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Link arrangement in food webs is determined by the species' feeding habits. This work investigates whether food web topology is organized in a gradient of trophic positions from producers to consumers. To this end, we analyzed 26 food webs for which the consumption rate of each species was specified. We computed the trophic positions and the link densities of all species in the food webs. Link density measures how much each species contributes to the distribution of energy in the system. It is expressed as the number of links species establish with other nodes, weighted by their magnitude. We computed these two metrics using various formulations developed in the ecological network analysis framework. Results show a positive correlation between trophic position and link density across all the systems, regardless the specific formulas used to measure the two quantities. We performed the same analysis on the corresponding binary matrices (i.e. removing information about rates). In addition, we investigated the relation between trophic position and link density in: a) simulated binary webs with same connectance as the original ones; b) weighted webs with constant topology but randomized link strengths and c) weighted webs with constant connectance where both topology and link strengths are randomized. The correlation between the two indices attenuates, vanishes or becomes negative in the case of binary food webs and simulated data (weighted and unweighted).
According to our analysis, link density in food webs decreases with trophic position so that it is greatly reduced toward the top of the trophic hierarchy. This outcome, that seems to challenge previous conclusions based on null models, strongly depends on link quantification. Including interaction strengths may improve substantially our understanding of food web organization, and possibly contradict results based on the analysis of binary webs.  相似文献   

We investigate the influence of functional responses (Lotka-Volterra or Holling type), initial topological web structure (randomly connected or niche model), adaptive behavior (adaptive foraging and predator avoidance) and the type of constraints on the adaptive behavior (linear or nonlinear) on the stability and structure of food webs. Two kinds of stability are considered: one is the network robustness (i.e., the proportion of species surviving after population dynamics) and the other is the species deletion stability. When evaluating the network structure, we consider link density as well as the trophic level structure. We show that the types of functional responses and initial web structure do not have a large effect on the stability of food webs, but foraging behavior has a large stabilizing effect. It leads to a positive complexity-stability relationship whenever higher "complexity" implies more potential prey per species. The other type of adaptive behavior, predator avoidance behavior, makes food webs only slightly more stable. The observed link density after population dynamics depends strongly on the presence or absence of adaptive foraging, and on the type of constraints used. We also show that the trophic level structure is preserved under population dynamics with adaptive foraging.  相似文献   

Parasites that are transmitted through predator–prey interactions may be used as indicators of trophic relationships between organisms. Yet, they are rarely used as such in the construction of topological (predator–prey) food webs. We constructed food webs of vertebrate trophic interactions using observed diet alone, trophically transmitted parasites alone, and the combination of the two based on data from 31 species of fish from the Bothnian Bay, Finland. The fish food web contained 530 links derived from observed diet, 724 links inferred from parasitism, and 1,058 links calculated from a combination of both stomach contents and parasites. This sub-web constructed from stomach contents had a mean of 17.1 links per fish species, while that using parasites had 23.4 links per fish. Combining the two diet indicators yielded 34.1 links per fish species, illustrating the complementarity of the two methods. Mean number of prey species per fish species was 12.5 using observed diet items, 15.8 using parasites, and 24.5 using both measures together. Mean number of predators per fish species was 7.4 using observed diet, 11.7 using parasites and 15.0 using both. A positive correlation was found between the mean number of parasites and the number of prey taxa in the diet among the fishes. Omnivorous fish had the highest diversity of both parasite species and prey items, while benthophagous fish had among the lowest. Mean total abundance and mean total prevalence of parasites correlated positively with fish size, with piscivores being the largest with the highest abundance and prevalence, while planktivores and benthivores had the lowest. Trophically transmitted parasites may be used to help construct vertebrate sub-webs and derive information about food web processes. Parasites alone provided equivalent if not more information than observed diet. However, resolution is improved by using parasites and observed diet together.  相似文献   

Food web topologies depict the community structure as distributions of feeding interactions across populations. Although the soil ecosystem provides important functions for aboveground ecosystems, data on complex soil food webs is notoriously scarce, most likely due to the difficulty of sampling and characterizing the system. To fill this gap we assembled the complex food webs of 48 forest soil communities. The food webs comprise 89 to 168 taxa and 729 to 3344 feeding interactions. The feeding links were established by combining several molecular methods (stable isotope, fatty acid and molecular gut content analyses) with feeding trials and literature data. First, we addressed whether soil food webs (n = 48) differ significantly from those of other ecosystem types (aquatic and terrestrial aboveground, n = 77) by comparing 22 food web parameters. We found that our soil food webs are characterized by many omnivorous and cannibalistic species, more trophic chains and intraguild‐predation motifs than other food webs and high average and maximum trophic levels. Despite this, we also found that soil food webs have a similar connectance as other ecosystems, but interestingly a higher link density and clustering coefficient. These differences in network structure to other ecosystem types may be a result of ecosystem specific constraints on hunting and feeding characteristics of the species that emerge as network parameters at the food‐web level. In a second analysis of land‐use effects, we found significant but only small differences of soil food web structure between different beech and coniferous forest types, which may be explained by generally strong selection effects of the soil that are independent of human land use. Overall, our study has unravelled some systematic structures of soil food‐webs, which extends our mechanistic understanding how environmental characteristics of the soil ecosystem determine patterns at the community level.  相似文献   

