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It remains unclear whether white matter (WM) changes found in post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) patients are stress-induced or precursors for vulnerability. The current study aimed to identify susceptibility factors relating to the development of PTSD and to examine the ability of these factors to predict the course of longitudinal PTSD. Sixty two victims who had experienced traffic accidents underwent diffusion tensor imaging using a 3.0T MRI system within 2 days after their accidents. Of these, 21 were diagnosed with PTSD at 1 or 6 months using the Clinician-Administered Ptsd Scale (CAPS). Then, 11 trauma-exposed victims with PTSD underwent the second MRI scan. Compared with the victims without PTSD, the victims with PTSD showed decreased fractional anisotropy (FA) in WM of the anterior cingulate cortex, ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC), temporal lobes and midbrain, and increased mean diffusivity (MD) in the vmPFC within 2 days after the traumatic event. Importantly, decreased FA of the vmPFC in the acute phase predicted greater future CAPS scores. In addition, we found decreased FA in the insula in the follow-up scan in the victims with PTSD, which correlated with the decreased FA of the vmPFC in their baseline scan. These results suggested that the WM might have changed within 2 days after the traumatic event in the individuals who would later develop PTSD. Furthermore, decreased FA of the vmPFC could be a possible vulnerability marker predicting future development of PTSD and may provide an outcome prediction of the acquired signs.  相似文献   

This study was designed to identify the rare?type?ABO?blood?groups, B(A) 02, from Eastern China. Three samples with discordant serological results during routine blood type identification and four samples from one sample’ family were selected. All of them were detected by serological method. The exon 6 and 7 of the ABO genes were amplified by PCR and sequenced. They were typed as AsubB by serology and as BO by genotype. In AsubB samples, nt 700C>G mutation was detected in B gene, which was previously defined as B(A)02 alleles. In these seven samples, six showed B(A)02/O01 and one showed B(A)02/O02.B(A)02 allele was found to be more common in this study than B(A)04 which is considered to be more frequent than B(A)02. The careful identification of rare blood types is important for the safety of clinical blood transfusion.  相似文献   

陶媛 《生命世界》2010,(2):48-51
<正>在潮湿温暖的地方,很多物品上长出一些肉眼可见的绒毛状、絮状或蛛网状的菌落,那就是霉菌。霉菌,即发霉的真菌。一提到它,我们就会把它和发霉的饭菜以及惹上倒霉的霉菌性疾病联系在一起。其实,霉菌在人类生活中,始终扮演着一个亦敌亦友的角色。  相似文献   

董为 《化石》2021,(1):2-7
十二年一个轮回的丑牛年又来到了.但是,如果一个轮回又一个轮回地往前回溯,这个丑牛是谁?是从哪里来的?下面我们就来探讨一下这些问题. "牛"是一类动物,但是叫牛的动物有一大串,例如黄牛、奶牛、菜牛、耕牛、水牛、额牛、牦牛、犛牛、野牛、羚牛、半牛、麝牛、犀牛、海牛、天牛、蜗牛,等等.因为十二生肖来自生活,与人类的物质和精神...  相似文献   

<正>展开中国地图,连绵的东部平原如同祖国母亲飘飘的绿衣,而黑龙江、松花江、乌苏里江则仿佛三条闪亮的丝绦,系着一块深绿的"翡翠"挂在那东北角衣上——这就是汇聚东北精华之气的三江平原。五六十年的经济发展,历经几次开荒高潮,这块神奇的土地早已由昔日的"北大荒"变成了金色的"北大仓":平坦肥沃的土壤、温和湿润的气候、集中耕地上的机械化操作,都显示了它作为现代  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Rotfuß- und Maskentölpel(Sula sula, S. dactylatra) auf Galapagos, die den Menschen auf kurze Entfernung erblicken, vermögen erst nach erfolglosen Fluchtversuchen fliegend zu fliehen. Solche Rotfußtölpel, die ihn von weitem kommen sehen, fliehen glatt wie beim ungestörten Start aus eigenem Entschluß. Flugbare Jungvögel sind zahmer, und gerade sie können in jeder Situation starten. Dies und andere Tatsachen deuten an, daß unbalancierte Bodenfeindangst solche Fluchtmängel bedingt.
Summary If redfooted and bluefaced boobies(Sula sula, S. dactylatra) in the Galapagos Islands are startled by the sudden and close appearance of man, they can only take wing after unsuccessful panicky attempts at flying. Redfooted boobies, however, spotting man from afar are able to take wing in the normal undisturbed manner. Fledged juveniles are capable of flying, and hence of fleeing, in every situation. This and other facts indicate that a rapid increase in fear from nearby ground predators causes an unbalance between the flying and fear drives; this leads to the possibly deleterious fligth panic.

Mit Unterstützung der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft.

Mitteilung Nr. 8 der Charles Darwin Foundation.

Den Herren Dr.Glutz von Blotzheim, Dr.H. Kramer und Prof. Dr.G. Niethammer sei für Literaturhinweise freundlichst gedankt.  相似文献   

王大锐 《化石》2012,(3):42-48
2012,让我们来谈一谈灾祸。中国人似乎对"灾祸"来临的看法自古就有自己的认识。《旧唐书刘瞻传》称:"咸云宗召荷恩之日,寸禄不沾,进药之时,又不同义,此乃祸从天降,罪匪己为。"相应的还有"飞来横祸"、"大祸临头"、"祸出不测"等,折射出古人对意外灾祸的恐惧、无助与成因的猜测。近代以来,随着认识的深入,人们也开始意识到,古人的推测也并非空穴来风,对于地球史上记录的生物的演化、大灭绝的原因,科学家们也开始着眼于"天灾"的研究了。  相似文献   

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