not temperature, appears to be the primary factor limiting the depth of MCEs. The majority of research done to date has been performed in the Caribbean, where some generalization can be made about the community structure and distribution of MCEs. The larger and more diverse Indo-Pacific remains largely unexplored with no apparent generalizations from the few sites that have been comparatively well studied. For MCEs, large gaps in knowledge remain on fundamental aspects of ecology. Advanced technologies must be harnessed and logistical challenges overcome to close this knowledge gap and empower resource managers to make informed decisions on conserving shallow-water and mesophotic coral reef ecosystems.  相似文献   

Coral Reefs - Understanding how corals and their symbionts specialize across depth gradients allows us to understand biodiversity in shallow and mesophotic coral ecosystems. Here we determined the...  相似文献   

Millepora species are conspicuous members of shallow coral reefs where they occupy a variety of substrata and produce morphologically complex skeletons. This study focuses on the roles of growth on vertical and horizontal surfaces and the production of encrusting bases and branches (a “sheet-tree” morphology) for the success of the Millepora alcicornis on coral reefs. The effects of inclination were investigated by comparing the size and growth rates of M. alcicornis on vertical and horizontal surfaces at 3–5 m depth, in St. John, US Virgin Islands. The consequences of morphological complexity were investigated by comparing polyp density, chlorophyll content and biomass between encrusting bases and branches; the role of branches in asexual reproduction was also quantified. Colonies on vertical surfaces had larger encrusting bases, longer perimeters and lower densities of branches compared to those on horizontal surfaces. Growth rates also varied significantly between surfaces, largely because colonies on horizontal surfaces shrank in area while those on vertical surfaces increased in area, albeit slowly. Branches were not specialized in comparison to encrusting bases in terms of the density of dactylozooids and gastrozooids, chlorophyll content and biomass, but they were effective asexual propagules. During one storm, 79% of the branches were removed from colonies of M. alcicornis, and 4% attached to the substratum to produce new colonies at a density of ≈0.5 colonies.m-2. Anecdotal observations suggest that such storms rarely damaged encrusting bases on vertical surfaces, but often destroyed those on horizontal surfaces. Thus, the encrusting bases on vertical surfaces are likely to be large because of greater age rather than faster growth, while those on horizontal surfaces are likely to be small because they are relatively young and short lived. These findings suggest that the success of M. alcicornis is a result, in part, of the beneficial consequences of their “sheet-tree” morphology, that supports: (a) slow growth and resistance to wave damage of encrusting bases on vertical surfaces, and (b) the use of branches as asexual propagules. Accepted: 24 November 1998  相似文献   

Macroalgal phase shifts on Caribbean reefs have been reported with increasing frequency, and recent reports of these changes on mesophotic coral reefs have raised questions regarding the mechanistic processes behind algal population expansions to deeper depths. The brown alga Lobophora variegata is a dominant species on many shallow and deep coral reefs of the Caribbean and Pacific, and it increased in percent cover (>50%) up to 61 m on Bahamian reefs following the invasion of the lionfish Pterois volitans. We examined the physiological and ecological constraints contributing to the spread of Lobophora on Bahamian reefs across a mesophotic depth gradient from 30 to 61 m, pre‐ and post‐lionfish invasion. Results indicate that there were no physiological limitations to the depth distribution of Lobophora within this range prior to the lionfish invasion. Herbivory by acanthurids and scarids in algal recruitment plots at mesophotic depths was higher prior to the lionfish invasion, and Lobophora chemical defenses were ineffective against an omnivorous fish species. In contrast, Lobophora exhibited significant allelopathic activity against the coral Montastraea cavernosa and the sponge Agelas clathrodes in laboratory assays. These data indicate that when lionfish predation on herbivorous fish released Lobophora from grazing pressure at depth, Lobophora expanded its benthic cover to a depth of 61 m, where it replaced the dominant coral and sponge species. Our results suggest that this chemically defended alga may out‐compete these species in situ, and that mesophotic reefs may be further impacted in the near future as Lobophora continues to expand to its compensation point.  相似文献   

Marine pollution and coral reefs   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Coral reefs are exposed to many anthropogenic stresses increasing in impact and range, both on local and regional scales. The main ones discussed here are nutrient enrichment, sewage disposal, sedimentation, oil-related pollution, metals and thermal pollution. The stress comprising the main topic of this article, eutrophication, is examined from the point of view of its physiological and ecological mechanisms of action, on a number of levels. Nutrient enrichment can introduce an imbalance in the exchange of nutrients between the zooxanthellae and the host coral, it reduces light penetration to the reef due to nutrient- stimulated phytoplankton growth, and, most harmful of all, may bring about proliferation of seaweeds. The latter rapidly outgrow, smother and eventually replace, the slow-growing coral reef, adapted to cope with the low nutrient concentrations typical in tropical seas.
Eutrophication seldom takes place by itself. Sewage disposal invariably results in nutrient enrichment, but it also enriches the water with organic matter which stimulates proliferation of oxygen-consuming microbes. These may kill corals and other reef organisms, either directly by anoxia, or by related hydrogen sulfide production. Increased sediment deposition is in many cases associated with other human activities leading to eutrophication, such as deforestation and topsoil erosion.
Realistically achievable goals to ensure conservation, and in some instances, rehabilitation of coral reefs are listed.  相似文献   

In this study, coral recruitment was measured on a kilometer-wide scale over two years on shallow (5-6 m depth) fringing reefs in St. John, US Virgin Islands, with the objective of determining the extent to which variation in recruitment was affected by biophysical coupling involving temperature and flow. Coral recruitment was measured using settlement tiles deployed at 10 sites along 10 km of shore. The tiles were first deployed in August 2006, and thereafter replaced every ≈ 6 months to sample from either August to January, or January to August over 2 years. Seawater temperature was recorded at the 10 sites using logging thermistors, and flow was quantified using drogues. Overall, corals recruited at a rate equivalent to 76 corals m− 2 6 months− 1, and were represented mostly by poritids (43% of recruits), agaricids (29%), faviids (17%) and siderastreids (7%). Although the density of recruits differed among sites in a pattern that varied among periods and years, there was a consistent trend for mean density to decline from ≈ 4 corals tile− 1 at eastern sites, to ≤ 1 coral tile− 1 at western sites. One aspect of seawater temperature - the daily range - differed among sites and was greater at western compared to eastern sites, and while it was related inversely to recruitment over one of the sampling periods, it was equivocal as a physical process affecting recruitment. Instead, our results are consistent with biophysical coupling involving patch depletion and downstream filtering, whereby patches of coral larvae are delivered to the south shore of St. John and depleted of larvae through settlement as the water progresses westward.  相似文献   

The great sensitivity of coral reefs to climate change has raised concern over their resilience. An emerging body of resilience theory stems largely from research carried out in a single biogeographic region; the Caribbean. Such geographic bias raises the question of transferability of concepts among regions. In this article, we identify factors that might predispose the Caribbean to its low resilience, including faster rates of macroalgal growth, higher rates of algal recruitment, basin-wide iron-enrichment of algal growth from aeolian dust, a lack of acroporid corals, lower herbivore biomass and missing groups of herbivores. Although mechanisms of resilience are likely to be ubiquitous, our analysis suggests that Indo-Pacific reefs would have to be heavily degraded to exhibit bistability or undergo coral-macroalgal phase shifts.  相似文献   

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