Recent modeling studies exploring the effect of consumers’ adaptivity in diet composition on food web complexity invariably suggest that adaptivity in foraging decisions of consumers makes food webs more complex. That is, it allows for survival of a higher number of species when compared with non-adaptive food webs. Population-dynamical models in these studies share two features: parameters are chosen uniformly for all species, i.e. they are species-independent, and adaptive foraging is described by the search image model. In this article, we relax both these assumptions. Specifically, we allow parameters to vary among the species and consider the diet choice model as an alternative model of adaptive foraging. Our analysis leads to three important predictions. First, for species-independent parameter values for which the search image model demonstrates a significant effect of adaptive foraging on food web complexity, the diet choice model produces no such effect. Second, the effect of adaptive foraging through the search image model attenuates when parameter values cease to be species-independent. Finally, for the diet choice model we observe no (significant) effect of adaptive foraging on food web complexity. All these observations suggest that adaptive foraging does not always lead to more complex food webs. As a corollary, future studies of food web dynamics should pay careful attention to the choice of type of adaptive foraging model as well as of parameter values.  相似文献   

The cascade model successfuly predicts many patterns in reported food webs. A key assumption of this model is the existence of a predetermined trophic hierarchy; prey are always lower in the hierarchy than their predators. At least three studies have suggested that, in animal food webs, this hierarchy can be explained to a large extent by body size relationships. A second assumption of the standard cascade model is that trophic links not prohibited by the hierarchy occur with equal probability. Using nonparametric contingency table analyses, we tested this ”equiprobability hypothesis” in 16 published animal food webs for which the adult body masses of the species had been estimated. We found that when the hierarchy was based on body size, the equiprobability hypothesis was rejected in favor of an alternative, ”predator-dominance” hypothesis wherein the probability of a trophic link varies with the identity of the predator. Another alternative to equiprobabilty is that the probability of a trophic link depends upon the ratio of the body sizes of the two species. Using nonparametric regression and liklihood ratio tests, we show that a size-ratio based model represents a significant improvement over the cascade model. These results suggest that models with heterogeneous predation probabilities will fit food web data better than the homogeneous cascade model. They also suggest a new way to bridge the gap between static and dynamic food web models. Received: 3 February 1999 / Accepted: 26 October 1999  相似文献   

The very low water temperatures existing in polar oceans that experience seasonal advance and retreat of pack ice do not inhibit the presence of large bacterial populations. Bacteria may contribute significantly to the energy transfers within the Southern Ocean. In the last decades, notable progress has been made in the knowledge of the role of marine bacteria in the Southern Ocean. A short overview of the abundance and function ofAntarctic marine bacteria is given, with respect to metabolic activity. The importance of spatial and temporal variability is described. The ecological function of Antarctic marine bacterioplankton is discussed. Depending on food web structure, bacteria may be either a link in food webs supporting metazoan production, or a sink where bacterial production is metabolised by microorganisms. In the more oligotrophic areas and during certain periods of the year bacterial biomass dominates phytoplankton. The microbial food web is therefore the dominant pathway for carbon and energy flow in Antarctic seawater.  相似文献   

Freshwater decapod crustaceans are important components of food webs in these environments, but little is known about the diet of species that live in tropical waters. We studied the feeding ecology of the prawn Pseudopalaemon bouvieri and its population structure in two different areas with six lagoons, with a different composition and abundance of aquatic macrophytes. At each site of macrophytes banks, 18 prawns sample was collected with a hand net (1mm mesh size) from 1m2. In the laboratory, prawns cephalothorax length was measured, sex determined, and a total of 208 stomachs were examined for food items. Our results showed that the population abundance varied between 10 ind/m2 and 1 411 ind/m2. The cephalothorax length ranged between 6mm and 21mm, and the male:female ratio varied between 0.3 and 1.0, with a higher proportion of ovigerous females (21%) in area one than area two. P. bouvieri is omnivorous, and its diet was principally based on algae, plant remains, Protozoa, Rotifera, Oligochaeta, Crustacea, Insecta, detritus and other items. The analysis of the stomach content did not reveal any significant difference in the diet between juveniles and adults, and males and females of both areas consumed a similar diet (Kruskal-Wallis test p=0.8273). We concluded that the dietary items consumed by prawns and the niche breadth were similar between the two areas, although the proportion of items consumed varied between lagoons of both areas. The density of P. bouvieri was different between areas, but the size of cephalothorax (CL) was similar.  相似文献   

Using a bioenergetic model we show that the pattern of foraging preferences greatly determines the complexity of the resulting food webs. By complexity we refer to the degree of richness of food-web architecture, measured in terms of some topological indicators (number of persistent species and links, connectance, link density, number of trophic levels, and frequency of weak links). The poorest food-web architecture is found for a mean-field scenario where all foraging preferences are assumed to be the same. Richer food webs appear when foraging preferences depend on the trophic position of species. Food-web complexity increases with the number of basal species. We also find a strong correlation between the complexity of a trophic module and the complexity of entire food webs with the same pattern of foraging preferences.  相似文献   

It has been confirmed in many food webs that the interactions between species are divided into “compartments,” that is, subgroups of highly interacting taxa with few weak interactions between the subgroups. Many of the current methods for detecting compartments in food webs are borrowed from network theory, which do little to improve our understanding of the mechanisms underpinning them. Therefore, a method based on ecological context is needed. Here, we develop a new method for detecting compartments in food webs based on the reliance of each node on energy derived from basal resources (i.e., producers or decomposers). Additional Monte Carlo simulations were conducted to test the significance of the compartmentalization. Further, we applied a food web dynamics model to test whether the effects of permutation would be retained within a single compartment. The proposed method identified significant compartments in 23 of the 28 empirical food webs that were investigated. We further demonstrated that the effects of node removal were significantly higher within compartments than between compartments. Our methods and results emphasize the importance of energy channels in forming food web structures, which sheds light on the mechanisms of self‐organization within food webs.  相似文献   

We explore patterns of trophic connections between species in the largest and highest-quality empirical food webs to date, introducing a new topological property called the link distribution frequency (i.e. degree distribution), defined as the frequency of species S L with L links. Non-trivial differences are shown in link distribution frequencies between species-rich and species-poor communities, which might have important consequences for the responses of ecosystems to disturbances. Coarse-grained topological properties observed, as species richness-connectance and number of links-species richness relationships, provide no support for the theory of links-species scaling law or constant connectance across empirical food webs investigated. We further explore these observations by means of simulated food webs resulting from multitrophic assembly models using different functional responses between species. Species richness-connectance and links-species richness relationships of empirical food webs are reproduced by our models, but degree distributions are not properly predicted, suggesting the need of new theoretical approximations to food web assembly. The best agreement between empirical and simulated webs occurs for low values of interaction strength between species, corroborating previous empirical and theoretical findings where weak interactions govern food web dynamics.  相似文献   

The loss of riparian forests can disrupt the structure and function of lotic ecosystems through increased habitat homogenization and decreased resource diversity. We conducted a field experiment and manipulated structural complexity and basal resource diversity to determine their effect on multiple aspects of community and food‐web structure of degraded tropical streams. In‐stream manipulations included the addition of woody debris (WD) and the addition of wood and leaf packs (WLP). The addition of structural complexity to degraded streams promoted detritus retention and had a positive effect on stream taxonomic richness, abundance and biomass. At the conclusion of the experiment, abundance and richness in the WD‐treated reaches increased by over 110% and 80%, respectively, while abundance and richness in the WLP‐treated reaches increased by over 280% and 170% respectively. Wood debris and leaves were consumed only by few taxa. Detritivorous taxa were the most abundant trophic guild at the beginning and at the end of the experiment. Food webs in treated reaches were relatively more complex in terms of links and species at the conclusion of the experiment, with highest maximum food chain length in the WD treatments and highest number of trophic species, links, link density, predators and prey at the WLP treatment. Despite differences observed in diet‐based food webs, there was little variation in isotopic niche space, likely due to the high degree of omnivory and trophic redundancy, which was attributed to the importance of fine detritus that supported a broad range of consumers. Even in these degraded streams, aquatic taxa responded to the addition of increased complexity suggesting that these efforts may be an effective first step to restoring the structure and function of these food webs.  相似文献   

稻田节肢动物群落的营养联系   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
根据田间调查和室内饲养观察的资料,研究了稻田节肢动物群落的营养结构及类型。在稻田生态系统中,物种之间由于取食与被取食、寄生与被寄生、捕食与被捕食的营养联系,形成了复杂的食物链和食物网。依据物种在食物网中的位置和功能,可将福州市郊区稻田节肢动物群落的营养结构分为3种类型:1)食物网中尚未发现有重寄生环节;2)食物网中有重寄生环节;3)食物网中有兼寄生环节。为了探讨定量研究生物群落营养联系的可能性,本文运用图论的知识把食物网的结构描述为标向图、集合或邻接矩阵,同时用图论的运算法则解决了各种类型的食物网的合并问题,为研究复杂群落的营养关系提供了一种新方法。  相似文献   

Connectance and parasite diet breadth in flea-mammal webs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The number of links in webs of species interactions, which lies at the heart of the biodiversity-stability debate, has given rise to controversy during the last 20 yr. Studies exploring these web properties have mainly focused on symmetric webs where each species can potentially feed on any other species; asymmetric webs such as host-parasite webs, where one set of species feed on another set of species, have been overlooked. However, food webs are incomplete without parasites and the study of parasite-host sub-web properties deserves attention. Here, using a large database involving 33 regional interaction webs between mammals and their flea parasites, we found a negative relationship between species richness and host-parasite connectance. We suggest that some phylogenetic constraints on flea diet may explain our observed patterns because we found that parasite diet breadth, measured as host taxonomic diversity, was invariant along our host richness gradient. We found that the slope of the logarithmic relationship between the number of realized links and species richness is lower than slope values reported for food webs. We suggest that connectance may not respond to increasing species richness as rapidly in host-parasite webs as in predator-prey food webs due to stronger coevolutionary requirements.  相似文献   

The diversity and structure of ecosystems has been found to depend both on trophic interactions in food webs and on other species interactions such as habitat modification and mutualism that form non-trophic interaction networks. However, quantification of the dependencies between these two main interaction networks has remained elusive. In this study, we assessed how habitat-modifying organisms affect basic food web properties by conducting in-depth empirical investigations of two ecosystems: North American temperate fringing marshes and West African tropical seagrass meadows. Results reveal that habitat-modifying species, through non-trophic facilitation rather than their trophic role, enhance species richness across multiple trophic levels, increase the number of interactions per species (link density), but decrease the realized fraction of all possible links within the food web (connectance). Compared to the trophic role of the most highly connected species, we found this non-trophic effects to be more important for species richness and of more or similar importance for link density and connectance. Our findings demonstrate that food webs can be fundamentally shaped by interactions outside the trophic network, yet intrinsic to the species participating in it. Better integration of non-trophic interactions in food web analyses may therefore strongly contribute to their explanatory and predictive capacity.  相似文献   

Extinction affected food web structure in paleoecosystems. Recent theoretical studies that examined the effects of extinction intensity on food web structure on ecological time scales have considered extinction to involve episodic events, with pre-extinction food webs becoming established without dynamics. However, in terms of the paleontological time scale, food web structures are generated from feedback with repeated extinctions, because extinction frequency is affected by food web structure, and food web structure itself is a product of previous extinctions. We constructed a simulation model of changes in tri-trophic-level food webs to examine how continual extinction events affect food webs on an evolutionary time scale. We showed that under high extinction intensity (1) species diversity, especially that of consumer species, decreased; (2) the total population density at each trophic level decreased, while the densities of individual species increased; and (3) the trophic link density of the food web increased. In contrast to previous models, our results were based on an assumption of long-term food web development and are able to explain overall trends posited by empirical investigations based on fossil records.  相似文献   

Twenty females of the orb-weaving spiderArgiope aurantia Lucas were introduced into a cotton field in east Texas in order to study the feeding ecology of this spider. In the 24 h after the release of these spiders in the cotton field, one had moved over a distance of 53 m. The released spiders spun webs with an average diameter of 33.5 cm with the hub an average of 39 cm above the ground. The diet ofA. aurantia was diverse which characterizes this species as a food generalist. Major food components were aphids (30%), Diptera (26.8%), grasshoppers (17.9%), and Hymenoptera (12.6%). The spiders' prey length ranged from 0.4 to 47 mm (mean =7.7±0.83 mm). Adult females ofA. aurantia have the potential to kill prey of up to ca. 200% of their own size. However, two-thirds of the prey items had a length of <3 mm, while only 25% of the prey items had a length of ≥20 mm.A. aurantia was found to be a predator of the cotton fleahopper (about 1% of the spiders' diet), which is a key pest of cotton.   相似文献   

The dynamical theory of food webs has been based typically on local stability analysis. The relevance of local stability to food web properties has been questioned because local stability holds only in the immediate vicinity of the equilibrium and provides no information about the size of the basin of attraction. Local stability does not guarantee persistence of food webs in stochastic environments. Moreover, local stability excludes more complex dynamics such as periodic and chaotic behaviors, which may allow persistence. Global stability and permanence could be better criteria of community persistence. Our simulation analysis suggests that these three stability measures are qualitatively consistent in that all three predict decreasing stability with increasing complexity. Some new predictions on how stability depends on food web configurations are generated here: a consumer-victim link has a smaller effect on the probabilities of stability, as measured by all three stability criteria, than a pair of recipient-controlled and donor-controlled links; a recipient-controlled link has a larger effect on the probabilities of local stability and permanence than a donor-controlled link, while they have the same effect on the probability of global stability; food webs with equal proportions of donor-controlled and recipient-controlled links are less stable than those with different proportions.  相似文献   

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